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Designation | : | Prof. (Mech.) & Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E.(Mech), M.E.(Prodn), Ph.D.(Mech.) |
Phone | : | +91-44-22759243 Extn:243 |
Email ID | : | dean.sms@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, rasool@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engineering | 2006 | CEG, Anna University |
M.E | Production Engineering | 1992 | Annamalai University |
B. E | Mechanical Engineering | 1989 | ACCET, Madurai kamaraj University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | February 2016 to | Till date |
Deputy Head of Academic | DRB-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia | February 2014-Febraury 2016 | 2 years |
Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | January 2011 to February 2014 | 3 years |
Asso. Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | December 2010 –January 2011 | 1 month |
Senior Lecturer | University Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia | December 2008 – December 2010 | 2 years |
Asst. Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | August 2005 – December 2008 | 3 years &4 months |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | August 1996 –July 2005. | 9 years |
Lecturer | Mohammed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakari | August 1992 – August 1996. | 4 years |
Lecture courses
- Theory of Machines
- Engineering Mechanics
- Mechanics of Solids
- Finite Element Method
- Machine Design
- Quality Control and Reliability Engineering
- Materials Engineering (Basic and Advanced)
- Production Technology
- Engineering Graphics
Areas Of Research Interest
- Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
- Cryogenic Treatment
- Welding Metallurgy
- Fracture Analysis
- Finite Element Analysis
Research Publications
International Journal / National Journal/International Conferences / National Conferences/Seminars / Workshops
- M Prashanth, R Karunanithi, SR Mohideen, S Sivasankaran, An exploration on microstructural observation and mechanical behavior of nanocrystallite Al 7017 alloy via mechanical alloying and uniaxial hot pressing, Materials Characterization 171, Jan 2021.
- ZeenathFathima , T.R. Tamilarasan , S. Rasool Mohideen and , MilonSelvam, Mechanical properties and surface characterisation of aluminium foam made of Al 6101 subjected to cryogenic treatment – a comparative study, International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation,11(3) p244-263,July 2020.
- K Asrar Ahmed, S RasoolMohideen, MAS Balaji, B Surya Rajan,Tribological Performance of Brass Powder with Different Copper and Zinc Content in the Brake pad, Tribology in Industry, 42 (2),April 2020.
- RamalingamSengalani, S. Rasool Mohideen, Experimental Validation of Hybrid polymer composite material roboticsingle link flexible manipulator, IJITEE, 9 (3), January,2020.
- RamalingamSengalani, S. Rasool Mohideen, Numerical Analysis of Robotic Manipulator Subjectto Mechanical Flexibility by Lagrangian Method, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys.Sci.June, 2019 (Springer Nature).
- S Ramalingam, S RasoolMohideen, Hybrid Polymer Composite Flexible Multi-LinkRobotic Manipulator Simulation Analysis, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-6S2, April 2019.
- S Ramalingam, S RasoolMohideen, Composite materials for advanced flexible link robotic manipulators: an investigation,International Journal of Ambient Energy, 1-6, 2019.
- BS Rajan, MA Saibalaji, SR Mohideen,Tribological performance evaluation of epoxy modified Phenolic FC reinforced with chemically modified ProsopisJuliflora bark fiber, Materials Research Express 6 (7), 2019,
- S.Ramalingam, S. Rasool Mohideen, S. Manigandan& T. P. PremAnand, Hybrid polymer composite material for robotic manipulator subject to single link flexibility, International Journal of Ambient Energy, Jan 2019.
- MP Ahmed, HS Jailani, SR Mohideen, A Rajadurai,Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of CuBe2, Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 5 (6), 528-535, 4, 2016.
- SR Mohideen, SThamizhmanii, MMMA Fatah, WNW Saidin, Numerical Fracture Analysis of Cryogenically Treated Alloy Steel Weldments, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 114 (1), 012130, 2016.
- N Mohamad Noor, H Samekto, AR Yusoff, R Mohideen, NI Kasim, N Musa, Investigation on Elastic Behaviour of DP800 Dual Phase Steel, Advanced Materials Research 1134, 109-115 , 2016.
- S Thamizhmanii, R Mohideen, A Mujahid, A Zaidi, S Hasan, Solid state friction stir welding using square groove butt joint, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 73 (2 ) 2015.
- S Thamizhmanii, R Mohideen, AMA Zaidi, S Hasan, Surface roughness and tool wear on cryogenic treated CBN insert on titanium and Inconel 718 alloy steel, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 100 (1), 012015.
- SR Mohideen, A Mujahid, A Zaidi, A Shohaimi, S Ravi, “
Metallographic Investigation on the Effect of Cryogenic Temperature on Steel Weldments”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 629, 2014, 456-460. - NA Mohd Adnan, W Saidin, WA Najmuddin, MA Musa, A Zaidi, A Mujahid, “
Mechanical Performance of Coconut Coir Fibre Reinforced Urea Formaldehyde Composites”,Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 8 (15), 2014. - HaiderNasreen, S. Beer Mohamed, S. Rasool Mohideen, “ Microstructural Analysis and Wear Behavior of Cryogenically Treated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 594, 2014, p1331.
- MohdThouseef, RasoolMohideen and NasreenKaleem, “Material Characterization of 316 L stainless steel after subjected to Cryogenic Treatment”, International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol.2 (1) 2012.
- S.Thamizhmaniia, Rajendran*, RasoolMohideen* and Sulaiman , “Investigation on Surface Integrity on STAVAX ESR AISI 420 Martensitic Stainless Steel by Cryogenically Treated Steel Balls with Low Plastic Burnishing Tool”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 504-506 (2012) pp 1347-1352.
- S.Thamizhmaniia, Rajendran*, RasoolMohideen* and Sulaimana , “ Performance Evaluation of Cryogenically Treated Worn CBN Insert by Turning Process”Key Engineering Materials Vol. 504-506 (2012) pp 1323-1328.
- Rasool Mohideen. S, MohdShukriMohdAripin, S.Thamizhmanii, Sulaiman Bin Hasan and Dan Sathiaraj , “Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Aluminum Silicon Carbide (Al-SiC) Composite”, Advanced Materials Research, 383-390 (2012) pp 3320-3324.
- S.RasoolMohideen, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi, “Investigation on Fracture Behavior of Low Alloy Steel Weldments Subjected to Controlled Cryogenic Treatment”, International Journal of Advances in Mechanics and Applications of Industrial Materials, Vol. 1 (1) 2010.
- S.Mazhan, A.M.Ahmed Zaidi, M.I.Gazali, N. Arsat, M.N.M. Hatta , S. Rasool Mohideen, “Study on Sound Absorption Properties of Coconut Coir Fiber Reinforced Composite with Added Recycled Rubber ”, Int. Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2010, Vol 2 (1), p21.
- S.Mazhan, A.M.Ahmed Zaidi, M.I.Gazali, N. Arsat, M.N.M. Hatta , S. RasoolMohideen, “Mecahnical Properties of Medium Density Fiber board Composite Material Using Recycled Rubber and Coconut Coir”, ”, Int. Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2010, Vol 2 (1), p21.
- S RasoolMohideen, A.M.Ahmaed Zaidi, “Influence of Post Weld Heat Treatment on the HAZ of Low Alloy Steel Weldments”, Int. Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2010, Vol 2 (1), p9.
- Ahmed Mujahid A Z ,Mohd Imran Gazali, S RasoolMohideen, RamlathulRaliah, “ Influence of Cutting Parameters in the High Speed Ball Node End Mill”, Journal of Modern Applied Science,Canada, 2009 Vol.3, (12)
- A.M.Ahmad Zaidi, M.M.Md. Asif, I Abdur Rahman, S. RasoolMohideen, A.F.Ahmad Zaidi, N.H.Ahmad Zaidi and M.S. Yusof, “ Finite Element Simulation on Crack Analysis of a Thick Tube”, Int. Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2009, Vol 1 (1), p 67.
- S.Rasool Mohideen. K. Angamuthu, G. Thanigaiyarasu and R. Rajendran, “ Investigation on the Toughness of Steel Weldments Subjected to Deep Cryogenic Treatyment using Notched Tensile Specimen”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Today, July, 2009
- S.Mohamed Nazeer, M.Murugan, S.RasoolMohideen, YVN Narasimmamurthy “Effect of Long Cycle Cryogenic Treatment on Mechanical Properties of 2.25 Cr steel weldments”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Today, Dec,2007.
- S.Rasool Mohideen, “Adaptive Response Forecasting for a Highly Fluctuating Consumption Pattern of Spares”. Journal of Institution of Engineers, 1997,Vol 78, p71.
Papers Presented in conferences:
- S Ramalingam and S Rasool Mohideen Simulation And LQR Controller Design For Conventional And Composite Material Robot Manipulator With Flexibility, Sep, 2020, ETDMMT 2020.
- MohdDurveshMohiuddin, S.Rasool Mohideen, Toughness Property Evaluation of Additive Welded Low Carbon Steel Weldments, Sep, 2020, ETDMMT 2020.
- ZeenathFathima , T.R. Tamilarasan , S. Rasool Mohideen and , MilonSelvam, The Effect of Novel Cryogenic Treatment in the Microstructure Analysis of Al 6101 Closed-Cell Foam, Sep, 2020, ETDMMT 2020.
- M.Prashanth1, R. Karunanithi1, *, S. Rasool Mohideen2, A. Karthik,Microstructural evolution, phase formation and mechanical behaviour of Al 7017 alloy produced by Powder Metallurgy (P/M) technique, , Sep, 2020, ETDMMT 2020.
- MohdDurveshMohiuddinand S.RasoolMohideen, Material Characterization of Additive Welded Mild Steel Weldment, International Symposium On Joining Of Materials,April 27 & 28, 2018 (SOJOM 2018).
- S.Ramalingamand S. Rasool Mohideen, Hybrid Polymer Composite Flexible Multi-Link Robotic Manipulator Simulation System Analysis, International Conference on Safe Biodegradable packing Technology, 2018.
- Nithya, V Kumarakrishnan, S Ravi, SR Mohideen, High performance tiny capacitor development using MATLAB for harmonic elimination in symmetrical full bridge circuit
- Pervaz Ahmed M, Siddhi Jailani H. and Rasool Mohideen S., “Effect of cryogenic treatment on Copper beryllium alloy”, International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing, ICAD&M-14, NIT Trichy, 4-6 Dec. 2014.
- HaiderNasreen, S. Beer Mohamed, S. Rasool Mohideen, “ Microstructural Analysis and Wear Behavior of Cryogenically Treated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, International Mechanical Engineering Congress, NIT, Trichy, India, June 2014.
- N.Ram Kumar, Vela Murali, A. ArockiaJulias and S. Rasool Mohideen, “Experimental Investigation On Mode-I Fracture Toughness Of Low Temperature Treated Glass/Carbon Hybrid Composite Laminates”, International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, ICSM 2013,India, July 2013, pp 357-362.
- RasoolMohaideen, HyderNasreen, Jefrey, ” Effect of Cryogenics treatment on Titanium alloys”, International Conference on Engineering Materials and processes. ICEMAP-2013, 23rd &24th May 2013,India Pg-125.
- MohdThouseef, RasoolMohideen and NasreenKaleem, Material Characterization of 316 L stainless steel after subje ted to Cryogenic Treatment, International Conference on Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ICMIE, Goa, 6thMay , 2012.
- Rasool Mohideen. S ,MohdShukriMohdAripin, S.Thamizhmanii, Sulaiman Bin Hasan and Dan Sathiaraj, “Deep Cryogenic Treatment on Aluminum Silicon Carbide (Al-SiC) Composite”, International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December, 2010.
- S.Rasool Mohideen and Nor Azalli Bin Azmir, “ Metallographic Examination Of Cryogenically Treated Steel Weldments”, Malaysian Metallurgical Conference, December 2009.
- S.RasoolMohideen, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi, “Investigation on Fracture Behaviour of Low Alloy Steel Weldments Subjected to Controlled Cryogenic Treatment”, AES- ATEMA 2009 Conference ,Hamburg, Germany , September 2009.
- Selvakumar. A.S., PrinceArockia Doss. S,Rasool Mohideen. S, ‘Evaluation of Tube Formability by Hydro Forming Technique’, Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technologies Conference , Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2008.
- S.Mohamed Nazeer, M.Murugan, S.RasoolMohideen, YVN Narasimmamurthy “Microstructural Changes due to Cryogenic Treatment on Mechanical Properties of 2.25 Cr steel Weldments”, APDMM 2008.
- M.Karthikeyan and S. Rasool Mohideen, “ Cryogenic treatment of Cutting Tools”, National Conference on the Effect of Information technology on Manufacturing, March 2006.
- RadhaBalaji and S. Rasool Mohideen, ” Analysis of Automatic Injection timing in Diesel Fuel Injection Pump”, National Conference in Advances in Manufacturing and resource Analysis”, April 2006.
- T.P. Gopalakrishnan and S. Rasool Mohideen, “Analysis of Brake Hose Sleeve and generation of Parametric Modeling for Brake Hose Assembly”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing and Thermal Engineering, April,2006.
- S.Rasool Mohideen, G. Thanigaiyarasu and K. Angamuthu, “Effect of Stress relieving on the Fracture toughness of rotor Steel Weldments .Part I residual Stress Analysis”, Proceedings of All India Seminar on Self Reliance In Materials and Machines ,MAT MACH2003, March 2003,P47-58.
- S.Rasool Mohideen, G. Thanigaiyarasu and K. Angamuthu, “Influence of Residual Stress on the Notch Toughness of Rotor Steel Weldments’, Proceedings of National Symposium of Research Scholars(NSRS-4) on Metals and Materials ,September 2002.
- Rasool Mohideen. S, Angamuthu. K and Thanigaiyarasu.G, “Evaluation of Weld Build up Repair Weldability of Aged Cr-Mo Steels”, Proceedings of 12th ISME conference, January 2001,P292-295.
Research Projects
- Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) of Government of Malaysia, “Micro-Machining Using Deep Cryogenic Treated Cutting Tools On Titanium Alloy – Aero Space Alloy By High Speed Machining” 2010-2012
- Short Research Grant of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, “Residual Stress Analysis of Cryogenically Treated Aluminium Alloy Weldments” 2009-2010.
- All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)/ RPS (A) Project, “Optimization of Cryogenic Treatment For Engineering Materials” , 2008-2010
- All India Council of Technical Education ( AICTE) / TAPTEC (R&D) Project, “Cryogenic Treatment of Steel Welds” , 2001-2004
- Editor for the Proceedings of 12th Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME) Conference, January 2001.
- Editor for the Proceedings of the National Conference in Advances in Product Design, materials and manufacturing Engineering, January 2008.
Additional Responsibilities:
- Member of Academic Council
- Member for Research Board
- Member of Board of Studies
- Member of Department Academic Audit
- In-charge for Skill Development Centre