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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E, M.E., |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347 |
Email ID | : | ksarmila@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph.D | Power Systems | 2021 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology |
M.E | Power Electronics And Drives | 2010 | Anna University |
B.E | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2001 | Madras University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration period |
Assistant Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 2011-till date |
Assistant Professor | I.F.E.T college of Engineering | 2009-2011 |
Sr.Lecturer | Dr.Pauls Engineering College | 2002-2008 |
Areas of Research Interest
- Power Electronics
- Restructured Power System
- Reactive Power Management
International Journal
No of International Journal Publications: 08
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Kahn, “Optimal reactive power allocation and settlement in deregulated power market”, Int. J. Power and Energy Conversion, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp 174-199,Issue: 2, Feburary 2020.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Kahn, “A Market Center Based Clearing And Settlement Of Pure Reactive Power Market In Deregulated Power System “Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Vol.21,pp 909-921,Issue:5,October 2018.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Kahn, “A New DC Power Flow Model Analysis for use in Reactive Power Market “ Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal,Vol:20, pp 721-729, 2017.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Kahn, “Optimal Reactive Power Allocation And Settlement In Deregulated Power” Inernational Journal Of Power and Energy Conversion Systems,DOI:10.1504/IJPEC.2020.10023313.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,Mohamed Nizar,, R.Jayashree .R, “Comparison of PI controller Fuzzy Logic Controller using Unified Power quality conditioner,” International Research Journal of Engg andTechnology, Vol:3,Issue:6, pp 673-681,2016.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Fahadh Riyaz, Dr.R.Jayshree ,”A comparison of genetic algorithm and differential evolution for performing optimal power flow”, International Journal Of Infinite Innovations In Engineering And Technology,Vol No:2, Issue No:1, pp , May 2015.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Balahemalatha,K.N.Srinivas, ”A Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motor Drive Based Voltage Control Power Factor Correction SEPIC converter,”International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol:5,Issue 4,pp 21,April 2014.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,SatyaPrasanthYalla, ”Evaluation of Direct Torque Control for High-Power Induction Motor Drive “, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 1 Issue 7, ISSN: 2278-0181, September – 2012.
International Conference
No. of International Conference paper: 03
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,C.Hemalatha,” Capacitive Wireless Power Transfer,” International Conference On Power, Control And Instrumentation Engineering, P.No 157-164, 30.4.2016.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Sridhar .M, ” Thermoelectric Battery charges with MPPT for low Power application“ Second International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Engineering and Management(ICCCEM 2k15),pp 10,11-12 April 2015.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,Sathya Prasanth Yalla ,”Synthesized Direct Torque Control Fot High Power Induction Motor Drive,” IEEE Conference on Intelligent system and Control(ISCO 2103), Coimbatore,ISBN 978-1-4673-4603-6,pp 79-83,4-5 Jan 2013.
National Conference
No. of national Conference paper: 14
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Fahadh Riyaz ,”Optimal Power Flow Solutions Using Genetic Algorithm” 2nd National Conference on Innovative & Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, May 2015.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Yazhini M,“Isolated Bidirectional Dc/Dc Converter For Plug –In-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Application” National Conference on Recent Trends in Power and Energy Engineering, Pannimalar Institute of technology, pp 31-35, April 2014.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Divya.G, ”Bidirectional Soft Switching Dc/Dc Converter To Reduce Switching Losses” Proceeding in National Conference On Recent Trends In Power And Energy Engineering, Pannimalar Institute of technology pp 1-4 ,10 & 11 April 2014
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, S.Suguna,”Loss Allocation of Reactive Power in Restructured Power System” B.S.Abdur Rahman University,MOSDES 2013.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, S.Suguna , ”Loss Coefficients in Restructured Power System for Reactive Power”, Proceedings on National Conference on Methods Enriching Power and Energy Developments, Jepppiaar Engineering College,Chennai, April 12,2013
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, M.RamKumar,Sathyambigai.M,”A Single Stage ZVS-PWM Inverter with Commerrical Frequency AC to High Frequency AC for induction Heating Applications,”Proceedings on National Conference on Methods Enriching Power and Energy Developments, Jepppiaar Engineering College,Chennai, April 12,2013,pp17-21.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,M.RamKumar,Sathyambigai.M,”A Novel Based Utility Frequency AC to High Frequency AC using ZVS-PWM Inverter for Polymer Heating Applications,”Proceedings on 42 nd National Conference on Power Enhancing trends on Modern Engineering ,”IFET College of Engineering ,Villupuram, April 2,2013,pp1-6.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,M.RamKumar,Sathyambigai.M,”Low Voltage Direct AC-DC Boost Converter for Micro generator based Ene5rgy harvesting,” Proceeding in the 3rd edition of National Conference on Modeling,Simulation,Design and Experimental study of electrical System MOSDES 2013, B S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai April 25-26,2013,pp268-273.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,S.Rajesh,”Design of Multistage high brightness led driver for street lighting application,” Proceeding in the 3rd edition of National Conference on Modeling,Simulation,Design and Experimental study of electrical System MOSDES 2013, B S Abdur Rahman University, Chennai April 25-26,2013.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,S.Rajesh,” Design of Multistage high brightness led driver for street lighting application,”Proceedings of 7th Natioanl conference on Innovations in Electrical,Electronics and Control Ssytems ,Kumaraguru College of Technology,Coimbatore,2nd March 2013.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, Ponnurangam.V.P,”A Three Phase Step-Up DC-DC Converter With Three Phase Transformer For DC Power Source Applications”,National Conference-TECHCON’12 at IFET College of Engineering, pp 1-5, 17 March 2012.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, M.Sabarinathan,”Zeta-Flyback DC-DC Converter With Reduced Transistor Voltage Stress”, National Level Technical Conference On Energy Conservative Advancements in power System,ECAPS’12, at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram ,pp1-4, 17th March -2012.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,” A New 3D Vibration and Stress Analysis of HV insulators “at SVCC college of Engineering Technology, 2010.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam,“Measurement for Induction Heating Appliances using VHDL-AMS” at IFET college of Engineering, 2008.
Reviewer in “Ain Shams Engineering Journal” Elsevier
Membership in Professional Bodies
- Member of M.I.S.T.E
Awards and recognition
- Certificate of appreciation for Research Publication in Elsevier Journal