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Designation | : | Professor & Dean |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.(CSE).,LMISTE.,MCSI.,MIAENG.,IACSIT.,FSIESRP., |
Phone | : | 044-22759217 Extn:217 |
Email ID | : | dean_scis@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Professional Summary
- Working as a Professor & Dean School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences with 19 years of academic, administrative experience in the reputed academic institutions.
- Executive Council Member of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai from 02.01.2020
- Executive Director Centre for Cyber physical System & Big Data Analytics Supported by Department of Science & Technology
- Training & Placement Advisory Committee, Academic Council and Member in Research Board
- Convener BSAU IOS Application Development Centre
- A person with an excellent experience in Policy Planning in Education, Curriculum Development, Human Resource Management, Innovative Design of Motivational Techniques.
- An active player and having a liaison with various Institutions, R&D organizations and Industries, to promote various technical activities.
- Played an active role for the institution to certify ISO 9001:2015 certification
- Played an active role for the institution to certify International Accreditation Organization (IAO)
- Involved in a team as coordinator in the process of preparing the institution for NAAC and National Board of Accreditation(Outcome Based Education) certification
- Involved in a team in the process of preparing the institution for University /AICTE Inspection
- Acted as Deputy Chief Superintendent and Chief Superintendent for conducting Internal Assessments and university examinations
- An efficient Team Leader with outstanding organizational and excellent interpersonal skills to conduct any events such as seminars, symposiums, conferences, workshops, training programs, etc.
- Department Association chairman and Coordinator conducted four National Conferences on Ambient System and Technologies, Two on Information and communication Technology and five national level symposiums
- Involved in a team in the process of AICTE New & Extension of approval, getting new courses, increase in take and University affiliation task
- Conducted many Faculty Development programme and workshops for the faculty members and students
- As a part of Industry Institute interaction activity signed memorandum of understanding with reputed organization
- An active member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), International Association for Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) International Association of Engineers (IAENG), International Association for Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Research GATE – Scientific Network, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
- Designated Member in Board of Studies(BOS) and Board of Examiners (BOE) for Autonomous Regulations
- Visvesvaraya Technological University, (VTU ) Approved PhD Research Supervisor (Reg.No.VTU0817688), at Present guiding four research scholars in the field of Medical Image Processing and Computer Networking.
- National Institution Ranking Frame Work (NIRF)
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Experimental Research On Identification Of Face In Multifaceted Condition With Enhanced Genetic And Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, Computer Science and Engineering | 2013 | Anna University |
M.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2006 | Anna University |
B.E | Computer Science and Engineering | 2001 | University of Madras |
Work Experience
Institution | Designation | Date of Joining | Date of Relieving |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Professor & Dean | 13.09.2019 | To till date |
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering-Bangalore | Professor & Dean | 15.07.2015 | 12.09.2019 |
Gojan School of Business and Technology-Chennai | Professor & Vice Principal | 03.07.2013 | 14.07.2015 |
Assistant Professor & HOD | 16.08.2006 | 02.07.2013 | |
KCG College of Technology-Chennai | Senior Lecturer | 02.09.2005 | 14.08.2006 |
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College-Chennai | Lecturer & HOD | 04.05.2001 | 29.10.2004 |
Lecture Courses
- Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Management Information Systems, Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Systems, Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Quality Assurance, Database Management Systems, Mobile Computing, Compiler Design.
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Microsoft Certified Azure Security Engineer Associate Date of Achievement : November 5, 2020 Valid Until : November 5, 2022 Microsoft Certification ID: 990516918 |
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Research Interest
- Ant Colony Optimization, Soft Computing Tools, Pattern Recognition, Genetic Algorithm, Digital Image Processing, Optimization Techniques, Advanced Computer Networks.
- Research Expert for Mile Stone Research and Information Technology, Bangalore.
Author Of Book
- Authored the Book “Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence”, Descriptive Case Studies on Smart Tourism in India, ISBN:978-81-950884-0-9, Publisher Shanlax Publications, year 2021
- Authored the Book ‘Data structures and Algorithms’ ISBN 978-93-80757-01-8, Published by Sri Maruthi Publishers.
- Authored the Book ‘Principles of Compiler design’ ISBN 9789380757841, Published by Sri Maruthi Publishers.
Chapters Authored And Co Authored (Edited Books)
- Venkatesan S. (2020) Detection of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Through Smart Technologies. In: Gupta N., Paiva S. (eds) IoT and ICT for Healthcare Applications. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42934-8_12
- Design and Implementation of Biometrics in Networks in the book Recent Advances in Computer and Communications. ISBN:978-93-85682-14-8
- Experimental Research on Identification of Face in A Multifaceted Condition with Enhanced Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm in the book titled recent advances in computer and communications. ISBN: 978-93-85682-14-8
- S Venkatesan, et al digital Business: business algorithms, cloud computing and data engineering from Springer, Germany. Book chapter title: “Impact of mobility in IoT devices for Healthcare”.
Co Editor/Reviewer: Journal
- Editor in Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming www.matjournals.in
- Editor in Journal of Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
- Editor in Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing
- Co Editor in International Journal of Electrical Sciences and Engineering (IJESE) Promoted by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering.
- Reviewer in Journal of Technological Advances and Scientific Research, Mysore http://www.jtasr.com
- Designated as member in editorial board of IJEERT : International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology :http://ijeert.org/editorial-board, E-ISSN 2349-4409, P-ISSN 2349-4395
- Reviewer IFERP Institute for Engineering Research and Publication
Indian Patent Published
- Title of Invention “System for Integrating Health Care Ontologies for Improved Prediction Accuracy” Controller General of Patents, and Trademarks, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Published in Patent office Journal No.18/21 dated 30/04/2021, Patent Application No.202141018698
- Title of Invention “System for Improving Prediction Accuracy of Health Care Ontology” Controller General of Patents, and Trademarks, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Published in Patent office Journal No.13/21 dated 26/03/2021, Patent Application No.202141011671A
- “A Shopping Trolley With Automatic Billing System” Published on 22/01/21,Patent office Journal No. 04/2021 patent Number 202141001526A
- “A Novel Model for Academic Course Outcome Attainment Using Machine Learning and Methods Thereof” Published on 13 November 2020, Patent office Journal No. 46/2020 Patent Number. 202041048573A
- Ranking of Students Attentiveness in Class using Artificial Intelligence and Methods Thereof “Published on 06 November 2020, Patent office Journal No. 45/2020 Patent Number. 202041046879
- “Secured Medical Data Transmission and Method Thereof” Published on 05 June 2020, Patent office Journal No. 23/2020 Patent Number. 202041020325
Australian Patent Granted
- Certificate of Grant, Australian Innovation Patent Number 2021102318, Title of Invention “System for Improving Prediction Accuracy of Healthcare Ontology”. Term of Patent Eight Years from 02 May 2021
- Certificate of Grant, Australian Innovation Patent Number 2020101864, Title of Invention “Remote pain monitoring system for Knee Joint Pain of elderly people. Term of Patent Eight Years from 17 August 2020
International Journals
- S.Venkatesan et.al., ”Innovative Human Identification System Using Multiple Biometrics”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering e-ISSN 2320-9801, P-ISSn:2320 9798, Volume 9, Issue-3, March 2021
- S.Venkatesan et.al. ”Flexible Data Access Control using attribute based encryption and proxy re encryption in Cloud Computing”, Journal of Computer Based Parallel Programming, Volume 5 Issue 1, (January-April 2020) MAT Journals e-ISSN 2582-2179.
- S.Venkatesan et.al., ”Effective fabric Defect Classification system using the fast Fourier Transform by Splitting the Colour Channels”, Journal of Computer based Parallel Programming, Voluem 4, Issue 2, Mat Journals,
- S.Venkatesan et.al., ”Correlation Based Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Engineering Research and Application ,ISSN:2248-9622,Volume-9,Issue 6, June 2019,pp25-30
- S.Venkatesan et.al. ”Optimizing the Life Time of Sensor Network Nodes using Scheduling and Routing Algorithm”, JETIR, May 2019, Volume 6,Issue 5 ,ISSN 2349 5162
- S.Venkatesan et.al.”Segmentation of Gliomas using GLCM Features and Classification of Gliomas in Brain using SVM Classifier”Journal of Computer based Parallel Programming, Volume 4 Issue2, (2019)
- S.Venkatesan, et.al. ”Data Mining based Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,ISSN2277-3878,
Volume-8,Issue-2(2019),page No.2612-2616 Impact factor 5.92 - S.Venkatesan et.al, “Automated Smart Card Reading and extraction system using computational Analysis”, Sey bold Report, Volume 15, Issue 8 2020 paper id SBR/0820-81, ISSN 1533-9211
- Venkatesan, et.al” Classification of brain tumor using devernay sub-pixel edge detection and k-nearest neighbours methodology” Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation(NN), ISSN 2349-6142 (Online), https://doi.org/10.20517/2347-8659.2018.11
- Venkatesan, et.al” An Insight into Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing –A Review, International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol 5, Issue 4 ,April 2018,ISSN Online 2394-2320
- S Venkatesan, et.al “Secured Wireless Transmission of Medical Data for Personalised Health Care” Journal of Research in Instrumentation and Control Engineering (JoICE), Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2018, ISSN- 2457-0818.
- S Venkatesan, et.al “A Literature Survey: Healthcare-Monitoring System”, Asian Journal of Computer Science Engineering (AJCSE), Volume 3, Issue 2 April 2018, ISSN-2581-3781.
- S Venkatesan, et.al, “An IoT Based Secured Medical Data Transmission Using Advanced Encryption Standard”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies (IJSRCSAMS), Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2018), ISSN 2319-1953.
- Venkatesan et.al A Comprehensive study of Business Process Management in the Cloud Published in International Journal of Contemporary research in Computer science & technology,2017 volume 3 issue 10 Page 13-19 ISSN 2395-5325
- Venkatesan et.al k-NN Based Classification of Brain MRI Images using DWT and PCA to Detect Different Types of Brain Tumour,Published in International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2017, 6(9): 15-20, ISSN No: 2319-5886, Impact factor 0.5
- Rishi Jain, S.Venkatesan, Business Analytics and Data Mining Techniques using Predictive Algorithms to Enhance Business Intelligence, Published in International Journal of Transformations in Business Management , Volume 07,Issue 03,Jul-Sep 2017, e-ISSN :2231-6868/P-ISSN 2454-468X.
- Rishi Jain, S.Venkatesan, Cloud Based Data Analysis Integrating R for Scalable Distributed System Supporting Real Time Analytics, Published in International Journal of innovations in Applied Sciences and Engineering,Volume 03, January-December 2017,e-ISSN 2454-9258/P-ISSN:2454-809X
- Aagna Nileshbhai Katrodia ,S.Venkatesan,Anil Sagar.T A survey on a new area of machine learning research: deep learning, published in International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, volume 5,issue 6 in August 2017 ISSN 2321-0613, Impact factor 396
- Swaathi S V, Dr.S.Venkatesan”Energy-Efficient, Reliable Routing and Robust Data Aggregation Method for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks ”, Published in International Journal and Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research(ISSN: 2348-4845) volume 4 Issue May-2017. Impact factor 3.55
- Vijaykumar DA,Dr.S.Venkatesan”An Efficient and secure Method for detecting provenance Forgery and packet drop Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks”,International Journal & Magazine of Engineering ,Technology ,Management and Research , ISSN No. 2348-4845,PP 516-22 May 2017. Impact factor 3.55
- R, S.Venkatesan” packet forwarding in Urban Sensing Network using Delay aware Privacy Preserving Scheme”,International Journal for scientific research & Development ,Vol.5,Issue 03,2017 , ISSN (0nline):2321-0613,PP 956-959,Impact factor 4.396
- Rohit Ranjan, Swati Agarwal ,S.Venkatesan “ Detailed Analysis of Data Mining Tools “,International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology (IJERT),ISSN:2278-0181,Volume 6,Issue 05 ,May 2017 PP 785-789 ,Impact factor 2.5
- Asha R N , Dr.Venkatesan S “ A Prototype for Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Data Mining Methods”Published in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC),ISSN:2321-8169 ,Volume 5,Issue 5 May 2017 PP 155-158,Impact factor 5.837
- Ravi Gaurav, S.Venkatesan, T.Anil Sagar “A Security Problematic Approach in Cloud Computing “Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-3 | Issue-6 , December 2016, URL: http://www.ijtrd.com/papers/IJTRD5458.pdf,Impact factor 4.004
- Varsha jambunathan, S.Venkatesan “ A Review on Big Data Challenges and opportunities” Published in International journal of latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science,(IJLTEMAS) Volume 5 issue XI ,Nov’2016,ISSN 2278-2540,PP67-70,Impact factor 3.475
- Venkatesan et.al, Big Data Analysis and Its Tools – A Review, Published in International Journal for research in Applied science and Engineering Technology in Volume 4 Issue VII July 2016
- S.Venkatesan et.al, Performance Enhancement Security Technique of a Personal Multimodal Identification System Using Fusion of Keystroke Dynamics and Palm print Biometrics, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management Published in Volume 1 issue 6 ISSN 2455-6378,Impact factor
- Vanitha AN, Dr. Venkatesan S ,Dr.Ramesh Babu DR An Energy-Efficient Table Driven routing protocol with increased throughput using Distributed Heuristic algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Published in Volume 7 ,issue 5 May 2016(ISSN 2229-5518) impact factor 3.8
- Xiao Zhi Gao,Sasikumar Gurumurthy, S.Venkatesan, Improved CPU Utilization using Advanced Fuzzy Based CPU Algorithm(AFCS).International Journal of Electrical Sciences & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 1,Jan2016 ISSN:2455-6068
- Ravi Gaurav,Shubham kumar,S.Venkatesan,D.R.Ramesh babu, An Enhanced Approach in Cloud Computing to reduce security risks and minimize data loss in railways, International Journal of Electrical Sciences & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 1,Jan2016 ISSN: 2455-6068
- Annina Simon,Mahima Singh Deo,S.Venkatesan,D.R.Ramesh babu, An Overview of Machine learning and its Applications International Journal of Electrical Sciences & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 1,Jan2016 ISSN:2455-6068
- Shalini K.B,Anil Sagar .T,S.Venkatesan,Darshan H.yogendra,A secured protocol for Efficient discovery of service in Vehicular Networks. International Journal of Electrical Sciences & Engineering Volume 1 Issue 1,Jan2016 ISSN 2455-6068
- Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane Face Recognition: A Literature review In Elixir International Journal 33(2011) 2334-2338 ISSN 2229-712X. Publication impact factor for the year 2015: 6.05
- Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane A narrative approach for human face detection using ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm review In Elixir International Journal 33(2011) 2130-2133 ISSN 2229-712X. Publication impact factor for the year 2015: 6.05
- Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane A Novel method for efficient face recognition based on illumination invariant elastic bunch graph matching review In Elixir International Journal 33(2011) 2126-2129 ISSN 2229-712X. Publication impact factor for the year 2015: 6.05
- Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane Face Detection by Hybrid Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887) Volume 9-No.4 November 2010
- Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane Face recognition System with Genetic Algorithm and ANT colony Optimization, International Journal of Innovation , Management and Technology, Volume 1 No.5 December 2010 ISSn:2010-0248
- Venkatesan,Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane Experimental Research on Identification of face in a Multifaceted condition with Enhance Genetic and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, International journal of Innovation management and technology, Volume 1 No.5 December 2010 ISSN:2010-0248
- Venkatesan, S.Srinivasa Rao Madane, Study on identification of face in versatile circumstances through genetic and ant colony optimization algorithms. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, volume 8(30),75405, November 2015. Print ISSN : 0974-6846 Online ISSN : 0974-5645 Scimago ‘H’ Index : 18 IC Value : 5.02 Thomson Reuters “Web of Science”
- Venkatesan, R.Vijayaganth, S.Ramesh Investigational Study on identification of face in a versatile circumstances through genetic and ant colony optimization algorithm, Elixir international Journal ISSN:2229-712X Dec 2014. Publication impact factor for the year 2015: 6.05
National Journals
- Venkatesan et.al Currency recognition system using canny Edge Detection, Colour and Texture Analysis, Journal of Technological Advances and scientific research , Volume 2 Issue 4 NOV 2016 pages 178-180
- Venkatesan, Sasikumar Gurumurthy Design and Implementation of Biometrics in Networks journal of Technological Advances and Scientific Research Volume 1 Issue 3. September 2015 pages 226-234 ISSN 2454-1788 IBI Factor 2015 2.8
- Venkatesan Dr.S.Srinivasa Rao madane Experimental Study on Illumination normalization methods for effective face identification by genetic algorithm Journal of Global research in Computer Science Volume 3, No.2 February 2012 ISSN: 2229-371X Impact Factor 0.92
- Venkatesan Dr.S.Srinivasa Rao madane Preprocessing Hierarchy designed for Enhanced Face detection, Journal of Global research in Computer Science Volume 1, No.5 December 2010 ISSN: 2229-371X Impact factor 0.92
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa Rao Madane Multiple face detection in Color Images Indian research review Volume 1 Issue 4 August 2010 ISSN: 0975 7430
International Conferences (Indexed in Scopus)
- S.Venkatesan et.al “A Mesh Networking Based Solution on Power Management”, International e conference on research and development in Science, Technology and management in the current era organized by Indian Academicians and researchers Association on 21st February 2021
- S.Venkatesan et.al.,” A Secured TCP/IP Implementation and Virus Detection Using FPGA”, in the Global E-Conference organized by the Jagannath Institute of Technology on 27th December 2020
- S.Venkatesan et.al “An Insight into identity based authentication techniques or the internet of things Environment”, International conference on Electrical ,Electronics, Computers, Communication ,Mechanical and computing -2018, 28-29th January 2018
- S.Venkatesan et.al “ SDR Based Communication in Access with no Internet or Mobile Connectivity”, in the conference organized by conference Info in association with academic science at Mahratta chamber of commerce industries & Agriculture , Maharashtra, India on 17th June 2018.
- S.Venkatesan et.al “ Secure Data Transfer for a Telemedicine System”, in the conference organized by conference Info in association with academic science at Mahratta chamber of commerce industries & Agriculture , Maharashtra, India on 17th June 2018
- S.Venkatesan et.al An Insight into identity based authentication techniques or the internet of things Environment, International conference on Electrical ,Electronics, Computers, Communication ,Mechanical and computing -2018, 28-29th January 2018
- S.Venkatesan et al. Security threat Analysis in wearable devices, International Conference on Wearable Technologies ,Bangalore , May 04-05, 2017
- S.Venkatesan et.al A Survey on Security Features based on same interactions and their respective co operation in Hand held devices for communication, International Conference on Wearable Technologies ,Bangalore , May 04-05, 2017
- S.Venkatesan et.al., A Novel Approach For Vehicle Recognition Using Shape And Texture, IEEE International conference on science ,Technology ,Engineering & Management , Kalignar Karunanidhi institute of Technology Coimbatore, March 03-04, 2017
- S.Venkatesan et.al., Automatic Ship Detection System Using Object Detection Technique, IEEE International conference on science ,Technology ,Engineering & Management , Kalignar Karunanidhi institute of Technology Coimbatore, March 03-04, 2017
- S.Venkatesan et.al., Cryptographic Operations Based On Text Classification In Cloud Based environment, IEEE International conference on science ,Technology ,Engineering & Management , Kalignar Karunanidhi institute of Technology Coimbatore, March 03-04, 2017
- Ravi Gaurav, Shubham Kumar, S Venkatesan and D.R. Ramesh Babu,A Narrative Approach to Detect the Vehicles using color, texture and edge based techniques , MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 61 (2016),The International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP 2016), Shanghai, China, May 28-29, 2016 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20166102007
- Jha Shristi, B.M. Sindhu and S. Venkatesan, A Narrative Methodology to Recognize Iris Patterns By Extracting Features Using Gabor Filters and Wavelets, MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 61 (2016),The International Seminar on Applied Physics, Optoelectronics and Photonics (APOP 2016), Shanghai,China, May 28-29, 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20166102008
- S.Venkatesan, S. Aravindh, R.Vijayaganth Online Credit Card Fraudulent Detection using Data Mining Fourth International Springer ICICIC Global Conference held at Chennai, India between 21-22 Dec 2013
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.M.Karnan Advanced Classification using Genetic Algorithm and Image Segmentation for Improved FD IEEE SECOND International conference on computer research and Development 7-10 May 2010 on page(s):364-368 ISBN:978-7695-4043-6 INSPEC Accession No. 11375880
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.M.Karnan Edge and Characteristic subset selection in Images using ACO IEEE SECOND International conference on computer research and Development 7-10 May 2010 on page(s):369-372 ISBN:978-7695-4043-6 INSPEC Accession No. 11375876
National Conferences
- S.Venkatesan et.al. ”Gait based Identification System “National Conference on Recent Trends on Computational Intelligence Organized by Bharath Institute of Science & Technology Chennai Held on 09th April 2021
- Venkatesan et.al., “A survey on non-invasive oral cancer detection methodology” published in : National conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology” held in Sharad Institute of Technology, college of Engineering, Shivaji University,Kolhapur, Maharastra. Date: 24/ 03/2018,Abstract published in Book of NCRET.
- Vanitha A N, Dr. Venkatesan S, An Energy –Efficient Table Driven Routing Protocol with Increased throughput using Dijkstra and Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks, National Conference of Science, Technology & Management NCCSTM-2016
- S. Venkatesan, Sasikumar Gurumurthy, A Novel Architecture for Facial Emotion Recogonition of Infants by Extracting features through Principal Component Analysis and Classification with Neural Networks. National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 17th and 18th FEB’16 ISBN:978-83-84935-74-0
- Nireeksha HS, Shouradip Singha ,S.Venkatesan Brain computer interface utilizing the alpha Brain waves National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 17th and 18th FEB’16 ISBN:978-83-84935-74-0
- Annina Simon, Mahima Singh Deo,S.Venkatesan The Applications of Machine Learning and Ethics Involved National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 17th and 18th FEB’16 ISBN:978-83-84935-74-0
- Jaya Smitha P., Jeet Kamdar, Sai Charantimath S.Venkatesan Surreal Shopping Experience with Virtual Reality and Project Tango National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 17th and 18th FEB’16 ISBN:978-83-84935-74-0
- Ravi Gaurav, Shubham Kumar, S. Venkatesan A Narrative Approach to Identify the Shape of an Object using SAR Image National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 17th and 18th FEB’16 ISBN:978-83-84935-74-0
- Ravi Gaurav, Shubham Kumar, S.Venkatesan ,Sasikumar.G cloud Security in Southern Railway in Indian, National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 11th and 12th Sep’15 ISBN:978-93-5254-126-3
- Mahima Singh Deo,Annina Simon, S.Venkatesan ,D.R.Ramesh Babu, A Machine learning Variant Deep Learning Applications in Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. National Conference on Information and Communication Technology organised by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore, 11th and 12th Sep’15 ISBN:978-93-5254-126-3
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.S.Sinivasa rao madane face detection and recognition a literature review in the National Conference on Ambient system and Technologies organized by Gojan School of Business and Technology Chennai. 2014
- S.Venkatean, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane A Three steps Approach for Multiple face detection in Color Images in the 3rd National conference on High Performance computing organized by SA Engineering College Chennai
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa rao madane Advanced Face Detection in Motion Pictures in the second national conference on signal and Image Processing on April 9-10 at SMK Fomra Institute of Technology Chennai
- S.Venkatesan Dr.M.Karnan Facial regions classification via Particle swarm optimization considering points of active contour AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on Intelligent Computing March 19-20 of 2010 at Tamilnadu college of Engineering Coimbatore
- S.Venkatesan, Dr.S.Srinivasa Rao Madane Preprocessing and Filtering for Image Compression and Face Detection, FACT 2009 International Conference on recent Trends in Computing and Communications December 18th and 19th 2009 Organized by KCG college of Technology Chennai
Coordinator: Conference
- Coordinator for the National Conference conducted by the department “National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT-15 and 16)”
Invited Talk Given / Attended
- Presented a Topic “Writing Research Paper” to M.Tech (CNE) Post Graduate Student on 11.12.15
- Presented a Topic” Client Sever Programming-Design, Concurrency Processing and Interface” to M.Tech (CNE) Post graduate student on 09.01.16
- Attended The guest lecture given by Prof. B.N. Chatterjee former Professor and Dean IIT Kharagpur on” Importance of research in academia and career development.” 31.05.17
- Attended one day on Seminar of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Image conducted on 01.12.15
- Attended one day orientation programme on National Board of Accreditation (Outcome Based Education) on 12.12.15
- Attended one day workshop on value Based Education conducted by Dayananda Sagar institutions on 17.12.15
- Attended one Day workshop on Faculty Knowledge Program on 03.08.16,Conducted by IBS, Business Group, ICFAI, Bangalore.
- Attended guest lecturer on the topic “ Internet of things” conducted by 3G Networks Bangalore on 06.09.16
- Attended One day workshop on National Board of Accreditation(OBE) on10.11.16 by Dr. Prabhu Shankar SIT College.
- Attended the one day workshop on the teaching and learning tool Lm Excellence conducted by App Point Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore on 23.11.16
- Adjunct Faculty in Golden Valley Integrated Campus, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh
- Attended two Faculty development programme on Outcome based Education Practices (OBE) conducted by Dr.Guru Prasad H S, Professor, ISE, BMS College of Engineering , Bangalore, on 27.06.18 and 28.06.18
- Attended one day work shop on AICTE Model Curriculum on M.Tech Programmes Conducted by VTU in BNMIT , Bangalore on 06.08.18
- Attended faculty development programme on Data Science and Machine Learning conducted by CSE/ISE /MCA Department of DSCE from o7.08.18 to 11.08.18
Proposals Submitted
- The Proposal titled “Effective Cloud Based Data management and auto recovery system using erasure code” is submitted to the Vision Group on Science and Technology (RFTT-2015-16)
- The proposal Titled” A narrative approach to detect the vehicles using color, texture and edge based techniques Is submitted to Vision Group on Science and Technology (TRIP-2015-16)
- The proposal titled “Design and Development of Diet Recommendation Mobile Application to avoid- Ill Health” Under Research Fund for Talented Teachers (RFTT) To Vision group on science and Technology FY 2016-17
- The Proposal titled “Patient Care and Monitoring System for Affordable, Accessible, and Adequate Rural Healthcare” is submitted to DST as Co principal Investigator-March 2016
- The Proposal titled “Secure, Real time Transmission of Medical data for telemedicine for effective patient monitoring system” is submitted to UGC under Minor research project for teachers as PI- July 2016
- Submitted a Proposal on Affordable Healthcare as Co-PI to the Department of Science & Technology under FIST- Level 1 Engineering and Technology, June-2017
- The Proposal Titled “FDP Programme On Inter Network Security” under FDP scheme is submitted to Vision Group on Science and Technology 2017-18
- The Proposal Titled “Detection of Oral Cancer using Cost effective Image Processing Techniques” under Research grant scheme is submitted to Vision Group on Science and Technology 2017-18
- The proposal Titled” Detection of Unhealthy region of wheat leaf using Image Processing” under Research Grant scheme is submitted to Vision Group on Science and Technology 2017-18.
- Submitted an application Indian National Science Academy to get grant for conducting National Conference on Information and Communication Technology.
- The Proposal Titled ”Design and Development of Image Processing Algorithm for Multi Object Detection Using Image Processing Techniques for Defense Applications“ is submitted to DRDO , ER & IPR Scheme 2017-18
- Received a grant of Rs. 40,000 from ICMR to Conduct Seminar on Affordable health care Technologies in March 2018
Best Paper Award
- Larika Amlani, Kumar Shubham C, Neha Abanur, Has won the Best paper entitled “Smart Helmet” At National level paper Presentation Contest on “MAKE IN INDIA” held in Sathyabama University on November 2016 under by guidance.
- Recipient of Innovative Technological Research & Dedicated, Excellent Professional Achievement Award organised by the Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientic Research Professional Malayasia. App.No.201920R0624,FSIESRP, Oct 2020
- Recipient of Best Researcher Award in the First International Scientific conference organized by VD Good Chennai on 14th Sept 2019
- Recipient of “Bharat Shiksha Ratan Award” for recognizing outstanding achievements on the occasion of National Seminar “Individual Contribution for Social and Economic Growth” on 12th June 2014, New Delhi
- Recipient of “Best Teacher Award” from Lions Club of Red hills, Chennai.
- Recipient of Bharat Vibhushan Samman Puraskar award through the Economic and Human Resource Development Association on 20th December 2013.