- Nonlinear optical characaterization – Nonlinear optical crystals, dye doped polymers, organic dyes
- Thin film growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition Method (PLD) and its characterization
- Spectral and temporal studies in Distributed Feedback Laser
- Energy transfer studies in organic dye mixtures in liquid and solid media
- Nonlinear dynamics- Chaos computing,Secure communication, Stochastic resonance
- Materials Modelling & characterization-Computational stimulation
- Crystal growth and characterization
- Surface Engineering
- Nano science
- Optoelectronics
- Multiferroics
Faculty | Areas of Research |
![]() Dr.I.B.Shameem Banu, Professor |
Multiferroic materials and applications , White LED, Q LED materials and Spintronics Materials, Preparation and characterization of ceramics (Thin films, nanomaterials and nanocomposites) for energy and functional applications, Computational materials science – Materials modelling by WIEN 2K software, |
![]() Dr. M. Basheer Ahmed, Professor |
Laser technology-nano materials-synthesis and characterization, nano-photonics, nano composites, fabrication of thin films by pulsed laser deposition, dye lasers- energy transfer, non linear optical and ferro electric crystals, second and third order characterization, dye doped crystals. |
![]() Dr. I. Raja Mohamed, Professor |
NONLINEAR DYNAMICS (Chaos theory and applications) – The main focus is essentially to analyze the bifurcation and chaos phenomena in some simple typical nonlinear circuits, especially of autonomous and non-autonomous types, both through numerical and experimental analog simulations studies. Currently these twin approaches of numerical analysis and analog circuit simulation studies which complement each other in the investigation of bifurcation and chaos phenomena in nonlinear dynamical systems and their ensuing applications in stochastic resonance, computing and communication are being carried out. |
![]() Dr. S. Sathik Basha, Associate.Professor |
SURFACE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES – Surface of the materials are modified using Laser materials processing and other methods. The Characterization modified surface are analyzed for technological applications. |
![]() Dr.G.V.Vijayaraghavan, Associate.Professor |
Dye lasers have become an indispensable instrument in any spectroscopy or photochemical laboratory. Many efforts are being made in studies aimed to improve dye lasers efficiency and to extend their spectral region of operation. The study of the transfer of energy between donor and acceptor dye molecules in solution has both theoretical and practical importance. Currently, research work is carried out for energy transfer in a distributed periodic structure in different groups of organic dyes. |
![]() Dr. M. Md. Sheik Sirajuddeen, Asst. Professor (Sr. Grade) |
Materials Characterization (Computational) – The computational modeling of materials & characterization by theoretical methods is a promising method for predicting novel materials with interesting properties. Currently working on electronics, magnetic, elastic and thermal properties of transition metals doped with impurities. Electronic band structure method is studied with the framework of DFT using LDA/GGA+U methods. |
![]() Dr.R.Indirajith, Asst. Professor |
Nano Materials Synthesis by Hydrothermal Method, Thin film Deposition by Physical (Thermalevaporation, Electron Beam Evaporation and Pulsed Laser Deposition) and Chemical (Chemical Bath Deposition and Photochemical Deposition) Methods, |
1. Supervisor details
Name of the Supervisor | No. of scholars pursuing in | No. of Scholars Completed in | ||||
Our Institute | Anna University | Other Universities | Our University | Anna University | Other Universities | |
Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | 5 | – | – | 3 | 1 | – |
Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | 4 | – | – | 2 | 3 | 1 |
Dr. I. Raja Mohamed | 2 | – | – | – | – | – |
Dr. S. Sathik Basha | 1 | – | – | – | – | – |
Dr. G. V. Vijayaraghavan | 4 | – | – | – | – | – |
Dr. M.Md.Sheik Sirajuddeen | 2 | – | – | 1 | – | – |
Dr. R. Indirajith | 4 | – | – | – | – | – |
2. Research Scholars Details:
A. Full Time Scholars
S.No. | Name of the candidate | Research Supervisor | Research Topic | Month and Year of admission | Status |
1 | Mrs. D. Kanimozhi | Dr. R. Indirajith | Synthesis and Characterization of Semiorganic and inorganic single crystals | Jan 2014 | Pursuing |
2 | Mr. Mahalingam | Dr. J. Thirumalai | Preparation of rare earth doped molybdate and tungsten micro/macro structures for bi-functional applications | Jan 2014 | Pursuing |
3 | Mr. Kallim Abdul Rasheed | Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | Thin Films by PLD Method | Jan2014 | Pursuing |
4 | Ms. Shameem Banu | Dr. Sehik Uthuman/Maths | Non linear Dynamics | July 2014 | Pursuing |
5 | Ms. Chitra | Dr. I. Raja Mohamed | Ordered Chaotic and strange Nonchaotic phenomena in coupled nonlinear networks | July 2014 | Pursuing |
6 | Ms. Komallavalli | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Multi Ferroics | July 2014 | Pursuing |
7 | Sowmya S | Dr.M.Basheer Ahamed | Polymer Nanocomposites | Jan 2016 | Pursuing |
8 | Mr. N. Gopinath | Dr. S. Sathik Basha | Surface Coating | July 2016 | Pursuing |
9 | Mr. Ikram Un Nabi Lone | Dr.M.Md.Sheik Sirajuddeen | Computational Materials Science within the framework of DFT. | July 2016 | Pursuing |
10 | Ms. Divyalakshmi. S | Dr.I.B.Shameem Banu | Multi Ferroic Properties of doped Bismuth ferrite composites | July 2016 | Pursuing |
11 | Aquib Muzaffar | Dr.M.Basheer Ahamed | Materials Science (exptl) | Jan 2016 | Pursuing |
B. Part Time Scholars
S.No. | Name of the candidate | Research Supervisor | Research Topic | Month and Year of admission | Status |
1 | Ms. R. Rizwana | Dr. I. Raja Mohamed | Bifurcation, Chaos and Strange Non-chaos in Nonlinear circuits and systems | July 2010 | Pursuing |
2 | Mr. S. Fathhoor Rabbani | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Investigation on some compounds by ab initio method for spintronics applications | July 210 | Pursuing |
3 | Ms. A.Sathiya Priya | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Synthesis, Electrical and magnetic characterization of multiferric materials | Jan 2013 | Pursuing |
4 | Mr. R. Senthil | Dr. G.V.Vijayaraghavan | Growth and characterization of NLO crystals | Jan 2013 | Pursuing |
5 | Mr. M. Suresh Kumar | Dr. G.V.Vijayaraghavan | Crystal growth and its characterization | Jan 2013 | Pursuing |
6 | Ms. K. S. Vadivoo | Dr. G.V.Vijayraghavan | Synthesis and characterization of Nanocomposites | Jan 2013 | Pursuing |
7 | Mrs. Thahirunnisa | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Computational NMR of single walled carbon nanotubes | July 2013 | Pursuing |
8 | Mr. K. Rackesh Jawahar | Dr. R.Indirajith | Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials | Jan 2013 | Pursuing |
9 | Mr. Sahaya Rajan | Dr. R.Indirajith | Nano Materials – synthesis and characterization | Jan 2014 | Pursuing |
10 | Mr. K. C. Wilson | Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | Nanostructured thin film for photovoltaic applications | July 2012 | Pursuing |
11 | Mr.A.Sivakumar | Dr.R.Indirajith | Crystal growth | July 2014 | Pursuing |
12 | Ms. M. Sheeba Gnana Selvi | Dr. G.V. Vijayaraghavan | Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO nanoparticles | July 2016 | Pursuing |
13 | Syed Rahmathullah | Dr.M.Md.Sheik Sirajuddeen | An ab-initio study on the effect of doping in transition metal pnictides | Jan 2017 | Pursuing |
D.Research Publication Details
Year | International Journal | National Conference | International Conference | Total |
2009 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 14 |
2010 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 12 |
2011 | 10 | 8 | 2 | 20 |
2012 | 13 | 7 | 2 | 22 |
2013 | 31 | 11 | 0 | 42 |
2014 | 44 | 0 | 4 | 48 |
2015 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 4 |
2016 | 28 | 10 | – | 38 |
2017 | 03 | – | – | 03 |
Total | 148 | 46 | 18 | 203 |
Average Impact Factors of the articles published : 1.3
Range of Impact Factors of the articles published : 0.1 to 5.72
Total Citations : 625
Number of papers having more than i10 citations :
Department h-index : 15
Consultancy & Testing:
- Nonlinear Optical Property (NLO) Testing for Powder Samples.
- LASER damage threshold for single crystals.
- Photoluminescence (Excitation and Emission) for powder and thin films.
- Thin film deposition by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Technique.
- Thin Film deposition by Spray Pyrolysis Technique.
- PE loop tracer.
- High pressure autoclave for nano particle synthesis.
- High Temperature Furnace for Nano material preparation.
- Fluorescence Spectrophotometer AGILENT Make – Rs. 11.20 lakhs.
- PE loop tracer – Marine India pvt Rs.6.7 lakhs
- Constant temperature bath for crystal growth – Guna private limited – Rs. 1 lakh