![]() |
Designation | : | Professor, Dean & Head |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,M.E.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | dean_secs@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, hodeie@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, najumnissa.d@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Specialization | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Medical Electronics | 2012 | Anna University |
M.E | Control and Instrumentation | 1992 | Anna University |
B.E | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 1989 | Madras University |
Work Experience
University/College | Designation | Period |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Dean (SECS) | 11.11.19 – Till date |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | HoD | 2.6.21 – Till date |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Professor | 18.7.12 – 10.11.19 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Professor and Head | 10.4.13 – 10.4.16 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Professor | 18.7.12 – 10.4.13 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Associate Professor and Head of the Department | 28.2.11 – 21.3.12 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | Associate Professor | 9.4.2009 to 17.7.2012 |
B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | HOD in charge | 18.9.06 to 27.11.07 |
B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Assistant Professor | 1.1.2004 to 31.3.2009 |
Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Selection Grade Lecturer | 3-9-2001 to 31.12.2003 |
Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Senior Lecturer | 15.7.1996 to 2-9-2001 |
Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Lecturer | 29.7.1992 to 14.7.1996 |
Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Teaching Assistant | 8.1.1990 to 7.8.1990 |
Areas Of Research Interest:
- Biosignal and image processing
- Biomedical Engineering
- Instrumentation and Control
Research Guidance
No. of Research Scholars Guiding | 6 (Thesis submitted – 2) |
No. of Ph.D’s produced | 3 |
Citations | 123 |
h-index | 8 |
Research Publications:
Book Edited
- K. Kamalanand, D. Najumnissa Jamal & P. Mannar Jawahar eds., Advances in Nano Instrumentation Systems and Computational Techniques (Nova Science Publishers), [ISBN: 978-1-53615-019-3], June 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
Book Chapter Published
- A.Paramasivam, D.Najumnissa Jamal, C. Emmanuel, K. B. Bhaskar, M. Mohit Jaisingh, and R. Kannan, Analysis of Influence of Yoga-Asana on the Digestive Process Using Electrogastrograms, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Volume 170, August, 2020, ISBN 978-981-33-4083-1, ISBN 978-981-33-4084-8 (eBook), pp 423 – 429., Springer, Nehu, India.
- Najumnissa D. “Comparison and Analysis of Dental Imaging Techniques”, Chapter 8, Computational Techniques for Dental Image Analysis, IGI Publications, October 2018, pp 179 – 194, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6243-6.
- D. Najumnissa Jamal, S. Rajkumar, Nabeena Ameen, published a book chapter, titled “Remote Elderly Health Monitoring System Using Cloud-Based WBANs” in the book Handbook of Research on Cloud and Fog Computing Infrastructures for Data Science has been published by IGI Global publications, Chapter 13, May, 2018, ISBN13: 9781522559726, ISBN10: 1522559728, EISBN13: 9781522559733, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5972-6, pp 265-288
- D.Najumnissa Jamal and B.Pushpa, published a book chapter titled, Feature Selection and Detection of Epileptic Seizure EEG signals using EMD and PSO in book titled, Advanced Engineering Research and Applications, volume V, Research India Publications, Chapter 7, during September 2017, ISBN: 978-81-932850-5-3, pp112 – 123.
International Journals:
- Aparna V. and D Najumnissa Jamal, Real-time implementation of QFT, GA, and BFTPSO controller for pH neutralization system, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol. 19, No. 3, June 2021, pp 263-278 (Scopus)
- P.Sadasivam, D Najumnissa Jamal, An Enhanced Electroporator Design for Pulse Generation, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2021, 7610-7614 (Web of Science)
- G.Anuradha, D Najumnissa Jamal, Classification of Dementia in EEG with a Two-Layered Feed Forward Artificial Neural Network, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2021, 7135-7139 (Web of Science)
- T.Mangayarkarasi, D Najumnissa Jamal, Analysis and classification of kidney ultrasound images using SIFT features with neural network classifier, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2021, pp 340-361 (Scopus IF =1.01)
- S Syed Rafiammal, D Najumnissa Jamal, Detection of Epilepsy Seizure in Adults Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cluster Nearest Neighborhood Classifier, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering, Springer, 06 June 2021, pp1-13, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-021-00437-6 (Scopus IF = 1.376)
- Paramasivam A, Najumnissa Jamal D, Gughan Narasimhan M , Bhaskar K. B , Ramzan Ali A and Vijayalakshmi Sankaran, Intelligent Plant Disease Identification System Using Machine Learning, Engineering Proceedings, MDPI, 2020, 2, 49; doi:10.3390/ecsa-7-08160
- S Syed Rafiammal, D Najumnissa Jamal, S Kaja Mohideen, Reconfigurable Hardware Design for Automatic Epilepsy Seizure Detection using EEG Signals, Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2020, vol 10, issue 3, pp 5803-5807 (web of science)
- Nabeena Ameen, D. Najumnissa Jamal, L.Arun Raj, Optimized Dual Path Analysis Using Finite Automata Theory in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, DOI: 10.1108/IJIUS-11-2019-0060, ISSN 2049 – 6427.May 2020.SCI – Impact factor 1.17
- Najumnissa.D, Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Mohammed Salman. J, Design of angle measuring device for Synovial Joint Applications, GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE Review, volume 33, issue 2, June 2020, eISSN0921-5077 /1875-7235 (Web of Science)
- Nabeena Ameen, D. Najumnissa, L. Arun Raj., “Optimized Routing Protocols for Data Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3, September 2019, pp. 204-214., DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C3934.098319. (Scopus indexed up to 2019)
- MurshithaShajahan M.S., Najumnissa D., Aparna V., “Controller design using quantitative feedback theory for thermal power plant process”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier Publications, Vol 14, 2019, available online 5th April 2019, SJR – 1.15, IF- 1.899 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2019.100441
- Mohammed Asith N, Mohamed Thawfiq S, Pavan Kumar V, Aadhirai.S, Najumnissa Jamal D., “Ultrasound Renal Abnormalities detection using ANN and Scale Invariant feature Transform”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management (IJSEM), Vol 4, Issue 10, October 2019, ISSN (Online) 2456 -1304. Google Scholar indexed
- S. Syed Rafiammal, D. Najumnissa, G. Anuradha, S. Kaja Mohideen, P. K. Jawahar, Syed Abdul Mutalib, “A Low Power and High Performance Hardware Design for Automatic Epilepsy Seizure Detection”, INTL Journal Of Electronics and Telecommunications, 2019, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 707-712 DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2019.130254. SJR- 0.79
- Nabeena Ameen, D. Najumnissa, L. Arun Raj., “Comparative analysis of energy based optimized dynamic source multipath routing protocol in WSNs”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 16, No. 1, October 2019, pp. 441~455., DoI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v16.i1. pp441-455 ISSN: 2502-4752 SJR- 0.36
- Lakshmanaprabu S.K. Najumnissa Jamal D , Multiloop FOPID Controller Design for TITO Process Using Evolutionary Algorithm, International Journal of Energy Optimization and Engineering (IJEOE) 8 (3), DOI: 10.4018/IJEOE.2019070107 (Web of science indexed Journal.) Clarivate analytics indexed.2019
- Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Najumnissa D., Aparna V., M.K.A. Ahamed Khan, “Control of electric power generation of thermal power plant in TamilNadu”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier Publications, Vol 12, September 2018, pp 728-735, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2018.08.008 (SNIP 1.899, SJR0.991)
- Pushpa,B and Najumnissa Jamal D, P/ EIE , “Correlation Analysis and Modeling of EEG – EMG Signal for Startle-Induced Seizures”, at the Online Journal of Biological Sciences, December, 2017
- S.K.Lakshmanaprabu and D.Najumnissa Jamal, P/ EIE , “Bat Algorithm Based Parameter Identification of Second Order system using step response”, at the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 117, No 15 , 1031 – 1042, December, 2017
- D.Najumnissa, Pushpa, and Syed Rafiammal ”Feature Selection and Detection of Epileptic Seizure EEG Signals using EMD and PSO,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.59 (2015) © Research India Publications;
http://ripublication.com/Volume/ijaerv10n59spl.htm (SJR : 0.13) - Mangayarkarasi and D.Najumnissa Jamal, “Development of Patient Assistive Tool for Detection of Abnormalities in Kidney,” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(24), IPL0324, September 2015, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
- D. Najumnissa and T.R.Rangaswamy, “Comparison of Intelligent Computing Techniques for Classification of Clinical EEG signals, European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, in the special Issue on Applications of computational techniques in Infectious diseases and clinical research, EJBI 2013, ISSN 1801-5603, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2013 on 30.8.13
- S.Shahul Hamid, D.Najumnissa Jamal and M.S. Murshitha Shajahan, “Automatic Detection and Analysis of Boiler Tube Leakage System, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 87, No.16, pp. 19-23, December, 2013. ISBN : 973-93-80879-36-7
- D. Najumnissa and T.R.Rangaswamy, “Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Wavelet feature extraction and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System”, International Journal of Computational Engineering and Research( IJCER), May-June 2012 , Vol. 2 , Issue No.3 , pp 755-761
- D. Najumnissa and S. Shenbagadevi, “An approach to Automated Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Artificial Neural Network”, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology , Vol. 2, No. 4, 2009, pp 382-399. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBET.2009.027801
- D. Najumnissa and S. Shenbagadevi, “Intelligent identification and Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Wavelet transform”, Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 293-314, 2008.
Papers Presented at International Conference:
- Paramasivam Alagumariappan, Najumnissa Jamal D, Emmanuel C, Bhaskar K.B., Mohit Jaisingh M and Kannan R, Analysis of Influence of Yoga-Asana on the Digestive process using Electrogastrograms, Proceeding of the third International Conference on Computing and Communication System, I3CS-2020: Third Springer International Conference on Computing and Communication System, organized by the Department of Information Technology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India, April 28-30, 2020
- Najumnissa D, Mohammed Asith N, Syed Rafiammal, Analysis of Stuttered speech using MFCC and Naive Bayes Classifier, 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends In Science And Technology, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology and TECHOWN, 6th May 2020.
- Najumnissa Jamal. D., Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Norman Cruz. S, Abhinesh jayram M and Goutham S “Empirical Investigation and comparison of different viscosity liquids with increasing temperature“ IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering ic-ETITE”20 during 24 – 25th
February 2020, organised by School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore – 632014 - Mohammed Asith N, Mohamed Thawfiq S, Pavan Kumar V, Aadhirai.S, Najumnissa Jamal D., “Ultrasound Renal Abnormalities detection usingA NN and Scale Invariant feature Transform”, 2nd International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering and Management on 20.10.19 and 21.10.19, held at Pondicherry, organized by IFERP
- Abdul Qayyum, M.K.A.Ahamed Khan, Moona Mazher, M Suresh, D Najumnissa Jamal, John Tran Duc Chung, “Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Estimating Physiological States Involving Face Analytics,”
2019 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS 2019), 29 June 2019, Selangor, Malaysia - Norman Cruz S, Mohamed Ashiq N, Pavan Kumar V, Shahul Hamid S, Najumnissa D, Murshitha Shajahan M S , Advanced Dust Separation System In Coal Handling Plant In Thermal Power Station, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327.
- Najumnissa D, Mohamed Syed Ali J, Mohamed Uzaer. A, Mohamed Asith N, Yaasir Ahamed M S, Analysis of The Effect of Different Music on Students Using ECG Signals, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327.
- M. S. Murshitha Shajahan, D. Najumnissa, Mohamed Harish. M, Mohamed Raiyan.V. ,”Controller Design Using BFOA For Thermal Power Plant Process, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327.
- Mohamed Raiyan M, Thahiranazreen. S, Varshan V , Mohamed Ashik J, Najumnissa D , Murshitha Shajahan M.S, Shahul Hamid S.,” Acquisition of Data From a Prototype Boiler Tube Leakage System and Analysis using ANN and Naïve Bayes, Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ICRTST – 2019, held on 20.3.19, organized by GKM College of Engineering & Technology & TECHOWN, 9788-1-9322-1327.
- Najumnissa D, Mohamed Syed Ali J, Analysis on the Effect of ECG Signals While Listening to Different Genres of Music, Second International Conference on Advanced Computational and Communication Paradigms (ICACCP) , Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Sikkim, during 25.2.18 and 28.2.18, 978-1-5386-7989-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
- Mohamed Syed Ali.J, Abinesh Jayaram, Gautham S, Murshitha Shajahan M.S., Najumnissa D., Automation of Battery Testing Process Using Programmable Logic Controller, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research, ICRTMDR -18, jointly organized by APC Mahalaxmi College for women, Tutucorin, and IFERP during 20.12.18 and 21.12.18, ISBN:978-81-939399-6-6, 2018, pp 97.
- Mohamed Hussain K, Aparna V, M. S. Murshitha Shajahan, D. Najumnissa Jamal, “Tuning of PID Controller using GA, SA and QFT for Three Interacting Tank Process”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018), IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4, 2018, pp 547 – 551
- Aparna V, Mohamed Hussain K, D. Najumnissa Jamal, M. S. Murshitha Shajahan, “Implementation of Gain Scheduling Multiloop PI Controller Using Optimization Algorithms for a Dual Interacting Conical Tank Process,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018), IEEE Conference Record: # 42666; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4, 2018, pp 599 – 604
- Lakshmanaprabhu S K, Sabura banu U, Najumnissa D, “Design of model predictive control for nonlinear process, International Conference on Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication, 2018 (RTECC2018) organized by the School of Electrical and Communication sciences, 20.3.18 – 22.3.18
- Pushpa,B and Najumnissa D ,”Analysis of startle type epileptic seizures using empirical mode decomposition and machine learning technique,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and its applications, (ICCSA-2018), Sri Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur on 16.3.18
- Anuradha G, Najumnissa D , Syed Rafiammal, ,”Detection of Dementia in EEG Signal using Dominant Frequency Analysis, at the IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering ( IEEE-ICPCSI-2017), organized by Saveetha Engineering College during 21st and 22nd September 2017, pp125 – 129.
- Aadhirai.S Najumnissa. D, “Feature Extraction and Analysis of Renal Abnormalities using Fuzzy Clustering Segmentation and SIFT Method”, IEEE International Conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII – 2017), organized by the department of Biomedical Engineering and health care technology centre, SSN Engineering college, March 2017.
- Najumnissa. D, Mohammed Khalid S.J, Pushpa. B, Arunkumar. S, “Design of Heart rate Data Acquisition system with mobile alert on emergent data using Labview,” International Conference on Modern Applications in Engineering & Technology – 2017 (IER-MAET’17), March 2017.http://ijarmet.vtpree.com/special-issue-march-2017
- Najumnissa. D, Salman Farci.k, Aashirai.S., Mohamed Kassim.H., “Development of an EEG Amplifier for a Brain-computer-interface,” International Conference on Modern Applications in Engineering & Technology – 2017 (IER-MAET’17), March 2017. http://ijarmet.vtpree.com/special-issue-march-2017
- Mangayarkarasi and D.Najumnissa ” PNN-based Analysis System to Classify Renal Pathologies in Kidney Ultrasound Images,” Second IEEE International Conference on Computing And Communications Technologies – ICCCT’17, organized by the IT department , Sri sairam Engineering College, during February, 2017
- D.Najumnissa , Pushpa, and Syed Rafiammal” Feature Selection and Detection of Epileptic Seizure EEG Signals using EMD and PSO,” International conference on Recent advances in Engineering, Science and Technology, 17 th April , 2015, organized by Noorul Islam University, Kanyakumari
- Mangayarkarasi and D.Najumnissa ” Development of Patient Assistive tool for detection of abnormalities in Kidney,” International conference on Soft computing in Applied sciences and Engineering, 23rd – 24th July , 2015, organized by Noorul Islam University, Kanyakumari
- D.Najumnissa, T.R.Rangaswamy, B.Pushpa “Epileptic Seizure Detection of Multichannel EEG using Relative Power Features and Particle Swarm Optimization Method”, International workshop on seizure prediction (IWSP7) held at University of Melbourne, Australia during 3rd to 6thAugust, 2015.
- B.Pushpa, D.Najumnissa, C.Tharini, “A Study of EEG–EMG feature Correlation for Startle type Epileptic Seizures,” International workshop on seizure prediction (IWSP7) held at University of Melbourne, Australia during 3rd to 6th August, 2015.
- S. Shahul Hamid, , D.Najumnissa , Murshitha Shajahan, “Automatic detection and Analysis of Boiler Tube Leakage System using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System”, International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, 20.8.15.
- B.Pushpa and D. Najumnissa Jamal ,” Classification of Epileptic seizure EEG signals using EMD and ANFIS,’ International conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) during 23rd – 24th May , 2014, organized by Universtiy of Bangladesh, Dhaka.
- D. Najumnissa Jamal & B.Pushpa, “Comparison of two classification methods for detection and classification of Epileptic Seizures using Optimization techniques”, International conference on Electrical Electronics and Communication networks, organized by Adhithya Engineering College, Coimbatore, 22 February, 2013
- D. Najumnissa and T.R. Rangaswamy, (2010) “Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Wavelet feature extraction and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference system”, at the International Conference on Biomedical Science and Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, March 2010.
- D. Najumnissa Jamal and T.R. Rangaswamy, “Detection and classification of epileptic seizures using wavelet feature extractor and ANFIS”, First International Conference on Modeling, Control, Automation and Communication ICMCAC – 2010, Velammal Engg. College, Chennai, 21/12/10 & 22/12/10.
Papers Presented at National Conference:
- M.Z.Mohamed Irfan , A.Tejas , D.Najumnissa Jamal , M.S. Murshitha Shajahan, Study of tube leakage of a boiler prototype using saw filter and intelligent techniques, Proceedings of AICTE Sponsored Online National Conference on Recent Advancements In Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, organized by Murugappa Polytechnic College on 26th & 27th August 2021, pp 81 – 85
- K.Saiabirami , S. Aboobakar Sidque , M.S. Murshitha Shahjahan , D. Najumnissa Jamal, IOT based current measurement system, Proceedings of AICTE Sponsored Online National Conference on Recent Advancements In Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, organized by Murugappa Polytechnic College on 26th & 27th August 2021, pp 100 – 107
- S.Shahul Hamid, , D.Najumnissa Jamal, and Ms. Murshitha Shajahan, “Detection and Classification of Boiler Tube Leakage System using Intelligent techniques”, TEQIP sponsored National Conference on Instrumentation Systems, Measurement and Automation (CISMA-2015),organized by the EIE department, Pondicherry University on 8.1.16.
- Aparna, D. Najumnissa Jamal and B.Pushpa, ‘Application of Chaos Theory and SVM to Seizure detection of Epilepsy”, National Conference on Trends in Instrumentation and Automation, Velammal Engineering College, 10th April, 2015.
- Arachana, B.Pushpa and D.Najumnissa, “Application of surface electromyography in assessing the muscle movement pattern using wavelet packet entropy” National Conference on Trends in Instrumentation &Automation on April 2015 at Velammal Engineering college, Chennai
- D.Najumnissa and Pushpa, “Application of Empirical mode decomposition to epileptic seizure EEG signals, Recent trends in Instrumentation Control and Autormation (NCRTICA 2014), Sai Ram Engg. Chennai on 24th March 2014.
- Suganthan , D. Najumnissa Jamal, “Automation stuttering recognition system” ,National conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control for Industrial applications, pp. 23-25, RMK Engineering College, Chennai, 21st April 2014,
- Benazir Fathima R, D. Najumnissa Jamal, “Detection of QRS complex by wavelet transformation” National conference on Recent Trends in Instrumentation and Control for Industrial applications, pp. 29-33, RMK Engineering College, Chennai, 21st April 2014,
- G. Anuradha, D. Najumnissa Jamal, “EEG in detection and classification of DEMENTIA”, National Conference on Present Scenario and Future trends in Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies, IIT, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh17-18th October 2014.
- B. Pushpa, D. Najumnissa Jamal, “Characteristics of Epileptic Seizure using Empirical mode Decomposition and support vector machine” National Conference on “Present Scenario and Future trends in Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 17-18th October 2014
- D.Najumnissa and B.Pushpa presented a paper titled “Comparison of two classification methods for detection and classification of Epileptic Seizures using Optimization techniques” at the International conference on Electrical Electronics and Communication networks, organized by Adhithya Engineering college, Coimbatore on 22.2.13
- D. Najumnissa Jamal, Usha, “Prediction of Fetal Abnormality from maternalabdominal ECG using ICA, Design of fractional order PI controller”, National Conference on Intelligent Control Systems & Automaton Techniques (NCICSAR-2013) organized by Dept. of Instrumentation & Control Engg., Sairam Engg. College, February 28, 2013.
- B. Pushpa and D.Najumnissa Jamal, “Classification of ECG signals using Support Vector Machine”, National Conference on Communication Network and Sensor Technology, organized by Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, 11thApril 2013
- Najumnissa Jamal D, “Slip control and trafficability of underwater mining machine” National conference on ”Research and Developments in Health Care & Process Automation, Dept. of EIE, R.M.K. Engg., College, Kavaraipettai, 3rd March 2012
- B. Pushpa, M.P. Nageswari, D. Najumnissa Jamal, “A study on piezoelectric MEMS vibration energy harvesters for power management”, National Conference on Control, Communication and system Engineering, organized by Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 14.9.2012
- D.Najumnissa, B. Pushpa, T.R Rangaswamy Detection and Classification of Seizures Using feature extrication and Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network, IX Control Instrumentation System Conference, organized by Maniphal Institute of Technology, Mangalore on 16.11.12
- D. Najumnissa and T.R. Rangaswamy, “Comparison of Two ANN Methods for classification of epileptic seizures ” at the National conference on Recent Trends in Biomedical Engineering JCECON”10, at Jerusalem Engineering college on 17th April 2010.
- D. Najumnissa, T.R. Rangaswamy, C.U.Velmurugendran and J. Kamalakannan, “Utilizing Wavelet feature extraction and Particle swarm optimization neural network for Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizures” at the National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology SNCETET-2009 at Raja Rajeswari Engineering college on 27th April 2010.
- Najumnissa. D, “Qualitative assessment of epileptic seizures using wavelet transforms”, National Conference on Control, Communication & Information Technology, Easwari Engg. College, Chennai, 8 – 10th December 2010.
Patents Published
- Mrs Mangayarkarasi (Research Scholar /EIE) and Dr. D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof / EIE, published a patent titled “Artificial Intelligence Based Prediction of Kidney Injury Due To Drug”, Application No.202141010368 A, 19/03/2021in the Official Journal Of The Patent Office, Issue No. 12/2021, pg14076
Sponsored Research Submitted
S.No | Funding Agency | Title of the Project Proposal | Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator | Month & Year of Communi-cation | Cost | Status |
1 | Cognitive Science Research Initiative (CSRI) | Development of electronic device for psychological stress level assessment through physiological signals using artificial intelligence and deep learning methods | Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Professor, EIE Department. Dr. S.Hameed Kadar Ali, Professor, Sociology Department. Mrs.Syed Rafiammal, Assistant Professor, ECE Department | 15.3.2021 | 14.72 lakhs | Submitted |
2 | Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology | Development Of Low Cost Air Conditioned Reusable PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) For Health Care Workers | Dr.H.Kareemullah, Dr. D.Najumnissa Dr.P.K.Jawahar |
June 2020 | 2.03 Lakhs | Submitted |
3 | Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology | Cognitive Rehabilitation for Elderly with Alzheimer using EEG signals and Yoga Exercises | Dr. D.Najumnissa Dr.P.K.Jawahar Mrs. G.Anuradha |
February, 2019 | 4.80 Lakhs | Submitted |
4 | Science and Technology of Yoga and Meditation (Satyam) | Cognitive Assessment of Yoga in the Elderly Using EEG Signal Processing Techniques | Dr. D.Najumnissa Dr.P.K.Jawahar Mrs. G.Anuradha Mrs.Syed Rafiammal |
November, 2018 | Rs.18.82 Lakhs | Submitted |
5 | Eaton MTL Instruments (CSR) | Enhancement of Learning Achievement by Integrated Science and Computer Skills for High School Students of Panchayat Union Middle School, Keerapakkam, Vandalur, Chennai 48. | Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Dr.P.K.Jawahar, Prof S.Shahul Hamid, Ms.M.S.Murshitha Shajahan, | September, 2018 | Rs.5.42 Lakhs | Submitted |
Workshop/Conference Organised:
- Organized two days Workshop on “Industrial IoT for Remote Monitoring and Management” during 21-22, March 2019
- Organized one day Workshop on “Intrinsically safe Instrumentation” jointly with Eaton MTL on 26th October 2018
- Dr.D Njaumnissa Jamal, Prof/EIE Ms. Murshitha Shajahan, AP(S.G)/EIE Ms.M.P Nageswari AP/EIE organized one day workshop on “Measuring Instruments” on 4.4.2018
- Organised a visit to the Panchayat Union Middle School, Keerapakkam, Vandalur, Chennai 48, for the final year EIE students to teach the school students as a part of Societal Activity on 3.4.18.
- Organized a one credit course on Design of Intelligent Robots and its applications from 19.3.18 to 23.3.18. The affiliate faculty, Dr. M.K.A. Ahamed Khan, Assistant Professor, UCSI University, Malaysia handled the course.
- Organized two days Workshop on Trends in Controls and Instrumentation for Power plant- A Research Perspective” during 27th and 28th September 2017.
- Organized a on Seminar on “SAFETY IN ENGINEERING’ by Mr. M.A.Nagoor Monnapillai (Alumni, 1989 – Mechanical), Lead Process Safety Engineer, BP Kinneil LPG Chilldown Project (Category A-Major Project) Aberdeen / Glasgow (UK) and Consultancy Services Director, Albain Group, Dubai, for the third year, final year and PG, EIE students on 23.8.17.
- Organized a Seminar on “Robotics and Automation – Advancements in Robotic Surgery in co-ordination with IEEE student chapter on 11.8.17 for the benefit of the third year and final year EEE and EIE students. Dr. M.K.A. Ahamed Khan, Vice Chairman, IEEE – RAS Malaysia Chapter and Associate Professor, University Selangur, Malaysia was the Resource person
- Organized a one credit course on “Internet of Things for Automation” from 7th March 2017 to 31st March 2017. The affiliate faculty handling the course is Mr.S. Rajkumar, Director, Bhairava Technology and Research Centre, Chennai.
- Organised a one day a national level project display titled, Vision and growth strategies – an Innovative project display on 18.4.17 under the IEEE banner
- Organised two days workshop on “Embedded Systems and its application to Instrumentation” for the third year and final year students. Mr.S.Selvaradji , SS Technologies was the resource person on 15.3.16 & 16.3.16
- Organised a Mobile Exhibition on PRESTO products was organized on 2.4.16 for the benefit of the students and faculty members by M/S Measurecon Instruments , Chennai
- Organised a one day workshop on Test and measuring Instruments for the benefit of II year students on 7.4.16. Ms.Shyamala was the resource person from Maharashi technology solutions, Chennai
- Organised a training program on “Honing Interview Skills” for benefit of III yr EIE students was organized on 19.3.15. and on 19.9.15. Mrs. D. Mehernissa, HOD / Career development centre, SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai – 89 was the resource person
- Organised a seminar on 7.1.15 on PRODOK Software for the benefit of I year & II year PG students. Mr. S. Harihara Suthan, Manager, Tech Support, CADTech was the resource person.
- Organised Three days hands on training programme on “Pick and Place Robotic Arm” was organized for II year and III year students during 18.9.14 to 20.9.14. Mr. Balaji from M/s. AEROBOTIX, Chennai was the resource person
- Organised a workshop on “Equipments for Patient Monitoring” was held on 25.2.14 was organized by Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, HOD / EIE for the benefit of the IV year and II year EIE. The equipments like ECG machine, Multipara monitor and Pulse oxymeter were demonstrated by M/S. Hospitec Medical System, Chennai.
- Organised a One day National seminar on “Application of control and instrumentation in thermal power plant” on 8th October 2013
- Organised a guest lecture on “Career Opportunities Empowering Minds” on 8/2/12 for the II year EIE students. Mr. Ajay Zener, Executive – Student Relations, Career Launcher, Chennai interacted and addressed the students
- Organised a demo on ‘EEG machine RMS EEG-24, Brain plus was arranged on 24/2/12 for the benefit of staff members and M.Tech students. Mr. G. Sivakumar, Asst. Manager, Recorders & Medicare Systems (P) Ltd., was the resource person.
- Organised A one day workshop on “Wireless Sensor Network” was organized on 23.07.13 for the benefit of final year B.Tech EIE and 2nd year M.Tech EIE students. Dr. Vijaya rajeswaran and his team members were the resource persons.
- Organised A one day workshop on “Calibration and Techniques for Process Instruments” was organized for the benefit of second year E&I students on 12/1/11
- Organised a two day workshop on “Robotics” for the third year students by S.S. Technologies on 19/9/11 and 20/9/11.
- Organized a demo on ‘Heart rate monitor and blood pressure measurement’. Mr.S. Siva Kumar, Application Engineer, Cranes software International limited demonstrated on Labview for Biomedical Equipments to all staff members of EIE department on 31/10/11.
Workshop / seminar / FDPs attended:
- Attended the AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online faculty development program [FDP] on Waste Technology – Energy Conversion and Utilization organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai – 623 806, from 8.11.2021 – 12.11.2021.
- Attended the Five days FDP on “System design for Healthcare and Assistive Technologies”, organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai 603 110 from 14.6.2021 – 18.6.2021.
- Attended the STTP on the art of detangling the entangled – Guidance and Counselling, organized by St Josehphs College of Technology, Palai, Kerala from 8.2.21 – 13.2.21
- Attended the AICTE sponsored Machine learning techniques for image and Healthcare with Python, organized by the Department of Instrumentation Control Engineering Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, from 28.01.21 – 10.2.21
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored six days Short term training program on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning techniques, organized by the Department of Information Technology, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, from 30.11.2020 to 5.12.2020
- Participated in the online National level seven days Faculty development program on Moodle learning Management system, organized by the PG Department of Computer Science, Government Arts and Science College, Thiruvennainallur in association with spoken tutorial IIT Bombay, MHRD, Government of India – 607203 from 2.7.2020 to 8.7.20
- Participated in the International Webinar Series on ‘Emerging Trends in Energy & Healthcare’, organized by the Department of Chemistry, Annai Hajira Women’s College, Melapalayam, Tirunelveli – 627005, from 25.06.2020 to 27.06.2020
- Participated in the online webinar on effective virtual classroom teaching for teachers, organized by Sri Sairam Engineering College, on 19.6.2020
- Online FDP program on Recent advances in nano materials 2-4th June, 2020, organized by department of Science, St Josephs engineering college, OMR
- Two week online FDP on Recent Innovation in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation and Teaching Pedagogy organized by Sri Sairam Engineering College, from 18th to 30th May 2020
- Attended a workshop on “Movement Medicine Awareness” organized by BSACIST on 6th January 2020
- Attended 06 Days Training Programme on “Academic Leadership” organized by Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management, Aligarh Muslim Universtiy, Aligarh, under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT)( MHRD, Govt of India) from 1.4.19 to 6.4.19 at BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Attended a two day workshop on Industrial IoT for Remote Monitoring and Management organized by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering on 21.3.19 and 22.3.19
- Attended the second International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology organized by GKM College of Engineering and Technology and TECHOWN, Chennai on 20.3.19
- Attended a National Seminar on e-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi in Collaboration with and at Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 9.3.19
- Attended two days workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning at B.S.A.Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 7.3.19 and 8.3.19 organized by the department of Information Technology in association with Dcrew IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
- Attended one day Workshop on “Intrinsically safe Instrumentation” at Eaton MTL on 26th October 2018.
- Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis Using SPSS AND AMOS” organized by the department of Management Studies from 13-19, July 2017.
- Attended IOne Day Workshop on Commercialization of Intellectual Property and Quality Assurance in Higher Education on 9.2.2017
- Attended IOne day workshop on Capacity building of women in higher education on 1.4.17
- Attended Two days National Workshop on Relevance of Mathematics in Scientific Computing and Engineering Discipline on 12.5.17 and 13.5.17
- Attended One week FDP on Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS during 13-19th July 2017.
- Attended International workshop on seizure prediction (IWSP7) held at University of Melbourne, Australia during 3rd to 6th August, 2015
- Attended a one-day Seminar on Yokogawa Technical School’s offering for the Education sector 22nd February 2013 organised by Yokogawa India Limited, Customer Service Division, Chennai
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Balancing Work and Life’ organised by the Crescent Business School, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute held on 4th February 2012
- Attended a two hour training programme on “Funding agencies and
project opportunities for writing sponsored research proposals” conducted by B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 5.7.12 - Attended a one day workshop on Excellence in Academic Performance and Leadership skills on 6.7.12
- Attended the AICTE sponsored three days National Workshop on “Design and Implementation of Advance Controllers for Non linear system using Lab view” at Velammal Engg. College, Chennai held during 23rd – 25th June 2011.
- Attended the inaugural function of NHHID on 27/6/2011 at Anna University, Chennai.
- Attended the five days training programme on ‘DCS Overview’ conducted by Yokogawa India Limited at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute from 15.11.2011 to 19.11.2011.
- Attended a course on “Smart MEMS and sensor systems” organized by Dept. of EIE, St. Peters Engg. College, Chennai during 1st & 2nd December 2010
- Attended the one-day workshop on “Evolutionary Optimization Technique, EOT-2009” organized by Dept. of ICE, B.S.A. Crescent Engg. College on 23/3/2009
- Attended a quality improvement programme on “Labview and its application” between 2nd November and 6th November 2009 at NITTTR, Taramani
- Attended an International workshop on “Modern Image Processing” organized by R.M.K. Engg. College during 2nd & 3rd August 2007.
- Attended a workshop on “Data acquisition & Bio-medical Instrumentation using NI Lab view” organized by the Dept. of ICE, S.R.M. University during 6th & 7th July, 2007
- Attended ISTE sponsored course on MATHCAD organized by ISTE Chapter, Crescent Engg. College, Chennai on 31-3-2004
- Attended faculty development programme on “Digital Signal Processing” from 13th – 18th June 2005 at ECE dept., College of Engg., Guindy, Anna University
- Attended a short-term training programme on “Recent trends in Biomedical Instrumentation” at SRM Deemed University on 25-11-05 & 26-11-05.
- Attended ISTE sponsored course on MATHCAD organized by ISTE Chapter, Crescent Engg. College, Chennai on 31-3-2004
National Conference Organised:
- Organised Two days National level students Conference on Futuristic Innovation in Robotics, Control Engineering and Automation (FIRCA-2k18) during March 23rd – 24th, 2018
- Organising co-chair for the IEEE International Conference on Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication, RTECC-18, from 20.3.18 to 22.3.18
- Organised a one day National Conference on Modelling, Control and Optimization of Processes (NCMCOP-2013) on 2.4.13.
- Organized a two day National Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation (NISA 2007) on 11/05/2007 and 12/05/2007
Faculty Development Programme Conducted:
- Organised two Weeks Faculty Training Programme on Nano Instrumentation Systems and Biomedical Nanotechnology from 3rd November, 2017 to 16th November, 2017.
- The faculty development programme on “Computer Networks and Distributed Control Systems” was organized from 11-06-2007 to 23-06-2007.
ICMR sponsored Workshop Organised:
- The Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering organised an ICMR sponsored two day workshop on “Application of Matlab and LabVIEW for Biomedical Applications” on 14/12/11 and 15/12/11. An amount of Rs 25000/- was sanctioned.
Research Contribution:
- Chaired sessions for two days at the AICTE sponsored Online “National Conference on Recent Advancements in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation” organized by Department of EEE & ECE, Murugappa Polytechnic College, from 26th & 27th August 2021
- Chaired two sessions at the IEEE International Conference on Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication, RTECC-18, from 20.3.18 to 22.3.18.
- Invited to chair the session at the International conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) on 24th May , 2014, organized by Universtiy of Dhaka,Bangladesh
- Acted as session chairperson at the national conference on Intelligent control systems and automation techniques , organized by Sri Sairam Engineering College on 28.2.13
- Acted as Chairperson at the National conference on Emerging innovations in electronic instrumentation and automation, organized by EIE department, SRM University on 12.9.13
- Chaired a Technical session in the Technical symposium, Precision + organized by EIE dept B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 26.9.12
- Acted as a Chairperson for a session I at the National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology SNCETET-2009 at Raja Rajeswari Engineering College held on 27th April 2010
- Acted as a chairperson for paper presentation at the National conference on Emerging trends in Engg. & Technology SNCETET – 2009 organised by Raja Rajeswari Engg. College on 2/4/2009
Guest Lectures Delivered:
- Delivered a Lecture on Intelligent Systems for Epilepsy Seizure Detection on 7.10.21 at the ATAL sponsored five days Faculty development programme from today on Artificial Intelligence applications for Medical diagnosis organized by the ECE department at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science Technology
- Handled a session on ‘Intelligent techniques for Biomedical Signal Processing” on 18.12.19 at the “National seminar on Bio signal processing for healthcare applications” at KL University, Hyderabad.
- Delivered a Lecture on Analysis Of Biosignals And Feature Extraction using MATLAB on 11.11.17 at the two Weeks Faculty Training Programme on Nano Instrumentation Systems and Biomedical Nanotechnology organized by the EIE department, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Delivered a Lecture on Detection, Classification and Analysis of EEG signals using MATLAB on 19.9.17 at the Workshop on “Signal Acquisition and Processing using Labview and Matlab” Organised by the department of ECE, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Detection and Classification of Epileptic Seizure EEG Signals” for the second, third and final year EIE and ICE students of Sathyabama University on 10.9.14.
- Delivered a talk on “How DCS is used at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology for the student community and Research” at the seminar on Yokogawa Technical School’s offering for the Education sector organised by Yokogawa India Limited, Customer Service Division, Chennai on 22nd February 2013
- Delivered a lecture on “Assessment and Classification of Epileptics Seizures using wavelet transform, Principal component analysis and Intelligent techniques” for the ICMR sponsored National Seminar on “Medical Imaging techniques and Telemedicine” at Easwari Engg. College, Ramapuram, Chennai on 22.3.2012.
- Delivered a lecture on Classification of EEG signal using Matlab on 20.9.12 at the 2 day workshop on Training on Matlab and its application organized by the Department of EIE, SRM University.
- Delivered a lecture on “Electro Encephalogram” at Easwari Engg. College, Ramapuram, Chennai on 7.2.2011
- Delivered a lecture on “Classification of Biomedical Signals” for the ICMR sponsored two day workshop on “Application of Matlab and LabVIEW for Biomedical Applications” on 15/12/11 organised by EIE department, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Delivered a lecture on the “Importance of Instrumentation Control Engineering” for the school students during the one-day seminar on “Guidance to higher Education” organized by Alumni Association on 18/8/07.
Awards and Achievements
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received certificate of excellence for reviewing in outstanding contribution to the quality of the Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, January, 2022.
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received award for Academic Category (1988 -1998) from BSA Crescent Alumni Association during the Hangout on 18.12.2021
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Professor /EIE received Mayilai Seeni Venkata sami Teaching Excellence Award as a renowned Teacher for the dedicated service rendered in the field of Education on 19.9.2021 from the International association of Lions Clubs, District 324M – 2021-22
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received Research Incentive award for the best contribution in Academic Research on 5.9.2021.
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received certificate of appreciation for participating in the Faculty award, 2021organized by the department of HR and FTA , B.S.A.R. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, on 5.9.2021.
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received certificate of excellence for reviewing in outstanding contribution to the quality of the Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science , April, 2021
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE was honored on the teacher’s day, by the Lions Club of Golden Hands, District 342A1 on 12.9.2021.
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Prof. / EIE received Research Incentive award for the best contribution in Academic Research on 5.9.2019.
Professional Body Membership
- Member IEEE
- Charter member Lions Club of Golden Hands (International)
- Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education-ISTE
Administration Institution level:
- NAAC co-ordinator for the department
- Coordinating personal between BSACIS&T and EATON MTL Instruments Pvt Ltd
- NBA co- ordinator UG programme for the department
- Head of the Department during 10.4.’13 to 10.4.’16
- Head of the Department during March ‘11 to March ‘12
- Head incharge during September, ‘06 to November, ‘07
- Board of Studies member, Anna University, 2007
- Academic Council member in B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology since 2011
- Chair person for B.Tech & M.Tech Electronics & Instrumentation
- Registration and reception committee for International work shop on electro chemotherapy organized by EEE department and Purdue University.
- Faculty Co-ordinator, IEEE for the department
- Active member in Malpractice enquiry committee April 2011, April 2012.
- Coordinated for Ph.D, M.Tech Admission work
- Coordinator for the IIPC cell for the department of EIE.
- Member of Enquiry committee
- Silver jubilee celebrations – member magazine committee
- Reviewer for the Journal Applied soft computing, Journal of Medical Imaging and health informatics, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
- BOS member in B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Techology.
- Active member in DAAC committee
- Developed Distributed Control System (DCS) lab and purchased upgraded Siemens PLC
- Class Advisor for three ICE Batches [1997 – 2001] – Madras university, Batch [2000 – 2004] – Madras University, Batch [2007 – 2011] – Anna University respectively , PG 2103 batch, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology.
- Coordinator for Technical symposium Precision +2001, 2004 and 2011
- General Secretary Alumni Association , 1996 – 2003
- Charter Faculty Advisor and member ISA since 1997 – 2003
- Co-ordinator ISTE 1994 – 2003
- Co- ordinator ISOI 1999- 2003
- Organised a number of Industrial visits, Industrial training, Guest Lectures and workshops for students since 1992.
Industrial visits organized :
- Arranged a visit for the second year and third year EIE students to J.J. Leathers, Nallambakkam Village, Chennai 48 on 23.12.2021
- Arranged a virtual visit for the second year and third year EIE students to Nokia network solutions, Chennai, on 14.09.2021
- Arranged a visit for the second year and third year EIE students to Ohm Energy, Irungattukottai on 5.9.2019
- Arranged and accompanied a visit for the third year EIE students to Chemin controls, pondycherry on 20.8.2019
- Arranged a visit for the second year EIE students to The Hameed Hospital, Thiruvannamalai on 2.2.19
- Arranged a visit for the second year EIE students to J.J. Leathers, Nallambakkam Village, Chennai 48. on 1.11.18
- Arranged a visit for the elective students of III year EIE students to Chettinad Hospitals, Kellambakkam, Chennai on 31.10.18
- Arranged a visit for the second year EIE students to J.J. Leathers, Nallambakkam Village, Chennai 48. on 15.11.17
- Arranged a visit for the final year EIE students to Nagman Instruments and Electronics Pvt Limited, Sembarambakkam on 24.10.17
- Arranged a visit and accompanied the third year EIE students to The Hameed Hospital, Thiruvanammalai, on 10.10.17
- Arranged a visit for the third year EIE students to Signals & Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. popularly known as “SANDS on 26.9.17
- Arranged a visit and accompanied the third year EIE students to The Hameed Hospital, Thiruvanammalai, on 3.3.17
- Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, arranged and accompanied second year EIE students for a visit to Chemin controls, pondycherry on 5.9.14
- Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, arranged and accompanied second year EIE students for a visit to TamilNadu News Print PvtLtd, Karur on 12.9.14
- Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, HOD/EIE arranged an Industrial visit to Technocrat Automation for III year EIE students on 9/2/12.
- Arranged for a visit to VANITECH, Vaniyambadi on 1.3.2012 the final year ICE students, I and II M tech students
- Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Assoc. Prof., EIE accompanied the final year ICE students for a visit to Nagman Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 31.1.2011
- Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Assoc. Prof., EIE accompanied the final year ICE students for a visit to Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam on 11.3.2011
- Ms. D. Najumnissa Jamal, HOD/EIE accompanied the third year EIE students for a visit to VANITECH, Vaniyambadi on 17.9.2011
- Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Assoc. Prof., EIE arranged and accompanied the third year ICE students for a visit to SRM Hospital on 6.4.2010.
- Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Assoc. Prof., EIE arranged and accompanied the final year ICE students for a visit to Vanitec Enviro an effluent treatment plant and Nadeem leather exports – tannery division at Vaniyambadi on 31.7.2010
- Ms. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Assoc. Prof/EIE and Sultan Tariq Shuja, IV year ICE visited the Biomedical Centre, SRM Hospital to discuss about the ECG machine and its recording on 15/10/10.
- Ms. D. Najumnissa Jamal, AP/ICE accompanied III year ICE for a field visit to SRM Hospitals on 11.2.09.
- Parle G Biscuit factory, Madhavaram were arranged for the benefit of the delegates on 19/6/07 and 20/6/07.Third year ICE students had gone for an industrial visit to M/s. Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federation Limited, Solinganallur on 10-2-06 accompanied by Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, AP/ICE.
- Industrial Visits to Technocrats Automation, Chennai.
Third year ICE students had gone for an industrial visit to M/s. S.R.M. Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kattankualthur on 8-2-06 accompanied by Mrs. D. Najumnissa Jamal, AP/ICE.
Training Arranged (Supporting Staff):
- A workshop on “Control Valves” was arranged for supporting staff members of EEE, ECE and EIE department on 19.12.2014. Mr. S. Shahul Hamid, Visiting Professor was the resource person.
- Mr. T. Babu, Asst. Technician and Mr. M. Uvaraj, Asst. Technician attended training on “Testing and Calibration of Industrial Instruments (pressures and temperature) at Advanced Training Institute, Chennai during 25-6-07 to 29-06-07.
- Mr. B. Murugadoss Senior Technician attended a two days workshop on “Electrical Maintenance and Safety” organized by Electrical and Electronics Engineering, CEG, Anna University on 6th and 7th Sept. 2007.
Alumni Interactions Organised
- Mr.Salman Farci (Alumni 2016) interacted with the third and final year students regarding higher studies in the UK on 8.3.18
- Organised a motivational lecture for the third year EIE students on Placement requirements of ONGC on 10.8.17. Resource person is Mr.Moses Jebachandran (2013 batch Alumni) working as Graduate Trainee, ONGC, Hyderabad.
- Organized Alumni meet for the 2013 batch on 15.7.17. Around 10 Alumni participated.
- Organized a motivational talk on “ Awareness on startup companies and Projects” on 9-10-2017.Resource person is Mr. Vigneshwaran.K.G (2015 batch Alumni) , Director & CEO , Xenxo, Chennai.