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Designation | : | Associate Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | BE, MBA, PhD |
Date of Joining | : | 12.01.2004 |
Phone | : | 9790925614 |
Email ID | : | panboli@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D. | Management | 2015 | Mother Teresa Women’s University |
M.B.A. | Management | 1992 | Bharathidasan University |
B. E. | Civil Engineering | 1990 | Madras University |
UGC – NET for Lecturership | Management | 2005 |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Associate Professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. | April 2015 – Till date | 5 Years & 9 Months |
Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. | April 2009 – March 2015 | 6 Years |
Lecture (Sel.Gr.) | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. | April 2008 – March 2009 | 11 Months |
Senior Lecturer | B.S.A. Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. | Jan 2004 – March 2008 | 4 Years & 2 Months |
Senior Lecturer | Velammal College of Management and Computer Studies, Chennai. | June 1998 – Dec 2003 | 5 Years & 6 Months |
Lecturer | Velammal College of Management and Computer Studies, Chennai. | Oct 1995 – May 1998 | 2 Years & 7 Months |
Lecturer | Maharaja College for Women, Perundurai, Periyar District. | Dec 1992 – Aug 1995 | 2 Years & 8 Months |
Lectures Courses
- Financial Management
- Strategic Financial Management
- Accounting for Management
- Banking Management
- Risk and Insurance Management
- Management Concepts
- Research Methodology
- Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Areas Of Research Interest
- Emotional Intelligence
- Stress Management
- Employee Engagement
- Work Life Balance
- Human Resource Development
- Organisational Behaviour
- Financial Management
- Co-authored with Ms.Madhyvadany and published a paper titled “A review on career development program and performance appraisal system on employee engagement” in International Journal of Psychosocial rehabilitation, pp. 5169-5173, Vol. 24, Issue 6, ISSN:1475-7192, April 2020. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Madhyvadany and published a paper titled “A review on influence of direction function on Employee Engagement” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, pp. 1326-1331, Vol. 29, Issue 5, ISSN: 2005-4238, April 2020. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Kiran Birda and published a research paper titled “CAMEL Research of selected Private and Public sector banks in India” in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, pp. 1238-1248, Vol. 8, Issue 12, ISSN: 2278-3075, Oct.2019. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Madhyvadany and published a paper titled “Employee Engagement Revisited”, in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, pp. 5370-5373, Vol. 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2249- 8958, Oct. 2019. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Nirmala Raghavan and published a research paper titled “Impact of yoga on coping styles of Mid-level managers – An experimental study”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development ( An International Journal), pp. 819-824, Vol. 10, Issue 8, P-ISSN – 0976 – 0245, E- ISSN-0976-5506, Aug.2019. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.S.Thilagavathy and published a research paper titled “A study on identifying individual’s ability to balance work and life -Special reference to Academicians” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, pp.944-950, Issue 15, ISSN 1943-023X, July 2017. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Mr.S.Senthilkumar and published a research paper titled “E-WOM:Do brand advocates ‘good mouth’ on Facebook” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, pp.359-364, Issue 15, ISSN 1943-023X, December 2017. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Nirmala Raghavan and published a research paper titled “Effect of Yoga on Coping styles: A conceptual framework” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, pp.408- 415, Issue 15, ISSN 1943-023X, December 2017. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Mr.S.Senthilkumar and published a research paper titled “Assessing Product Recommendations among Facebook users through Technology Acceptance Model” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue 7, ISSN 1943-023X, July 2017. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Nirmala Raghavan and published a paper titled “Gender and age differences in Emotional Intelligence among yoga practitioners”, in International Research Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences (e-Journal), pp.36-47, Vol.3, Issue2, Feb.2016.(PEER REVIEWED)
- Co-authored with Mr.S.Senthilkumar and published a paper titled “Product recommendations over facebook: The roles of influencing factors to induce online shopping”, in Asian Social Science, pp. 202-218, Vol.11, No.2, Jan.2015. (SCOPUS INDEXED)
- “Effect of Emotional Intelligence on perceived personal stress among ITeS (Information Technology enabled Services) employees in Chennai city”, published in International Journal of Information Technology and Management Sciences, pp. 325-333, Vol.3, Issue 1, Jan-June 2013. (PEER REVEWED)
- “Emotional Intelligence, Occupational stress and Gender issues among ITeS (Information Technology enabled Services) employees in Chennai city”, published in M-Infiniti pp. 20-29, Vol. 6, Issue 1, June 2013.
- “The level of Emotional Intelligence of University students in Chennai, India”, published in e-Proceedings for 2011 International Research Conference and Colloquium, pp. 144-159, 2011.
- “Working with Emotional Intelligence”, International conference on Global Business Strategy in Competitive environment”, Organised by Sri Sairam Institute of Mangement Studies, 21st & 22nd Sep. 2007, abstract published in the proceedings of the conference.
National Journals
- Co-authored with Ms.Madhyvadany and published a paper titled “A need based student on employee engagement in India with reference to Service sector enterprises” in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, pp. 700-703, Vol6, Issue 2, P-ISSN 2349-5138, E-ISSN 2348-1269, June 2019. (UGC LISTED PEER REVIEWED)
- Co-authored with Ms.Nirmala Raghavan and published a research paper on “Measuring Emotional Intelligence of School Children – A pilot study” in International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, pp.207-217, Vol.6, Issue 1, Jan 2018. (UGC LISTED PEER REVIEWED)
- “Level of Emotional Intelligence among ITeS (Information Technology enabled Services) employees in Chennai city”, published in Annamalai Business Review, pp. 1-5, Vol.4, Special issue 1, July-Dec.2013.
- “Accounting made easy (second edition)” – book review, published in Crescent Journal of Business, Vol 1, No. 1, 2011, pp. 101-102.
- A research article titled “A study on Organisational culture at Shardlow India Limited”, published in the National Journal “Journal of Contemporary Research in Management”, A quarterly journal of contemporary issues, Vol.1,No.1 & 2, Jan.-June 2007, P.S.G.Institute of Management, Coimbatore. (LISTED IN EBSCO & PROQUEST)
- A research article titled “Human Resource Strategies for Competing Globally” published in SRM Management Digest, an annual publication of SRM School of Management, Vol 3, April 2005, pp. 89-95.
- A research article titled “Human Resource Accounting” published in SRM Management Digest, an annual publication of SRM School of Management, Vol 2, April 2004, pp. 77-81.
- An article titled “Creativity” published in OD communication, a Journal by Organization Development Institute, May 2003.(PEER REVIEWED)
- An article titled “Personal to Personnel Management” published in OD Communication, a Journal by Organization Development Institute, Feb 2002. (PEER REVIEWED)
- “Level of Emotional Intelligence among ITeS employees in Chennai city”, International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, Human resource & Technology for Sustainable development (AICTE Sponsored), organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai, 20th & 21st Dec. 2013
- “The level of Emotional Intelligence of University students in Chennai, India”, International Conference and Postgraduate Research Colloquium, organized by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia, 10th & 11th Oct. 2011
- “Working with Emotional Intelligence”, International conference on Global Business Strategy in Competitive environment”, Organised by Sri Sairam Institute of Mangement Studies, 21st & 22nd Sep. 2007.
- “CAMEL Analysis of selected private and public sector banks in India”, National Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology, Department of Science and Humanities, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, 11th & 12th July 2019
- “A comparative study of Midcap Equity Scheme of Sundaram Mutual Fund and HDFC Mutual Fund (2013-’18)”, National Conference on Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology Department of Science and Humanities, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, 11th & 12th July 2019
- “A study on Organisational Culture at Shardlow India Limited”, National conference on “Contemporary research in Management” , organized by P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2nd and 3rd December 2005
- “Human Resource Outsourcing – Boon or Bane”, National Conference at ITM, Mumbai,2-3 December 2004
- “Knowledge Management – Strategies for organisational performance”,UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Management in Transition”, University of Madras,20 Feb 2003
- “Winning attitudes and Strategies”, 7th MMA competition for Tomorrow’s Managers, Madras Management Association,16 Nov 2002
- “The Complete Woman: Balancing work and Family”, Image Auditorium, R.A.Puram, Chennai, on 08/03/2002. (Paper selected for MMA’s competition on “Outstanding Woman Manager of the year 2002”)
- “E-Wise: Knitting the old and New Economies for competitiveness” (Paper awarded second prize at the MMA’s competition on “Tomorrow’s Young Managers’ contest of the year 2000), MMA auditorium,18 Nov 2000
- Written Course material for M.B.A. course under the Distance Learning Mode of Institute of Correspondence Education, University of Madras on the subject “Personnel Management” in January 2003
- Written Course material for M.B.A. course under the Distance Learning Mode of Institute of Correspondence Education, University of Madras on the subject “Organisational Behaviour” in February 2001
Chapter edited book
- A chapter titled “Emotional Intelligence: Maturity Revisited”, published in Essays in Management, EXCEL Books, pp. 32-42, 2012
Ph.D Scholars
- One scholar is awaiting for final viva – voce
- One scholar has completed her course work and Comprehensive viva – voce
Guest / Invited Lectures
- Invited by S.A.Engineering Cllege to give Motivational lecture to their Engineering Students on 12th Feb.2018
Conference / Workshop Organised
- AICTE sponsored STTP on “Data Driven Techniques for Business Analytics using R Programming, Python, and Tableau” was conducted from 14th – 19th September 2020 (Phase – I) and 19th – 24th October 2020 (Phase – II). Got Rs.2,00,000 sanction from AICTE to conduct this STTP
- A seminar on “Future of Logistics and Supply chain management” has been organised on 12th Nov. 2019
- An “Entrepreneur Awareness Camp” has been organised in association with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), A Govt. of India Undertaking and NSIC Technical Services Centre, from 6th – 8th Nov. 2019
- Organized workshop on “Skill EXCEL”, 25th July 2017 & 27th July 2017.
- Organised one week Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and Data analysis using SPSS & AMOS” from 13th to 19th July 2017.
- Organised Industry expert session for the course “Financial Management”, on the topic ” Working Capital Management”, Mr.R.Govindasamy, DGM, Accounts & Finance, Woory Automotive India Pvt.Ltd., Chennai, 11th & 13th May 2016.
- Organized a workshop on “Online Trading”, 15th February 2016.
- Organized a workshop on “Financial education, investors awareness program”, 14th September 2015.
- Organised workshop on “Financial Education – Investor Awareness Programme”, 23rd September 2014.
- Organised a Guest Lecture on “Financial Education – Investors’ awareness Programme”., Mr. Ramesh Shankar, Resource person for Investment Planning Efforts of SEBI, 11th December 2017
- Organised a Guest Lecture through Finance Club on “Fundamentals of Capital Markets”, Mr.Glenn Roger Carr, Co-founder and Director, FINMARK, 5th Dec. 2017
- Organized a session on “Training and Development” by Industry based research scholar, Flt. Lt. Vinod Kumar , IAF, 6th March 2017
- Organised a Guest lecture on “Financial Education – Ivestors’ awareness programme”, Mr.Ramesh Shankar, SEBI, 18th October 2016
- Organised a Guest lecture on “Non-Performing Assets in Banks”, Mr.Suresh Kumar, Manager, IOB,Vandalur, 19th February 2016
- Organized a special lecture on “Industries expectations towards B-School students”, Mr. M.B.V.Rao, General Manager- HR, Exide Battery, 12th February 2016
- Organized a guest lecture on “Outsourced Finance and Accounts”, Mr. Suresh Venkatraman, Fellow, IIMB, 27th February 2014
- Organized a guest lecture on “Banking Practices”, Mr.Suresh Kumar, Manager, IOB,Vandalur, 24th December, 2013
- Organized a guest lecture on “Global Careers in finance and the role of financial modeling”, Mr. Srikanth Balasubramian, Business Head, IMS Proschool, Chennai, 15th December 2010
- Organized a guest lecture on “Shariah Compliant Investment opportunities in India”, Mr. A Mohamed Ajmal, CEO, Wealth city, Chennai, 1st December 2010
Conference / Workshop / FDP / QIP Participated
- Attended more than 30 webinars during the covid – 19 pandemic period (March 2020 to November 2020)
- Attended “NPTEL E -Awareness workshop” , organised by NPTEL ,11th Jan. 2021
- Attended the AICTE sponsored online Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “NLP Techniques for Teaching Gen Z Students: Rethinking new ways of communication”, organised by AICTE & Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science, 30th Nov. – 05th Dec. 2020
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Effective and efficient online teaching and content development”, organized by IICMR & IIDE, 8th – 9th July 2020
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness”, organized by BSACIST, 7th July 2020.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Application of MOODLE LMS”, organized by BSACIST, 11th – 25th June 2020.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Data sciences”, organized by AICTE (ATAL) & NPTI (Neyveli), 18th – 22nd Nov. 2019.
- Attended a National Conference on “Advances in Science, Humanities and Technology”, Department of Science and Humanities, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai, 11th & 12th July 2019.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Research methodology and Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS”, organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, 4th – 8th May 2015.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Enterprise Architect Modeller”, organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, from 24th – 28th Nov. 2014.
- Attended a FDP on “Google Application Training” at BSAU, organised by BSAU, 26th Dec.2013.
- Attended an International Conference on “Economics, Business, Finance, Human resource & Technology for Sustainable development” (AICTE Sponsored), organized by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai, 20th & 21st Dec. 2013
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Statistics” organized by SRM School of Management, Chennai, 9th -11th Aug. 2013
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Research analysis using SPSS and AMOS”, organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, 14th to 16th Sep. 2012
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Statistical analysis and interpretation using SPSS & AMOS”, organized by Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, 11th & 12th April 2012
- Attended an International Conference and Postgraduate Research Colloquium, organized by Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia, 10th & 11th Oct. 2011
- Attended a National level Faculty Development Programme on “Balance of Emotional Intelligence in a working environment” organized by SriSairam Institute of Management Studies from 06.12.2007 to 12.12.2007.
- Attended an International conference on “Global Business Strategy in Competitive environment”, Organised by Sri Sairam Institute of Mangement Studies, 21st & 22nd Sep. 2007.
- Attended a National conference on “Contemporary research in Management”, organized by P.S.G College of Technology, Coimbatore, 2nd and 3rd December 2005.
- Attended a QIP on “Performance Appraisal and Development Systems” at IIT Madras from July 2nd to 13th 2001
- Attended QIP on “Current Management Theories and Applications” at IIT Madras from Dec 14th to 18th 1998
- Attended a UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Management in Transition”, University of Madras,20 Feb 2003
Awards, Honors, Distinction & Recognition Received
- Completed NPTEL Courses: ‘Training of Trainers’ (July –Dec.2019), ‘Educational leadership’ (Aug. – Sep. 2018), ‘Gender justice and Workplace security’ (July – Aug.2017)
- Acted as conference chair in the 7th International conference on “Social Science Research for Sustaining Business & Economy in Global market”, organised by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Chennai, 20th – 21st September 2017
- “The Complete Woman: Balancing work and Family”, paper selected for MMA’s competition on “Outstanding Woman Manager of the year 2002”.
- “E-Wise: Knitting the old and New Economies for competitiveness”, Paper awarded second prize at the MMA’s competition on “Tomorrow’s Young Managers’ contest of the year 2000
- Member of Board of Studies of SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Department of Management Studies, Kattankulathur
Other responsibilities
- Convener of the committee constituted for monitoring the cases pertaining to SC/ST faculty members and students for one year from December 2020 (Institute level)
- Member of Curriculum Development Cell (Institute level)
- Convener – KPI by Faculty members, analysis committee (Institute level)
- Member of proctors’ Team (Institute level)
- Board of Studies Coordinator – Department level
- NAAC Coordinator – Department level from 2019 to till date
- NPTEL/MOOC Coordinator – Department level from 2017 to till date
- Budget Coordinator – Department level from 2015 – 2017 and, from 2018 to till date
- Coordinator for Finance area – Department level
- Member of DAAC from 2017 to till date
- Department Admission coordinator (2013 & 2014)
- Acted as Editor for College magazine
- Member of Academic council (Institutional level) – 2012 to 2014