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Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc, Ph.D, |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | hajarabeevi@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Backround
Programme | Discipline | University/Institution | Year |
Ph.D. | Environmental Chemistry | Anna University | 2008 |
M.Sc. | General Chemistry | S. Vellaichamy Nadar College Madurai Kamaraj University | 1992 |
B.Sc. | General Chemistry | V.V. Vannia Perumal Nadar College for Women , Madurai Kamaraj University | 1990 |
Academic Experience
Designation | Employer | Period |
Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 18.05.2012-till date |
Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 1.04.09- 17.05.2012 |
Assistant Professor (Selection. Grade) | B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College | 1.04.2008-31.03.2009 |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College | 2.02.2003-31.03.2008 |
Lecturer | Crescent Engineering College | 24.10.94-1.01.2003 |
NSS Programme coordinator | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 1.04.2013-till date |
NSS Programme Officer | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | 1.042009-31.03.2013 |
NSS Programme Officer | B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College | 1.04.2008-31.03.2009 |
Areas of Research Interest
- Environment Chemistry
- Corrosion Studies
Research Supervision
Course | Completed | Ongoing |
Ph.D. (B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute) | – | 4 |
International Journals
- S. Devasenan, N. Hajara Beevi and S. S. Jayanthi, “Green Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Nanoparticle Using Andrographis paniculata Leaf Extract”, Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 39(1), Pages: 243-247, 2016.
- S. Devasenan, N. Hajara Beevi and S. S. Jayanthi, “Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction Method and their Antimicrobial Activities”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol.9, Page 571-576, 2016.
- S.Devasenan, N.Hajara Beevi, S.S.Jayanthi, Synthesis and characterization of Copper Nanoparticles using Leaf Extract of Andrographis Paniculata and their Antimicrobial Activities., International Journal of ChemTech Research ,2016, Vol.9, Pages 725-730. 2016.
- N.Hajara Beevi, and K.Palanivelu, A Comparative Study on recovery of silk dyes Acid Red 10 B and Acid Pink BE by using Solvent extraction, Bulk Liquid membrane and Supported Liquid Membrane through tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, special issue 1, pp21-26,2015.
- J.Wilson Sahayaraj, Renin, T.S.Muthumegala, A. Krishnaveni, N. Hajara beevi, V.Sribarathy and S. Rajendran, “ Corrosion Behavior Of Electrochemically Modified Carbon Steel In 3.5 % Sodium Chloride Solution”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 4 (2) (2011), 183-187.
- S.Rajendran, T.S. Muthumegala, M. Pandiarajan, P. Nithya devi, A. Krishnaveni, J.Jeyasundari, b. Narayana samy, N. Hajara beevi, “Corrosion resistance of SS316L in simulated concrete pore solution in presence of trisodium citrate”, Zaštita Materijala, 52 (2011), 85-89.
- S.Rajendran, T.S.Muthumegala, A.Krishnaveni, M.Manivannan, B.Shyamaladevi, B.Narayana Samy, N.Hajara Beevi, A.Leema Rose, “Corrosion behavior of mild steel in simulated concrete pore solution” , Zastita Materijala, 52, (2011), 35-41.
- V.Johnsirani , S. Rajendran, J. Sathiyabama , T.S. Muthumegala , A.Krishnaveni3 , N. Hajara Beevi, Inhibitive action of malachite green-Zn2+ system, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 44, 41 – 51, 2012.
- N.Hajara Beevi, Mohammed Bilal I, D. Easwaramoorthy and K.Palanivelu, Facilitated transport of cationic dyes through supported liquid membrane with D2EHPA as carrier, Desalination, Vol.245, 19-27, 2009.
- N.Hajarabeevi, D. Easwaramoorthi and K.Palanivelu, “Recovery of Acid Red 10 B and Acid Pink BE silk dyes by bulk liquid membrane using tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier.” Oriental Journal Of Chemistry, 2007, Vol(23) pp155-160.
National Journals
- S. Devasenan and N. Hajarabeevi, Two days National conference on Green synthesis and characterization of zinc nanoparticles using Andrographis Paniculata leaf extract (GCSE 2016) at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai 600 048, August 2-3, 2016.
- Hajara Beevi N, Mohammed Bilal I., Amalraj S and Palanivelu K, Textile anionic dyes recovery using tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier through supported liquid membrane, Environmental Science and Engineering, 49, pp.33-40, (2007). (i.f. 1.78).
- Palanivelu K, Hajara Beevi N and Mohammed Bilal I., “Solvent extraction of Silk dyes acid red 10b and acid pink using tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier”, Indian Chemical Engineer -Section A, 48 (3), 154-159 pp. (2006).
Papers Presented in International Conferences
- N.Hajara Beevi, and K.Palanivelu, A Comparative Study on recovery of silk dyes Acid Red 10 B and Acid Pink BE by using Solvent extraction, Bulk Liquid membrane and Supported Liquid Membrane through tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier, Sathyabama University, March,26-27,2015.
- N.Hajarabeevi, and K.Palanivelu, “A Comparative study on recovery of silk dye Acid Pink BE by using solvent Extraction, BLM and SLM through tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier” International Conference on “Green Chemistry and sustainable Environment (GCASE 2010)” organized by PG Department of Chemistry, Holy Cross College at Tiruchirappalli, 7-8, July 2010.
- N. Hajarabeevi and K. Palanivelu”, “A Comparative Study on recovery of silk dye Acid Red 10 B by using Solvent extraction, Bulk liquid membrane and supported liquid membrane through tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier”, International Conference on “Changing Environmental Trends and Sustainable Development” at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology , Hisar (Haryana) , February 9-11,2009.
- Facilitated Transport of Silk Dye Acid Red 10 b Through Bulk Liquid Membrane Using Tri-N-Butyl Phosphate As Carrier, Hajara Beevi N, Sindu Jeyakumar., Mohammed Bilal I and Palanivelu K, Intl. Conf. on Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Management (ICCTEM 07), Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry Jan. 4-6, 2007.
National Conferences
- N. Hajarabeevi, Sindhu Jeyakumar, I. Mohammed Bilal and K. Palanivelu, “Kinetic modeling of anionic dye acid red 10-B transport by bulk liquid membrane using tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier” National Conference on Applied Mathematics” in BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai 600 048, January 3-4, 2008.
- N. Hajarabeevi, I. Mohammed Bilal and K. Palanivelu, “A Comparative Study on recovery of silk dye Acid Pink BE by using Solvent extraction and Bulk liquid membrane through tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier”, National Conference on “Application oriented materials 07” at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, August 14, 2007.
- N. Hajarabeevi and K. Palanivelu, “Textile anionic silk dye Acid Pink BE recovery through Supported liquid membrane”, National Conference on “CONFLUENCE-2007” at KCT College, coimbatore 2-3, 2007.
- N.Hajarabeevi, I.Mohammed Bilal, D.Easwaramoorthi and K. Palanivelu, “Removal of cationic dye Rhodamine B through supported liquid membrane with D2EHPA as carrier”, National Conference on Holistic water resources management, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai 600 048, December 1, pp.83-86, 2006.
- N.Hajarabeevi, I. Mohammed Bilal, D. Easwaramoorthi and K. Palanivelu, “Removal of cationic dye Methyl Violet through supported liquid membrane with D2EHPA as carrier and vegetable oil as a diluent”, State level seminar on Emerging Trends in Chemistry (SLSETC 2006), PG & Research Department of Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, March 9-10, 2006.
- N. Hajarabeevi, I. Mohammed Bilal, P. Venkateswaran and K. Palanivelu, ”Extraction and Stripping study of acid red 10 B and acid pink silk dyes using tri-n-butyl phosphate as carrier”, National Conference on “Pollution abatement through Technology Development” at Anna University, Chennai, 18-19
- Silver Jubilee Celebration Award in Feb 2011 for the excellent service rendered for more than 15 years.
- Awarded as the best NSS Programme officer by Anna University. Received Best NSS Unit award for the year 2010-2011.