Moulavi M.Ahamedullah Al Bukhari

Designation : Assistant Professor
Nature of Employment : Regular
Qualification : Afzal-al-Ulama.,BBA.,M.A., M.Phil.,(Ph.D)
Phone : 044-22751280(Office)
Email ID :


Educational Background

Programme Specialization Name of the Institution University Month & Year of passing
Ph.D. Islamic Studies School of Islamic Studies B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Pursuing
M.Phil Arabic Literature Department of Arabic,

The New College.

University of Madras May 2011
M.A. Arabic Literature Department of Arabic, Persian and Urdu University of Madras May 2009
Afzal Ul Ulama Oriental Studies in Arabic Department of Arabic, Persian and Urdu University of Madras April 2006
B.B.A. Business Administration University of Madras University of Madras May 2005
DUL Diploma in Urdu language C. Abdul Hakeem college


Ministry of Human Resource development May 2015
Aalim Bukhari Islamic Studies Kilakarai Bukhari Aalim Arabic College, Vandalur. April 2005
Hifzul quran Memorization of Holy Quran Kilakarai Bukhari Aalim Arabic College, Vandalur. April 2005

Work Experience

Sl.No. Designation Employer Period of Employment Teaching/ Research
From To Years Months
1. Assistant Professor B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology 01.07.13 Till Date 4 Teaching, and Research
2. Lecturer Kilakarai Bukhari Aalim Arabic College 03.07.2006 16.06.2014 8 Teaching


 Ongoing Research Activities

  • Pursuing Ph.D in School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Cresent University, Vandalur, Chennai – 48.
  • Research guide – Islamic finance (UG students)

 Research Group

The Research group is formed during July2011 under the chairmanship of   Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali, to specialize in core courses of Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic History. The group is supported by its Members: Mr. P.M. Mohamed Yoosuf Jamali, Faculty, SIS and Mr. A. Jamaluddin Jamali, Faculty SIS.

International/ National Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended

S.No Title of the Seminar / Workshop Organized by Month & Year
1. Ten day English Language Training Workshop for Madarasah Teachers The Seethakathi Trust & Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy. 2009 April – 2009
2. International Arabic Day Celebration (Three day workshop) League of Arab States Mission & Rouzathul Uloom Arabic College – kerela. December – 2010
3. One Day workshop on Modern techniques of teaching Arabic Language. School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. September – 2012
4. “How to do PhD an International standard & How to Publish articles in Peer”- Viewed Journals. Higher Education Academy London & B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai August – 2013
5. International Workshop on Teaching Practices in Islam. B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. March – 2013
6. One Day National Seminar on ‘Contribution of Women in Arabic Literature’. Department of Arabic, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Chennai. 27th January 2014
7. Paper Presented on the topic “Humour in marriage life”. Two Day National Seminar
on “Humour in Arabic Literature” Organized by Department of Arabic, Persian and Urdu, University of Madras
11 & 12th February 2014
8. State level workshop attended on the topic “Globalization of Arabic Learning Through English- Software training PG & Research Department of Arabic, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy March 2014
9. Paper Presented on the topic “Novels of Mahmud Taimur – A brief study”. Two day International Seminar on ‘Development of Arabic Novels and Short stories in the modern Period’ organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy 20 & 21st January 2015
10. Paper Presented on the topic “Humanitarian Values in the Sermons of Prophet (Pbuh)”. Two day International Seminar on ‘Humanitarian Values in Arabic Literature’ organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. (ISBN 978-81-88023-18-9) Page(158-164) 2 & 3rd February 2015
11. Paper Presented on the topic “Prophetic Guidance for youth issues”. One day National Seminar on ‘Prophetic Guidance for Modern Social Issues’ organized by School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. (page: 91-97) 23rd February 2015
12. Paper Published on the topic “Islamic Marketing Ethics and its application Islamic Banking Industry”. One day International Symposium on ‘Empowering National Development Through religions, languages, culture and society’ Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Srilanka, Oluvil, Srilanka. (ISBN-978-955-627-061-7)(Page: 71-78) 4th March 2015
13. One Day workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research”. Office of Dean (Academic Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. 7th March 2015
14. Paper Presented on the topic “ Religious coexistence in achieving security and safety” One day National Arabic Seminar on ‘Prophetic Guidance for world peace’ organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. February 2016
15 Paper Presented on the topic “ Child Education and methods in Islamic perspective” One day International Seminar on “Family Life: Issues and Solutions in the perspective of Islam” organized by School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. (ISBN 978-81-88023-16-5)(Page : 107-112) Feb 2016
16 Two Day workshop on “Research methodology& Quality Assurance”. Office of Dean (Academic Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. Dec 02&03 2016
17 Paper Presented on the topic دور الصحافة الجدارية العربية في تطوير اللغة العربية لدى طلاب المدارس الدينية فى تامل ناود One Day National Seminar on “Role of Education institutions in the development of Arabic Language and literature in South India” organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. March 2017
18 One day National Workshop on Translation Skill Development: Arabic – English. Organized by School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai. February 2017
19 A Two –Days Workshop on Arabic Grammar& Translation Skill Organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. February 13&14/ 2018
20 International Zakat Conference Kerala’2018 Paper Presented on the topic “Social Development Aspects and Societal Relevance of the Institution of Zakat in Islam” بيت مال الزكاة وتطوره في التاريخ الإسلامي Organized by Baithuzzakath Kerala, Kozhikode. April,2018
21 Paper Presented on the topic “Contribution of Imam Abul Hasan Nadwi in Field of Economics (Zakat)” One Day National Seminar on “Islamic Arabic Literature In India ” organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. February 2019
22 Participated in: National Seminar on e-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education. Organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre Of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi & Crescent Institution of Science & Technology,Chennai. March 2019
23 Teaching Communicative Arabic for Non– Native Speakers: problems One day international Seminar on “Teaching Communicative Arabic for Non – Native Speakers: problems, Solutions, and Opportunities” organized by PG & Research Department of Arabic, The New College, Chennai. February 2020
24 Participated Two Day Workshop on Islamic psychology School of Arabic and Islamic Studies B.S.Abdul Rahman Crescent Institution of Science & Technology, Chennai and Master mind Consult raining, Chennai February 2020
25 “Investment of Zakath fund- an analytical study”, Al ba’ath al Islami, UGC care journal, ISSN 2347-2456, issue 66, page 48-58 July 2020

Other Responsibilities

  • Deputy Warden – School of Islamic studies
  • Organizer – Quran tutors for Crescent School.(2006- present)
  • Students counselor – School of Islamic studies
  • Coordinator – Sports events
  • Teaching experience – 12 years
  • Hostel Administrator for more than 10 years
  • Students counselor & Career Guidance