![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E.,(Ph.D) |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347(Office) |
Email ID | : | jennathu.beevi@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph.D | Power Systems Engg | 2021 | B S Abdur Rahman Institute |
M.E | Power Systems Engg | 2004 | Anna university |
B.E. | Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 1998 | Madras university |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration period |
Lecturer | Crescent Engineering College | 2001-2008 |
Assistant Professor | B S Abdur Rahman Institute | 2012-2015 |
Assistant Professor(SG) | B S Abdur Rahman Institute | 2016 – till date |
Area Of Interest
- Automatic Generation Control
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques
- Restructured Power Systems
- Process Control
- Evolutionary Computing
Research Publications
International Journal:
- Springer International Journal
Sahul Hameed, J.B., Ramasubramanian, J. Optimal Fractional Order PI Controller for Frequency Ancillary Services in Restructured Power System. Energy Syst (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12667-020-00390-z - Sahul Hameed, J.B., Ramasubramanian, J. Optimal Fractional Order PI Controller for frequency Ancillary Services in a Restructured Power System. Energy Syst (2020).
- S.Jennathu Beevi and R. Jayashree, “Optimal Combination Approach for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Power Grid Utility,” International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 28-37, January 2020. Doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.9.1.28-37.
- S.Jennathu Beevi and R. Jayashree,“Optimal Fractional Order PID Controller for Centralized and Decentralized Frequency Control in Restructured Power System”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019.DOI: 10.35940/ijitee. I8711.0881019.
- S.Jennathu Beevi , R.Jayashree , S.Shameer Kasim, “ANN Controller For Load Frequency Control” , International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology , Volume 4 Issue I, January 2016, ISSN: 2321-9653.
- S.Jennathu Beevi, Richa, R.Jayashree,” Load Frequency Control in Deregulated environment of an international power system with multisource generation using superconducting magnetic energy storage device,” International Journal of advance Engg& research development, Vol:12, Issue 4, April 2015, ISSN 2348-4470.
- Aravind.R, Jennathu Beevi.S Jayashree.R ”Frequency Linked Price using Unscheduled Interchange (UI) Signals of Two Area Power System ” , International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System, ISSN 2348-117X Volume 6, Issue 6 June 2017.
- S.K.Sherif, S.Jennathu Beevi, Y.Mohamed Shuaib, “Automatic Generation Control integrated with Renewable Energy using PSO and DE ” “, International Research Journal of Engineering Technology, Volume 3, Issue 5, May-2016 .
- S.Supraja, Jennathu Beevi.SJayashree.R, “Automatic Generation Control and Load Following In a Bilateral Market”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 03 Issue: 05 , May-2016. e-ISSN: 2395 -0056.
- Elakkiya, Dr.R.Jayashree, S.Jennathu Beevi “Load frequency control in power system via internal model control” , ISOR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, pp 54-60, 2014.
International Conference:
- S.Jennathu Beevi, Dr.R.Jayashree, Dr.A.Peer Fathima, “Optimal Fractional Order Controller for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Environment” in the 2nd International Conference PECCON 2019 organized by School of Electrical Engineering, VIT Chennai on December 14th, 2019.
- S.Jennathu Beevi, Dr.R.Jayashree and P.Anbumalar, “Load frequency control using IMC based PID Controller”, International Conference International Conference on Electrical, Communication & Computing , Tagore Engineering College, Chennai, March 2014.
- R.Ajay Kumar, S.Jennathu Beevi,R.Jayashree “Load frequency control using Fuzzy logic controller in Two area Power system” Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology &Management -2014(ICAET’14), NPR college of Engineering &Technology, Natham, Tamilnadu, 28th-29th March 2014.
National Conference:
- Shaik Mahujun S, Dr. R.Jayashree, S.Jennathu Beevi ”Genetic Algorithm based load frequency control for two area interconnected power system ,”II National Conference on Innovative &Emerging Trends in Engg and Technology (NCIETET’15), Panimalar Institute of technology, Chennai., pp 61, May 2015.
- S.JennathuBeevi,Jeyanthan.N, ”Internal Model control Scheme for Load Frequency Control, Proceeding in the 3rd edition of National Conference on Modeling, Simulation, Design and Experimental study of electrical System MOSDES 2013, B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai April 25-26, pp268-302,2013.
- S.Jennathu Beevi, and Dr.T.Thiyagarajan, “Load frequency control using IMC”, National Conference on Electrical And Electronics Engineering (elect-2004), Crescent Engineering College,Chennai-48
Guest Lectures / Workshops Organized
- Guest lecture on “Electric Power Distribution in Industry” by Mr. Janarthanan, Principal Engineer, Petrofac, Chennai on 19.2.2016 at EEE department,
- Guest lecture on “Fabrication of special PCBs and Innovation” by Mr. Tameem Saied, Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics Pvt. Ltd, Perungudi, Chennai, on 3.10.2016 at EEE department, BSAU.
- One day work shop on “Opportunities in Solar Energy Technologies” on 23.10.2017.
- Alumni Guest lecture on “Multi objective Optimization using Genetic Algorithm” by Dr.S.Arunachalam, Professor Jubail Industrial College, KSA on 6.9.17.
- Alumni Guest lecture on “LV and MV switch gear” “by Mr. M.Janarthanan, Principal Engineer, Petrofac Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. On 07.08.2018
- Two days’ work shop on “Evolutionary Computing and its Application to Engineering Using MATLAB”, during 3rd and 4th October 2018.
- One day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation Using LaTeX” on 8th March, 2019.
- Webinar on Artificial Intelligence with MATLABby Rajkumar. D, Application Engineer–MATLAB, DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd, on 07.05.2020
- Alumni Webinar on Troubleshooting of Industrial Motors by Dr. Arunachalam Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology, Jubail Industrial College (JIC), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 13.05.2020
- Alumni Webinar on Digital transformation in Power Systems by Mr.Mohamed Farook, Schneider Electric, UAE on 19/6/2020.
- International Alumni Webinar on “Design and Sizing of Cables and Motors”, on July 3rd, 2020 by the Alumnus (B.E. EEE- 2002 Batch) Mr. Janarthanan, Lead Engineer, Petrofac International Ltd., Muscat. The webinar was jointly organized by the Department of EEE, BSACIST and Office of Alumni Relations.
- International Alumni Webinar on “Power System Analysis through ETAP”, on July 17th, 2020 by the Alumnus (M.E PSE- 2004 Batch) Dr. T.Adhi Narayanan, Lead Electrical Engineer, Petrofac International Ltd., UAE. The webinar was jointly organized by the Department of EEE, BSACIST and Office of Alumni Relations.
Academic Development Courses / Workshops / Seminars Attended
- Training on AUPOWER Lab, software modules for the laboratory course Power system simulation Lab from 27- 28, May 2004 organized by Anna University, Chennai.
- MNRE sponsored National Seminar on “Research challenges in Enhancing the Electrical Power Quality” on18th May 2012organized by School of Electrical Engineering, VIT, Chennai.
- National seminar MOSDES on 25.4.2013 organized by EEE Department, BSACIST.
- MNRE sponsored one day National seminar on Power converters for Renewable energy applications organized by School of Electrical Engg. VIT Chennai on 5.1.2013.
- One day national seminar on Fractional Order Modeling and Control organized by E& I department, BSAU on 27.8.2013.
- A seminar on Women Academic Managers: Challenges and Approaches” organized by Women Empowerment Cell,B.S. Abdur Rahman University on 29th April 2015.
- One day workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research” organized by Office of Dean(AR), BSAU on 7th, March 2015.
- Three days’ workshop on “Real Time Simulations of Electrical Systems” organized by VIT, Chennai from 20-22, August, 2015.
- One Day workshop on” Industrial Automation using PLC” organized by B S Abdur Rahman University on 20 Jan 2016.
- One day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation using LaTex and Beamer” conducted by Mr. Athbel Joe, AP/EEE on 17th June 2016 at Department of EEE, BSAU.
- National workshop on ”Capacity building of women in higher education” organized by women empowerment cell at BSAU on 1st April 2017.
- One day Workshop on Innovative Pedagogy organized by Faculty Training Academy & Development Cell”, BSAU
- One day workshop on “Multivariable Process Control” organized by Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering department, BSAU on 22.9.17.
- Guest lecture on “Stress management” arranged by Faculty Training Academy of BSAU on 2nd January 2018.
- Workshop on Renewable Energy adopting Smart Technologies organized by Office Of ARIA/ BSACIST & Department Of EEE on 1.10.2018
- FDP on Usage of Raspberry PI in Machine Learning Environment” organized by Faculty Training Academy, BSACIST on 03.04.2019
- FDP on “Effective Teaching Practices” organized by Faculty Training Academy, BSACIST on 03.07.2019
- Training Program on MiPower Software Hands on Training given by “Mr. Basil Training Engineer, PRDC, Bangalore during 10,14-15 October 2019.
- Basic Life Support and First Aid course through personal empowerment in Emergency response (PEER) programme organized by ALERT simulation lab for emergency response management in association with BSA Crescent Alumni Association on 13/03/2020.
- Online webinar Communication Skills for Teachers organized by Faculty Training Academy, BSACISTon 26/04/2020.
- Online webinar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by Faculty Training Academy, BSACIST on 01/05/2020.
- Online webinar “How to use Turnitin software for your research” organized by Guru Nanak Institute of management Studies in association with Turnitin on 04/05/2020.
- Online webinar“Research Workflows, Research Metrics & Excellence in Academic Institutes”, organized by Elsevier on 06/05/2020.
- Online webinar “Introduction to Leadership from emerging future”, organized by Faculty Training Academy, BSACIST on 09/05/2020.
- Webinar, “Grid connected and Stand-alone solar plant design using Homer-Pro” organized by IEEE SBC of St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology on 14.05.2020.
- Online workshop on Scientific writing for Journals organized by Springer nature on 15/05/2020.
- Online FDP on Research Ideas & Performance Analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor Using MagNet Software” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jerusalem College of Engineering on 13/05/2020 & 14/05/2020.
- The importance of Digital Libraries in Research and Learning, Knimbus online training organized by Department of Library, BSACIST along with Knimbus on 21.05.2020
- Three days Webinar on Power System Operation & Control with MATLAB® Simulations” organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, CK College of Engineering & Technology, Cuddalore during 21st May 2020 to 23rd May 2020.
- Online webinar Various Project Opportunities for DST Funding – Strategies on International Cooperation organized by The Office of Research, ESPAC and HR & FTA at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 23.05.2020.
- Online webinar on Battery Operated Electric Vehicle – Research Perspective organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, on 26.05.2020
- Two – Day Hands on training (online mode) on Multi-objective Optimization Problems Using Deterministic & Stochastic Algorithms (V2.0) organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology – Teaching Learning Centre during 30.05.2020 & 31.05.2020.
- Webinar on “Power Electronics and its applications” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BSACIST, on 11.06.2020.
- Live webinar on “Cyber Forensics and the current challenges “ held on 13.06.2020 organized by Department of IT, BSACIST.
- One day FDP webinar “Online Learning: Design, Development& Delivery of Online content” on 4th July 2020, organized by HR & Faculty Training Academy, BSACIST.
- Webinar on “Distribution of Power from Practical Perspective” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BSACIST, on July 18th, 2020.
- Online Training Program on “Crescent LMS for faculty members” organized by Office of Data Centre and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs), BSACIST on 4.8. 2020.
- Online Workshop on “Design and development of E-content” organized by Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs), BSACIST on 12.8.2020.
- Webinar on Abstracting and Indexing – How to get indexed and how to increase research impact, organized by Springer Nature in collaboration with Delcon, a DBT e library consortium on September 9th, 2020.
- Online webinar on “Impact of large-scale PV generation on voltage stability with the recent integration requirements”, organized by IEEE student branch, JIC, Jubail, KSA on 01.11.2020.
- Online webinar on” Relay coordination to enhance safety in Oil and Gas industries”, organized by IEEE student branch, JIC, Jubail, KSA on 25.11.2020.
- Online webinar on “How to become an Entrepreneur” arranged by Office of Alumni Relations, BSACIST on 27.11.2020.
FDP / STTPs Attended
- Centre for faculty development, Anna University sponsored Faculty development programme on “Total Quality Management” from 29th Nov – 4th Dec, 2004 organized by Department of Mechanical Engg, BSA Crescent Engg. College.
- UGC sponsored Refresher course on “Soft computing Techniques for Power Systems” from 28th Nov – 17th Dec, 2005 organized by SRM Engg. College, Chennai.
- Four days short term course on “Power System State Estimation” from 28-31, January 2015 organized by SRM University, Kattankulathur.
- Two-week FDP on Nano instrumentation systems and bio nanotechnology from 3.11.17 to 16.11.17 organized by Electronics & Instrumentation department, BSAU.
- One-week online FDP on Moodle Learning Management System organized by Computer Science, Kaypeeyes College of Arts & Science, Kotagiri, The Nilgiris association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, MHRD, Govt., of India during 29-04-2020 to 01-05-2020.
- Five day FDP on “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering”, organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BSACIST, during 01-05, June 2020.
- Three days STTP on Advanced Power System Simulation Software organized by Department of EEE, SSN college of Engineering during June 25- 27, 2020.
- Three days short term training programme on “Electric Vehicles and its scenario in India”, organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BSACIST, during July 01-03, 2020.
- Two weeks live online FDP on Application of Moodle LMS, from July 11th to July 25th, 2020 and earned competency of Gnomio Moodle creation for OBE. The FDP was organized by the Department of Management Studies, BSACIST in Collaboration with DY Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, Pune, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi AICTE, New Delhi and Intellect Infinity, Start-up Training, Consultancy and Designing Firm, Chennai.
- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online one week FDP on “Energy Engineering” from 2020-11-23 to 2020-11-27 at Government College Of Technology, Coimbatore.
- AICTE sponsored six days STTP on “Be the change – Teaching Learning process“ from 7.12.2020 to 12.12.2020 , organized by the HR & FTA, BSACIST