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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,.M.E.,Ph.D |
Date of Joining | : | 16-Jun-14 |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347,48,50(Office) |
Email ID | : | dineshauto@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | University |
M.E | Automobile Engineering | Anna University |
B.E | Automobile Engineering | Anna University |
Ph.D | Automotive Safety | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology |
Areas Of Research Interest
- Automotive safety
- Vehicle comfort system and Ergonomics
- Automotive Electrical systems
- Automotive Transmission
Working Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of years |
Assistant Professor | BSACIST | June 16, 2014 | Till date |
Research publications:
- C.Dineshkumar, P.D.Jeyakumar, Effect of novel intake manifold design and investigation of diesel engine operating on different alternative fuels.Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, springer, April 2021, Impact factor-(4.6)
- C Dineshkumar, P.D.Jeyakumar, Assessment on performance and emission characteristics of CRDI engine fueled with ethanol/diesel blend in addition with EGR. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, springer, 2021 (accepted), impact factor-(4.6)
- Dineshkumar C, Jeyakumar P.D., Mohamed Asarudeen B., Mohamed Uvaize G., Ahamed Kabeer A.K. (2021), “Safety-Enhanced Driver Condition Monitoring System for Preventing Road Accidents in Automobile. In: Ganippa L., Karthikeyan R., Muralidharan V. (eds)” Advances in Design and Thermal Systems. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore.
- C Dineshkumar, CK Arvinda Pandian, TR Tamilarasan, “Active safety enhanced braking system with driver condition monitoring for passenger vehicles” AIP Conference proceedings, Volume 2283, Issue1, Publisher – AIP Publishing LLC, 29/10/2020
- Dineshkumar C, “Security and Privacy Preserving for Patient’s E-Health Care Applications”, Test Engineering and management system, Volume 82, Page No.1781-1786, February 2020.
- Dineshkumar C, “Analysis of thermal, dynamic and mechanical properties of hybrid alovera/hemp FRE bio-composites”, Materials Today, Elsevier, December 2019.
- Dineshkumar C “On board Driver Monitoring System with Safety Enhanced Brake System” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S3, September 2019.
- Dineshkumar C “Generation Of Electrical Energy For Charging 0f a Battery By Using Exhaust Gas Energy” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-10 August 2019.
- Dineshkumar C “Automatic Emergency Braking System using Hydraulic Actuator for Preventing Road Accidents” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August, 2019.
- DINESHKUMAR C, Subramanian M, “Experimental investigation of onboard driver condition monitoring system for passenger vehicles” . International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018, 01-09, Article ID: IJMET_06_07_001.
- DINESHKUMAR C, Subramanian M “Automotive braking system for passenger vehicle to Enhance safety” – International journal of pure and applied mathematics. Volume 117 No. 20 2017, 1011-1020. Dec 2017.
- DINESHKUMAR C, Subramanian M, 3Jenorish Muthaya, 4Deepan V.-“Health monitoring system for Automobile vehicles to enhance safety”. ISSN 09753040 -International journal of Vehicle structure and systems. Volume 10, Issue 6.Jan 2019.
- DINESH KUMAR C, Jenoris muthiya -“Pollution control in gasoline engine using metal catalytic converter” International journal of pure and applied mathematics. Volume 119 No. 7 2018, 1235-1242, 2018.
- DINESHKUMAR C, Deepan –“ Motorcycle rider fatigue Analyse: Results of an Online Survey”International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001 Vol. 8, Issue 2, Apr 2018, 509-516.
- DINESHKUMAR C, “Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System” International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue XII, December/2018 (ISSN NO: 2249-7455).
- DINESHKUMAR C “Clustering of Storing Sensitive Data by Using Cloud System Technology, “International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN: 2348-4039 & Management Technology September-2018 Volume 5, Issue-5.
Book Series
- Dineshkumar C, (2021) Development of Onboard Engine Management System—Prediction of Oil Degradation. In: Ganippa L., Karthikeyan R., Muralidharan V. (eds) Advances in Design and Thermal Systems. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore
International / National conference
- Inbanathan P V, Tamilarasan U, Venkatesh Prasanna B R, Dineshkumar C, Kiran S “Characteristics Assessment On Riveted, Bonded And Hybrid Joints Using Gfrp composites”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing (ICRADMM 2020) 15th and 16th October 2020
- DINESHKUMAR C “Active Safety Enhanced Braking System with Driver Condition Monitoring for Passenger Vehicles” International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Chennai, December 2019
- DINESHKUMAR C “Onboard Driver Monitoring System with Safety Enhanced Brake System” International Conference on Trends in Information Management Engineering and Sciences (ICTIMES 2018- 28th December).
- DINESHKUMAR C ”Cardiac pulse sensitive of on-board Diagnosis Monitoring system for Automobile”. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2018) January 3-5, 2018.
- DINESHKUMAR C “Automatic Sensing and Tracking Technology by Using Global Positioning System” 4th International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM- 16 December 2018).
- DINESHKUMAR C “Automotive braking system for commercial vehicle to Enhance safety”. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications (ICAIEA 2018) January 3-5, 2018.
- DINESHKUMAR C “Design and development of onboard driver monitoring system to passenger vehicles. International conference of advance in Design, materials, manufacturing and surface engineering for mobility. (ADMMS) July 19-21, 2017.
- DINESHKUMAR C “Charging of battery using exhaust gas energy” on NCIME 14 – Gojan School of Business & Technology Chennai. 2014.
- DINESHKUMAR C “Turbo battery charging system using exhaust gas energy”-Eswari Engineering College Chennai.2014.
- DINESHKUMAR C “Design & Development of Hybrid two wheeler“- Sri Krishna College of Engineering Technology Coimbatore. 2014.
- PATENT 1- DINESHKUMAR C, “A System and Method for Automatic Braking of Automobiles in Response to Driver Health Emergencies” (Application no-202141042920), (Hearing completed-INDIAN PATENT).
- PATENT 2– DINESHKUMAR C, “Machine learning in health care model”- (Application number- 2021104206) –
- PATENT 3 – DINESHKUMAR C, “Design and development of automatic receding of power windows during an emergency situation”, (Application no-201941004684) PUBLISHED- INDIAN PATENT).
- PATENT 4 – DINESHKUMAR C, “Active Enhanced Brake system for Automobile” (Application No- 201941042367).
- PATENT 5 – DINESHKUMAR C, “Design and application for eye guard material”, (Application number- 346196-001).
- PATENT 6 – DINESHKUMAR C, “Automatic Hand brake release during ignition” (Application No- 201941042366).
- Participated in Two weeks National level virtual faculty development program on advanced materials and manufacturing technology, September, 2021
- Participated in one week international level virtual faculty development program on Trends in Automotive Technology, may, 2021
- Participated in 6 days international faculty development program on trends in automotive technology, jointly organised by wollo University, Medi-caps University, sathyabama University, May 2021
- Participated in 6 days International faculty development program on additives manufacturing conducted by chennai institute of technology, chennai, June 2021
- Participated in the international conference on advances in design materials, manufacturing and surface engineering for mobility at BSA Crescent University Chennai 19-21 July 2017.
- Participated champion leadership workshop conducted by Society of automobile engineering southern section, Chennai on 16th and 17th July 2016
- Participated six days faculty development program on engineering thermodynamics organized by department of automobile engineering B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 18th July to 23rd July 2016.
- Participated six days faculty development program on fluid mechanics conducted by aerospace engineering B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 27 June-July 2, 2016.
- Participated six days faculty development program on solid mechanics organized by department of mechanical engineering B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from June 20-25, 2016.
- Participated workshop on Mobility safety held on 8th September 2015 at B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Successfully completed training in Ansys design modeler and mechanical as a part of faculty development program from 4th – 8th may 2015 in B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Completed training in Ansys design modeler meshing and fluent al as a part of faculty development program from 18th – 23rd May 2015 in B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Participated six days faculty development program on Engineering Graphs organized by department of mechanical engineering B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from July 08 -12, 2014.
- Attended six days induction training program organized by faculty training academy B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 30th June to 7th July, 2014.
Additional Responsibilities
- Electric vehicle lab coordinator
- Alumni coordinator
- Board of studies member
- Curriculum development member
- Automotive electrical laboratory In charge
- Vehicle maintenance laboratory In charge
- Higher education In charge
- Class adviser
- Faculty Advisor
- Symposium coordinator
- Department purchase committee member
- Redo coordinator
- Timetable coordinator
- DAAC member