![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | MCA, M.E.,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 9842004510 |
Email ID | : | jahirhusain@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Computer Science and Engineering | 2019 | Anna University |
M.E. | Computer Science and Engineering | 2007 | Anna University |
MCA | Computer Applications | 1996 | Bharathidasan University |
Academic Experience
Company / Organization / Institution | Designation | Duration |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Assistant Professor | September 2021 – Till Date |
PRIST University | Assistant Professor | June 2015 – August 2021 |
M.A.M. College of Engineering | lecturer, System Manager, Senior Lecturer, Assistant professor and Associate Professor | March 1999 – Nov 2014 |
M.I.E.T. Arts College | Lecturer | June 1996 – May 1998 |
More than 22 Years of Teaching Experience
Area of Research Interest
- Internet of Things
- Cloud Computing
- Mobile Computing
- Network Security
Research Profiles
- Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_FDaaUwAAAAJ&hl=en
- Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jahir_Husain
- ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6246-3084
Research Publications
International Journals
- Roghieh Arefkhan, A.Jahir Husain, “Optimized Resource Allocation in Blockchain Fog-based IOE”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 10 Issue 04, April-2021, URL: https://www.ijert.org/optimized-resource-allocation-in-blockchain-fog-based-ioe
- A.Jahir Husain, M.A.Maluk Mohamed, “IMBF – Counteracting Denial-of-Sleep attacks in 6LowPAN based Internet of Things,” Journal of Information Science and Engineering 35, 361-374, March 2019 pp.361-374. DOI: 10.6688/JISE.201903_35(2).0007 – SCI Extended list of journals
URL: http://jise.iis.sinica.edu.tw/JISESearch/pages/View/PaperView.jsf?keyId=167_2226 - A.Jahir Husain , M.A.Maluk Mohamed, “EXHIPS: Extending the Span of 6LowPAN Networks by Propagating Malicious Node Alert Message”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 18, Issue 6, Ver. IV (Nov.-Dec. 2016), PP 104-108
URL: iosrjournals.org/iosr-jce/papers/Vol18-issue6/Version-4/P180604104108.pdf - A.Jahir Husain , M.A.Maluk Mohamed, “HIPS: Hierarchical Intrusion Prevention System for Conquering Denial of Sleep Attacks in Internet of Things”, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, March 2017, Vol. 7, Issue 3., DOI: 10.5958/2249-7315.2017.00225.8
URL: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:ajrssh&volume=7&issue=3&article=072 - Jahir Husain and M.A. Maluk Mohamed, 2016. ACPIP: A New Intrusion Prevention System for MANET through Address Configuration. AsianJournalof Information Technology, 15(19): PP. 3835-3845.
URL:http://medwelljournals.com/abstract/?doi=ajit.2016.3835.3845 - S.Senthil Kumar, A.Jahir Husain, “Efficient Trust Establishment for Secure Communication in DTN using Attribute Based Encryption”, International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education (IJCRME), ISSN (Online): 2455 – 542, Volume I, Issue I, 2016
- Priyanka, A.Jahir Husain, “A Novel Job Scheduling Algorithm to Enhance Execution and Resource Management using Map reduce”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & TechnologyISSN: 2278 – 1323, March 2016
- Pradeepa, A. Jahir Husain, “Brokerage Cost Reduction by Efficient Information Retrieval Query in Cloud Services”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, ISSN: 2278 – 1323, March 2016
- Abdul Khader, S. Saravana Kumar and A. Jahir Husain “An Enhanced Artificial Broca’s using high frequency steady state visually evoked potential and P300 based BCI”, International Journal of engineering science and technology, April 2013 e-ISSN:0975-5462
National Journals
- A. Jahir Husain, Dr. A. Ayubkhan, Mr. Z. A. Feroze Ahamed, “Protecting 6LowPAN Network by Multistage Intrusion Prevention System”, CLIO An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 6 Issue 13 Month June Year 2020- indexed in UGC care list of journals
Conference Proceedings
- A.Jahir Husain & M.A. Maluk Mohamed, “A Light Weight Threat Detection System for 6LoWPAN Based Internet of Things”,NCAC’17, 24th, Feb 2017, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam.
- P.Priyanka, A.Jahir Husain, “A Novel Job Scheduling Algorithm to Enhance Execution and Resource Management using Map reduce”, NCAC’16, 25th March 2016, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam.
- B.Pradeepa, A.Jahir Husain, “Brokerage Cost Reduction by Efficient Information Retrieval Query in Cloud Services”, NCAC’16,25th March 2016, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam.
- J.Jamal Mohamed &A. Jahir Husain, “Designing Graphical Password scheme using PCCP”, International Conference on “Advanced Computing Control systems, Machines and Embedded Technology (ICACT-2014)”, March 2014 – Namakkal
- Abdul Khadhar, A. Jahir Husain and S.Ravimaran, “Mobile Agent Based Dynamic Data Management and Integration In Mobile P2P Networks”, National Conference on Computing Communication & Information Technology (N3CIT), April 2013, Chennai.
- T.Gopalakrishnan & A. Jahir Husain, “Neighboring Node Intrusion Detection Security for MANET routing”, International Conference On Innovative Trends in Computing Technology (ICITCT’13), March -2013.
- A.Jahir Husain, S. Niamathullah Sherief, “Intelligent Infrastructure Platform for Reconfigurable Computing”, National Conference on Robust and Resilient Networks (NCORRN-2013), March-2013, Pondicherry.
- S.AbdulKhader, S.Saravana Kumar and A.Jahir Husain, “An Enhanced Artificial Broca’s using high frequency based BCI”, ICGESCS 2013 International Conference on New Horizons on Green Energy with Smart Communication System, Feb-2013, Thiruvannamali
- P.Laksmi, A.Jahir Husain, S.Ravimaran, “Developing an Intelligent Infrastructure for Transaction Management in Mobile Data Grid”, Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (CSI-COMNET 2013), March 22ndTrivandram.
- R.Yogmbigai, A.Jahir Husain, S. Ravimaran, “AFTS: Antiquity Based Estimation for Fault Tolerant System in Grid”, Proceedings of National Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (CSI-COMNET 2013), March 22ndTrivandram.
- Bismi Sulthana Nasrin, A.Jahir Husain, “Node Level Trust Management for Network Lifetime in WSN”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies (NCECT-2011), 23rd March 2011, Tirunelveli, pp.24.
- S.Pradeepa, A.Jahir Husain, “An Automatic Procedure for Neighboring Cell List In Radio Access Network Using DOC Protocol”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Innovation in Computing Technologies (NCICT-11), 17th March 2011, Namakkal.
- A.Jahir Husain, “Building a Mobile Grid Test Bed Using Emulation”, Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends and Developments in Computer Science and Engineering (NCRDCS ’07), March 30, 2007, Trichy, pp. 15 – 23.
Projects Guidance
- More than 50 M.E/ M.Tech and MCA Projects,
- 60+ B.E/B.Tech. Projects and
- 4 B.Sc. Projects
Webinar Presented
- Live webinar on “NAAC criterion 4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource” – online national conference on INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES organized by IQAC – Garden City University, Bangalore, March 05, 2021
- Live webinar on “Role of IoT in Smart Constructions”, organized by department of CSE and department of MCA, P.R.Engineering College, Vallam, Thanjavur on 2nd July-2020.
Guest Lectures Delivered
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Applications of Internet of Things” at Dr. Zakir Husain College, Ilayangudi, in the department of Computer Applications on 20.03.2019.
- Participated as a Guest of Honor, for the National Conference, NCACCPS-2K18, organized by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology on 23.03.2018.
- Delivered a speech on “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas(National Unity Day)” at PRIST University NSS Unit I on 31.10.2017
- Delivered a special lecture on “Internet of Things and Context Discovery” at PRIST University – Research Lead Seminar on 07.10.2017.
- Delivered one day Guest Lecture on “Grid and Cloud Computing” in St. Joseph College of Engineering, Tanjavur on 18.08.2016.
- Delivered a special lecture on “Internet of Things and Context Discovery” at Institute of Engineers, BHEL, organized by CSI Tiruchirappalli-Chapter on 20th June- 2016
- A special lecture on “Applications and research focus on Internet of Things”in Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli on 8th March 2016
- Resource person for Mobile Computing for Final year students of SACET during Feb-2014.
- Resource Person for Spoken Tutorial Project by IIT Bombay for EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam on 5th Feb-2014.
- Lecture on “Introduction to Mobile Computing and MANET” in BUTP, organized by CSI Tiruchirappalli-Chapter on 12.02.2013
- Lecture on “Open Source Softwares” in Shri Angalamman College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 25th September-2012
- Lecture on “Introduction to Social Network Computing” in Institute of Engineers, BHEL, organized by CSI Tiruchirappalli-Chapter on 08th May- 2012
- Lecture on “Introduction to Distributed Computing and MANET” in Institute of Engineers, BHEL, organized by CSI Tiruchirappalli-Chapter on 12th April -2011
- Lecture on “MANET Routing Protocols” in Faculty Empowerment program in the Dept. of CSE, M.A.M. College of Engineering on 16th February -2011.
- Lecture on “Web Technology” in the dept. of Information Technology, Sri Angalamman College of Engineering and Technology on 25th February – 2010
- Lecture on “Linux and its features” in Institute of Engineers, BHEL, organized by CSI Tiruchirappalli-Chapter on 24th April -2007
Book Published
- Shanmuga Rethinam and A.Jahir Husain, “TCP / IP and Socket Programming”, Charulatha Publisher, January-2004.
- “E-Learning” (Tamil) – An article about E-learning, Tamil Computer, October 16-31, 2009, pp.6 -9.
- “UPS” (Tamil), Tamil Computer, September 16 – 30, 2004, pp. 54 – 57.
- “Vazhkaip Pathaiyil Valam Kuvitha Microprocessor” (Tamil), Tamil Computer, October 4 -17, 1999, pp. 4 –7.
- “December 31, 1999, Midnight” – A science fiction short story based on Y2K problem (Tamil), Kalaikkathir (A Tamil Science monthly), August 1999, pp.48 –51.
Workshops / FDP Attended
- Three days workshop on “Python Programming for Internet of Things”, Train The Teachers (T3) program by IBM, organized by PRIST University, 22 – 24 Jan, 2020.
- A one day Technical workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights”, organized by center for Research and Development (CRD) PRIST University jointly with Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Government of TamilNadu, 17thDec, 2019
- A one day workshop on “Publication from Project Work”, organized by Centre for Research in Engineering and Technology (CRET), PRIST University, Thanjavur – 25th Feb, 2017.
- A one day workshop on “Internet Protocol Standards” conducted by “Indian Internet Research & Engineering Forum” jointly with Computer Applications department of NIT, Tiruchirappalli on 29th July 2016
- A two day workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” conducted on 26th – 27th, June 2014 held at Bharathidasan Institute of Technology, organized by eYantra, ERTS Lab, IIT Bombay.
- A three days workshop on “NI Lab VIEW Core 1 Course” organized by EIE department of M.A.M. College of Engineering, from 4th to 6th December – 2013.
- “Research Scholar Event” organized as a part of the ACM India Annual Event 2013 on 23rd January – 2013 at IIT Madras.
- A one day workshop on “Mobile IPv6 and Network Layer Mobility Management” organized by ERNET India, Bangalore and ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science held on 18th January – 2013 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- A One day seminar on “Research Issues and Challenges in Social Network Computing”, conducted by Jointly with Centre of Excellence in Social Network Computing – National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 4th May 2012.
- A one day workshop on “Building a Real Time Cloud Application”, conducted by M.A.M.College of Engineering, sponsored by Computer Society of India-Tiruchirappalli Chapter on 18th November 2011.
- A two days workshop on “Smart and Secure Environment” conducted by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, sponsored by National Technical Research Organization, New Delhi, held during 17-18, June 2011.
- A five days workshop on “Oracle Database 11g – Release 2”, Conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu in Association with Oracle Academy, Vickram College of Engineering, Enathi from 16th May 2011 to 20th May 2011.
- “National Workshop on Recent Trends in Computing, Informatics & its Application” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, M.A.M.College of Engineering on 12th March 2011.
- “Mission 10X” – Training program for Technical Teachers” from 25th May 2009 to 29th May 2009 conducted by Wipro at M.A.M.College of Engineering.
- A one-day program – “ISO internal auditor training program”, conducted by an expert from DNV on 06.09.2008.
- A one-day Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Information Technologies”, organized by CSI Trichy – chapter and BUTP, Trichy, on 15th March 2008.
- A two-days’ workshop on “Overview of VLSI – CAD Tools”, Conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT, Trichy, on 17th and 18th August, 2007. (Under TEQIP).
- A workshop on “Mobile and Pervasive Computing”, Conducted by Department of Computer Applications, NIT, Trichy, on 4th August 2007.
- A one-day workshop on “Software 0Development Trends in Technologies and Methodologies”, organized by CSI Trichy chapter and BUTP, Trichy, on 19th March 2007.
- A workshop on “Fundamentals of Testing Using Rational Robot” Conducted by IBM, organized by Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam, from 8th to 9th February 2007.
- A FDP on “Network Programming and Management”, Sponsored by Anna University, Chennai, Organized by M.A.M. College of Engineering, Trichy from 4th to 16th December 2006.
- A five-day course on “Digital VLSI designing Using VHDL” Conducted by Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India, from 3rd to 7th July 2000.
Professional Membership
- Member in Computer Society of India (CSI)
- Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED), Membership No. AM10100054168
- Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Membership No. 109806.
- Member in Computer Science Teachers Association :https://csteachers.org/
- Received the Silver partner faculty award under inspire – Infosys campus connect Faculty Partnership model during 2014.
- Received the Bronze partner faculty award under inspire – Infosys campus connect Faculty Partnership model during 2013.
- Received the Certificate “MISSION 10XIAN OF THE MONTH” for the month of Oct-2011 from Mission 10X learners forum – Wipro
- Academic Achievement Award from M.A.M.C.E.
Additional Responsibilities
- Co-coordinator: NAAC – Criteria IV at PRIST University
- Acted as Chief Superintendent at PRIST University, Thanjavur for end semester Examinations
- Coordinator:“NCRTE 2018-National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology”, at PRIST deemed to be University on 9th May 2018
- Acted as Observer for NEET exam (2016 and 2017)
- Acted as Chief superintendent for TNPSC Group IV examinations
- Acted as AUR for Anna University Examinations
- Acted as Chief Examiner for Anna University Central Valuation
- Coordinator: College Automation System at M.A.M. College of Engineering
- Coordinator Students’ Feedback System at M.A.M. College of Engineering
- TC and CC –digitalized at M.A.M. College of Engineering
- Editor: “IT- Blast” a department monthly magazine, A.M. College of Engineering
- Coordinator: ComBlaze 6s – National Level Student Symposium-2007.
- Coordinator: Mini-ComBlaze – Intra Department Students Technical Events
- Review committee member: First National Conference on Computing and Informatics (NCCI’08) organized by CSI and CSE dept., A.M. College of Engineering.
- C.Member Division VIII – Computer Society of India, Tiruchirappalii Chapter for the year 2012 – 2013
- Center coordinator for Spoken Tutorial workshop organized by IIT-Bombay from 2012 to 2014 at M.A.M. College of Engineering, Trichy
Continuing Education Program
- Conducted Computer Training Program for new recruitment women police
- Conducted Training program for BHEL employees on MS OFFICE and JAVA.
- Conducted Training Program for Women Self Help Group
- Conducted Hardware training program for polytechnic students.
- Conducted Workshop on Visual Basic for the III year CSE students (2006-2010)