![]() |
Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,.M.E.Ph.D. |
Phone | : | 91 44 2275 1347,48,50(Office) |
Email ID | : | srevathi@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Class Obtained | University |
Ph.D. | Information and Communication Engineering | 2014 | – | Anna University |
M.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2000 | First Class with Distinction | Madurai Kamarajar University |
B. E | Computer Science and Engineering | 1994 | First Class | Bharathiar University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 16th Dec 2019 to till date | 1 year 7 months |
Associate Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | April 2008 to 15th Dec 2019 | 11 Years 7 months |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College | Sept 2004 to March 2008 | 3 Years 6 months |
Lecturer | Crescent Engineering College | June 2002 to August 2004 | 2 Years 3 Months |
Lecturer | Sri venkateswara College of Engineering | Sept 2000 to April 2002 | 1 Year 10 Months |
Lecturer | S.R.M. Engineering College | July 1996 to August 1999 | 3 Years 2 Months |
Lecturer | Panimalar Polytechnic | Nov 1994 to June 1996 | 1 Year 10 months |
Lecture Courses
- Internet of Things
- Principles of Compiler Design
- Data structures and Algorithms
- Mobile ad hoc networks
- Operating Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Database Management Systems
- Digital Logic Design
- Object Oriented Programming
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Areas of Research Interest
- Mobile Ad hoc Network
- Internet of Things
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
International Journal :
- Menaga D, S. Revathi, “Fractional-atom search algorithm-based deep recurrent neural network for cancer classification”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, DOI: 1007/s12652-021-03008-z, 12th March, 2021.
- Azka Wani, Revathi S, Rubeena Khaliq, “SDN-based intrusion detection system for IoT using deep learning classifier (IDSIoT-SDL)”, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, https://doi.org/10.1049/cit2.12003, 03 March 2021
- Azka and S.Revathi, “DDoS Detection and Alleviation in IoT using SDN(SDIoT-DDoS-DA)”, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-020-00442-z, April, 2020.
- Azka and S.Revathi , “Ransomware Protection in IoT Using Software Defined Networking”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol, 10, No. 3, pp. 3166-3175, June 2020. http://doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v10i3.pp3166-3175
- V.Muthu Priya and S.Revathi, “Security Enhanced Location-aided Level-based Disjoint Multipath Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2018, pp. 251–265 251. http://cit.fer.hr/index.php/CIT/article/viewFile/4224/2251
- D.Menaga and S.Revathi, “Least Lion Optimisation Algorithm(LLOA) based secret key generation for privacy preserving association rule hiding”, IET Digital Library, Vol 12, No. 4, pp.332-340, July 2018. https://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10.1049/iet-ifs.2017.0634
- Muthu priya and S.Revathi, “Location-Aided Level based Disjoint Mutipath Routing (LLDMR) Algorithm”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information technology, Vol. 95, No.23, December 2017. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321850725_Locationaided_level_based_disjoint
_multipath_routing_LLDMR_algorithm - Sri Bharathi, Angelina Geetha and S.Revathi, “Sentiment Analysis of Twitter and RSS News Feeds and Its Impact on Stock Market Prediction”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems”, Vol.10, No.6, Dec, 2017. http://oaji.net/articles/2017/3603-1512972393.pdf
- Subhashini and S.Revathi, Hand Gesture Recognition Using Binary Language for Audio Based Communication”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research (IJCESR), Vol.4,No.6, 2017. http://troindia.in/journal/ijcesr/vol4iss6part3/43-49.pdf
- S Subburam, S Revathi, T Senthilkumaran, A Muruganandham, “Opinion Based Security Using Exponential Smoothing Method in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network” Journal of Computational and Theoretical NanoscienceVol. 14, No.11,pp.5552-5558, Nov., 2017. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jctn/2017/00000014/00000011/art00055;jsessionid=skqf3e88mr9n.x-ic-live-03
- Azka , S. Revathi and Angelina Geetha, “A survey of Applications and Security issues in Software Defined Networking”, Internal Journal Computer Network and Information Security, Vol. 3, pp.21-28, March 2017. – http://www.mecs-press.org/ijcnis/ijcnis-v9-n3/IJCNIS-V9-N3-3.pdf
- Azka and S.Revathi, “Protocols for Secure Internet of Things”, International Journal Education and Management Engineering, Vol.2, pp.20-29, March 2017. – http://www.mecs-press.org/ijeme/ijeme-v7-n2/IJEME-V7-N2-3.pdf
- S.Revathi, T.Senthil Kumaran, “Dynamically Miticating Flooding Overhead and Automatic Repairing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks,Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, pp. 857-864, Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016. – http://ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAS/article/view/3937
- Poongothai, M.Mathivanan, T.Senthil Kumaran and S.Revathi, “Integrated Cluster-based Rule Induction Mining of Temporal Data for Time – Series Analysis”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, pp. Vol. 9, No. 47, December 2016. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312471553_Integrated_Cluster-based_Rule_Induction_Mining_of_Temporal_Data_for_Time-Series_Analysis
- Subburam, T.Senthil Kumaran, S.Revathi and M.Mathivanan, “An innovative Design Approach to control over Ad hoc Networks”, Circuits and Systems, pp. 971-982, Vol.7, May 2016. https://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=66627
- Udhaya Sandhya and S.Revathi, “Text Mining using Side information from Twitter Tweets”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, pp. 1219-1225, Vol. 5, No.4, April, 2016 – http://ijsetr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IJSETR-VOL-5-ISSUE-4-1219-1225.pdf
- S.Revathi and Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, “ Secure Route Discovery using Opinion Based Method in MANET”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications(IJCNWC), pp.442-446, Vol.5, No.1., 2015. – http://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=ajsr.2014.102.109&org=11
- Jaffer and S.Revathi, “Efficient Quality Trust based Routing algorithm to enhance the security in MANET”, Vol.13, No.4, March 2015. – http://www.ijetcse.com/wp-content/plugins/ijetcse/file/upload/docx/661EFFICIENT-QUALITY-TRUST-BASED-ROUTING-ALGORITHM-TO-ENHANCE-SECURITY-IN-MANET-pdf.pdf
- S.Revathi and Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, ”Efficient Flooding and Local Route Repair using Stable Connected Dominating Set for Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, pp.102-109, 2014. – http://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=ajsr.2014.102.109&org=11
- S.Revathi and Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, “Dynamic Route Shorting and Route Repairing Mechanism for Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, Journal of Computer Science, pp.1212-1218, 2012. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Dynamic-Route-Shortening-and-Route-Repairing-for-Ad-Revathi-Rangaswamy/d39553a7bef6f287c6ad55c480b422d17877a87b
- S.Revathi and Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, ”Secured Optimal Adaptable Ad-Hoc Routing Protocol in MANET”, European Journal of Scientific Research, pp.62-72, 2012.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266223398_Secured_optimal_adaptable_Ad-hoc_routing_protocol_in_MANET#fullTextFileContent
- Nehru P., S.Revathi, “Automatic Human Emotion Recognition using Particle Swarm Optimization based Facial Action Coding System”, International Journal: Global Journal for Research Analysis, pp.72-76, 2012.
International Conferences:
- Abdul Waheed Shaikh, Revathi S, Mohammed Abdul Matheen, Amairullah Khan Lodhi, Mohammed Ashrafuddin and Maboobatcha G.S , “Processing of Human emotions using cost effective EEG Sensor and Machine Learning”, 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (CAIDA)- 2021.
- Akila and S.Revathi, “Text Mining of user reviews to predict sentiment using Machine Learning”, International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20), 6th – 7th March 2020.
- Regina and S.Revathi, “Machine Learning Algorithms for predicting stock market daily returns”, International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20), 6th – 7th March 2020.
- Menaga and S.Revathi, “Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis based Dimentionality Reduction and Deep Learning for Cancer Classification”, 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications (ICICA-2019) held at Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad-201204 on 06th – 07th December 2019.
- Akila and S.Revathi, “Text Mining of user reviews to predict sentiment using Machine Learning”, International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20) , 6th – 7th March 2020.
- Regina and S.Revathi, “Machine Learning Algorithms for predicting stock market daily returns”, International Conference on Research advancement and challenges in Engineering Sciences, (ICRACE’20) , 6th – 7th March 2020.
- Azka and S.Revathi, “ A software Defined Networking Model for ensuring end-to-end security in IoT(SDN-SIoT)”, ICKSSD, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, 2019.
- Menaga and S.Revathi , “Privacy Preserving using Bio Inspired Algorithms for Data Sanitization”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (EECCMC), 28th – 29th January 2018 at Priyadharshini Engineering College, India
- Azka and S.Revathi, “Analyzing Threats of IoT networks Using SDN based Intrusion Detection System (SDIoT-IDS)”, 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT 2017), 30th – 31st Oct 2017 at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.
- V.Muthu Priya and S.Revathi, “ Secure Location Aided Routing (SLAR)”, in IEEE International conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI) organized by Saveetha Engineering college during 21st and 22nd September 2017.
- Jaffer and S.Revathi, “Efficient Quality Trust based Routing Algorithm to enhance security in MANET”, International Conference on advances in Emerging Technology 2015, ICAET 2015, March 2015.
- Hema, Lavanya & S.Revathi, “Data Reduction using Similarity Estimation in Big Data”, “5th International Conference on Science and Innovation Engineering, April 2015.
- Y.Raseena and S.Revathi, “ Anchor based Service Discovery and Reservation system in MANET”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advance Computing Systems: NCASCS ’12, 2012.
- E.Anbu Subbaiyan and S.Revathi, “Service handoff in Mobile Ad hoc Networks”, Conference on Futuristic and Advanced Computing Technologies, March 2012.
- S.Revathi and Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, “Efficient Route Discovery using Stable Connected Dominating Set for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, pp.763-767, IEEE Conference, 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies.
Book Chapter
- Menaga D and S.Revathi, “Deep Learning: A Recent Computing Platform for Multimedia Information Retrieval”, IGI Global.2020, igi-global.com/chapter/deep-learning/240339?camid=4v1
- Published a book chapter titled “Basic Study on Machine learning for Diagnosis Diseases”, in the book Machine Learning and Applications, Dipti Press(OPC), Pvt. Ltd, 2020.
- Azka and S.Revathi, “Analyzing Threats of IoT Networks Using SDN Based Intrusion Detection System (SDIoT-IDS)”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 536–542, 2018.
Workshop / Seminar / Guest Lecture / FDTP Organized
- Organized Webinar on Blockchain Technology on 13-03-2021
- Organized one week STTP on “Internet of Things(Everything)-Future” sponsored by AICTE from 07-09-2020 to 12-09-2020
- Organized one week STTP on “Internet of Things(Everything)-Future” sponsored by AICTE from 24-08-2020 to 29-08-2020
- Organized Webinar on “Introduction to Data Science” on 21st May 2020
- Organized Special guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in IoT” on 29-02-2020
- Organized Alumni talk on “ Reverse Engineering Malwares” on 18th September 2019
- Organized “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp funded by DST-NIMAT was conducted on 17th to 19th October 2019
- Organized Workshop on Scope and Challenges of Digital India on 23rd March 2017
- Organized Workshop on Software Development for Portable Devices using Android on 20th March 2017.
- Organized Five days Workshop on Algorithms – Project Based Approach from 8th-12th November 2016
- Seminar talk on Big Data in Action – Case Study on 19th November 2016
- Organized NS2 program from 10th May 2015 to 16th May 2015
- Two days workshop on Social Web Mining from 12th-13th September 2014
- Organized Faculty Development Program on Data Structures sponsored by Anna University, 2nd May to 16th May 2010
Guest Lecture Delivered
- Guest talk on “common problems faced by entrepreneurs for their success”, in the DST NIMAT Sponsored Entrepreneur Development held at MNM Jain Engineering College on 28th February 2020
- Delivered Expert Lecture in the FDTP on “Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , University College of Engineering, Kancheepuram, sponsored by Anna University, Chennai held on 5th December 2019.
- Presented a Guest Lecture on “Iot Transport & Application Layer Protocols” in the AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends In Internet of Things and Its Research Issues” held at MNM Jain Engineering College, Chennai Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 8th November 2019.
- Session chair in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics during April 4th and 5th 2019
- Presented Guest Lecture on “Importance of Entrepreneurship in Success and Failure Scenario” in the DST NIMAT Sponsored Entrepreneur Development held at MNM Jain Engineering College on 9th January 2019 – 11th January 2019
- Presented Guest Lecture on “Success and failure stories of entrepreneurs” in the DST NIMAT Sponsored ENTREPRENERUSHIP AWARENESS CAMP, held at MNM Jain Engineering College on 26th September 2018 – 28th September 2018.
- Presented Guest Lecture on “Internet of Things and Applications in Prince Shri Venkateswara Padmavathy Engineering College on 25-09-2017
- Presented guest lecture on “Internet of Things” at UCEK, Anna University, Kanchipuram on 23-03-2017.
- Presented Guest Lecture on Course Outcome and Program Outcome in Electronics and Instrumentation Department, B.S.A.Crescent University on 2017.
- Session Speaker in Faculty Development Program – Compiler Design conducted by Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai on 29-12-2015
- Presented a lecture in the Workshop on “Effective conduct of Practical Sessions : Focus on Computer Science Subjects” on 12-07-2011
- Session Speaker in Faculty Development Program – Data Structures conducted by B.S.A.Crescent Engineering College on 3-4-2010
Roles in Research Conferences / Journals
- Session chair in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Mathematics was conducted by SCIMS, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during April 4th and 5th 2019
- Reviewer for International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology (ICICCT-2018) , ICICCT – 2018 Springer
- Reviewer for IDT Journal, PROSE publication, 2018
- Reviewer for conference papers for the 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC 2017) was conducted by MIT Campus, Anna University from Dec 14th 2017 to Dec 16th 2017
- Reviewer for the International Conference paper for the Springer ICICCT-2018, International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies.
- Reviewer for the Conference papers for the Second Ieee International Conference On Computing And Communications Technologies ( ICCCT’17) was held on 23-02-2017 & 24-02-2017 in Information Technology Department, Sai Ram Engineering College.
- Technical Review Committee Member for the IEEE ICCCT’15 organized by Information Technology, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College
- Review articles in Intelligent Decision Technologies: An International Journal
- Chaired a session in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technologies, BSAU, October 2013.
Workshop / Seminar / Guest Lecture / FDTP Attended
- Participated in “Five Days Online Workshop on Zero Coding: Data Analytics and Machine Learning for IoT Automation” from 21-06-2021 to 25-06-2021 conducted by VIT, Chennai.
- Completed Five Days Faculty Development Training Programme on “ Open Sources Tools for Data Analytics” from 24th May 2021 to 29th May 2021., conducted by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College.
- Participated in Guinness World Record Event-Most users to take an online Computer Programming Lesson in 24 hours conducted by GUVI from 24th April 2021 to 25th April 2021.
- Completed Python 3.4.3 test organized at Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology, Budhgaon, on 2nd May 2020, offered by Spoken Tutorial,IIT Bombay, sponsored by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India.
- Completed HTML test organized at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, April 24th 2020, offered by Spoken Tutorial,IIT Bombay, sponsored by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India
- Completed Introduction to Internet of Things conducted by NPTEL-AICTE-IIT from July to Oct 2018
- Completed Database Management Systems conducted by NPTEL-AICTE-IIT from Jan to May 2019
- Completed Compiler Design conducted by NPTEL-AICTE-IIT from Jan to May 2019
- Completed Data science for engineers conducted by NPTEL-AICTE-IIT from September to November 2019
- Five days P(26th – 30th October 2019, Professional Development Oracle Academy Course : Database Programming with PL/SQL, organized by Oracle with FTA, BSACIST.
- Three days workshop on “Writing quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents”, from 20th July to 22nd July 2019
- Attended Academic Leadership Training, sponsored by MHRD ffrom 1st April 2019 to 6th April 2019.
- National seminar on e-learning and MOOC in Higher Education, conducted by GAD-TLC of MHRD collaboration with Crescent on 9th March 2019
- Reference management &knowledge organization for journal writing, Aalim Muhammed Salegh College Of Engineering, 7th Jan 2019 to 11th Jan 2019
- Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process conducted by IIT Bombay in collaboration with Loyola College of Engineering from 3rd May 2018 to 30th May 2018
- IITBombayXFoundation Program in ICT for Education “ organized by IIT Bombay with Loyola College of Engineering from 8th March 2018 to 12th April 2018.
- Attended FDP on “IBM Design Thinking agile software development and Devops.”, Organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, 02.07.2018 – 06.07.2018.
- Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu, 2nd National Conference of Free Software Movement of India conducted by Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu from 26-01-20017 to 29-01-2017
- Workshop on Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Quality Assurance in Higher Education conducted by B.S.Adbur Rahman Crescent University on 02-02-2017.
- workshop on “Students to Industry ready Professionals- The activities Glimpse” conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman University from 6.10.2016 to 7.10.2016
- Workshop on Apple Professional Development organized by BSAU-Apple iOS Application Development Centre association with Apple IInc. on 6-02-2016
- Workshop on Analytics, Internet of Things and Web of Things – A 360 View conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman University from 6.10.2016 to 7.10.2016
- Five Days Faculty Development Program on Hadoop(Hortonworks) conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu from 18-07-2016 to 22-07-2016
- Two Days Faculty Development Program on Introduction to PHP Programming conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu from 6.1.2016 to 7.1.2016
- One day workshop on “Gift Yourself” conducted by Women Empowerment Cell, B.S.Abdur Rahman University on 18-01-2016
- Faculty Development Programme on “A school on Algorithms and Techniques” conducted by Computer Science and Engineering, B.S.Abdur Rahman University from 22-07-2016 to 27-07-2016
- Three days hands on Training on BOSS-MOOL OS conducted by CDAC from 16-12-2015 to 18-12-2015
- Workshop on “Students to Industry ready Professionals- The activities Glimpse” in Infosys, Mysore from 20-03-2015 to 22-03-2015
- InCycon’15 Conference conducted by Indian Cyber Conference from 7-8-2015 to 8-8-2015
- Two day workshop on Objective C and iOS Application Development” conducted by BSAU-Apple iOS Application Development Centre from 12-09- 2014 to 13-09-2014
- World Largest Human National Flag Formation conducted by Rotary International District 3230 with News7 Tamil on 07-12-2014
- International Workshop on “How to do Ph.D to an International Standard- an international perspective” & “How to publish articles in peer-views journals” conducted by Higher Education Academy London and CSE Dept, BSAU on 05-08-2013
- Four days training program on “Certificate in .NET Programming” conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu from 18-06-2012 to 21-06-2012.
- Collaborative Workshop on “Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership Skills” on 6-07-2012 at B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Two days workshop on “Use of Multimedia-Flash” conducted by Faculty Training Academy (FTA) from 7-12-2012 to 8-12-2012.
- International Conference ICSEMA2012 at B.S.Abdur Rahman University from 19-12-2012 to 21-12-2012.
Membership in Professional bodies
- Annual Membership of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Life Membership of the Indian Society for Technical Education
- Membership of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
Additional Responsibilities
- B.Tech (CSE)- IoT Programme Coordinator
- Board of Studies member in CSE Department, BSAU from 2009 to till date
- In charge for the ISO files value added course, Project based and Activity based learning,
- Internal Lab Auditor
- Internal ISO Auditor
- Department Time Table co-ordinator from 2012 to 2017
- Acted as Stock Verification co-ordinator
- Acted as Class Advisor from 2002 to 2014(2004-2006(PG),2006-2010(UG),2010-12(PG),2014-2016(PG))
- Faculty Advisor
- Doctoral Committee Member
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of University Admissions
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department symposium Arcane
- Class committee chair person
- Department Academic Audit Committee member from 2014 to 2019
- Project co-ordinator, committee member for both UG and PG
- Department co-ordinator for External Academic Audit
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of department events Extra Curricular Meet and Talent Hunt
- UGC Co-ordinator
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of NBA for M.Tech CSE.
- Co-ordinated in the conduct of NBA for B.Tech CSE.
- NBA – Course Outcome and Program Outcome Incharge
- Research Supervisor
- Staff Incharge of CSE stall for Open House Exhibition
- Project co-ordinator and Review committee member
- Committee Member for Monitoring the smooth conduct of classes