![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & Head |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.A;M.Ed;M.Phil;Ph.D |
Phone | : | +91-44-22759247, Extn:247 |
Email ID | : | hodenglish@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, sofiah@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph. D | English Language Teaching | April 2015 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute |
M.Phil | American Literature | June 2008 | Annamalai University |
M.Ed | English | October 1996 | University of Madras |
B.Ed | English | April 1995 | University of Madras |
M.A. | English Literature | April 1994 | University of Madras |
B.A. | English Literature | April 1992 | University of Madras |
Institution | Period of work |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute | From 18.02.2007 – till date |
Crescent School | October 2006 – February 2007 |
Ministry of Education, Sultanate of Oman | December 1998 – September 2006 |
Crescent School | August 1997 – December 1998 |
Nagore Crescent School for Girls, Nagore | May 1995 – May 1996 |
Ph.D Supervisor
Guiding the following research scholars:
On going:
Mrs. N.Suguna – English Language Teaching
Mrs. M.Sharanya – English Language Teaching
Mr. Charles Durairaj – English Language Teaching
Ms. Rabia Begum – American Literature
Ms. Nihal Zainab – American Literature
Mrs.Sharmila – Indian Literature
Courses Taught
- ENC 1181 English – B.Tech-I
- ENC 2181 Oral Communication – B.Tech – III
- ENC 2282 Written Communication – B.Tech – IV
- ENC 3281 Communication & Soft Skills, Confidence Building II – B.Tech – VI
Arts & Science
- ENC 1182/ENC 1183 General English I–I
- ENC 1283/ENC 1284 General English II-II
- ENC 1131 Social History of England – B.A English(Hons.) – I
- ENC 1233 American Literature I – B.A English(Hons.) – II
- ENC 2135 American Literature II – B.A English(Hons.) – III
- ENC 2322 Post Colonial Literature – B.A.English(Hons.) – IV
- ENC 3134 Shakespeare – B.A.English(Hons.) – V
- Participated in live virtual international conference “International Conference on Research Outlook, Innovations and Research Trends” (ICROIRT-2020) held on August 29-30,2020.
- Participated in the 4 day online National Workshop on “Skill Building: Creating & Empowering Leaders of Tomorrow” organized by Kannada Sangh Pune’s Kaveri College of Arts & Science & Commerce, Pune in association with Skillslate & MKCL Pune on 28th, 29th August and 3rd & 4th September 2020.
- Participated in the online webinar on Research Ethics organized by FTA and office of Dean Research on 7th May organized by BSACIST.
- Participated in the online webinar on Stress Management organized by FTA on 23.3.2020
- Participated in the online webinar on Advancing through Adversity organized by FTA on 14.4.2020.
- Participated in the online webinar on Stress Management organized by FTA on 12.4.2020.
- Participated ina live webinar on Research Workflows,Research Metrics and Excellence in Academic Institutes co-organized by Elsevier and AICTE on 12.5.2020
- Participated in“ Digital technologies for ELT professionals : A four-day workshop on teaching online” from 26th t0 29th April 2020 organized by Kathmandu University School of Education, Department of Language Education.
- Participated in a National Webinar on” Literature of the Subaltern”, organized by the Department of English of Arts, Commerce and Science College Navapur, Dist.Nandurbar on 8.5.2020
- Participated in the National Level FDP on Decoding Examination during and Post Covid ‘19 on 8.5.2020organized by Skillslate and powered by Zovy Studios, Pune
- Participatedin “Assessing Listening”,the first of the series of webinars on Language Assessment Literacy”,organized by the British Council on 12.5.2020
- Participated inan International Webinar on Enhancing English Communicative Competence of Students using visuals on 6.5.2020 organized by Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University Centre for Civil Services and TNPSC Coaching &Annai College of Education of Education, Kumbakonam.
- Participated in a webinar on “Syllabus For English Studies In India: Post-Corona Challenges” on 19th May 2020 organized by Government PG College, Sector 1,Panchakula(College of Excellence), Department of English
- Participated ina Webinar on Scientific Writing for Journals on 20th May’2020 organized by Springer Nature.
- Participated in“Assessing Reading”, the second series of webinars onLanguage Assessment Literacy: organized by the British Council webinar series on May 19, 2020
- Participated in“Assessing Speaking”,the first of the series of webinars on Language Assessment Literacy”,organized by the British Council on 26.5.2020
- Participated in the FDP on Digital Marketing held online on 3.5.2020 organized by Tilak College of Science and Commerce, Vashi and North Storm Academy.
- Dr.H.Sofia participated in the on-day National Workshop on Research Writing conducted by the Department of English (Shift-II) Agurchand Jain College, Chennai on 26th February 2020
- Participated in the Academic Leadership Training Programme sponsored by MHRD,India from 1.4.2019 to 6.4.2019 in BSACIST
- Attended a one day National seminar on ‘E-Learning & MOOC’s in Higher Education” on 9.3.2019 in BSACIST organized by Crescent FTA
- Attended an Onsite training on “ Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” on 20.11.2018 organized by the office of Dean Research in BSACIST.
- Attended an Onsite training on “Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” on 20.11.2018 organized by the office of Dean Research in BSACIST
- Attended a guest lecture on ‘Stress Management’ on 2.1.2018 in our institute.
- Attended a workshop on ‘Focus Mind’ organized by Womens’ Grievances cell on 16.2.2018.
- Participated in a one day workshop on Mental Health and Stress Management for Teachers organized by School of Social Sciences and Humanities In our Institute on 7.3.2018.
- Participated in the ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learning conducted by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 3rd & 4th February 2017.
- Participated in the one day workshop on, “Academic Writing in Refereed Journals and Emerging Trends in Research in English Literature and English Language Teaching”, organized by the Division of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Chennai on 10th March, 2016.
- Participated in the Teacher Training Workshop on, “ICT in Language Teaching and Learning at the Tertiary Level” organized by the Department of English, Anna University on 5th March 2016.
- Participated in a two day Faculty Development Program on, “Creative Thinking”, conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu on 19th and 20th January 2016 held at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Participated in a two-day workshop on ‘Mobile Enhanced Language Learning’ organised by ELTAI in collaboration with B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 21st and 22nd August 2015.
- Attended a two-day Cambridge Master Trainers’ Workshop in July 2015.
- Participated in the one day Workshop on ‘Drafting an effective lesson plan: An OBTL approach’ conducted on 10 October 2014.
- Participated in the two-day National Conference “A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary / Linguistic Approach” on 14 & 15 March 2013 at our University.
- Participated in the one-day state level Workshop “CELT 2013 – Creativity in English Language Teaching” held on 11 October 2012 at our University.
- Participated in the orientation programme for handling the textbook, Cambridge Business Benchmark – BEC Preliminary effectively on 24 January 2013.
- Participated in the co-ordination programme conducted for the Oral Examiners on 29th October 2012.
- Participated in the training programme organized for BEC Preliminary Oral Examiners on 17th May 2012
- Participated in UGC-MHRD sponsored All India Workshop on “Research Methods, Methodology and Statistical Analysis for Social Science and Non-Social Science Part Time Research Scholars” on 18th & 19th August 2011 at Pondicherry University.
- Participated in the 2-day Internal Auditor training on Quality Management System conducted by DNV in 2011.
- Attended a one-day training on BEC programme in December 2010.
- Attended the two-day workshop on “Energising Engineering English: A Focus on Practical Teacher Tested Ideas for the Classroom” organized by SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam on 26 & 27 March 2010.
- Attended a one-day National Level Faculty Development Programme in ‘Dynamics of Communication’ organized by Velammal Engineering College in August 2007.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Physical and Mental Health for Working Professionals: A Holistic Approach’ held on 19th April 2013.
- Participated in the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.
- Participated in the workshop on “Planning and delivering the lessons in an Outcome based education setting” on 3 January 2014 organized by Faculty Training Academy of our University.
- Published a paper “Learning English in a Mobile Age” in KalyanBharati, Journal of Indian History and Culture, Vol.XXIV No.(08) 2021, ISSN No.0976-0822(UGC-CARE List Group I)
- Mrs.N.Suguna & Dr.H.Sofia, Applying Theories and Approaches into classroom practice – An overview in the context of English Language Teaching, in KalyanBharati, Journal of Indian History and Culture, Vol.XXIV No.(08) 2021. ISSN No.0976-0822(UGC-CARE List Group I)
- Ms. Nihal Zainab and Dr.H.Sofia Representation of Native American Feminism in Sara winemuca’s Life Among the Piutes: Their wrongs and claims, KalyanBharati, Journal of Indian History and Culture, Vol.XXIV No.(08) 2021. ISSN No.0976-0822(UGC-CARE List Group I)
- Mrs.M. Rabia Begum and Dr.H.Sofia Unidentified Anguish and Trauma of Adolescents –Astudy on Scott Westerfields’ Uglies, KalyanBharati, Journal of Indian History and Culture, Vol.XXIV No.(08) 2021. ISSN No.0976-0822(UGC-CARE List Group I)
- Co authored a paper titled Speaking Skills for the Engineering Students- A Pilot Study in KALA:The Journal of Indian Arts History Congress ISSN: 0975-7945,Volume-25,No.12:2019-2020-December (Pages 62-66)
- Published a paper on Mobile Apps for Language Learning in the 12th National Conference on ” Thinking beyond Stereotypes ; Problems & Prospects in English Language & Literature”(TELL 2019) on 18.10.2019 organized by the Department of English & Foreign Languages at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur
- Published a paper titled, “Collaborative Web Tools for Learning English at the Tertiary level”in theJournal of English Language Teaching (India) Volume LX Number 2 March–April, 2018.
- Published a paper titled, “Video Recordings of oral presentation skills and Edmodo App to enhance presentation skills” in Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 18:6 in June 2018
- Published a paper titled,’ Mixed Ability Teaching’ in the International Conference on ACTIVE vs REACTIVE TEXTS: LITERATURE, LANGUAGE, CRITICISM, THEORY AND TRANSLATION (ICART-17) , organized by the Department of English,NGM College, Pollachi., 4th and 5th of August 2017 and published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (ISSN: 2394-9333), Special Issue ICART-17, August 2017.Impact Factor: 4.004
- Published a paper titled “The use of ICT tools in English Language Teaching: My Classroom Experiences” in LANGLIT: An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal (ISSN 2349 – 5189) Vol.2 Issue 4 on 31st May 2016.
- Published a book titled, “Teaching Technical writing skills using Web 2.0 Technology” with Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany , ISBN (978-3-659-83138-6) in February 2016.
- Published a paper titled “Collaborative Web Learning Tools- Google Documents and Blogs” in the Conference Proceedings of 7th International & 43rd Annual ELTAI Conference with ISBN 978-93-80757-91-9.
- Published a research article titled, ‘Enhancing ESL learner’s Technical English Writing Skills using Google Documents and Blogs- A Research Study’ in Language in India, an International online monthly research journal in Volume 12: 4 April 2012 with an ISSN 1930-2940.
- Published an article titled “Employing Task-based Approach to Teach Technical Writing for Students of Engineering using Web 2.0 Tools” in the journal ‘International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL)’ Vol. 5, No. 5, in the Nov – Dec 2013 issue. (Pp 7 – 20).
- Published a paper titled “The integration of process approach and technology to teach technical writing” in the conference proceedings of the one-day National Conference on Trends in English for Science & Technology with special focus on Technical Writing (TEST’14) at Sathyabama University with ISBN 978-93-83409-03-7.
Chapters in Books
- Published a chapter titled Improving Report Writing Skills using Google Drive in the Book English Language & Literature Theory and Practice (Print version) ISBN 978-1-63873-79-4 in March 2021
- Published a chapter titled Improving Report Writing Skills using Google Drive in the Book Theories in Language and Literature-A Praxis Oriented Approach by Scholar Press Publishers ISBN 978-613-8-927662 in May 2021
- Presented a paper on Mobile Apps for Language Learning in the 12th National Conference on “Thinking beyond Stereotypes ; Problems & Prospects in English Language & Literature” (TELL 2019) on 18.10.2019 organized by the Department of English & Foreign Languages at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattankulathur.
- Presented a paper titled, “ Innovative teaching practices outside the classroom” at the One Day International Conference on “Emerging Trends in English and Foreign Languages Teaching” (ETEFLT ’19) on 5th Feburary, 2019 organized by the Division of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT, Chennai.
- Presented a paper titled, ‘Technology integration for instructional improvement at the Tertiary Level: The impact of Professional development’ at the International Conference on ‘Evolving Strategies to Overcome Continuing Challenges in Second Language Education at the Tertiary Level’ organized by the Department of English, Anna University and SSN College of Engineering on 1st 2nd and 3rd March 2018.
- Presented a paper titled, “Video Recordings of Oral Presentation Skills and Edmodo App to enhance Presentation skills of students” at the National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Teaching and Research in English Language and Literature organized by the Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT Chennai on 23rd March 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “Collaborative Web Learning Tools- Google Documents and Blogs” at the 7th International & 43rd Annual ELTAI Conference held at Velammal Engineering College from 19th to 21st July 2012.
- Presented and published a paper titled “Application of Blogs in English Writing” at the two-day National Seminar on Technology Integrated Language Teaching – TILT 2012 on March 1 & 2, 2012 at our University with ISBN 81 923661-0-4.
- Presented and published a paper entitled “Teaching Writing using Web 2.0 Tools” in the proceedings of the two-day National Conference on Zealous Language Teaching organized by the department of English S.R.M University on 26th and 27th March with ISBN 978-81-90.
- Presented a paper titled “Teaching Writing Using Web 2.0 Tools” at the 6th National Conference SMILE 2011 organised by SRM University on 4th & 5th April 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Google Documents – A Versatile Tool to Teach Technical Writing to Students of Engineering” at the 5th International & 41st Annual ELTAI Conference held at Anna Adarsh College for Women from 5th to 7th August 2010.
- Presented a paper on “Teaching Writing Using Google Documents” at the national workshop on “Internet Tools and Resources for Developing Communication Skills” in Trichy on 13 March 2010.
- Presented a paper on “The integration of process approach and technology to teach technical writing” in the one-day National Conference on Trends in English for Science & Technology with special focus on Technical Writing (TEST’14) at Sathyabama University on 29 January 2014.
Conferences / Workshops / Seminars / Guest lecture / FDP / Training Programme / Webinars organized
- Convened webinars on Writing for digital media, English Studies Now:Single Platform, Diverse Opportunties, Stardom beyond Boundaries with Digital, Translating Language into Career for students of B.A. English (Hons.) on 28.9.2021, 30.9.2021, 12.10.2021, 7.10.2021 respectively
- Convened Shakespeares’ Day to commemorate the 457th Birth Anniversary of The Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare.It was the very first online event held on 23rd April 2021
- Convened the First Two day Virtual International Conference on Language, Literature and Cultural Studies in the 21st Century jointly with the Department of English, Anna University, Chennai on 21st & 22nd May 2021
- Convened an online programme Cres-festo 21 exclusively for the higher secondary school students, on 26.06.2021
- In association with Learning Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT organized online English Proficiency Test for the students of BSACIST (both Arts & Engineering streams, UG and PG) on 4.2.2021
- In association with Learning Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL iBT organized a webinar ‘Road to Study Abroad’ on 3.2.2021 for the students of BSACIST (both Arts & Engineering streams, UG and PG)
- Convened a five day Short Term Training Programme on ‘Research Essentials in Language and Literature’ from 4th January to 8th January 2021
- Organized online TOEFL Train The Trainer Programme from August 3rd to 6th, 2020 in collaboration with Learning Links Foundation, ETS TOEFL IBT for the faculty of BSACIST.
- Organized an International webinar “Twenty first Century Storytelling” on 16.8.2020.
- Organized a National webinar “Nuances of Writing & Publishing a Non-Fiction Book” on 4.7.2020.
- Organized an International webinar “Developing Vital Critical Thinking and Communication Skills through Visuals” on 10.6.2020.
- Organized an International webinar “Literature as a Medium for Teaching Emotional Intelligence” on 3.6.2020.
- Organized a National webinar “Polish your Academic Writing” on 17.5.2020.
- Organized a National webinar“The Indian English Literary Canon: Perspectives, Texts and Readership” on 30.5.2020
- Dr.H.Sofia, Prof. & Head in collaboration with British Council, Chennai organized Aptis Student Support Programme for First year Arts and Science students. An online Diagnostic test and Two-day training programme on communication skills was conducted for the students at BSACSTI on the 5th, 9th and 10th March 2020. The trainer was MS.Veena Krishnamurthi from British Council.
- Dr.H.Sofia, Prof. & Head organized a One day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Language Testing and Assessment’ on 27.2.2020 at BSACIST
- Dr.H.Sofia, Prof. & Head organized a Teacher Development Programme for Teachers of English,“Re energizing English Language Teaching” on 21.2.2020 at BSACIST
- Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor and HoDi/c, Department of English was the convenor for the Guest-lecture “English:Modern Day Lifeline” for the students of B.A.English(Hons.) on 17.10.2019
- Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor and HoDi/c, Department of English was the convenor for the Two-day workshop ‘Writing for Research Purpose” organized by the Department of English & the Office of Dean Research from 19th-20th July 2019
- Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor and Head i/c, Department of English was the convenor for the one day workshop ‘Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21st Century on 30.4.2019.
Invited Talks
- Delivered a talk on ‘Work ethics & Grooming’ in the one day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning & Soft Skills on 08.02.2019 organized by the Department of Computer Applications BSACIST
- Delivered an online talk on English for Communicative Purpose on 08.02.2021 organized by The Department of English, Periyar University, PG Extension Centre, Dharmapuri
- Delivered an online talk on Listening Skills on 02.03.2021 in the four days Training programme on ‘Communication Skills’ organized by the Skill and Personality Development Centre (SPDC) of BSACIST
- Delivered an online talk on Equity and Inclusion on 30.7.2021 in the Eight theme based webinars celebrating one year of Transformative Reforms under New Education Policy 2020 (NEP) organized by BSACIST
Proposals submitted
- Submitted a proposal to ICSSR for organizing a Two-day National Conference on “Language, Literature and Culture” on 4.10.2019
- Submitted a proposal to ICSSR for organizing a Two-day National Workshop on Soft skills for the faculty titled, “ Facilitate the Facilitator” on 4.7.2016
Courses Completed
- Completed a 12 week online course ‘Softskills’ in NPTEL from July to October 2018
- Completed a two week online course, ’Why Research Matters?’ in Future Learn conducted by Deakin University and Griffith University, Australia from 1st to 15th March 2018.
- Completed a five week online course in Coursera titled “Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms” conducted by Relay Graduate School of Education during the period 13.2.2017- 22.3.2017
Extension Activities
- Department Coordinator DAAC
- Department Coordinator, ISO and Internal Auditor
- Received a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition ofreviewing manuscript titled “What’s up with WhatsApp? A Study of Its impact on English Language” from International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (ISSN: 2581-5997) on 05/09/2020
- Received a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of reviewing manuscript titled “A Teaching Learning Module in the Four Areas in Handicraft Utilizing Abaca as Raw Materials” from International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work (ISSN: 2581-5997) on 21.8.2020
- Invited as Expert member in the selection process for Assistant Professors of English in Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering, Avadi Chennai on 24th April 2019 and 20th May 2019
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learning conducted by Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 3rd and 4th February 2017.
Sessions Conducted
- Dr.H.Sofia, Prof. & Head was the Resource Person for Matrix for writing an Effective Literature Review in one of the sessions of the five day Short Term Training Programme on ‘Research Essentials in Language and Literature’ organized by the Department of English, BSACIST from 4th January to 8th January 2021
- Dr.H.Sofia conducted a session on ‘Soft Skills’ at the ‘Workshop on Machine Learning Using Python’, organized by the Department of Computer Science Applications on 13.2.2020 at BSACIST
- Dr.H.Sofia, Assoc.Prof/English was a resource person for “Effective Communication”, in the one day workshop on “Website Development and Soft Skills” organized by the Department of Computer Applications , BSAIST on 01.03.2017.
- One of the organizing committee members of the one-day workshop on ‘Drafting an effective lesson plan: An OBTL approach’ conducted on 10 October 2014.
- ISO Department Coordinator & Internal Auditor
- Member of ELTAI
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national conference, “A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary/Linguistic Approach” held during 14-15 March 2013.
- One of the organizing committee members of the one-day workshop, “Creativity in English Language Teaching – CELT 2012” held on 11 October 2012.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national seminar on “Technology Integrated Language Teaching” held during 1-2 March 2012.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.