Visit of Japanese Team from M/s Mosaique
Event: Visit of Japanese Team from M/s Mosaique
Date : 18th Feb 2022
Venue: CSE Seminar hall, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.

Webinar Talk on “Scientific Writing and Publication Ethics”
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars of B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Title of the talk: Scientific Writing and Publication Ethics
Date : 13.11.2021
Venue: Online
Click here to view the Report
Seminar for Research Scholars
Event: Seminar for Research Scholars
Date: 04.10.2021
Venue: Research Seminar Hall
Title: Talk on Research Software Tool–Honest publication
Click here to view the Report
Teachers day
Event : Teachers day
Date: 06-09-21
Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm
Location: Auditorium, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Objective: Research Incentive Award 2021

Webinar Talk on “Application Development and TH Code Processing”
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars of Dhanalakshmi Engineering College
Title of the talk: Application Development and TH Code Processing
Date : 24.08.2021
Venue: Online

Webinar Talk on New Education policy (NEP 2020)
Event: Webinar Talk for Faculties and research scholars
Date : 09.08.2021
Venue: Online
CIIC 2nd Foundation Day and Demo Day
Event : CIIC 2nd Foundation Day and Demo Day
Date : 27.03.2021
Venue: Convention Centre, BSACIST
Objective: Startup incubated
Webinar Talk on National Conference – Inaugural address as Chief Guest
Event : Webinar Talk on National Conference – Inaugural address as Chief Guest
Date : 03.07.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Innovation.

Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Event : Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Date : 03.04.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on Research software Tool-Honest Publication to research Scholars
Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Event: Webinar Talk for Research Scholars
Date: 17.04.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: How to Write High Quality Technical Paper through Good Ethical Practices and Searching Techniques
Webinar on International Virtual Workshop
Event : Webinar on International Virtual Workshop
Date : 19.03.2021
Venue: Online
Objective: Talk on “Research Ethics-Software Tools for Doing Research Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals”
Award of Seed money to the Faculty / research students 2020-21
Event: Seed Money Sanction order handing over to awardee
Date: 2pm on 13-03-2021
Venue: Vice Chancellor’s Chamber
Objective: To promote Sponsor Projects, Research Patent Publication, Consultancy and Training, Publications

Interaction with Chairman, TamilNadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) along with other educational Institutions regarding utilization of CAAQM stations and Data
Event: Interaction with TNPCB officials
Date: 11.30am on 25-02-2021
Venue: TNPCB Seminar Hall, Chennai
Objective: To analyse the data generated from CAAQM stations

Inauguration of Biogas Plant@ BSARCIS&T, Vandalur Jointly Established by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) and M/s. KankyoCleantech LLP, Chennai
Event: Inauguration of Biogas Plant@ BSARCIS&T, Vandalur
Date: 03rd December 2020
- To lure bright youngsters to take up research activities on full time basis
- To associate with Scientific Testing for related projects
- To promote and enhance the pilot units to industry standards
- To create innovative knowledge on Biogas Generation through recycle the food waste

Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patents and Consultancy
Event: Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patents and Consultancy
Date: 23rd November 2020
Venue: B.S.A R. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Crescent School of Pharmacy (Seminar Hall)
Objective: To promote sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.

Inauguration of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) @ BSARCIST, Vandalur Jointly organized and implemented by Government of Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
Event: Inauguration of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQMS) @ BSARCIST, Vandalur Jointly organized and implemented by Government of Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB)
Date: 28th October 2020
Objective: Environmental and Pollution Monitoring

Webinar by Sri. A.Satish, IRSE, Dy. Chief Engineer/Designs, Guwhathi, North Frontier Railway, Government of India.
Event: Webinar on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness”
Date: 07.07.2020 (Tuesday)
Objective : To promote online teaching, sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Webinar on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness”
Webinar by Sri. Sanjeev Kumar Varshney, Adviser & Head, International Division, Department of Science & Technology, GOI
Event: Webinar on “Various project opportunities for DST funding – Strategies on International cooperation”
Date: 23.05.2020 (Saturday)
Objective: To promote international sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.
Webinar on “Various project opportunities for DST funding – Strategies on International cooperation”
Webinar – “Why and How to write paper/proposal for Research, Projects, Patents and Consultancy”
Event: Webinar – “Why and How to write paper/proposal for Research, Projects, Patents and Consultancy” – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Date: 21st April 2020
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (Online)
Objectives of the event: To promote paper /proposal for research, patent, consultancy and training etc.
Incinerator (Waste Treatment Technology) Commissioned @ BSARCIST, Vandalur
Product Description: Incinerator (Waste Treatment Technology)
Capacity: 30 Kgs./Hr
Objective: Is an agri- waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials.
Company Name: M/s. MKR Enterprises, Chennai.

Review of the talk in CITL studio related to the Research Methodology introduction – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Event: Review of the talk in CITL studio related to the Research Methodology introduction – by Dr.T.Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
Date: 11th March 2020
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology – Centre for Innovation in Teaching & Learning CITL
Objectives of the event: To address the Research Methodology subject to research scholars, Engineers, Post Graduate students through video-based lecture
Research Methodology by Dr. T. Hari Narayana, Director, ESPAC
BRIDGE 2020–Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of Asia
Name of the Event: BRIDGE 2020–Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of Asia
Organized by: ICT Academy and B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Theme: Augmenting Skills, Accelerating Growth
Date of the Event: 25th Feb 2020
Venue: IITM Research Park, Chennai.
Objective of the Event:
- To bridge the Industry – Academia gap on Leadership, Research and Talent summit
- To provide solutions to researchers, students and faculties on Augmenting Skills, Accelerating Growth
How to identify Research Problem, Write HQ Research Papers and Proposals
Event: How to identify Research Problem, Write HQ Research Papers and Proposals
Date: 14.02.2020 (Friday)
Venue: MBA – Seminar Hall (I Floor, Management Block)

Visit of Prof. Shakeel Ahmed, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi to Crescent
Date: 16th December 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (Civil, ECE & MECH)
Objectives of the visit: To promote sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.

Special Guest Lecture on Promotion of Research, Funded Projects, Patterns and Consultancy
Date: 24th October 2019
Venue: B.S.A R. Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Seminar Hall)
Objective: To promote sponsored projects, research, patent, consultancy and training.

Brief Report on the visit of UGC Expert Committee to Crescent
Date: 19th September 2019
Objective of the visit: To visit 3 pilot units for promotion of sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Visit of Japanese officers to Crescent
Date: 18th September 2019
Objective of the visit: To promote sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training.
Visit of Prof. Parthasarathy, Senior Scientist, INSA & Adjunct Prof.@Crescent
Date: 13th September 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
Visit of Prof. K. Ramarathnam, Chairman, BASIL Energetic Pvt Ltd
Date: 06th September 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (MECH, CA, CSE, ECE & Chemistry dept)
Visit of Dr. JVSSN. Murthy, Ex. GM, OMGC Ltd.
Date: 28th August 2019
Venue: B.S.A Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (IT, CSE, CA & Aerospace Engg.)
Extramural R & D Projects 2010-2015
Topic: Extramural R & D Report
Date : 22/07/2019
Report on Outcome of Extramural R & D Projects 2010-2015
Visit of Dr. K. Balaraman, Director General, NIWE, Government of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Topic of the invited talk: Smart Energy System for Renewable Energy
Date : 30th July 2019
Venue : Seminar Hall – III

Visit of Officers from Swachh Bharat mission and others to Crescent
Date: 19th July 2019, Time: 12.30-13.00
Objective of the visit: To visit 3 pilot units for promotion of sponsored projects, research, consultancy and training
Waste Management Setup of Mira Carb STP, Vermi Filter, Biobox Biogas and PyroCraker (4 Pilot Units) at Near Boys Hostel, BSARCIST, Vandalur
Date : Inaugurated on 28.06.2019
- To lure bright youngsters to take up research activities on a full time basis
- To associate with Scientific Testing for related projects
- To promote and enhance the Pilot units to industry standards
- To create innovative knowledge on the sub field of these pilot units

A one-day Workshop on “Data Analysis and Visualization Using R”
Date : 14th Mar 2019
Venue : Seminar Hall-III, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

National Science Day Lecture
Event: National Science Day Lecture
Date : 28-02-2019
Venue: Mechanical Seminar Hall, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Chennai

Two Days workshop on “Data Analytics and Data Visualization using R
Date : 21st to 22nd – 2 – 2019
Venue : Crescent Library
Resource Persons : Dr.K.Prabhkar, Dr.Syed Mohammed, Mr.Pari, Ms.B.Pushpa, Ms.V.Jean Shilpa

From Left : Dr.Harinarayan (Director, ESPIRAC), Dr.A.Azad (Registrar), Dr.K.Prabhakar
MoU between BSAR Crescent Institute of science & Technology with SCARF
Date: 25-01-2019

MoU : BSAR Crescent Institute of science & Technology with Kankyo Group of companies
Date: 09-01-2019

One Day Workshop on Sponsored Project Proposals
Date of the event: 04-01-2019
Venue: Civil Conference Hall
Resource Person : Dr.R.K.Sinha, senior officer from CSIR head quarters, Govt of Indian, New Delhi

One Day Workshop on Qualitative Writing of Sponsored Project Proposals
Date of the event: 04-01-2019
Venue: Seminar Hall-I
Resource Person : Dr. K. Gopalakrishnan, Dean (Research & Development), from New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore

Inauguration of Crescent Innovation and Incubation Council
Guest : Shri G Subba Rao, a retired IAS officer
Date: 12:12:2018

Inauguration of Center for Competitive Exams
Date: 12-12-18

Leadership Training for School Headmasters and Principals
Guest : Shri G Subba Rao, a retired IAS officer
Date: 10th December 2018
Venue: Audiotorium

Seminar on “How to write project proposal in International collaboration projects”
Date of the event : 2nd November 2018
Venue – Seminar Hall 1
Resource person : Dr. C. Sivaji, senior scientist, Head, International Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi.

“Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents”
Date : 20-22 JULY 2018
Venue: Seminar Hall 2
Resource Person: Dr. Subhendu Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist, CLRI are external resource persons and provided inputs on patenting process.