department relations
- Zulfa Ali H
- YRC-Student Affairs
- Writers Inc Magazine
- Why Crescent?
- why crescent-PLACEMENT
- Webinar
- Water usage and care
- Water Consumption
- Waste Water Treatment
- walloffame
- Wall of Fame
- vission-sponsorde projects
- vision-Polymer Engineering
- vision-E.C.E
- vision-CSRIC
- vision-Computer Applications
- vision-Civil Engineering
- vision-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Vision & Objective
- Vision & Mission-aerospace
- Vision & Mission- Public Policy
- Vision & Mission – Research
- Vision & Mission
- Vidyanjali
- Video Gallery
- Vice Chancellor-administration
- Vice Chancellor Profile
- Vice Chancellor
- verification-Examinations
- Venkata Lokesh S-Public Policy
- Value Added Course – Commerce
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed-cse
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed-Computer-Applications
- V.Balaji-cse
- V.Archana
- V. Bharanigha-eee
- User Login
- Upcoming Events
- Up-coming Events
- Undergraduate
- Uma Maheswari V-english
- ug-nri-menu
- ug-intl.-menu
- UG Eligibility
- UG
- transport-Facilities
- training-PLACEMENT
- Training Programme for Sub Inspector Cadets
- This is CU
- Thesis Awarded Degree
- THE Impact Ranking
- Th head
- TF Carousel
- testing-Civil Engineering
- test41124
- test20
- test19
- test18
- test pdf2
- test pdf1
- Test page
- Test off campus
- test new
- test 1
- test
- Test
- test
- Technical Magazine
- Team & Committee Members
- Tax Planning Book
- Tamilselvi Jagadeesan-Law
- T. Velmurugan
- T. Pandiyavathi-cse
- T. Pandiyavathi-Computer-Applications
- T Valliammai
- syllebus-Life Science
- Syed Muzafar Ahmed S
- suppporting-Academics
- supporting-Facilities
- summary-CSRIC
- Sukanya H-Law
- Study
- students-Management Studies
- students-Feedback
- Students-Enquiry
- Students Login
- Students Feedback
- STUDENTS CODE-Student Affairs
- Students Associations
- Students Achievements-Polymer
- Students Achievements-cse
- Students Achievements
- studentcorner-PLACEMENT
- Student-Grievance-Student Affairs
- Student Start up’s
- Student Mobility Program
- Student Grievances
- Student Events & Achievements-Student Affairs
- Student E-Magazine-Student Affairs
- Student Council-Student Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Student Affairs
- Students Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC)
- Students Code Of Conduct
- Student Scholarship Portal
- Student Events & Achievements
- Student E-Magazine
- Student Council
- Rotaract Club
- Programmes on National identities
- ISTD-Clubs
- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
- Instruction – Degree Certificate
- Crescent Technocrats Club
- Courses on Human Values & Professional Ethics
- Code of Conduct for students (General)
- Capability Enhancement and Development Schemes
- Anti-Ragging Cell
- Anti Discrimination Cell
- About Student Affairs
- strokes-Student Affairs
- Strategies & Functions
- Stakeholders Feedback Form
- Stakeholders Feedback
- staff-Facilities
- Staff Login
- Staff Achievements
- SSH-Repository
- sportd-Facilities
- sponsored-CSRIC
- sponsored-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Vision & Mission
- Sponsored Projects
- Research Highlights
- Projects Ongoing / Sanctioned
- Projects Completed
- Our Team
- MoU
- Industry Institute Partnership
- Guideline for Proposal
- Events
- Energy Research
- Crescent Seed Money
- Corporate Training
- Contact Details
- Consultancy Projects
- Consultancy Policy
- Call for Proposals
- About Us
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- SPCS-Repository
- Solid Waste Management
- Society of Information Technologists
- Society Activities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Snegaa A-cse
- SMS-Repository
- SLS-Repository
- Skill And Personality-Centers
- Sivaraj M-Public Policy
- Sitemap
- SI-Repository
- ShriIndhu J-civil
- Shifana Rayesha
- Sheik Farid A-civil
- Sharing Resources to Public
- Shaji. M-Law
- Shahnawaz Ahmad-Law
- seminar-SocialSciencesandHumanities
- seedmoney-Centre for Sustainable Development
- seed-money-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- SECS-Repository
- Search
- SDG7-2022
- SDG6-2022
- sdg6 Policy
- sdg6 Activities
- SDG5-2022
- SDG5 Weblink
- sdg5 Policy
- SDG5 Outreach Activities
- sdg5 Activities
- SDG4-2022
- sdg4 Weblink
- sdg4 Policy
- sdg4 Activities
- SDG17-2022
- SCIMS-Repository
- School of Mechanical Sciences
- School of Mechanical Sciences
- School of Arabic and Islamic Studies
- schedule-of-exams-Examinations
- schedule-Academics
- Schedule of Exams1
- Samsul Sameera I-Law
- sample
- Sameera Fathima K-Law
- salient-Law
- Safiya Begam
- Sabaria S-cse
- Sabaria S-Computer-Applications
- S.Thilagavathy
- S.R.Senthilkumar-cse
- S.Ajmal Mohamed
- S. Vennila
- S. Suresh-eee
- S. Subhashini-cse
- S. Sadhish Prabhu-ece
- S. Saba-Law
- S. Jagir Hussain
- S. Farzana-Social Sciences and Humanities
- S. Anusooya-ece
- S Pavithra It
- S Chandra Shekhar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- RTECC’25
- RTECC-25
- RTECC – Duplicate – [#156485]
- Rotaract Club-Student Affairs
- Romera Joan S
- revulation-Examinations
- Reunion
- Research-Polymer
- research-Physics
- Research-login
- research-LifeScience
- research-IT
- research-E.I.E
- research-E.C.E
- Research-Department of Commerce
- research-Computer Applications
- research-Civil
- Research-CGOM
- research-C.S.E
- research-about-us
- Research Training
- Research scholars receiving fellowship
- Research Scholars
- Research Promotion Policy
- Research Incentive Scheme and Awards
- Research Highlights-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Research Forum (Staff. Calendar)
- Research Board
- Research Advisory Committee
- Research Activities
- Research
- Research Publications
- Research
- Programmes
- Facilities
- Centers
- Academic Research
- Vision & Mission
- Thesis Awarded Degree
- Research Training & Fellowship Programme
- Research Scholars
- Research Promotion Policy
- Research Incentive Scheme and Awards
- Research Board
- Research Advisory Committee
- Research Activities
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Policy on Consultancy
- Ph.D Regulation
- Major Research Facilities
- Journals & Publications
- Downloads
- Contact Us
- Code of Ethics
- Circulars
- Central Institution Facilities
- Admission to Ph.D.
- Additional Information on Research
- Research
- Repository@crescent
- Repository-School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Repository-School of Physical and Chemical Science
- Repository-School of Mechanical Sciences
- Repository-School of Life Sciences
- Repository-School of Infrastructure
- Repository-School of Electrical and Communication Sciences
- Repository-School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
- Repository-Crescent School of Pharmacy
- Repository-Crescent School of Business
- Repository-Crescent School of Architecture
- Repository-Crescent Innovation & Incubation Council
- Repository
- regulation-Academics
- Registrar Profile
- Registrar
- reforms-Examinations
- Recruitment
- recruiter-PLACEMENT
- Recognitions & Awards
- Reachout
- rating-PLACEMENT
- ranking-PLACEMENT
- Rahul P-Social Sciences and Humanities
- R.T.Charulatha-ece
- R.Sivakumar-Computer-Applications
- R.Padmapriya
- R.Hemalatha-tamil
- R.Elakya-civil
- R. Venkatesh
- R. Ranjani
- R. Ramakrishnan
- R. Mahammad Rafi
- R. Mahalakshmi @ Issakki-ece
- R. Iniyavan-ece
- R. Anitha-ece
- R. Akila-cse
- R. Agatha-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Quiz
- Question Paper Format-Examinations
- Quality Education Weblink
- Quality Education
- Quality Education
- QS Star Rating
- QS Star Rating
- QS
- Publications-mechanical
- Publications – life science
- projhects-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Projects Ongoing / Sanctioned-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- project-ongoing-Centre for Sustainable Development
- project-Centre for Sustainable Development
- progrmme-Chemistry
- programmes-tamil
- programmes-sociology
- programmes-Social-SciencesandHumanities
- Programmes-mechanical-1
- programmes-Management Studies
- programmes-IT
- programmes-economics
- programmes-E.C.E
- programmes-Computer Applications
- programmes-Civil
- Programmes Offered-Public Policy
- Programmes German
- Programmes Approved-mechanical-1
- Programmes Approved
- Programmes
- programme-Polymer Engineering
- programme-Physics
- programme-Pharmacy
- programme-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- programme-Life Science
- programme-Law
- programme-E.I.E
- programme-cse
- programme-Commerce
- programme-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- programme-Aerospace Engineering
- programme-Academics
- programes-E.E.E
- proggrame-C.S.E
- Professional Societies
- Pro Vice Chancellor
- Pro Chancellor-administration
- Pro Chancellor Profile
- Pro Chancellor
- Privacy Policy
- President Profile
- President
- Prem Ram M R-Law
- Preeti Verma-cse
- Postgraduate
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- polymer nano-Centers
- Polymer Engineering News Bulletin
- Polymer Engineering
- Policy on Consultancy
- Placements
- placement-PLACEMENT
- placement-mechanical
- placement-Law
- placement-E.C.E
- Placement Statistics-PLACEMENT
- Placement Details
- Placement Brochure
- Placement – 2019-22
- Placement
- Placement
- Placement
- Physics
- Physics
- Physics
- Physical Education
- photo-E.I.E
- photo-E.C.E
- Photo Gallery
- Photo Gallery
- Photo Gallery
- phd-nri-menu
- phd-intl.-menu
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
- Ph.D Regulation
- PH.D Awarded-mechanical-1
- Ph.D Admissions
- Ph.D
- pg-nri-menu
- pg-intl.-menu
- PG Fee Structure
- PG Eligibility
- PG
- Perspective Plan 2020-2030
- payment-Examinations
- Pawan Kumar-Law
- Patents
- patants-cse
- patant-E.I.E
- Partnership for the Goals
- Partnership for the Goals
- Partnership for the Goals
- Participation and Entrepreneurship
- Parents Login
- Parents Feedback-Feedback
- Parents Feedback
- P. Valarmathi
- overview-sociology
- overview-english
- overview-economics
- overview-economics
- overview-economics
- overview
- over-biotechnology
- Outreach Activities-CGOM
- Outreach Activities
- ourteam-Centre for Sustainable Development
- our_team-Academics
- Our Team-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Our Team
- Open and Distance Learning Programmes
- Online Programmes
- Online Grievance Redressal
- ollgbt
- Office of MIS
- Office of Dean (Research)
- Office of Alunmi Relations
- Office of Alumni Relations
- Wall of Fame
- Some of our Prominent Alumni
- Some of our Alumni Entrepreneurs
- Reunion
- Photo Gallery
- Online Verification of Certificates
- Newsletter
- Home
- Get Involved
- Events
- Distinguished Alumni Award
- Contact us
- Alumni Webinars
- Alumni Videos
- Alumni Store
- Alumni Services
- Alumni Meets
- Alumni Faculty Coordinators
- Alumni Endowment Fund
- Alumni Admission Flyers
- Office of Alumni Relations
- off campus
- odllgbt
- objective-CSRIC
- OBE Workshop Videos
- NSS-Student Affairs
- NRI Admissions
- NRI Admissions
- NRI Admission
- nri
- nptel-MOOC
- Notice Board-cse
- non-teaching-Feedback
- Nizamuddin Ahmad Siddiqui-Law
- NIRF 2018
- nilab-E.C.E
- Newsletters
- Newsletter
- News & Events
- News
- New Education Policy
- Nehru P
- Neha Parveen-Law
- NAAC Mock Accreditation
- NAAC 2021 Evidence
- NAAC Second Cycle
- N.Sudalai Muthu-Law
- N.Sheerin Sitara
- N.A.Arshiya Afrin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Muththamizh Selvi S.I-english
- Muthamizh Thilagam P-Law
- Ms. V.Roopa-civil
- Ms. Sakthi P IT
- Ms. S.Ranjani-Life Science
- Ms. S.P.Chitra Preetha-Computer-Applications
- Ms. S.Khathijath Fariha
- Ms. R.Sivasankari
- Ms. P.Padmavathy-Computer-Applications
- Ms. Nasreen Banu -Computer-Applications
- Ms. ManickaPriya N-civil
- Ms. M.Ayisha Sidiqua-civil
- Ms. K.Kanmani-civil
- Ms. K. Sangeetha IT
- Ms. Carol Prima D’ Souza-Public Policy
- Ms. Anne Roopa D’Souza-Public Policy
- Ms A.Sonya-IT
- Mrs. S.Hemalatha
- Mrs. S. Syed Ali Fathima Nisha-Law
- Mrs. S. Muthahara Fathima
- Mrs. R.Daulath Banu-Polymer
- Mrs. R. Ramya
- Mrs. P.Usha-cse
- Mrs. P.Joy Kirupa-cse
- Mrs. Niyati Behera-cse
- Mrs. Nithya B-cse
- Mrs. N.Suguna-english
- Mrs. M.Vetripriya-cse
- Mrs. M.S.Usha-cse
- Mrs. M.Gulzar Begum-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Mrs. M. Ishwariya
- Mrs. M R Kiran Priya-Public Policy
- Mrs. K.Sowmiya-cse
- Mrs. Freeda Fernandes-Public Policy
- Mrs. C.Tamilarasi – Cse
- Mrs. C.Jeeva
- Mrs. A.Sulthana Rashya Begam-cse
- Mrs. A.Soundariya
- Mrs. A.Nazreen-cse
- Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam-english
- Mrs-G-Gomathi-Computer-Applications
- Mrs H.Kamarunnisha
- Mr.K.Swaminathan
- Mr.J.Ravinder-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr.A.Saibulla-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr. Y.Ibrahim-civil
- Mr. Vijay P S-Public Policy
- Mr. V.Dinesh Babu
- Mr. T.Sugadev-english
- Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed-mechanical
- Mr. Syed Shahed Hashmi-Public Policy
- Mr. Sujit Tharakan-mechanical
- Mr. Steuban Xavier Dias-Public Policy
- Mr. S.Shafeer Ahamed-civil
- Mr. S.Rajini-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mr. S.N.Mohamed Irfan-cse
- Mr. S.Dhamodharan-civil
- Mr. S.Arulmozhiselvar
- Mr. S. V. Karthikeyan-Aerospace
- Mr. S. Loganathan-mechanical
- Mr. S. Karthikeyan-Aerospace
- Mr. Rajesh Alagumani-Public Policy
- Mr. R.Venkateswaran-cse
- Mr. R.Sebastin
- Mr. R.Ram Deepak-cse
- Mr. Prithvi Kumar-Public Policy
- Mr. Prakash KAS-Public Policy
- Mr. Naveen Kanniyan-publicpolicy
- Mr. N.Rajmohan-AUTOMOBILE
- Mr. N.Gopinath-cse
- Mr. N. Ravikumar-mechanical
- Mr. Mohd. Salim-Law
- Mr. Mohammed Sherfuddin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mr. Mohammed Jalaluddin – Computer-Applications
- Mr. Mohammad Basharat Ali Khan
- Mr. Manoj Madhav-Public Policy
- Mr. M.A. Saleem Ahmed-Law
- Mr. M. Magesh-Aerospace
- Mr. M. Balasrinivasan-mechanical
- Mr. M S Idris-Public Policy
- Mr. L.Aatif Ahamed
- Mr. K. Kapil Raj-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mr. K M Ilanchezhian-Public Policy
- Mr. D.Murali Manohar-Polymer
- Mr. D. Pradeep Kumar-mechanical
- Mr. Chris Leonard Bernard-Public Policy
- Mr. C. Sivakumar-mechanical
- Mr. Basanta Kumar Behera-Polymer
- Mr. B.Niranjan
- Mr. B.Kannadasan
- Mr. Azhar Iqbal Mozumder-Law
- Mr. Arjun Pali-Public Policy
- Mr. Aashiq Mohammed-Public Policy
- Mr. A.Sheik Farid
- Mr. A.Salman Ayaz-Computer-Applications
- Mr. A.Mohamed Anwar
- Mr. A.Manivannan
- Mr. A. Varunkumar-mechanical
- Moulavi M.Ahamedullah Al Bukhari-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. S.Abdus Samad Nadwi-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. S.A.Usman Ali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. P.S.Syed Masood Jamali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. P.M. Mohamed Yoosuf Jamali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. Nahvi.A.M.Muhiyadeen Lebbai-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Moulavi Dr. A. Abdul Hai Hasani Nadwi-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- mou-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- mou-CSRIC
- moU-Civil
- mou-Centre for Sustainable Development
- MoU
- more-info-Polymer
- Moot Court Society
- moon-economics
- Mohammad Habeeb-Pharmacy
- Mohamed Haris .O-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Mobile Apps-cse
- minor-Mechanical Department
- Minor Degree Programmes
- Minimise water usage
- Microbiology
- messege-E.E.E
- messega-E.C.E
- Mentoring Systems
- megazine-E.C.E
- Meetings & Events
- Meenatchi V – law
- Mechanical Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Department
- mba-Business Administration – IEV
- mba-Business Administration
- MBA Business Administration
- Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Margdarshan 2023-24
- Manivannan A-civil
- Mandatory Disclosure
- Strategic Plan – Vision Document
- Right to Information
- Prevention Caste Based Discrimination
- Organizational Structure
- OBC Cell
- NAAC-Report
- Minority Cell
- Internal Complaint Committee
- Infrastructure
- Human Values & Professional Ethics
- Grievance Redressal Committee
- Green Campus & Green Policy
- Grants-in-aid
- Governance of BSACIST
- GOI/MHRD-Notification
- Fee Structure
- Fee Structure
- Faculty
- Faculty
- Distance Education
- Consolidated Documents for NAAC
- Committee for SC/ST
- Code of Conduct
- Campus Facilities
- Audit Accounts
- Approval Letters
- Anti-Ragging Committee
- Annual Report
- Admission Policy
- Accreditation
- Academic Curricula
- Mandatory Disclosure
- Manasa Krishnakumar-Law
- Management Studies
- Management Studies
- Management Studies
- Major Research Facilities
- Major Research Facilities
- Magazine Newsletter
- Madurai Off Campus Facilities
- Madurai Off Campus Dept
- Madurai Off Campus Contact Us
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BCA
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BBA LLB
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions BA LLB
- Madurai Off Campus Admissions B.Com
- Madurai Off Campus Admission Enquiry
- Madurai Off Campus Administration
- Madurai Off Campus Academics
- Madurai Off Campus About Us
- Madurai Off Campus
- Madhina Banu-cse
- M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- M.Tech. Structural Engineering
- M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- M.Tech. Food Biotechnology Eligibility
- M.Tech. Food Biotechnology
- M.Tech. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- M.Sc. Biotechnology – NRI
- Microbiology
- M.Sc Biotechnology
- M.Sc Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) – NRI
- M.M.Noor Fasla
- M.Gunasekaran
- M.Com International
- M.Com Eligibility-intl-pharmacy
- M.Com – International
- M. Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- M. Tech. Structural Engineering
- M. Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- M. Tech. Information Technology
- M. Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management
- M. Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- M. Tech. CAD-CAM – International
- M. Tech. Biotechnology – International
- M. Tech. Avionics – International
- M. Shamima Parveen-Law
- M. Selvakumar-ece
- M. Ramkumar-eee
- M. Padma Usha-ece
- M. Latha
- M. Arch. Architecture
- M V Duraish Kumar-Public Policy
- Lt. Dr. K.Venkatakrishnan-Public Policy
- Login
- LikeBTN
- Life Sciences
- Life Science
- Library-cse
- Library
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Latest News
- laterel-
- Know Your Institute
- Khurram Khowaja-Law
- Khurram Khowaja-Law
- Kathiresan S-german
- Kathiresan S
- Kanagadhara H
- K.Sowmiya
- K. Selvi
- K. Krishnaveni-Law
- K. Asrar Ahmed-mechanical
- Journals & Publications
- Johnson Irudayanathan-german
- Johnson Irudayanathan
- jobsplacements
- Job Description
- JF2019
- J.Gladys Aani Sujitha
- J. Perumalsamy – law
- J. Lakshmi Charan-Law
- J. Brindha Merin-cse
- J Mary
- IT Trailblazers Coding Club
- IT
- istd-clubs-Student Affairs
- ISTD-C-Student Affairs
- Islamic Studies
- Irwin Selvan S-english
- iqac-vision
- IQAC Minutes 2014-2020
- IQAC Minutes
- IQAC Home
- IQAC CSI SDG7-2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 745 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 744 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 743 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 742 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 741 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 726 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 725 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 724 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 723 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 722 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG7 721 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 657 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 656 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 655 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 654 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 653 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 651 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 642 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 641 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 635 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 634 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 633 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 632 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 631 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG6 621 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 435 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 434 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 433 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 432 2022-23 – Template
- IQAC CSI SDG4 432 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 431 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG4 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG3 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1744 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1743 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1742 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1741 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1739 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1738 2022-23
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- IQAC CSI SDG17 17311 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 17310 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1731 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1725 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1724 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1723 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1722 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG17 1721 2022-23
- IQAC CSI SDG 6 2021 23
- IQAC CSI SDG 17 2021 23
- IQAC CSI 2021 23
- iqac
- International Workshop
- International Internships
- International Faculty & Students
- International Conference
- International Collaborations-E.C.E
- International Admissions
- International admissions
- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)-Student Affairs
- Interdisciplinary Research
- Intellect -cse
- instructions-Examinations
- Instructions for Certificate Verifications
- INSTRUCTION-Student Affairs
- Institute
- Schools
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Tamil
- Sociology
- German
- Economics
- Department of Public Policy
- Vision & Mission
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- Ms. Carol Prima D’ Souza
- Ms. Anne Roopa D’Souza
- Mrs. M R Kiran Priya
- Mrs. Freeda Fernandes
- Mr. Vijay P S
- Mr. Syed Shahed Hashmi
- Mr. Steuban Xavier Dias
- Mr. Rajesh Alagumani
- Mr. Prithvi Kumar
- Mr. Prakash KAS
- Mr. Naveen Kanniyan
- Mr. Manoj Madhav
- Mr. M S Idris
- Mr. K M Ilanchezhian
- Mr. Chris Leonard Bernard
- Mr. Arjun Pali
- Mr. Aashiq Mohammed
- M V Duraish Kumar
- Dr. Sundar M S
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy
- Faculty Members
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Department of English
- Department of Commerce
- Research
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Faculty Members
- Faculty
- Publication details
- Faculty Members
- T. Porkodi
- S. Farzana
- S Chandra Shekhar
- Rahul P
- R. Agatha
- N.A.Arshiya Afrin
- Mr. S.Rajini
- Mr. Mohammed Sherfuddin
- Mohamed Haris .O
- Ifra Fathima I
- Dr.S.I.Mohideen Abdul Kadir
- Dr. Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin
- Dr. Sibghatullah Nasir
- Dr. S.Vidya
- Dr. S.Arun kumar
- Dr. Radhika. R
- Dr. R.Prakash
- Dr. R.Mary Angelin
- Dr. Perumalraja R
- Dr. P.Neethikumar
- Dr. N.Indumathi
- Dr. Mohsin Khan
- Dr. Krupa B Nair
- Dr. Kogila N
- Dr. K. Hannah Catherine
- Dr. Humaira Fatima
- Dr. C.Srinivasan
- Dr. B.Ziavuddeen
- Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood
- Dr. A.Harikumar
- Dr. N. Vijayakumar
- Dr Afzalur Rahman
- C.N.Rajendra Prasad
- Asan Bawa
- A Fathima
- Conference Presentation Details
- Adjunct Faculty
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- School of Physical and Chemical Science
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- School of Mechanical Sciences
- Department of Polymer Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Vision & Mission
- Programmes Approved
- Ph.D. Awarded
- Overview
- Minor Degree Programs
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Publications
- Faculty Members
- Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed
- Mr. Sujit Tharakan
- Mr. S. Loganathan
- Mr. N. Sirajudeen
- Mr. N. Ravikumar
- Mr. M. Balasrinivasan
- Mr. G. Rajesh
- Mr. D. Pradeep Kumar
- Mr. C. Sivakumar
- Mr. A. Varunkumar
- K. Asrar Ahmed
- Dr.R.Karunanithi
- Dr. V. Muralidharan
- Dr. Surya Rajan B
- Dr. Serajul Haque
- Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen
- Dr. S. Mohamed Illyas
- Dr. S. Jeavudeen
- Dr. Ravi Kumar
- Dr. Md. Javeed Ahamed
- Dr. M. Thirumurugan
- Dr. M. Pervaz Ahamed
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman
- Dr. M. A. Sai Balaji
- Dr. K. Sathickbasha
- Dr. J. Mahashar Ali
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani
- Dr. A.S. Selvakumar
- Dr. A. Muthu Manokar
- Dr. A. Arockia Julias
- Dr Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen
- Dr D.R.Rajendran
- Affiliated Faculty
- Events
- ETDMMT 2020
- eLearning Portal
- Department Relations
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Automobile Engineering
- Department of Aerospace Engineering
- School of Life Sciences
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Ms. S.Ranjani
- Mr.Mohammed Abrar Basha
- Mr. Subhamoy Banerjee
- Dr. Wasima Mohamed
- Dr. Vimalkumar
- Dr. Sudarkodi Sukumar
- Dr. Soumen Bera
- Dr. Sheeza Khan
- Dr. Shazia Jamal
- Dr. S.Hemalatha
- Dr. P.Ashok Kumar
- Dr. Neesar Ahmed
- Dr. Mohammad Ashfaq
- Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan
- Dr. M. K. Sangeetha
- Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam
- Dr. I. Faridha Begum
- Dr. Gulsaz Shamim
- Dr. D. MubarakAli
- Dr. C.Simon Durairaj
- Dr Mohammad Waseem
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- School of Infrastructure
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Vision & Mission
- Testing and consultancy
- Research
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Supporting Staff
- Faculty Members
- ShriIndhu J
- Sheik Farid A
- R.Elakya
- Ms. V.Roopa
- Ms. ManickaPriya N
- Ms. M.Ayisha Sidiqua
- Ms. K.Kanmani
- Mr. Y.Ibrahim
- Mr. S.Shafeer Ahamed
- Mr. S.Dhamodharan
- Manivannan A
- Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan
- Dr. Priya V.S.
- Dr. P.Gajalakshmi
- Dr. Nisha Khanam
- Dr. Madumathi Gunasekaran
- Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed
- Dr. K.Yogeswari
- Dr. J.Revathy
- Dr. A. K. Kaliluthin
- B.Kannadasan
- Affiliated Professors
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Educational Visits
- Dean’s Message
- Contact Details
- Alumni
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Civil Engineering
- School of Electrical and Communication Sciences
- Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
- Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Overview
- Vision & Mission
- Research & Consultancy
- Programmes Approved
- Placement
- Photo Gallery
- NI Labview Academy
- Message from HOD’s desk
- International Collaborations
- Infrastructure
- Industry Interaction
- Feedback about Department
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- S. Syed Rafiammal
- S. Sadhish Prabhu
- S. Kalaivani
- S. Anusooya
- R.T.Charulatha
- R. Mahalakshmi @ Issakki
- R. Iniyavan
- R. Anitha
- M. Vanmathi
- M. Selvakumar
- M. Padma Usha
- K. Indra Gandhi
- Hasan Babu H
- G. Anuradha
- Dr. V. Jean Shilpa
- Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen
- Dr. Parnasree Chakraborty
- Dr. P.K.Jawahar
- Dr. Mohamed Ismail
- Dr. G. Kannan
- Dr. C. Tharini
- Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi
- B. Sivashanmugavalli
- Ambika. A
- A. Ramesh Kumar
- A. Priya
- Affiliate faculty
- Faculty Members
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- E-Magazine
- Department Clubs
- Contact Details
- Alumni
- Admission Brochure
- Achievements
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences
- Department of Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Students Achievements
- Research & Consultancy
- Programmes Approved
- Placement
- Patents
- Overview
- Mobile-Apps
- Intellect – Online Events
- Infrastructure
- FDP (AICTE Sponsored) Videos
- Faculty
- Faculty Members
- V.Balaji
- Snegaa A
- S. Subhashini
- R. Akila
- Mrs. Niyati Behera
- Mr. R.Venkateswaran
- Madhina Banu
- J. Brindha Merin
- Dr. X.Arputha Rathina
- Dr. Venkatesan Selvam
- Dr. V.MuthuPriya
- Dr. Sharmila Sankar
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed
- Dr. S.Sharon Priya
- Dr. S.Revathi
- Dr. S.P.Valli
- Dr. N.Sabiyath Fatima
- Dr. M.Sandhya
- Dr. M.Mohammed Thaha
- Dr. L.Arun Raj
- Dr. J.Jeyapriya
- Dr. Gino Sophia S.G.
- Dr. E.Syed Mohamed
- Dr. C.Hema
- Dr. B.Karthikeyan
- Dr. B.Dhanalakshmi
- Dr. Aisha Banu W.
- Dr. A.Alif Siddiqua Begum
- Dr. A. Ramachandran
- Dharini R
- C. Vijayalakshmi
- A. Radhika
- Affiliating Faculty
- Faculty Members
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- e-Magazine
- Department Relations
- CSEA – Inaugural
- CSE – Social Media
- CSE – e-Notice Board
- CSE – Department Library
- CSE – Clubs
- Contact Details
- Alumni Feedback
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Department of Computer Applications
- Vision & Mission
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Online Video Lecture
- Faculty Members
- V.M.Niaz Ahamed
- T. Pandiyavathi
- Sabaria S
- R.Sivakumar
- Preeti Verma
- Peer Mohamed Ziyath S
- Ms. P.Padmavathy
- Mr. A.Salman Ayaz
- Dr. V.Shenbaga priya
- Dr. V.Prasanna
- Dr. V.J.Sowmya
- Dr. S.Shahar Banu
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen
- Dr. R.Sonia
- Dr. R.Sabin Begum
- Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli
- Dr. Md Oqail Ahmad
- Dr. M.Syed Masood
- Dr. K.Javubar Sathick
- Dr. G.Shree Devi
- Dr. Deepika
- Dr. C.Senthil Selvi
- Dr. A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed
- Dr. A.K. Reshmy
- Dr. A.Jaya
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. A.Jahir Husain
- Dr. A.Haja Alaudeen
- Dr. A.Abdul Azeez Khan
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M
- Affiliated Professor
- F
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Department Relations
- Courses Offered
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- School of Arabic & Islamic Studies
- Crescent School of Pharmacy
- Crescent School of law
- Sailent Features
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty
- Faculty
- Tamilselvi Jagadeesan
- Sukanya H
- Shaji. M
- Shahnawaz Ahmad
- Samsul Sameera I
- Sameera Fathima K
- S. Saba
- Prem Ram M R
- Pawan Kumar
- Nizamuddin Ahmad Siddiqui
- Neha Parveen
- N.Sudalai Muthu
- Muthamizh Thilagam P
- Mrs. S. Syed Ali Fathima Nisha
- Mr. Mohd. Salim
- Mr. M.A. Saleem Ahmed
- Mr. Azhar Iqbal Mozumder
- Manasa Krishnakumar
- M. Shamima Parveen
- Khurram Khowaja
- K. Krishnaveni
- J. Lakshmi Charan
- Ihsan Shahzad P.A.
- Dr. Nazneen M.Y.
- Dr. M.P.Srinivasan
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K
- Dr. E.Priyanka
- Dr. Arab Mohammed Shamiulla
- Dr. Abraham Konda
- Dr. Aamir Majeed Parray
- Bilal Asghar
- Ankit Anand
- A.Mursalin
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Blogs
- Admission Brochure
- Crescent School of Business
- Department of Management Studies (MBA) – Two Years
- Visiting Faculty
- Student Achievements
- Programmes Approved
- Overview
- Infrastructure
- Faculty Members
- Faculty
- Visiting Faculty
- Teaching Learning Pedagogies
- Faculty Members
- Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi
- Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
- Dr. S.Saravanan
- Dr. S.Panboli
- Dr. S.K.G.Ganesh
- Dr. Ritu Gangil
- Dr. R.Priya
- Dr. Prasanna S
- Dr. N.Raja Hussain
- Dr. K.Srinivasan
- Dr. Joseph Mary Rahila
- Dr. J.Hemalatha
- Dr. Haider Yasmeen
- Dr. H.Moideen Batcha
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. D.Asokk
Transferred to CDOE (ODL Programme) - Dr. Chandrika Srinivas
- Dr. Bhuvaneswari S
- Affiliate Faculty
- Extension
- Events
- eLearning Portal
- Contact Details
- Admission Brochure
- Accolades
- Crescent School of Business
- Department of Management Studies (MBA) – Two Years
- Crescent School of Architecture
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Physical Education
- Office of IQAC
- news
- Examinations
- events
- About Us
- Schools
- insfrasture-Physical Education
- insfrasture-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Innovative Teaching and Learning-Polymer
- Innovation Entrepreneurship
- Initiatives
- infrscture-Automobile Engineering
- infrasture-Management Studies
- infrasture-Computer Applications
- infrastucture-Polymer
- Infrastructure-Physics
- infrastructure-Pharmacy
- infrastructure-mechanical-1
- Infrastructure-mechanical
- infrastructure-Law
- Infrastructure-IT
- infrastructure-E.E.E
- Infrastructure-cse
- infrastructure-Civil
- infrastructure-Chemistry
- infrastructure-Aerospace
- Infrastructure
- infrastructre-E.C.E
- infracture-E.I.E
- Information Technology
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastruture
- industry-PLACEMENT
- industry-PLACEMENT
- industry-E.I.E
- industry-CSRIC
- industry-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Industry Relations-Polymer
- Industry Relations (IR)
- Industry Interaction-E.C.E
- Industry Institute Partnership-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Industry Connect-PLACEMENT
- Industry Accreditations-PLACEMENT
- industrial-Automobile Engineering
- Industrial Visit – IT
- Industrial Visit
- Industrial Visit
- India
- inaugural-cse
- Important-Info
- Ihsan Shahzad P.A.-Law
- Ifra Fathima I-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Hussain Basha G-english
- Human Resources
- Human Nature Qualitative Research & Politics
- How to apply
- hostel-Facilities
- home-nba
- home-iqac
- Home – Main page
- Home
- Home
- Home
- Higher Studies Abroad
- health-Facilities
- header
- Hasan Babu H-ece
- Hamanulla N
- Haji.Dr.K.Nilamudeen
- H.Faheem Nikhat
- guidence-PLACEMENT
- guideline-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- GivingBack
- Giving Back
- Get Involved
- Genomic sequences deposited in GenBank
- Gender Ratio
- Gender Equity programmes
- Gender Equality
- Gender Equality
- Gender Equality
- Gallery
- gallary-Physical Education
- gallary
- G.Vigish Aadithyan-german
- G.Vigish Aadithyan
- G.Priyadharshini
- G. Anuradha-ece
- G David raja
- Funding and Sponsorship-CGOM
- Founder of the Institution-administration
- Founder
- forms-Examinations
- Forms for BSACIST
- form test
- Form – students feedback
- fees-nri-menu
- fees-intl.-menu
- feedback-E.C.E
- feedback-Academics
- Feedback
- Fee-structure-civil
- Fee-structure
- fee-Examinations
- fdp-cse
- faculty-tamil
- faculty-sociology
- Faculty-Public Policy
- faculty-Polymer
- faculty-Physics
- faculty-Physical Education
- faculty-Pharmacy
- faculty-mechanical-1
- faculty-mechanical
- faculty-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- faculty-Management-Studies
- faculty-Life Science
- faculty-Law
- Faculty-IT
- faculty-german
- faculty-english
- faculty-economics
- faculty-E.I.E
- faculty-E.E.E
- faculty-E.C.E
- faculty-Department of Commerce
- Faculty-cse
- faculty-cse
- faculty-Computer-Applications
- faculty-Civil Engineering
- faculty-Chemistry
- faculty-Automobile Engineering
- faculty-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- faculty-Aerospace
- Faculty Training Academy
- Faculty Training Academy
- Faculty Appraisal Form
- Faculty
- Facilities1
- Facilities
- faciliation-CSRIC
- Faci;ities Student Amenities
- extension-Management Studies
- examinations
- Examinations
- Exam-Results1
- exam-result-Examinations
- events21-PLACEMENT
- events-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- events-sociology
- events-SocialSciencesandHumanities
- Events-Public Policy
- events-Polymer
- events-PLACEMENT
- events-Physics
- events-Physical Education
- events-Pharmacy
- Events-mechanical-1
- events-Mathematics
- events-Management-Studies
- events-Life Science
- events-Law
- events-IT
- events-english
- events-economics
- events-E.I.E
- events-E.E.E
- events-E.C.E
- events-cse
- events-Computer-Applications
- events-Civil
- events-Chemistry
- Events-CGOM
- events-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Events-Centre for International Relations
- events-Automobile
- events-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- events-Aerospace
- events-Academics
- Events Organized
- Events Conducted-Commerce
- Events 2023-24
- Events 2022-23
- EVENTS 2022-23
- EVENTS 2021-22
- Events 2009-2010
- Events 2004-2005
- Events
- Events
- Events
- Ethical Committee
- Estate
- Entrepreneurs
- Enquiry – Ph.D
- Enquiry
- Enquire Now
- English MOU
- English
- Engineering Admissions 2022
- Engineering Admissions – 2025
- Engineering
- energy-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Energy Research-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Energy Research Studies
- employers-Feedback
- Employers Feedback
- Employees (Teaching) Feedback
- Employees (Non-Teaching) Feedback
- employ-Feedback
- emagazine-cse
- elshatest1
- elshatest
- Eligibility/ Fees – PG NRI
- Eligibility/ Fees – PG International
- eligibility-polymer
- eligibility-pharmacy-mpherm
- eligibility-pharmacy
- eligibility-nri-menu
- eligibility-MCA-nri
- eligibility-MCA
- eligibility-MBA-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. VLSI & Embedded Systems
- eligibility-M.Tech. Structural Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Structural Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Power Systems Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. Information Technology-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Food Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Construction Engineering & Project Management
- eligibility-M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
- eligibility-M.Tech. CAD-CAM-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. CAD-CAM
- eligibility-M.Tech. Biotechnology-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Tech. Avionics-nri
- eligibility-M.Tech. Avionics
- eligibility-M.Tech. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics
- eligibility-M.Sc. Physics
- eligibility-M.Sc. Microbiology-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Microbiology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Chemistry
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- eligibility-M.Sc. Actuarial Science-nri
- eligibility-M.Sc. Actuarial Science
- eligibility-M.Com.-nri
- eligibility-M.Com.
- eligibility-M.Arch.-nri
- eligibility-M.Arch.
- eligibility-m.arch
- eligibility-M.A. Islamic Studies-nri
- eligibility-M.A. Islamic Studies
- eligibility-m-tech-bio
- eligibility-LLM (Criminal Law)
- eligibility-law-ba
- eligibility-law
- eligibility-it
- eligibility-intl.msc.math&actural
- eligibility-intl.msc.chemistry
- eligibility-intl.msc-physics
- eligibility-intl.mca-computerscience
- eligibility-intl.bsc-cse
- eligibility-intl.bca
- eligibility-intl.B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-intl.-menu
- eligibility-intl. M.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-international-polymar
- eligibility-international-pherm
- eligibility-International-mechanical
- eligibility-international-life
- eligibility-international-it
- eligibility-international-eie
- eligibility-international-EEE
- eligibility-International-ECE
- eligibility-international-cse
- eligibility-International-civil
- eligibility-international-automibile
- eligibility-International-aerospace
- eligibility-eie
- eligibility-eee
- eligibility-ecm
- eligibility-ece
- eligibility-cse
- eligibility-civilmain
- eligibility-ca
- eligibility-bca-nri
- eligibility-bca
- eligibility-BBA LLB (Hons.) – 5 years-nri
- eligibility-BBA General
- eligibility-BBA General
- eligibility-BBA Financial Services-nri
- eligibility-BBA Financial Services
- eligibility-BA LLB (Hons.) – 5 years-nri
- eligibility-BA LLB
- eligibility-B.Tech. Polymer Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
- eligibility-B.Tech. Information Technology-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electronics and Computer Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Electrical and Electronics Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Civil Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Biotechnology-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Automobile Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Tech. Aeronautical Engineering-nri
- eligibility-B.Sc. Computer Science
- eligibility-B.Sc. Computer Science
- eligibility-B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-B.Sc. Biotechnology
- eligibility-B.Pharm.-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. Professional Accounting-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. General
- eligibility-B.Com. Accounts & Finance-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. (Hons.)-nri
- eligibility-B.Com. (Hons.)
- Accounting
- & Finance
- eligibility-B.Arch.
- eligibility-B.A. Public Policy-nri
- eligibility-B.A. Public Policy
- eligibility-B.A. Islamic Studies-nri
- eligibility-B.A. Islamic Studies
- eligibility-B.A. English-nri
- eligibility-B.A. English
- eligibility-B.A. English
- eligibility-automobile
- eligibility-aerospace
- eligibility- MBA Innovation Entrepreneurship and Venture Development
- eligibility
- elerning-english
- eleraning-sociology
- elearning-tamil
- elearning-Pharmacy
- elearning-Management Studies
- elearning-LifeScience
- elearning-Law
- elearning-IT
- elearning-E.I.E
- elearning-cse
- elearning-Automobile Engineering
- elearning-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- eLearning portal physics
- elearnig-social science
- elearnig-Commerce
- EEE Placement
- Educational Visits-Civil Engineering
- Educational Events to Public
- economics-overview
- E.I.E
- E.E.E
- E.C.E
- e-Prospectus
- E-Magazine
- e-leraning-german
- e-leraning-economics
- e-leraning-E.C.E
- e-leraning-Chemistry
- e-leraning-Aerospace Engineering
- e-learning-Polymer Engineering
- e-learning-Physical Education
- E-learning-mechanical-1
- e-learning-E.E.E
- e-learning-Computer Applications
- e-learning-Civil Engineering
- e-learnig-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr.T.Mangaiyarkarasi
- Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed-Polymer
- Dr.S.I.Mohideen Abdul Kadir-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr.R.Karunanithi-Aerospace
- Dr.R.Karunanithi
- Dr.Praveen Ramakrishnan-CGOM
- Dr.A. Mohamed Jalaludeen-CGOM
- Dr. Y.Ismail-Pharmacy
- Dr. X.Arputha Rathina-cse
- Dr. Vimalkumar-Life Science
- Dr. Vijaya Kumar V-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Venkatesan Selvam-cse
- Dr. Venkatalakshmi Ranganathan-pharmacy
- Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan-civil
- Dr. V.Shenbaga priya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V.Prasanna-cse
- Dr. V.Prasanna-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V.Pramila-eee
- Dr. V.MuthuPriya-cse
- Dr. V.Muhammed Ashiq-economics
- Dr. V.J.Sowmya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. V. Sowmya Lakshmi-Pharmacy
- Dr. V. Muralidharan-mechanical
- Dr. V. Jean Shilpa-ece
- Dr. U.Venkateswara Prasad
- Dr. U. Ubaidulla-Pharmacy
- Dr. Tuhin Subhra Dash
- Dr. Towseef Ahmad Ganai-Public Policy
- Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi-managementstudies
- Dr. T.Srividya Civil
- Dr. T.Selvakumar
- Dr. T.R.Ramesh Rao-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. T.R.Akila Devi
- Dr. T.Porkodi-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. T.Kamalesh
- Dr. T.Anusuya
- Dr. T.Anusuya
- Dr. T. R. Tamilarasan-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. T. Harinarayana-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. Syed Siddiqua Begum-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Syed Mohammad Adil Zaidi-english
- Dr. Syed Azamussan-Law
- Dr. Sweta Ravindran-english
- Dr. Swapan Kumar Das-Chemistry
- Dr. Surya Rajan B-mechanical
- Dr. Sundar M S-Public Policy
- Dr. Sri Nithya Mahottamananda-Aerospace
- Dr. Soumen Bera-Life Science
- Dr. Sivagaami Sundari Gunasekaran-CGOM
- Dr. Sindhu J.Kumaar-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Sibghatullah Nasir-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Sheeza Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Shazia Jamal-Life Science
- Dr. Sharmila Sankar-cse
- Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy-managementstudies
- Dr. Serajul Haque-mechanical
- Dr. S.Vijayakumar-english
- Dr. S.Vidya-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Varshavardhini-cse
- Dr. S.Uma
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed-cse
- Dr. S.Syed Abdul Syed-cse
- Dr. S.Srinivasan-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. S.Sharon Priya-cse
- Dr. S.Shamshath Begum-Polymer
- Dr. S.Shahar Banu-Computer-Applications
- Dr. S.Selvakumar
- Dr. S.Sathik Basha-Physics
- Dr. S.Saravanan-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Santhanakkumar-Public Policy
- Dr. S.Sakthivel-english
- Dr. S.Revathi-cse
- Dr. S.Priya
- Dr. S.Poornima-english
- Dr. S.Panboli-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen-cse
- Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen-Computer-Applications
- Dr. S.P.Valli-cse
- Dr. S.M.Fazeela Mahaboob Begum-Life Science
- Dr. S.M. Shaheedha-Pharmacy
- Dr. S.L.Sobiya-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Kutti Rani-Chemistry
- Dr. S.Kalaivani-ece
- Dr. S.Kalaivani -Computer-Applications
- Dr. S.K.G.Ganesh-managementstudies
- Dr. S.Jennathu Beevi-eee
- Dr. S.Hussaini Irfan-english
- Dr. S.Hemalatha-Life Science
- Dr. S.Ganesamurthy
- Dr. S.ChrisFelshia
- Dr. S.Chandran
- Dr. S.Bhagavathy-Chemistry
- Dr. S.Arun kumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. S.Aravindhan
- Dr. S. Yuvaraj
- Dr. S. Syed Rafiammal-ece
- Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen-mechanical
- Dr. S. Prema-Pharmacy
- Dr. S. Mohamed Illyas-mechanical
- Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen-ece
- Dr. S. Jeavudeen-mechanical
- Dr. S. Elamathi
- Dr. S M Wasiullah
- Dr. Rubeena Khaliq
- Dr. Ritu Gangil-managementstudies
- Dr. Revathi Purushothaman-Polymer
- Dr. Revathi Purushothaman-Polymer
- Dr. Ravi Kumar-mechanical
- Dr. Rathika Meganathan Tamil
- Dr. Rafiya Banu Syed-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Rafik Rajjak Shaikh-Chemistry
- Dr. Radhika. R-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Zahira-eee
- Dr. R.Sonia-cse
- Dr. R.Sonia-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Shenbagam-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. R.Shanthi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Sabin Begum-Computer-Applications
- Dr. R.Rizwana
- Dr. R.Radhai-Public Policy
- Dr. R.Purushothaman
- Dr. R.Priya-managementstudies
- Dr. R.Prakash-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Prakash-Pharmacy
- Dr. R.Mary Angelin-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. R.Indirajith-Physics
- Dr. R.Hannah Lalitha-eee
- Dr. R.Durga Devi
- Dr. R.Amiruddin-Physics
- Dr. R.A.M. Jainaf Nachiya-Pharmacy
- Dr. R. Jayashree-eee
- Dr. R. Jaganath
- Dr. Priya V.S.-civil
- Dr. Prasanna S-managementstudies
- Dr. Prasanna S
- Dr. Pervaiz Iqbal-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Perumalraja R-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Peer Mohamed Ziyath S-cse
- Dr. Peer Mohamed Ziyath S-Computer-Applications
- Dr. Parnasree Chakraborty-ece
- Dr. P.T.Perumal-Chemistry
- Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader-Computer-Applications
- Dr. P.S.Sheik Uduman-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. P.R.Hemavathy-eie
- Dr. P.Neethikumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. P.N.Kadiresh-Aerospace
- Dr. P.K.Jawahar-ece
- Dr. P.Gajalakshmi-civil
- Dr. P.Elangovan
- dr. p.devi-sociology
- Dr. P.D. Jeyakumar-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. P.Chandra Babu Naidu
- Dr. P.Ashok Kumar-Life Science
- Dr. P.Arathi-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli-cse
- Dr. P.Amudhavalli-Computer-Applications
- Dr. P. Rathna-english
- Dr. P. Latchoumy-IT
- Dr. P. Gnanasekaran-IT
- Dr. Noushad C-sociology
- Dr. Noor Aman Ahrar Mundari-Chemistry
- Dr. Noble K Kurian
- Dr. Nisha Khanam-civil
- Dr. Neesar Ahmed-Life Science
- Dr. Nazneen M.Y.-Law
- Dr. Naseer Hussain-Life Science
- Dr. Nabeena Ameen-IT
- Dr. N.Vasimalai-Chemistry
- Dr. N.Sabiyath Fatima-cse
- Dr. N.Raja Hussain-managementstudies
- Dr. N.Prakash-IT
- Dr. N.Parvin-Computer-Applications
- Dr. N.Indumathi-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. N.I.Haroon Rashid-Aerospace
- Dr. N.Hajara Beevi-Chemistry
- Dr. N. Vijayakumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. N. Sirajudeen-mechanical
- Dr. N. Rajendran-IT
- Dr. N. Raja-Pharmacy
- Dr. N Sheik Hameed-english
- Dr. Muhammedali C.P
- Dr. Mohsin Khan-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Mohd Shahanbaj Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Mohammed Wajid Khan IT
- Dr. Mohamed Ismail-ece
- Dr. Md. Sahidul Islam-english
- Dr. Md. Javeed Ahamed-mechanical
- Dr. Md Oqail Ahmad-Computer-Applications
- Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan-Life Science
- Dr. Mahadev Ota-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. Madumathi Gunasekaran-civil
- Dr. M.Yasar Arafath Ali-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Dr. M.Varusai Mohamed-Computer-Applications
- Dr. M.Vanmathi-ece
- Dr. M.Vajjiravel-Chemistry
- Dr. M.V. Jeyanthi-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. M.Syed Masood-Computer-Applications
- Dr. M.Syed Masood
- Dr. M.Sandhya-cse
- Dr. M.S.Murshitha Shajahan-eie
- Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed-civil
- Dr. M.P.Srinivasan-Law
- Dr. M.Murali-economics
- Dr. M.Munir Ahamed Rabbani-IT
- Dr. M.Munir Ahamed Rabbani
- Dr. M.Mohammed Thaha-cse
- Dr. M.Mohamed Sheik Sirajuddeen-Physics
- Dr. M.Lakshmipriya
- Dr. M.Hazeen Fathima
- Dr. M.Basheer Ahamed-Physics
- Dr. M.Asha Jhonsi-Chemistry
- Dr. M. Vishal – Civil
- Dr. M. Vijayajayanthi-Physics
- Dr. M. Vijaya Vara Prasad-Pharmacy
- Dr. M. Thirumurugan-mechanical
- Dr. M. Pervaz Ahamed-mechanical
- Dr. M. K. Sangeetha-Life Science
- Dr. M. Abdur Rahman-mechanical
- Dr. M. A. Sai Balaji-mechanical
- Dr. Latha Tamilselvan-IT
- Dr. L.Arun Raj-cse
- Dr. L. Joshua Daniel Egan
- Dr. L H Thameemul Ansari-Pharmacy
- Dr. Krupa B Nair-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Kogila N-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Khalid Waheed-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam-Life Science
- Dr. Kabeer M-IT
- Dr. K.Yogeswari-civil
- Dr. K.Vinisha Rani
- Dr. K.Srinivasan-managementstudies
- Dr. K.Srinivasan
- Dr. K.Soundarapandiyan
- Dr. K.Shobana
- Dr. K.Shafeeque Ahmed-eee
- Dr. K.Sarmila Har Beagam-eee
- Dr. K.R. Shanmuga Vadivu-eee
- Dr. K.Karthikeyan-Chemistry
- Dr. K.Javubar Sathick-Computer-Applications
- Dr. K.J.Mohideen Abdul Kadir Hasani-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Dr. K.Indra Gandhi-ece
- Dr. K. Sathickbasha-mechanical
- Dr. K. Nallarasu IT
- Dr. K. Hannah Catherine-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Jyotismita Mishra-eee
- Dr. Joyce Devakirubai-english
- Dr. Joseph Mary Rahila-managementstudies
- Dr. Jose Reena K-Computer-Applications
- Dr. Jeevitha Sivasamy -Computer-Applications
- Dr. Jean Cletus
- Dr. Jasmine Annajothi Jacob
- Dr. Jain Jacob M
- Dr. J.Susai Mary-eie
- Dr. J.Sivasankari
- Dr. J.Shahitha Parveen-Polymer
- Dr. J.Revathy-civil
- Dr. J.Jeyapriya-cse
- Dr. J.Herbert Mabel-Chemistry
- Dr. J.Hemalatha-managementstudies
- Dr. J.H.Jaseema Yasmin
- Dr. J. Mahashar Ali-mechanical
- Dr. Irfan Navabshan-Pharmacy
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy-Public Policy
- Dr. Indira Krishnamoorthy
- Dr. I.Sathik Ali-IT
- Dr. I.Raja Mohamed-Physics
- Dr. I.Parvin Begum-Computer-Applications
- Dr. I.Karthiga
- Dr. I.B.Shameem Banu-Physics
- Dr. I. Faridha Begum-Life Science
- Dr. Humaira Fatima-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K-Law
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K-Law
- Dr. Hassan Shareef K
- Dr. Haja Nazeer Ahamed-Pharmacy
- Dr. Haider Yasmeen-managementstudies
- Dr. H.Moideen Batcha-managementstudies
- Dr. H.Kareemullah-eie
- Dr. H.Asharafunisha-english
- Dr. H.Asharafunisha-english
- Dr. H. Sofia-english
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani-mechanical
- Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani
- Dr. Gino Sophia S.G.-cse
- Dr. G.V.Vijayaraghavan-Physics
- Dr. G.Stella
- Dr. G.Shree Devi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. G.Kavitha-IT
- Dr. G.Anitha-eie
- Dr. G. Sumathi
- Dr. G. Rajesh-mechanical
- Dr. G. Kannan-ece
- Dr. G. Kannan-ece
- Dr. G. Kalyanaraman
- Dr. F.Abubecker
- Dr. E.Syed Mohamed-cse
- Dr. E.Priyanka-Law
- Dr. E.Manogar-Computer-Applications
- Dr. E.A.K.Nivethaa
- Dr. Divya M-mathmatics
- Dr. Deepika-Computer-Applications
- Dr. D.Najumnissa Jamal-eie
- Dr. D.Jose Prakash-Pharmacy
- Dr. D.Easwaramoorthy-Chemistry
- Dr. D.Asokk-managementstudies
- Dr. D. Sivasankaran
- Dr. D. MubarakAli-Life Science
- Dr. Chandrika Srinivas-managementstudies
- Dr. C.Srinivasan-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. C.Simon Durairaj-Life Science
- Dr. C.Senthil Selvi-Computer-Applications
- Dr. C.Saravanan
- Dr. C.K. Arvinda Pandian-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. C.Hema-cse
- Dr. C.Dineshkumar-AUTOMOBILE
- Dr. C.D.Nandakumar-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. C.Chockalingam
- Dr. C. Tharini-ece
- Dr. Bhuvaneswari S-managementstudies
- Dr. Belwin J. Brearley-eee
- Dr. B.Ziavuddeen-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. B.Dhanalakshmi-cse
- Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. Anugragha S S
- Dr. Al. Akilandeshwari-Pharmacy
- Dr. Aisha Banu W.-cse
- Dr. Abudhahir .A-eie
- Dr. Abraham Konda-Law
- Dr. Aamir Majeed Parray-Law
- Dr. A.Sulochana-english
- Dr. A.Shajahan-Chemistry
- Dr. A.Sagaya Suganya-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.S. Selvakumar-mechanical
- Dr. A.Nusrath Unissa
- Dr. A.N.Arularasan-cse
- Dr. A.Manshath-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.K. Reshmy-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Jaya-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Jahir Husain-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Harikumar-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. A.Haja Alaudeen-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A.Fathima-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Dr. A.Bernick Raj-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.Baskaran-Life Science
- Dr. A.Alif Siddiqua Begum-cse
- Dr. A.Akilbasha-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Dr. A.Abdul Azeez Khan-Computer-Applications
- Dr. A. Vijayalakshmi Ramalingam law
- Dr. A. Ramachandran-cse
- Dr. A. Muthu Manokar-mechanical
- Dr. A. K. Kaliluthin-civil
- Dr. A. Arockia Julias-mechanical
- dr-revathi-purushothaman-chemistry
- Dr Y. Mohamed Shuaib-eee
- Dr S.M.Satheesh-Aerospace
- Dr S Suganya
- Dr Mohammad Waseem-Life Science
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M-cse
- Dr Mohamed Divan Masood M-Computer-Applications
- Dr Mohamed Bak Kamaludeen-mechanical
- Dr K. Shakeela-Chemistry
- Dr D.R.Rajendran-mechanical
- Dr Afzalur Rahman-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Downloads
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- document-Foreign National
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- dept.relatn-Physics
- dept.relation-Polymer Engineering
- dept.relation-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- dept.relation-Computer Applications
- dept.relation-Chemistry
- dept.relation-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- dept. relation-Aerospace Engineering
- dept-relation-cse
- Department Relations-mechanical-1
- Department of Tamil
- Department of Sociology
- Department of German
- Department of Economics
- Department of Commerce
- demo.alumni
- Demo
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- dean-Civil Engineering
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- Criteria3
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- Criteria1
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- Crescent – Viksit Bharat@2047 Campaign
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- course-Computer Applications
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- corporate-Centre for Sustainable Development
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- Core Team
- convocation-Examinations
- convention-Facilities
- contact-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- contact-Public Policy
- contact-Polymer Engineering
- contact-PLACEMENT
- contact-Physics
- contact-phd-admission
- contact-Pharmacy
- contact-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- contact-Management Studies
- contact-Life Science
- contact-Law
- contact-IT
- contact-E.I.E
- contact-E.E.E
- contact-CSRIC
- contact-cse
- contact-Computer Applications
- contact-Commerce
- contact-Civil Engineering
- contact-Chemistry
- contact-Centre for Sustainable Development
- contact-Automobile Engineering
- contact-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- contact-Aerospace Engineering
- Contact us
- Contact Us
- Contact us
- Contact Us
- Contact Details-mechanical-1
- Contact Details-english
- Contact Details-english
- Contact Details-E.C.E
- consultancy-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- consultancy-policy-Centre for Sustainable Development
- consultancy-Centre for Sustainable Development
- consultancy-Aerospace Engineering
- Consultancy Wing
- Consultancy Projects-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Connect
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- Code of Conduct for Employees
- Code of Conduct for Administrators
- Code of Conduct
- Bye-laws, Rules & Regulations
- Application Form
- Conference Abstracts
- computer-Facilities
- Computer Applications – Placement
- Computer Applications
- Computer Applications
- Commerce
- Collaborations
- Collaboration-CGOM
- code-of-ethics
- clubs-cse
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- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- circulars
- circular-Examinations
- CIIC-Repository
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- Chat with a Student Ambassador
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- chapter
- Chancellor-administration
- Chancellor Profile
- Chancellor
- cgpa-Examinations
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- Centre for International Relations – Faculty testimonials
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- Centre for International Relations
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- Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning
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- Centre for Digital Media
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- Central Institution Facilities
- Centers
- Centers
- Centers
- CDOE (Cresoline)
- Careers
- Career Development Centre (CDC)
- Career Counseling-PLACEMENT
- canteen-Facilities
- Campus Initiative for Clean Water & Sanitation
- Campus Infrastructure
- Campus Companies
- callforproposal-Centre for Sustainable Development
- Call for Proposals-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- Call for Proposals
- C.S.E
- C.N.Rajendra Prasad-Social Sciences and Humanities
- C. Vijayalakshmi-cse
- C. Preethi
- Business
- building-Facilities
- BSA Crescent Alumni Association
- borad-Academics
- book-Facilities
- blogs-Law
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Bilal Asghar-Law
- Best Practices
- Benefits & Composition
- BBA General UG NRI
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- BBA General UG
- BBA General – NRI
- BBA General
- BBA Financial Services
- BBA financial – UG NRI
- BBA financial – UG International
- BBA financial – UG
- Banupriya G
- banking-Facilities
- BA English – Batches
- B.Tech. Programmes
- B.Tech. Lateral Entry
- B.Tech. Faculty list
- B.Tech. Curriculum & Syllabi
- B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things) NRI
- B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Internet of Things)
- B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security) NRI
- B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security)
- B.Tech. Biotechnology – NRI
- B.Tech. Biotechnology
- B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
- B.Tech. Adjunct faculty
- B.Tech. (Curriculum & Syllabi)
- B.Tech programmes
- B.Sc. Computer Science – NRI
- B.Sc. Computer Science – Intl
- B.Sc. Biotechnology Intl Eligibility
- B.Sc. Aviation eligibility nri
- B.Sc. Aviation – Intl
- B.Kannadasan-civil
- B.Des.- NRI
- B.Des. – Intl Eligibility
- B.Des.
- B.Com. Professional Accounting Intl Eligibility
- B.Com. Professional Accounting – NRI
- B.Com. Professional Accounting
- B.Com. (Hons.) Intl eligibility
- B.Arch. – NRI –
- B.A. Public Policy
- B.A. English
- B. Sivashanmugavalli-ece
- B. Sc. Computer Science Eligibility
- B. Sc. Biotechnology Eligibility
- B. Sc. Aviation Eligibility
- B. Com. International Accounting & Finance – NRI
- B. Com. International Accounting & Finance
- B. Com. General- NRI Eligibility
- B. Com. General- Intl Eligibility
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance eligibility nri
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance eligibility intl
- B. Com. Accounts & Finance Eligibility
- B Tech programmes
- B Com General
- B Com Accounts Finance
- Awareness Programmes
- Awards & Certificates
- avionic
- Automobile Engineering
- Automobile Engineering
- Audit & Feedback
- Asia
- Asan Bawa-Social Sciences and Humanities
- Arts, Science, Commerce & Computers
- Architecture & Design
- Architecture
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Arabic & Islamic Studies
- AQAR Table Index
- AQAR Reports
- AQAR Part A Extended Profile
- AQAR Part A Data of the Institution
- AQAR 2020 21
- AQAR 2019-20
- Approval Letters
- Approval Letters
- Apply Now
- Apply Now
- Apply Now
- Anti-ragging cell-Student Affairs
- Anti Discrimination Cell-Student Affairs
- annual_report-Academics
- Ankit Anand-Law
- Analysis & Action Taken
- Amsavalli S
- Ambika. A-ece
- alumnivideo
- alumnistore
- alumnisls
- Alumniservices
- AlumniReunion
- Alumniregistration
- alumnipo
- AlumniNewsLetter
- alumnims
- alumnime
- alumniit
- Alumnigallery
- AlumniEvents
- alumnieie
- alumnieee
- alumniece
- alumnicse
- alumnicivil
- alumnich
- alumnica
- AlumniAward
- alumniae
- alumniaboutus
- Alumni2
- alumni1
- alumni-Feedback
- alumni-E.I.E
- alumni-E.C.E
- alumni-cse
- alumni-Civil Engineering
- Alumni Webinars
- Alumni Webinars
- Alumni Video
- Alumni Testimonials – B.A. English
- Alumni Scholarship
- Alumni Registration Form
- Alumni Registration
- Alumni Meets
- Alumni Meets
- alumni feedback
- Alumni Endowment Fund
- Alumni Avenue
- alumini-connect-Polymer
- AICTE-MD 2022
- AICTE 360 Degree Feedback
- Affordable and Clean energy
- Affordable and Clean energy
- Affordable and Clean energy
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Admissions
- admission-Polymer Engineering
- admission-Physics
- admission-Pharmacy
- admission-Mechanical Department
- admission-Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- admission-Management Studies
- admission-Life Science
- admission-IT
- admission-E.I.E
- admission-E.E.E
- admission-E.C.E
- admission-cse
- admission-Computer Applications
- admission-Civil Engineering
- admission-Chemistry
- admission-Automobile Engineering
- admission-Aerospace Engineering
- Admission to Ph.D.
- Admission Enquiry
- Admission Brochure-Public Policy
- Admission Brochure-english
- Admission Brochure-Commerce
- admision-Social Sciences and Humanities
- admision-Law
- Administration
- Administration
- Adjunct faculty – SLS
- Additional Information on Research
- Activities
- Action Taken Reports 1-12 (2014-2020)
- achivment-E.C.E
- achivements-PLACEMENT
- achievements-E.I.E
- Accredited with “A” GRADE by NAAC
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- Accreditation & Ranking
- accolades-Polymer
- accolades-Physics
- accolades-Physical Education
- accolades-Pharmacy
- Accolades-mechanical-1
- accolades-Mathematics
- accolades-IT
- Accolades-english
- accolades-E.E.E
- accolades-cse
- accolades-Computer-Applications
- accolades-Chemistry
- accolades-Automobile
- accolades-Arabic and Islamic Studies
- accolades-Aerospace Engineering
- Accolades
- accolades
- accolades
- Accolades
- Academics
- academic-council-Academics
- academic new
- Academic Audit Forms
- about-us-academics
- about-phd
- About Us-Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
- About us
- About us
- About Us
- About our Institution
- About FTA
- Abirami P-eee
- A.Saraswathi
- A.Mursalin-Law
- A.K.Abidha
- A. Snegaa
- A. Ramesh Kumar-ece
- A. Radhika-cse
- A. Priya-ece
- 45th indian-news
- 2022
- 2020
- 10th Convocation Ceremony
- #22568 (no title)
- #29953 (no title)
- #33271 (no title)
Faculty Members

Mr. G. Rajesh
text editor
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
M.E | CAD CAM | 2011 | Anna University, Chennai |
B. E | Mechanical Engineering | 1996 | Madurai-Kamaraj |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Assistant Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | August, 2016 to till date | Till date |
Assistant Professor | Vi institute of technology | May, 2011 to July, 2016 | 5 years & 3 months |
Lecture Courses
- Engineering Graphics
- BasicEngineering Mechanics
- Machine Component Design
- Statistical and Quality Control
- Total Quality Management
Area of Research Interest
- Supply Chain Management
- Quality Management
- Optimization, Multi criteria decision making
- Agile Manufacturing Systems
Research Publications
International Journal / National Journal/International Conferences / National Conferences/Seminars / Workshops Journals
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Supplier Selection Based on AHP QFD Methodology”, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 64, pp. 1283 – 1292, 2013.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Selection of Suppliers Using SWARA and COPRAS-G”, in Proc. of International conference on technological advancement in material and manufacturing for industrial environment (TAMMIE 2016), pp.120, 2016.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Application of Quality Management Practices in Supplier Selection”, in Proc. of International Conference on Materials, Design and Manufacturing process (ICMDM 2016), pp.664-668, 2016.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “A Review on Supplier Selection Process”, in Proc. of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2014), pp.163, 2014.
- G. Rajesh, P. Malliga, “Vendor Selection Using Fuzzy Inference System”, in Proc. of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing Research (ICCIAMR), 2013.
- G Rajesh, C Elanchezhian, “Multi Criteria Decision Making using AHP”, in Proc. of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, 2010.