![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.C.A,MCA.,(Ph.D) |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | padmavathy28@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Computer Science | Pursuing | BSACIST |
MCA | Computer Applications | 2005 | Anna University |
BCA | Computer Applications | 2002 | Madras University |
Academic Experience
Organization / Institution | Designation | Period | Experience in Years |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Asst.Professor(Sr.Gr) | Jan 2014-Till Date | 6yrs |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute | Asst.Professor | Apr 2009 – December 2013 | 5 yrs |
B.S.A Crescent Engineering college | Lecturer | Sep 2005 – Mar 2009 | 4 yrs |
Total Experience | 15 Yrs |
Research Summary
PROJECT GUIDANCE | Guided more than 60 MCA students |
JOURNAL ARTICLE PUBLISHED | Published 4 papers in International Journals with 3 in Scopus |
CONFERENCE PAPERS | 4 Papers (1 in National Conference and 3 papers in International Conference) |
Achievements |
Received “Certificate of Appreciation” award for having produced excellent academic results during the year academic 2007-2008, 08-09, 09-10 in the College Day celebrations |
Attended two days training program conducted by Prometric systems and received IIM test center administrator certificate for conducting the first CAT online entrance exam as part of IIM admission process during December 2009 |
Underwent the two day ISO Internal Auditor training programme conducted at the University during February 2011 .Received the DNV certificate on attending and clearing the test conducted as part of the training |
Received the award of Appreciation in recognition of conducting the Value added course on C and Cpp in coordination with IIT Bombay(Spoken tutorial) for the students during Jan 2019-May 2019 |
Area of Research Interest:
- Data Mining
- Web Mining
International Journals
- Published a Research paper titled Sentiment Mining from Online Patient Experience Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method in Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(19), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i19/93876, May 2016. ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ,ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645 Scopus Indexed with Impact Factor 1.28.
- Published the paper Hotel rating recommendation system with user trust and item rating, in IJIERE, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 17,P-ISSN: 2394- 5494 , E-ISSN: 2394 -3343 Impact Factor: 3.47
- Published a Research paper titled An Efficient Two-Pass Classifier System for Patient Opinion Mining to Analyze Drugs Satisfaction in the Journal Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,Volume 57, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2019.101755,(Elsevier)(Scopus Indexed)(Impact Factor: 2.943) CiteScore: 4.10 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.711
- Published a Research paper titled An Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Enhancing Two-Pass Opinion Mining Classifier using Patient Reviews in the International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192,DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I8/PR280111National Journals,Scopus Indexed,SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.13,CiteScore: 0.19
Conference Papers
- Proceedings of the conference 2nd International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT [ICCBI 2019] included into Springer “Lecture Notes in Data Engineering and Communication Technologies ISSN: 2367-4512,March 2020.
- Proceedings of the conferenceInternational Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICACII- 2019). Proceedings included in Springer (Advances in Computational intelligence and Informatics ISSN: 2367-3370, Online Issue since 30 April 2020,pg 27-35
International Conference:
- Attended the “International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing Technology (ICRTCT-2016)” during February 2016 and presented a paper titled “Sentiment Mining from on line Patient Experience using Latent Dirichlet Allocation method”
- Paper titled” Trusted and Secured E-Voting Election System Based on Block Chain Technology “ got accepted in the 2nd International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT [ICCBI 2019] Proceedings included into Springer “Lecture Notes in Data Engineering and Communication Technologies ISSN: 2367-4512
- Paper titled” A Novel Architecture for a Two-Pass Opinion Mining Classifier” “ got accepted in the International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICACII- 2019).Proceedings included in Springer (Advances in Computational intelligence and Informatics ISSN: 2367-3370, Online Issue since 30 April 2020,pg 27-35
National Conferences
- Attended the National Conference “Recent Trends In Computer Science And Mathematics(Rtcsm)” held during April 2019 and presented a paper titled “Online Bus ticket booking reservation system.” ISBN .NO:978-93-88398-88-6
Workshops Organized
- Coordinator for organizing the workshop on “Website Development and Soft skills” conducted by the Department of computer applications during March 2017.
- Coordinator for organizing the workshop on “ Internet Of Things and Communication Skills” conducted by the Department of computer applications during 26th February 2016.
WorkWorkshops / Training Programme / FDP Attended
- Attended the two days ISO 9001:2015-Awareness Programme Bridge Course during October 2019.
- Attended the one week FDP on Database management system -DB2 on IBM course during July 2019
- Attended the One day National Seminar on E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher education on 9th March 2019
- Attended 5 days FDP on ” Soft-Skills for Teaching Staff” during March 2019
- Attended the One day Workshop on Applied Data Science 28th January 2019 at S.A.Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
- One Day workshop on Capacity Building of women in higher education during April 2017
- Attended National Level Workshop on Internet of Things with RASPBERRY PI during 11th March 2017
- Attended the QEEE – virtual online interactive classes on the topic Operator Overloading during February 2017.
- Attended the One day Workshop on CloudEra and Python Programming during March 2017 .
- Attended the Two day Workshop on Research Methodology and Quality Assurance on 2nd and 3rd of December 2016 .
- Attended the two day International conference on Recent Trends in Computing Technology held during February 2016 at the University of Madras.
- Attended one day workshop on Gift Yourself during January 2016
- Attended the three days Quality Assurance Workshop during July 2015 at S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Attended the three days Hands-on-training workshop on BOSS-MOOL-OS from 16th to 18th of February 2015 .
- Attended the one day Workshop on Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research on 7th March 2015 at S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Attended the two days seminar on Mining Big Data in Social Media and Web on 27th and 28th of August 2014
- Attended the five days workshop on Enterprise Architect ,a training program from Sparx systems during November 2014.
- Attended two days International workshop on”How to do Ph.d to an international standard-an international perspective &How to publish articles in peer reviewed journals” during August 2013
- Attended two daysworkshop on Google Applications sponsored by Google during July 2013
- Attended two days International Workshop on Advances in Data and Web Mining during Feb 2012
- Attended two days The National conference on Balancing work and life during Feb 2012
- Attended two days workshop .Net Framework during November 2011
- Underwent the two day ISO Internal Auditor training programme conducted at the University during February 2011 .Received the DNV certificate on attending and clearing the test conducted as part of the training .
- Attended two days workshop on Cloud Computing and its Prospects during October 2011
- Attended two days National workshop on Research Trends and tools in Data Mining and data warehousing during August 2010
- Attended two days National Seminar on “Security of insecurity in Cyber Space Challenges of today and tomorrow during April 2010
- Attended two days training program conducted by prometric systems and received IIM test center administrator certificate for conducting the first CAT online entrance exam as part of IIM admission process during December 2009 .
- Attended one day Tamil Computing Technology Workshop during August 2007.
- Attended three days In-house Orientation Program conducted by B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College during 2007.
- Attended short term training Program on“Data Acquisition Techniques” conducted by S.R.M.University during 2007.
- Attended training program conducted by Infosys as part of campus connect program during 2006 and have taken training for our students recruited by Infosys.shops/Training Programme Attended.
- Attended the training program conducted by Infosys as part of campus connect program during 2005 and have taken training for our students recruited by Infosys.shops/Training Programme Attended.
Workshops /Guest Lectures Organized
- Acted as Committee head for the Prizes and momentos and Registration /Reception committee forCYBERCREST Technical Symposium from 2006-2013
- Coordinator for conducting a guest lecture on Striving towards excellence to the final year students 2011
- Coordinator for conducting one day workshop on Bridge IT employability Program for the first year MCA students 2011
- Coordinator for the inauguration of the Computer Application Association Activities 2012
- Coordinator for organizing the National Level Technical syposiumCybercrest 2012 conducted by the Department of computer applications 2012
- Acted as a committee coordinator for the inauguration of the Computer Association Activities 2014.
- Acted as a committee Coordinator for organizing the workshop for Google applications and android programming conducted by the Department of computer applications during March 6th 2014.
- Acted as a committee Coordinator for organizing the workshop for Google applications and Soft Skills conducted by the Department of computer applications during March 7th
- Acted as a committee coordinator for the Technical Symposium Cybercrest 2016 conducted during 16th March
- Coordinator for organizing the workshop Internet Of Things and Communication Skills”conducted by the Department of computer applications during 26th February
- Acted as a committee coordinator for the inauguration of the Computer Application Association Activities 2016.
- Coordinator for organizing the workshop Website Development and Soft skills ”conducted by the Department of computer applications during 1st March
- Committee Coordinator for organizing the workshop on “Android and iOS Programming” conducted by the Department of computer applications during 18th February
- Committee Coordinator for organizing the workshop on “Problem Solving and Soft skills” conducted by the Department of computer applications during 7th March
- Committee member to conduct the event WebDesign during the National Level Technical Symposium Crestech2017 conducted on 25th March 2017.
- Coordinator for organizing The Guest Lecture in the subject “Health care Analytics “ during April 2017.
- Acted as faculty incharge for the topic Operator Overloading in Object Oriented Programming as part of the QEEE initiative during February 2017 for a period of three days
- Organized a one day Guest Lecture On Internet Of Things during 2018
- Organized a Guest lecture on Object Oriented Analysis and Design during 2018
- Coordinated the Cybercrest technical symposium during April 2018
- Coordinator for the Career Guidance Programme for the final year UG students of the school and prefinal year MCA students on March 18th,2019
- Coordinated the Web Design Event for the Cybercrest technical symposium during March 12th, 2019.
- Organized a Guest lecture on Web Design for the even semester for MCA students during 2019.
- Conducted the Value added course on C and Cpp in coordination with IIT Bombay(Spoken tutorial) for the students during Jan 2019-May 2019.
- Conducted the Value added course on in coordination with IIT Bombay(Spoken tutorial) for the students during June 2019-December 2019.
- Conducted the Guest lecture on PHP basics and AJAX for second year MCA students on 10th April .
Additional Responsibilities
Department Level Responsibilities
- ISO Coordinator(2009-till date)
- Project Coordinator for Phase II-Section B.(2014), (2016-2018) Batch
- Class Advisor Batch (2010-2013) A and (2016-2018) Section B
- Department TCS-Ion Coordinator(208-2019)
- Department Bsc DAAC Coordinator(2017-2018)
- Internal DAAC member
- Programme Coordinator for the U.G course B.C.A.(CTIS)
- Department Research Scholars Coordinator(2015-till Date)
Institute Level Responsibilities
- ISO Internal Auditor From 2012-Till Date
- Committee Member during the Open House and Exhibition conducted in the University during2014, 2016.
- Seating Committee Member during the U.G.Convocation an PG convocation during 2014
- Discipline Committee during the Convocation Held During December 2018.
- Acted as the ISO Verification Auditor to support the MR-Office(2017-2018)
- Admission Related Activity (2016 to T0 2020)
- Involved in the Hospitality committee duty
- Involved in the University admission counseling duty
- Distributed Brochures at the schools located in Tambaram area as part of Admission Process
- Represented the University during the exhibition conducted at the Nandambakkam trade centre as part of Admission Process