Arabic & Islamic Studies
ورشة وطنية لتنمية مهارة الترجمة: العربية – الإنجليزية
The School of Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a National Workshop on “Translation Skill Development: Arabic – English“ held in Convention center, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai on 25.02.2017.

The workshop aimed at assisting Arabic knowing younger generation in developing translation skill from Arabic to English and vice versa in commercial, Technical, medical, administerial and legal areas. It also provided the opportunity of exposure to the practical translation models and theories. Attention focused on terminology, language flow and modern style. The participants experienced all-round proficiency in Arabic – English translation.
Resource Persons:
- Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali, Dean, School of Islamic Studies, BSACIST
- Mr. Saifuddeen Jamali, Arabic English Translation Expert
- Dr. P.M. Mohamed Yoosuf Jamali, Asst. Professor, School of Islamic Studies, BSACIST
Workshop Sessions:
S.No | Sessions | الجلسات |
1 | General Correspondence | الأولى : مراسلات عامة |
2 | Commercial & Legal documents | الثانية : مستندات قانونية |
3 | SAP Based Projects, Webpage | الثالثة : مشاريع ساب وصفحة شبكات إلكترونية |
4 | Colloquial communication & Advertisements | الرابعة : لهجات محلية وإعلانات |
5 | Technical Terminologies of various fields | الخامسة : مصطلحات فنية في مجالات مختلفة |
The School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute organized a one day International Conference on ‘Family Life: Issues and solutions in the perspective of Islam’ at the Institute Convention Centre on 23rd February 2016. It has provided a wide range platform for international and national delegates. Over 17 International and 56 national participants presented their research papers.
The theme of the conference has focused on many burning issues of modern families such as divorce, single parenthood, cohabitating, bringing up children, breast feeding, dowry, polygamy, family quarrels, inheritance, teenage issues and suggested appropriate solutions in the light of Islamic perspective.

Among the 95 full research papers received, 73 approved papers only were presented in the conference. The conference proceedings which was released in the inaugural session was containing 58 selected papers in Arabic and English.
The inaugural session was presided by Dr. V.M. Periasamy, Vice Chancellor, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute. The proceedings was released by Dr.V. Murugesan, Registrar and received by Alhaj V.N.A. Jalal, Director – Admissions, Kitti Kareem Sanprasent from Thailand. The keynote address was given by Dr. Thameem Ushama, Professor in comparative religion, International Islamic University, Malaysia. The welcome address was given by Dr.P.S.Syed Masood Jamali, Dean, School of Islamic Studies.
Thereafter, twelve Parallel sessions were held in Arabic and English simultaneously. 34 papers in Arabic and 39 papers in English were presented by the national and international participants.
Alhaj Ashraf Abdur Raman Buhari, the governing body member of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute presided the valedictory session and distributed the certificates to all the participants.
Dr. Jalaldeen – Srilanka, Dr. MSM Saleem – Srilanka, Dr. Khan Mohamed Ylias – Bangladesh, Dr. Abdul Mabood – Bangladesh, Dr. Enamul Hoque – Bangladesh, Dr. Zahurul Alam – Bangladesh, Ms. Hamdia – Ethiopia, Mr. Ibrahim Abbas – Nigeria, Mr. Nazurllah Khan – Malaysia are eminent Interntaional participants. The conference concluded with vote of thanks.
MoU signed with the University of North Carolina, USA in August 2014
Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali, Dean, during his visit to United States of America in May 2014, has initiated the collaboration between our Institute and the University of North Carolina. The MoU was signed at 11:30 AM on 11.08.2014 at Convention Centre, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute.
Professor Carl W Ernst, Director of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations , has represented the University of North Carolina and Dr. M. Murugesan, Registrar, has represented B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute.

Dr. V.M. Periasamy, Pro-VC, Alhaj V.N.A Jalal, Director(Admissions), Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali, Dean (School of Islamic Studies) and Dr. Prince Arockiadas, Director (International Collaboration), B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute, have participated in the signing ceremony. This MoU facilitates a close collaboration between the two universities for students exchange, faculty exchange, collaborative research and organizing international seminars and conferences jointly. The School of Islamic Studies, BSAIST, and the Department of Religious Studies, UNC will take the first step and initiate to implement the MoU.
The School of Arabic and Islamic Studies, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute organized a one day National Conference on Prophetic Guidance for Modern social Issues at Institute Seminar Hall on 23rd February 2015. The event was arranged not only to promote research in Islamic studies but also to provide a national level platform to the academicians and research scholars to share their thoughts and views on the solutions to the modern day problems in the light of Sunnah – Prophetic Traditions.

A number of delegates both male and female participated in the conference from various parts of our nation. Although it is a national conference, three foreign delegates also participated.
In the inaugural session, Dr.P.S.Syed Masood Jamali, Dean, School of Islamic Studies pointed out that the conference was a maiden attempt of the School of Islamic Studies and the theme chosen for the conference was very much relevant to the modern world. Dr.J.A.K. Tareen, Vice Chancellor, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute delivered his presidential speech. He addressed various issues relating to Muslims. He urged the Muslim Community to follow a moderate path and work towards nation building along with community development. He further focused on the need for women education and empowerment. Dr. Jamaludheeen Farooqui delivered the Keynote address. The volume of the conference proceedings was released.
Thereafter, seven Parallel sessions were held in Arabic and English simultaneously. 32 papers in Arabic and 26 papers in English were presented by the Islamic scholars including Research scholars. A wide range of conference theme right from Child abuse to Old age issues, Marital issues to Family Planning, Crimes against Women to Women Empowerment, Orphan issues to Parental issues and Terrorism to Peaceful co-existence was covered.
Alhaj Ashraf Abdur Rahman Buhari, the governing body member of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute presided over the valedictory function. Dr.P.S.Syed Masood Jamali, Dean, School of Islamic Studies highlighted the important findings of the conference succinctly. The chief guest, Dr. Hussain Madavoor distributed the certificates to the delegates. In his special address, he emphasized the importance of the prophetic guidance to all sorts of problems faced by the modern world and appreciated the efforts made by the School of Islamic Studies for the successful organization of the conference. The renowned Islamic Scholars were duly honoured in the function.
Dr. J.A.K.Tareen, Vice Chancellor, Dr. V.M. Periasamy, Pro vice Chancellor, Dr. V. Murugesan, Registrar, AlHaj V.N.A.Jalal, Director, Admissions, Dr. T.R.Rangasamy, Dean Academic Affairs graced the occasion with their presence. The conference concluded with vote of thanks.