Sponsored Projects & Consultancy
About Us
Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD) (formerly ESPAC)

Summary Sheet (2014-2020)
S.No. | Description | No. of Projects As on June 2019 |
No. of Projects As on Dec 2020 |
Value in Rs. | Value in Rs. |
As on June 2019 | As on Dec 2020 | ||||
1 | Completed / Sanctioned funded projects & funds received | 75 | 98 | 1327.15 (Rs. in lakhs) |
1617.49 (Rs. in lakhs) |
2. | Testing / Consultancy & revenue generated | 223 | 241 | 248.23 (Rs. in lakhs) |
287.46 (Rs.in lakhs) |
3. | Corporate Projects & revenue generated | 13 | 22 | 246.18 (Rs.in lakhs) |
342.45 (Rs.in lakhs) |
4. | Seed money given to staff research projects | 371 | 391 | 256.77 (Rs. in lakhs) |
262.27 (Rs. in lakhs) |
Sponsored research is a major strength of an institution. Adequate research infrastructure facilities are essential to conduct research in thrust areas of societal needs. The state of art facilities are being created with the help of funds from major funding agencies such as DST, DBT, CSIR, DRDO, MoIT, MoEF, DAE-BRNS etc. and also from the contribution by the Crescent management. Realizing the importance, a separate Center for sponsored projects and consultancy has been created in B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The present Director of the center is Dr.T.Harinarayana. The centre has identified more than 60 funding agencies for sponsored projects. The center facilitates the faculty to execute sponsored research, Industrial Consultancy, collaborative research and other revenue generation schemes with reputed institutions. Through such innovative suggestions and ways, Crescent faculty responded with nearly double the number of project proposals submitted worth nearly 20 crores during the current year 2017-18. A workshop to promote sponsored projects, writing skills on a research paper, IPR etc. issues has been organized during March and Aug. 2018 and more workshops are being planned for all the new faculty and the faculty writing proposals for the first time. This will further promote sponsored research and sponsored projects. This also helps our young students with innovative ideas and paves a way to file patents as well which in turn helps to start the Start-up companies.
Objectives Of The Centre
- The centre will ensure involvement of faculty members in the activities of sponsored research, consultancy and Institute-Industry interactions.
- Encourage faculty to write project proposals in thrust areas of both pure and applied research with the objective of creating new knowledge/ developing new technology.
- The centre shall act as a catalyst to create state-of-the-art facilities through funded projects in the Institute to do research in cutting edge technology.
- Guidelines shall be offered for smooth implementation of sponsored projects
- Conduct workshops/ invited lectures on recent themes for sponsored projects by inviting experts from the funding agencies.
- The centre shall also evaluate the progress of the on-going projects periodically
- Promote Institute – partnership through industry visits, in-plant training in industries for students and faculty members and consultancy work.
- Develop and promote entrepreneurs among students through training programmes and incubation of their innovative ideas.
Facilitation Activities for promotion of research
- Work shops to identify thrust areas and write project proposals
- Invited lectures by experts from funding agencies to identify the areas of their interest
- Participation by faculty members in seminars , workshops and conferences
- Work on project feasibility for proof of concept through UG and PG students’ project work
- Presentation of the proposals by faculty before in house expert committee members for suggestions and comments
- Support to interested faculty members for writing the proposals
- Brief meetings with HODs and faculty members for follow up action
- Incentive schemes to faculty members for promotion of research activities
Vision & mission
Aims to become a globally renowned ‘Centre of Excellence’ in achieving Sustainable Development Goals by solving societal problems of relevance through our Institute.
- To promote major projects through innovative ideas
- To facilitate establishing sustainable infrastructure in the Institute
- To encourage faculty towards UN Sustainable Development Goals
- To execute renewable energy projects
- To be a catalyst in developing collaboration between departments with national and international organizations
- To act as a bridge between faculty with national and international scientists to promote SDG
- To convert our student’s ideas and projects to publish in journals in coordination with the research office
- To work along with the research office towards making as a research-intensive Institute
Our Team

Director, CSD
(Centre for Sustainable Development)

Adjunct Professor
(INSA Senior Scientists)

Adjunct Scientist
(CEO, M/s Kankyo Cleantech)

Deputy Director
(Part-Time at Office of CSD)
Coordinator (CSD)
Call for proposals
Sl. No |
Funding Agency | Scheme | Deadline | Weblink / PDF |
1 | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research | Collaborative Research Support Programme Under New Idea Fund Scheme | The proposals in the prescribed format (see overleaf) should be submitted to DG,CSIR twice in a year i.e. on or before 15 September or 15 March. |
2 | Atomic Energy Regulatory BoardAERB | Financial grant for organizing conferences and workshops Areas of Interest to AERB Studies in some areas are of special interest to AERB. Some of these areas are indicated in the following list. · Safety in application of nuclear and radiation facilities · Environmental Impact Assessment · Transport of Radioactive material · Radioactive Waste Management · Civil and Structural Engineering · Spent Fuel Storage · Reactor Physics · Thermal Hydraulics/Fluid Structure · Interactions in PHWRs, LWRs and FBRs under Accident Conditions · Medical/ Industrial Applications of Radiation · Applied Metallurgy/Radio metallurgy · Fire and Industrial Safety · Use of Radiation Sources for Research Purposes · Effective Use of Information Technology for Regulatory Activities · Radiobiology/Radiation · Dosimetry/Radiation Protection · Applied Chemistry in Nuclear Industry · Safety Evaluation Methodology · Front and Backend Fuel Cycle Facilities · Occupational Health and Environmental Safety |
45 days before the event | Website |
Meity – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology It promotes e-Governance for empowering citizens, promoting the inclusive and sustainable growth of the Electronics, IT & ITeS industries, enhancing India’s role in Internet Governance, adopting a multipronged approach that includes development of human resources, promoting R&D and innovation, enhancing efficiency through digital services and ensuring a secure cyber space. |
3 | Meity | Inviting applications for AgriEnIcs Grand Challenge | 28-11-22 | Website |
BIRAC-Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council The current call aims to support technologies for scale up and demonstration (in actual environment) for conversion of waste (solid, liquid, gas) to biogas/energy/electricity/valuables. The implementation of these technologies is to be done in association with Municipal Corporations/ULBs identified by the applicant. It is desirable that the technology may be absorbed by the respective municipality. |
4 | BIRAC | BIRAC announces call for proposals under waste to energy – innovation clean technologies- scale up | 15-12-22 | Website |
ICMR-Indian Council of Medical Research The goal of this call is to support research and development research proposals towards developing intervention strategies on the following aspects of inherited rare diseases. • Discovery of newer therapeutic agents and approaches. • Development of therapeutics including, Repurpose Drugs, Biologics. • Genetic error corrective measures. • Management to improve quality of life of patients with rare diseases such as orthopedic/ surgical approaches, innovative management protocols etc. |
DBT- Department of Bio Technology Human Genetics and Genomics program of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) supports research and development activities to uncover the role that the genetics and genomics plays in human health. The program supports research across a spectrum: basic research, translational research and clinical research to establish how to use genomic information to advance medical care. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly used in a wide number of areas, including agriculture and allied sectors. Use of AI in agriculture and plant science research will facilitate identification of most suitable lines for breeding programmes, identification of candidate genes for stress resistance as well as QTLs for trait enhancement and ecological sustainability. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) announces this call under the new initiative in “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications in Agriculture & Plant Science”. |
DBT- Department of Bio Technology Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology has been supporting basic and applied research in frontier areas of livestock and animal biotechnology since its inception. The major emphasis of this program is towards enhancement of livestock production & productivity, and improving animal health through biotechnological interventions. The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites a Call for Proposal for developing technology for Bovine Sexed Semen Sorting. A multipronged approach may be adopted to achieve the goal and collaboration between biologists, physicist and engineers is desirable for required output. Further, the developed technology may be transferred for scale up and/or commercialization to BIRAC. Human Genetics and Genomics program of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) supports research and development activities to uncover the role that the genetics and genomics plays in human health. The program supports research across a spectrum: basic research, translational research and clinical research to establish how to use genomic information to advance medical care. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being increasingly used in a wide number of areas, including agriculture and allied sectors. Use of AI in agriculture and plant science research will facilitate identification of most suitable lines for breeding programmes, identification of candidate genes for stress resistance as well as QTLs for trait enhancement and ecological sustainability. This has tremendous benefits for the farmer in terms of crop-cycle monitoring and informed decision making for a variety of purposes including irrigation management, plant health, pest/disease detection, fertilizer application, weed control. |
9 | DBT | Call for Proposal on ‘Bovine Sexed Semen Sorting Technology’ (BSSST) | 15-02-23 | |
10 | 31-01-23 | |||
DST- Department of Science and Technology Collaboration in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) plays an increasingly important role in the EU-India Strategic Partnership. In line with the EU-India Strategic Partnership. DST has established a mechanism outlining the conditions upon which it will co-fund the successful Indian entity/ies and in which call topics have announced below following the Co-Funding Mechanism (hereafter CFM). The CFM will apply to the call topics earmarked by DST in areas of AI, Data and Robotics; electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure; zero emission vehicles; biofuels in line with Mission Innovation etc. |
11 | DST | Indian Nanomisison call to Access Neutron and Muon Experimental Facilities at ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | 06-02-23 | |
12 | Call for Project Proposal under Strengthening, Upscaling & Nurturing Innovations for Livelihood (SUNIL) programme | 06-02-23 | ||
13 | Australia-India Strategic Research Fund: collaborative research projects Round 15 | 15-03-23 | ||
14 | DST-PURSE SCHEME | 20-02-23 | ||
Indian Knowledge System Ministry of Education, Government of India The goal of the research proposals program of the IKS division is to make catalytic grants that help young scientists launch their research, and help established scientists embark on new research directions or approaches related to IKS. We expect to fund Twenty new research proposals that will be funded in this round of proposal solicitation, subject to peer review process. The research projects will be provided a maximum funding support of 20 Lakhs per research project over two years. |
15 | Ministry of Education, Government of India | New Round of IKS Research Proposals | 25-02-2023 | Website |
DBT-Department of Bio Technology The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), has identified calls for proposals in the Work programmes 2023-2024 of the EU R&I Research and Innovation Programme ‘Horizon Europe’, which it considers of mutual interest and aiming at jointly tackling global challenges. For this, DBT has established a mechanism outlining the conditions upon which it will co-fund the successful Indian entity/ies and in which call topics (hereafter CoFunding Mechanism or CFM). The CFM will apply to the call topics earmarked by DBT in areas of pandemic preparedness and response, brain disorders, biofuels and healthy & environmentally-friendly food. The Department’s major emphasis has been on fostering cutting edge-research and innovation, with a strong focus on translational research. Achieving sustainable agriculture solutions through recent technological advances is paramount and the need of the hour. In an attempt to harness the potential of cutting edge tools of modern biotechnology such as “Genome Editing”, DBT intends to fund innovative, interdisciplinary and collaborative research approaches for Agriculture Improvements. This action anticipates to exploit the potential of existing tools of Genome Editing technology and accelerating the pace of its application in plant breeding innovations. The overarching aim is to strengthen the research, innovation and translation in Agriculture sector and contribute to the Government’s National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This call is oriented to bring impactful biological solutions to tackle the impediments in ensuring better genetic gain, and achieving highly productive, nutritionally rich and climate resilient crop plants. |
16 | DBT | DBT-EU Cooperation Programme on R&I ‘Horizon Europe’ Calls 2023-2024 | 13-04-2023 | |
17 | Call for Proposals on ‘Genome Editing of Crops for Enhanced Attributes’ | 27-02-2023 | ||
DST- Department of Science & Technology Department of Science & Technology (DST) was established with the objective of promoting new areas of Science & Technology and to play the role of a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country. The objective of hydrogen valley is to demonstrate how the entire value chain of hydrogen (production, storage and transportation) as an energy vector fit together in an integrated system approach. This concept is one of the main priorities of industry and the Department of Science and Technology for scaling-up hydrogen deployments and creating interconnected hydrogen ecosystems across India. |
18 | DST | Call for proposals on Hydrogen Valley Platform in India | 31-03-2023 | |
DBT- Department of Bio Technology Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology has been supporting basic and applied research in frontier areas of livestock and animal biotechnology since its inception. The major emphasis of this program is towards enhancement of livestock production & productivity, and improving animal health through biotechnological interventions. Department of Biotechnology have been at the forefront of funding cancer research in India. With an aim to make a Cancer Free India by 2047, and to further research and development (R&D) in this direction, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India invites Letters of Intent (LoIs) on ‘Cancer Disease Biology Research’ with the following challenges: The Department of biotechnology under its ‘Chronic Disease Program’ supports research on chronic diseases with major thrust on metabolic disorders. The program aims to support basic, clinical, translational and interdisciplinary research in focused high disease burden areas such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Liver & Kidney Disorders, Autoimmune Diseases, Skin, Bone & Muscular Diseases, Eye disorders etc. thereby benefitting the Indian population through biotechnology based innovations. |
19 | DBT | Call for Letters of Intent (LoIs) on ‘Cancer Disease Biology’ | 15-03-23 | |
20 | Call for proposals on Chronic/Lifestyle Diseases. | 10-02-23 | Website | |
21 | Department of Bio Technology | Joint Projects under UK-INDIA COVID-19 Partnership Initiative | 5-5-2022 | Website |
22 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | NIAID Research Education Program (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) Allergy and Infectious Diseases Research |
07-Dec-22 | Website |
23 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | Drug Development Collaboratory (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required) | 09-Jun-23 | Website |
24 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | Enabling Technologies to Accelerate Development of Oral Biodevices (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | 07-May-23 | Website |
25 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | Enabling Technologies to Accelerate Development of Oral Biodevices (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | 07-May-23 | Website |
26 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | HIV/AIDS Scholars Using Nonhuman Primate (NHP) Models Program (K01 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed) | 07-Sep-23 | Website |
27 | Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health | Behavioral Tasks Targeting Brain Systems Relevant to Anhedonia (R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required) | 07-Sep-23 | Website |
28 | CERIC is funded by a grant awarded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada. | CERIC is currently accepting proposals to develop innovative resources in career counselling and career development. We invite both individuals and organizations (eg, education, community-based, non-profit, private, etc.) to project proposals for 1. career counselling-related research or 2. learning and professional development. |
Online Application in progress |
Website |
29 | THE WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (TWAS) | TWAS FELLOWSHIPS FOR RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TRAINING TWAS offers fellowships to young scientists in developing countries to enable them to spend three to 12 months at a research institution in a developing country other than their own. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research capacity of promising scientists, especially those at the beginning of their research career, helping them to foster links for further collaboration. |
No Deadline | Website |
30 | The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) |
31 | Funding Agency : Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) | A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship(ASPIRE) Research Area: Scheme and set up ‘Technology Business Incubators’ and ‘Livelihood Business Incubators. | No Deadline | Website PDF File |
32 | Grant in aid for Project, Conduct of Seminars / Symposia / Presentation | Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) – LSRB | Throughout the year | Website |
33 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) – Nano Mission | Nano Science | Throughout the year | Website |
34 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) -Nano Mission | Nano Technology | Throughout the year | Website |
35 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) -SEED | Scheduled Caste Sub Plan | Throughout the year | Website |
36 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) -SEED | TSP Techno Interventions for Tribal empowerment | Throughout the year | Website |
37 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) -NSDI | Spatial data Infrastrucutes | Throughout the year | Website |
38 | Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) | Extramural Programme of ICMR Contact Address Dr Lokesh Kumar Sharma Scientist E & Coordinator Online Processing & Management System of ICMR Extramural Projects Informatics, Systems and Research Management Cell Indian Council of Medical Research Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029 Email: po.epms@icmr.gov.in |
Through out the Year | |
39 | Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) | BIRAC invites Proposal for establishing Early Translation Accelerators (ETAs) | Throughout the year | Website |
40 | NSF-National Science Foundation | Plant Biotic Interactions | Throughout the year | Website |
41 | Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) | ESRC RESEARCH GRANT | Throughout the year | Website |
42 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | HIGH RISK-HIGH REWARD RESEARCH | Throughout the year | Website PDF |
43 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | SCHEME FOR FUNDING INDUSTRY RELEVANT R&D | Throughout the year | Website |
44 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Financial Assistance to Professional Bodies and Seminar/Symposia | Throughout the year | Website |
45 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | J.C.BOSE Fellowship | Throughout the year | Website |
46 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Visiting Advanced Joint Research Faculty Scheme (VAJRA) | Throughout The Year | Website |
47 | Ministry Of Earth Sciences (MOES) | Application For Seminars, Symposia, Workshop, Conference (Outreach & Awareness Programme of MoES) | Throughout the year | Website |
48 | DST (National Council for Science & Technology Communication) | Innovation & STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Demonstration Contact Details: Dr. A.B.P. Mishra, Scientist ‘C’ (NCSTC) apmishra@nic.in Tel 011-26866675, 26590325 |
Throughout the year | PDF Website |
49 | Indian National Science Academy (INSA) | Partial Financial Assistance For Holding International / National Conference; Seminar; Summer/Winter School or Workshop In India | Throughout the year | Website |
50 | Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) | Call for proposal – collaborative Research projects Topics : Basic & Applied Physics/ Material Science,Accelerator based Physics & Material Science Research, Proposals related to Radiation, Agriculture and Food Technology, Life Sciences, Application of Isotope Techniques in Water and Environment, Projects based on Synchrotron Beam-lines at RRCAT, Proposals based on Lasers, Photonics and Optical Spectroscopy, Engineering Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Technology Development |
Throughout the year | Website1 Website2 |
51 | Department of Space, Indian Space Research Organization | Call Research proposal Topics – Space Science, Space Technology and Space Applications |
Throughout the year | Website1 Website2 |
52 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (NISE, NIWE, SSS-NIRE, IREDA, SECI) | Call Research proposal Topics – Solar Energy, Wind Energy, New and Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Development, Solar Thermal Pilot Power Plants. |
Throughout the year | Website1 Website2 |
53 | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) | 1. Tami Nadu Scients Award (TANSA), 2. Student Project Scheme (SPS), 3. Science & Technology Projects (STP), 4. Popularization of Science Activities, 5. Young Scientists Fellowship Scheme (YSFS), 6. Joint Projects with DST, GOI, 7. Partial Financial Assistance for the Conduct of Seminar / Symposia / Workshop, 8. Young Student Scientists Programme (YSSP) |
Throughout the year | Website1 Website2 |
54 | Tata Group | Tata Open Innovation Program – Tata Innoverse | Throughout the year | Website |
55 | Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) | Industry-Academia Research & development Programme | Throughout the year | Website |
56 | Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) | Seminars/Workshops/Training Schools | Throughout the year | Website |
57 | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India | Submission of proposals for seeking MeitY support for organizing Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums etc. in select areas of Electronics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | Throughout the year | Website |
58 | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) |
Throughout the Year | Website |
60 | Division of Environmental Biology National Science Foundation | Division of Environmental Biology | Proposals accepted anytime |
Website |
61 | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India | Multiplier Grants Scheme The objectives of the proposed scheme are: i. Establish, nurture and strengthen the linkages between the Industry and Institutes; ii. To promote industry oriented R&D at institutes; iii. Encourage and accelerate development of indigenous products and packages; and iv. Bridge the gap between R&D / Proof-of-concept and commercialization / globalization. Contact Details: Dr. A.K. Garg, Scientist “F” / Director Innovation & IPR Division, Government of India Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Electronics Niketan, 6 CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 Telephone: +91- 11-24364799 (Office), E-mail: ajaik@meity.gov.in |
– | Website |
62 | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India | Indo-Dutch Collaboration for Research & Innovation in IOT, Big Data & Serious Gaming – Call for R&D Proposals | – | Website |
63 | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) | AICTE-IDEA (Idea Development, Evaluation & Application) Lab in AICTE approved institutions, encouraging students for application of science, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fundamentals towards enhanced hands-on experience, learning by doing and product visualization. | Now open for applying – Last date not Yet announced | Website |
Guideline for Proposal
Sponsored Projects
Consultancy Projects
S. No | Funding Agency | Website | Contact Details | |
National |
1 | Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) | https://www.ada.gov.in/ | Aeronautical Development Agency Ministry of Defence, PBNo: 1718 Vimanapura Post Bengaluru – 560017, India Phone : 080-25233060/25087002 Fax : 080-25238493 |
2 | Aeronautical Research & Development Board (DRDO-ARDB) | https://https://drdo.gov.in/aeronautics-research-development/rules-grants-introductions | AR&DB Secretariat, Ministry of Defence (R&D), A Wing, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi -110 011 Secretary AR & DB, 323, Tel: 011-26131576-78,80 Email: ardb@hqr.drdo.in |
3 | Agricultural Produce Cess Fund (APCF) | http://www.icar.org.in/ | Director General (ICAR) ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001 Tel: 91-11-23382629, 91-11-23386711 Fax: 91-11-23384773 E-mail: opcf@vsnl.net.in |
4 | Agriculture and processed Food Products (APEDA) | http://apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/index.html |
3rd Floor, NCUI Building 3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, (Opp. Asiad Village), New Delhi – 110 016, India Phone: 91-11-26513204, 26513219, 26514572, 26526196 / 98, 26534186, 26534870, 26850301 Fax: 91-11-26526187 E-mail: headq@apeda.gov.in |
5 | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) | http://www.aicte-india.org/ | Adviser-II,RID Bureau, All India Council for Technical Education, NBCC Building, East Wing, 4th Floor, Pragati Vihar, Bhisham Pitamah Marg, New Delhi –110 003,Telefax No: (011) 24369632, E-mail: rid@aicte.ernet.in |
6 | Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (AHDF) | http://dahd.nic.in | Deptt. of Animal Husbandry Joint Commissioner ( Meat & Meat Products), Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Dairy, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Jawahar Lal Nehru Building, Gate no. 322, Ist Floor, New Delhi. Fax: 011- 24459732, Tel: 011- 24459732 E-mail: ahd@vsnl.net.in |
7 | Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) | http://www.aerb.gov.in/ | Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Niyamak Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai Tel: 22-25990100 Fax: 22-25583230 Email:webmaster@aerb.gov.in |
8 | Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) | https://brns.res.in/ | 1st Floor, Central Complex, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai Tel:022 2559 0813 Email: helpdesk.brns@barc.gov.in brns.symp@barc.gov.in |
9 | British Council (BC) | www.bc.res.in | 17 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi Tel: 0120-4569000 / 6684353 Fax: 11 2371 0717 Email:Aastha.Jindal@ britishcouncil.org |
10 | Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BM&TPC) | http://www.bmtpc.org/ | Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India, Core 5 -A, First Floor , India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110 003, India Phone: 91-11-24636705, 24638097 Fax: 91-11-24642849 E-mail: info@bmtpc.org |
11 | Center for Educational Testing & Evaluation (CET&E) | https://cete.ku.edu/ | 1122 West Campus Road, 735 Joseph R. Pearson Hall,Lawrence, KS 66045-7575 Tel: 785-864-3537 Fax: 785-864-3566 Email: cetesubmissions@ku.edu. |
12 | Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) | http://www.cpri.in/ | CENTRAL POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Prof.Sir C.V.Raman Road,Post Box No: 8066, SadaShiva Nagar (p.o), Bangalore,India , Pincode : 560 080 Phone : +91-80-23602457 Fax : +91-80-23601213 Email : dgcpri@cpri.in |
13 | Centre for Wind Energy Technology (CWET) | http://niwe.res.in/ | The Director,National Institute of Wind Energy, Pallikaranai, Chennai Tel: 044-22463982 / 22463983/29001167 Fax : 044-2246 3980 |
14 | Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) | https://www.cpcl.co.in/ | 536, Anna Salai, Thiru Vi Ka Kudiyiruppu, Teynampet, Chennai Tel: 044 2434 9519 |
15 | Central Institute of Classical Tamil (CICT) | https://www.cict.in/index_english.php | The Director Central Institute of Classical Tamil Institute of Road Transport Campus Plot No:40, 100 Feet Road, Taramani, Chennai – 600113. E-mail: director@cict.in, registrar@cict.in Tel:044 – 22540124, 22540125 Fax : 044 – 22540143 |
16 | Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE) | https://drdo.gov.in/labs-and-establishments/ combat-vehicles-research-development -estt-cvrde |
Director, Combat Vehicles Research & Development Estt. (CVRDE) Avadi, Chennai – 600054 Tel. No. : 044-26383722, 044-26364001 Fax : 044-26385112, 044-26383661 Email : director@cvrde.drdo.in |
17 | Commissioner of Horticulture and Plantation Crops (CH&PC) | http://tnhorticulture.tn. gov.in/horti/ tnhorticulture/doh |
DIRECTORATE OF HORTICULTURE AND PLANTATION CROPS 3rd Floor, Agriculture complex, Ezhilagam, Chepauk, Chennai- 600 005. Tel: 044 4262 6222 |
18 | Consumer Protection through Science & Technology (CPTST) | http://www.scienceandsociety-dst.org | The Head, Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development (SEED) Division, Department of Science & Technology, Systems Division, Technology Bhawan, New Mehruali Road, New Delhi – 110016 Tel: 011-26864570, 011-26590355 Fax: 26864570 Email: chander.m@nic.in |
19 | Consumer Welfare Fund (CWF) | http://consumeraffairs.nic.in | Ministry of Civil Supplies, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi Tel: 011-23485793 Fax: 011-23485793 E-mail:ccwf@vsnl.net.in |
20 | Corporation of Chennai | http://www.chennaicorporation.gov.in/ | Greater Chennai Corporation, Ripon Building, Chennai -600003. Tel: 044-25619300 Email: specialofficer@chennai corporation.gov.in commissioner@chennai corporation.gov.in |
21 | Council for Advancement of Peoples Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) | http://capart.nic.in/ | India Habitat Centre, Zone-V-A, 2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Tel: 11-24642391/93 Fax: 11-2464 8607 E-mail: helpdesk@capart.nic.in |
22 | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) | http://www.csir.res.in | The Head, Human Resource Development Group Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Complex, Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg, New Delhi – 110001 Tel: +91-11-23737889 E-mail: csircx@nda.vsnl.net.in |
23 | Defence Research & Development Establishment (DRDE) | https://www.drdo.gov.in/labs-and-establishments/defence-research-development-establishment-drde | Defence Research & Development Establishment (DRDE), Defence Research & Development Organisation, Govt. Of India, Ministry of Defence Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002 Phone : 0751-2341550, 0751-2340730 Fax : 0751-2341148 Email : director@drde.drdo.in |
24 | Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL) | https://www.drdo.gov.in/labs-and-establishments/defence-research-development-laboratory-drdl | Director, Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Kanchanbagh Hyderabad-500058 Phone : 0091 40 24583000 Fax : 040-24340109 E-mail ID : director@drdl.drdo.in |
25 | Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) | http://www.drdo.gov.in | Ministry of Defence, B Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi Tel: 011-23017661 Fax: 011-23017582 E-mail: erip_er@hqr.drdo.in |
26 | Department of Animal Husbandry (DAH) | http://www.dahd.nic.in | Ministry of Agriculture, Jawahar Lal Nehru Building, Gate no. 322, Ist Floor, New Delhi Tel: 011- 24459732 Fax: 011- 24459732 E-mail: ahd@vsnl.net.in |
27 | Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) | http://www.dae.nic.in/brns | The Scientific Secretary (BRNS), Department of Atomic Energy, Directors office, Ist Floor, Central Complex, BARC, Mumbai- 400 085. Tel: 91-22-25590813 Fax: 91-22-25505050 e-mail: brns@barc.gov.in |
28 | Department of Biotechnology (DBT) | http://www.dbtindia.nic.in |
The Director ( R& D), Department Biotechnology, Block no. 2, Floor 7, Room no. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003. e-mail: Shaila@dbt.nic.in Tel: 011-24363748 Fax: 011-24362884 |
29 | Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals (DC&P) | http://www.chemicals.nic.in | 344, A-wing, 3rd floor, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Tel: No.23386752 |
30 | Department of Education (DOEd) | http://www.mhrd.gov.in | The Deputy Education Adviser (T), Division TD, VI, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, ShastriBhawan, New Delhi. e-mail:dhe-mhrd@nic.in Fax: 011-2382365/23011097/2384093 Tel: 011- 23782296/23383936-44 |
31 | Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEIT) | http://meity.gov.in/ | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Government of India) Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 E-mail : webmaster[at] meity[dot] gov[dot]in Phone No : +91-11-24301851, 11-24361951 Fax : +91-11-24364799 |
32 | Department of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India (DFPI) | http://www.mofpi.nic.in | Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Food Processing Industries, PanchsheelBhawan, ; August Karant iBhawan, New Delhi 110049. Email: spim-pi@nic.in Fax: 011- 26492863,26493228 Tel: 011-26492216, 26492174, 26492476 |
33 | Department of Information Technology (DIT) | http://www.delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/ connect/DoIT_IT/doit_it/home https://dot.gov.in/ circular-and-notifications/2323 |
Ministry of Communications Department of Telecommunications Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road New Delhi- 110001 Tel: 011-23372071 |
34 | Department of Non Conventional Energy Sources (DNES) | http://www.mnre.gov.in | The Secretary, Department of Non Conventional Energy Sources, Block No. 14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003 e-mail: aktripathi@nic.in Fax: 011- 24362772/24361298 Tel: 24361481/24362772 |
35 | Department of Ocean Technology (DOT) | www.dod.nic.in | The Director ,Ocean Research & Manpower Development Programme Department of Ocean Development ,Block 12, CGO Complex, Lodi Road New Delhi – 110 003 ,Tel. No.: (011) 24306839, 24362278 ,Fax No.: (011) 24360336,24360779 E-mail: venkat@dod.delhi.nic.in |
36 | Department of Science and Technology (DST) | http://www.dst.gov.in/ | The Secretary, Department of Science and Tecnology, Govt. of India,Technology Bhawan, New Mehrali Road, New Delhi Tel: 011- 23012312, 23017660,26864570 Fax: 011-23016857 E-mail: dstinfo@nic.in |
37 | Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) | http://www.dsir.gov.in/ | Department of Scientific & Industrial Research ,Ministry of Science & Technology Technology Bhawan, New Mehrali Road, New Delhi – 110016 Tel: 011-26567373, 26864570, 26516078 Fax: 26567373 / 26516078 E-mail: taas@alpha.nic.in |
38 | Department of Space (DOS) | http://www.dos.gov.in | The Scientific Secretary, ISRO Headquarters, F-Block, AntarikshBhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore. 560 094 Fax: ( +91 )80 23511984 Tel: (+91)80 23415275 e-mail: scientificsecretary@isro.gov.in |
39 | European Union | https://europa.eu/european-union/index_en | Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat, 175 B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel Belgique/België Tel:00 800 67 89 10 11 |
40 | Forests Research Institute Group Coordinator (Research) (FRIGR) | http://www.fridu.edu.in/ | Forest Research Institute, Post Office New Forest, Dehradun e-mail: hooda@icfre.org, groupco_fri_icfre.org Tel: 0135 – 2752670, Fax: 0135 – 2756865 EBPAX No. 2757021-26 Extn. 4316 |
41 | Haryana Operational Pilot Project (HOPP) | http://agriharyana.nic.in/hopp.htm | H.No. 239, Sector 4, Puanchkula (Haryana) Tel: 0172-2764538 Fax: 0172-2764538 E-mail: hopp@hry.nic.in |
42 | Haryana State Council for Science & Technology (HSCST) | http://www.dstharyana.org | Sedtor-2, Panchkula, (Haryana) Tel: 0172-2563439, 2560339 Fax: 0172-2560018 |
43 | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) | http://www.icar.org.in/ | Krishi Bhavan, Dr.Rajender Prasad Road, New Delhi Tel: 91-11-25841760 Fax: 91-11-25843932 E-mail: ddgedn@icar.org.in |
44 | Life Sciences Research Board (LSRB) | http://www.icmr.nic.in/ | Agricultural Produce Cess Fund ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Tel: 11- 2388991 Fax: 11- 238899 E-mail:opcf@vsnl.net.in |
45 | Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) | http://www.icssr.vsnl.net.in | Box. 10528, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi Tel: 011- 26321689 Fax: 26321689 E-mail: icssr@ride. vsnl.net.in |
46 | Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) | www.icmr.nic.in | Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research , V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan ,Post Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar , New Delhi- 110029 , Tel.No: 91-11-26588895, 91-11-26588980 ,91-11-26588707, 91-11-26589794, 91-11-26589336 ,Fax: 91-11- 26588662 ,E-mail: icmrhqds@sansad.nic.in |
47 | Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR) | http://www.iimr.res.in/ | Directorate of Maize Research, ICAR, PUSA, New Delhi Tel: 011- 25795543 Fax: 011- 25795543 E-mail:mrd@vsnl.net.in |
48 | Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR) | http://www.drricar.org/ | Directorate of Rice Research, ICAR, Rajender Nagar, Hyderabad Tel: 040- 25406879-80 Fax: 040- 25406879 E-mail: rrd@ernet.com |
49 | Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) | http://www.incois.gov.in/portal/index.jsp | “Ocean Valley”, Pragathi Nagar (BO), Nizampet (SO), Telangana Tel: +91-40-23886000 Fax: +91-40-23892910 |
50 | Indian National Committee on Irrigation & Drainage (INCI&D) | http://www.insaindia.res.in/ | Bahadur Shah, Zafar Marg, Delhi Tel: 11-23221931-1950 Fax: 23235648 |
52 | Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) | http://www.isro.gov.in/ | Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore Tel: 22172264 / 22172260 |
53 | Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) | http://www.igcar.ernet.in/ | Department of Atomic Energy, Kalpakkam Tel: (044)-27480066 / (044)-27481179 Fax: (044)-27480066 |
54 | Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR) | http://www.cefipra.org/ | 5B, Ground Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Tel: 11 2468 2251 / 2463 3567 Fax: 11 2464 8632 |
55 | India Meteorological Department (IMD) | www.imd.gov.in | The Director General of Meteorology Antarctic & Project Evaluation Cell, DGM’s Office India Meteorological Department (IMD) Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 Tel. No: (011) 24618241 to 7 Extn. 4318 Fax: (011) 24699216, 24623220 E-mail: apec@mail.imdmail.gov.in |
56 | Industrial Management and Training Institute (IMTI) | https://imti.edu/ | 233 Mill St #1, Waterbury, CT 06706, USA Tel: +1 203-753-7910 |
57 | Instrument Development Programme ( IDP) | web: www.scienceandsociety-dst.org | The Adviser, Instrument Dev. Division, Dept. of Sci.& Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110016. Tel: 011-26864577 Fax:011-26864577 |
58 | Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) | http://wcd.nic.in/schemes/integrated-child-development-servicesicds | Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 011-23381611 nic-mwcd@gov.in |
59 | Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA) | http://www.serb.gov.in | The Adviser, STP, Department of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New mehrauli Road, New Delhi.-110 016 e-mail: sunilag@alpha.nic.in Fax: 26864570, 26863847 Tel: 011- 26567373 |
60 | Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) | http://www.iuac.res.in/ | Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Near Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Tel: 011-2689-3955 / 9232 / 9233 Fax: 011-2689-3666 |
61 | International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (IARCPM&NM) | https://www.arci.res.in/ | Balapur P.O., Hyderabad, Telangana Tel: 040-2445 2200 Fax: 040-2444 2699 |
62 | International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICEI) | http://www.iclei.org/ | Ground Floor, NSIC-STP Complex, NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi Tel:11 4106 7220 Fax: 11 4106 7221 |
63 | International Federation for Women in Agriculture (IFWA) | https://www.ifad.org/ | Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR, New Delhi Tel: 11-23387293 Fax : 11-23387293 E-mail: ifwa@vsnl.net.in |
64 | International Foundation for Science (IFS) | http://www.ifs.se | Grev Turegatan 19, S.114 38, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Tel: 46 545 81800 Fax: +46 8 545 818 01 E-mail: info@ifs.se |
65 | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (UM&WIC) | http://www.cimmyt.org | Rice Wheat Consortium, CIMMYT Office for India CG Block, NASC Complex, Dev Prakash Shastri Marg, New Delhi Tel:011-274436678 Fax: 274436678 E-mail: cimmyt@vsnl.net.in |
66 | Life Sciences Research Board (LSRB) | https://www.drdo.gov.in/ life-sciences-research-board/ about-us |
Member Secretary, LSRB Defence Research & Development Organization Ministry of Defence Room No. 399, 3rd Floor, DRDO HQrs, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011 Phone : 011-23007894 Fax : 011-23012652 Email ID : lsrb@hqr.drdo.in |
67 | Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) | http://www.agricoop.nic.in | The Commissioner of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi Tel: 23383370, 23782691 Fax: 23792037 E-mail: secy-agri@nic.in |
68 | Ministry of Coal & Mines (MCM) | www.scienceandtech.cmpdi.co.in | General Manager (S&T) , Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Department of Coal ,Gondwana Place, Konke Road Ranchi – 834 008 ,(Jharkhand) ,Tel. No: (0651) 2231148 Fax. No: (0651) 2231447, E-mail: cmpdihq@cmpdi.co.in |
69 | Ministry of Defence (MD) | http://www.mod.nic.in/ | Room No 155, E-Block, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi. |
70 | Ministry of Earth Sciences (MES) | http://www.moes.gov.in/ | Prithvi Bhavan, Opp. India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Phone : +91-11-24669578 |
71 | Ministry of Environment & Forests (MEOF) | http://www.moef.nic.in/ | The Secretary, Govt of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003. Tel: 011-258586422 Fax: 011-24364594. E-mail: ef@vsnl.net.in, sv.godavarthi@nic.in |
72 | Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) | http://www.mofpi.nic.in | Ministry of Food Processing Industries Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg Khelgaon, New Delhi-110049 Fax No. 011-26493228 EPBAX No. 011-26492216/ 26492174/ 26493227/ 26490933 |
73 | Ministry of Food & Civil Supplies (MoF&CS) | http://www.fcs.vsnl.net.in | Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution, New Delhi Tel: 011-25544338 Fax: 011-25544338 E-mail: fcs@vsnl.net.in |
74 | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) | http://mohfw.nic.in/ | 5th Floor (509, 518), A Wing, Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi E-mail: dirstat-mohfw@nic.in |
75 | Ministry of Human Resource Development (MoHRD) | http://mhrd.gov.in/ | Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Tel: +91-11-23782698 Fax: +91-11-23382365 |
76 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MoNRE) | http://mnre.gov.in/ | Block-14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Tel: 011-24360404, 24360707 Fax: 011-24361298 |
77 | Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoP&NG) | http://www.petroleum.nic.in/ | Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi Tel: 23386118 / 23093004 |
78 | Ministry of Power (MoP) | http://powermin.nic.in/ | Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi |
79 | Ministry of Railways (MoR) | http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/ railwayboard/ |
Ministry of Railways E-mail ID : contentmanager@rb.railnet.gov.in |
80 | Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) | http://rural.nic.in/netrural/rural/index.aspx | Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi Tel: 11-23386411 Email: shuklas@nic.in |
81 | Ministry of Small Scale Industries (MSSI) | http://msme.gov.in/ | Room No 123, Udyog Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi Tel: 011-23061431 E-mail :js.sme@nic.in |
82 | Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) | https://msme.gov.in/ | Director (HR), Web Information Manager Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Room No 356 A, Udyog Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110011 Tel: 23063288 or 011-23063643 |
83 | Ministry of Social Justice& Empowerment (MSJE) | http://socialjustice.nic.in/ | Room.No.636, ‘A’ Wing, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi Tel: 23383256 Fax: 23386320 E-mail: gyanendrakr.d@nic.in |
84 | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MSPI) | http://www.mospi.nic.in | Sardar Patel Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi Tel: 011-26876772 Fax : 011-26876772 E-mail: kmashish@nic.in |
85 | Ministry of Textiles (MT) | http://texmin.nic.in/ | NIC, Ministry of Textiles, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi. | |
86 | Ministry of Urban Development (MUD) | http://mohua.gov.in/ | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi – 110011. Email: secyurban[at]nic[dot]in Tel: 23062377, Fax: 23061459 |
87 | Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) | http://www.wrmin.nic.in/ | 626, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi E-mail: egov-mowr@nic.in |
88 | M/S Monsanto Enterprises Ltd., | web: http://www.monsanto.com | The Managing Director, M/S Monsanto Enterprises Ltd., 1017-Vishal Tower, Janakpuri District Centre, Jamalpuri, New Delhi. Fax: 011-23348432 Tel: 011-23348432 e-mail: arun.gopalakrishnan @monsanto.com |
89 | M/S Ayantia Crop Science | web: http://www.bayergroupindia.com/ | The Managing Director, M/S Ayantia Crop Science, Aventias House, 54A, Andheri KurlaRoad, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 093 e-mail: nilesh.limaye@bayer.com Fax: 022-26488732 Tel: 022-26488732 |
90 | National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) | http://www.naasindia.org | DPS Marg, Pusa, New Delhi Tel: 11-25846051/52 Fax: 11-25846051 E-mail: naas@vsnl.com |
91 | National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) | http://www.nal.res.in/ | PB 1779, Bangalore Tel: 80-25273351-54 / 25223351-54 Fax: 80-25260862 |
92 | National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (NBAARD) | https://www.nabard.org | Plot no. 3, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh Fax: 0172-665863 Email: nabchg@x400.niigw.nic.in |
93 | National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) | http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/ | Department of Atomic Energy, 1st floor, O.Y.C.Building, C.S.M. Marg, Mumbai Email: msnbhm@dae.gov.in |
94 | National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) | http://www.ncmrwf.gov.in/ | Ministry of Earth Sciences, A-50, Sector-62, NOIDA Tel: +91-120-2419401 Fax: +91-120-2419484 |
95 | National Council for Economic Research and Training (NCERT) | http://www.iccw.vsnl.net.in | NCERT, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi Tel: 011-28532233 Fax: 011-28532233 E-mail: iccw@vsnl.net.in |
96 | National Horticulture Board (NHB) | http://www.nhb.gov.in/ | Ministry of Agriculture, 85,Institutional Area, Sector 18, Gurgaon Tel: 0124-2432560 Fax: 0124-2432560 E-mail: ednib@delhi.nic.in |
97 | National Information System for Science & Technology (NISSAT) | http://www.dsir.gov.in | The Joint Adviser, National Information System for Sci.& Technology, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Technology Bhawan,Mehrauli Road, New Delhi e-mail: sunilag@alpha.nic.in Fax: 26567373 Tel: 011-26567373 |
98 | National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) | http://www.nicra-icar.in/nicrarevised | ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan –II, Pusa Road, New Delhi Tel:91-11-25848364 |
99 | National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) | https://www.niot.res.in | Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai Tel: 044-66783300 Fax: 044-22460275 / 22460645 |
100 | National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) | http://www.nipccd.vsnl.com | 5-Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi Tel: 011-27654216,17 Fax: 27654216 E-mail: drdineshpaul@gmail.com |
101 | National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) | http://www.nmpb.nic.in | National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), Annexe Building, 1st & 2nd floor,1 Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110001, Tel : 011-23721840 E-Mail ID : info-nmpb@nic.in |
102 | National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development Board (NO&VODB) | http://www.novod.res.in | Ministry of Agriculture, 86, Sector 18, Industrial Area, Gurgaon Tel: 0124-2341251 Fax: 2340614 E-mail: novod@vsnl.net.in |
103 | Natural Resources Data Management System (NRDMS) | http://nrdms.gov.in | The Director ( NRDMS), Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016 Tel: 011-27894302 Fax: 011-27894302 |
104 | Naval Research Board (NRB) | http://nrbdrdo.res.in | Room No-322, 3rd Floor, DRDO HQ, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi Tel: 011-23007322 Fax No : 011-2301 6640 |
105 | Newton – Bhabha Fund (Brithish Council) | http://www.newtonfund.ac.uk/ about/abut-partnering- countries/india/ |
British Council, The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SCO37733 (Scotland) Email: Aastha.Jindal@britishcouncil.org |
106 | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) | http://www.ongcindia.com/ wps/wcm/connect/ ongcindia/home/ |
5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Fax No: 011-261 29091 Email: editorspeak@ongc.co.in |
107 | Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB) | http://www.oidb.gov.in/ | 3rd Floor, Tower C, 73, Noida Fax No. 0120-2594630 |
108 | Opportunities for Young Scientists | www.scienceandsociety-dst.org | The Head, SERC Secretariat, Depat. Of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016. Tel: 011-27894302, Fax: 011-27894302 |
109 | Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) | http://www.pcra.org/ | PCRA, Sanrakshan Bhavan, 10 – Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi Tel: 91-11-26198856 Fax: 91-11-26109668 Email : pcra@pcra.org |
110 | Research Scheme Applied to River Valley Projects (RSARVR) CENTRAL BOARD OF IRRIGATION AND POWER (CBIP) |
http://www.cbip.org | Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri,New Delhi Tel: 011-2611 5984 Fax: 011-6116347 E-mail: cbip@nda.vsnl.in |
111 | Research Scheme on Flood Control (RSFC) | www.rsfc.vsnl.net.in | The Member Secretary, Central Board of Irrgation and Power, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110 021 Fax: 26853687 Tel: 011- 26853687 |
112 | Research Scheme on Power (RSOP) | http://www.cpri.in/r-a-d-schemes/ research-scheme/research-scheme-on -power-rsop.html (OR) http://powersearch.cpri.res.in |
Joint Director(R&D) , Central Power Research Institute ,Ministry of Power, P B No.8066, Sadashiva Nagar (PO),Bangalore -560 080 Tel: 080-2360 7823, (080) 23605367 , Fax: +91- 80-2360 7823, Fax No: (080) 23601213 E-mail: sundar@cpri.in, babu@powersearch.cpri.res.in |
113 | Rural Development & Panchayat Raj (RD&PR) | http://www.tnrd.gov.in/ | Fort. St. George, Chennai Tel: 044 25665566 E-mail: ruralsec@tn.gov.in |
114 | R&D Medium Range Weather Forecasting ( NCMRWF) and Crop Weather Relationships |
http://www.scienceandsociety-dst.org | The Project Coordinator (NCMRWF), Dept. of Sci.& Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Rod, New Delhi 110 016 Fax: 011-26854442, Tel: 011-26854442 |
115 | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | http://www.serb.gov.in/home.php | 5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor, Vasant Square Mall, Sector-B, Pocket-5, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Tel: 11–40000398 |
116 | Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) | http:// www.dst.gov.in | The Adviser & Member – Secretary, SERC Secretariat, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016 e-mail: venktesh@alpta.nic.in, bghari.nic.in Fax: 011-26963695 Tel: 011-26963695, 26590370 |
117 | Science and Technology Application for Rural Development (STARD) Science and Society Related Programmes |
web: www.scienceand technology-dst-org |
The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016, e-mail: sunilag@alpha.nic.in Fax: 26864570, 26863847, 26862418 , Tel: 011-26567373 Extn. 298/208 |
118 | Science & Technology for Weaker Sections (STAWS). Science and Society Related Programmes |
www.scienceandsociety.dst.org. | The Head, Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016 , e-mail: sunilag@alpha.nic.in Fax:26864570, 26863847, 26862418 Tel:011-26567373 extn. 298/208 |
119 | Science for Equity, Empowernment and Development (SEED) Division | http://www.scienceandsociety- dst.org/women1.htm |
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi Tel:011-26567373 Fax: 26864570 E-mail:nisha67@alpha.nic.in |
120 | Science & Technology Communication & Popularisation Programme (STC&PP) | http://www.scienceandsociety.dst.org. | The Director, ( NCSTC), Department of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016 Fax: 011-27894302, Tel: 011-27894302 |
121 | Science & Technology indicator and Manpower Studies | www.scienceandsociety-dst.org. | The Joint Adviser, National Sci. & Technology Management Information System ( NSTMIS), Department of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016. Tel:011-26863847, Fax: 011-26863847 |
122 | Scheme for modernization and renewal of obsolescence in technical education (MODROBS), (Only for private colleges) All Indian Council for Technical Education |
https://www.aicte-india.org/ (OR) https://www.aicte-india.org/search/google/MODROBS | All Indian Council for Technical Education, I.G. Sports Complex Estate, New Delhi 11 00 02 e-mail: jpg@aicte.ernet.in Fax: 234876647, 234876647 Tel: 011- 234876647 |
123 | Scheme of thrust area programme in technical education(TAPTEC) (Only for private colleges) All Indian Council for Technical Education, | https://www.aicte-india.org/ (OR) https://www.aicte-india.org/ search/google/TAPTEC |
All Indian Council for Technical Education, I.G. Sports Complex Estate, New Delhi 11 00 02 e-mail: jpg@aicte.ernet.in Fax: 234876647, 234876647 Tel: 011- 234876647 |
124 | Solutions for Environmental contrasts in Coastal Areas (SECOA) | https://www.cosmopolis.be/people | Vrije Universiteit Brussel Department of Geography Faculty of Sciences Pleinlaan 2 BE-1050 Brussels |
125 | Space Applications Centre (SAC) | http://www.sac.gov.in/Vyom/index.jsp | Jodhpur Tekra, Ambawadi Vistar P.O. Ahmedabad Tel: +91-79-26913401 E-mail: pro@sac.isro.gov.in |
126 | Special Component Plan (SCP) | http://www.scienceandsociety.dst.org. | The Head, Sci. & Society Division, Dept. of Sci.& Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi-110016. Fax: 26863847, Tel:011-26863847 |
127 | State Planning Commission (SPC) | http://www.spc.tn.gov.in/ | STATE PLANNING COMMISSION Ezhilagam , Chepauk, Chennai-600 005 (PBX No 28545471) e-mail : tnspc@tn.nic.in |
128 | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) | https://www.tanscst.nic.in/index.html | MEMBER SECRETARY Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Sardar Patel Road, DOTE Campus, Chennai 600 025 Tamilnadu, INDIA. Phone : +91 44 2230 1428 Telefax : +91 44 2230 1552 E-mail : ms.tanscst@nic.in enquiry.tanscst@nic.in |
129 | Tamil Virtual Academy (TVA) | http://www.tamilvu.org/ | Anna University Campus, Gandhi Mandapam Road, Kottur, Chennai Tel: 044-2220 9400 Fax: 044-2220 9405 E-mail:tva@tn.gov.in |
130 | Tamilnadu Forest Plantation Corporation Limited (TFPCL) | http://www.tafcorn.tn.gov.in/ | 30, Gandhimandapam Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai Tel: 044-24473303 Fax: 044-24473303 E-Mail: cmntafcorn@dataone.in |
131 | Tamilnadu Medicinal Plant Farms & Herbal Medicine Corporation Ltd (TMPF&HMCL) | http://www.tampcol.in/ | C 29, SIDCO Indl Estate, Alathur, Thiruporur via, Kancheepuram Tel: 044–27444438 Fax: 27444458 E-mail: customerservice@tampcol.in |
132 | Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TPCB) | http://www.tnpcb.gov.in/ | 76, Mount Salai, Guindy, Chennai Tel: 22353134-139 Fax:044-22353068 E-mail: tnpcb-chn@gov.in |
133 | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) | http://www.tifr.res.in/ | Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai Tel: 22-2278-2000 Fax: 22-2280-4610 |
134 | Tata Steel Limited (TSL) | http://www.tatasteel.com/ | Tata Steel Limited 3rd Floor, One Forbes 1, Dr V B Gandhi Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001, India. (OR) Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 Tel: 022-66658282 Fax: 022-66658144, 66657774 |
135 | Technology Absorption and Adaptation Scheme (TAAS) | http://www.dsir.gov.in | The Joint Adviser ( TAAS), Department of Scientific &Inds. Research, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110 016 e-mail: taas@alpha.nic.in Fax: 26567373, 26864570 Tel: 011-26567373, 26864570 |
136 | Technology, Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIF&AC) | http://www.tifac.org.in/ | Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council, Department of Science and Technology (DST) ‘A’ Wing Vishwakarma Bhavan Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi 110016, India. +91-11-26592600, 42525600 +91-11-26961158 Email:ed@tifac.org.in |
137 |
Agriculture Department, Chandigarh. |
www.agriharyana.nic.in | The Commisioner& Secretary Agriculture, Govt. of Haryana, Agriculture Department, Chandigarh.e-mail: agriharyana2009@gmail.com Fax: 0172- 2703490 Tel: 0172- 2703490 |
138 | Utilisation of Scientific Expertise of Retired Scientists Science and Society Related Programmes (USERSSSRP) | https://indiabioscience.org/grants/ utilisation-of-the-scientific-expertise -of-retired-scientists-users |
India Bioscience National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India 560065 Phone: 91 80 23666223 Email: hello@indiabioscience.org |
139 | UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research (UGC-DAE) | http://www.csr.res.in/ | The Director, UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452017, INDIA Email: director@csr.res.in, Tel:91-731-2463945, 91-731-2463913, 2762267, 2908150, Fax : 91-731-2462294 |
140 | UGC Faculty Research Promotion Scheme (UGC-FRPS) (Start-Up Grant, Mid-Career Award, BSR Faculty Fellowship) |
http://ugcfrps.ac.in/uohyd/ | National Coordinator UGC Faculty Research Promotion Schemes School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad Central University P.O. Prof. C.R.Rao Road, Gachibowli Hyderabad-500046 (T.S), India. Email :nc.ugcfrps@uohyd.ac.in |
141 | United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCF) | http://unicef.in/ | 73 Lodi Estate, New Delhi Tel: 11 2469-0401 Fax: 011 2462-7521 E-mail: newdelhi@unicef.org |
142 | University Grants Commission (UGC) | http://www.ugc.ac.in/ | The Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi – 110002 ,Tel. No: (011) 23234019, 23236350 Fax. No.: (011) 23239659 |
S. No | Funding Agency | Website | Contact Details | |
143 | International Foundation for Science (IFS) | http://www.ifs.se | Director, International Foundation for Science, Grev Turegatan 19, S.114 38, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN , email: info@ifs.se. , Tel: 46 545 81800 |
144 | Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) | https://www.tva.gov/ | 400 West Summit Hill Drive, Knoxville TN 37902 Tel: (865) 632-2101 E-mail: tvainfo@tva.com |
145 | The World Academy of Sciences (WAS) | https://twas.org/ | Executive Director, Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), c/o the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, ( ICTP) P.O. Box 586, Via Beirut 6, 34100 Trieste, Italy. Tel: +39040 2240387 Fax:+39 040 224559 E-mail: info@twas.org |
146 | Third World Network of Scientific Organizations (TWNSO) | http://www.twnso.org/ | The Third World Network of Scientific organizations, (TWNSO), c/0 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics ( ICTP) StradaCpstoera 11- 340 14 Trieste, Italy Tel: +39 040 2240-683 Fax: +39 040 2240 689 E-mail:info@twnso.org |
147 | Animal Production & Health Division | web: http://www.iaea.org | Animal Production & Health Division, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box. 100, A-1400, Vienna (Austria ). e-mail: Official.Mail@iaea.org Fax: (+43-1) 2600-7 Tel: (+43-1) 2600-0 |
148 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) | http://en.unesco.org/ | Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth One UN Plaza, DC-1, 2nd Floor. New York, NY 10017 E-mail: youthenvoy@un.org |
149 | India-Republic of Korea Joint Applied R&D Programme 2014 Funding (IRKJAR&DP) | https://dst.gov.in/ callforproposals/call-proposals -under-india-republic-korea -joint-programme -cooperation-0 |
Scientist, International Cooperation Department of Science & Technology New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016 (OR) Researcher, Asia Cooperation Team Center for International Affairs National Research Foundation of Korea Tel : +82-2-3460-5704 |
150 | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation) | https://www.dfg.de/en/ | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) German Research Foundation Kennedyallee 40 53175 Bonn, Germany Telephone: +49 (228) 885-1 Telefax +49 (228) 885-2777 Link auf E-Mailpostmaster@dfg.de |
151 | Indo-US Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) | https://www.iusstf.org/ | Fulbright House, 12 Hailey Road, New Delhi-110001, India Tel: +91-11-42691700 , 23321552 |
152 | UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) | http://www.ukieri.org/ | UKIERI Secretariat-India British Council 17 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi 110001 image+91 11 4149 7384 / 7336 / 7252 imageukieri@britishcouncil.org |
153 | Global Innovation Technology Alliance (GITA) | https://gita.org.in/ | Lord SK Bhattacharyya Centre 249-F, Udyog Vihar-Phase IV, Scetor-18 Gurugram, Haryana 122015, India Tel: +0124-4014063 +91 11 4288 8003 gita@gita.org.in |
154 | DAAD- German Academic Exchange Service (Indo-German) | https://www.daad.de/en/ https://www.daad.in/ic-chennai |
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD), Kennedyallee 50, D-53175 Bonn Tel.: +49 228 882-0 Fax: +49 228 882-444 E-Mail: postmaster@daad.de (OR) DAAD Information Centre Chennai |
Corporate Training
Energy Research
Industry Institute Partnership
Center For Energy Research and Studies
Energy is essential utility for the economic growth of any country. Energy crisis and environmental degradation are the alarming twin concerns world wide. Nearly 70% of the world energy demand is met through fossil based fuels. Despite rapid depletion, fossil fuels pose severe threats to the environment in the form of global warming. This necessitates the need for increased attention on renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydel, tidal, wave, biomass etc. Active research work on the development and harnessing of energy from renewable sources is going on through out the world. Realizing the need for energy related research activities, and our institution greater emphasis on energy related research, a separate Centre for Energy Research and Studies has been created in our Institution to focus attention on the various aspects of energy research activities.. Already some research activities related to energy is underway by different departments of the institution. This centre focuses attention on consolidating the efforts taken already and further exploring the possibilities of active research on promoting renewable energy.

Contact Details
The objectives of the Centre for Energy Research and Studies (CERS) are
- To act as a Centre for contribution to the knowledge development in selected areas of energy planning, engineering and management.
- To take up research and development activities in selected aspects relating to energy extraction, conservation and efficient utilization.
- To provide inter-disciplinary approach to the solution of problems relating to conventional and non-conventional energy development and utilization.
- To function as a base for advanced training in energy related areas including renewable energy, conservation and sustainability.
- To organize short-term training courses, seminars and workshops for the benefit of industry personnel on various aspects of energy.
- To undertake consultancy studies on problems referred by industries and others on issues relating to energy conservation, efficient use and energy audit
- To collaborate with other institutions/universities both in India and abroad for undertaking research studies on problems of importance in the areas of energy engineering and management.
Projects Completed
The Centre for Energy Research and Studies is guided by a working committee to help the Director in day to day activities and an Advisory Committee comprising internal and external experts to advise in policy and other aspects related to energy.
Advisory Committee
- Dean (School of Mechanical and Building Sciences)
- Dean (School of Electrical and Communication Sciences)
- Dean (School of Science and Humanities)
- Director (CERS)
- Dr. R. Ravindran, NIOT, Chennai
- Dr. Muthuchezhian, VC, Periyar University, Salem.
- Dr. Suriyamurthy, Co advisor, Center for Energy, MK University
- Dr. Sedumathavan, professor, Institute for Energy Studies, Anna University, Chennai
- Dr. Srinivasa Reddy, Professor – Mechanical Engineering, IITM, Chennai
Working Committee
- Director (CERS) – Convener
- Head of Department (Mechanical Engineering)
- Head of Department (Electrical & Electronics Engg.)
- Head of Department (Civil Engineering)
- Head of Department (Polymer Technology)
- Head of Department (Chemistry)
- Head of Department (Physics)
Projects Ongoing / Sanctioned
The centre is currently focusing attention on the following research activities:
- Bio-fuel as an alternate energy for use in I.C. Engines (Alternate fuel).
- Generation of hydrogen gas using Solar power and Seawater (Solar energy).
- Development of a Tilt rotor for use in vertical Wind turbines (Wind energy)
- Development of Phase change material for use in Solar energy storage.
- Thin film coatings for Fuel cell (photovoltaic) applications
- Bio gas from solid wastes.

Consultancy Policy
The institution has executed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the following organizations in order to promote Industry-Institute-Interaction and undertaking of collaborative projects.
S.No. | Organization | Year |
1 | Basil Energetic (Private) Ltd | 2019 |
2 | Chennai Liver Foundation | 2019 |
3 | Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD & Centre for e-Learining, SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi | 2019 |
4 | Kankyo CleanTech Pvt Ltd | 2019 |
5 | Mili Institute of Higher Education, Afghanistan | 2019 |
6 | Pathfinder Enterprise Soultions Pvt Ltd | 2019 |
7 | Schizophrenia Research Foundation,Chennai | 2019 |
8 | Al Zaiem Al Azhari University, Sudan. | 2018 |
9 | ARK Infosolutions Pvt Ltd | 2018 |
10 | Central Depository Services (India) Ltd Mumbai | 2018 |
11 | Dr. Akhtar Kalaam, Smart Energy Unit, College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, Victoria, Australia | 2018 |
12 | Eaton MTL | 2018 |
13 | eStaarMax Technologies Pvt Ltd | 2018 |
14 | Frost & Sullivan India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai | 2018 |
15 | Gems (Education) Menasa (Cayman) Ltd | 2018 |
16 | Gems Education, UAE | 2018 |
17 | ITK Education Services Pvt Ltd Chennai | 2018 |
18 | J M Education Intiatives Pvt Ltd | 2018 |
19 | Keck center, University of Virginia, USA | 2018 |
20 | Madras Flying Club Ltd (MFC) Meenambakkam, Chennai, | 2018 |
21 | Myeasydocs (Incubated by IIT Madras, Chennai) | 2018 |
22 | Prag Robotics Pvt Ltd | 2018 |
23 | Red Hat India Private Limited | 2018 |
24 | SPACE KIDZ INDIA | 2018 |
25 | Spoken Tutorials (ST), IIT Bombay | 2018 |
26 | Tharakan Web Innovations Pvt Ltd (MYED) | 2018 |
27 | uLektz Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd | 2018 |
28 | Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia | 2018 |
29 | University of Missouri-Columbia, USA | 2018 |
30 | iBig foundation | 2017 |
31 | IBM India (P) Ltd., Bangalore | 2017 |
32 | Nokia Solutions And Networks India Private Limited | 2017 |
33 | Rubber Skill Development Council, delhi | 2017 |
34 | Shabeel Motors, Chennai | 2017 |
35 | Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Chennai | 2017 |
36 | University of Aberdeen, Scotland | 2017 |
37 | Aaranya biosciences | 2016 |
38 | Biozone Research Technologies Pvt., Ltd, Chennai | 2016 |
39 | Clinbio Labs Pvt Ltd Chennai | 2016 |
40 | Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia | 2016 |
41 | Geomarine biotechnologies | 2016 |
42 | Hi Rise Food technology lab | 2016 |
43 | iNuture Education solution (P) Ltd., Bangalore | 2016 |
44 | Jasmine Infortech Pvt LTD., Chennai | 2016 |
45 | LEED Green associate | 2016 |
46 | Ministry of Economics affairs, Taiwan | 2016 |
47 | National Entreprenurship Network, Bangalore | 2016 |
48 | NI System(INDIA) Pvt. Ltd. | 2016 |
49 | Nuggests Media Pvt Ltd., Chennai | 2016 |
50 | Revature Consultancy Services | 2016 |
51 | Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai | 2016 |
52 | Univeristy of Virginia, USA | 2016 |
53 | University of East London, UK | 2016 |
54 | V Clinbio, USA | 2016 |
55 | Xinovem Company Ltd., Chennai | 2016 |
56 | Centre for development for advance Computing, Chennai | 2015 |
57 | IN22 labs an innovation and incubation centre chennai | 2015 |
58 | Indiana Univeristy Purdue University, Indianapolies, IUPUI-USA | 2015 |
59 | Medal Healthcare private limited, Chennai | 2015 |
60 | Pentagrit Research, Chennai | 2015 |
61 | Thasim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kelakkarai | 2015 |
62 | ABE Seminconductors and Designs, Chennai | 2014 |
63 | Ane Books Pvt Ltd | 2014 |
64 | Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, New Delhi | 2014 |
65 | Cambridge English Language assessment (Part of University of Cambridge) | 2014 |
66 | Chennai Power and desalination training institute | 2014 |
67 | MoU with sarawak Foundation in Malaysia | 2014 |
68 | Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Sarawak (PPKS), Sarawak, Malaysia | 2014 |
69 | Sparx Systems | 2014 |
70 | Cranes Software International Limited | 2013 |
71 | Google Education | 2013 |
72 | Hibrise Technologies | 2013 |
73 | I-Medita leader in IT training | 2013 |
74 | Mahindra Consulting Engineers Ltd., Chennai | 2013 |
75 | Missouri State Univeristy, USA | 2013 |
76 | Apollo Tyres Ltd | 2012 |
77 | Garuda Vaayu Shakthi Limited | 2012 |
78 | Deakin University, Australia | 2011 |
79 | Gill Instruments, Bangalore, KA | 2011 |
80 | Mando Automotive India Private Limited | 2011 |
81 | MSME Development Institute, Chennai | 2011 |
82 | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia | 2011 |
83 | Vasavi Polymers, AP | 2011 |
84 | Altera Corporation, USA | 2010 |
85 | Cambridge University | 2010 |
86 | CIPET, Chennai. | 2010 |
87 | Enix technologies India PVT LTD, Trichy | 2010 |
88 | IEEE CS | 2010 |
89 | Novell, Chennai. | 2010 |
90 | Purdue University, Indiana, USA | 2010 |
91 | University of Cambridge, ESOL examinations | 2010 |
92 | Frontier Lifeline, Chennai. | 2009 |
93 | HCL Info System. | 2009 |
94 | Dynaspede Integrated Systems, Hosur. | 2008 |
95 | West Asia Exports & Imports Pvt. Ltd | 2008 |
96 | Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai. | 2007 |
97 | PREDIKTIVA Tech Pvt. Ltd, Chennai | 2007 |
98 | Arudra Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. | 2006 |
99 | Columbia University, USA | 2006 |
100 | IP rings limited, Maraimalai nagar | 2006 |
101 | IP Rings Ltd, Chennai. | 2006 |
102 | SRF Ltd, Chennai (Confidentiality agreement) | 2006 |
103 | HWASHIN Automotive | 2005 |
104 | Infosys Technologies Ltd Chennai. | 2005 |
105 | LAMCO Lighting Arrester Chennai. | 2005 |
106 | WIPRO TECH, Chennai. | 2005 |
107 | FORD India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai. | 2004 |
108 | M/s FORD India Pvt Ltd | 2004 |
109 | ETA-ASCON, UAE. | 2003 |
110 | ACCEL Tech Ltd, Chennai. | 2002 |
111 | TANSTIA-FNF Service | 2002 |
112 | CISCO Networking Academy, | 2001 |
113 | SISI, Chennai. | 2001 |
114 | SUN Micro Systems India Pvt. Ltd, Blr. | 2001 |
115 | AU-FRG institute For CAD/CAM, Chennai | 1998 |
116 | CLRI, Chennai. | 1998 |
117 | IGCAR, Kalpakkam | 1998 |
118 | Bi-Tech, Chennai. | 1996 |
Crescent Seed Money
Visit of Japanese Team from M/s Mosaique
Event: Visit of Japanese Team from M/s Mosaique
Date : 18th Feb 2022
Venue: CSE Seminar hall, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.

Webinar Talk on “Scientific Writing and Publication Ethics”
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars of B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Title of the talk: Scientific Writing and Publication Ethics
Date : 13.11.2021
Venue: Online
Click here to view the Report
Seminar for Research Scholars
Event: Seminar for Research Scholars
Date: 04.10.2021
Venue: Research Seminar Hall
Title: Talk on Research Software Tool–Honest publication
Click here to view the Report
Teachers day
Event : Teachers day
Date: 06-09-21
Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Location: Auditorium, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Objective: Research Incentive Award 2021

Webinar Talk on “Application Development and TH Code Processing”
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars of Dhanalakshmi Engineering College
Title of the talk: Application Development and TH Code Processing
Date : 24.08.2021
Venue: Online

Webinar Talk on New Education policy (NEP 2020)
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars
Date : 09.08.2021
Venue: Online
CIIC 2nd Foundation Day and Demo Day
Event : CIIC 2nd Foundation Day and Demo Day
Date : 27.03.2021
Venue: Convention Centre, BSACIST
Objective: Startup incubated
Webinar Talk on National Conference – Inaugural address as Chief Guest
Event : Webinar Talk on National Conference – Inaugural address as Chief Guest
Date : 03.07.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Innovation.

Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Event : Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Date : 03.04.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on Research software Tool-Honest Publication to research Scholars
Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Event: Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Date: 17.04.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: How to Write High Quality Technical Paper through Good Ethical Practices and Searching Techniques
Webinar on International Virtual Workshop
Event : Webinar on International Virtual Workshop
Date : 19.03.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on “Research Ethics-Software Tools for Doing Research Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals”
Award of Seed money to the Faculty / research students 2020-21
Event: Seed Money Sanction order handing over to awardee
Date: 2pm on 13-03-2021
Venue: Vice Chancellor’s Chamber
Objective: To promote Sponsor Projects, Research Patent Publication, Consultancy and Training, Publications

Interaction with Chairman, TamilNadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) along with other educational Institutions regarding utilization of CAAQM stations and Data
Event: Interaction with TNPCB officials
Date: 11.30am on 25-02-2021
Venue: TNPCB Seminar Hall, Chennai
Objective: To analyse the data generated from CAAQM stations

Inauguration of Biogas Plant@ BSARCIS&T, Vandalur Jointly Established by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) and M/s. KankyoCleantech LLP, Chennai
Event: Inauguration of Biogas Plant@ BSARCIS&T, Vandalur
Date: 03rd December 2020
- To lure bright youngsters to take up research activities on full time basis
- To associate with Scientific Testing for related projects
- To promote and enhance the pilot units to industry standards
- To create innovative knowledge on Biogas Generation through recycle the food waste

Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patents and Consultancy
Event: Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patents and Consultancy
Date: 23rd November 2020
Venue: B.S.A R. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Crescent School of Pharmacy (Seminar Hall)
Objective: To promote sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.

Inauguration of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) @ BSARCIST, Vandalur Jointly organized and implemented by Government of Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
Event: Inauguration of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) @ BSARCIST, Vandalur Jointly organized and implemented by Government of Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
Date: 28th October 2020
Objective: Environmental and Pollution Monitoring

Webinar by Sri. A.Satish, IRSE, Dy. Chief Engineer/Designs, Guwhathi, North Frontier Railway, Government of India.
Event: Webinar on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness”
Date: 07.07.2020 (Tuesday)
Objective : To promote online teaching, sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Webinar on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness”
Webinar by Sri. Sanjeev Kumar Varshney, Adviser & Head, International Division, Department of Science & Technology, GOI
Event: Webinar on “Various project opportunities for DST funding – Strategies on International cooperation”
Date: 23.05.2020 (Saturday)
Objective: To promote international sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.
Webinar on “Various project opportunities for DST funding – Strategies on International cooperation”
Webinar – “Why and How to write paper/proposal for Research, Projects, Patents and Consultancy”
Event: Webinar – “Why and How to write paper/proposal for Research, Projects, Patents and Consultancy” – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Date: 21st April 2020
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (Online)
Objectives of the event: To promote paper /proposal for research, patent, consultancy and training etc.
Incinerator (Waste Treatment Technology) Commissioned @ BSARCIST, Vandalur
Product Description: Incinerator (Waste Treatment Technology)
Capacity: 30 Kgs./Hr
Objective: Is an agri- waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials.
Company Name: M/s. MKR Enterprises, Chennai.

Review of the talk in CITL studio related to the Research Methodology introduction – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Event: Review of the talk in CITL studio related to the Research Methodology introduction – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Date: 11th March 2020
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology – Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning CITL
Objectives of the event: To address the Research Methodology subject to research scholars, Engineers, Post Graduate students through video-based lecture
Research Methodology by Dr. T. Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
BRIDGE 2020–Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of Asia
Name of the Event: BRIDGE 2020–Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of Asia
Organized by: ICT Academy and B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Theme: Augmenting Skills, Accelerating Growth
Date of the Event: 25th Feb 2020
Venue: IITM Research Park, Chennai.
Objective of the Event:
- To bridge the Industry – Academia gap on Leadership, Research and Talent summit
- To provide solutions to researchers, students and faculties on Augmenting Skills, Accelerating Growth
How to identify Research Problem, Write HQ Research Papers and Proposals
Event: How to identify Research Problem, Write HQ Research Papers and Proposals
Date: 14.02.2020 (Friday)
Venue: MBA – Seminar Hall (I Floor, Management Block)

Visit of Prof. Shakeel Ahmed, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi to Crescent
Date: 16th December 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (Civil, ECE & MECH)
Objectives of the visit: To promote sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.

Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patterns and Consultancy
Date: 24th October 2019
Venue: B.S.A R. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Seminar Hall)
Objective: To promote sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.

Brief Report on the visit of UGC Expert Committee to Crescent
Date: 19th September 2019
Objective of the visit: To visit 3 pilot units for promotion of sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Visit of Japanese officers to Crescent
Date: 18th September 2019
Objective of the visit: To promote sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Visit of Prof. Parthasarathy, Senior Scientist, INSA & Adjunct Prof.@Crescent
Date: 13th September 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Visit of Prof. K. Ramarathnam, Chairman, BASIL Energetic Pvt Ltd
Date: 06th September 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (MECH, CA, CSE, ECE & Chemistry dept)
Visit of Dr. JVSSN. Murthy, Ex. GM, OMGC Ltd.
Date: 28th August 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (IT, CSE, CA & Aerospace Engg.)
Extramural R & D Projects 2010-2015
Topic: Extramural R & D Report
Date : 22/07/2019
Report on Outcome of Extramural R & D Projects 2010-2015
Visit of Dr. K. Balaraman, Director General, NIWE, Government of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Topic of the invited talk: Smart Energy System for Renewable Energy
Date : 30th July 2019
Venue : Seminar Hall – III

Visit of Officers from Swachh Bharat mission and others to Crescent
Date: 19th July 2019, Time: 12.30-13.00
Objective of the visit: To visit 3 pilot units for promotion of sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training
Waste Management Setup of Mira Carb STP, Vermi Filter, Biobox Biogas and PyroCraker (4 Pilot Units) at Near Boys Hostel, BSARCIST, Vandalur
Date : Inaugurated on 28.06.2019
- To lure bright youngsters to take up research activities on a full time basis
- To associate with Scientific Testing for related projects
- To promote and enhance the Pilot units to industry standards
- To create innovative knowledge on the sub field of these pilot units

A one-day Workshop on “Data Analysis and Visualization Using R”
Date : 14th Mar 2019
Venue : Seminar Hall-III, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

National Science Day Lecture
Event: National Science Day Lecture
Date : 28-02-2019
Venue: Mechanical Seminar Hall, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai

Two Days workshop on “Data Analytics and Data Visualization using R
Date : 21st to 22nd – 2 – 2019
Venue : Crescent Library
Resource Persons : Dr.K.Prabhkar, Dr.Syed Mohammed, Mr.Pari, Ms.B.Pushpa, Ms.V.Jean Shilpa

From Left : Dr.Harinarayan (Director, ESPIRAC), Dr.A.Azad (Registrar), Dr.K.Prabhakar
MoU between BSAR Crescent Institute of science & Technology with SCARF
Date: 25-01-2019

MoU : BSAR Crescent Institute of science & Technology with Kankyo Group of companies
Date: 09-01-2019

One Day Workshop on Sponsored Project Proposals
Date of the event: 04-01-2019
Venue: Civil Conference Hall
Resource Person : Dr.R.K.Sinha, senior officer from CSIR head quarters, Govt of Indian, New Delhi

One Day Workshop on Qualitative Writing of Sponsored Project Proposals
Date of the event: 04-01-2019
Venue: Seminar Hall-I
Resource Person : Dr. K. Gopalakrishnan, Dean (Research & Development), from New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore

Inauguration of Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council
Guest : Shri G Subba Rao, a retired IAS officer
Date: 12:12:2018

Inauguration of Center for Competitive Exams
Date: 12-12-18

Leadership Training for School Headmasters and Principals
Guest : Shri G Subba Rao, a retired IAS officer
Date: 10th December 2018
Venue: Audiotorium

Seminar on “How to write project proposal in International collaboration projects”
Date of the event : 2nd November 2018
Venue – Seminar Hall 1
Resource person : Dr. C. Sivaji, senior scientist, Head, International Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi.

“Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents”
Date : 20-22 JULY 2018
Venue: Seminar Hall 2
Resource Person: Dr. Subhendu Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist, CLRI are external resource persons and provided inputs on patenting process.

In order to promote the IIP coordination and improve the industrial consultancy following activities are taken up by all the departments.
- Arranging industry visits to students and faculty
- Taking up industry oriented applied projects for final year UG and PG students
- Inviting industry experts to deliver lectures in symposia, seminars and conferences organizing exhibitions / model contests / competitions to show case the efforts taken up by the students
- Signing MoUs with industries and organizations for fruitful interaction
- Conducting training programmes to industry personnel and provide certificate courses
- Taking up consultancy services , testing support , product development and trouble shooting work for industries and so on
There are 37 MoUs signed by various departments from the inception of this institution till date in order to strengthen the interaction and research promotion with the following objectives. (see MOU)
Industry – University Meet 2011
Organized “Industry – University Meet 2011” on 6th Jan 2011 at the Convention centre. The main objective of the meet is to bridge the gap and promote the interaction between industry and university. More than 50 industries’ top executives participated the Meet and had detailed discussion with the faculty members to have continued interaction in training and consultancy support.

Department | Consultancy and training programmes to industry (Rs lakhs) |
MECHANICAL | 39.56 |
CIVIL | 8.85 |
EEE | 4.00 |
ECE | 0.47 |
IT | 0.40 |
CA | 2.20 |
CBS | 1.00 |
Total | 64.78 |
Prof. T Harinarayana, Ph.D (ISM), Ph.D (UK)
Centre for Sustainable Development,
BSAR Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Advisor, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad.
Research Council, CSIR-NGRI
Governing Council, IIIT-Vadodara
Fellow: RANS, Moscow;GSA, Gujarat; IGU, Hyderabad; GSI, Bengaluru
Former: Director General, GERMI
Chief Scientist, CSIR-NGRI
Mobile: 91-9099097528
Phone: +44-22759231 Ext.228
Email: director.cers@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, directorsrc@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, t.harinarayana@gmail.com, thari54@yahoo.com
Web: www.germi.org, www.tharinarayana.net, http://byt.digital/wordpress/crescent/center-for-sponsored-research/
Earlier as:
Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan (2004)
Visiting Scientist, University of Texas at Austin, USA (2009)
S.No | Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator / Co Investigator | Name of Funding Agency | Type (Government/Non-Government) | Department of Principal Investigator / Co Investigator | Year of Award | Funds Provided (In Lakhs) |
1 | Development of Hybrid Rocket Motor | Dr.P.N.Kadiresh, Professor, kadiresh@crescent.education, CO-PI – Sri Nithya Mahottmannada, Assistant Professor, mahoaero@crescent.education |
Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB), (DRDO) | Government | Aerospace Engineering | 2017-18 | 9.79 |
2 | Demo vehicle for mechanical / utomobile engineering students for educational and demo purpose | Dr. Ashok Ghosh, hodaero@crescent.education | M/s. Hyundai motor india foundation | Non Government | Automobile Engineering |
2016-17 | 8.08 |
3 | A novel access to indolizidines and quinolizidine alkaloids through stereoselective N-tethered intramolecular cyclopropanation of pyridine | Dr. J. Elangovan | Depatment of Science and Technology (DST-SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2016-17 | 48.70 |
4 | Development of Graphene SrTio3 based hybird photocatalytic system for the production of solar fuels | Dr. Noor Aman Ahrar Mundari, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) nooraman_am@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2015-16 | 24.98 |
5 | Synthesis of Novel Low Band Gap Polymer Materials for Solar Cell Applications | Dr. Vajjiravel Murugesan, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.),044-22751347, 48. 50 vajjiravel_m@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2015-16 | 23.78 |
6 | Synthesis, characterization and optimization of QDs on TiO2 surface for quantum dot solar cells | Dr. M. Asha Jhonsi, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) asha@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2015-16 | 19.76 |
7 | Palladium catalysed Buchwald Hartwig coupling of 2-C hydroxymethyl D glycols and aryl halides : Synthesis of functionalized C – Aryl Glycosides | Dr.Bhagavathy, Associate Professor bhagavathy@crescent.education |
Depatment of Science and Technology (DST) | Government | Chemistry | 2014-15 | 42.60 |
8 | Applications of Gold Catalysis For The Synthesis Of Bioactive Heterocyclic And Natural Product Mimic | Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) karthikeyan_kesav@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2014-15 | 19.66 |
9 | Bismuth titanite quantum photo voltage application | Ms. Saai Harini | Depatment of Science and Technology (DST) | Government | Chemistry | 2014-15 | 18.14 |
10 | Seismic performanceof exterior beam column joint using ferrocement jacket | Dr. J. Revathy, Professor revathyj@crescent.education |
Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Civil Engineering |
2016-17 | 0.10 |
11 | Application of nano particles in green concrete for sustainable built enviroinment | Dr. J. Revathy Professor revathyj@crescent.education |
Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Civil Engineering |
2016-17 | 0.10 |
12 | Sesmic retrofitting of pre-stressed concrete beams externally bonded with fibre reinforced polymer composites | Dr. J. Revathy Professor revathyj@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Civil Engineering |
2015-16 | 4.50 |
13 | Seismic performance of FRP confined concrete filled steel tubular columns | Dr.P.Gajalakshmi, Professor gajalakshmi@crescent.education |
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES) | Government | Civil Engineering |
2014-15 | 29.10 |
14 | Tamil Tholkappiam | Dr. Shriram | Tamil Virtual Academy (TVA) | Government | Computer Science and Engineering | 2017-18 | 2.50 |
15 | Prof S.Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Dr. K. M. Mehata | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Computer Science and Engineering | 2015-16 | 5.03 |
16 | Prof S.Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Dr. K. M. Mehata | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Computer Science and Engineering | 2014-15 | 1.29 |
17 | Development of hybrid nano based BLDC motor and validation of the design by using VLSI technology | Dr. K. Boopathy | Defence Research and Development organisation (DRDO) | Government | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2017-18 | 9.79 |
18 | Antimicrobial Efficacy and Mechanisms of Whole Plant Extract of Acacia Arabica with Triphala on Biofilm Forming Cariogenic Microorganisms | Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Associate Professor, Dean (Student Affairs) & Chief Proctor karthikeyan.sls@crescent.education |
The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy (AYUSH-EMR) | Government | Life Sciences | 2017-18 | 33.00 |
19 | Synthesis of antimicrobial nanoemulsions for the treatment of multi-drug resistant ESKAPE pathogens | Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Associate Professor, Dean (Student Affairs) & Chief Proctor karthikeyan.sls@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2017-18 | 23.28 |
20 | Immunosuppressive cells within inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment | Dr. Neesar Ahmed, Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) neesar.sls@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2016-17 | 22.66 |
21 | Antioxidant gene polymorphisms and ROS in cancer risk | Dr. Soumen Bera, bera.sls@crescent.education | Department of Biotechnology (DBT) | Government | Life Sciences | 2016-17 | 24.75 |
22 | Identifying the molecular basis of peroxidase activity of Peroxiredoxin 6 – An approach for designing Antioxidant Peptides and Inhibitors | Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Associate Professor khurshid.sls@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2015-16 | 14.30 |
23 | gpX1 gene polymorphisms and mitochondrial ROS signaling in cancer risk | Dr. Soumen Bera, bera.sls@crescent.education | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2015-16 | 24.70 |
24 | To study the effect of diclofenac and osmolytes on protein estability in renal disfunction | Dr. Shazia Jamal, Assistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) shazia.sls@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2014-15 | 13.60 |
25 | The effect of aluminum on TiAlN, CrALN and ZrAlN coatings using RF powered Magnetron Sputtering |
Dr. S. Beer Mohamed | University Grants Commission -DAE consortium for Scientific Research | Government | Mechanical Engineering | 2015-16 | 8.21 |
26 | Wear behavior of duplex coated steels | Dr.R.Rajendran, Assistant Professor rajendrandr@crescent.education |
University Grants Commission -DAE consortium for Scientific Research | Government | Mechanical Engineering | 2014-15 | 5.37 |
27 | Demo vehicle for mechanical engineering students for study and training purpose | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Prof. & Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences dean.sms@crescent.education |
M/s. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. | Non Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2014-15 | 14.00 |
28 | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar of Chettinad Endowment Fund | Mr.T. Velmurugan, Physical Training Instructor velmurugan@crescent.education |
Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah of Chettinadu | Non Government | Physical Education | 2017-18 | 0.3 |
29 | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Dr . R. Auvai | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Physical Education | 2017-18 | 0.6 |
30 | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar of Chettinad Endowment Fund | Dr . R. Auvai | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah of Chettinadu | Non Government | Physical Education | 2016-17 | 5.0 |
31 | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Dr . R. Auvai | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Physical Education | 2016-17 | 1.46 |
32 | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Dr . R. Auvai | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Physical Education | 2015-16 | 1.28 |
33 | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar of Chettinad Endowment Fund | Mr. Hamanulla, N Deputy Director hamanulla.ped@crescent.education |
Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah of Chettinadu | Non Government | Physical Education | 2015-16 | 0.56 |
34 | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar of Chettinad Endowment Fund | Dr . R. Auvai | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah of Chettinadu | Non Government | Physical Education | 2014-15 | 0.42 |
35 | Construction of optical logic gates using soliton collisions and study of electrical solitons in nonlinear transmission lines | Dr. M. Vijaya jayanthi, Assistant Professor vijaya@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Physics | 2016-17 | 32.44 |
36 | Development of Graphene and Metal Nanoparticles Reinforced Flexible Polymer nanocomposites for Effective Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding Applications | Dr. M. Basheer, Ahamed Professor & Head hodphysics@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Physics | 2016-17 | 28.01 |
37 | Investigation of multirate properties of reraearth and transition metal dopped bismuth for functional applications | Dr. Shameem banu, Professor shameembanu@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Physics | 2015-16 | 23.55 |
38 | Synthesis and characterization of multiferrote nano composite for functional applications | Dr. Shameem banu, Professor shameembanu@crescent.education |
Depatment of Science and Technology (DST) | Government | Physics | 2015-16 | 14.19 |
39 | Investigation of chaotic and strange nonchaotic phenomena in coupled nonlinear circuits and systems | Prof. I Raja Mohamed, Professor & Dean (Research) dean.academicresearch@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Physics | 2014-15 | 32.46 |
40 | Preparation of rare-earth doped molybdate nanostructures using soft chemical route for optp electronic applications | Dr. J. Thirumalai | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Physics | 2014-15 | 23.64 |
41 | Development of Oil Absorbing Polymer Product for Efficient Removal of Oil Spils in Sea water | Dr. R. Vasanthakumari | Naval Research Board (NRB) |
Government | Ploymer Nanotechnology |
2014-15 | 20.04 |
42 | Automation of Climate Control inside a naturally ventilated polyhouse (GREEN HOUSE) |
Dr. M. ParvezAlam, ceociic@crescent.education & Mr. Kannan Ganapathi |
Government of Tamilnadu, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (TN-EDII) | Government | ciic | 2018-19 | 10.00 |
43 | A smart intravenous dripper System for centralized monitoring and automatic control of intravenous fluid. | Dr. M. Parvez Alam, ceociic@crescent.education & Mr.Radhakrisnan Jothiram |
Government of Tamilnadu, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (TN-EDII) | Government | ciic | 2018-19 | 10.00 |
44 | Islets Cells Transplantation | Dr. M. Parvez Alam , ceociic@crescent.education & Dr. Nithya Kalyani |
Government of Tamilnadu, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (TN-EDII) | Government | ciic | 2018-19 | 5.00 |
45 | Development of 17 hp Tractor for Indian Environment | Dr. R. Rajendran, Assistant Professor rajendrandr@crescent.education |
M/s. SAEINDIA Pvt. Ltd. | Non Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2018-19 | 4.00 |
46 | Health and Sanitation of Wheels | Dr. M. Parvez Alam, ceociic@crescent.education & Mr. Ravi Senji |
Government of Tamilnadu, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (TN-EDII) | Government | Management Studies |
2018-19 | 2.15 |
47 | Be the changeTeaching learning process – Short Term Training Program (STTP) |
Dr. Nikhat Hamza, directorhr@bsauniv.ac.in & Dr. C. Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Non Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2019-20, 3 Months | 2.74 |
48 | Fault diagnosis on single stage helical planetary gearbox using machine learning algorithms | Aquib Yousuf, Aravind.V.K, Aravinda Krishnan.A, Farhanuddin.S.M. Syed Shaul Hameed | Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2018-19 | 0.08 |
49 | ROBOLAB-4.0 engineering students for educational and skill purpose | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen Prof. & Dean, School of Mechanical Sciences dean.sms@crescent.education |
M/s.Prag Robotics Pvt Ltd | Non Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2018-19 | 120.00 |
50 | End to End Water Management Solution | Dr. M. Parvez Alam, ceociic@crescent.education & Mr.Mohideen |
Government of Tamilnadu, Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute (TN-EDII) | Government | Management Studies |
2018-19 | 2.00 |
51 | Mechanistic anti-tumour activity of vernodaline isolated from centratherum anthelminticum on colorectal cancel cells | Dr. P. Ashok Kumar, Associate Professor ashokkumar.sls@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Life Sciences | 2018-19 | 18.30 |
52 | Endophytic diversity of herbal plant Hibiscus | Dr.Wasima. M, Assistant Professor wasima.sls@crescent.education |
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) | Government | Life Sciences | 2018-19 | 8.00 |
53 | Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Techniques – Short Term Training Program (STTP) | Dr. G. Kavitha, Associate Professor gkavitha.78@crescent.education & Dr. P.Latchoumy, Associate Professor latchoumy@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Information Technology | 2020,3 Months | 1.68 |
54 | Data Driven Techniques for Business Analytics using R Programming, Python and Tableau – Short Term Training Programme [STTP) | Dr. PANBOLI S, Associate Professor panboli@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Management Studies |
21.02.2020,1 Year | 2.00 |
55 | Phycoremediation of CO2 Level in sub urban area via CO2 Sequestration by native microalgae : an eco friendly approach | Dr D Mubarak Ali, Assistant Professor mubarakali.sls@crescent.education M Santhosh Kumar A Aravindh |
Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Life Sciences | 2018-19 | 0.08 |
56 | Cellular Automata Models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves | Dr. E.Syed MohamedAssociate Professor & Dy. Director (Campus Development, Maintenance & Security) kalil@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Computer Science and Engineering | 2018 | 12.48 |
834.22 |
1 | Antennas for Satellite Communication Space Segment | Dr.K.Natarajan Selvarani Dept. of ECE |
AICTE | 1998-99 | 7 |
2 | Multi Channel ECG Analysis Using Neural Works | Dr.K.Natarajan Ms. Sumathi Dept. of ECE |
AICTE | 2000-01 | 10 |
3 | Evaluation of Fibre Optic Modulation Multiplexing & Transmission Characteristics | Mr.S.Malarkkan Dept. of ECE |
AICTE | 2000-01 | 10 |
4 | Cryogenic treatment of Steel Weldments | Dr.Angamuthu Dept. of Mechanical Engg. |
AICTE | 2000-01 | 5 |
5 | Fuzzy Logic Based Split Range in Control | Dr.T.Thyagarajan Dept. of EEE |
AICTE | 2000-01 | 2 |
6 | Performance Study of Outdoor Polymeric Insulators | Mr. R. Raja Prabhu Dept. of EEE |
AICTE | 2001-02 | 6 |
7 | Industry Institute of Partnership Cell | Dr.T.Thyagarajan Dept. of EEE |
AICTE | 2002-03 | 8 |
8 | Cascaded Fuzzy controller for Combustion control of utility Boiler | TR.Rangaswamy, Dept. of ICE |
AICTE | 2002-03 | 3.7 |
9 | Investigation of Dev.of Cost Effective Fiberglass Distribution Support Structure | Dr.T.Thyagarajan Dept. of EEE |
AICTE | 2002-03 | 9 |
10 | Dev. and Character-ization of Polyaniline based conducting Polymeric Nano Composite | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
AICTE | 2003-04 | 17.5 |
11 | Entrepreneur Development | Dr. V.M. Periasamy Principal |
DST | 2003-04 | 8.77 |
12 | Mechanistic studies on flame retardant glass fibre reinforced resin formulations foe low cost roofing /panel structure | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
Naval Research Board | 2007-10 | 14.29 |
13 | Modernisation of Polymer Processing Lab | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
AICTE | 2007-10 | 6.07 |
14 | Interactive Route finder (funded by Institution of Engineers) | Students Project Dept. of CSE |
Institute of Engineers | 2007-08 | 0.37 |
15 | Development of heated gloves for soldiers in cold mountain areas (Joint project with IIT Madras) |
Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
Defense Institute of Physiological and Applied Sciences (DIPAS) | 2008-09 | 3.96 |
16 | Novel Polymeric electrolytes from chemically modified polyvinylidene fluoride and polyethylene oxide for rechargeable lithium battery | Dr.S.S.M. Abdul Majeed Dept. of Polymer |
SERC, DST | 2008-11 | 26.44 |
17 | Optimisation of Cryogenic Treatment of Engineering Materials | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen Dr. R. Rajendran Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
AICTE, R&D | 2008-11 | 3 |
18 | Development of magnetic polymer product for efficient removal of oil in sea water | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
NRB | 2009-11 | 21.66 |
19 | Modernisation of Measurements and Instruments Lab | Dr. I. Md. Rafequidin Dept. of E&IE |
AICTE | 2009-11 | 13.85 |
20 | Development of polymer product for efficient removal of oil spills in sea water | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
Naval Research Board | 2009-12 | 21.66 |
21 | Development of high temperature resistant polyimide based nanofiber for electrode and membrane application | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
DST, Nano Mission | 2009-12 | 91.59 |
22 | Low loss and high shock absorbing potting materials for microwave applications | Dr. S.S.M. Abdul Majeed Dept. of Polymer Technology |
Armament Research Board, DRDO | 2010-13 | 8.15 |
23 | 3D magnetic field sensor using flux gate and hall effect technique for low magnetic fields | Dr. K N Srinivas Dr. R. Raja Prabu Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. |
Armament Research Board, DRDO | 2010-13 | 8.9 |
24 | Development of heating pads for soldiers in high mountain areas (Joint project with IIT Madras) | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer |
DIPAS – DRDO | 2010-13 | 3.96 |
25 | Development of Heated pads for soldiers in cold mountain areas | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari Dept. of Polymer Dr. T.S. Natarajan Prof. of Physics, IIT |
DIPAS – DRDO | 2010-13 | 9.62 |
26 | Abrasive wear studies of electroless nickel coated Aluminium for cylinder liner application | Dr. R. Rajendran Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
RSL, UK | 2010-13 | 3.2 |
27 | Automatic Power and Performance Management of Virtualised Data Centres | Dr. R. Shriram Dept. of CSE |
Computer Society of India | 2011-14 | 0.25 |
28 | Content Based Information Retrieval for Tamil | Dr. R. Shriram Ms. W. Aisha Banu Dept. of CSE |
Tamil Virtual Academy | 2011-14 | 2.94 |
29 | Palladium catalysed Buchwald Hartwig coupling of 2-C hydroxymethyl D glycols and aryl halides : Synthesis of functionalized C – Aryl Glycosides | Dr. Baghavathy Prof. of Chemistry |
DST | 2011-14 | 42.6 |
TOTAL | 369.48 |
List of Ongoing Projects 2018-22
S. No. | Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator / Co Investigator | Name of Funding Agency | Type (Government/Non-Government) | Department of Principal Investigator / Co Investigator | Year of Award | Funds Provided (In Lakhs) |
1 | Evaluation of Herbal Tea for the treatment of Urolithiasis | Dr.Venkatalakshmi Ranganathan, Associate Professor | CERVI, UCSI University, Centre of Excellence for Research value Innovation Entrepreunership | Government | Pharmacy | 12-01-2022 | 9.4 |
2 | The efficiency of nano emulsion- based nutrient delivery systems…final product quality | Dr.Karthikeyan Ramalingam | DBT | Government | Life Sciences | 14-7-22 | 90 |
3 | Startup India Fund Scheme | Dr.M.Parvez Alam,CEO-CIIC ceociic@crescent.education | Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Dept for promotion of Industry and Internal Trade | Government | Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council(CIIC) | 2021 | 210.00 |
4 | BioIncubatorGrant (Bio Nest) | Dr. M. Parvez Alam & Dr.S.Hemalatha, Prof. & Dean, 044 22759215 Ext:215 dean.sls@crescent.education |
Biotechnology Industry Reseach Assistance Council (BIRAC) | Government | Life Sciences and CIIC | 2018 | 240.00 |
5 | Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) | Dr. VasanthiPadmanabhan Prof. & Dean, School of Infrastructure dean.infrastructure@crescent.education& Dr.A.Kaliluthin, AssociateProfessor & Director (Campus Development, Maintenance & Security) kalil@crescent.education |
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) | Government | Civil & Estate office |
2019 | 150.00 |
6 | Training program on “Automotive Embedded System” | Dr.C.Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education |
M/s. Jasmin Infotech | Non Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2018 | 40.00 |
7 | Structural Behavior of Corroding Prestressed Concrete Systems and Extension of Service Life using Cathodic Protection | Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | DST, SERB, New Delhi | Government | Civil | 2018 | 39.60 |
8 | Smart Textile with Antimicrobial and Water Repellent Properities for Coronavirus -Intenational Project | Dr. D. Mubarak Ali Assistant Professor mubarakali.sls@crescent.education,Dr. S. Hemalatha,Prof. & Dean, dean.sla@crescent.education |
Kasetsart University, Department of Materials Engineering, Thailand | Government | Life Sciences | 2020 | 38.00 |
9 | Development of low cost reader for soil macronutrient detection using printed electrode and integrated android application from the department of biotechnology. | Dr.C.Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education |
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) |
Government | ECE | 2021 | 35.84 |
10 | Formulating antibiotic resistance breakers to control multidrug resistant pathogenic bacteria | Dr. S. Hemalatha , Prof. & Dean, dean.sls@crescent.education & Mrs. Ranjani. Scientific Assistant,ranjani.sls@crescent.eductation |
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) |
Government | Life Sciences | 2018 | 30.34 |
11 | Role of naturally occurring small molecules in transthyretin-induced familial amyloid cardiomyopathy | Dr. Sheeza Khan, Assistant Professor sheezakhan.sls@crescent.education |
Department of Science & Technology (DST) | Government | Life Sciences | 2021 | 6.74 |
12 | Supply Erection, Installation, Commissioning, Operation and Manitenance of Co-Digestion plant for Organic Fraction of Leftover Food waste, Vegetable peels and Fruit peels for Biogas generation from Hotel industry on Turnkey basis – Biogas Plant | Dr. T. Harinarayana, Professor director.cers@crescent.education |
CSIR-Central Leather Research Insititute funded by Department of Science and Technology (CLRI & DST) |
Government | Centre for Sustainable Development | 2018 | 21.70 |
13 | Mira crab STP-1m3 Capacity advanced japanese waste water technology | Dr. T. Harinarayana, Professor director.cers@crescent.education |
KankyoCleantech (I) Pvt Ltd | Non Government | Centre for Sustainable Development | 2018 | 20.00 |
14 | Vermi filter 1m3 capacity vermi operated STP | Dr. T. Harinarayana, Professor director.cers@crescent.education |
KankyoCleantech (I) Pvt Ltd | Non Government | Centre for Sustainable Development | 2018 | |
15 | Biobox Biogas 50 kg capacity containarised bio gas technology. | Dr. T. Harinarayana,Professor director.cers@crescent.education |
KankyoCleantech (I) Pvt Ltd | Non Government | Centre for Sustainable Development | 2018 | |
16 | Piro cracker 25 kg capacity plastic pirolysis unit | Dr. T. Harinarayana, Professor director.cers@crescent.education |
KankyoCleantech (I) Pvt Ltd | Non Government | Centre for Sustainable Development | 2018 | |
17 | Modernization of RF and microwave lab for signal quality measurementss in sub 3Ghz-Morderisation and Removal of obsolescence(MODRB) | DR.C.Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education,MR.Ramesh kumar |
AICTE | Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2018 | 20.00 |
18 | Light induced process of Hierarchical electron cascade system, Materials and Devices for Solar energy conversion | Dr. Asha Jhons Mariadoss, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) asha@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Chemistry | 2018 | 18.30 |
19 | Corrosion protection and service life extension of reinforced concrete roofing systems in existing buildings | Ms.Roopa, Assistant, Professor roopa@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Civil | 2019 | 18.30 |
20 | Design of Antennas for 5G Applications | Ms.SivashanmugaValli, Assistant Professor sivashanmugavalli@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2018 | 18.30 |
21 | “Synthesis and Characterization of ZrO2 Dispersed Ti, Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-5V, Ti-6Al-7Nb composite” | Dr. Karunanithi, Associate Professor, karunanithi@crescent.education+91 44 2275 1347,48,50(Office) | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2018 | 18.30 |
22 | An Evaluation Yoga Module in Lung Inflammation and ALRI | Dr. S. Hemalatha, Prof. & Dean, dean.sls@crescent.education& Mrs. Ranjani |
Department of Science and Technology (DST) -(SATHYAM) | Government | Life Sciences | 2020 | 15.00 |
23 | Demo vehicle for mechanical / automobile engineering students for study and training purpose | Dr. Ashok Ghosh, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.),+ 91 (44) 22759242 Extn: 242,Email ID : hodauto@crescent.education | M/s. Ford India Pvt. Ltd. | Non Government | Automobile Engineering |
2018 | 14.97 |
24 | Skill and Personality Development Program Centre for SC/ST students (SPDC) | Dr. N. Prakash, Associate Professor prakash@crescent.education Dr R. PriyadarshiniAssistant Professor (Sel. Gr.) rpriyadarshini@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Information Technology | 2019 | 14.68 |
25 | Cellular Automata Models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves | Dr. E.Syed MohamedAssociate Professor & Dy. Director (Campus Development, Maintenance & Security) kalil@crescent.education |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | Government | Computer Science and Engineering | 2018 | 12.48 |
26 | Modernization and upgradation of Structural Engineering Laboratory – Establishment of Non-Destructive Testing Facility for Concrete (MODROB) | Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan Prof. & Dean, School of Infrastructure dean.infrastructure@crescent.education& Dr. J. Revathy, Professor revathyj@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Civil | 2019 | 10.00 |
27 | Evaluation of Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP) System for reinforced concrete applications | Prof. Haji Sheik Mohammed Professor of Civil Engineering & Dean – Academic Affairs, Director – PC3S dean_acad@crescent.education |
RadheStructorepair Pvt Ltd., | Non Government | Civil | 2018 | 9.91 |
28 | Deep Learning Algorithm for Block Chain Verfication System |
Dr. Sharmila, Professor sharmilasankar@crescent.education& Dr. W. Aisha Banu,Professor aisha@crescent.education |
UNWIND Learning Lab | Non Government | Computer Science | 2019 | 7.00 |
29 | Copper smelters and its impact on the health of downstream people, the economic livelihood of its employees, and waste management system. the case of Sterlite Copper in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu | Dr. J.Hemalatha and Dr.S.Prasanna | All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Management Studies |
2019 | 2.84 |
30 | Be the changeTeaching learning process – Short Term Training Program (STTP) |
Dr. Nikhat Hamza, directorhr@bsauniv.ac.in & Dr. C. Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2019 | 2.74 |
31 | Triazole based New Functional Chromophores for optoelectronics and Biological Application | Dr. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) karthikeyan_kesav@crescent.education |
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Chemistry | 2019 | 3.20 |
32 | Seismic Performance of Light – Research Promotion Scheme | Dr. J.Revathy, Professor revathyj@crescent.education& Dr.P.Gajalakshmi Professor gajalakshmi@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Civil | 2019 | 2.00 |
33 | An emprical Investigation of Minimum supoort price on Agriculture Commodities |
Dr. Afzalur Rahman,Professor and Head, hodcommerce@crescent.education & Dr. Mohd. Amir | Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) |
Government | Commerce | 2018 | 1.80 |
34 | Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Mr. Hamanulla N, Deputy Director hamanulla.ped@crescent.education |
Prof. S. Peer Mohamed Endowment Fund | Non Government | Physical Education | 2018 | 1.27 |
35 | ATAL FDP on 3D Printing & Design | Dr. P.D.Jeyakumar and Dr. Arokia Julius Assistant Professor (sr. Gr) ajulias@crescent.education |
All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) | Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2020 | 0.93 |
36 | Patient monitoring System for Scheizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) organization | Dr.C.Tharini, Professor & Head hodece@crescent.education |
M/s.Jasmin Infotech | Non Government | Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2018 | 0.70 |
37 | Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah Chettiar of Chettinad Endowment Fund | Mr. Hamanulla N, Deputy Director hamanulla.ped@crescent.education |
Dr. Raja Sir Muthiah of Chettinadu | Non Government | Physical Education | 2019 | 0.30 |
38 | Influence of Bacterial Species on the Durability Performance of Green Concrete for Sustainable Built Environment | Dr. J. Revathy, Professor revathyj@crescent.education& M. Abdulrahman |
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) | Government | Civil | 2019 | 0.075 |
39 | Application of Bio medical waste for the development of sustainable concrete | Dr. P. Gajalakshmi, Professor gajalakshmi@crescent.education & K.N. Krishnaprasad |
Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) | Government | Civil | 2019 | 0.075 |
40 | Nano-ointment (Nanoemulsion/ Nanoparticles) for the treatment of hospital infection caused by multi drug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae pathogens | Dr.Karthikeyan Ramalingam | ICMR | Government | Life Sciences | 2021 | 14.85 |
41 | Soil Health Reader | S. Sadhish Prabhu, sadhishprabhu@crescent.education Teaching |
M/S Vasthak Pvt Ltd(EDII) | Government | ECE | 2021 | 4.90 |
42 | “rGO coated steel fibre with enhanced thermal conductivity and wear resistance for copper free brake pads” | Dr Surya Rajan | DST SERB | Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2021` | 18.00 |
43 | Fabrication of Oxygen Concentrator | Dr.C.Tharini, Dr.G.Kannan, Dr.Md.Ismail | Jasmin Infotech Chennai | Non-Government | ECE | 2020 | 1.50 |
44 | Lightweight hard hat made of high entropy compounds | Dr.Karunanithi | Qassim University | Non-Government | Mechanical Engineering |
2021 | 1.73 |
45 | IBRO- Brain awareness Week Grant | Dr Haja Nazeer Ahamed | IBRO, FRANCE | Non Government | Pharmacy | 2021 | 1.00 |
46 | Green and Clean Algibag | DR.Mubarak Ali | CIIC | Non Government | Life Sciences | 2021 | 0.10 |
47 | Synthesis of c-aryl septanosides as analogues of c-aryl glycosidic inhibitors | Dr. S. Bhagavathy | SERB-POWER | Government | Chemistry | 2022 | 23.5 |
48 | Non contact surface roughness measurement of machined surfaces using the wavelet metrics of laser speckle images | Dr.Siddhi Jailani, Jainullabuddin Mahashar Ali | AICTE | Government | Mechanical | 2022 | 8.6 |
49 | Nano formulation to enhance growth, metabolites production and disease protection for sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants | Dr.S.Hemalatha | State forest Research Institute Division | Government | Life Sciences | 2022 | 3 |
Total=Rs | 1201.97 |
1 | Antibacterical activity of trithila and acacia arapica on dental cary forming micros | Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam | AYUSH-EMR | 2018 | 3.30 |
2 | A software defined network model for ensuring ene to end security IOT | Dr. S.Revathi | UGC | 2015 | 6.18 |
3 | Non- Life insurance sector in India | Dr. S.Rajasekar | UGC | 2015 | 12.36 |
4 | Pattern Detection in Data stream | Dr.W.Aisha Banu | UGC | 2015 | 12.90 |
5 | Protein Biochemistry and Biophysics | Dr.Khurshid Alam Khan | DST | 2015 | 2.88 |
6 | Synthesis of new visible light graphing based photocatalyst for organic transformation | Dr.Noor Ameen | UGC | 2015 | 12.00 |
7 | Authentication using face regocization | Dr. M.Munir Ahamed Rabbani | UGC | 2014 | 2.18 |
8 | Finance Management | Dr.Shanmugam | UGC | 2014 | 2.18 |
9 | Optimal control of multi input and output process using swarm intelligent | Dr.Sabura Banu | UGC | 2014 | 17.64 |
10 | Social Web Mining | Dr.W.Aisha Banu | UGC | 2014 | 15.90 |
11 | Understanding the molecular mechanism that regulate inflammation & tumor progression | Dr.Neesar Ahmed | UGC | 2014 | 12.54 |
12 | Seismic Performance of FRP Confined Steel tube in-filled Concrete Columns | Dr. P. Gajalakshmi Dept. of Civil Engg. |
Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi | 2014-17 | 29.10 |
13 | Applications of Gold Catalysis For The Synthesis Of Bioactive Heterocyclic And Natural Product Mimic | Dr. K.Karthikeyan Dept. of Chemistry |
DST | 2014-17 | 19.66 |
14 | Bismuth titanate quantum dots for photo voltaic application | Ms. R. Saai Harini Res. Scholar, Dept of Chemistry |
Women Scientist Scheme – DST | 2014-17 | 12.54 |
15 | Synthesis, characterization and optimization of QDs on TiO2 surface for quantum dot solar cells | Dr. M. Asha Jhonsi Asst. Prof. of Chemistry |
INSA – INSPIRE | 2014-17 | 19.76 |
16 | GPX-1, gene polymorphisms and mitochondrial Ros signaling in cancer risk | Dr. Soumen Bera Asst. Prof. of Life Sciences |
SERB – DST | 2014-17 | 24.70 |
17 | Synthesis of Novel Low Band Gap Polymer Materials for Solar Cell Applications | Dr. Vajjiravel Murugesan Prof. of Chemistry |
SERB | 2014-17 | 23.78 |
18 | The Effect of A1 on TiAIN, CrAIN and ZrAIN coating using RF powered Magnetron Sputtering | Dr. Beer Mohamed Prof. of Mechanical Engg. |
UGC-DAE – CSR Fellowship | 2014-15 | 26.43 |
19 | Development of Oil Absorbing Polymer Product for Efficient Removal of Oil Spills in Sea Water | Dr. R. Vasanthakumari Director, Polymer Nano Technology Centre |
NRB | 2014-16 | 20.04 |
20 | Development of Graphene – SrTiO3 based hybrid photocatalytic system for the production of solar fuels | Noor Aman Ahrar Mundari Prof. of Chemistry |
SERB | 2014-17 | 24.98 |
21 | “Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic nanocomposites for functional applications” | Ms. P. Komalavalli | Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A) | 2014-17 | 14.19 |
22 | Identifying the molecular basis of peroxidase activity of Peroxiredoxin 6 – An approach for designing Antioxidant Peptides and Inhibitors | Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan Asst. Prof. of School of Life Sciences |
SERB – Startup Research Grant | 2014-17 | 14.30 |
23 | To Study the Effect of Diclofenac and Osmolytes on Protein Stability in Renal Dysfunction | Dr. Shazia Jamal Asst. Prof. of Life Sciences |
DST – SERB | 2014-17 | 13.60 |
GRAND TOTAL | 343.14 |
S.No. | Project Name | Project Scheme | Year | Name of the Co-ordinator | Amount in lakhs |
1 | Development of high temperature Resistant Polymeric Nanofiber for flexible polymer electrode and membrane applications. | DST-Nano Mission | 2009-2012 | Dr R.Vasantha Kumari, Head, Polymer Nano Tech | 87.96 |
2 | Development of polymer product for efficient removal of oil spills in sea water | NRB | 2009-2011 | Dr R.Vasantha Kumari Polymer Tech | 21.66 |
3 | Anti jamming techniques for GPS/C/a Code receivers | Armament Research Board, DRDO | 2010-2012 | Mr Thygarajan, ECE | 25.78 |
4 | Low loss and high shock absorbing potting materials for microwave applications | Armament Research Board, DRDO | 2010-2012 | Dr S S M Abdul Majeed, Polymer Tech | 8.15 |
5 | 3D magnetic field sensor using flux gate and hall effect technique for low magnetic fields | Armament Research Board, DRDO | 2010-2012 | Dr K N Srinivas, EEE | 8.9 |
6 | Development of heating pads for soldiers in high mountain areas (Joint project with IIT Madras) | DIPAS DRDO | 2010-2011 | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Polymer Tech | 3.96 |
7 | Palladium catalysed Buchwald Hartwig coupling of 2-C hydroxymethyl D glycols and aryl halides : Synthesis of functionalized C – Aryl Glycosides | DST | 2010-2012 | Dr Baghavathy Chemistry | 42.6 |
8 | A non enzymatic enantioselective design in the Wittig reactions and its application in the total synthesis of caprolactonis potential antineoplastic agents of marine origin | WOS A DST | 2011-2013 | Dr S Mahasampath Gowri Chemistry | 6.24 |
9 | Seismic retrofitting of prestressed concrete beams externally bonded with fibre reinforced polymer composites | DST | 2011-2013 | Dr J Revathy , Civil engg | 22.16 |
10 | Autonomic Power and Performance Management of Virtualized Data Centres | Computer Society of India | April 2011 to May 2012 | Dr. R. Shriram, CSE | 0.25 |
11 | Content Based Information Retrieval for Tamil | Tamil Virtual Academy | September 2011 | Dr. R.Shriram & Mrs. W. Aisha Banu, CSE | 2.94 |
12 | A novel access to indolizidines and quinolizidine alkaloids through stereoselective N-tethered intramolecular cyclopropanation of pyridine | DST-SERB | June 2012 to May 2015 | Dr. J. William John Bosco, Assistant Professor, Chemistry | 48.70 |
13 | Wear behavior of duplex coated steels | UGC-DAE | Dr.R.Rajendran,Mech. Engineering | 2.00 (per year) | |
14 | Zeozymes as biomimetic catalysts for the treatment of organic pollutants | CSIR | October 2012 | Dr. D. Easwaramoorthy, Professor, Chemistry, Dr. S. Kutti Rani, Professor and Head, Chemistry and Dr. I. Mohammed Bilal, Professor, Chemistry | 13.21 |
Total value of projects | 294.51 |
S.No. | Project Name | Project Scheme | Year | Name of the Co-ordinator | Amount Sanctioned (Lakhs) |
1 | Antennas for Satellite Communication Space Segment | AICTE, MODROBS | 1998-1999 | Dr.K.Natarajan, Mr.Selvarani, ECE | 7 |
2 | Multi Channel ECG Analysis Using Neural Works | AICTE | 2000-2001 | Dr.K.Natarajan Ms. Sumathi, ECE | 10 |
3 | Evaluation of Fibre Optic Modulation Multiplexing & Transmission Characteristics | AICTE, MODROBS | 2000-2001 | Mr.S.Malarkkan, ECE | 10 |
4 | Cryogenic treatment of Steel Weldments | AICTE,TAP TEC | 2000-2001 | Dr.Angamuthu, MECH | 5 |
5 | Fuzzy Logic Based Split Range in Control | AICTE | 2000-2001 | Dr.T.Thyagarajan, EEE | 2 |
6 | Performance Study of Outdoor Polymeric Insulators | AICTE | 2001-2002 | Mr.R.Raja Prabhu, EEE | 6 |
7 | Industry Institute of Partnership Cell | AICTE | 2002-2003 | Dr.T.Thyagarajan, EEE | 8 |
8 | Cascaded Fuzzy controller for Combustion control of utility Boiler | AICTE | 2002-2003 | Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy, ICE | 3.7 |
9 | Investigation of Dev.of Cost Effective Fiberglass Distribution Support Structure | AICTE | 2002-2003 | Dr.T.Thyagarajan, EEE | 9 |
10 | Dev. and Character ization of Polyaniline based conducting Polymeric Nano Composite | AICTE, TAP TEC | 2003-2004 | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Polymer Tech | 17.5 |
11 | Entrepreneur Development | DST | 2003-2004 | Dr.V.M.Periasamy Principal | 8.77 |
2004-2005 | 6.77 | ||||
12 | Mechanistic studies on flame retardant glass fibre reinforced resin formulations foe low cost roofing /panel structure | Naval Research Board | 2007 | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Polymer Tech | 14.29 |
13 | Modernisation of Polymer Processing Lab | AICTE | 2007 | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Polymer Tech | 6.07 |
14 | Interactive Route finder (funded by Institution of Engineers) | IE | 2007-2008 | Students Project, CSE | 0.37 |
15 | Development of heated gloves for soldiers in cold mountain areas (Joint project with IIT Madras) | Defense Institute of Physiological and Applied Sciences (DIPAS) | 2008-2009 | Dr.R.Vasantha Kumari, Polymer Tech | 3.96 |
16 | Novel Polymer Electrolytes from Chemically Modified Electrospun Polymeric Nanocomposite for rechargeable Lithium battery | DST | 2008-2011 | Dr. Abdul Kader, Polymer Tech | 26.44 |
17 | Optimization of Cryogenic Treatment for Engineering Materials. | AICTE | 2008-2009 | Dr. Rasool Mohideen, Mech Engg | 3 |
Total value of projects | 147.87 |
BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology is committed to make its expertise available through service to industry, government and other research organizations. The institute aims to be an entrepreneurial institute while engaging with different organizations. The institute recognizes the importance of consultancy work undertaken by staff forms a core and valuable part of its function as an institute of higher learning. It is part of the Knowledge Exchange portfolio and assists in progressing shared relationships. Therefore, the institute has established this policy to support all staff in the delivery of consultancy. The institute expects all members of staff to comply with this policy. Institute staff engaged in consultancy will be given support and assistance by the institute. The support is given as follows,
- Expertise and support from faculty-based knowledge exchange support staff or the research and knowledge exchange office
- Expertise and support from financial and legal service, especially with respect to patenting and other related issues
- Access to institute facilities
- Any consultancy work requires the preparation of a proposal which should be authorized in accordance with the approval table of this policy
The proposal will ensure that all relevant issues are addressed and may include,
- Tender issues
- Full costings
- The contractual framework
- Intellectual property
- Recording and storage of documentation
- Impact on workload
Use of income from Consultancy
- Any income generated from approved consultancy contracts will be first applied to meet the costs incurred by the institute for conducting research and rest is shared by the faculty and the institute in the agreed ratio
- Institutional Overheads claimed will be part of the departmental budget
- On completion of the project any surplus or deficit will be duly accounted, and report is submitted
- Institute recognizes the contribution made by members of staff undertaking consultancy and testing
The sharing pattern of the amount received by the institution towards consultancy and testing for faculty and institution
S.No |
Details |
Sharing Pattern |
Testing Tasks |
Consultancy work with use of institution facilities |
Consultancy work with no of institution facilities |
1 | Institution share | 60% | 40% | 20% |
2 | Faculty share | 40% | 60% | 80% |
The HOD shall endorse consultancy work for usage of intuitional facilities |
BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology is committed to make its expertise available through service to industry, government and other research organizations. The institute aims to be an entrepreneurial institute while engaging with different organizations. The institute recognizes the importance of consultancy work undertaken by staff forms a core and valuable part of its function as an institute of higher learning. It is part of the Knowledge Exchange portfolio and assists in progressing shared relationships. Therefore, the institute has established this policy to support all staff in the delivery of consultancy. The institute expects all members of staff to comply with this policy. Institute staff engaged in consultancy will be given support and assistance by the institute. The support is given as follows,
- Expertise and support from faculty-based knowledge exchange support staff or the research and knowledge exchange office
- Expertise and support from financial and legal service, especially with respect to patenting and other related issues
- Access to institute facilities
- Any consultancy work requires the preparation of a proposal which should be authorized in accordance with the approval table of this policy
The proposal will ensure that all relevant issues are addressed and may include,
- Tender issues
- Full costings
- The contractual framework
- Intellectual property
- Recording and storage of documentation
- Impact on workload
Use of income from Consultancy
- Any income generated from approved consultancy contracts will be first applied to meet the costs incurred by the institute for conducting research and rest is shared by the faculty and the institute in the agreed ratio
- Institutional Overheads claimed will be part of the departmental budget
- On completion of the project any surplus or deficit will be duly accounted, and report is submitted
- Institute recognizes the contribution made by members of staff undertaking consultancy and testing
The sharing pattern of the amount received by the institution towards consultancy and testing for faculty and institution
S.No |
Details |
Sharing Pattern |
Testing Tasks |
Consultancy work with use of institution facilities |
Consultancy work with no of institution facilities |
1 | Institution share | 60% | 40% | 20% |
2 | Faculty share | 40% | 60% | 80% |
The HOD shall endorse consultancy work for usage of intuitional facilities |