Events Conducted
MOU offers a new accounting pathway
The Department of Commerce, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) UK and ACCA’s approved Learning Partner International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) UK to introduce globally recognized Professional qualifications in finance and accounting for the students. This will provide an added value for B.Com (Honors) students to gain a great understanding of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which is being adopted by India.
The MoU was signed On November 14, 2018 by Dr. A. Azad, the Honorable Registrar and Mr. Saravanakumar, Regional Manager- South TN, ACCA amidst the presence of Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, honorable Vice-Chancellor, Mr. ThayaMoorthi, Regional Manager- South TN ISDC, Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed – Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. D. Ayub Khan Dawood – Professor & Dean, School of Social Science and Humanities, Dr. Afzalur Rahman – Head of the Department, Commerce and other dignitaries.

NSS Activities (2019-2020)
- Department has inaugurated the NSS activities and encourage the students to do social activities.NSS volunteers generally work in villages, slums and voluntary agencies to complete 40 hours of regular activities during an academic year. As per the fundamental principles of National Service Scheme, a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community. Hence, it is of vital importance that a particular village/slum is selected for implementation of NSS programmes
S.No | Name of Society | Type of activity | Details of Participants | Outcome | ||
Faculty | Students | Others | ||||
1) | Swachh Bharat Mission | Cleanliness Drive | 1 | 50 | – | Cleaned in around the school premises |
2) | Distribution of Flood Relief Materials to Needy in Nagure, Nagappttanam, Tamil Nadu. | Disaster Management | 1 | 10 | – | Free distribution of flood materials to needy People |
3) | Fit India Programme | encourage people to remain healthy and fit | 2 | 100 | – | To know the importance of physical fitness |
4) | Assistance to Government Officials for uploading details of Scholarship in the Government Website. | Uploading details for Government officials | 3 | 250 | – | Entry of scholarship details |
5) | Participants in Mega Tree Plantation Drive at Mahindra City | Tree Plantation | 3 | 300 | – | To know the importance of tree plantation |
6) | NSS Volunteers had participated in data entry of Tamil Nadu Government Chief Minister Grievance Redressel Schemes to the respective Government website | Uploading details for Government officials | 2 | 50 | – | Data entry of Tamil Nadu Government Chief Minister Grievance Re-addresser Schemes to the respective Government website |
7) | NSS Day Celebration on 24th September by Conducting Campus Cleaning and Other Competitions. | Cleanliness Drive and celebrating NSS | 2 | 50 | – | Maintain the college campus with clean |
8) | Volunteers Participation in International Wild life Conservation-Run for Animal Organized at Vandalur zoo | Wild life Conservation | 2 | 100 | – | Protection of wildlife animal |
9) | Government Data entry- Update the content in Election Identity card | Data Entry for Government officials | 2 | 35 | – | TN Government Data entry- Update the content in votercard |
10) | NilavembuKudineer distribution to the Staff and Students at the Crescent campus | Dengue Awareness | 1 | 20 | – | Eradication of dengue fever |
11) | Observance of RashtriyaEktaDiwas (National Unity Day) on 31st Oct.2019 Pledge Taking Ceremony may be organised. | National Unity | 3 | 75 | – | Maintenance of communal harmony among the students. |
12) | Observance of Vigilance awareness day.VIGILANCE AWARENESS DAY | Vigilance Awareness Day | 2 | 50 | – | Eradication of corruption |
13) | Disaster Mitigation Awareness Campaign. | Disaster Management | 2 | 75 | – | Awareness of disaster management |
14) | Observance of National Education Day 12th November 2019 a Pledge Taking Ceremony organised. | Educational awareness pledge | 2 | 25 | – | Importance of education in society |
15) | The 26th November is celebrated as “Constitution Day” or“Samvidhan Divas” by Govt. of India | Constitution Day | 3 | 50 | – | To know the constitution law |
16) | Participated in NSSState level meeting atChennai. | State level NSS Meeting | 2 | – | 2 PO | NSS rules & regulation |
17) | FIT INDIA CYCLATHON | Importance of Yoga | 2 | 100 | Importance of yoga | |
18) | National Girls Child Day | Spreading awareness of Girl Child | 2 | 20 | – | Protection of girl child |
19) | National Voters Day | Right to vote | 3 | 50 | – | To know the voting power |
20) | NSS Special Camp at Karsangal Village | NSS Camp | 3 | 100 | – | Various community services to needy people |
21) | Blood Donation Camp | Blood donation | 3 | 100 | – | Blood donated to needy people |
22) | Conduction of workshop on the topic Action plan of the contribution to the society in creating sustainable living environment | Sustainable Living Environment | 2 | 60 | – | To create good environment |
23) | Due to COVID 19 Free distribution of rice to needy people at karasangal village, Chennai. | Food Distribution to Needy | 2 | 20 | – | distribution of rice to needy people at karasangal village, Chennai. |
24) | Attended NSS Workshop at Trichy | NSS Workshop | 2 | 5 | 1 PO | Importance of youth empowerment |
Industrial Visit
The Department of Commerce arranged various industrial visits for I year, II Year and III year to Kerala, Ooty and Mahabalipuram for their corporate exposure. In these visits the students got the knowledge of tea manufacturing company and its work process.
- Conducted an ICSSR – Sponsored National Conference on “Socio – Economic and Political Status of Muslims in India: Challenges and Development” by the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, BSACIST on 21.01.2015 to 22.01.2015.
Inaugural Function – National Conference “Socio-Economic and Political Status of Muslims in India: Challenges And Development”
Valedictory Function – National Conference “Socio-Economic and Political Status of Muslims in India: Challenges And Development.
Organized ICMR-Sponsored two national conference on “Women and Mental Health : A Psychosocial Perspective” by the school of social sciences and Humanities, BS AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 17 and 18 February 2016.
Inaugural address on Two Days National Conference on Women and Mental health: Psychological Perspective”
Conducted a one day workshop on “Preparing Technical Teachers for Optimal Class Room Delivery through English Language.” by the School of Social Sciences, BS AbdurRahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai-48 in association with Cambridge English on 28/10/2015.
Inaugural Function-One day workshop
Group Discussion-Faculty members making a presentation.
A guest lecture organized on topic “Economic for Engineers” for the benefit of benefit of B.Tech students on 3.9.2015. Dr. Millie Nihila, Associate Professor in Economics, Stella Maris College was invited to deliver the lecture.

Dr. Millie Nihila with the Dean and faculty members of the SSH
A guest lecture organized on topic “Importance of Law for Engineers” for the benefit of IV semester B.Tech students on 25.3.2015. Dr. V. Balaji , Associate Professor, Post graduate department of International Law, Tamil Nadu, B.R, Ambedkar Law University was invited to deliver the lecture.

A guest lecture organized on topic “Social Sciences for Engineers” for the benefit of B.Tech students on 07.08.2014. Dr. V. Gnanapushpam, Former Principal, Patrician Collage of Arts and Science, Chennai was invited to deliver the lecture.
National Seminar/Conference
- National Conference on “Goods and Service Tax (GST): Challenges and Prospects” in the of November 2017
Workshop for Teachers:
- One day workshop for faculties on “Art of Writing Research Articles”. 5/10/2017
Workshop for Students
- “One Day Business Start up Workshop for budding entrepreneurs”. 4/9/2017
- “One day Workshop on Confidence Building: “Unleash Your Confidence”. 5/2/2018
Guest Lecture for Students
- “Transforming Indians to Transform India” – 23/8/2017