Events 2018-2019
Events 2018-2019
International Yoga Day Celebration at our Institution
The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga, a physical, mental and spiritual practice, as “International Yoga Day Celebration” conducted in our institute on June 21, 2019. Yoga awareness programme has been conducted successfully.
We thank our management, VC sir and registrar sir for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to conduct this event.
Eclectic HR CONFAB’19
Organized by HR & Faculty Training Academy In collaboration with Department of Commerce ,Crescent Innovation Incubation Council (CIIC) Training and Placement Cell Of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
In Day-1 IHRC (International HR Confab) our participant are HR heads, staffing managers, CEO Coaches, B-School & engineering graduates, employees across sectors, social skilling organizations and government organizations promoting skills & development will discuss various issues around Gender Diversity in corporate sectors and management education.
Various Topics were discussed by the eminent panel members,
- Leadership and EQ
- Work Place Divergence – Fight for talent and policies and culture
- Misogynic behavior @ workplace
- Gross National Happiness as Human Holistic Development
- Addressing organizational politics positively and micro-aggression behavior
- C2C (Campus to Corporate)/ Industry expectation
More than 75 participants including corporate HR’s, Faculties ,Research Scholars, Industrialists and Students were participated and got benefited.
In Day-2 ICC (International Commerce Confab) is organized for teaching fraternity and Emerging Research Scholars.
Theme of the Conference Coined as “Recent trends in business & commerce”
The “International Confab on Emerging Trends in Business Management” aims to provide a forum for the exchange of new ideas and interactions in the areas of Commerce, Business and other social sciences through discussions with the peers from around the world. Accessing the need of entrepreneurship and new business start-ups for building an ecosystem to facilitate start-ups requires concerted and coordinated holistic effort.
More Than 30 participants presented papers and panel discussion by eminent speakers were also conducted during the course of the programme.
Crescent – MEP Job Fair 2019 held on 15th June 2019
The Industry Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC) of BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology organized a mega Crescent “MEP Job Fair 2019” on 15th June 2019 exclusively for the Mechanical, Electrical and Civil students of experienced and 2019 batch passed out. 2700 candidates had participated out of the 4600 registered candidates from all over South India. Finally, the offer letter distributed to 628 candidates by companies.
As per the direction of our Vice Chancellor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, this mega “CRESCENT MEP Job Fair 2019” was conducted with the leading 40+ core companies participating from across India. This is the first time in Tamil Nadu that such a job fair is being organized by the core industry to provide the employment opportunity for all the students.
Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BSACIST, inaugurated the mega MEP Job Fair 2019 and expressed his appreciation and motivated the participants. Dr. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar, in his Felicitation address complemented all for organizing this Job Fair. Dr. K. Ganesh, Director, Placement & Training Cell welcomed all the participants and the HR team along with all the dignitaries to the Job Fair. Mr. Majety Chakradhar, Founder – CEO, Dhanush Engineering Services India Pvt. Ltd, delivered the keynote address.
AICTE Sponsored Student Induction Programme (SIP)-Level 1 @ B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during 20th May to 26th May 2019
The training session was handled by resource Person, Professor Ranjani Parthasarathi. More Than 50 Faculties across the country participated from various institutions and got benefited. 7 faculty members have participated from our institute and One faculty acted as a observer Dr.Karthikeyan from Life sciences. These Trained Faculties will be conducting the Induction programme for the students who will be joining fresh this academic year 2019-20.
Two days Workshop on CAD/CAE on 6th & 7th May 2019
The Department of Mechanical Engineering conducted a two days workshop on “CAD/CAE” for the faculty members of the School of Mechanical Sciences during 6th and 7th May 2019. Dr. P D Jeyakumar, Associate Professor and Dr. A. Arockia Julias, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) of the department coordinated the program. We thank the Management, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Director Hr and Dean School of Mechanical sciences for providing all the support to conduct the program successfully.
Crescent FTA team in Association with ECE department organized a Two Day Hands-on FDP “Applications of image processing using MATLAB” on 02/05/2019 & 03/05/2019
The training session was handled by three eminent trainers of ECE department, Ms.Padmausha, Ms.Anuradha, Ms.Rafiammal and with able support of Dean School of electrical science Dr.Kaja Mohideen and Head of the department Dr.Tharini. Faculties from various departments such as ECE,EIE,CSE,IT,CA,MATHS,POLYMER,CHEMISTRY participated in the training and Full-Time Research Scholars from various discipline were also actively participated in the Hands-on Training. On the whole more than 30 participants attended the training and got benefited.
Crescent FTA team organized a Series of One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs” for all faculties and Administrative employees
Crescent FTA team organized a Series of One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs” for all faculties and Administrative employees in the following areas, Building Confidence, Communication Skill, Listening Skill, Proactive response, Time Management, Relationship Management, Success Strategies. The One Week Training programme conducted in 4 slots. Training offered for 60 minutes every day. Trainer for the programme is Mr.R.T.Narendra – Professor, Crescent School of Business. Mr.Narendra is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, having more than 4 decades of experience in the industry as HR. Faculties from all the departments are actively participated in the training session. This training programme is also conducted to hostel student’s. 12 student’s attended the training expecting for more participants for remaining slots..
Food Adulteration Awareness programme conducted on Arpil 12th 2019
Food adulteration awareness programme has been conducted on April 12th 2019 at BSA Crescent Institute of science and Technology with the association of the Tamil Nadu Food Safety department. various food items samples were displayed in the campus in order to provide the awareness about the good and non good food items. many students and faculties from the institute utilised the opportunity, and they informed that the activity was very much useful for them
Lok Sabha Election orientation Programme on April 9th, 2019
The general election duty orientation programme has been conducted among the NSS volunteers on 9th April 2019. Around 50 students from the crescent institute has been appointed in election duty. The Circle Inspector from Otteri police station has been delivered the lecture on awareness of election system and its importance of free and fair election in our country. Dr. D Ayoob Khan Dawood, NSS Co-ordinator has been present with Mr. Suresh Babu, deputy resgistrar of the Institute. NSS programme officers were also present in the programme.
Two day International workshop on “Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure”
Two day International workshop on “Smart and Sustainable Green Infrastructure” organised by School of Infrastructure in association with Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia and supported by MIROS (Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research) during April 3rd and 4th 2019
Crescent FTA team in Association with EEE department organized a One Day Hands-on FDP “Usage of Raspberry Pi in Machine Learning Environment” on 03/04/2019
The training session was handled by Dr.Y. Mohamed Shuaib Head of the Department EEE- Handled Introductory Session on machine Learning and Mr.Paramasivam Handled Hands-on Session on Importance of Raspberry PI in Machine Learning Environment. Faculties from various departments such as ECE, EIE, CSE, IT, CA, MBA, POLYMER participated in the training and Full-Time Research Scholars from various discipline were also actively participated in the Hands-on Training. On the whole more than 30 participants attended the training and got benefited.
World Water Day on 22 March 2019
Department of civil engineering celebrated world water day on 22 March 2019. A lecture on “Climate change and water security” delivered by Dr. E.Arun Babu, Assistant professor (selection grade), Centre for water resources, Anna university
Crescent FTA team organized a One Week training programme on “Softskill training for staffs”
Crescent FTA team organized a One Week training programme on” Softskill training for staffs” for 2 more batches faculties in the following areas, Building Confidence, Communication Skill, Listening Skill, Proactive response
Time Management, Relationship Management, Success Strategies, The One Week Training programme for 2 batches conducted from (19/3/2019 to 25/3/2019). Training offered for 60 minutes every day. Trainer for the programme is Mr.R.T.Narendra- Professor, Crescent School of Business. Mr.Narendra is an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad, having more than 4 decades of experience in the industry as HR. Faculties from all the departments are actively participated in the training session. More 70 faculties are attended the programme.
Understanding the culture, beliefs, customs, practices of each other gives the understanding of values and social behavior, respecting each other and their cultural lies in the heart of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
Sports is important for the students so as to all of us also, it reduces stress and enhances the mood to work.
Hence B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology Organized the Cultural and Sports event on 16th March 2019 only for our wonderful staff members.
Two day workshop on “Construction Management Software” during 14th & 15th March 2019
Inter Collegiate Technical Symposium Techaura 2019 on 14th March 2019
Inter Collegiate Technical Symposium Techaura 2019 was conducted on 14th March 2019. Mr. JIBY ISAAC, Head R&D, from Apollo Tyres ltd. attended the valedictory function and delivered keynote address. Dr. A Azad, Registrar presides and gave an inspiring speech for the winners. Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen, Dean Mechanical Sciences felicitated the function. The symposium was coordinated by Dr. A Arockia Julias, Assistant Professor (Senior) of Mechanical Department. The student co-ordinators for the societiy Mr. Mohamed Rayyan, Mr. Rohit Kumar, Mr.Abhishek and Mr. V. Karthikeyan organized the events.
Inauguration of Student Chapter of Madras Management Association (MMA) on March 13, 2019
On March 13, 2019 the Student Chapter of Madras Management Association (MMA) was inaugurated at Crescent School of Business. Dr. K. Srinivasan, Dean, Management Studies presented the Welcome Address and offered an overview of Madras Management Association. The Presidential Address by Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BSACIST and the Inaugural Talk by Group Captain Dr. R. Venkataraman (Retd.), General Manager, MMA inspired the audience. He also spoke about the advantage the collaboration with MMA brings and outlined the road ahead. This is a promising start to the Student Chapter that has a lot to offer in the future.
MMA chapter at Crescent will give access to many industry experts and collaboration.
Civiclan 2019 – A National Level Technical Symposium (12th March 2019)
Inauguration of value Added Course (Automotive Embedded System) in association with Jasmin Infotech – 12th March 2019

Crescent FTA team organized a One Day National Seminar on “E-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” on 09/03/2019
The training session was handled by Elite Panel of MHRD Members Prof.A.K. Bakhshi discussed on E-Learning & MOOCs in Higher Education: Challenges & Opportunities and Dr.Vimal Rarh discussed about Roles of Teachers in Technology -Enabled Higher Education and Dr.Jaswinder Singh discussed about Technical Inputs of E-learning.
More than 100 faculties and research scholars have attended the training session.
One day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation Using LaTeX”
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) of the School of Electrical & Communication Sciences has organised a one day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation Using LaTeX” on 8th March, 2019.

Crescent Celebrates International Women’s Day
Today, March 08th 2019 being “International Women’s Day”, the celebrations in Crescent varsity was fabulous with all students and staff from both genders participating in complete excitement. The event was inaugurated by our Honorable Vice Chancellor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar & had the guests Ms.Nalini Olivannan, Lawyer & COO, Emerald Publishers and Mr. M. Gunasekaran, Sr.Editor, News 18, Tamilnadu delivered special address.
Freedom Bicycle Rally was conducted on the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 08th 2019
International Women’s Day was celebrated in Crescent campus today with all women students paritipating in a Freedom Bicycle Rally. More than 300 students participated in this fun-filled, yet a impact-filled cause.
Two-Days Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning on 7th and 8th March 2019
The department of Information Technology organized two days workshop on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning” in association with Dcrew IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd., Chennai on 7th and 8th March 2019. Dr.I.Sathik Ali, Head of the Department welcomed the speakers and students for the two days technical workshop. The students, research scholars and faculty from various departments namely IT, CSE, E&I, CA and Commerce registered for the workshop.
The main objective of the workshop is to impart the knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep Learning and expose the students to the tools of AI. Mr. Dinesh Kumar Subramanian, Founder of DTeam (Research Division, Dcrew IT Solutions Pvt.Ltd.,) presented the concepts and hands on session of the workshop. Mr.Dinesh was accompanied by his team Mr.Vignesh Ram and Mr.Arjun for the two days training session.
The Third day of the 3-day Fest O’ Cres Multi-cultural Fest of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology got successfully completed.. The students were overjoyed and the unity among the students fraternity was quite astonishing.. Crescent family wishes all the students success and joy in life..
Fest O’ Cres, the multi-cultural event of Crescent varsity had its Second day today with excellent display of South Indian cultural display. The 3-day event has one more day left tomorrow and we expect more fabulous moments.
FEST O’ CRES 2019 – ORION, a 3-day multi-cultural event was successfully inaugurated today, 28.02.2019, with students displaying various interesting performances, loaded with variety of talents.. The students’ happiness and excitement were fabulous and the entire Cresent varsity campus had a fun-filled day.. More Two days to come..!!
BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology paid tributes the portraits of the jawans who lost their lives
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology students and staff paid tributes to our beloved CRPF jawans who lost their lives, where we observed two minutes silence, lighting up of candles and a silent procession.
Drug Free India Camapaign by the ‘Art Of Living’ On 19/02/2019
The NSS units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, has conducted campaign for the Drug Free India movement with The Art of Living by the direction of All India Council of Technical Education, AICTE. In this regard the fuction was organised at seminar hall II of the Convention centre of the Insititute. Dr. D. Ayub Khan Dawood, Professor and Head, NSS Coordinator of the institute has given a welcome address and the deputy Registrar Dr. N Raja Hussain has delivered special address on drug awarness and the importance to wipde out this menace from the society. Mr. Manikanta Udayagiri, trainer from The Art of Living has intereacted with audienace about the evils effect of consumption of illegal drugs (opium, ganja, alchohol, brownsugar etc). Deans, Hods, faculties and around 100 students were attended for the drugs awarness campaign.
Crescendo 2K19
Crescendo 2K19, an Intercollegiate talent meet was organised by Dept. of Management Studies on 15th February. The events were Royal Rumble (Best Management Team), Gladiators (Marketing game), Biz-Buzz (Quiz) and TipTap Toe (Variety Programme). Around 175 students from 19 colleges from Tamilnadu participated in the event. Mr.Ravindran Solomon, Vice-President and Senior Creative Director of J.Walter Thompson, a global advertising agency, was the Chief Guest.
Two-Day FDP training programme on the topic “Teaching Techniques” on 11th and 12th February 2019
Crescent FTA team in association with ICT Academy organized a 2 Day FDP training programme on the topic “Teaching Techniques” on 11th and 12th February 2019 in our institute premises. Around 40 faculties both from crescent and other institutes participated in the training programme. Training session was handled by Mr.Nirmal Kumar , Senior Manager training and development ICT Academy. All the participants are given a complete insights of Teaching Techniques and useful informations to manage the challenging class room environment.
Crescent Varsity unveils its new wing for a world-class business school that offers Two Year PGDM programme
Crescent School of Business (CSB) has established its world class facilities in the serene campus of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology (BSACIST – Deemed to be University) located at Vandalur near the industrial corridor of Chennai on GST road. The newly built classrooms, seminar hall and academic offices were inaugurated on Monday, 11.02.2019 at 9.30 am.
Dr.Vaseehar Hassan, INSEAD Executive Coach & Chief Mentor of Crescent School of Business inaugurated the PGDM wing of Crescent Varsity. TAN SRI DATO’ SRI. PROF. IR. DR. SAHOL HAMID BIN ABU BAKAR, Vice Chancellor, BSACIST presided over this event and Mr. Srikanth Srinivasan, COO of ASSURANT, India delivered the inaugural address. The event also had Mr.B.Suresh, CEO & MD of Mahindra Consulting presiding over.
Crescent School of Business offers an unique industry-oriented two-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) guided by International faculty and Industry experts.
Partial Course Delivery for the course EICX01, Biomedical Instrumentation, by Visiting Professor, Dr.Juliana Binti Johari , Deputy Dean (Research and Innovation), FKE, UiTM, Malaysia from 7.2.19 to 25.2.19
A One day Mediation Awareness Program was organized by the Crescent School of Law of BSACIST, Vandalur on 06th February 2019
A One day Mediation Awareness Program was organized by the Crescent School of Law of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur on 06th February 2019. The Senior Advocate of the Madras High Court Mr. R. Venkatraman and Mr. D. Bharatha Chakravarthy, Senior Trainer of Tamilnadu Mediation and Conciliation Center of Madras High Court were the resource persons. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. A. Azad, the Registrar of B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, followed by the welcome address by the Dean – Crescent School of Law, Dr. K. Nilamudeen. They highlighted the benefits and Advantages of Mediation and the role of lawyers in mediation. As Mediation is a process in which an impartial and neutral third person, the mediator, facilitates the resolution of a dispute without suggesting what should be the solution. It is an informal and non-adversarial process intended to help disputing parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution; they said. The Students of Crescent School of Law have participated and had an interactive session.
Two day Workshop on “Embedded System in Robotics using ARM Cortex M0+”
The Department of EEE of the School of Electrical & Communication Sciences has organised a Two day Workshop on “Embedded System in Robotics using ARM Cortex M0+” on 5th & 6th February, 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by our Registrar.
Seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Use Cases” on 5th February 2019
The department of Information Technology organized a seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Use Cases” on 5th February 2019 for the final year students of B.Tech (I.T).
The seminar was presented by Mr.Navin Chander Jacob, Lead Manager, iNautix Technologies, Chennai. Mr.Navin started with the basics of linked list and discussed the basics of blockchain technology. He explained about how blockchain is created for the growing list of records and about linking the blocks using cryptography techniques. Mr.Navin discussed about the evolution of digital currency, the concept of bitcoins, businesses using bitcoins and also shared his views about cryptocurrency. The working of the blockchain was explained to the students with a banking transaction example. Mr.Navin dealt the concepts of hashing, digital signatures, accessing transaction data and its information.
Workshop on Smart Drones on 4th & 5th February, 2019
Food & Health Awarness Training to NSS Volunteers on 4th February
NSS Volunteers from the Crescent Institute has participated food safety awareness programme which was conducted by food safety department of Tamil Nadu.
Seminar on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” on 31st January 2019
Department of Information Technology has organized a seminar on “Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality” on 31st January 2019 at 9.00 in Mechanical Seminar Hall, MS Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr. Brijesh Kumar Tippi, R&D Head, Image Infotainment Ltd., He has 12+ years of experience in Game Programming and Mobile Android Application. He is a post graduate in MCA from Osimania University, Hyderabad.
The students from II year B.Tech.IT, Students from III year B.Tech IT and faculty members of IT Department attended the seminar. The resource person gave an insight into the Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and gave a demo on Virtual and Augmented reality with the devices. He gave application examples for all the mobile based AR & VR techniques. Real time demo and AR, VR applicators are shared with students for some of the real time projects.
Voters Day Awarness on 2019
The NSS units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, has conducted voters day awarness programme on 31/01/2019 thursday at the instititute premises. as part of this awarness programme various competitions were conducted like Essay writing, Drawing and Quiz among the students on the theme ‘Vote is not just a right, but it is our reponsibility’ for essay writing and painting and quiz competition theme on Indian Election System, Governance and voting system. more than hundred students were activiley participated in the programme. The winners and runners up of the various competitions have recieved the prizes and appreciation certificate. all the participants were recieved the appreciation certificate.
Sports Day Celebration
Today, the 30th January 2019 the sports day was celebrated at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology. Dr.Sheela Stephen, Vice Chancellor of Tamilnadu Sports University was the Chief for the event. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar gave the special address for the event.
Inauguration of Student Clubs at Dept. of Management Studies
Department of Management Studies had conducted an Inaugural program for clubs on 28-01-2019 at Seminar Hall 2, Convention Centre, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology. These Clubs are formed to develop the students’ learning in a practical way as “Practical things are easy to learn and have long lasting impact”. The presidential speech was given by Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology and it was followed by the inaugural speech of Mr. Elango M, Vice President, FCB Interface. Being an expert in the field advertisement MrElango M, had shared his valuable experience regarding the advertisement field and suggested productive views for the Club activities with good wishes.
The Clubs were introduced with the Names, logos and Mottos of Clubs by the Students of Department of Management Studies. Following are the club names: Avenues: Marketing Club,Hope: Human Resource Club, Seed: Entrepreneurship Club, Rahoitta: Finance Club and Dabbawala: Operations and Logistics club.
Crescent Celebrates Republic Day
January 26th, 2019 – Republic Day was celebrated at our institution B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. Sweets were shared and the pleasant memories of National togetherness was remembered.
Distribution of flood meterials to the Gaja cyclone affected victims of Tamilnadu
NSS Students are participated In Food & Health Awarness at Vandalur, conducted by Food Safety Department of Tamil Nadu
Pongal Celebration @ B. S. A. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 11th January 2019
“Pongal Celebration @ B.S.A. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 11th January 2019, “Our Vice Chancellor and all other staffs cherished the moments with Sugarcane and Pongal” Happy Pongal to All.
One day Workshop on MS-Office & MS-Word
One Day Workshop on MS-Office (Word & Excel) was organized by Department of Mechanical engineering” on 20.12.2018. Around 17 technical staff members from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Polymer Engineering were participated in the workshop and benefitted. Mr. R. Tamilselvan, Sel. Gr. Technician, explained in detail about the various options and menus in word and excel. The participants were well interacted with him and the class conducted by him was very good and useful.
Communication skills and Office Keeping skill training for all Personal Assistants of various Schools and Departments conducted by Crescent FTA team on 26th to 27th December 2018
One Day Training Session for All the Lab Technicians on 21st December 2018
Crescent FTA team organized one day training session for all the Lab Technicians, Lab Assistant, Lab In-charge, System Staffs, System Engineer (Device In-charge & Equipment In-charge if any available) on the Topic”How to write the System /Machine /Equipment Specifications & SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedure) in Highest Standard “.Training session was handled by the following team
1. Mr.Ak.Antony – Lab Coordinator
2. Dr.SKG.Ganesh- MR-ISO & Director PG Admissions
3. Mr.R.Venkateshwaran- Senior Network Engineer.
8th Annual convocation
On 16th Dec. 2018, the 8th Annual convocation of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology was held in Vandalur campus. Dr. Virander Singh Chauhan, Executive Chairman, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) delivered the Convocation address and distributed degree certificates to the students. As many as 1,291 came through with flying colors – 25 Ph.D. and 2 M.Tech Degrees, 984 UG Degrees and 263 PG degrees and 17 PGDM graduations.
Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, Chancellor; Mr. Abdul Qadir A. Rahman Buhari, Pro-Chancellor; Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. IR. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice Chancellor and Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, of the institution were present with the other dignitaries.
Students across various disciplines including Civil, Automobile B.Arch, B.A. Islamic Studies, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechanical, Polymer, EEE, ECE bagged gold medals (16 each by UG and PG disciplines).
In 2018, companies including Capgemini, L&T Infotech, DHL, IBM, Renault Nissan, Ernst & Young, National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), Value Labs, Sony, IDBI Federal, Adobe Systems, BNP Paribas have offered appointments to most of the degree holders. It is to be noted that the Institution on an average has secured a placement record of 72% during the last 5 years with a maximum package of 22 LPA.
One Day Training programme on “Maintenance of Computer Hardware/Network/Infrastructure & its Implementation Procedures” on 14.12.18
Crescent FTA team organized a One Day training programme for all the system staffs of our institute on the topic “Maintenance of Computer Hardware/Network/Infrastructure & its Implementation Procedures” Training session is handled by Dr.Sheik (Director Data centre), Mr.Venkatesh (Senior Network Engineer), Mr. Sivakumar (Senior System Engineering), Dr.Abdul Azeez khan (Asst.Professor-Sel.Grade, VC special officer) and Dr.Javubar Sathick (Asst.Professor-Sel.Grade, Assistant Director FTA). All the System Staffs are given a complete insights of System, Network and it’s infrastructure.
All India Inter University Ball Badminton Tournaments for Men 2018-19
Our institute won the winning position in the All India Inter University Ball Badminton Tournaments for Men 2018-19 organised by SRM Institute, Potheri from 12th to 16th December – 2018 and nearly 100 Universities from all over India have participated in this Tournament. This is the greatest achievement by our students putting their hard work & dedication. We are thankful to our beloved Chancellor, Pro Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Dean Students (Affairs) for congratulating our students.
3-Day Training session for the Final Year and Pre-Final year students on “Salesforce Essentials For Business Specialists”
Crescent FTA team Organized a 3-Day Training session for the Final Year and Pre-Final year students on the topic “Salesforce Essentials For Business Specialists” on 11/12/2018 (Tuesday), 12/12/2018 (Wednesday) and 13/12/2018 (Thursday).The Training is given directly by the Salesforce certified Professional.The Trained students is credited with the “Online Badge from Salesforce” which can be used in their CV for the placement. Students from Commerce, MBA & MCA participated and get benefited.

CFL conducted Leadership training for Headmasters and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools on 7th December 2018
Centre for Leadership, an inspiring leadership hub of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, in association with School Education Department, Government of Tamilnadu conducted Leadership training for Headmasters and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools on 7th December 2018 (Friday). Over 300 Headmasters and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools and High Schools from 5 zones of Kanchipuram district participated in this training programme.
Thiru. J. Angelo Irudayasamy, Chief Educational Officer Kanchipuram honored the occasion with his motivational thoughts, saying “Although everyone has innate leadership qualities within us, let’s take this occasion to invoke the existing leadership within to create future leaders. Dr. A. Azad, Registrar; Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar; Mr. V.N.A. Jalal, General Manager, Prof. Dr. S.S.M. Abdul Majeed, Dept. of Polymer Engineering; Prof. Dr. Haider Yasmeen, Director, Centre for Leadership and Mr. Ekambaram, District Educational Officer, Kanchipuram were the other dignitaries present at the dais. Mr. N.B. Harshavardhan Reddy, CEO, HVR Training and Consulting Services presided the Leadership Training sessions.
Observance of World AIDS day 2018 at CRESCENT on 1st December 2018
NSS Units of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, has conducted a AIDS day pledge on 1st December 2018. On this occasion the faculties and students from the crescent marked their signature on the pledge which was displayed in front of the office of Vice Chancellor. The event was inaugurated by Dr A Azad, honourable registrar of BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology with the gracious presence of Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar, Dr. A Ayoob Khan Dawood, NSS Coordinator, Dr. Nikat Hamza, Director of HR, faculties and students from the institute.

“One Day Hands on Training – MS-Office and Google Drive” for our Institute clerical staff on 20.11.2018
The Literary Club of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology celebrated “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas” (National Unity Day) which is observed to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on 31st October 2018, as per the guidelines of UGC.
The event began with the inauguration at 10.00AM during which the Registrar of the Institute Dr.A.Azad, addressed the students about the unparalleled contribution and sacrifice of our freedom fighters and in particular Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in building the Modern India. He highlighted the evils of corruption and gave a powerful message that the development of our country should be all inclusive. Then the students were screened a video on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, his life and contributions and the merits of his statue which was dedicated to our nation by our Honourable Prime Minister. It was followed by students and staff taking the pledge on National Unity Day. The Dean, Student Affairs Major General Gurdeep Narang briefed the students about the excellent contribution rendered by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in uniting the princely states of India. He also stressed on the need for working towards realizing his hopes and aspirations by the younger generation.
Many literary events like Shipwreck, Debate, Block and Tackle, Elevator Pitching, Creative Writing, Poetry Slam, Spell Bee, Tight Corner, Photography and Short film were conducted after that. All the events were conducted with the major theme to promote national integration, safety, security and unity. Topics relating to national unity, social justice, equality, corruption, were discussed by students which really served as an eye-opener for many. Cash prizes were distributed to the winners. Nearly 120 students took the pledge and vowed to spread the message of unity, safety and security.
In short, the National Unity Day 2018 event was a great success in realizing its objective to spread the powerful message of Unity.

MOU offers a new accounting pathway
The Department of Commerce, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) UK and ACCA’s approved Learning Partner International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) UK to introduce globally recognized Professional qualifications in finance and accounting for the students. This will provide an added value for B.Com (Honors) students to gain a great understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which is being adopted by India.
The MoU was signed On November 14, 2018 by Dr. A. Azad, the Honorable Registrar and Mr. Saravanakumar, Regional Manager- South TN, ACCA amidst the presence of Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, honorable Vice-Chancellor, Mr. ThayaMoorthi, Regional Manager- South TN ISDC, Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed – Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. D. Ayub Khan Dawood – Professor & Dean, School of Social Science and Humanities, Dr. Afzalur Rahman – Head of the Department, Commerce and other dignitaries.
Orientation training for N.S.S. Programme officers conducted on 19th November 2018
Celebrating NSS Golden Jubilee Year 2018, a mission of noble cause, School Education Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu and B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology- National Service Scheme organized one-day orientation training for N.S.S. Programme officers on 19th November 2018 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai. More than 500 NSS Programme officers of Higher Secondary Schools from 9 districts of Tamil Nadu, namely Chennai, Thiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Villupuram, Cuddalore, Vellore, Thiruvannamalai, Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri participated in this event.
Mr. C. Samuel Chelliah, Regional Director, NSS Regional Directorate, Govt. of India, Mr. J. Anjelo Iruthayasami, CEO, School Education Department, Mr. N. Sundharam, Sub Judge Legal Aid Secretary, Cuddalore, Mr. V.C. RameshwaraMurugan, Director, School Education Department, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice- Chancellor, BSACIST, Mrs. Mariam Habeeb Ar Buhari, Joint Correspondent, Crescent Matriculation Higher Secondary School For Girls, Dr. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar, BSACIST, Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Professor and Dean, NSS Coordinator, BSACIST and NSS District Coordinators, District Liaison officers were the dignitaries present at the event.
BSA Crescent, Prag Robotics Pvt Ltd., Signed MoU on 16th November 2018
Crescent signs MoU with Prag Robotics Pvt. Ltd for creating a prodigious Lab that will be an added value benefit for Engineering and other discipline students to enhance their skill in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science and IOT.
Training Session on “Classroom Management” is organized by FTA team and Our Registrar Sir gave a lecture on the topic to the Newly Joined Faculty Members on 12/11/2018
R tool FDP (2nd November 2018)
1 – Day Hands – on FDP on “Predictive Modeling using R” conducted by FTA team in Crescent Institute of Science Technology along with the association with Department of Computer Applications on 2nd November 2018 . Faculties and Research Scholars from various institutes participated and benefited.
Diwali Celebration At Good Life Centre, Tambaram On 1st November, 2018
NSS Volunteers from Crescent Institute of Science and Technology celebrated its Diwali at its full joyous and enthusiastic manner with mentally differently abled children’s at Good Life Centre(A home for orphans and mentally differently abled childrens) in Tambaram on 1st November, 2018. Around 15 volunteers from Crescent NSS performed different activities like, solo songs, group songs, solo dance, group dance, mimicry, using of noise less fireworks etc in order to stimulate their physical and mental spirit and to strengthen their attitude to intermingle in the present vibrant society in which they lacks modern equipments and services. Crescent NSS also donated Rs.3500/- towards the lunch of the day and development effort of the Centre.

ISTD- C and Crescent Literary Society aimed at instilling in participants a love for literature and nation
By celebrating National Unity and Literature day, curated with quirky competitions and lively demonstrations the power of imagination and creativity were at limelight on October 31, 2018. Writer’s Inc. an exclusive student-run magazine September edition was released on this occasion.
On this occasion students and faculty paid due respect by taking the pledge on Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) to foster and reinforce our dedication to preserve and strengthen Unity, Integrity, and Security of our Nation on the Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Registrar A. Azad and Major General Gurdeep Narang, Dean (Student Affairs), Dr.P.Rathna, Literary Club Coordinator made the event more memorable with their enlightened thoughts.
A guest lecture on “Principles of Clutch Design – Recent Trends”
A guest lecture by Mr. E. Venkatachalam, Manager, Clutch Design, Valeo India Private Ltd., on “Principles of Clutch Design – Recent Trends” was organized by the department of mechanical engineering on 29.10.2018.
The resource person gave a real-time exposer and share his experience on the challenges and solutions in clutch design for different applications from twowheelers to high torque quarry vehicles. The students interacted with the resource person in designing clutches for SAE Baja Vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, and farm equipment and their challenges. The students and staff enjoyed the session with continuous interaction with the resource person and thanked him.
One day workshop on “Building your own 3D Printer” sponsored by ASME on the 29th of October 2018
The department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one day workshop on “Building your own 3D Printer” sponsored by ASME on the 29th of October 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Mechanical Sciences). The coordinators Dr. M. Thirumurugan, Associate Professor, faculty advisor ASME and Mr. K. Saran Kumar, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering conducted the workshop. The workshop focused on imparting the background knowledge required to build a 3D printer on their own from CAD modeling to Electrical circuitry. An hands on training session was conducted in the afternoon in association with M/s Monotech Ltd. The workshop attracted more than 25 student participants from various departments.

Department of civil engineering organised one day workshop on 3D printing on 29.10.2018
Crescent Team Dramatix Alumni meet – Aurora 2018
The ever energized Crescent Team Dramatix (CTD) cherished their memories along with CTD Alumni by celebrating a fun-filled day streaking with creative performances. Aurora 2018 conducted on October 28, 2018, was an exceptional colorful moment by the charismatic participation of final year members of CTD, CTD alumni, CTD US Team. This institution has a long-established tradition to stay in touch with their students, continuing this tradition the occasion was a grand success with all support from faculty and students.
Oracle FDP (22nd – 26th October 2018)
5 – Day FDP on “Oracle PL/SQL” conducted by FTA Team in Crescent Institute of Science Technology along with the association with ICT Academy on 22nd October 2018 to 26th October 2018. More than 30 Faculties and Research Scholars from various institutes across chennai participated and benefited.
Crescent celebrated Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday following his vision to explore science and awaken the young minds
On 15th October 2018 is a remarkable day at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur marked by the celebration of the birthday of Former President, Late Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam as “Youth Awakening day”. In remembrance of this missile man who aroused the pulse of the youth through his magnificent life and speech, a science exhibition was organized at the campus. All the departments of the college participated in the event and 1000 students from neighboring schools of Kancheepuram District visited the campus and explored the scientific innovative models. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam enlightened youth to be unique and to be remembered and honoring his birthday with the science exhibition, awakened the student’s aspirations to be a leader.
NSS ‘Youth Awakening Day’ Rally 15th October, 2018
As part of the “Youth Awakening DAY” NSS cell of the Institute had organized “Youth Awakening Rally” in order to spread message of great and remarkable visions from a phenomenal visionary among the Institute community. Around 500 students from the different schools and department had participated very strenuously with placards which show the different slogans and quotes of the gifted personality in our time. The rally starts from the First year canteen at 3.00 PM and flag-off ceremony was done by the Registrar Dr. A. Azad with gracious presents of Dr.Raja Husain,Deputy Registrar, Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, NSS Coordinator , Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen Dean, School of Electrical & Communication Sciences, Mr. M. ParvezAlam, CEO, Crescent Innovation and Incubation centre, NSS Programmes officers and staffs from the different departments. Other than the participants from the NSS volunteers, Rotaract club under the staff Co-coordinator Mr.Noushad.C and members of Bharat Unnath Abiyan programme were also shows their strength in participation. The rally had ends at the Convention centre.

Guest Lecture on “Software Testing using Junit” on 13.10.2018
Guest Lecture on “Software Testing using Junit” organized by Department of Information Technology, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, on 13.10.2018. The venue of the Guest Lecture is Project Lab, Department of Information Technology.
An eminent personality from Cognizant Technology Mr Arun Prakash Alumni from M.Tech-IT (2013) batch visited the Department of lnforamtion Technology on October 13, 2018 to deliver a guest lecture on “Software Testing using Junit”. Introduction of chief guest was given by Dr.N.Prakash, Assoc.Prof.
He gave a very good picture of how software can be tested and he also explained the significance of why software should be tested. He discussed about Junit and its importance.
Youth Awakening Day Programme Conducted on 12th October, 2018, at Panchayat Union Middle School, Keerapakkam, Chennai
The NSS of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, organized a Youth Awakening Day Eve with students of Panchayath Union Middle School, Keerapakkam, Chennai on 12th October 2018. Various programmes were conducted by the NSS volunteers in order to inculcate the moral value and strengthen the social awareness among the students. Programmes like essay competition on the theme of Youth Awakening Day, Motivational speech by NSS volunteers by using PPT, Good touch & bad touch for girls students etc. Around 24 NSS volunteers, including girls had participated for the successful conduct of the events. All the students were felt very glad and enthusiastically participated in all the activities.
Dr. S.Virapan, Chairman and Managing Director of S.V.Associates, delivered a Guest Lecture on “Fire Safety and Smart Buildings” on 12.10.2018
Crescent Dramatix won laurels by receiving 1st place in variety show and 2nd place in adzap at Chengalpattu Government Medical College on october 10, 2018

The inauguration of societies for the academic year 2018-19 was conducted on 8th October 2018
Department of Mechanical Engineering has four societies namely Society of Mechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineering (ISHRAE). These societies are conducting various events for the benefits of students.
The inauguration of societies for the academic year 2018-19 was conducted on 8th October 2018. Mr. RIYAZUDDIN MOHAMMED, Manager, Technology Development, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. inaugurated the society activities and deliver Keynote address. Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, gave the presidential address. Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean Mechanical Sciences felicitated the function. A report on the activities of different societies for the previous academic year was presented by the student co-coordinator of the respective society. The inaugural function was coordinated by Dr. A. Arockia Julias, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) of Mechanical Department.
Oil Painting Workshop on 9th October 2018
Team ‘Crescent Creative Strokes’ organized an oil painting workshop conducted by Ramya Sadasivam, a self-taught, freelance artist based in Chennai. Dean student affairs, Major-general Gurdeep Naurang and club’s faculty in charge Dr. E.Syed Mohamed inaugurated the event. Basics of oil painting and different toner values to be used for shading, mid-tone and high lighting regions which depicted hyper-realism was discussed in the workshop.

Two Days Workshop on Evolutionary Computing and its application to Engineering using MATLAB on 3rd & 4th October 2018
Two days work shop on “Evolutionary Computing and its application to Engineering using MATLAB” was conducted by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BSACIST on 3rd and 4th of October 2018. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr.S.Kaja Mohideen, Dean/ SECS on 3rd of October 2018. Dr. Y.Mohamed Shuaib, Head of the department, EEE felicitated the gathering.
Around 30 participants from various institutes like VIT, Sairam Engineering College, SSN, Rajalakshmi Engg. College and BSACIST actively attended the workshop. The participants include UG students, faculty members and research scholars from various domains.
FISITA World Automotive Congress 2018 held on 2nd – 5th October
FISITA is an international membership organization for the automotive engineering community called International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies in association with SAEINDIA (Society of Automotive Engineers – India) organized the 37th FISITA world Congress 2018 in Chennai Trade Centre, Nanthanam,Chennai, India, one of the biggest cultural, economic and educational centers in South India. Around 800 automotive manufactures in and around the world had participated in the exhibition and displayed their new technology equipped vehicles, machineries, software’s. Nearly 100 academic institutions in from various states of India also participated in the exhibition and displayed their project models with the implementation of newly developed technologies.

Crescent Unnat Bharat Abhiyan and NSS team at HERO-TOI Green Initiative to plant 1,50,000 trees @ Mahindra City on September 30, 2018
Crescent salutes the armed forces on the Surgical Strike Day on September 29, 2018
To pledge their support for the armed forces, We celebrated “Surgical Strike Day” in a more patriotic way. Instead of remembering Martyrs within the campus, students took a devoted step to march into Officers Training Academy, Chennai to show their gratitude to the officers’ sacrifice made for the country.
Hands-on training Session on “Open Nebula – Cloud Middleware Tool” on 26.09.18
A hands-on training session on “Open Nebula – Cloud Middleware Tool” was organized by the Department of Information Technology on 26th September 2018, Wednesday from 10.00am to l.OO pm at the Audio Visual Lab of the Central Library BSACIST. The faculty and the students of IV year B.Tech, IT attended the training.
Dr.P.Veeralakshmi, Associate Professor/CSE of Prince Shri Venkateswara Padrnavathy Engineering College was the resource person. She has rich experience in both teaching and research and has published more than 8 papers in refeered International Journals and Conferences in the area of Cloud Computing Technologies.
One day Seminar on Recent Trends in Automotive Technology on 19th September 2018
Seminar delivered by Mr. H. Ramasubramanian Vice President – E, R& D, Brakes India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
Two day workshop on “Bridge Design, Fabrication & Testing” during 18th & 19th September 2018
Department of Civil Engineering along with Skyfi Education Labs Pvt. Ltd (A venture by IIT Kanpur alumni) organized a two day workshop on “Bridge Design, Fabrication & Testing” during September 18th & 19th for Civil Engineering Students.
Special lecture on “Fundamental Rights and Duties of Individuals” on 18.9.2018
A Special lecture was conducted on the topic “Fundamental Rights and Duty On 18. 9.2018 lecture was taken By Dr.B Gandhi, Dean, VIT School of LAW. He Highlighted the importance of fundamental rights, its relationship with the Directive principles of state policy. He emphasized more on fundamental Duties before claiming fundamental rights because the rights and duties are correlative.

“Professor Sr Ir Dr Suhaimi Abdul Talib, Chairman, UiTM Private Education Sdn. Bhd. INTEC Education College delivered a Guest Lecture on environmental geotechnology on 17.09.2018 to 20.09.2018”
Guest lecture on “Modern Construction Materials” by Mr V Ramanathan,Deputy General Manager, Dalmia Cements, Chennai organized as part of Engineers Day celebration on 17-9-2018
Painting is Self-discovery!
Incredibly passionate minds of Crescent team of Dramatix organized an Art Exhibition and Art Workshop on september 14 & 16 2018, inspiring students to paint, not what they see, but paint what they feel.
Inauguration of activities of the civil societies for the year 2018-19 on 14.09.2018, 10.00 a.m. by Mr. Sridharan Srinivasan, L & T – Deputy General Manager, CMRL, Chennai
One day workshop on “Big Data Analytics using Hadoop” on 12.09.2018
A workshop on “Big Data Analytics using Hadoop” was arranged on 12th of September, 2018 and handled by the resource person Mr.Sukumar, Project Lead, SANDS (India) Pvt Ltd, Chennai.
The workshop was organized by the Department of Information Technology for the benefit Students, Research Scholars, and Academicians. During the session, he briefed about the basics concepts of analytics and big data technologies with its strategic importance to any organization. Participants were also introduced to the concept of analytics with big data technologies: Hadoop, Hive, Sqoop, Pig and Hive. The entire session dealt with the basic principles, concepts, and techniques used for big data and analytics, which includes Hadoop, Sqoop, Pig and Apache Hive. Also a hands on training in the Hadoop software such as installation, data ingestion using Sqoop and Flume and data analysis using Hive and pig was trained well. Participants got clear picture of all these concepts and how they all are interconnected to each other in organizational context.

One Day Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) on 12th September 2018
The department of Mechanical Engineering and The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering jointly organized a one day workshop on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) on the 12th of September 2018. Dr. E. Paul Braineard, Ph.D. (IIT Madras) Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sricity, Chittoor was invited as a guest speaker. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Mechanical Sciences) and Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Electrical and Communication Sciences). The convener Dr. Y. Mohamed Shuaib, HOD EEE felicitated the speaker, the workshop coordinators, Mr. K. Saran Kumar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mr. A. Paramasivam, Assistant Professor, EEE gave a brief over view about the workshop and a short note about the speaker.
The speaker briefed on MEMS fabrication techniques during the forenoon session and elaborated on micro pumps as a case study in the afternoon session. The workshop attracted more than 40 student participants both internal and external.
International Conference on Emerging Areas in Biotechnology for Human Welfare and Bioentrepreneurship (ICEBHE – 2018)
The International Conference on Emerging Areas in Biotechnology for Human Welfare and Bioentrepreneurship (ICEBHE – 2018) held at convention center – B S Abdur Rahman Institute, on 11th-12th September – 2018 and sponsored by SISCON, Chennai.
Participation in PFMS Training Programme on 11th & 12th September, 2018
Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, NSS Coordinator of BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology participated in PFMS (Public Finance Management System) Training for NSS programme Coordinators organized by the Regional Directorate of NSS, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India on 11th and 12th September 2018, at Anna University, Guindy, Chennai.
Two day Workshop on “Electrochemical Corrosion Techniques: Theory and Hands on Training” during 7th & 8th September 2018
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure and Department of Chemistry has organized a two day Workshop on “Electrochemical Corrosion Techniques: Theory and Hands on Training” during 7th & 8th September.
Teacher’s Day Celebration on September 05, 2018
Teacher’s Day is a special day celebrated in memory of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, and the staff club included activities to honor the staff for their special contributions. On September 05, 2018, the staff club organized the tree planting event followed by lunch as part of teacher’s day celebration. More than 100 students and staff from various schools participated in the sapling planting event. Around 100 saplings were planted in different sites like corners of sports ground, behind the LS block and beside the architecture block.
This tree planting event by the staff club developed a powerful inspirational bond between the students and staff. The staff club thanks the registrar for allowing us to do the celebration and the dean student affair for permitting NSS team in volunteering the tree planting event.
Cleaning Programme Conducted (Swatch Bharat) on 3rd September 2018
NSS Volunteers from BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has conducted cleaning programme as part of the Swatch Bharat programme of Government of India. The students mainly focussed for the cleaning of University football ground. Around 100 volunteers including girls were actively participated in the programme.
Crescent has been awarded as a Top Digital Institute on Social Media on 1st September, 2018 by ASMA (Adoption of Social Media in Academia) and EPSI (Education Promotion Society of India)

Crescent has been awarded as one of the Top Universities on Digital platform primarily on Social Media and connecting with the Students community on a large scale. On the overall, Crescent has been ranked Fourth and First in reaching Students community by providing High-Quality Trending Content on Facebook, with more than 2.17 lakhs followers and growing further in a faster pace. L-to-R: Director – ASMA (EPSI), Director – IIM Trichy, Chief Secretary, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of Karnataka; Director-IIM (Sambalpur), and was received by the Director of Corporate Office & Chief Marketing Officer of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Mr.Ganesh Rathinam.
National Conference on Youth Volunteering on 1st September, 2018
Dr. Hajira Beevi, NSS Coordinator, along with NSS volunteers had participated the National Conference on Youth Volunteering which was organized by SRM University, Chennai on 1st September 2018.

Flood relief for Kerala
The National Service Scheme (NSS) and Youth Red Cross (YRC) of our institution together collected different household materials for sending it to the flood affected areas of Kerala. We would like to share very glad news that Crescent fraternity was very generous in contributing the necessity items to the needy people. They contributed various items immensely. Items like foods stuffs, stationeries, new dresses, medicines, etc together consist of more than 360kg totally worth around 1.5 lakhs were sent to Kerala on 20th of August evening by Chennai – Mangalore mail.
PED – Independence Day Celebration on 15 August 2018
You all must be aware of the “Independence Day Celebration” was conducted in our Institute on August 15, 2018.
We thank our beloved Registrar Dr.A.Azad sir for hoisting the National Flag along with Senior General Manager, The Principal of Crescent school, The Dean (SIS) & The Dean Students Affairs and also we thank the management for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to conduct this event on behalf of Physical Education Department.
We thank the Students of B.S.A Crescent Institute, Kilakarai Buhari Aalim Arabic College, Crescent School and Staff members who are all actively involved and participated.
Tree plantation drive
The staff club with active support of NSS student team, as per the direction of our Dean Students Affairs, Maj. Gen. Gurdeep Singh Narang conducted the mega tree plantation event in the view of eco friendly Independence Day celebration. Tree Plantation was done by all delegates, university staff and the students. Around 100 saplings are planted beside the KBA men’s hostel and in the ground. The students planted the saplings in the afternoon session on 14th August and the staff’s joined the plantation drive on August 15.
This tree plantation drive conducted by the staff club and the NSS team motivated and spread the awareness among the staff and students for an eco friendly green environment. In order to spread the awareness of using eco friendly flags instead of plastic ones, the staff club distributed the seed paper flag. The staff club thanks all the tree planters for their active involvement and enthusiastic support.
Pencil Portrait Workshop on 4th August 2018
Team ‘Crescent Creative Strokes’ organized a pencil portrait workshop for the Crescent students and few other willing people from Chennai. Ms.Sandhya Swaminathan, an amazing Self-Taught Artist, Who Has A Huge Following In Social Media As Her Color Pencil Portraits Of Celebrities And People Depicts Hyper Realism conducted this workshop. Club’s faculty in charge, Dr. E. Syed Mohammed inaugurated the event by introducing about the club. Practice sessions for drawing include concepts like ‘light on object’, identifying basic shapes and shading techniques and drawing a face from a reference picture.
Guest lecture on “Studying abroad: Things to know and things you need” on 02.08.18
A guest lecture on “Studying abroad: Things to know and things you need” was organized by the department of Information technology on 02.08.2018, Thursday from 11.00am to 12.40pm at the Seminar Hall I, Convention Centre, BSACIST. The faculty and the students of III and IV year B.Tech, IT attended the lecture.
Dr.M.Kabeer, Head of the Department welcomed the gathering and informed the students about the importance of higher education in the present scenario. Dr.G.Kavitha, introduced the guest speaker, Mr.Ahilan Tamilselvan, Graduate Student, IOWA State University, USA. He is an Alumni of our University and pursuing his master’s degree at IOWA. During his undergraduate, he published a paper on “Efficient Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Fishing through Surveillance for Fishermen”, and has presented at a conference in Malaysia.
Orphanage Visit on 28th July 2018
The students from the NSS team coordinated by the faculty Ms.Saira Banu along with Major Gen. Gurdeep Narang (Dean, student affair) visited the orphanage Anaikkum Karangal on 28th (Saturday) July 2018. It is a non profit organization working for the development of elderly people, orphans and underprivileged children. There are totally 50 children and 10 old aged people are currently staying in this home.
The team reached the orphanage at around 2.45 pm .The children were excited to receive the team. The program started with the drawing competition. The children were divided into 5 groups and each group was coordinated by 3 students from the NSS team. Crayons, chart, pencil, eraser, sharpener were provided for each child. The children enthusiastically drew pictures on the given topics. While the students were selecting the drawings for prize winners, songs were played for the children to dance. Most of the children danced, excited and felt joyful. The songs were played as per the children’s wish and it gave them double happiness.
After finalizing the prize winners, our Dean, Major Gen. Gurdeep Narang distributed the medals and prizes for the talented children. Crayon box, biscuit packet, banana and fruity drink were distributed for every child. Further more tree planting was done in their home by our students and the children. 10 sampling were carried for this purpose. The children took part in the tree planting event happily. There was a huge smile on the face of the children while planting the sampling.
The student handed over the notebooks, rice packet, used clothes, and used wrist watches to the home manager. We returned back to the college around 5pm.The NSS students were discussing on the Importance of contribution and their responsibilities towards the society, during their return journey.
Lake Cleaning Activity on Saturday, 28.07.2018
As a part of our NSS regular activity, 35 students from our NSS UNIT I and UNIT II in association with Environmental Foundation of India (EFI) on Saturday, 28.07.2018 cleaned some part of Arasankalani Lake located at 15 minutes from Mambakkam. The main motivation of this programme is to create awareness about the welfare of our environment. Mr.Pavithran from EFI gave a brief introduction about the connectivity of different lakes in Chennai.
Seminar on “Creative Career Guidance in Multimedia Technologies & Game Design and Development” on 27th July 2018
Department of Information Technology has organized a seminar on “Creative Career Guidance In Multimedia Technologies & Game Design and Development” on 27th July 2018 at 9.30 a.m. to 10.40 a.m in Mechanical Seminar Hall, MS Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr.Yokesh, Senior Consultant. Image Creative Infotainment, Chennai. He has lot of experience in animation and game design.
Workshop on “Java Programming Fundamentals” on 26th July 2018
Department of Information Technology has organized a workshop on “Java Programming Fundamentals” on 26th July 2018 at 2.30 p.m. in IT Seminar Hall, ES Block, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
Resource person was Mr.Mohammed Waseem Ahmed, Team leader, Tech Mahindra, Hyderabad. He has 12+ years of experience in Java Programming and cloud platform. He is a post graduate in M.Tech CSE. He has 4 years of teaching experience in Hyderabad.
The students from II year B.Tech. IT, Some interested students from M.Tech I year and faculty members of IT Department attended the workshop. The resource person gave an insight into the Java fundamentals and gave hands on demo on simple Java programs.
Traffic and Helmet Awareness campaign on 23.07.2018 at Vandalur
A Visit to Akshaya old age home on 20.07.2018
The Second Orientation Programme on 18.07.2018
The Second Orientation Programme was conducted on 18.07.2018 followed by the felicitation by Justice K.M. Basha. Our Registrar spoke on the dignity of legal profession and its scope and opportunities.
Cleaning Pit Shop (Crescent Campus) on 18.7.2018
NSS with the Coordination of YRC (Youth Red Cross) conducted the Pit Shop cleaning programme by the help of students from the first year CSE batch as part of AICTE Induction programmes for the first year students. All the students were honestly participated in the programme and done the clean work very intensively.
Anti Drug Awareness programme on 16.07.2018
As a part of induction training programme, Anti drug awareness programme organised on 16.07.2018 for B.Tech ( AERO, AUTO, POLY, CSE ) students. Mr. Moses Selvakumar, Asst. prof (MADRAS SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK) delivered the lecture to the students.
Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” on 13.07.2018
Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” organized by Department of Information Technology, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, on 13.07.2018. The venue of the Seminar is Seminar Hall, School of Mechanical Studies.
An eminent personality Mr.Kumarasamy Shanrnugam, Director, CEO from QuantumSys Technologies Pvt Ltd, Singapore, visited the Department of Information Technology on July 13, 2018 to deliver a Seminar on “Emerging Trends in IT” and highlighted the current state of understanding the future trends of research in the concerned field. Introduction of chief guest was given by Dr.M.Kabeer, HOD/IT.
NSS General Orientation Programme – 2018
General orientation programme has been successfully organised on 13.07.2018 for all I year B.Tech students. Mr. Samuel Chelliah, NSS Regional director delivered the motivational speech on youth volunteerism to the students. Mr.Shyam, (Environmental Foundation of India) delivered the speech on environment conservation. On behalf of NSS cell, We thank the Management, Vice Chancellor and Registrar for providing this wonderful opportunity.