![]() |
Designation | : | Associate Professor in Civil Engineering & Deputy Director (Campus Development & Maintenance) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E., M.E., Ph.D., MISTE, MICI, MIE |
Phone | : | +91 44 22751347, 48, 50 (Ext. 165) |
Email ID | : | kalil@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, deputydirector.cdm@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
1. Academic Qualifications
Degree | Specialization | Name of the Institution and Place | University | % of Marks & Class obtained | Month & Year of passing |
Ph.D | Civil Engineering | Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry | Pondicherry Central University | Commended | March 2018 |
M.E | Structural Engineering | Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | 8.94 OGPA First Class with Distinction |
May 2009 |
B.E | Civil and Structural Engineering | Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | 8.96 OGPA First Class with Distinction |
Nov 2006 |
Diploma | Industrial Safety | Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | First Class | May 2006 |
Diploma | Civil Engineering | Elumalai Polytechnic College, Villupuram | Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai | 82% First Class with Honors |
April 2000 |
2. Academic and Industrial Experiences
Sl.No. | Designation | Employer | Period of Employment | Period | Teaching/ Industrial/ Research | ||
Joining | Leaving | Y | M | ||||
1. | Deputy Director (Campus Development & Maintenance) | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 10.10.18 | Till Date | – | – | Teaching, Research & Administration |
2. | Co-ordinator (Campus Security) |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 11.11.19 | 31.07.21 | – | – | Administration |
3. | Associate Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 01.07.19 | Till Date | – | – | Teaching & Research |
4. | Assistant Controller of Examinations | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 29.05.17 | 30.10.18 | 1 | 5 | Teaching, Research & Administration |
5. | Assistant Professor (Selection Grade) | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 01.04.18 | 30.06.19 | 1 | 3 | Teaching & Research |
6. | Assistant Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | 13.06.11 | 31.03.18 | 6 | 10 | Teaching & Research |
7. | Senior Lecturer | V.R.S.College of Engineering & Technology, Villupuram | 01.07.10 | 08.04.11 | – | 9 | Teaching & Research |
8. | Lecturer | V.R.S.College of Engineering & Technology, Villupuram | 29.06.09 | 30.06.10 | 1 | – | Teaching & Research |
9. | Assistant Engineer | Chetinad Builders pvt ltd. Chennai | 05.01.07 | 15.07.07 | – | 7 | Industrial |
10. | Project (Site) Engineer | Famous Builders Chidambaram | 29.12.03 | 30.12.06 | 3 | – | Industrial |
11. | Apprenticeship Trainee Engineer | Tamilnadu P.W.D.-W.R.O Viilupuram | 28.12.02 | 27.12.03 | 1 | – | Industrial |
12. | Site Engineer | Popular Builders Chidambaram | 02.01.2002 | 27.12.2002 | 1 | – | Industrial |
13. | Site Engineer | Fenestra Builders Viilupuram | 01.06.2000 | 30.12.2001 | 1 | 6 | Industrial |
3. Lecture Courses
- Earthquake Engineering
- Repair and Rehabilitation of structures
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Design of Steel Structures
- Concrete Technology
- Modern Construction Materials and Practices
- Railway, Docks, Harbor and Airport Engineering
- Highway Engineering
- Advanced Metal Structures
- Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
4. Research
1. Thrust Areas in Research
- Structural Engineering
- Structural Distress
- Retrofitting & Materials Technology
- Steel Structures
- Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
- Analysis and Design of structures
2. Research Guidance
Ongoing Projects | Ph.D | M.Tech. | B.Tech. |
4 | – | – |
Completed Projects | Ph.D | M.Tech. | B.Tech. |
– | 18 | 10 |
3. Doctoral Research Scholars (Ongoing Projects)
Sl.No. | Name | Affiliation | Research Topic |
1 | Mr.K.Jagadeesh (RRN: 140803104006) |
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, C U Shah College of Engineering and Technology, C U Shah University, Wadhwan city, Surendranagar-Gujarat | Investigation of Thermal Load Reduction Approaches for Habitats in Warm and Humid Climate |
2 | Ms. Suebha Khatoon (RRN: 180803104001) |
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad | Design and Development of Geo-polymer Based Insulated Roofing Material using Agro Industrial Waste |
3 | Mr.Mohamed Shanawaz (RRN: 180803104004) |
GIS Expert, Puducherry Planning Authority, Puducherry. | Studies on Urban Sprawl Measures and its Impacts |
4 | Mr. Donald Kwabena Dadzie (RRN: 190803704001) |
Lecturer, Building Technology Department, Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana | Studies on Exploitation of Palm Kernel Shell Use in Construction. |
4. Research Guidance: M.Tech. (Structural Engineering)
Sl. No | Name & Number Enrolled | Thesis Title (Awarded) |
1 | Kiruthika Achiramavalli (RRN:1020306) |
Studies on the Effect of Detailing in Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joint. |
2 | S.Karthikeyan (RRN: 11202101013) |
Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Joint. |
3 | T.S.Suhail Ahamed (RRN:121202601027) |
Performance Evaluation of Exterior Beam Column Joint with Core Reinforcement subjected to Reverse Cyclic Loading |
4 | A.Syed Mohamed (RRN: 121202601028) |
A Study on Behavior of Beam Column Joint with reference to Core Reinforcement |
5 | J.Saravanan (RRN:121202601023) |
Investigation of Shear Reinforcement of HAC Beams with High Performance Steel as Shear Reinforcement. |
6 | M.Naveed Ahamed (RRN:131202601021) |
Seismic Performance of RC Beam Column Joints Under Cyclic Loading |
7 | S.Vijaya kumar (RRN: 131202601035) |
Modelling of Exterior RC Beam Column Joints Subjected to Cyclic Loading |
8 | SNR.Govintharaj (RRN: 141202601014) |
Seismic Behaviour of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint with Additional Inclined Stirrup Reinforcement |
9 | P.Balasubramani (RRN: 141202601007) |
Shear Strengthening of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint with Additional Spiral Reinforcement |
10 | B.Sadam Hussain (RRN: 141202601031) |
Seismic Behaviour of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint with Bracing Type Reinforcement |
11 | A. Jaspin Anitta, S. Kamakshi, D. Daisy Priscilla, S. Nivethitha |
Numerical Modeling of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint with Non-Conventional Detailing |
12 | S.Raj Kumar (RRN: 161202601014) |
Experimental Study on Strength and Behaviour of Exterior Beam Column Joint of by Using CFRP Laminates |
13 | Gulam Mohamed Moinuddin (RRN: 161202601024) |
Experimental Study on Strength and Behavior of Exterior Beam Column Joint using Glass Fibres & King Cross Reinforcement |
14 | K.Keerthana (RRN: 161202601025) |
Experimental Investigation of Beam-Column Joint with Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete |
15 | M.Ayisha Parveen (RRN 161202604002) |
Behaviour of Exterior Beam Column Joint made of SCC under Cyclic Loading |
16 | A.Nilofar (RRN 181202601010) |
Performance of Geo polymer concrete with total replacement of flyash and glass powder as cement |
17 | A. Surya (RRN: 181202604007) |
Study on Performance of Geo-Polymer RC Slab with Bubble Technology |
18 | V. Ashok Kumar (RRN: 181202604001) |
Development of Interaction Curves for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers Subjected to any Axial Bending as per IRC: 112-2011 using MATLAB |
5. Research Guidance: B.Tech. (Civil Engineering)
Sl. No | Name | Projects Title (Awarded) |
1 | Abdul Khader Ilahee, H Mohammed, Mohammed Riyaz Mohammed, Asharaf Ali (Crescent 2015 Batch) | Durability Studies on Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) |
2 | L.Kathiresan, M.Gokulram, Hariharan, Elayaraja (Crescent 2014 Batch) | Design and Plan of an Information and Technology (IT) Building using Software’s |
3 | Syed Mueen, M.Venkata Sai Srikar, Soukath Shajin (Crescent 2013 Batch) | Optimum Mix Proportioning of Eco Friendly Concrete using Taguchi’s Approach |
4 | Himanshu, N T.Deepak- prakash, J.Bazeer- ahamed, N.Abrar ahamed (Crescent 2010 Batch) | Durability Studies on Self-Healing Concrete |
5 | H.Md.Ameen, N.Ibrahim-Sheik, K.Md.Farook, M.Md.Ismail (Crescent 2009 Batch) | Performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Bars as a Reinforcing Material for Concrete Structures |
6 | K.Ghouse-Basha, K.M.Hathi- Mohammed, J.Jayakumar, M.S.Jothi – Lakshmi (Crescent Engg. College 2008 Batch) | Planning and Design of Multistoried Residential Building |
7 | P.Hemavathi, B.Kalaivani, K.Lavanya (VRS 2007 Batch) | Design of an IT Park Building with Post Tensioning Slab |
8 | K.Sathyaraj, R.Md.Sharfudeen, N.Raja, N.Sachithanantham (VRS 2007 Batch) | Design of Multistoried Commercial Complex Building |
9 | S.Jamuna, S.Suriya, E.Manibalan, M.Murugan (VRS 2006 Batch) | Behavior of Concrete With Partial Replacement of Aggregates by Waste Materials |
10 | R.Dayalan, A.Loganathan, D.Natarajan (VRS 2006 Batch) | Analysis of an Alumni Guest House Using STAAD.Pro |
6. Projects done : Dr. A.K. Kaliluthin
Degree | Tittle of the Project | Supervisor | Name of the Institution | University | Month & Year |
Ph.D (Civil Engineering) | Studies on the Behavior of R.C. Exterior Beam -Column Joints with “Core Reinforcement” | Dr.S.Kothandaraman Professor & Principal-PEC |
Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry | Pondicherry Central University | March 2018 |
M.E (Structural Engineering) | Flexural Capacity of Steel Beam With FRP Laminates | Dr. R. Baskar Professor |
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | May 2009 |
B.E (Civil & Structural Engineering) | Analysis and Design of an Educational Institute Building using STAAD .pro | Dr.J.Saravanan (5070) Associate Professor |
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | Nov 2006 |
Diploma in Industrial Safety | A Project Report on Fire & Safety in Chemical Process | – | Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalainagar | Annamalai University | May 2006 |
Diploma in Civil Engineering | Planning, Designing, Detailing & Estimating of a Primary Nursing Home (Design by Limit State Method) | Ms.A.Lavanya Lecturer |
Elumalai Polytechnic College, Villupuram | Directorate of Technical Education, Chennai | April 2000 |
7. Publications
a. International and National Journals
- Donald Kwabena Dadzie, A.K. Kaliluthin and Raj Kumar D (2020), “Exploration of Waste Plastic Bottles Use in Construction” Civil Engineering Journal. DOI:10.28991/cej-2020-03091616, ISSN (online) 2476-3055, Vol. 6 Issue 11, p 2262-2272
- Syed Mueen, Mohd Umar and A.K.Kaliluthin (2019), “An Optimum Mix Proportioning of Eco-Friendly Concrete Using Taguchi’s Approach” The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering. IUP Publications. 0974-6528, July 2019, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p39-50.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, and Kothandaraman, S. (2017), “Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Exterior Beam-Column Joint Using Ansys”, The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering. IUP Publications. 0974-6528, Jan 2017, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p44-56. 13p.
- A.K.Kaliluthin and S.Kothandaraman, (2017) “Performance Evaluation of Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Core Reinforcement Technique Subjected to Reverse Cyclic Loading”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. ISSN 2193-567X Impact Factor: 0.728 Indexed by: Web of Science. Springer Publications DOI 10.1007/s13369-017-2440-3, ISSN 2193-567, Volume 42, Number 9 September 2017.
- M.V.V.Thirumuruga Poiyamozhi, P.S.Kumar and A.K.Kaliluthin, (2015), “Assessment of Time and Cost Risks in Construction Projects ” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, (Volume 10, No 61, June 2015, ISSN 0973 – 4562, pp 62-66 IF:0.166
- A.K.Kaliluthin, S.Kothandaraman and T.S.Suhail Ahamed. (2014), “A Review on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joint” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (Volume 3, No 4, April 2014, ISSN 2319 – 8753, pp 11299-11312) IF: 1.672
- A.K.Kaliluthin, and S.Kothandaraman (2014),“Experimental Investigation on Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joint”, International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering. (Volume 4, No 3, 2014, ISSN 0976 – 4399, pp 248-261) IF: 05910, Doi: 10.6088/ijcser. 04010025.
b. International Conferences
- Donald Kwabena Dadzie, A.K. Kaliluthin and Raj Kumar D (2020), “Exploration of Palm Kernel use in Construction: A Review” The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Structures and Construction Materials (SCESCM 2020), organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia on 8th – 9th December 2020. Paper ID: Pp: 93.
- Nilofer A, and A.K.Kaliluthin , (2019), “Performance Assessment of Geo-Polymer Concrete by Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash and Glass Powder” International Virtual Conference On Emerging Research Trends in Structural Engineering (ERTSE 2020), organized by Vellore Institute of Technology- Chennai, on 16th – 17th July 2020. Pp 140-141. (ISBN: 978-93-89354-46-1).
- Suebha Khatoon, A.K.Kaliluthin and Ashwin Raut (2019), “A Review on the Effects of various Influence factors in formation of Geopolymer Binder”, TEQUIP III Sponsored International Conference on Innovative trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD-2019), National Institute of Technology- Warangal, Telangana, on 13th – 15th, September 2019. Pp 140-141. (ISBN: 978-93-89354-46-1)
- A.K.Kaliluthin and Govintharaj.SNR (2017), “An Experimental Investigation on RC Exterior Beam Column Joint with Inclined Stirrups”, International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Built Environment (ITSBE’17), B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 14th – 16th, March 2017 pp 131.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, S.Kothandaraman and T.S.Suhail Ahamed. (2014), “Performance Evaluation of Exterior Beam Column Joint with Core Reinforcement”, International Conference on “Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials (ACECIM’14)”, S.R.M.University, Ramapuram Campus Chennai, India. 13th and 14th March 2014 pp 72-78 (ISBN No: 978-1-63041-348-4).
- A.K.Kaliluthin and R.Sivagama sundari (2011), “Durability Test on GFRP Bars Having Different Surface Indentations”, International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering ICSEE-2011, 18th & 19th February 2011 at K.S.R.College of Engineering-Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu. pp 440-445.(ISBN No:978-93-80697-63-5).
c. National Conferences
- P.Balasubramani, SNR. Govintharaj, B.Sadam Hussain, A.K.Kaliluthin (2016), “Non Linear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joint Using ANSYS”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering ,St.Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai. during 18th March 2016, pp. 80-95.
- M.Naveed Ahamhed, S. Vijaya Kumar, A.K.Kaliluthin, (2015), “Seismic Performance of R.C Beam Column Joints Under Cyclic Loading”, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Advancements and Challenges in Civil Engineering,Valliamai Engineering College, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, during 23rd April 2015, pp. 245-250.(ISBN 978-81-926837-7-5.Volume – 2.)
- A.K.Kaliluthin, Dr.S.Kothandaraman, Vijayakumar and Govintharaj (2015), “Evaluation of Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Core Reinforcement, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Structures,St.Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai. during 17th to 18th March 2015, pp. 8-13.
- T.S.Suhail Ahamed, A.Syed Mohamed and A.K.Kaliluthin (2014), “Performance Evaluation of Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Core Reinforcement subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Structural Materials and Modern Construction Practices, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur,, 14th May 2014, pp. 168-178.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, and S.Kothandaraman, (2014), “Behavior of Reinforced-Concrete Beam-Column Joints with Alternative Detailing”, Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Innovations and Developments in Civil Engineering, ACIDIC-2014 NITK, Surathkal, India.Vol.1 pp 476-499.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, and S.Ramanathan (2009), “New Techniques in Aseismic Design”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Concrete, Steel and Composite Structures, pp 208, Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, and R.Baskar (2009), “Flexural Behaviour of FRP laminated steel beam”, 3rd National Conference on Recent Trends in Concrete Composite for Structural Systems(RTCCSS-2009), A34, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai-Erode.
- A.K.Kaliluthin, V.Yuvaraj and R.Baskar (2009), “Study on Steel Beam with Corrugated Web”, National Seminar on Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Structures (DiMaRS-2009), Pp 273-280, Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
d. Conferences / Seminar / Workshop: Attended
- Webinar on Sustainable Ecosystem Restoration Initiatives & Practices (SERIP 2021) held in the view of World Environment Day 2021 on 05 & 07 June 2021, organized by National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam.
- National Webinar on “Implementation of NEP 2020 in HEI’s” on 16 June 2021, organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- Online Workshop on “Recent Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete” organized by Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India on 2nd May 2020.
- Webinar Series – II on “Conflict Minerals – An E-waste Perspective”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with ICI Student Chapter, Institute Industry Interaction Cell & Career Guidance Cell of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 30th May 2020.
- Webinar Series – II on “Relevance of Blended Cement”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with ICI Student Chapter, Institute Industry Interaction Cell & Career Guidance Cell of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 28th May 2020.
- Webinar Series – II on “Water Proofing and Building Repairs”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with ICI Student Chapter, Institute Industry Interaction Cell & Career Guidance Cell of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 27th May 2020.
- Webinar Series – II on “Future of Water Resource Management in India and opportunity Post Covid 19 Scenario”, organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with ICI Student Chapter, Institute Industry Interaction Cell & Career Guidance Cell of Ramco Institute of Technology, Rajapalayam on 29th May 2020.
- Webinar on “Handling of Solid Organic Waste (Waste to Energy – ANDICOS)” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 11th May 2020.
- Webinar on “Various Project Opportunities for DST Funding – Strategies on International Cooperation” organized by the Office of Research, ESPAC and HR & FTA at, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology, Vandalur ,Chennai on 23rd May 2020.
- Webinar on “Environmental Impact Assessment & its Legal Aspects” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 6th May 2020.
- Webinar on “Tertiary Treatment of Sewage using Disc Filters” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 9th May 2020.
- Webinar on “Lean Construction – Last Planner System” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 4th May, 2020.
- Online Workshop on “Corrosion and its Control” organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, DYPIEMR, Akurdi, Pune–44 in Association with Department of Chemistry, S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai from 2nd June 2020 to 4th June 2020.
- Webinar on “Urban Frameworks for Indian Cities” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Adithya Institute of Technology Coimbatore and Engineering Council of India, New Delhi on 22nd July 2020.
- Training program on Crescent LMS for Faculty members” organized by the office of Data Centre and the office of Dean, Academic Affairs, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 4th August 2020.
- Webinar on “World Environment Day – 2020” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar on 5th and 6th June 2020.
- Online Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship, Swachhta & Rural Engagement for Higher Educational Institutions in Association with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India on 27th October 2020.
- Workshop on “ANSYS Civil FEM” conducted by CADD Centre & Department of Civil Engineering at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 29th to 31st October 2015, Chennai.
- National Conference on “Career Choices of B School Students: Discover the Pride”, on 6th October 2015 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Workshop on “Building Estimation and Structural Design” on 7th September 2015 conducted by CADD Centre at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research” organized by the office of the Dean (Academic Research), on 07th March 2015 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- International workshop on “How to do Ph.D to an international standard – an international perspective” & “How to publish articles in peer-viewed journals” on 5th August 2013 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- National workshop on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” organized by the Indian Concrete Institute Puducherry Chapter on 16th November 2012, at Hotel Anandha Inn, Puducherry.
- National Conference on “Balancing Work and Life” organized by the Crescent Business School on 9th February 2012, at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
- Continuing Education Programme on “Durability, Service life and performance specifications for concrete” organized by the department of civil engineering on 21st September 2011 at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.
- National workshop on “Disaster Mitigation and Engineering DME’10” during 25th November 2010, at V.R.S .College of Engineering and Technology. – Arasur, Villupuram.
- National workshop on “Recent Trends in Solid Waste Management Systems” during 20th August 2010, at V.R.S .College of Engineering and Technology. – Arasur, Villupuram.
- National workshop on “Protective Planning and Design of Structures” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering on 29th April 2010, at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai.
- International workshop on “Geopolymer Cement and Concrete” during 7th December 2010, at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar.
- National Level Seminar on “Modern Construction Practices in Steel and Concrete” MCP’09 during 18th December 2009, at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology-Madurai.
- National workshop on “Seismic Resistant Design and Construction practices during 26th & 27st April 2008, at Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
- International Workshop on “Infra Structural Engineering (Under TEQIP Community Service)” during 17th & 18th December 2007, at NIT National Institute of Technology-Trichirappalli.
e. Book Published
- Published a book titled, “Construction Materials &Techniques” (Co-Author) with Notion Press Publishers, Chennai, Tamilnadu, ISBN (9781648052309) in January 2020. (Weblink: https://notionpress.com/read/construction-materials-techniques-1330722)
1. Consultancy Activities
- Analysis and Design of Structures.
- Testing of Construction Materials and Concrete Specimens.
- Assessment Evaluation of Distressed Structures and Rehabilitation Measures.
- Mix Design for different grade of Concrete.
2. Consultancy Works
- Testing of Construction Materials and Concrete Specimen to JBM Builders, Chennai.
- Assessment and Rehabilitation Strategy for 35 years old Buhari Buildings, Chennai.
- Testing of Materials and Concrete Specimen to Buhari Builders, Chennai.
- Testing of Wood Materials for Tamilnadu Forest Department, Chennai.
- Concrete Mix Designed for Indian Southern Railway civil works, Villupuram.
3. Patent Information
Sl.No. | Invention Title | Application No. | Publication Date | Patentee | Patent No. (If Awarded) |
1. | Design for Earthquake Load Modelling using Critical Excitation method | 201941031691 A | 16-08-2019 | 1) Dr.Kandasamy 2) Dr.Pradeepkumar 3) Dr.Syed Ibrahim 4) Dr.A. K. KALILUTHIN 5) Dr.Subash Chandra Bose |
Published |
2. | Long term Performance of Freeze-Thaw and Corrosion Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Applications | 201941035722 A | 13-09-2019 | 1) Dr. S. Kandasamy 2) Dr. R. Subash Chandra Bose 3) Dr. A.K. KALILUTHIN 4) Dr. S. Syed Ibrahim 5) Mrs.M.V.V. Thirumuruga Poiyamozhi |
Published |
3. | High Performance of Heedless Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Panels | 201941038678 A | 18-10-2019 | 1) Dr. S. Kandasamy 2) Dr. R. Subash Chandra Bose 3) Dr. A.K. KALILUTHIN 4) Mr. A. Manivannan 5) Dr. P.Akila |
Published |
4. | Investigating the Effect of Hybrid Nano Materials on the Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete | 201941041653 A | 01-11-2019 | 1) Dr. S. Kandasamy 2) Dr V.Vengatasalapathy 3) Dr.R.Subash chandra bose 4) Dr.A.K.KALILUTHIN 5) Mr.S.Baskar 6) Mrs.M.V.V.Thirumuruga Poiyamozhi |
Published |
5. | Effect Surface Treatment of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete | 201941054095 A | 03-01-2020 | 1) Dr.Kandasamy 2) Dr.V.Venkatasalapathy 3) Dr.Syed Ibrahim 4) M.V.V. Thirumuruga Poiyamozhi 5) Dr.A.K.KALILUTHIN |
Published |
4. FDP / STTP / Orientation Program – Attended
Sl.No. | Name of the Course | Place | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
1 | Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-Chennai | Sep – Dec 2020 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
2 | Research Paper Drafting, Funding & Patent Methodologies | Department of Civil Engineering, Dr.N.G.P.Institute of Technology, Coimbatore | 2nd to 4th July 2020. | Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore |
3 | Online National Level Seven Days Faculty Development Programme on Moodle Learning Management System organized by the | PG Department of Computer Science, Government Arts and Science College, Thiruvennainallur. | 2nd to 8th July 2020. | Association with Spoken Tutorial from IIT Bombay, MHRD Government of India |
4 | Online FDP on “Application of Moodle LMS” and earning competency of Gnomio Moodle creation for OBE. | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, and D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune | 11th July to 25th July 2020. | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai |
5 | Concrete Technology | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-Chennai | July – Oct 2019 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
6 | MHRD Training Program on Academic Leadership | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai-48. | 01.04.2019 to 07.04.2019 (One Week) |
Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
7 | Design of Steel Structures | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. | July – Oct 2017 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
8 | “Materials and Technologies for sustainable construction” (MaTSCon-2013) | Department of Civil Engineering Pondicherry Engineering College Pudhucherry-605014. |
10.06.2013 to 14.06.2013 (One week) |
TEQUIP Sponsored STTP |
9 | “Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering” in 2012 | Department of Civil Engineering B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai-48. |
04.06.2012 to 24.06.2012 (Three weeks) |
NRDMS (DST) Sponsored Training Program |
10 | Induction Training program for faculty – 2011 | Faculty Training Academy B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai-48. |
27.06.2011 to 01.07.2011 (One week) |
TNSCST Tamilnadu & NCSTC Delhi |
11 | Design of steel structures using (IS 800-2007) 2010 | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras Chennai-36 |
25.01.2010 to 30.01.2010 (One week) |
AICTE New Delhi sponsored STTP |
12 | “Leadership and Team Building” | Faculty Development Program by V.R.S .College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram | 05.05.2010 to 06.05.2010 (Two Days) |
V.R.S. College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram |
5. NPTEL Certification Course: Dr. A.K. Kaliluthin
Name of the Course | Lecture by | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-Chennai | Sep – Dec 2020 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
Concrete Technology | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras-Chennai | July – Oct 2019 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Funded by MHRD New Delhi |
Design of Steel Structures | Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. | July – Oct 2017 (12 weeks) | NPTEL Sponsored by MHRD New Delhi |
6. YouTube Video Lecture: Dr. A.K. Kaliluthin
Name of the Course | Topic | Duration & Place | Link Details |
Earthquake Engineering | Delivered a youtube video lecture on “New Techniques in Seismic Design” in Centre for Innovation Teaching and Learning | July 2019 at BSACIST Chennai | Youtube Video Link : 1.https://youtu.be/-IorW9BhMPE 2.https://crescent.education/university/schools/school-of-infrastructure/department-of-civil-engineering/elearning-portal |
7. Conference, Workshop and Guest Lectures: Coordinated / Organized
- Virtual Workshop on Concrete Mix Design organized (for polytechnic students) on 26th June 2021. (Online – Google meet)
- Workshop on concrete mix design was organized by the department of civil engineering in collaboration with J K Cements ltd on 13.02.2020.
- National Workshop on “ANSYS – Finite Element Software” at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 29 – 31 October 2015
- National Workshop on Aspects of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Management” AEDM 2013” during May 5th & 6th 2013.
- National Conference on Innovative solutions for sustainable construction “ISSC 2013” during May 5th & 6th 2013.
- National Workshop on “Disaster Mitigation and Engineering” (DME ‘10) during 25th November 2010 at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram, sponsored by Government of India -Ministry of Human Resources and Development Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) New Delhi.
- National Workshop on “Recent Trends in Solid Waste Management System” during 20th August 2010 at V.R.S College of Engineering and Technology, Villupuram, sponsored by Government of Tamilnadu, Ministry of Higher Education “Science City” Chennai.
- Guest lecture program on “Facade Engineering -a look into the performance of facades in multi hazard loading on April-2017-Technical University Berlin, Germany.
8. Academic Contributions & Other Responsibilities
- Academic Infrastructure Planning Committee Member
- University Budget and Cost Committee Member
- University Technical Committee Member
- University Representative for conducting online entrance examination CIEAT 2018 at Puducherry during April 2018
- University Convocation Coordinator.
- Organizing Committee Member for Sports Meet in 2019.
- Ph.D Admission – Selection Committee Member
- Enquiry Committee Member for Exams malpractices in 2017.
- Department Board of Studies – Member
- Department Representative for Madurai Open House Exhibition in 2015.
- First Year Ragging preventing Squad Member
- Resident Tutor in KBA Men’s Hostel (2011 – 2013)
- Survey Camp classes coordinated in different places of Tamilnadu.
- University Representative for HINDU Expo educational fair in CTC Chennai in 2016.
- Mentor: Concrete and Highway Laboratory
- University Representative for Sikkim Educational Fair Expo-2017 organized by the Government of Sikkim at Gangtok.
- University Annual stock verification audit member
- Recognized Research Supervisor (CE/18/14) for guiding Ph.D. Scholars in BSACIST
- Examiner-ship in Government, Central and other Deemed Universities, such as Anna, Annamalai, Pondicherry, SRM, St. Peter’s, Vel Tech, Universities etc.,
9. Membership in Professional Bodies
Sl. No | Details of Membership (Lifetime) |
1 | Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 65782) |
2 | Indian Concrete Institute (LM 8920) |
3 | Institution of Engineers (LM 1590825) |
10. Invited Lectures and Chairmanships in Conferences/Workshops/FDPs
Sl. No. | Details of Invited Lectures/Chairmanship/Chairperson |
1. | Delivered a Lecture on Strength of Materials course through Online FDTP for the Faculty Development Programme on “CE 8301 Strength of Materials” sponsored by Anna University Chennai, held on during 7th to 12th June 2021. (Online – Google Meet). |
2. | Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Precast Concrete Structures and its Applications” in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College Puduchery, organized by the Department of civil Engineering during 12th September 2020. (Online – Google Meet) |
3. | Invited as a Chief Guest and Chair Person in the International Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction and Communication ICIRCC-19 at PERI Institute of Technology Chennai, on 22 & 23 March 2019. |
4. | Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Earthquake Resistant Structures” in PERI Institute of Technology Chennai, organized by the Department of civil Engineering during 27th December 2017. |
5. | Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Good Practices in Construction” in IFET College of Engineering Villupuram, organized by the Department of civil Engineering during 4th March 2014. |
6. | Delivered a key note lecture on “New Techniques in Seismic Design” in a National Workshop on “Aspects of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Management”, 17-19 April 2013, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. |
7. | Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Earthquake Resistant Buildings” in Department of Civil Engineering during 31st August 2009 at Elumalai Polytechnic College -Villupuram. |
11. Other Achievements
Sl. No. | Details of Achievements |
1. | Received “Research Incentive Scheme Award of BSACIST-2017” by the Board of Management of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during Academic year 2016-2017. |
2. | Received “Research Incentive Scheme Award of BSAU-2014” by the Board of Management of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during Academic year 2014-2015. |
3. | Received “Research Incentive Scheme Award of BSAU-2013” by the Board of Management of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during Academic year 2013-2014. |
4. | Received from MHRD & AICTE New Delhi “Swachh Campus Ranking 2019” & Clean and Smart Campus Award 2019 & Jal Shakthi Abhiyan 2019 Awards for BSACIST Institution. |
5. | Received from MGNCRE, Ministry of Education, Government of India, “ District Green Champion for Chengalpattu District for the Academic Year 2020-21 for BSACIST Institution. |
12. Societal Activities
Sl. No. | Details of Activities |
1. | Organized Youth Education Program YEP 2019 for the students of BSACIST on 7th April 2019. |
2. | Jal Shakti Team – Jal Shakti Village : Gram Jal Shakti Team formed and Create awareness on water conservation and Rain water harvesting and monitor the existing water management system in nearby keerapakam village. |
3. | Organized Drivers Training Program 2019 for the drivers to create awareness of the traffic rules and regulations. |
4. | Industry Institute Cooperation tie-up with Kankyo technologies, Chennai to established MiraCarbon – Advanced Japanese Waste water Technology in BSACIST campus. |