![]() |
Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044-22751347, 48. 50 (Extn 265)(Office) |
Email ID | : | cdnandakumar@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualifications
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
M.Sc | Mathematics | 1993 | Madras University |
M.Phil | Mathematics | 1995 | Madras University |
Ph.D | Mathematics | 2017 | B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology |
Work Experience
University / College | Designation | Period |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai | Associate Professor | 01.07.2019 to Till date |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, India | Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) |
16.05.2012 to 30.06.2019 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, India | Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) |
02.04.2009 to 15.05.2012 |
B.S.A Crescent Engineering College, India | Senior Lecturer | 31.01.2007 to 01.04.2009 |
B.S.A Crescent Engineering College, India | Lecturer | 05.07.2002 to 30.01.2007 |
Madha Engineering College, India | Lecturer | 16.06.2000 to 04.07.2002 |
CTM College of Arts & Science, India | Lecturer | 21.08.1996 to 31.05.2000 |
International Journals:
- K. Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Impacts of Crossover Risk in Reverse Mortgage Loans for Senior Citizens, International Journal of YMER, Volume 20, Issue 12, 2021. (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.103)
- D Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Crop Insurance Prediction using R for Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in Tamilnadu, International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management, Vol. 10, Issue 04, 46 – 53, 2021
- D Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, Application of Actuarial Methods in CropInsurance Designing, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 2921 – 2932, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- D Hebsiba Beula, S. Srinivasan, D. Nandakumar, Problems and Challenges Faced by Indian Agriculture in Current Scenario, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 2908 – 2920, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- J Leo, S. Srinivasan, C.D. Nandakumar, An Economic Impact of Covid-19 in India, International Journal of Aquatic Science Vol 12, Issue 02, 1360 – 1366, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science.
- J.Leo, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “The Feasibilities of Modern Technology for India’s Crop Insurance Scheme”. International Journal of Aquatic Science, Vol 12, No. 2, 466 – 471, 2021, ISSN: 2008-8019. Indexed in Web of Science
- Mahadev Ota, S. Srinivasan and C.D. Nandakumar, “Economic ordering model for multiple items with stochastic demand and budget constraint”. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol 38, No. 1, 2021 (Scopus Indexed, IF: 0.29)
- M.Priya, A.Jaya, C.D.Nandakumar, An understanding of Crowd Sourcing Techniques in Agriculture: A Survey, International Journal of TEST Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 25268-25272, March – April, 2020. H index : 5, Impact Factor – 0.1, Indexed in SCOPUS
- Mahadev Ota, S.Srinivasan,C.D.Nandakumar, Khalid Waheed Manufacturer optimal stock requirement and production rate to maximise the expected profit during peak time, International Journal of Procurement Management, Vol.12, No.2, 257-277, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPM.2020.106542. H index : 20, Impact Factor – 0.33. Indexed in SCOPUS / EBSCO.
- Mahadev Ota, S.Srinivasan,C.D.Nandakumar, Optimal order Quantity by maximising expected utility for the newsboy model, International Journal of Procurement Management, Vol.12, No.4, 410-424, 2019. DOI: 10.1504/IJPM.2019.10022639. H index : 20, Impact Factor – 0.33. Indexed in SCOPUS / EBSCO.
- C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, R.S.Sathiyamoorthi, Optimal Reserve inventory from Output of One Machine to Input to Two Machines when Inter-arrival Breakdowns is a Random Variable, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, Vol. 9, No. 2, 173-192, 2019. DOI: 10.1504/IJPMB.2019.099329 H index : 9, Impact Factor – 0.31. Indexed in SCOPUS / EBSCO (USA).
- Mahadev Ota, S.Srinivasan,C.D.Nandakumar, Exponential Fractional age assumption for the survival function and mortality rate, International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol.19, Issue 1, 33-41, 2019.
- C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, R.S.Sathiyamoorthi, Evaluation of Reordering Time in a Manufacturing Inventory Division, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol.13, No.1, 128-139, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMOR.2018.092968. H index : 18, Impact Factor – 0.32. Indexed in SCOPUS / EBSCO (Switzerland).
- C.D.Nanda kumar, S.Srinivasan, Optimal reserve inventory between two machines when the duration of breakdown time undergoes some distributions, Malaya Journal of Matematik, Special Issue, Issue 1, 305-313, 2015.
- C.D.Nanda kumar, S.Srinivasan, PDF of the random variable when its distribution function changes after the change points, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.8, Issue.No.7, 337-343, 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/ams.2014.311627. H.Index – 13, Impact Factor- 0.235 (Scopus-Indexed Journal).
- C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, P.S Sheik Uduman, Optimal reserve inventory between two machines when the repair time has change of distribution after change point– International Mathematical Forum, Vol.7, No.54, 2659-2668, 2012. H.Index – 14, Impact Factor- 0.323.
International / National Conferences:
- K. Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan and C.D.Nandakumar, Application of Two – Stage DEA in analyzing the Performance efficiency of Public Sector General Insurers in India, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, HICAM 2021, ISBN: 9788194816034, pp.43, April 26, 2021.
- J Leo, S Srinivasan and C.D.Nandakumar, Survival Analysis of The People Living in Tamil Nadu During Covid – 19, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics,HICAM 2021, ISBN: 9788194816034, pp.44, April 26, 2021.
- K.Kapil Raj, S. Srinivasan, C.D.NANDAKUMAR, Examining the Factors Influencing Frequency of Claims in Motor Insurance Policies, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, HICAAMMC-2020, ISBN: 9788194450924, pp.25, Jan 9 – 10, 2020
- S.Baby Latha, C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, The Role of General Insurance Business in Economic Development and Social Security Protection, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, HICAAMMC-2020, ISBN: 9788194450924, pp.24, Jan 9 – 10, 2020.
- P.Nithya, C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, Forecasting the Price of Oil using Data Mining Techniques, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, HICAAMMC-2020, ISBN: 9788194450924, pp.22, Jan 9 – 10, 2020.
- D.Hebsiba Beula, S.Srinivasan, C.D.Nandakumar, An Analysis of Public and Private Sector Involvement in Agriculture Risk and Crop Insurance, Heber International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, HICAAMMC-2020, ISBN: 9788194450924, pp.21, Jan 9 – 10, 2020.
- M.Priya, A.Jaya, C.D.Nandakumar, An Understanding of Crowdsourcing Techniques in Agriculture: A Survey, 8th International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Techology, ICASET-2019, pp.8, Dec 30-31, 2019.
- S.Baby Latha, C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, The Best Estimation of General Insurance Claim Reserve, Seventh International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, December 5-7, 2019
- P.Nithya, C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, A study on Repo Rate Impact Significance on NIFTY Index, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.77-79, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- D.Hebsiba Beula, S.Srinivasan, C.D.Nandakumar, Problems and Challenges faced by Indian Agriculture in Current Scenario, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.80-84, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- S.Baby Latha, C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, The Ultimate Cost of Claim Reserve for General Insurance using Run-Off Trinagle Techniques, National Conference on Recent Trends on Computer Science and Mathematics, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, ISBN: 978-93-88398-88-6, pp.85-89, April 4 – 5, 2019.
- Mahadev Ota, S.Srinivasan,C.D.Nandakumar, Exponential Fractional age assumption for the survival function and mortality rate, Heber International Conference on Applied Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Management and Computer Science, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Proceedings of HICAAMMC-2019, pp.33 – 41, January 7 – 8,2019.
- C.D.Nanda kumar, S.Srinivasan, Optimal reserve inventory between two machines when the duration of breakdown time undergoes some distributions, National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, CMS College of Science & Commerce, Coimbatore, Proceedings of NCRTMAA-2015, July 9-10, 2015.
- C.D.Nandakumar, S.Srinivasan, P.S.SehikUduman and R.Sathiyamoorthy, On Determination of Optimal Resource between Two Machines in Series with change in Revamp Time, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application, by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi, P 214 – 216, Dec.2010.