![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor & Assistant NPTEL Coordinator |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E |
Phone | : | 91-44-22751347 Ext:242,238 (Office) |
Email ID | : | anusooya@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | ECE | Pursuing | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute |
M.E | Applied Electronics | 2009 | Anna University |
B.Tech | ECE | 2005 | Anna University |
Work Experience
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Additional Responsibilities | *IETE ISF Coordinator *NPTEL Department Coordinator *IIT Bombay Spoken Turtorial Coordinator *PG Admission Coordinator *Class Advisor –(Batch 2017-2021) |
Areas of Expertise | Analog VLSI |
Currently Teaching | Electronic Circuits, Mixed Signal CMOS Design |
Date of Joining | 20.06.2011 |
Years of Experience at this Institute | 9 years 4 months |
Previous Experience | 5 yrs 6 months |
Areas of Research Interest
- Analog VLSI
Research Publications
Research Publications in Journal
- N.AmeerSuhail, S.Anusooya, “Design Of Low Power Voltage Doubler Circuit For Power Harvesting Applications”, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, IJSART, Volume 6,Issue 6,JUNE 2020 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052
- S. Kalaivani, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya, Jean Shilpa, “IOT BASED PHYSICAL CONDITION SCREENING SYSTEM FOR ANIMALS”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277 – 3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S5, July 2019.
- R.Anitha, S.Kalaivani, S.Anusooya,V.JeanShilpa, “IMPLEMENTATION OF MIGRATION STRATEGIES FROM IPV4 TO IPV 6”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 17-Special Issue, 2017,Page: 1740-1747, SJR: 0.14, ISSN1943-023X
- V.JeanShilpa, S.Anusooya, R.Anitha, “DESIGN AND VERIFICATION OF FOUR PORT ROUTER FOR NETWORK ON CHIP (NOC)”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 17-Special Issue, 2017, Page: 1803-1811, SJR: 0.14, ISSN1943-023X.
- M. Sivapriya Jean Shilpa.V S.Anusooya, “High Performance Reconfigurable Unit for Use in DSP Applications”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING &TECHNOLOGY, May 2017
- S.Soundarya,S.Anusooya,V.Jean Shilpa “Design And Analysis Of Low Power Carry Look Ahead Adder Using Sub threshold Adiabatic Logic” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2348-9480, Vol. 3,issue 6, (2016),pp-891-895.
- S.Soundarya,S.Anusooya ,”Design And Analysis Of Low Power Adders Using Sub threshold Adiabatic Logic”, International Journal Of Advanced Computing And Electronics Technology, ISSN(PRINT):2394-3408,(ONLINE):2394-3416, Vol. 3,issue 3, (2016),pp-26-31.
- Mrs.S.Anusooya,Suhail ahmed.A,Dr.P.K.Jawahar Design Of Stepdown Switched Capacitor Converter For Subthreshold Applications,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 10, No.26, (2015),pp-21623-21626.
- Shaffi.M,S.Anusooya,Design Of A Wallace Tree Multiplier Architecture With Adaptive Hold Logic, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Research India Publications, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 10 No.55 (2015),pp-783-788
- Riyas T M,Anusooya S “Design of Low Power Linear Multi-band CMOS Gm-C Filter” ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765, ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875,Volume number -3, Issue 2, (2014) pp -7402-7409.
- Janani.J,Bini.D, Nandhini.J, Anusooya “Embedded Programmable System on Chip(PSoC) High Resolution Digital Voltmeter”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering , ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765, ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875,Vol. 3, Issue 2, (2014),pp 7421-7425.
Research Publication in Conference:
- Paper titled as, “Unmanned Robotic Vehicle for Environmental Disaster”presented in the virtual international conference titled AI and ML Applications in smart Buildings-AMSB2020 organized by school of Electrical Engineering,VIT Chennai from 23rdto 24 th July 2020
- N Ameer SuhailN ,S.Anusooya presented a paper entitled “An efficient DC-DC Boost Converter for a Low power Applications in the Virtual International Conference on Innovation in Interdisciplinary Research 2020 organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education during 23-24 June 2020 through online
- S.Anusooya, R.Anitha, V.Jean Shilpa, Anithapriyadarshini N, Aamira S, J, Sowmyaa G presented a paper titled “Music Therapy of analyzing EEG signals”, in International Conference on Research Advancements & Challenges in Engineering Sciences (ICRACE’20 ) held during 06th – 07th March 2020
- R.Anitha, S.Anusooya,V.JeanShilpa, Pragadeesh, KiranBalaji presented a paper titled “NexGen Indoor Farming Monitoring System” in 5th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT-2020) 26-28 February 2020
- Hanusha A , Anusooya S Jean Shilpa V, Anitha R kalaivani S ,”Design and Implementation of Configurable DPLL using Adaptive Threshold Optimization ATO “,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TRENDS IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY,Jerusalem College of Engineering, 22nd March 2019
- Shyamala Sarathy,M M Mariyam Hibah,S Anusooya,S. Kalaivani,Implementation of Efficient Self Balancing Robot, IEEE International conference-RTECC – 2018, IEEE Part Number: CFP18O32-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4309-9, Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 January 2019
- Mohamed Hisham, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya, Implementation of Defective Object Sorting Machine Using SIFT Algorithm, 3rd International Conference On Innovative and Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICIETET ’18).
- M.Sivapriya, Jean Shilpa.V, S.Anusooya, “High Performance Reconfigurable Unit For Use In DSP Applications”, International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology, Chennai,March 2017.
- B.Bhavana, M.Nandhini , Jimsymol Johnson & S.Anusooya, “PRO ACTIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM”,Second International Conference on VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing andCommunication Technologies (ICVESCOM-17), April 25th-26th, 2017, AARUPADAI VEEDUINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,VINAYAKA MISSIONS UNIVERSITY, ISBN : 978-93-81208-92-2.
- Matheeha Tunnesa, S.Archana, A.V. Meena, Ms.S.Anusooya,“SIMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SPEAKER RECOGNITION FROM SPEECH SIGNAL”, Second International Conference on VLSI, Embedded Systems, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (ICVESCOM-17) ), April 25th -26th, 2017 , AARUPADAI VEEDU INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGY,VINAYAKA MISSIONS UNIVERSITY ISBN : 978-93-81208-92-2
- S.Soundarya,S.Anusooya,V.Jean Shilpa , “Design And Analysis Of Low Power Carry Look Ahead Adder Using Subthreshold Adiabatic Logic”, International Conference on Breakthrough in Engineering, Science & Technology– 2016 (INC-BEST’16), Copyrights @ IER 2016, Institute of Engineering Research”Salem ,June 2016.
- S.Soundarya,S.Anusooya, “Design And Analysis Of Low Power Adders Using Subthreshold” 18th International Conference on Cloud Computing Computer Science and Advances in Information Technology(ICCCCIT 2016), 29th May, 2016,Hyderabad ISBN: 978-93-85225-64-2
- Mrs.S.Anusooya,Suhail ahmed.A,Dr.P.K.Jawahar “Design Of Stepdown Switched Capacitor Converter For Subthreshold Applications”,National Conference on Research Engineering and Communication Techinque(REACT 2015) On 27 – 03 – 2015,SRM University.
- Shaffi.M,Anusooya.S,” Design Of A Wallace Tree Multiplier Architecture With Adaptive Hold Logic ,International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology – 2015 (ICAAET’15)ICAAET – 2015 ,Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram.
- K.Santhiya,S.Anusooya, ”Optimization of the power and glitch reduction in ADPLL”, International conference on futuristic trends in electronics engineering,Thiruvalluvar college of engg.,2-3 March 2013.
- A.Y. Meiyappan,S.Anusooya, ”Multimode FPGA with Flexible Embedded FPUS”,National Conference on Networking,Communication Systems & Signal Processing,KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering & Technology,6th March 2012.
2011- 2012:
- Attended FDP on “Induction Training programme for faculty”, 27th June to 1st July 2011 organized by our university.
- Attended FDP on “Advanced VLSI Design”, Nov17-19, 2011 organized by SSN College of Engineering and Technology.
- Attended one day workshop on “Matlab Simulation of Digital communication and MIMO systems”, March 15th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended one day workshop on “ALTERA FPGA Design”, March 6th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended Two days workshop on “QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS”, June 28th and 29th, 2012 organized by our University.
- Attended Two days workshop on “VLSI DESIGN USING CADENCE TOOLS”, January 23rd &24th, 2013 organized by our university.
- Attended Online Training Program on “Funding Agencies And Project Opportunities For Writing Sponsored Research Proposals”. July 5th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended one day workshop on “DESIGN AND USAGE OF ONLINE TOOLS IN FACE TO FACE EDUCATION”, September 15th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended one day workshop on “E-content Development Programme”, on july 4th and 5th , 2013 organized by our university.
- Attended Four day workshop on “Embedded Development using ARM and Xilinx Boards”, organized by ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai on 23rd , 24th ,26th and 27th December 2013
- Attended one day workshop on “Embedded System Design using MSP430 “ by Gill Instruments, Bangalore on 24th October 2013, organized by our university
- Attended one day Faculty Development program on “Low Power Design Methodlogies-Devices to Systems” on 7th February 2014 organised by VIT Chennai.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on “CADENCE Analog IC design flow organized by Entuple Technologies Bangalore, 28th july to 1th August 2014
- Attended a one day workshop on “Quality assurance in academic and sponsored research” conducted by our university on 07th March 2015
- Attended two weeks short term training on “Embedded systems & Design”, organized by ABE semiconductor Designs,chennai, 30th june to 13th july 2014
- Attended one day workshop on Didactic Seminar on CADENCE OrCAD PSPICE & OrCAD PCB on 26th June 2015 organised by Entuple technologies,Banlogore in our university.
- Attended the complimentary seminar on “MATLAB and simulink for Engineering Education” on 08-07-15
- Attended a one day workshop on” The Awareness Workshop on IPR” on 29th August 2015
- Attended a one workshop on “Women empowerment-Gift Yourself” on 18th Janaury 2016 at BSAIST.
- Attended two days workshop on” Recent research techniques in wireless communication and Networks” during 8th and 9th February 2016 at BSAIST organized by Dept of ECE.
- Certified for the completion of Module I – NI LABVIEW Core 1 & core 2 course during July-2015-Jan 2016.
2016- 2017:
- Attended one day Faculty Development programme on “Circuit Simulation/PCB Design” using target 3001! Software with DELLSOFT technologies Pvt Ltd. ,on 13.07.16
- Undergone 5 days internship program on “PCB test techniques “from 14.07.2016 to 20.07.2016 at QMAX Test Technologies.
- Attended two days Faculty Development programme on “Real time signal & image processing using XILINX VIVADO system Generator & simulation of physical layer in communication “at St.Joseph’s institute of technology,on 23rd & 24th September 2016.
- Attended three days Faculty Development programme on “ Power system design & Analysis” using DIgSILENT Power Factory software with DELLSOFT technologies Pvt Ltd. for the period 28.09.16-30.09.16
- Attended three days Faculty Development programme on “ Networking Simulation & Related technologies” using NetSIM software with DELLSOFT technologies Pvt Ltd. for the period 03.10.16-05.10.16
- Attended in NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 02.07.2016.
- Attended in NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 17.12.16.
- Attended the Seminar by “Rexona Confidence Academy” at BSA University on 01.02.17.
- Attended in one day workshop on “Big Analytics (Cloudera) & Python programming” organised by BSA Crescent Institute on March 18th, 2017.
- Attended one day Workshop on “Capacity building of women in higher education” at BSA Crescent Institute on 01.04.17.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on “Analof IC design –circuit & Layout design Methodologies using CADENCE Aanalog Design Flow organized by Entuple Technologies Bangalore, 18.12.2017 to 22.12.2017
- Attended FDP on VLSI Physical Design Using Cadence on 05.10.2017 & 06.10.2017 at SRM university
- NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 05.07.2017
- Attended workshop on Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research on 31.07.2017 to 05.08.2017 at crescent university
- Attended workshop on Internet of Things (IOT) at IETE on 28.09.2017
- NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 25.01.2018.
- Attended one day workshop on Mental Health and stress Management for Teachers on 07.03.2018 at BSACIST
- NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 14.07.2018.
- Attended in workshop on writing Quality Research Articles ,Project Proposals and Patents during 20.07.2019 to 22.07.2019 at crescent institute of science and technology
- Attended one day FDP on Predictive Modeling using – R on 02.11.2018 Attended in at crescent institute of science and technology
- NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 19.01.2019.
- Attended national seminar on e learning and MOOCs in higher education organized by Guru agnad Teaching Learning centre of MHRD ,SGTB khalsa college ,university of Delhi at crescent institute of science and technology on 09.03.2019.
- Attended one day hands on faulty development programme on usage of RASPBERRY PI in machine learning environment at crescent institute of science and technology on 03.04.2019
- Attended two day summer workshop on VIVADO Design Suite and PYNQ Productivity for ZYNQ using PYNQ Z2 Board at Hindustan Institute of technology & science on 26.06.2019 & 27.06.2019
- Attended in NPTEL workshop for SPOCs conducted at IIT Madras on 26.07.2019.
- Attended second level ISO training organized by FTA on 25.11.2019
- Participated on “Data Analytics and the basics of R language” on 11.04.2020 by IEEE-Panimalarengg college
- Participated on webinar titled, “Stress Management” on 12th April 2020 by BSACIST
- Attended FDP programme on HTML Training by Spoken tutorial IIT bombay & BSACIT on April 21st to 24th 2020
- Attended Webinar on “Image processing using python” on 12.05.2020 organised by PANTECH SOLUTIONS
- Attended Webinar on “Cyber Security” organized by Eshwar college of Engineering on 15.05.2020
- Attended webinar on “Data Encryption” on 16.05.2020 organised by IETE
- Attended “Springer Nature Workshop on Scientific Writing for Journals” on May 20, 2020
- Participated in FDP on “Data Science using python” organised by Jeppiar institute of technology from 18th to 22nd May 2020
- Participated in Seven Days Online Faculty Development Programme on Groundbreaking Technologies hosted by Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai during 01.06.2020 – 07.06.2020
- Attended Webinar on “Outcome based educaion software” on 11-6-20 organized by Vmedulife Software services
- Completed Two-week Live Faculty Development Programme on “Application of Moodle LMS” (11th to 25th July2020), conducted by BSACIST
- Completd Short term certification on “VLSI Physical Design using Cadence Innovus Tool” from 20th to 24th july conducted by St. joseph College of Engineering
- Attended a webinar on “Online Learning: Design, Development & Delivery of Online content. (Timing: 10:15am – 5:15pm)” conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST on 04.07.20
- Attend FDP on “Preparing Students for 21st century skills and Competencies in new normal education-(NI way), conducted by SRM institute of science & Technology, vadapalani on 10.07.2020
- Partcipated in the”Training Program on Crescent LMS for Faculty Members” on 4th August 2020 organised by the The offices of Data centre and Dean Academic affairs
- Participanted in Online Workshop on “Design and development of E – Content 12/08/2020 Jointly organised by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai
- 5 days FDP on Research Issues in Advanced VLSI Design from 17 – 21 AUGUST 2020, organized by QIS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY
- Organized a National Conference NCRVIC’12 in April 2012.
- Co-Organized Two Days Workshop on “Wireless Sensor Network: Research Issues and Practical Solutions”,13th December 2012
- Organized a National Conference NCRVIC’13 in April 2013
- Co- Organized Quiz Club of ECE (BQUCE)was conducted on 6th November 2013
- Organized Four day workshop on “Embedded Development using ARM and Xilinx Boards”, Mr.Athif Sha, Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai, 23rd , 24th ,26th and 27th December 2013
- MOU signed with ABE semiconductor devices on 6 th January 2013.
- Co-organized ECE’s Got talent – a talent show for ECE students was conducted on 5th February 2014
- Organized Four day workshop on “EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND DEVELOPMENT”, Mr.Athif Sha, Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai, 17th to 20th February
2014. - Organized short term training on “Embedded systems & design using 8051 microcontroller” 25th to 29th August, 2015.
- Organized a seminar on topic “Emerging applications in DSP” on 20\10\2015 for III year ECE Students. Guest Mr.AthifSha, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai.
- Organized a seminar on topic “Emerging Technologies in Digital Signal Processing” on October 30th of 2015 for III year ECE students. Guest- Mr.Jeyasingh and Mr.Kannan of Jasmine Infotech Pvt Ltd.
- Organized a one day workshop on “ORCAD PSPICE” for the members of hobby electronics club on 10/10/2015. The Resource persons Mr.Manoj, HCL Technologies, India and Mr Shantha, HCL Technologies India, trained the students. Totally 50 students have participated in the training.
- Organized Placement training for Pre-final year students, on 31\10\15. Guest Abdul Hakim (Alumini), Infosys, chennai.
- Organized two days workshop titled “Embedded System Design on Zynq & Xilinx boards”, on June 9th & 10th, 2016.
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a seminar on “Assembling of processing unit” and hands-on-training on “Webpage creation using html” on 10.02.17 (utilizing the free slots) for III year ECE students.
- Organized Five days Short term Summer Internship on “Embedded Processor/PCB layout” from 18th – 22nd July 2016.
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a PROJECT FAIRE for first, second and third year students of ECE department on 25.11.16.
- NI Lab VIEW workshop conducted on 23.02.2017 to 25.02.2017 for other college and university, students & faculty and also I am the one of resource persons for this workshop.
- As a Hobby Electronics Club co-ordinator organized a hands-on training on “Interfacing Arduino with LABVIEW” on 17.03.17 for III year ECE students.
- Organized a two weeks short term training program on “Embedded systems and design”, in association with ABE semiconductor design at BSAIST Chennai from 30/06/14 to 13/07/14.
- Organized “Certified LabVIEW Developer” training for ECE students during the period December 2018-2019.
- Organized two days workshop on “Industrial IOT” on 6th & 7th of April 2018 in association with Optithought, Academic Partners of National Instruments, Bangalore& student chapters of IE(I) & IETE.
- Organized National Level Technical Project Competition on march 21,2019
- Organized value added courses on spoken tutorial exam by IIT Bombay in the year 2018-2019
- Arranged Industrial to NOKIA for II year ECE students on 10.04.2019
- Arranged Industrial to NLC, Neyveli for III year ECE students on 08.11.2019
- Co-organized One day workshop on IMPACT OF PROJECTS ON JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR FINAL YEAR STUDENTS on 9th Dec 2019
- Organized three day workshop on “MY ROBO- CAR RACE” on 23.01.2020 to 25.01.2020
- Organized the Guest Lecture on the topic “Resume writing” for the III year ECE A students on 05.03.2020
- Organised webinar on “Multicore architectures” for our ECE students on 30.05.2020. Resource person was our alumnus Mr.Jawad Hussain, Intel Corporation
- Organized 5 days webinar series on “Recent Trends in AL, IoT and Data Sciece” from 8th to 12th June’20 by Alumni of ECE
- Organized Webinar on “Career options & opportunities in the core Electronics field” on 16.06.2020 by 10.00 a.m in GMeet for ECE Final Year Students.
- Co-Organized Society and Clubs Inauguration on 21.09.2020 in Zoom
- Submitted Case study on “TRANSFORMATION IN TEACHINGLEARNING METHODOLOGY USING NI PRODUCTS” to National Instruments (NI week 2017 contest) on 28.01.2017.
- Completed consultancy during the period Nov 2017-April 2018 “An automation using LabVIEW program to interface LCR meter and Furnace forthe measurement of dielectric property at high temperature” for Centre for High Pressure Research, School of Physics, BharathidasanUniversity
- One of the Co applicant for the Patent title on “An Efficient Digitate Leaf Shaped Micro strip Patch Antenna For Wearable Applications”Application No.202041025860 A, Publication Date : 03/07/2020,The Patent Office Journal No. 27/2020
- One of the Co applicant for thetitle on “IOT BASED LPG CONTROLLER SYSTEM” Application No.202041034373, Publication Date :21/08/2020, The Patent Office Journal No.34/2020
- One of the resource people for Core 1 & core 2 LABVIEW training session which takes place every semester.
- One of the resource person in “Series of skill development workshop for 8 th semester B.E / B.Tech Students” -Real Time Applications using LabVIEWon 6.12.17
- Delivered a guest lecture on 07.08.2020 on the topic “Electronic Circuits Design using SPICE simulator” for Panimalar Institute Of Technology
- Invited Talk in workshop “Labview for Beginners”, at Panimalar Institute of Technology, from 11.6.20 to 12.6.20
- Resource person for the value added training programme on TANNER T-SPICE SIMULATION conducted by Department of EEE, Sairam Engineering College,Chennai on 24.2.2020 to 26.02.2020
- Delivered lecture on importance of online courses offered by NPTEL / Swayam to the girls students of crescent – B.A. Islamic Studies on 31.01.2020
- One of the resource person in “Six Day Anna University sponsored FDTP on CMOS ANALOG IC DESIGN on 28.11.2019 & 29.11.2019 organized by Sairam Engineering College, Chennai
- Introduction to Mobile application development-Dec 2016
- Emotional Intelligence-Jan -June 2017
- Design of internet of things-Dec 2017
- Digital and the everyday :from Codes to Cloud-Jan 2018
- Introduction to Basic Spoken Sanskrit- aug 2018(FDP)
- Patent Drafting for Beginners-jan 2019(FDP)
- NOC:Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) –July 2019(FDP)
- Introduction to internet of things (2017)
- Introduction to Mobile application development.(2016)
- Received Best ISF award from IETE for the period 2016-2017.
- Received award from Texas Instruments for Mentoring the Dhishti online contest which was conducted in our ECE dept on06.10.2017.
- Received Best ISF Coordinator award from IETE for the period 2018-2019 on 21.09.2019.
- Received Award of appreciation for coordinating various Value added courses offered by IIT Bombay (Spoken Tutorial) in ECE dept during the Even semester 2018-2019(jan–may 2019)
- Received Award of appreciation for coordinating Scilab Value added courses offered by IIT Bombay (Spoken Tutorial) for IV sem ECE students during the Even semester 2018-2019 (jan–may 2019)
Seminars/workshops –Organized:
Guest Lectures Delivered
Completed NPTEL Online Certification courses:
Received Mentor certificate award from NPTEL online courses for the subjects:
Awards & Achievements: