Crescent Initiatives
centre for leadership
CFL – Home

Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
CFL Programmes
Choose your programme
….to add extra value to your corporate professionalism
….to your degree
There is a programme for each one of you, whether you are a Corporate Executive, a Senior Administrator, Faculty Member, a Student of Higher Education Institution or even a School Teacher, we can help you find the right leadership program that will address your psychological and behavioural makeover and fulfil your professional requirements. The program will be customized to suit your interest, experience and availability.
Management Development Programmes (MDP)
….for Corporate Executives

Faculty Leadership Programmes (FLP)
….for Schools and Higher Education Institutions

Youth Leadership Programmes (YLP)
….for Students of Higher Education Institutions

How will this Programme benefit you?
The leadership programme is designed to enhance the personality, behaviour competency and corporate skills of the participants resulting in smooth corporate adaptability as well. The Programme will strengthen your associating and inspiring skills. You will learn how to use power constructively. Additionally, you will learn the best practices to understand the factors present in your job environment and in your behaviour that can work against self and organizational growth. You will be taught to manage such situations and bring about positive change in you. This transformation in personality that would take place during the execution of this programme will in turn augment the transition of professionals to a higher level of efficiency and achievements.
For students, the leadership programme will help in sensitizing, concerning various industry practices and job specifications. The training programme will primarily focus on developing the leadership qualities and behaviour modification of students to face the competitive world, resulting in productive employment.
A string of novel sessions on process and execution using in-basket exercises, situation analysis, role place, games, sensitivity training, mentoring and coaching will increase your latent quality and abilities to become efficient leaders.
Summing up to say “This is the centre and these are the programmes you were looking for, as this is designed exclusively for your professional escalation”
Internal Associates

Management Development Programme
Faculty Leadership Programme
Youth Leadership Programme
Youth Leadership Programme
Entrepreneurial Leadership Programme
Global Vice Chancellor’s Training Programme for University Administration & Management
July 30th – August 2nd 2018
Sponsored by MHRD, Government of India

Youth Leadership Training for Students of Women’s Christian College
24th November 2018

Leadership Training for School Headmasters and Principals
7th December 2018 – Kancheepuram District & 10th December 2018 – Chennai District

CFL Youth Leadership Programme – Testimonial Video by WCC Students
CFL – Leadership Training for Head Masters and Principals – Testimonial Video
CFL – Global Vice Chancellor’s Training Programme – Testimonial Video by Sudhagar
May 25th – May 26th 2017

July 30th – August 2nd 2018
Sponsored by MHRD, Government of India

7th December 2018 – Kancheepuram District

10th December 2018 – Chennai District

Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy
Director, Centre for Leadership
Dr.Shanmugam is currently working as Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology from June 2018. He has received his Ph.D. from University of Madras in 1999 and has taught several courses in Finance and Accounting for Postgraduate and undergraduate students in India from 1980 until 2004. Since then, he has been working in Kuala Lumpur as Professor of Finance teaching several courses in accounting and finance for undergraduate and graduate students. Besides teaching and research, as Deputy Dean he assists the Dean in academic administration. Prior to Malaysia, he took two overseas teaching assignments, one at UAE (1998) and the other at Papua New Guinea (2000). He has presented several research papers in international conferences and published research articles and case studies in the areas of accounting and finance in leading journals. He has co-authored a book and reviewed several course modules of two universities and two modules of Bankers Training Institute in Malaysia.He also had an industry experience for one year (2010) as Business Development Manager for a Malaysian company in India
Dr.Shanmugam has consistently emerged as one of the most popular lecturers in the institutions he belonged. He has been an outstanding lecturer and received overwhelming feedback from students scoring more than 80% in all the courses taught. The popularity among the students can be attributed to his nature of focusing more on slow learners and at the same time delivering lectures to the expectation of average and intelligent students.Even though he worked in teaching universities and amidst academic administrative tasks, he undertook a few funded research projects, presented several research papers at national and international conferences and also published many articles in leading journals. As Deputy Dean of Academic & Student Affairs, he led Programme Harmonization Committee, reviewed and updated syllabus contents of several courses including unrelated areas, prepared proposals for University Curriculum Committee, Academic Administrative Committee, and Senate. He was also instrumental to resolve many issues of students related to academic, personal and financial matters. In 2015, he received an award as the ‘Best Professor in Accountancy’ (2015)’ from the Golden Globe Tiger Summit, an NGO from India (
Centre for Leadership
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology,
Seethakathi Estate,
GST Road, Vandalur,
Chennai – 600 048. India
Mobile No.:9176049254
The Institution has created a centre for Mobile Application Development in collaboration with Apple as a central facility which is open to all the students of our Institution. BSAU – Apple iOS Application Development Centre was inaugurated by our Chairman – Board of Management, Mr. Abdul Qadir A. RahmanBuhari on 21st November, 2012.
- To motivate the students to gain knowledge and experience by developing Mobile Applications in iOS and Android platform
- To develop close interaction with industries to initiate developmental projects in mobile applications
- To make it a resource centre for consultancy and certification for mobile application development in the long run
This centre also conducts seminars and workshops on advance topics on mobile technologies and mobility issues for the benefit of students and staff of this Institution.
Supporting staff
Mr. R. Sathish Kumar, System Analyst cum Operator Grade – II
Working Hours
9.00 AM – 9.00 PM in week days
9.00 AM – 5.00 PM in Saturdays

Air-conditioned laboratory with separate server room backed by 20 kVA UPS.
System details
- Apple iMac Computers : 32
- Apple Mac Pro Server : 01
Hardware Details
Apple iMac Computers
- 2.5GHz Intel Core i5 Processor
- 4GB of 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
- 500GB Serial ATA Hard Disk
- 21.5 inch widescreen TFT – Full HD Display
- FaceTime HD Camera
- AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR3 memory
Apple Mac Pro Server
- Two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Wastmere” Processor
- 16GB of 1066MHz DDR3 ECC SDRAM
- 1TB Serial ATA Hard Disk
- ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR3 memory
Software Details
Apple iMac Computers
- Apple Mac OS Sierra v10.12.5
- iLife’ 11
- Apple iWork’s 09
- Xcode 8.2.1 (Free upgradable)
- iOS 10 SDK (Free upgradable)
- Android Studio v2.3
Apple Mac Pro Server
- Apple Mac OS X Server v10.11
Handheld Devices
- Apple iPod Touch 8 GB
- Apple iPad2 16 GB WiFi

Value Added Programmes
The Centre offers following value added programmes for the students to become more employable.
Certificate Programmes
- iOS Application Development
- Android Application Development
- Flutter Application Development
Major activities conducted
- One day technical workshop on Mobile Application Development in iOS organizedon 21.11.2012. The resource person is Mr. Subash E.P., TechV, Chennai. 25 students and 17 faculty of our Institution have been participated in the workshop.
- HiSPARK 2013, a Fresher’s Training Programme for the 17 students of our Institution, those who have placed in M/s Hibrise Technologies Private Limited, Chennai during Jan-May 2013.
- Two day Technical Workshop oniOS Application Development for Mobile Devices during 6 – 7, Sep 2013. The resource person is Mr. I. Venkateshwaran, Nextwave Multimedia Pvt Ltd., Chennai. 30 studentsof our Institution have been participated in the workshop.
- Seminar on Mobile Application Development for Android OS in collaboration with M/s Ransys Bios Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, on11th October 2013. 130 studentsof our Institution have been participated in the seminar.
- HiSPARK 2013-14, a Fresher’s Training Programme in iOS platform for the 23 students of our Institution, those who have placed in M/s Hibrise Technologies Private Limited, Chennai during Dec 2013-Aug 2014.
- One day workshop on IBM Worklight Tools is jointly organized withFTA-BSAU, in collaboration with ICTACT and IBM on 1st Feb 2014. The resource persons are Mr. Lawrence Mohanraj, DGM, Academic Initiative, IBM and Mr. Lokesh, Android Trainer, IBM. 39 faculty members participated in the workshop, out of which 30 are from other institutions.
- Two day workshop on Objective C and iOS Application Development organized during 12 & 13 Sep 2014. Resource persons are R.Aravinth, Mr. K.Tamil Mani and Mr. M.Muthukumaresh,iOS Application Developers, Hibrise Technologies Private Ltd, Chennai. 2 faculty members and 26 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- Two day workshop on iOS Application Development organized during 19 & 20 Sep 2014. Resource persons are R.Aravinth, Mr. K.Tamil Mani and Mr. M.Muthukumaresh,iOS Application Developers, Hibrise Technologies Private Ltd, Chennai. 33 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- Two day workshop on Android Application Development during 10 & 11 Oct 2014. S. Joseph, Android App Developer, JPA Solutions, Chennai.36 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- A Seven days Training Programme on iOS Application Development during 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 29 & 30 August 2015. Resource person is Mr.I.Venkateswaran, Mobile App Developer, CTS, Chennai. 30 students participated in the workshop out of which 11 were from other institutions.
- A Five days Training Programme on Android Application Development during 5, 6, 12, 13 & 17 September Resource person is Mr. Bharathi Raj, Mobile App Developer, CTS, Chennai. 30 students participated in the workshop out of which 7 were from other institutions.
- A one day workshop on Apple Professional Development in association with Apple Inc. on 6th February 2016. 33 faculty members of BSACIST were participated.
- A one day workshop on Introduction to Android App Development for the students of third year IT students on 13th February 2016. Resource person is Mr. Bharathi Raj, Mobile App Developer, CTS, Chennai.
- A one day workshop on iOS App Development using Swift conducted on 15 March 2016 in collaboration with IUPUI, USA. Resource person is Prof. Rob Elliott, Purdue school of Engg& Tech, IUPUI, USA. 32 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- A two days workshop on Android Application Development conducted during 1 & 2 Oct 2016. Resource persons are Mr. E. Ashok Kumar and Mr. T. Saravanaraja, Hibrise Technologies Pvt Ltd. 30 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- A four days workshop on iOS Application Development conducted during 5,6, 12 & 13 Nov 2016. Resource persons are Mr. I. JawithHussain and Mr. P. Mohamed Kareemullah Shah, Hibrise Technologies Pvt Ltd. 30 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- A two days Faculty Development Programme on Mobile App Development conducted in collaboration with ICT Academy of Tamilnadu during 30 & 31 Jan 2017. Resource person is Mr. Charles Benhar. 26 faculty members from various institutions participated in the FDP.
- A two days workshop on Android Application Development conducted during 16 & 17 Feb 2017. Resource persons are Mr. M. Subramanian and Mr. Mohammed Farooq, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 30 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- A two days workshop on Mobile App Development using App Inventor conducted during 16 & 17 Mar 2017. Resource persons are Mr. M. Subramanian and Mr. Mohammed Farooq, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 80 participants from various institutions participated in the workshop.
- A six days training programme on Mobile App Development conducted during 11, 12, 18, 19 March and 1, 2 April 2017. Resource persons are M. Subramanian and Mr. Mohammed Farooq, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 39 participants from BSACIST and industry participated in the workshop.
- A two days workshop on Scratch Programming conducted on 21 Jul 2017. Resource persons are Mr. M. Subramanian and Mr. Mohammed Farooq, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 25 faculty members of BSACIST and 6 students from other institutions were participated in the workshop.
- School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences and BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre has jointly organized a one day App Inventor Training Programme for School Children on 07.09.2017. Around 33 students and 3 teachers from various schools were participated in the event.
- Certificate programme in Android Application Development was conducted during Sep – Dec 2017. Resource person was Mr. M. Subramanian, Director, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 24 students of BSACIST were participated in the programme.
- Certificate programme in iOS Application Development was conducted during Mar – May 2018. Resource person was Mr. JawithHussain,iOS App Developer, K7 Computing Pvt Ltd. 18 students of BSACIST were participated in the programme.
- A two days workshop on Android Application Development conducted during 12 & 13 Oct 2018. Resource persons are Mr. M. Subramanian and Mr. Mohammed Farooq, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 33 students of BSACIST participated in the workshop.
- Certificate course in Android Application Development was conducted during Sep – Dec 2019. Resource person was Mr. F.M. Farooq Mohammed Abdulla, Development Engineer, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 11 students of BSACIST were participated in the programme.
- Certificate course in Android Application Developmentis being conducted during Mar – Dec 2020. Resource person was Mr. F.M. Farooq Mohammed Abdulla, Development Engineer, SirpiSoftwaresPvt Ltd. 16 students of BSACIST and 2 students from other Institutions are participating in the programme.
- A one day online Training Programme on “Mobile App Development using App Inventor”conducted on 10th Oct 2020 through Google Meet. The Resource Person is Mr. F.M. Mohamed Farooq Abdullah, Development Engineer, Sirpi Software Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. A total of 32 participants including students and faculty members from various Institutions attended the training programme.
- Organizedthe awareness session on “iOS App Development” on 15.10.2020 via Zoom, organized by BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre. The resource personsareMr. V. Balasubramani, Datalogics, Chennai and U.S. Madhan, MoveUp Learning Solutions, Chennai. More than 30 students of BSACIST participated in the event.
- Organized the awareness session on “iOS App Development”for first year students of BSACIST on 09.11.2020 via Zoom, organized by BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre. The resource personsareMr. V. Balasubramani, Datalogics, Chennai and U.S. Madhan, MoveUp Learning Solutions, Chennai. More than 40 first year students participated in the event.

M/s Hibrise Technologies Pvt Ltd has recruited our students for the development of Mobile Application in iOS and Android OS during 2012-14. They have conducted a training programmeHiSPARK for the placed students in BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre.
Most of the recruitments for M/s Hibrise Technologies were only from our Institution, because of the facilities available in BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre.
Hibrise Technologies Pvt Ltd was utilizing the centre to conduct their fresher’s training programme (HiSPARK) for free of cost. In fact anMoU has been signed between Hibrise Technologies Pvt., Ltd., and our Institution to provide adequate lab facilities for training programmes.
Students placed in M/s Hibrise Technologies Pvt Ltd
No. of students placed in the academic year 2012-13: 17
No. of students placed in the academic year 2013-14: 44
- Two of our students got summer internship in M/s PROPO.COM in the academic year 2015-16
- Four of our students got summer internship in M/s Sirpi Software Pvt.Ltd., in the academic year 2016-17
Project carried out during 2012-13 (Students placed in Hibrise)
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1 | Imran Khan | Unified Cloud based Media Player with File Management |
2 | Mohammed IkramulHaq U | An Automated Scheduling System for Doctors to Manage Patients’ Appointment for iOS Device using Web Service |
3 | I JawithHussain | iOS Based Application for Doctors to Manage Patients’ Appointment using Text Based Service |
4 | MdMubashir M | News Content Generation Based on MVC Framework using Gesture Recognizer in iOS |
5 | MdNoumanPervaz | Content Generation and Extraction Based on Centroid Using MVC Framework |
6 | Ranjith Kumar | Unified Cloud Player |
7 | MdKaremullaSha M P | iPhone University Guide |
8 | V Mohammed Hussain | MVC Based Application in iOS for University Guide |
9 | A S ShaikMohaideen | Span Based News Retrieval Based on Google Maps |
10 | Gaurav Mishra | Identification of Generic Sentences for Generating Meaningful Words in iOS Application |
11 | Somendra Singh | An Approach to Form Meaningful Word Set in iOS Application |
12 | K Vinoth | Region Based News Retrieval Using Google Maps |
13 | M RiyazulAboobaucker | Emotion Based Mining for Social Media |
14 | A Peer Mohamed Thabib | Emotion Based Status Share in Social Media |
15 | S Mohammed Yaseen | Emotion Based Status Share in Social Network |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1. | M. HajaNizar, M. Meena ArghyaMondal, R. Aravinth, Muhammad Rizwan . H | Easy – Expense Recorder |
2. | M. Murali Krishnan, N. Manoj Kumar, M. KuraisaFarjana Tamil Mani, M. Palaniappan | Book Reading Keeper |
3. | A.AashiqMeeran, K. Jaffer Ali MahoobMonnaMohamed.M, Amshavalli. R | Run Guide |
4. | S. Dowlath, A.VishnuPriya, Muthukumaresh .M, H.Vigneshwar, Shankarkrishna. R | Snap & Share |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1. | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Material SL Theme |
Night Minimal SL Theme | ||
Wifi Buddy : Live Monitor Tool | ||
Flat Pastel SL Theme | ||
Newslet : News Reader | ||
2. | Mohammed Haashir. C | Razerwood VR |
Chennai Emergency BETA | ||
Dumb Charades | ||
Tappamist | ||
3. | Sidharth | XTnote |
4. | A.Venkatesh, A.T. Suhail | Bank Calc + Interest |
5. | Mohammed Aqib, Syed Ghouse | AttCalc |
6. | R.S. Vignesh Kumar, D. Tariq Abdul Aziz | Pajumapenguins / 2048 (iOS) |
7. | Venkatraman. R, Sivasubramanian | Home Automation System |
8. | Poojitha. S, Shanmugapriya. H | Doodle Jump (Game) (iOS) |
9. | Sowmiya. J Noornisha. N | Tap the Tiles ( Game) (iOS) |
10. | Syed SadhamHussain. S, Sheik Dawood. R | Droppy Bird ( Game) (iOS) |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1. | ReshmaJamila, Thejashree.J, Uma. A. | Buy Big wholesale Grocery Shopping |
2. | Nandhitha.V, SaiPrathiksha. V., Sneha M | BMI Calculator |
3. | Abinaya. J, FathimaMariyam. H, Syed OliFathima.S | Pills Remainder |
4. | Chandru. K., Charulatha.R, AshfinShamma.Z | Optical character recognition |
5. | MuthuKumar.N, Mohd Salman, Mustaqeem.H | Number System Converter |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1. | Alisha Begum, Abishek. V | Live Tracking of Vehicles |
2. | Kolimi Ayesha Nikhath | GPS based Memo Pad |
3. | Balaji. N, Peer Mohamed. S. A | Online Voting App |
4. | Velmurugan. C Mohamed Nizar. T | Movie Ticket Booking |
5. | Poornima. M Ruqsana Begum. S | Mobile Student Assessment Management System |
6. | Sarathkumar.R Mohammed Tufail. S | Email Client Application |
7. | Mohammed Haashir Madurai NihalSuhair | Facepass |
8. | Salick Ali, Monish Mehmi | Clinic Hub |
9. | Imtiyaz. N, Bharath K.V.S | BASE (Blood Availability Search Engine) |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Project Title |
1. | Sanjay. S | Bluecross, TreePlant (CTS) |
2. | Mohamed NajeemFasil | Hourly Table |
3. | Mohamed Arif. M | Automessage |
4. | Mohamed Rawlla. A | Event Book |
5. | Mohamed Abdul Gani. M | Foods View |
6. | SaiNivedhana. R | CGPA Calci |
7. | Mohamed Imran. M | Group Chat |
8. | S. Azaraf Ali | Expense manager |
Android Apps
S.No. | Name of the App | Name of the Student | Paid / Free |
1 | Daily Expense | M.HajaNizar M.Meena ArghyaMondal R.Aravinth H.Muhammad Rizwan |
Free |
2 | Material SL Theme | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Rs.99.18 |
3 | Night Minimal SL Theme | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Rs.99.18 |
4 | Snap & Share | S. Dowlath A.VishnuPriya M. Muthukumaresh H.Vigneshwar R.Shankarkrishna |
Free |
5 | Wifi Buddy : Live Monitor Tool | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Free |
6 | Flat Pastel SL Theme | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Rs.99.18 |
7 | Book Reader | M.Murali Krishnan N.Manoj Kumar M.KuraisaFarjana Tamil Mani M.Palaniappan |
Free |
8 | Razerwood VR | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
9 | Newslet : News Reader | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Free |
10 | Run Guide | A. AashiqMeeran K. Jaffer Ali MahoobMonna M. Mohamed R. Amshavalli |
Free |
11 | Pink Stencil | Suleiman Ali Shakir | Free |
12 | Chennai Emergency BETA | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
13 | Dumb Charades | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
14 | Tappamistic | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
15 | KlipKutter | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
16 | XTnote | J. Sidharth | Free |
17 | Clinic Hub | Salick Ali, Monish Mehmi | Free |
18 | BASE (Blood Availability Search Engine) | N. Imtiyaz, K.V.S. Bharath | Free |
19 | Live Tracking of Vehicles | Abishek | Free |
20 | Women abuse help app (wAH)app | A. ShaidHussain | Free |
21 | Smart Biller | Mohamed Rahis | Free |
22 | Bluecross | Sanjay | Free |
S.No. | Name of the App | Name of the Student | Paid / Free |
1 | Facepass | Mohammed Haashir WasimAkram | Free |
2 | The Bumball | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
3 | Venturious (for iPhone & iPad) | Mohammed Haashir | Free |
Central Computing Facilities

Services Offered
- 24 x 7 availability and accessibility for state of the art data centre with high end rack servers, blade servers, SAN storage, and virtualization
- Providing computing services to all departments and facilities with higher internet bandwidth through wired and wireless mediums
- Maintenance of the Internet/Intranet, and the Institute Website
- Taking care of the Network, Hardware, Software, Projector and UPS maintenance activities in the Institution
- Creating & Managing e-Mail IDs for Staff, and Students
- Computer Maintenance cell (CMC) for Campus wide IT Servicing
- NPTEL Videos are downloaded and stored in our Data Centre being made available for our students 24X7 throughout the campus
Contact: Director/Data Centre | Contact: System Engineer |
![]() Professor/IT Department Director/Data Centre Email: Cell: +91 9444408495 |
Mr. R.Sivakumar Senior System Engineer Email: Cell: +91 9444429186 |
Mr. R.Venkateswaran Senior Network Engineer Email: Cell: +91 9840655474 |
B S Abdur Rahman Institute has established Polymer Nano technology centre with the built in area of 2304 sqft and was inaugurated on 24th Aug 2010 by Prof Dr C N R Rao, FRS , an eminent Nano Technologist and Material scientist and National Research Professor , Jawarharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) , Bangalore.
Prof. Rao also delivered Dr Raja Sir Muthaiah Chettiar Endowment lecture on “Vision for science and Nano Technology in India” to all the faculty and students of B S Abdur Rahman Institute and was honoured by the institute, Citation and Outstanding Personality award for Technology Management. In the interactive meeting of faculty members of B S Abdur Rahman Institute arranged with Prof Dr CNR Rao, Prof Rao mentioned the strong need for research in science and technology and he said that he will provide support to prospective researchers / faculty member’s fellowships and the facilities in JNCASR to utilise.

Prof Dr CNR Rao inaugurates the Polymer Nano Technology Centre

Dr P Kanniappan, Vice Chancellor presenting the Citation to Prof CNR Rao

Alhaj Abdul Qadhir Buhari , Pro Chancellor presenting the outstanding personality for Technology Management award to Prof CNR Rao

B.Tech Students explaining their nano fibre project to Prof CNR Rao

Interaction section at Polymer Nano technology Centre library hall
Goals and Objectives of the Centre
- To establish and promote polymer nano research and training facilities for students, faculty and industry personnel.
- To develop lab facilities with essential and adequate equipment and instruments.
- To create the necessary infrastructure to undertake research work in areas of polymer
- nano composites
- nano fibres and membranes
- nano coatings and adhesives
- nano powders
- nano tubes , wires & rods
- nano fluids
- nano devices design and fabrication
- To carry out interdisciplinary research work with Chemistry, Physics and all engineering disciplines.
- To have collaborative programs with other institutions and industries.
- To create and establish processing facilities for production of polymer nano materials up to pilot scale level.
- To organize short term courses in the area of nano science and technology.
- To offer certificate courses and UG / PG / PhD programmes in Nano Technology.
S.No. | Project Name | Funding Agencies | Year | Name of the Principal Investigator | Amt Sanctioned (Lakhs) |
1 | Development of magnetic polymer product for efficient removal of oil spills in sea water | Naval Research Board | 2009-12
(Completed) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Dept. of Polymer Tech |
21.66 |
2 | Development of high temperature resistant polyimide based nanofiber for electrode and membrane application | DST, Nano Mission | 2009-12
(Completed) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Dept. of Polymer Tech |
91.59 |
3 | Development of heating pads for soldiers in high mountain areas (Joint project with IIT Madras) | DIPAS – DRDO | 2010-13
(Completed) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Dept. of Polymer Tech |
3.96 |
4 | Development of Heated pads for soldiers in cold mountain areas | DIPAS – DRDO | 2010-13
(Completed) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Dept. of Polymer Tech |
9.62 |
5 | Development of Porous polymer product to conduct field trails to remove the oil spills in Sea Water | NRB, DRDO | 2013-15
(Sanctioned) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Dept. of Polymer Tech |
20.04 |
Facilities of the Centre
Polymer Nano Technology lab has the following facilities for carrying out research
Polymer Nano technology Centre – Furnace Lab Details

High Temperature Inert Atmospheric Tubular Furnace – works under inert atmosphere. Its Max Temp is 1400oC with Micro Processor based PID Temperature controller

Laboratory Hot Press – works under inert atmosphere Comprising of Hydraulic Press. Max Temp 800oC with Micro Processor based PID Temperature controller
Polymer Nano technology Centre – Material Preparation Lab

Polymer Nano technology Centre – Material Testing Lab

Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) unit of SEIKO model TG/DTA 6200. Used to measure high temperature transistions and decomposition peak values. Samples like powder, film, liquids, and composites material scan be tested using TGA.

This is to determine the Tensile, compressive and flexural properties of Polymer Samples, Polymer Films

Trinocular Polarizing Microscope with camera is used to magnify the objects. Measures upto 1 micrometer

I M Tech (By research) – 4 (2 full time and 2 part time)
Scholar | Title | Status |
Ms R.Daulath Banu | Studies on development of flame retardant FRP for marine application | Completed |
Ms Gayathri | Development of hybrid polymer composite system for sound absorption | Completed |
Mr D.Baskaran | Biodegradable poly lactic acid / chitosan nano composites for wet food packaging application | Pursuing |
Mr Ananthanarayan | Design modification of tubeless tyre components | Degree Awaded |
II Ph.D – 6 (3 full time & 3 part time)
Scholar | Title | Status |
Mr M.Dhakshnamoorthy | Synthesis and characterization of high performance polyimide based conducting nano composite for electrode application | Degree Awaded |
Ms N.Jaya Chitra | Studies on agro waste filled polymer composites | Degree Awaded |
Mr S.Vikram | Studies on smart fluid polymer nano composite for bio-medical application | Degree Awaded |
Mr D.Mukundan | Bio synthesis, stabilization and characterization of nano particles using redox enzymes from plants | Degree Awaded |
Mr Lalith Mohan Singh Negi | Studies on synthesis and micro structural evaluation of polysiloxanes and their composites | Pursuing |
Mr Murali Manohar | Studies on Carbon Composite | Pursuing |
Invited guest lectures arranged in nano science research
- Lecture on ‘Nanomaterials for Personal Protection’ was arranged by Dr. Sheshadri Ramkumar from Texas Tech University, USA on 27 Aug 2010
- Two days National Conference on “Frontiers in Polymer Nano materials and nano composites” was organised during March 18-19, 2010. The main theme of the conference has been to address and deliberate on the present day technical status and recent trends in polymer nano materials and composites and their applications. This is a unique and specific conference organized to disseminate information on the latest and rapidly advancing technologies in polymer nano materials and composites. 12 eminent personalities from academic institutions and industries have delivered lectures on various topics in polymer nano science and technology.
- Prof Dr Ajith Banthia, Dept of Materials Science, IIT Kharagpur on “Polymer nano Composites Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”.
- Prof Dr SN Maiti, Dept of Polymer Engg, IIT, Delhi on “Polymer Nano materials / Composites: An overview”.
- Prof Dr T S Natarajan, Dept of Physics, IIT Madras on “Polymer Nano fibres and their applications using Electro-spinning”.
- Prof Dr D Mangalraj, Dept of Nano Science and Tech, Bharathiar University on “ In2O3 / PVA nano composites for gas sensing applications”.
- Prof Dr S S Bhagawan, Dept of Chemical engg and Materials Science , Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeedam, Coimbatoare on “ Elastomer based Nano composites : Trends and Challenges”.
- Dr Saraswathi, Professor and Head, Dept of Material Science, Madurai Kamaraj University on “Multi functional nano structured Conducting polymers and their carbon nano composites”.
- Mr V K Sharma, Technical Director, Bhimrajka Impex Pvt Ltd on “Role of fillers and additives from micro to nano scale in Polymer Processing”
- Mr V Sekar, Managing Director, Formulated Polymers Ltd, “Nano composites in Engineering Plastics”.
- Mr Sairam, Senior Manager (Business Dev) , Reliance Industries “ Emerging opportunities in PP composites”.
- Mr Ramani Subramaniam, Associate Vice President, SRF Ltd on“Application of nano technology in the field of technical textiles”.
- Mr A Mathew, Senior Rubber Technologist, Cori Engineering Ltd on “Role of nano fillers in Rubbers”.
- Mr G Sekar, CEO, Flytech Engineering on “Processing of Nano clay – wood – Polymer Composites using twin screw extruder”.
- Invited Talk given in ICNM’13 Conference during Dec 5-7,2013:
- Dr V. Rajendran, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on “Biocompatible nanocomposites for tissue engineering applications”
- Dr. R. Jayavel, Anna University, Chennai, on “Graphene-metal oxide composites with improved properties for photo catalytic and super capacitor applications”
- Dr Murali Rangarajan, Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, Coimbatore, on “Detection of dopamine by functionalized graphene: a simulation study”
- Dr. Prof. Arunasalam Dharmarajan , School of Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University, Australia on “Wnt Antagonist, Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein-4 (sFRP4), Increases Chemotherapeutic Response of Glioma Stem-Like Cells”
- Dr. V.N.Mani, C-MET, Hyderabad, on “Role of advanced nano pure electronic materials and devices in strategic aerospace/ defence applications – a bird’s eye view and select results on the preparation of nano pure gallium for GaAs technology – an indigenous effort”
- Dr Jacob Muthu, WITS University, South Africa on “Polymer nano-composites: an engineering perspective”
- Dr. Sitaram Dash, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research IGCAR, Kalpakkam, on “Nanostructured Coatings for Surface Engineering Applications”
- Dr Vasu Punj, Kerk School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA on “Genomics and Nano bioscience: Future of Precision medicine”
- Dr Tarasankar Pal, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal on “Nanocomposite substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) down to single molecular level”
- Dr Brett Kirk, Curtin University, Australia on “Quantifying the relationship between the biomechanical properties and microstructure of connective tissues”
- DR. David F. L. Jenkins, Plymouth University, UK on “Detecting Silver Nanoparticles in Aqueous Colloids with Surface Plasmon Resonance – Challenging the Limits of Dynamic Light Scattering”
- Dr. K S Dhathathreyan, Centre for Fuel Cell Technology, ARCI, Taramani, Chennai on “Recent developments in Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells at ARCI”
- Dr Kishore Chandra Rewatkar, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur on “Structure and electric-magnetic properties of nanosized hexaferrites synthesized by sol gel auto combustion technique for high frequency applications”
- Dr Rasaiah Ladchumanandasivam, UFRN, Brazil on “Synthesis and application of TiO2 nanocoating on PLA fibres by pulsed dc magnetron sputtering (PMS)”
- Dr A. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, on “Nanomedicine of Ancient Times – A Scientific Study of a Herbometallic Siddha drug Tamira Parpam”
- Prof. N. Rajesh, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus on “Interesting aspects of heavy metal interaction with biopolymer composites for environmental remediation”
- Dr T. S. Natarajan, IIT Madras on “Electrospun metal-oxide nanofibers and their applications”
- Dr Rita John, University of Madras on “Influence of Transition metals on the Optical and Magnetic properties of Nano ZnO”
- Dr Abdul Hadi, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia on “Effect of transition metals doping into Pd on the properties and catalytic performance of PdM/CeZrO nanocatalyst”
- Student and faculty life is getting complex day by day, majority of them lack a sense of direction, purpose and fulfillment. They indulge in destructive activities, which lead to social damage and loss
- Adequate guidance and counseling facilities is the only answer to help and guide the youth to worthwhile channels and help them realize the goals of optimum academic, personal and social development
- Guidance and Counseling aims at helping the student to understand and accept themselves “as they are”
Crescent psychological counselling centre have been started exclusively for female with an female psychologist. This centre is located at the first floor convention centre and email id for communication and booking appointments is

NSS Camp in Thundal Kazhani village given Talk on Stress Management to students of our Institute on 29/01/2020

- It gathers information to help in problem solving
- To establish a cordial relationship between the nurturer and seeker
- To work out a plan for solving difficulties
- To encourage and develop special abilities and right attitudes
- To inspire successful endeavour toward attainment of academic excellence and accept opportunities in life as a growth process
- To assist in career growth as a wholesome process

Special lecture on “Prevention of Suicide among Youths”
On 25.09.2024 we conducted a special lecture on the topic “Prevention of Suicide among Youths” on the account of World Suicide Prevention Day. Crescent professional counselling centre along with School of Social Sciences & Humanities and NSS of our institute organised this lecture for all first-year students.
Dr.V.Jayanthini M.B.B.S,M.D,D.P.M Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist was invited to deliver the special lecture. The event took place in the Convention Centre, BSACIST at 11.50 am.
Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean SSSH delivered the Welcome address. Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Registrar BSACIST delivered the Presidential address.
The guest speaker addressed the importance of Adolescence mental health conditions and its risk factors. She have made the audience understand the importance with real life incidents. She also addressed the need for peer support, parental and institutional intervention and awareness for effective handling of mental health issues in current world. And Dr.S.Muthulakshmi Student psychologist BSACIST delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Orientation Program
The orientation program conducted on 24.07.2024 for B.Tech first-year students, conducted by the Muthulakshmi S Student Psychologist, was a resounding success, shedding light on the vital topic of Mental health and its importance. This enlightening session provided students with an in-depth understanding of mental health, underscoring its pivotal role in achieving academic excellence and maintaining personal well-being. Participants were given a detailed overview of the university’s counselling and guidance center including its comprehensive range of services, strict confidentiality policies, and easy access procedures. By fostering an environment of support and awareness, this orientation aimed to empower students to prioritize their mental health and utilize available resources to confidently navigate university life.

Seminar on “Mental health and wellness”
Crescent professional counselling centre conducted a seminar on “Mental health and wellness” for final year Life sciences students of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and technology on 22.03.2024. Ms. Muthulakshmi, psychologist BSACIST conducted the sessions focused on the non-traditional way of creating awareness of adolescents psychological health, behavioral response and discussions of psychological wound addressal and mindfulness in an interactive way.

Orientation program for freshers has been conducted on 21.8.2023 on the topic “Mental Hygiene for adolescents” by Muthulakshmi.S Student psychologist/counsellor at Auditorium, Crescent Institute campus, Vandalur

Awareness program on “Building and improving emerging adult relationships”
Awareness program on “Building and improving emerging adult relationships” has been conducted by Crescent Professional Counselling Center for the first year B.Tech students on Friday, 12th May 2023 in our auditorium from 3.00 to 4.00 PM. Muthulakshmi. S Msc, PGDCFS, PGDCP, (Ph.D), Student psychologist/counsellor was the resource person for the program.
This was an initiative to make the students think about the idea of relationships and handle it efficiently.
The goal of this program is, 1. To throw light on the facts of unhealthy, toxic and dysfunctional relationship patterns, 2. To reduce the problematic behaviours and thought patterns which arise from their unhealthy relationship, 3. To make them think about how to maintain a healthy relationship with others, 4. To maintain healthy mental health.

World Happiness Day 2023 have been celebrated on 20.03.2023 and virtual activities were given to the students, teaching and non-teaching staffs in the college to enhance the positive impact of mental health.

Stress Management program have been conducted by Muthulakshmi S, Student Psychologist of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai during the 7 days special camp organised by National Service Scheme (NSS) on the theme “MISSION SWACH BHARAT” on 19.03.2023 at Panchayat Union Middle School, Keerapakkam village, Kattankulathur Union, Chengalpattu District, Tamilnadu, India.

Orientation program for B.Tech students have been conducted on October 19, 2022 by Muthulakshmi, Student psychologist/ counsellor on the topic “Importance of adolescents Mental health and well-being”

Pre-Promotional training program have been conducted for Tamil Nadu police at TN Police Academy, Chennai on the topic of “Criminal psychology, Stress management for police population, Health and Police welfare”

About the Skill and Personality Development Programme Centre (SPDC)

The Institution has created a Skill and Personality Development Programme Centre (SPDC) as a central facility that will conduct skill and personality development training for the benefit of SC/ST students of our Institution. The SPDC is sponsored by AICTE under the scheme AICTE Quality Improvement Scheme (AQIS) for the year 2019-2020. This scheme provides opportunity to SC/ST students in the Institute to reorient and empower themselves in the light of emerging employment opportunities at all levels.
Objectives of SPDC:
- To provide training, support and guidance for SC/ST students of various disciplines on the lines of international level.
- To empower the SC / ST students by training them in skills like personality development and soft skills to compete with the other students for industrial employability opportunities.
- To improve skills of SC / ST students by facilitating them to enhance their academic knowledge in emerging areas.
- To inculcate the skill sets like Communication, Problem-solving, Creativity, IT skills, and Teamwork.
- To organize open house events and competitions among students.
Associate Professor
Department of Information Technology
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 600048
Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.)
Department of Information Technology
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 600048
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 600048
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineeering
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai – 600048
Focused Areas of SPDC:
- Communication skill is very much necessary to convey the ideas and exchange the information and it will be achieved by organizing various orientation programmes.
- Problem solving skills is needed to deal with process of finding solutions to complex challenges. Problem solving skills will be improved by conducting lecture hours and online mode training.
- Teamwork is essential to develop interpersonal skills and leadership qualities in students and it will be achieved by organizing project competitions and team activities.
- Creativity is the use of imagination and ideas to create something new. Creativity helps students to come up with newer ideas. Creativity skill will be improved by developing various conceptual models in different disciplines.
- Provide training on latest programming languages with hands on sessions.
Benefits to the students from the SPDC:
- Students of SC / ST sector will have increased employment opportunities.
- Enable the youth to obtain respectable job opportunities.
- Improve productivity and knowledge of the students.
- Students will get strong academic knowledge on their discipline to compete with the industry trends.
- Obtain proficiency in English language.
- Improve communication skills, both written and verbal and focus on personality development.
- Imbibe proficiency in programming languages by developing technical skills.
- Strengthen the aptitude and problem solving skills.
- Students will be able to attend any competitive exam with high level of confidence.
Expected Outcome of the SPDC:
- Students of SC / ST sector will be professionally trained and will emerge as knowledge experts in different disciplines.
- Students obtain 100% placement.
- Students can solve the technical problems.
- Students can communicate effectively and thrive well in the team based activities in their career.
- Students can excel in the quantitative aptitude and qualitative skills.
- Students develop confidence to appear in competitive examinations.

Events Organized
Sl.No | Name of the Event | Resource Person | Date | Video Link |
1. | Inauguration of SPDC | ![]() Er. C. Shanmugam, IES, Former Director, Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India |
05.08.2020 | Inauguration of SPDC |
2. | Engineers Day Celebration Hands on Session on “Kubernet” | ![]() Er. AnanthaKrishanan, Technical Specialist Genesis Telecom Lab, Chennai |
15.09.2020 | Engineers Day 2020 |
3. | Awareness of Central Govt. Jobs and Examination. | ![]() Dr. A.Satish, IRSE M.E (IIT) , M.Sc., MSW, MIE, MPM, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.A (Psy) Dy. Chief Engineer/Designs, North Frontier Railway |
05.10.2020 | Awareness of Central Govt. Jobs and Examination |
4. | Three-day Soft skills Training –Series I | ![]() Ms. T.N. Brinda, Corporate & Institutional Trainer |
14.10.2020 to 16.10.2020 | Day 1 – 14.10.20 Day 2 – 27.11.2020 Day 3 – 16.10.20 |
5. | Webinar on Knowledge Economy | ![]() Sri Lakshmi Kantham IAS (Retd.) |
09.11.2020 | Webinar on Knowledge Economy |
6. | Soft Skills Training – Series II | ![]() |
21.11.2020 28.11.2020 | Day 1 – 20.11.2020 Day 2 – 27.11.2020 |
7. | Webinar on Lateral Thinking | ![]() Mr. R. Pari, Freelance Technical Consultant |
24.12.2020 | Webinar on Lateral Thinking |

CITL Incharge
Professor & Head
The CITL has a dedicated studio for recording of video lectures and plays a vital role in the creation of e-content for the courses offered in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The CITL centre facilitates the learners from diverse socio economic cultural background. The centre guides the faculty in providing excellence in teaching by practising active learning and creation of digital learning repository.
- CITL envisions to be a leader in the development and implementation of innovative tools and technology for teaching and learning.
- To create a productive learning environment through digital technologies for effective teaching learning process.
- To design online learning spaces incorporating latest technologies in the field of education.
- To implement a learner centric environment and provide online learning resources for on demand learning.
- To execute consultancy projects of industry and other organizations in developing training contents and video production.
Director in charge (CITL)

Director in charge – CITL & Professor / IT
Mobile No: 9941376041
Technical Editor (CITL)

Technical Editor, CITL
Mobile No: 7395900537

Smart Cities and Developments by Dr. K.Yogeswari
Water and Waste Water Engineering by Dr. Priya Vs
Ground Water Pollution & Transport Process by
Mrs. Madumathi Gunasekaran
Earthquake Engineering by Dr.J.Revathy
Structural Dynamics by Dr. P. Gajalakshmi
New Techniques in Aseismic Design by Dr. A.K.Kaliluthin
Introduction to Remote Sensing by K.Kanmani
Solid Waste Management by Ayisha Sidiqua
Prefabricated Structures by J. Shri Indhu
Compensation in Power System by Dr. Mohammed Suhaib
Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontroller by Sadhish Prabhu
Components of Research by Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi
Lecture on Multirate Digital Signal Process by Parnasree Chakraborty
Discussion on Semiconductors by A. Priya
Addressing Modes of 8086 Microprocessor by M.Vanmathi
Introduction on VLSI by S.Kalaivani
DC Characteristics of CMOS Inverter by Ms. S. Kalaivani
Temperature Measurement by Prof. Murshitha Shajahan
Theory of Computation by Dr. M. Sandhya
Computer Architecture Restoring Division by Dr Aisha Banu
LEX (Lexical Analayzer – Scanner Generator) by Dr. Revathi
Network Security & Cryptography by Dr. N. Sabiyath Fatima
Asymptotic Notations by Akila Devi
Half Adder & Full Adder by Radhika. A
Social Entrepreneurship by Dr. L.Shakkeera
Programming Paradigms & Object Oriented Paradigm by R.Priyadarshini
Cloud Security by Dr.G.Kavitha
Big Data Security Analytics by Dr.L.Shakeera
Deadlocks in Operating System by Dr. P. Latchoumy
Wireless & Adhoc Networks by V.M.Niaz Ahamed
Binary Tree Traversal by Mr. Thinakaran
Krushkal’s algorithm by Safiya Parvin A
Learn about Stack by Preeti Verma
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks by Preeti Verma
Blockchain Basics by Mrs. S. Prathiba
Operating Systems CPU Scheduling Algorithm by R. Shahtaj
Interpolation by Ms. Sagaya Suganya
Cuthill Mckee Algorithm by Dr. Aarthi
Reinsurance by Ms. Abidha
Neuro Linguistic Programming by Dr. D. Ashokk
Consumer Behaviour by Dr. Chandrika Srinivas
Introduction to Accounting by Dr Afzalur Rahamn
Statement of purpose by Dr. Vijayakumar
Blended Learning by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 1 by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 2 by Dr. Vijayakumar
How to Write E-Mail by Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam
Resume writing by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 3 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 2 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 1 – Communicating with Confidence by Dr Vijayakumar
Corrosion by Dr. G.Bhavathy
Electrochemical Corrosion by Revathi Purushothaman
Zeolite process by Revathi Purushothaman
Demineralisation process by Revathi Purushothaman
Reverse Osmosis process by Revathi Purushothaman
Hardness of Water by Revathi Purushothaman
Estimation of hardness of water by Revathi Purushothaman
The Centre for International Relations is the fulcrum of Crescent in bilateral research and academic programmes bringing together different overseas Institutions/ Universities to facilitate knowledge sharing. The centre coordinates exchange of faculty members and students, organizing international joint conferences or seminars, conducting foreign language learning programmes and collaborations with the overseas Institutions/ Universities through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Currently, Crescent has connected with more than 20 overseas Institutions/ Universities through MoU thereby strengthening the institute in building relationship in global arena.
CIR is dedicated in merging research and academics, which facilitates exchange of faculty members and students on short-term or long-term visits with the partnering Institutions/ Universities.
The office of the Centre for International Relations coordinates the enrolment of Foreign Nationals, Non-Resident Indians, People of Indian Origin and Children of Indian Workers in Gulf Countries for undergraduate, post-graduate and Ph.D programmes in B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
The centre creates a platform to enable students and faculty members to learn foreign languages for the betterment of their future.
Mr. Raed Mohammed Ali Abdo,
Ph.D Scholar, Management Studies
Mr.Solomon Tawiah Yehoah,
Ph.D Scholar, Management Studies
Mr.Ben Ebo Attom,
Ph.D Scholar, Management Studies
Centre for International Relations (CIR)

Dr. Takhellambam Rocky Devi
Director in Charge
Centre for International Relations
Mobile: +91 98844 99088
Centre for Digital Media
About Us
The main objective of establishing the Centre for Digital Media (CDM) is to reach large audience and have direct connection with students and society through social media platforms. There has been an upward trend in number of youngsters learning and gaining knowledge through digital mediums. At Crescent, we work to empower the youth through quality and value-based education. CDM aspires to share the recent happening of several schools and departments at Crescent, with the relevant stakeholders. Events like Short Term training Programs, Faculty Development Program, Sports, Research initiatives and grants etc done at various departments would be shared online. Our aim is to blossom into an internationally renowned Institute through consistent efforts. In this journey, our students, staff members, administrators have brought laurels to Crescents. As a mark of appreciation and recognition of these achievements, we share them on several social media platforms. There has been a great impact of the digital revolution. The amount of worldwide mobile smart device users have increased tremendously. There are currently 2.32 billion smart-phone users across the world. This figure is projected to exceed 2.87 billion by 2020. The fact that such a large proportion of the world’s population own smart devices demonstrates the rapid level of growth achieved throughout the digital revolution. Owing to this, most of the information consumption is happening online. However, not all the information available online is factual. We at Crescent, believe in adopting to the changing needs of our students. Thus the Centre for Digital Media conducts online seminars, workshops and training programs in topics related to ecommerce, Digital Marketing, e-learning and online education for students and faculty members. One of our core value is Community Focus. We join hands with the common fraternity and adhere to its needs by way of solving problems and sharing opinions on social media platforms.
Dr. Syed Mohsin Ashfaquddin
Director (In-Charge) Centre for Digital Media

CITL Incharge
Professor & Head
The CITL has a dedicated studio for recording of video lectures and plays a vital role in the creation of e-content for the courses offered in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The CITL centre facilitates the learners from diverse socio economic cultural background. The centre guides the faculty in providing excellence in teaching by practising active learning and creation of digital learning repository.
- CITL envisions to be a leader in the development and implementation of innovative tools and technology for teaching and learning.
- To create a productive learning environment through digital technologies for effective teaching learning process.
- To design online learning spaces incorporating latest technologies in the field of education.
- To implement a learner centric environment and provide online learning resources for on demand learning.
- To execute consultancy projects of industry and other organizations in developing training contents and video production.
Director in charge (CITL)

Director in charge – CITL & Professor / IT
Mobile No: 9941376041
Technical Editor (CITL)

Technical Editor, CITL
Mobile No: 7395900537

Smart Cities and Developments by Dr. K.Yogeswari
Water and Waste Water Engineering by Dr. Priya Vs
Ground Water Pollution & Transport Process by
Mrs. Madumathi Gunasekaran
Earthquake Engineering by Dr.J.Revathy
Structural Dynamics by Dr. P. Gajalakshmi
New Techniques in Aseismic Design by Dr. A.K.Kaliluthin
Introduction to Remote Sensing by K.Kanmani
Solid Waste Management by Ayisha Sidiqua
Prefabricated Structures by J. Shri Indhu
Compensation in Power System by Dr. Mohammed Suhaib
Introduction to Microprocessor and Microcontroller by Sadhish Prabhu
Components of Research by Dr. B. Vijayalakshmi
Lecture on Multirate Digital Signal Process by Parnasree Chakraborty
Discussion on Semiconductors by A. Priya
Addressing Modes of 8086 Microprocessor by M.Vanmathi
Introduction on VLSI by S.Kalaivani
DC Characteristics of CMOS Inverter by Ms. S. Kalaivani
Temperature Measurement by Prof. Murshitha Shajahan
Theory of Computation by Dr. M. Sandhya
Computer Architecture Restoring Division by Dr Aisha Banu
LEX (Lexical Analayzer – Scanner Generator) by Dr. Revathi
Network Security & Cryptography by Dr. N. Sabiyath Fatima
Asymptotic Notations by Akila Devi
Half Adder & Full Adder by Radhika. A
Social Entrepreneurship by Dr. L.Shakkeera
Programming Paradigms & Object Oriented Paradigm by R.Priyadarshini
Cloud Security by Dr.G.Kavitha
Big Data Security Analytics by Dr.L.Shakeera
Deadlocks in Operating System by Dr. P. Latchoumy
Wireless & Adhoc Networks by V.M.Niaz Ahamed
Binary Tree Traversal by Mr. Thinakaran
Krushkal’s algorithm by Safiya Parvin A
Learn about Stack by Preeti Verma
Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks by Preeti Verma
Blockchain Basics by Mrs. S. Prathiba
Operating Systems CPU Scheduling Algorithm by R. Shahtaj
Interpolation by Ms. Sagaya Suganya
Cuthill Mckee Algorithm by Dr. Aarthi
Reinsurance by Ms. Abidha
Neuro Linguistic Programming by Dr. D. Ashokk
Consumer Behaviour by Dr. Chandrika Srinivas
Introduction to Accounting by Dr Afzalur Rahamn
Statement of purpose by Dr. Vijayakumar
Blended Learning by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 1 by Dr. Vijayakumar
Argumentative Writing Part – 2 by Dr. Vijayakumar
How to Write E-Mail by Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam
Resume writing by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 3 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 2 – Speech purpose by Dr.Vijayakumar
Module 1 – Communicating with Confidence by Dr Vijayakumar
Corrosion by Dr. G.Bhavathy
Electrochemical Corrosion by Revathi Purushothaman
Zeolite process by Revathi Purushothaman
Demineralisation process by Revathi Purushothaman
Reverse Osmosis process by Revathi Purushothaman
Hardness of Water by Revathi Purushothaman
Estimation of hardness of water by Revathi Purushothaman