Events 2016-2017
Events 2016-2017
Workshop On Primavera P6 – Hands On Training Conducted On April 14 & 16, 2017

MMA Workshop – Employability Skills Required for Managers – Organised on 10th April 2017

Best Nss Student Volunteers Honoured
Best NSS Students Volunteers are honoured with an award and certificate during the Annual Day Celebraton held on 08.04.17.

Crestech 2k17 – Intercollegiate Technical Symposium – Organised on 24th and 25th March 2017

Crestech 2k17 (24th & 25th March 2017) National Level Technical Festival

One day workshop on “Composite design” and “Paper Presentation” during Crestech 2017 on 24 – 25 March, 2017

Workshop On Application Of Civil Engineering Softwares Conducted On 22-23 March 2017

UN World water day celebration on 22nd March 2017

A one day workshop on “Entrepreneurship Orientation Program” – Organised on 20th March 2017

International Conference on Innovative Technologies For Sustainable Built Environment (ITSBE’17) during 14th – 16th March, 2017

NSS Special Camp (09.03.17 To 15.03.17)
NSS special camp was held at Adanur panchayat during 09.03.17 to 15.03.17. The camp started on 09.03.17 with a formal inauguration. On 10.03.17, NSS student volunteers are involved in cleaning school premises, painting school buildings etc. NSS student volunteers also distributed pamphlets to the public in and around the adopted village regarding the training programme to be conducted by the self help group on 11.03.17 and for the free Medical camp to be held on 14.03.17. They also involved themselves in the removal of dangerous Karuvelam Tree (Juki flora) removal around the school premises. Valediction and prize distribution was held on 15.03.17.

Awareness Programme On Antidrug on 08.03.17
A special lecture was arranged on antidrug awareness on 08.03.17 for the I year B.Tech. Students. Dr. Shalini Janardhan MBBS, MRC(Psych), DPM, Psychiatrist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai gave the special lecture and also interacted with the students.

Women’s Day Celebration on March 8th 2017
International Women’s day celebrated on March 8th in a befitting manner by conducting various competitions among the girl students. The competitions include drawing/painting, photography, card making, Mehndi, vegetable carving, Treasure Hunt etc. A special lecture on Breast Cancer Awareness was delivered by Dr. Subash Kumar MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Gen), Senior Consultant, Breast Surgery, Apollo Specialty Hospital for the benefit of female faculty members and girl students.

Guest Lecture on ‘Day Lighting Aspects for Energy Efficient Buildings’ by Prof Dr Azni Zain Ahmed, Asst Vice
Chancellor, UiTM, Mara, Malaysia

Guest lecture was organized on 6th March 2017

MMA Workshop – Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills – Organised on 2nd March 2017
Women Entrepreneurship Development Organization

General Advisory Committee Meeting on 17.02.17
General advisory Committee meeting was held on 17.02.17. Dr. C. Samuel Chelliah, Regional Director, NSS Regional Directorate attended the meeting and appreciated the overall work done by the NSS volunteers and also gave valuable suggestions.

A workshop on Online Trading – Organised on 15th February, 2016

Mr. Karthik tharani, Formula racing driver from Volkswagen Motorsport Seminar given to our Students on 15.02.2017

Visit by Mr. Tai Kim, Assistant Director of Graduate, Admissions m Marketing University of Kettering, Michigan, USA on 13.02.2017
We have initiated discussion for tie up with Mr. Tai Kim , Assistant Director of Graduate, Admissions m Marketing University of Kettering, Michigan, USA. Visit to BSAIST our automobile lab & seminar given to our students on 13.02.2017.

Customized Training to final year students on 04.02.2017

MMA Workshop : You – The Brand – Organised on 22nd December 2016

Visit by Lead trainer from ASDC on 25.11.2016

Door To Door Campaign On Waste Management
Door-to-door Campaign on Solid Waste Management was done by our NSS volunteers in Campus Quarters on 25.10.16 explaining the need for segregating the waste and how to go in for waste management.

Our institute organized an Industry institute meet on 22nd October 2016

Workshop on ‘Financial education – Investors’ Awareness programme – Organised on 18th October 2016

Awareness Rally On Youth Awakening Day On 17.10.2016
Our NSS unit celebrated the Youth Awakening day on 17.10.2016 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in a befitting manner. An awareness rally was organised and the NSS Volunteers actively participated in the rally by holding placards of the Inspiring Quotes of A P J Abdul Kalam to spread his message.
Special Pledge was also taken by the NSS volunteers to strive hard and to put their fullest effort to bring Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam dream of of making India Superpower by 2020 come true.

Clothes Collection Drive And Visit To Special Home For Mentally Challenged/Old Age Home
About 25 NSS Volunteers spent their time in BHAVISYA DEEPAM, a home for with mentally retarded people. More than 20 NSS volunteers spent their time in AKSHAYA HOME, home for old age people.
They also distributed the clothes collected during DAAN UTSAV (joy of giving week) during 02.10.16 to 08.10.16 to orphanage/old age homes.

Beach Cleaning Drive on 25.09.2016
Beach cleaning programme was held in Marina beach. More than 50 students participated in beach cleaning programme held during 25.09.2016 and cleaned the Beach and oath was taken against corruption.

General Orientation Programme on 24.09.16
NSS General Orientation Programme was held on 24.09.16. Mr. Shiva Krishnamoorthy, GM, Hand in Hand (NGO) delivered a motivational speech on Social Issues of Rural India. Best NSS volunteer was honored with an award.
Dr. V. M. Periasamy, Former Vice Chancellor and Dr. P. K. Jawahar, Dean (Students Affairs) motivated the NSS volunteers to take up social work and shared their experiences.

Industry Institute Meet – 2016

Urban workshop

Society Inauguration

Professor Muhammed Basheer, Head of the Civil Engineering from UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, UK, delivered a special lecture

Swachh Bharath – Campus Cleaning
N.S.S unit of our Crescent Institute of Science and Technology conducted “Swachh Bharath – Campus cleaning” programme on 30.08.16, 31.08.16, 11.02.17 and 12.02.17 in and around KBA Men’s Hostel and around the Institute campus. 150 NSS volunteers actively participated. Swachh Bharath – Campus cleaning is being periodically done to make the environment clean.

Volks wagon motor sport promotional event organized on 17th August 2016

Campus Cleaning At KBA Men’s Hostel on 15.08.16
On 15.08.16 Campus cleaning was done in B.S. Abdur RahmanCrescent Institute of Science and Technology. As the Independence Day Celebration our students of NSS Programme were divided into teams for cleaning the campus around KBA men’s Hostel. More than 60 students have participated in this programme.

Workshop on “Clean Water through Advanced and Affordable Materials” on 8th August, 2016

Faculty members from Automobile Mechanical, Polymer and Aerospace departments participated in the discussion

Other highlights of discussion
- Online learning Initiative
- Lab Infrastructure
- Discussion on subject Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials , Mechanics of Machinery
- He agreed to be an affiliate faculty for Automobile Department
- He agreed to give value added programs during next vacation
- He also told to explore the possibility of course / semester abroad program in Kettering University, U.S.A