![]() |
Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,.M.E,.Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347,48,50 (Office) |
Email ID | : | sabiyathfathima@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Qualifications
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Computer Science and Engineering | 2014 | Anna university, Chennai |
M.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2002 | Madras university, Chennai |
B.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2001 | Madras university, Chennai |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | August 2016 to till date | Till date |
Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology | May 2014 To July 2016 | 2 years & 2 months |
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology | April 2009 To April 2014 | 5 years & 1 month |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Engg. College | December 2008 To March 2009 | 4 months |
Lecturer | B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Engg. College | January 2003 To November 2008 | 5 years & 11 months |
Teaching Assistant | Crescent Engg. College | June 2002 To December 2002 | 6 months |
Lecture Courses
- Internet Technologies
- Content Management and Web Publishing
- Business Intelligence
- Computer Security
- Computer Networks and Management
- Software Design and Architecture
- IT Systems Management
- Distributed Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Programming
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Wireless Networks
- Big Data Analytics
- Automated web design and code generation using deep learning, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, ISSN: 1309-4653, 12(6), pp. 364-373, ,2021
- Cross-Language based multi-document summarization model using machine learning technique, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, ISSN:1309-4653, 12(6), pp. 331-335, 2021
- Ensembling of text and images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Intelligent Information Retrieval, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, ISSN: s11277-021-08211-x, 2021 (SCI and Scopus indexed). Impact Factor : 1.061
- An Art of Review on Conceptual based Information Retrieval, Webology, ISSN: 1735-188X Volume 18, Number 1, 2021 (Scopus indexed).
- Context Aware Data Fusion on Massive IOT Data in Dynamic IOT Analytics , Webology, ISSN: 1735-188X Volume 17, Number 2, 2020 (Scopus indexed).
- Enhanced Intrusion Detection Technique with Ip Traceback, Gedrag & Organisatie Review, ISSN:0921-5077,volume 33 : issue 04, 2020.Web of Science (SCI indexed)
- Swarm intelligence clustering ensemble based point of interest recommendation for social cyber-physical systems, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,ISSN1064-1246(Print) ISSN 1875-8967 (Online), IOS Press, Vol 36, no.5, pp.4349-4360, 2019 . (SCI and Scopus indexed)
- An Effective (FD-E-TOHIP) Fault Detection Enabled E-TOHIP for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645,Vol 9, 40,2016. (Scopus indexed).
- Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645,Vol 9, 30,2016. (Scopus indexed).
- Security Enhancement in MANET Using A New Enhanced Topology Hiding Multipath Routing Protocol(E-TOHIP), International journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 , Vol 10, No.20, 17928-17933, 2015. (Scopus indexed).
- Collision Optimized Broadcast Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN 0975 – 8887, Vol 119, No.5, pp.9-13, 2015.
- Efficient Data Replication and Consistency Maintenance Scheme For MANETs, Information Technology Journal, ISSN 1812-5638, Vol 12, No.4, 648-6558, 2013.
- Efficient Data Accessibility Using TTL Based Caching Strategy In MANET , European Journal of Scientific Research(EJSR) ISSN 1450-216X, Vol.69, No.1, pp.21-32, 2012.
- A Hybrid Cache Invalidation Technique for Data Consistency in MANET, International Journal of Computer Applications ISSN 0975 – 8887, Vol 16, 5, pp. 40-44, 2011.
- IoT Enabled Smart Farming and Irrigation System, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS 2021), ISBN: 978-0-7381-1326-5, IEEE Xplore, pp.437-443, (Scopus indexed)
- Maximum Entropy Principle based Document Ranking with Term Selection Analysis for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval” , Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks [ICICV 2021] , ISBN: 978-1-7281-7088-6 , IEEE Xplore, pp.1399-1405, 2021(Scopus indexed)
- Collaborative Text and Image based Information Retrieval Model using BiLSTM and Residual Networks” , Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems , ISBN: 978-1-7281-7088-6 , IEEE Xplore, pp.1399-1405, 2020 (Scopus indexed)
- Enhanced Performance of Android Application using Recycler View , springer -3rd International Conference On Advanced Computing & Intelligent Engineering , Proc. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series of Springer, ISSN 2194-5365 ISBN 978-981-15-1483-8,189-200, Volume 1089, 2018.
- A Security Enabled Authentication Processing Time Reduction In Distributed Cloud Computing, Proc. International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS’16, ISBN: 978-1-4673-8207-6, pp. 236-240, 2016.
- Reverse Auction to Trade Unused Cloud Computing Resources, Proc. International Conference on Innovations in information Embedded and Communication Systems, ICIIECS’16, ISBN: 978-1-4673-8207-6, pp. 548-552, 2016.
- Security Enhancement in MANET Using A New Enhanced Topology Hiding Multipath Routing Protocol(E-TOHIP), IEEE sponsored 2nd International Conference on Innovations in information embedded and communication systems, ICIIECS’15, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6816-9, pp. 687-691, 2015.
- Effective Broadcast Scheduling In Wireless Sensor Network By Optimization Of Latency, 11th IRF International Conference on Computer science and Mechanical Engineering, IRAJ Research Forum, ISBN: 978-93-84209-90-2, pp. 75-79, 2015.
- Energy Efficient And Reliable Data Delivery Scheme For MANET, Proc. International Conference on Green Technology In Engineering And Applied Sciences, ICGTEAS’13, pp.77-81, March 2013.
- A Novel Dynamic Cache Invalidation Algorithm for Efficient Data Dissemination In MANET, Proc. The Third International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks, WiMoN-2011, appeared in Springer (LNCS) inCommunications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Series, Springer –Verlag, ISBN 1865-0929, chapter 15-17, pp.285-297, July 2011.
- Enhanced Adaptive Data Cache Invalidation Approach For Mobile Ad Hoc Network, Proc. Third International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, ICECT 2011, appeared in IEEE Xplore, ISBN 978-1-4244-8677-9, V6 76-V6 81, April 2011 .
- A position based approach for reliable data transfer in mobile adhoc networks, Proc. National Conference on Emerging trends in information & communication Technologies, 2012.
- Deep Learning Techniques for Melanoma Segmentation using Conventional Neural Network, Machine Learning and Applications, Dipti Press, ISBN: 978-93-86923-47-9, 2020
- Working on a consultancy project for Attiser Automations on Robotic Automation.
- Attended a one week faculty development programme on open source tools for data analytics held during 24-28 May 2021
- Attended a one week STTP on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques30th Nov to 05th December 2020 organized by AICTE
- Attended a one week National Level FDP on Android App using Kotlin during 10-16 August 2020 organized by IIT-Bombay.
- Attended a two week faculty development programme on Application of Moodle LMS held during 11 -25 June 2020 organized by ISTE.
- Attended a one week training programme on HTML held during 20th July to 24th April 2020 organized by IIT Bombay
- Attended a one week faculty development programme on “Programming For Deep Learning And Machine Learning Algorithms held during 2nd April to 7th April 2020 organized by Chase Technologies
- Attended a faculty development programme on Design And Implementation Of Deep Learning In Cloud held during 13-15 Nov 2019 organized by SRM Institute Of Science & Technology
- Attended a training programme on Ruby held during 7th July to 11th Nov 2019 organized by IIT Bombay
- Attended a one week faculty development programme on IBM software training – “DevOps, Agile Software Development andIBMDesign Thinking” held during July 1 to July 5,2019 organized by IBM.
- Attended a one week training programme on Academic leadership held during 1st April to 7th April 2019 organized by MHRD.
- Attended a one week faculty development programme on IBM software training – IBM CE Enablement Program-DBMS held during 2nd July to 6th July 2018 organized by IBM.
- Attended a two week faculty development programme on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process (FDP201X) held during 10th May to 17th June 2018 organized by IITBombay
- Attended a two week faculty development programme on Foundation Program in ICT for Education (FDP101X)held during 16th March to 20th April 2018 organized by IITBombay.
- Attended a one week faculty development programme on Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research held during 31st July to 5th August 2017 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a faculty development programme on Introduction to Mobile App development held during 30th and 31st January 2017 (2 days) organized by ICT Academy, Chennai.
- Attended a two week faculty development programme on Teaching and Learning held during June 29-July 11, 2015 (13 days)(Two weeks)organized by Faculty Training Academy, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a ISTE sponsored short term training programme (STTP) on cloud Infrastructure and Services held during 22-26 June 2015(One week) at RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a Methodology workshop on “Simulation Of Self-Organized Networks” held during Feb 19-21,2015 at Saveetha University, Chennai.
- Attended a faculty training programme on Linux BOSS MOOL operating system held during Feb 16-18, 2015 organized by CDAC & B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a faculty training programme on Enterprise Architect System design modeling toolset held during Nov 17-21, (One week) 2014, organized by SPARX Systems & B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a Methodology workshop on “Mining Big Data in Social Media and Web” held during August 27-28, 2014 at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended workshop on spring boot with MANGODB Connectivity13,14 July 2020.
- Attended one day workshop on the topic “A Systematic Software Based Approach to Implement Outcome Based Education to achieve Excellence leading to Accreditation readiness through IonCUDOS” on 24th April 2020 , organized by Ionidea.
- Attended one day workshop on the topic “Future of AI inspired by Customer Use Cases for AI-ML” during April 9,2020 organized by ICT Academy.
- Attended a Training on Academic Procedure & Mentoring Counselling on Oct 17, 2019 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Attended three day workshop on “Writing quality research articles”, during July 20-22 2018 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Attended one day workshop on “Scratch Programming”, on 21st July 2017 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Applied Machine Learning”, on 10th August 2017 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a workshop on “Focus Mind” for women on 16th February 2018 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a workshop on “Fuel Conservation”, on 8th March 2018 organized by, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Capacity Building of Women in Higher Education”, on 1st April 2017 organized by Women empowerment cell, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Big data Analytics (Cloudera) and Python programming” on 18th March 2017 organized by Dept of CSE, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a workshop on “Preparing video lectures using Camptasia Tool”, on 11th October 2016 organized by Dept of CSE, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day methodology workshop on “Traits of Quality Research” on 3rd December 2016 organized by B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended two days workshop on “Recent Research Techniques in Wireless Communication and Networks” held during 8th and 9th February 2016 organized by Dept of ECE and National Instruments, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Women Academic Managers: Challenges And Approaches” held on 29th April 2015 at B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day awareness workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” held on 29th August 2015 organized by Dept of CSE in collaboration with Academic Research B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Big Data HADOOP with Cloud Computing” held on 25th June 2015 at Sunlite Software Solutions, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “How to write a research paper” on 26th August 2014 at B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Google Application” held on 27th Dec 2013 at B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Touch on cloud” on 6thDec 2012 organized by Dept of CSE, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day workshop on “Excellence in academic performance and leadership skills” held on 6th July 2012 organized by Dept of CSE , B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended one day webinar on enhancing research effectiveness using Scopus, Science direct and Mendeley – Elsevier – MHRD1 on May 2020
- Attended one day webinar on “Stress Management.” on April 12,2020 organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Attended a one week training programme on “Illustration And Infographic Software Tools For Sci – Journal Writing” held during 2 – 6 December 2019 organized by Chase Technologies
- Attended the preconference guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in IT” in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics (RTCSM) during April 04-05, 2019.
- Attended the preconference guest lectures in two Day International Symposium on “Artificial Intelligence – The Future Disruptive Technology” on 6 & 7, November 2017.
- Attended a guest lecture on “Hands-on Experience sharing on writing Funded proposals to Agencies” held on 24th December 2015 organized by B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended the preconference guest lectures in the “Third International conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks” (WIMON 2011) 15-17 July 2011 at Chennai, India
- Attended the preconference guest lectures in the “International conference on Network and computer science” (ICNCS 2011) 8-10 April 2011 at Kanyakumari, India
- Attended webinar on Industry integrated teaching and mentoring (IIT-IIM) held during 10,11 June 2020.
- Attended a webinar on ”Data visualization using Tableau software” on April 30,2020 organized by Brain Swig Edu Tech Pvt ltd, Chennai
- Attended a one week training programme on Patent Drafting And Filing held during 24- 28, August 2019 organized by Chase Research & Development Solutions
- Attended a seminar on IOT and its applications on 21st October 2016 organized by Dept of CSE, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a seminar on “Mind Matters Yoga training programme” held on 21st January 2016 organized by Physical Education Department, Women empowerment cell and Sexual harassment cell, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a seminar on “Self Defence Training Programme for Women” held on 7th August 2015 organized by the Department of Physical Education, B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a seminar on “how to do Ph.D to an international standard – an international perspective & how to publish articles in peer viewed journals” held on 5th August 2013 at B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Attended a seminar on “Best Teaching Practices” held on 22 Nov 2012 organized by Dept of CSE at B.S.AbdurRahman Crescent Institute Of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Organized a webinar on “Blockchain Technology” on 16th March 2021.
- Organized AICTE sponsored STTP on “IOT -Everything Future” during 24.8.2020 to 29.8.2020 and 7.9.2020 to 12.9.2020.
- Organized webinar on “Introduction to data science” on 21st May 2020
- Organized a special guest lecture on Emerging Trends in IoT on 29th February 2020.
- Organized a training programme on mobile application development on 29th January 2020
- Organized a National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics(RTCSM) during April 04-05, 2019.
- Organized a one day Interactive Session for Pre-School Educators on Reggio Emilia Approach of Imparting Education with the resource person Mrs.Penelope C Fahlman (Penny) on 6th November, 2017.
- Organized one day workshop on “Big data Analytics (Cloudera) and Python programming” on 18th March 2017.
- Organized two days workshop on “Challenges and Solutions in Network security” during 18-19 Oct 2012.
- Organized a guest lecture on “Testing object oriented software” on 26th Aug 2012.
- Organized a seminar on “Opportunities for Higher studies” on 21st June 2011.
- Resource person for the Guest Lecture on Research challenges in Journal club during 2019
- Resource person for the Guest Lecture In National Workshop NS2 for Wired and Wireless Networks at University college of Engineering, Kancheepuram, Anna University during 2018.
- Resource person for the three days workshop on “Recent trends in MANET” sponsored by AICTE during May 2010.
- Resource person for the Talent transformation programme for the WIPRO Tech., Chennai during May 2009.
- Resource person for the Campus connect programme for the INFOSYS Tech., Chennai during May 2008.
- Obtained Award of Appreciation for conducting the value added course on RUBY with IIT Bombay 2019-2020
- Obtained cash award for research publication under research incentive scheme during 2016
- Obtained Certificate of Appreciation for having produced excellent academic results in the courses Data warehousing and Datamining (2008 & 2009), Internet Programming (2008 & 2009) and Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (2008).
- Obtained International Certification (MCTS 70431-Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Maintenance And Implementation during Dec 2007.
- Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) ( M-1600324)
- Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE Membership No:116515)
- Member of International Association Of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Membership No: 80340567)
- Member of International Association Of Engineers ( IAENG Membership No: 109518)
- Member of the IRED–Institute Of Research Engineers and Doctors (UACEE Membership No: SNM1010002786)
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT)
- International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA)
- National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics conducted by SCIMS, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during April 4th and 5th 2019
- 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC 2017) conducted by MIT Campus, Anna University from Dec 14th 2017 to Dec 16th 2017
- Submitted a project proposal for project development scheme to DIT titled “Bus Tracking System Using AVL for Mathur village (Rural Areas)” under scheme of Science And Engineering Research Council on 13th Feb 2012.
- Submitted a project proposal for E-Content development scheme titled “Development of E-Content On High End Computing’ under UGC scheme on 9th Feb 2012.
- Proctorial Board Member
- Programme co-ordinator-B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence And Data Science
- Institution Admission Co-ordinator
- Member of Board of Studies
- Faculty Advisor(U.G(2012 – 2016), U.G(2017-2021))
- Anti- ragging squad
- Internal Auditor for Labs
- Lab In charge for UG project lab
- Co-ordinator for stock verification
- Committee Member for Monitoring the smooth conduct of classes
- Board Of Studies Co-ordinator
- Department Academic Audit Committee member
- Project Review Committee Member
- Project Coordinator
- Co-ordinator for Parent –Teacher Meet
- Staff Incharge for Flexible M.Tech Admissions
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of Open Day Programme
- Member of Industry Institute Interaction meet
- Staff Incharge of CSE stall for Open House Exhibition
- Research Supervisor( Recognition No : CS/15/12 )
- Doctoral Committee Member
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of University Admissions
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of NBA for M.Tech CSE.
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of NBA for B.Tech CSE.
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department symposium Arcane
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department events Extra Curricular Meet and Talent Hunt
- Co-ordinator for Curriculum development for UG & PG programmes
- Class Committee Chairperson
- Class Advisor(U.G(2004-2008),U.G(2008-2012), P.G(2013-2015), P.G(2020-2022))
- Co-ordinator for NBA for M.Tech(SE) Programme
Areas of Research Interest
International Journals :
International Conferences / Seminars / Workshops:
National Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
Book Chapter Published:
Faculty Development Programme details :
Workshops Attended:
Guest Lectures Attended :
Seminars Attended :
Conference / FDP / Workshops Conducted:
Special Lectures Delivered:
Awards and Recognition:
Membership in Professional Bodies:
Reviewer for Journals and Conferences
Project Proposals Submitted
Additional Responsibilities