![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.A. Eng, M.A .Linguistics, M.Phil, B.Ed. TESOL, Ph.D |
Phone | : | 9940187775 |
Email ID | : | vijayakumar@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph. D | English Language Teaching | 2017 | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology |
TESOL | Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages | 2011 | LinguaEdge |
M. Phil | Imagery in Wallace Stevens Poetry | December 2007 | Annamalai University |
M.A | Linguistics | December 2009 | Annamalai University |
M.A. | English Literature | October 2000 | University of Madras |
B.Ed. | English Language Teaching | April 1998 | University of Madras |
B.A | English Literature | September 1996 | University of Madras |
Institution | Period of work |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology | From July 2010 – till date |
SRM Institute of Hotel Management | July 2008 – July 2010 |
Apollo Engineering College | July 2007-May-2008 |
Bharathiyar Matriculation Hr.Sec.School | August 2004-May 2007 |
Courses Taught
Course Code | Course Name | Degree & Semester |
ENC 2131 | Asian Literature | B.A.English (Honors) III Semester |
MSD 6014 | Communication Skills | MBA-I |
ENC 1286 | Business English | B.COM LLB-I |
ENC 1284 | General English-II | BSC/BCA-1 |
ENC 2182 | Communication Skills Laboratory | Biotech-II |
GE 202 | Confidence Building and Behavioral Skills | Biotech/VI |
EN 101 | Technical English | B.Tech – I |
EN 102 | Communication Skills Laboratory – I | B.Tech – II |
EN 201 | Communication Skills Laboratory – II | B.Tech – III |
EN 121 | Communicative English – I | B.Arch – I |
EN 122 | Communicative English – II | B.Arch – II |
EN 611 | Communication Skills Laboratory | MCA – II |
EN 605 | Communication Skills – I | MBA – I |
EN 615 | Communication Skills – II | MBA – II |
ENC 1182 | General English-I | B.Sc |
ENC 1283 | General English-II | B.Sc. |
ENC6281 | Communication Skills | M.Sc. (Actuarial Sci.)-I |
ENB1181 | Confidence Building and Behavioural Skills | BSC-Biotech-II |
ENB2182 | Communication Skills Laboratory | B.Tech.Bio Tech. |
Ph.D. Supervisor
(Guiding the following research scholars)
Conference / Seminar / Workshop Attended
- Completed the four hour TOEFL training programme on August 6, 2020.
- Participated in the virtual conference on Emerging Trends in English and foreign language teaching from 18th to 29th May 2020
- Participated in one week short term training programme on Research Methods at Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute from 20 to 27th July 2020.
- Participated in Springer nature online workshop on Scientific writing on 15th May 2020 organized by springer nature.
- Participated in an On line webinar on how to publish high impact journal articles on 9th August Organized by the Research office and ECE Department.
- Participated in Workshop on ‘Design and Development of E-Content’ organized by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs), BSACIST on 12th August, 2020.
- Participated in the Training Program on ‘Crescent LMS for Faculty Member’ organized by the Office of Data Centre and the Office of Dean (Academic Affairs), BSACIST on 4th August, 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on ‘Nuances of Writing and Publishing a Non-Fiction Book’ Organized by Department of English, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 4th July, 2020.
- Participated in the International Webinar on ‘Developing Vital Critical Thinking and Communication Skills through Visuals’ Organized by Department of English, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 10th June, 2020.
- Participated in the Two – Day National Level E-Workshop on Understanding OBS Studio & Streamyard for E-Content Creation and Live Streaming on 10th July & 11th July 2020 organized by Dr. MGR University
- Participated in the Two – Day National Level E-Workshop on Teaching and Learning English through Idioms and Apps on 17th and 18th September 2020.
- Attended a one day Workshop titled ‘Author Workshop’ on 30th July, 2019 organized by Springer Nature and B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai – 48.
- Attended a one day Workshop titled ‘Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21st Century’ on April 30th, 2019 organized by the Department of English at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai – 48.
- Participated in the two day workshop on research Methodology & Quality Assurance organized by the office of Dean, Academic Research Crescent Institute of Science &Technology held on 2nd and 3rd December 2016.
- Participated in the one day colloquium on Emerging theories and Applications in English Literature and Language Teaching Research held on 13th February 2016.
- Participated in the One day workshop on Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research at Crescent Institute of Science &Technology on 7th March 2015
- Participated in the International workshop on how to do a PhD to an International Standard and how to Publish Articles in Peer Reviewed journals organized by Higher Education Academy London held on 5.8.13 2013.
- Participated in the all India Workshop on Research Methodology for teacher scholars conducted by Pondicherry University in association with University Grants Commission held from 18.8.11 to 19.8.11.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents ” organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology from9.8.2018 to11.8.2018.
- Participated in the Propell Workshop for the TOEFL IBT Organized by the ETS at Bangalore on 29.12.2018
- Attended the NAAC Awareness Workshop on 10.07.2018 organized by BSACIST
- Participated in the Business English certificate coordination programme organized by Cambridge English on 9th February 2018.
- Participated in the two day seminar on Industry Institution Collaboration for creating entrepreneurship ecosystem in educational institutions organized by Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 11th and 12th January 2018.
- Participated in the one day colloquium on ‘Emerging Theories and Applications in English Literature and Language Teaching Research’ organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Department of English on February 2016.
- Participated in a two-day workshop on ‘Mobile Enhanced Language Learning’ organised by ELTAI in collaboration with B.S.Abdur Rahman University on 21st and 22nd August 2015.
- Participated in the two-day Cambridge Master Trainers’ Workshop conducted by Cambridge English in July 2015.
- Participated in the workshop on “Planning and delivering the lessons in an Outcome based education setting” on 3 January 2014 organized by Faculty Training Academy of B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Participated in the workshop on “Drafting an Effective Lesson Plan: An OBTL Approach” on 10th October 2014 organized by Faculty Training Academy of B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Participated in a one day workshop on “Seven Activities for English Classes in Engineering Colleges” organized by the Department of English, Loyola college of Engineering and Technology, on 22 February 2013.
- Participated in the third International Workshop on Teaching and Learning in the Twenty First Century on 17th December, 2013 organized by the Faculty Training Academy, B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Participated in the orientation programme for handling the textbook, Cambridge Business Benchmark – BEC Preliminary on 24 January 2013.
- Participated in the co-ordination programme conducted for the Oral Examiners on 29th October 2012.
- Participated in the training programme organized for BEC Preliminary Oral Examiners on 17th May 2012
- Participated in the one-day state level Workshop “CELT 2013 – Creativity in English Language Teaching” held on 11 October 2012 at Crescent Institute of Science &Technology.
- Participated in one-day training on BEC programme in December 2010.
- Participated in the Refresher Programme on “E-Content Development” on 4th and 5th July 2013 organized by the Faculty Training Academy, B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Participated in “Faculty Induction Training Programme” organised by the Faculty Training Academy, B.S.Abdur Rahman University from 15th to 17th July 2010.
- Participated in the one day enrichment programme on soft Skills training organized by Career Guidance Cell, SRM University on 8th August 2009.
- Participated in the International Tourism Workshop organized by SRM University from 14th to 15th September 2009.
Book Publications
- Vijayakumar & Gosh Irwing, (2021) Theories in Language and Literature. A Praxis Oriented Approach. (pp.1-196) Scholar Press. ISBN 9786138927662https://www.amazon.com/Theories-language-literature-oriented-approach/dp/6138927664
- Vijayakumar.S, & Michael Des Jardins (Eds.) (2018) Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 1-130). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press, Omniscriptum publishing. ISBN 978-620-2-31559-3
https://www.amazon.com/Research-Practices-Computer-Assisted-Assessment/dp/6202315598 - Vijayakumar.S (2017) “Imagery in the poems Wallace Stevens”. Lambert Academic publishing. Germany. ISBN:978-613-9-58710-0
https://www.amazon.in/Imagery-Poems-Wallace-Stevens-Vijayakumar/dp/6139587107 - Sathikul Ameen & Vijayakumar.(2017) “Fifty Classroom Activities-A Resource Book for Teachers” Kindle Publishers.2018. ISBN-9781726821087
https://www.amazon.in/Fifty-Classroom-Activities-Resource-Dr-S-VIJAYAKUMAR-ebook/dp/B07J2RWT6M - Vijayakumar.S (2016)“Technology Enhance Approach to facilitate writing skills at tertiary level” Lambert Academic publishing. Germany. ISBN 9786139577972 P1-226.
Coauthored books
- Interactive English, A course book for first year B.Tech students. Editions 1 ,2 3 & 4( 2014-2016) Patel printers ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
Journal Publications
- Vijayakumar.S., Tamilarasan.,and Harshini.P. (2020) “Blended Models for Open Learning in Higher Education: An Empirical Study” Gedrag & Organisatie review. 20(2), 705-721. (Web of science)
- Vijayakumar.S. Harshini.P. , and Tamilarasan.P (2020) “Integrative Model for Online Learning: An Intervention Research” Journal of Xidian University. Volume 14, Issue 5, 1003-1020 (SCOPUS)
- Sadaffunisha. S.A, Vijayakumar. S (2021) “A Systematic Review of Reading Instruction in ESL Classrooms” Elementary Education Online, 20 (5), 1894-1900. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2021.05.208. (SCOPUS)
- Sadaffunisha S.A & Vijayakumar (2020) “Fostering Reading Skills Using a Critical Thinking Framework”- Kala Sarovar,ISSN:0975-4520 Vol-23.Issue-11 (UGC Listed)
- Sadaffunisha. S. A and Vijayakumar. S. (2020) “Effective Models of Reading: An Intervention Research. Gedrag & Organisatie review” 20(2), 1041-1050. (Web of science)
- Vijayakumar. “Effectiveness of Enriched Virtual Model in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Approach”. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. June 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2
- SathikulAmeen & Vijayakumar ” A Trauma between Reality and Dream: A Critical Study of Indira Parthasarathy‟s Justifications” , Kala Sarovar,ISSN:0975-4520 Vol-23.Issue-11 (UGC Listed)
- Vijayakumar.S and RevathiViswanathan ” Performance Analysis in Blended and Online Classrooms: An Experimental Study.” CALL-EJ (2018) 19.2 (n.d.): 98-122. Scopus.
- Vijayakumar. S. “A New Model for Teaching Writing at Tertiary level. (2018). International Journal of Research and reviews” Vol.7.Issue.1. 321-337. UGC listed Journal.
- Vijayakumar, S. “A Holistic Approach to Course Design in Higher Education”. International Journal of Scientific research & Review” (2018). Vol 7, No.2 325-329. UGC listed Journal
- Vijayakumar.S.”Development of Multimedia Courseware for Second Language Acquisition. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies” (IJIMS), 2017, Vol 4, No.3, 328-337.
- Vijayakumar, S. “Improving Content and Form in writing”. International Journal of Advanced Research”. (2017) 603-613. 5 (6).
- Vijayakumar.S and ShahinSultana.A. An “Integration of Multimedia for Teaching Writing Skills.” CALL-EJ (2016) 17.2 (n.d.):2015, 55-84. Scopus.
- Vijayakumar.S and ShahinSultana.A “Impact of Web-Based Intervention in a Writing Classroom”. Man in India, (2016). 96(5), 1543-51. Scopus.
- Vijayakumar.S&ShahinSultana.A. “To What Extent do Writing Instructors Apply the Process Approach at Tertiary Level? A Survey”.Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL).Vol.3.3. (July-Sep 2015) p 353-363.
- Vijayakumar,S&ShahinSultana.A “Fostering Learner Engagement through Web-Based Instruction: A Qualitative Approach”. Language in India.(Jul 2015), Vol. 15 Issue 7, p353-363. UGC listed Journal.
- Vijayakumar, S &ShahinSultana.A ”Peer Editing using Web-Based Instruction: A quantitative approach”. International Journal of Current Research.Vol.7 Issue, 12, 2015 p.35-39. Thomson Reuters.
- Vijayakumar, S. “Multimedia Infrastructure and Practical Application: Is there a Correlation”? IASET: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IASET: JHSS) 1.1(Jan-Jun 2015)2015, 19-22.
- Vijayakumar, S. “Using technology for Brainstorming in a Writing Class: An Innovative Approach.” Journal of Technology. 1.2 (April 2011): n. pag.
- Vijayakumar, S. “Efficacy of Learning Model in the Digital Classroom: An Evidence-Based Study”. Lang Lit. (August 2015). Vol. 2 Issue 1 p353-363.
Papers Accepted for Publication
- Vijayakumar & Anuradha “Blended Models for an Immersion Language Programme. International Journal of Adult Education and Technology” Web of Science. Will be published in December Issue.
Chapters in Edited books
- Vijaya Kumar S. and Tamilarasan P. “A Comparative Analysis of Blended Models at Tertiary Level” Machine Learning Approaches for Improvising Modern Learning Systems IGI Global Publishers. (Scopus) DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5009-0.ch010
https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-comparative-analysis-of-blended-models-at-tertiary-level/279387 - Vijayakumar.S, Catherine Anna Pushpam. A & Martin Saraceni (2018) Reimagining Blended Models for Course Delivery. In Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 1-30). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press,. ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
- Vijayakumar.S& Michael Wallace (2018). Revitalizing Writing Classrooms using Technology. In Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 57-77). Frankfurt, ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
- Vijayakumar.S & Michael Des Jardins (2018).Promises and Pitfalls of Blended and Online Instruction Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 67-87). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press, Omniscriptum publishing. ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
Co-authored Chapters in Edited books
- Anuradha & Vijayakumar (2019) “A Cognitive Approach to Content Integrated Language Teaching in Novel Trends and Techniques in Literature & Language Research” Vol-2 p-414-424.Edited by karthikeyan, Srinivasan and Christopher Rajasekeran. Bharathi Book House, Vellore, India.
- Catherine Anna Pushpam. A &Vijayakumar.S(2018). An Empirical Approach to Alternative Assessment. In Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 90-100). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press.ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
- Md.Sahidul Islam &Vijayakumar.S.(2018).Fostering Language Skills using Wiki spaces. Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 111-121). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press, Omniscriptum publishing. ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
- Shahin Sultana. A &Vijayakumar.S. (2018).SAMR- Model as a Pedagogical Framework to Teach Process Writing. . Research Practices in Computer Assisted Language Teaching and Assessment (pp. 517-533). Frankfurt, Scholar’s press. ISBN 81-923-661-0-4
- Revathi Viswanathan & Vijayakumar.S “Enhancing Communication Skills through CLIL approach”A Casual Comparative Approach,Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd.Omniscriptum Publishing.SRL Publishing Group.(pp. 30-49). ISBN-978-613-8-927-66-2
- Tamilarasan & Vijayakumar Fostering Writing Skills through Constructivist Approach.Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd.Omniscriptum Publishing.SRL Publishing Group.(pp. 52-61). ISBN-978-613-8-927-66-2
- Dr.Sahidul Islam & Vijayakumar- History , Myth,Tradition and Postmodernism in orhan Pamuk’s My Name is Red.Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd.Omniscriptum Publishing.SRL Publishing Group.(pp. 109-114). ISBN-978-613-8-927-66-2
- Mrs.Catherine Anna Pushpam and Vijayakumar – Facilitating Productive Skills in a Language Classroom.Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd.Omniscriptum Publishing.SRL Publishing Group.(pp. 109-114). ISBN-978-613-8-927-66-2
- Irwing Gosh and Vijayakumar.S – Constructivist Theories In SLA: Caveats for future Research.Dodo Books Indian Ocean Ltd.Omniscriptum Publishing.SRL Publishing Group.(pp. 169-172). ISBN-978-613-8-927-66-2
Papers published in Conference Proceedings
- Vijayakumar.S. “Blending Theory, Pedagogy and Technology for Effective Learner Engagement”. Proc. of Methods and Outcomes of Research in English, India, Chennai. April ed. 2015 ed. Vol. 1. Chennai: Department of English and Foreign Languages, n.d. 195-200. Print. ISBN 978-81-908397-5-4
- Vijayakumar.S. “One Size Fits All Approach to Material Design”. Proc. of National Seminar on English Language Teaching in Connect with Digital Technology-Innovative Classroom Strategy for Gen Y Student, India, Chennai. April ed. Coimbatore: Bonfring, 2014. 53-55. Print. ISBN 978-93-83-459-537.
- Vijayakumar.S. “Ten Commandments of Writing Pedagogy”. Proc. of Trends in English for Science & Technology with Special Focus on Technical Writing, India, Chennai. January ed. Chennai: Sathyabama U, 2014. 85-88. Print. ISBN 978-93-83409-03-7.
- Vijayakumar. “Breaking the Writing Barriers and Empowering ESL Learners Using Multimedia Tools”. Proc. of A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary-Linguistic Approach, India, Chennai. March ed. Vol. 1. Chennai: Department of English: B.S. Abdur Rahman U, 2013. 108-12. Print. ISBN 978192366111
- Vijayakumar.S. “Pedagogy Driven Multimedia Classroom: A Practical Approach”. Proc. of Zealous Language Teaching, India, Chennai. March ed. Vol. 1. Chennai: Department of English and Foreign Languages, 2012. 54-57. Print. ISBN 9788190839723.
- Vijayakumar.S, and Shahin Sultana. A. “Harnessing the Power of Multimedia Instruction in a Multilevel Class – A Practical Approach”. Proc. of the Two-day National Seminar on Technology Integrated Language Teaching, India, Chennai. 2012 ed. Vol. 1. Chennai: Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman U, 2012. 24-32. Print. ISBN 81-923661-0-4.
- Vijayakumar.S. “Need Analysis for Written Communication in an ESP Classroom – A Survey”. Proc. of International Conference on Professional English (ICOPE 2012), India, Chennai. February ed. Chennai: VelTech U, 2012. 220-22. Print. ISBN 9788.
- Vijayakumar.S.”Integration of Technology for Interactive Writing in ESL Class: A Repertoire of Prewriting Tasks”. Proc. of Strategies, Methodologies and Innovations in Language Education, India, Chennai. April ed. Vol. 1. Chennai. Department of English and Foreign Languages, 2011. 122-24. Print. ISBN 978-81-908-397-7-8
Papers Presented
- Presented a paper entitled ‘A Cognitive Approach to Content Integrated Language Teaching’ at the 2nd international conference on Innovations in the teaching of English Language and Literature at Vellore institute of technology on 16th and 17th August 2019
- Presented a paper titled “The Impact of LMS on Cognitive Development” at the International National Conference on Emerging Trends in the English and Foreign Language Teaching (ETEFLT-19) organized by the Division of Social Sciences & Languages, VIT Chennai on 5th February 2019.
- Presented a paper titled “Effectiveness of Enriched Virtual Model in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Approach” at the National Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Teaching and Research In English Language & Literature organized by the Division of Social Sciences & Languages, VIT Chennai on 23rd March 2018.
- Presented a paper titled An Inclusive Framework for Syllabus Design during the International seminar on role of International Languages in Higher Education (ISRIL-18) held on 16th February 2018 at Hindustan University of Technology& Science.
- Presented a paper titled Enhancing Learner Engagement in Writing in the two day International Conference held on April 24th and 25th 2015 Science, Technology, Engineering, English Language Learning & Academic Research (STELLAR) organized by the School of advanced sciences, VIT University.
- Presented a paper titled “Applying Constructivism for Effective Instruction” at the National conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management (NCRASEM-2015) organized by Tagore Engineering College on 20th March 2015.
- Presented a paper titled “Blending Theory, Technology and Pedagogy for Effective Learner Engagement” at the 8th National Conference on Methods and Outcomes of Research in English (MORE 2015) at SRM University, in association with IATEFL on 30 & 31 March 2015.
- Presented a paper on “Ten commandments of writing pedagogy” in the one-day National Conference on Trends in English for Science & Technology with Special Focus on Technical Writing (TEST’14) at Sathyabama University on 29 January 2014.
- Presented a paper on “Exploiting Multimedia Resources for Language Teaching at Tertiary Level” in the National Conference on Innovations in English Language Teaching organized by Easwari Engineering College on 23rd November 2013.
- Presented a paper on “Designing Multimedia Materials for Outcome Based Language Teaching” in the National Conference on Outcome Based Education –A Road to the Future organized by the department of Languages, Hindustan University from 4th to 6th December 2013.
- Presented a paper titled Process writing Using Multimedia Framework at Tertiary Level in the 8th International Conference organized by department of English & Foreign Languages SRM University.
- Presented a paper on “Breaking the Writing Barriers and Empowering ESL Learning Using Multimedia Tools” in the two-day National Conference “A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary / Linguistic Approach” on 14 & 15 March 2013 at Crescent Institute of Science &Technology.
- Presented a paper titled “Integrating multimedia resources during process writing at tertiary level: An enhanced teaching paradigm” in the two day international conference on “Outcome Based Teaching and Learning of English” organized by the department of English, Anna University, Chennai on 1 & 2 March 2013.
- Presented a paper titled “One Size Fits All – Designing Materials for the Heterogeneous Classroom” at the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.
- Presented a paper entitled “A Rubric Driven Approach to Writing Pedagogy” in the two-day International Symposium on Testing English as a Second Language at Tertiary Level conducted by Anna University, Chennai, on 28-29 June-2012.
- Presented a paper entitled “Pedagogy Driven Multimedia Classroom: A Practical Approach” in the proceedings of the two-day National Conference on Zealous Language Teaching organized by the department of English S.R.M University on 26th and 27th March 2012.
- Presented a paper titled “Harnessing the Power of Multimedia Instruction in a Multilevel Class – A Practical Approach” at the two-day National Seminar on Technology Integrated Language Teaching – TILT 2012 on March 1 & 2, 2012 at B.S.Abdur Rahman University in association with Cambridge ESOL.
- Presented a paper titled “Need Analysis for Written Communication in an ESP Classroom – A Survey” in the International Conference on Professional English (ICOPE 2012) held at Veltech Dr.RR & Dr. SR Technical University, Avadi on 15th & 16th February 2012.
- Presented a paper titled “Integrating Technology for Brainstorming; A Plethora of Pre-writing Tasks” at the 6th International and 42nd Annual ELTAI Conference organized by VIT University, Vellore from 16 to 18 June 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Integration of technology for interactive Writing in an ESL Class” at the 6th National Conference SMILE 2011 organised by SRM University on 4th & 5th April 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Task Based Approach to Teaching Writing through Web Flash” at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Applied Linguistics at the University of Madras on 15th & 16th March 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Synthesis of Contemporary Research on Academic Writing” in the 2nd National Conference on Recent Advancements in Science & Humanities organized by United Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 18th & 19th March 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “ A Meta-Analysis on Process-Writing in the two day International Seminar on Humanistic Language & Literature Teaching” organized by the Dept. of English, Anna University, Chennai, on 18th & 19th February 2011.
- Presented a paper entitled Humanistic Approach to Language Teaching in the 5th International Conference organized by ELTAI in association with with British Council and American Centre at Anna Adrash College for Women from 5th to 7th August 2010.
- Presented a paper entitled Task Based Language Teaching in the two day National Seminar on Teaching of General & Technical English organized by the Department of English, Anna University, Chennai on 5th and 6th February 2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Women’s Competency & Leadership” organized by SRM Institute at 28th February 2009.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Activity Based Learning’ in the fourth International Conference on Managing Mixed Ability Classes organized by British Council and American Centre, New Delhi on 7-9 August 2009.
- Presented a paper titled treating Attention Deficit and hyperactivity disorder using Blended Pedagogies.at the International Conference on learning and teaching at Coimbatore on 3rd November 2018
Invited Talks
- Presented a Invited online talk on Critical Thinking for Academic Purpose Organized by NSHM College, Durgapur
- Presented an invited talk on Academic Research for Beginners at SDNB Vaishnav College for Women on 14th August 2019
- Presented a guest lecture on “Archiving Learrning Resources for Learning beyond Classrooms” to the teachers of Vidhyasagar group of schools on 14th July 2018
- Presented a guest lecture exploiting web-based resources for Autonomous language learning at Tagore Engineering College on 10th March, 2018
Training Programs
- Participated in five day STTP on “Research Essentials in English Language Teaching and Literature” organised by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 4-8, January 2021.
Extension Activities
- Resource person for the session on the topic, “The Subtle Art of Writing a Research Proposal” on 7.01.2021, during the five day STTP on “Research Essentials in English Language Teaching and Literature” organised by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during 4-8, January 2021.
- Research Review Committee member of B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science &Technology
- 2019–2022–Member of the Board of Studies, Department of English, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai-48, TN
- Scrutiny committee for thesis evaluation at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science &Technology
- Member of the procotorial board.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learning conducted by Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman University on 3rdand 4th February 2017.
- One of the organizing committee members of on ‘Emerging Theories and Applications in English Literature and Language Teaching Research’ organized by the Department of English on February 2016.
- One of the organizing committee members of National Workshop on Mobile Enhanced Language Learning, conducted on 21 to 22 August 2015 at B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national conference, “A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary/Linguistic Approach” held during 14-15 March 2013.
- One of the organizing committee members of the one-day workshop, “Creativity in English Language Teaching – CELT 2012” held on 11 October 2012.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national seminar on “Technology Integrated Language Teaching” held during 1-2 March 2012.
- Member of Professional bodies such as MERLOT & ELTAI.
Sessions Chaired / Conducted
- Resource person for a webinar on Writing and Publishing a Non-Fiction Book at Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 4th July 2020.
- Resource Person for a One week one week short term training programme on Research Methods at Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute from 20 to 27th July 2020.
- Resource person in the Expert Webinar series on Designing Impact Research Organized by the Institute Innovation Cell, Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 14th July 2020.
- Chairperson for a paper presentation session in the virtual conference on Emerging Trends in English and foreign language teaching from 18th to 29th May 2020
- Chaired a session in the golden Jubilee International Conference Conducted by the college on 28th July 2020 to 30th July 2020.
- Conducted a workshop session of English for Research Purpose at Sastra Institute of Science and Technology organized by Sastra School of Management and Pheonix Association on 7.12.19
- Conducted a workshop on Tool kit for Early Researchers at Vaishnav College for Women on 13th September 13,2019 and September 17 2019
- Conducted a workshop session at a two day workshop on Writing for Research Purposes at BSACIST on July 20, 2019
- Conducted a session on “Communication skills” to the non-teaching staff during the programme organized by HR Office of B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science &Technology.
- Chaired a session at the International Conference on learning and teaching at Coimbatore on 3rd November 2018
- Chaired a session in the International seminar on role of International Languages in Higher Education (ISRIL-18) held on 16thFebruary 2018 at Hindustan University of Technology & Science.
- Presented a guest lecture exploiting web-based resources for Autonomous language learning at Tagore Engineering College on 10thMarch, 2018.
- Presented a guest lecture on Activity Based Learning at Bharathiyar Matriculation Hr.Sec School on 31.3.18
- Conducted a session on the use of Wikispaces for language Teaching in the ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learningconducted by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman University on 3rd& 4th February 2017.
- Resource person for the one week training programme on “Communication Skills” for the Technical Staff held at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India: 18th January to 22nd January 2016.
- Conducted Communication Skills Courses for the employees various companies such as FORD cars, Mando Cars, Jasmine Infotech & Apollo Tyres.
- Presented a Guest Lecture on autonomous learning for oral proficiency organized by the English Literary association of Valliammai Engineering College, SRM group Potheri On 10 March 2016
- Presented a Guest Lecture on Effective Communication skills at ARM college of Engineering on 2nd September 2016.
- Presented a Guest Lecture on enhancing presentations using prezi at Apollo Engineering College-January 2016.
- Conducted a session on “Emerging Trends in Educational Technology” at Prasan Vidhya Balamandir on 25.6.16.
Courses Completed
- Completed a two week online course on First steps in Data Science with Google Analytics a two week online course through future learn on January 2019
- Completed a five week online course on Understanding Research Methods at the University of London through Coursera on September 2019
- Completed a certificate course in publons as Multidisciplinary academic peer reviewer in 2017
- Completed a twelve week online course on Introduction to Applied Linguistics offered by The Indian Institute of Technology August to October 2018.
- Completed a Certificate in British Council on “Master Class for IELTS Trainers workshop during October 2018 session.
- Completed a Noncredit course on Assessment and teaching of 21st century Skills authorized by the University of Melbourne and offered through Coursera on October 2018
- Completed a four week online course on Research Writing offered by the University of Wollongong through future learn from July to August 2018.
- Completed a six week online course on Introduction to TESOL and Applied Linguistics offered by the University of Leicester through future learn from July to August 2018.
- Completed a three week online course on TESOL strategies offered by the University of Glasgow through future learn on July 2018.
- Completed a six week online course on Research methods in Engineering through Edx from Jan-2018 to Feb-2018.
- Completed a four week online course on English as a medium of instruction for academics conducted by the University of Southampton through future learn during December 2017- January 2018.
- Completed a five week online course on learn on Blended Learning Essentials offered by the University of Leeds through future learn during January-2018.
- Completed a three week online course on inside IELTS offered by British Council during September-2017.
- Completed an three week online course in future learn entitled Communicating Complex information offered by Purdue University through Coursera during July-2017.
- Completed a two week online course on “Introduction to Learning and Teaching in Higher Education” in offered by University of Sydney during April- 2017.
- Completed a three week online course on “Educational Design in Higher Education” offered by university of Sydney in April- 2017.
- Completed an eight week online course on “Developing your Research Project” in June-2017.
- Completed a three week online course on “communicating complex Information” offered by university of Purdue in June – 2017.
- Completed a Noncredit course on Assessment and teaching of 21stcentury Skills authorized by the University of Melbourne and offered through Coursera on April 2018
Certificate Courses
- Completed Web of Science certification series both Basic and Advanced organized by Clariviate in September 2020
- ESOL- Level-4 Teaching Certification Feb2012. Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector. Certificate No-3313/X
- Completed a certified peer reviewer course in ‘Elsevier’ through researchers academy September 2019
- Completed a Certificate course in Advanced English Offered by the University of Cambridge ESOL Exams (Council of Europe Level C1)
- Completed a module on structuring your article offered by Elsevier Researcher Academy on 20th July 2016
- Completed a module on how to prepare your manuscript offered by Elsevier Researcher Academy on 11th July 2016
- Completed a module on Publishers origins roles and contributions offered by Elsevier Researcher Academy on 11thJuly 2016
- Completed a module on using proper manuscript language offered by Elsevier Researcher Academy on 11th July 2016
- Completed a module on “making sense using science” offered by Elsevier Researcher Academy on 11th July 2016
- Completed a 140 hour Teaching English as a foreign Language (TEFL) certification through entrust TEFL at 2016
- Editing and proofreading services to the research Scholars of B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
- Offering IELTS as a value added programme to the aspiring candidates.
Awards Won
- Springer Best Paper Presentation Award for the research paper titled treating ADHD Using Blended Pedagogies.at the International Conference on learning and teaching at Coimbatore on 3rd November 2018.
- Award for outstanding contribution as a reviewer for JALT-CALL a Scopus indexed Journal ISSN 1882-4215 for Vol.14 No1 December 2018.
Link to Video Lectures
1. Blended Learning – Online Course Introduction
2. Effective Speaking – Introduction
3. Presentation Skills-Prepared Speeches
4. Business English Certificate
5. Statement of Purpose
6. Argumentative Writing Part-1
7. Argumentative Writing Part-2
8. Resume Writing
9. Introducing oneself from an interview perspective
10. Teaching Jobs in the Middle East
11. Case Study Analysis
12. Group Discussion