![]() |
Designation | : | Professor & HOD |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E., M.E., Ph.D. |
Phone | : | 044- 22751347 |
Email ID | : | jayashree@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, hodeee@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph.D | Power System Engineering | 2008 | Anna University |
M.E. | Power System Engineering | 1992 | Anna University |
B.E | EEE | 1990 | Anna University |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration period |
Lecturer, EEE Dept | Arulmigu Meenakshi Ammal Engg College, Vadamavandal, Kancheepuram | June 1992-June 1993 |
Lecturer, EEE Dept | Sathyabama Engineering College, Chennai | June 1993- August 1995 |
Lecturer, EEE | Crescent Engineering college,Chennai | August 1995-June 1998 |
Sr. Lecturer, EEE Dept | Crescent engineering college,Chennai | June 1998 – August 2004 |
Asst.Professor, EEE Dept | BSA Crescent engineering college, Chennai | August 2004-March 2009 |
Professor, EEE | B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai | April 2009 to till date |
Areas of Interest
- Available Transfer capability
- Congestion management
- Reactive power pricing and allocation
- Load frequency control.
- Bidirectional DC-DC converters
- HVDC links
- Micro grids
Ph.D scholars guided/pursuing
Number of Ph.D Research Scholars Guiding : 7
Number of PhD scholar completed : 1
Number of PhD scholar completed synopsis : 1
Research publications :
International Journal
- Kavitha Sivakumar, Jayashree R, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “A novel branch current flowbased construction of microgrids” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2021, pp. 28~36 , ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v21.i1.pp28-36
- Kavitha Sivakumar, Jayashree R, Karthikeyan Danasagaran, “Efficiency driven planning for sizing of distributed generators and optimal construction of cluster of micro grids” Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (B.V.Elesevier) 24 (2021) pp.1153-1167
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Khan “Optimal reactive power allocation and settlement in deregulated power market” International Journal of power and energy conversion, Inderscience, (Accepted for publication).
- S.Jennathu Beevi , R.Jayashree , Optimal Combination Approach for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Power Grid Utility”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications” Vol9, No.1,pp.28-37 January 2020.
- D.Buvana, R.Jayashree “ANFIS Controller based cascaded non-isolated bi-directional DC-DC converter” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol.28, No.1 (2019),1950001.
- S.Jennathu Beevi , R.Jayashree “ Optimal Fractional Order PID Controller for Centralized and Decentralized Frequency Control in Restructured Power System” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume 8, Issue 10, August 2019.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Khan “A Market center based clearing and settlement of pure reactive power market in deregulated power system” International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology (Elsevier.B.V), 21(2018),909-921.
- R.Jayashree , R.Soundarapandian ,”Unit Commitment and Optimal Dispatch Model for Wind-Thermal Power System with Pumped Storage using Firefly Algorithm” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System, Vol.10,2018, pp. 690-701.
- Aravind, Jennathu Beevi, Jayashree.R, “Frequency Linked price using unscheduled Interchange(UI)signals of Two area power system”, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computation system, Vol:6, Issue:6,ISSN 2348-117X, pp101-110, 2017.
- R.Jayashree , R.Soundarapandian ,”A hybrid optimization Approach Based on RBFNN and GSA for Advanced Unit commitment problem with wind power and pumped storage hydro”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control System ,Vol :9,No:8,pp 173-183,2017.
- K.Sarmila Har Beagam, R.Jayashree, M.Abdullah Khan “A new DC power flow model for Q flow analysis for use in reactive power market” International Journal on Engineering Science and Technology,Vol:20, Issue no:2, April 2017,pp721-729.
- S.Jeenathu Beevi , R.Jayashree, S.Shameer Kasim “ANN Controller for Load Frequency Control ”, International Journal of Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology , Vol 4, Issue 1, January 2016, pp.67-71.ISSN 2321-9653.
- S.Supraja, S.Jeenathu Beevi , R.Jayashree, “Automatic Generation control and Load following ”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology , Vol 3, Issue 5, May 2016, pp.2306-2311. ISSN 2395-0056.
- Mohammed Nizar.K.A, Sarmila Har Begam . K , R.Jayashree, “Comparison of PI controller and Fuzzy Logic controller using unified power quality conditioner” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 3, Issue 6, June 2016, pp.673-681. ISSN 2395-0056.
- Fahadh Riyaz, R.Jayashree, K.Sharmila Har Beagam “A comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution for performing optimal power flow” International Journal of Infinite innovations in Engineering and Technology, Vol 2, Issue 1,May 2015, pp.11-20.
- D.Buvana, R.Jayashree, R.Soundarapandian, “Adaptive Neural Network controller for two level switched coupled inductor non isolated bidirectional DC/DC converter based DC drive” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Vol 10, Number 74 (2015), pp.191-194.
- S.Jeenathu Beevi ,Richa , R.Jayashree, “Load frequency control in deregulated environment of an interconnected power system with multi source generation using super conducting magnetic energy storage device”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research development, Vol 2, Issue 4,April 2015, pp.366-373. ISSN 2348-4470.
- D.Buvana, R.Jayashree, “Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with MPPT Controller using PV array” International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol3, Issue XII, Dec 2015,pp289-295.
- R.Soundarapandian, R.Jayashree,”Improved Wind Energy Penetration in a grid Connected Power system by wind Pumped storage Hydro Power plant “,International journal of applied Engineering Research,Vol 9,No:18,pp 4091-4098, April 2014.
- R.Soundarapandian , R.Jayashree,”Wind Hydro Hydrid System using PMSG and pumped storage in a grid Connected Power system,” International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol :5,No:4,pp 141-160, April 2014.
- R.Soundarapandian , R.Jayashree,”An improved artificial Fish Swarm Optimization for proficient solving of advanced unit commitment Problem with wind energy and pumped hydro storage”,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol:7,pp 95-105,Oct 2014.
- R.Soundarapandian , R.Jayashree,”Thermal Unit Commitment Considering Coordination Wind and Pumped Hydro Storage units using PSO”,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol:9,No:17,pp 3375-3592,Nov 2014.
- S.Jennathu Beevi , R.Jayashree,”Load frequency control using IMC based PID Controller”,International journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,Vol :5,No:4,pp 2229-5518, April 2014.
- R.Jayashree,D.Buvana, ”An Enchancement Cascaded Topology of Non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC Converter with switched coupled inductor”, International Review on modeling and simulations, Vol 6, pp 1371-1382,Oct 2013.
- D.Buvana , R.Jayashree “Bidirectional DC-DC converter based drive”, International Journal of Power Control Signal & Computation , Vol.4, No.2, pp 21-30, April 2012.
- R.Jayashree, Abdullah Khan.M,” Security Constrained Congestion Relief and allocation in Deregulated Power System with pool and Bilateral Contracts,” International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics,Vol.2,No:1,pp 34-45,Jun 2009.
- Jayashree R. and Abdullah Khan M., ‘An Unified Optimization Approach for Available Transfer Capability Enhancement and Congestion Relief using Unified Power Flow Controller’, International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 15-27, July 2008.
- Jayashree R. and Abdullah Khan M., ‘An Unified Optimization Approach for Available Transfer Capability Enhancement and Congestion Management using FACTS device’, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,Vol.5, No.2, pp. 305-324, November 2008.
- R.Jayashree, Abdullah Khan.M,” An Unified Optimization approach for Available Transfe Capacity Enhancement and Congestion relief using Unified Power Flow Controller, “International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics,Vol.1No:1,pp15-27, Jul 2008.
- Jayashree R. and Abdullah Khan M., ‘A Multi-Transaction Based Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow tool for Assessment of Available Transfer Capability and Congestion Management’, International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol.1, No.5, pp. 501-511, September 2007.
National Journal
- Jayashree.R, Vidhya.B,” Design of artificial Intelligence based load frequency controller for a two area power system with CPRI, Vol 8 ,No: 2,April 2012.
International Conferences
- Richa, Abdul R Beig, Khaled Al Jaafari, R.Jayashree, “Operation of MMC Based HVDC Under SM Failure at Sending End Converter” IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2019) Conference held in Baltimore, New York , ISSN 978-1-7281-0395-2/19, September 29 – October 3, 2019 pp.1040-1046.
- Richa, Abdul R Beig, Apparao Dekka, R.Jayashree, “Operation of MMC Based Unipolar HVDC Under SM Failure” IEEE IECON 2019, 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society held in Lisbon, Portugal, pp.6133-6138. ISSN 978-1-7281-4878-6/19, Oct. 14-17, 2019., 2019.
- Richa, Abdul R Beig, R.Jayashree,Mohd Tariq,” Modular Multilevel Converter Based HVDC System Using PD PWM Algorithm” 9th IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES 2019), Perth , Australia. December 10 -12, 2019.
- S.Jennathu Beevi, R.Jayashree, A.Peer Fathima, “Optimal Fractional Order Controller for Frequency Regulation in Restructured Environment”. 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control (PECCON 2019, VIT Chennai. December 12-14,2019.
- S.Kavitha , R.Jayashree, “ Defining the boundaries of Microgrids in a large distribution system ensuring supply security”, Proceedings of 7th International conference on Power systems (ICPS-2017) Dec21-23, ISSN978-1-5386-1789-2/17, 2017.
- Ajay kumar, S.Jeenathu Beevi ,R.Jayashree , “Load frequency control using Fuzzy Logic Controller in Two area Power System”, international conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and management -2014 at NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham, Tamil Nadu, India,28th-29thMarch 2014.
- Buvana, R.Jayashree, “ Fuzzy Logic based Current Controlled Non-Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter”, Proceedings of International conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing, ICECC-2014, pp.617-622, 13thand 14th March 2014.
- Buvana ,R.Jayashree , “Current control in two level non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC converter in CCM for HEV, Proceedings of IET Chennai 4thinternational conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON 2013 K.C.G College of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, December 12-14, 2013.
- Buvana , R.Jayashree, “ Closed loop Simulation of Bidirectional DC to DC Converter” Proceedings of International conference on Systems, Methodologies, Automation and Research Trends (SMART- 12) , SMVEC, Puducherry, Dec 12-14, 2012.
National Conference
- Shaik Mahujun, R.Jayashree, S.Jeenathu Beevi “Genetic algorithm based load frequency control for two area interconnected power system” at 2nd National conference on innovative and emerging trends in Engg and Technology at Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai on 14th May 2015.
- Fahadh Riyaz, R.Jayashree, K.Sharmila Har Baegam, “Optimal Power Flow Solutions using Genetic algorithm” at 2nd National conference on innovative and emerging trends in Engg and Technology at Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai on 14th May 2015
- Elakkiya,R.Jayashree, S.Jennathu Beevi “Load frequency control in power system via internal model control” ,Proceedings of National conference on Emerging trends and innovations in engineering and technology(ETIET’14), Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engg, 10th April 2014.
- R.Jayashree , Babu A N,”Damping of oscillations in power system using SVC,” Proceeding in the 3rd edition of National Conference on Modeling,Simulation,Design and Experimental study of electrical System MOSDES 2013, B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai April 25-26,2013,pp116-119.
- R.Jayashree,D.Buvana,”An Enhanced Cascaded topology of non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC Conveter with switched Coupled Inductor,” Proceeding in the 3rd edition of National Conference on Modeling,Simulation,Design and Experimental study of electrical System MOSDES 2013, B S Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai April 25-26,2013,pp258-267
- Jayashree.R, D.Buvana,”MATLAB simulation of PWDC powered by solar system for HE vehicle,”Proceeedings of National Conference on emerging technologies in electrical engineering,pp 204-209,2012.
- Jayashree.R, D.Buvana,” Bidirectional Dc to DC converter based drive,”National Conference on Kargpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and technology,”pp 149-155,2012.
- Jayashree.R, Rithima Gopinath,”Load Frequency control of two area system using PI controller,” National Conference on Recent trends in engineering and management IFET College of engineering ,Villupuram,pp 2012.
- Jayashree.R, D.Buvana,”Solar energy based bidirectional DC to Dc Converter,”Proceedings of IEEE sponsored fifth national Conference on innovation techniques in power engineering ,pp 8-16,2012.
- Jayashree.R, D.Buvana,” Performance analysis of non-isolated bidirectional PWM DC to DC converters,”. Proceedings of national Conference on Energy, System and control,Hindustan Institute of technology and science Chennai, pp 371-379,2011.
- Jayashree.R, B.Vidhya,” Load frequency control with super conducting magnetic energy storage device in two area system using artificial neutral network,”National Conference on energy systems and control NCESC ,Hindustan institute of technology and science Chennai,pp193-198,2011
- Jayashree R and Sudharsan.P, ‘Congestion Allocation for Multiple Transaction’, Proceedings of National Conference on Modern Trends in Electrical and Electronic Systems, Government College of Engg, Salem, March 22-23,2006.
- Jayashree R and Pramila V, ‘Available Transfer Capability Enhancement and Power Flow control for ac load flow model with Unified Power Flow’, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advancements in Operation and Control of Large Scale Power Systems, Annamalai University, March 25-26,2006.
- Jayashree R, Shamim Begum D.M. and Abdullah Khan M., ‘Assessment of Available Transfer Capability with Unified Power Flow Controller using DC load flow model and LP optimization approach’, Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Conference on Soft Computing Techniques Applied to Power System Engineering, Annamalai University, March 19-20, 2005.
- Jayashree R, Tamil Arasi U.T. and Abdullah Khan M., ‘An improved model to manage congestion with Unified Power Flow Controller using DC load flow model and LP optimization approach’, Proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Conference on Soft Computing Techniques Applied to Power System Engineering, Annamalai University, March 19-20,2005.
- Jayashree R., Aruna K. And Abdullah Khan M ,‘Assessment of Available Transfer Capability in a Deregulated Power System using Optimal Power Flow Approach’, Proceedings of National Power System Conference (NPSC-2004), I.I.T Madras, Dec 27-30, 2004.
- Jayashree R., Abdullah Khan M., Kuppusamy K. and Vivek M., ‘Transfer Capability Assessment and Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System’, Proceedings of 27th National System Conference(NSC-2003), I.I.T Kharagpur, Dec. 17-19, 2003. The paper received best paper award.
Reviewer of Research Article for International/National Journals/International Conferences:
S. No | Name of the Journal | Title of the article reviewed | Publisher | Journal Scopus/web of science indexes |
1. | Australian journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering ,2019 | Techno Economic Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Electrification system in different climatic zones | Taylor and Francis | Journal Scopus |
2 | Australian journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,2019 | Research on Situation Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis in Voltage Transformer | Taylor and Francis | Journal Scopus |
3 | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics ,2019 | Two-And-One Set of Arms MMC-Based Multilevel Converter with Reduced SM Capacitors | IEEE | Journal Scopus |
4 | International Conference on “Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication” organized by School of Electrical and Communication Sciences. of BSAU and Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia during March 20- 22nd 2018. | 1. Comparison of Single Boost & ILBC Multilevel Inverter based STATCOM system 2.Control of Soft Switched Boost Converter using Fractional order controller | IEEE | — |
5 | International Conference on “Trends in Industrial Measurements and Automation-TIMA 2017 organized by Instrumentation Engineering Dept, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, in association with IEEE on 6 -8 Jan 2017 | (i).Energy harvesting in a Novel Off-Grid Hybrid System Using only Efficient DC-DC Converter for Domestic applications. (ii) Multi Objective Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm For Power Factor Correction Using Interleaved DC-DC Sepic Converter. |
IEEE | — |
Funded Project-Proposal submitted
- R.Jayashree, Prof/EEE submitted a funded project titled “Quasi Z source Bidirectional DC-DC converter with energy storage device for solar powered electric vehicles” to CPRI Bangalore under Research Scheme on Power (RSOP), Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore in October 2019
- Consultancy work titled “ Study of L.T system proposed with 5 Nos. of 1048 KW, 415V generators to operate in parallel with U.P Electricity Board grid for power evacuation” to M/s Esquire Engineers and Consultants Ltd during the period 2002-2003 for Rs 10,000/.
- Consultancy work titled “ Load flow and short circuit analysis of the proposed new Chennai Network -2012 to M/s Esquire Engineers and Consultants Ltd during the period 2003-2005 for Rs.1.82 lakhs.
Workshops /Conferences/guest lectures organized
- Organised a guest lecture on “Clean Energy Options and Role of Nuclear Power ” by Mr.K.Sriram, Maintenance Superintendent, Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam on 23.09.19.
- Organised a guest lecture on “LV and MV Switchgear ” by Mr.M.Janarthanan, Principal Engineer, Petrofac Engineering Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 7.8.2018 at EEE Dept, BSARCIST.
- Acted as Organising Co-Chair in IEEE International conference on “Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication” organized by School of Electrical and Communication Sciences. of BSAU and Universiti Teknologi,Mara, Malaysia during March 20-22nd 2018.
- Organised one day workshop on “Opportunities in Solar Energy Technologies“ on 23rdOctober 2017 at EEE Dept, BSAIST.
- Organised a guest lecture on “Multi Objective Optimisation using Genetic Algorithm ” by Dr.Arunachalam Sundaram, Professor, Dept of EEE, Jubail Industrial College, Saudi Arabia on 6.9.17 at Seminar Hall, Department of EEE, BSAIST.
- Organised one day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and presentation using Latex and Beamer“on 17th June 2016 at UG Computer Lab, EEE Dept, BSAIST.
- Organised a guest lecture on “Applications of FACTS devices to power system” by Dr.C.N.Ravi on 10/3/16 at Seminar Hall, EEE Dept, BSAIST.
- Organised a guest lecture on “Fabrication of special PCBs and Innovation” by Mr.Tameem Saied,Director, FORTRAN CIRKIT ELECTRONICS PVT LTD on 03/10/16 at Seminar Hall, Department of EEE, BSAIST
- Organised a technical talk on “Smart Grid Lab” by Skandan, VI Micro systems on 3/9/15 at Seminar Hall, Department of EEE, BSAIST.
- Organised guest lecture on “Smart grid and digital substations” by Mohamed Farook, SAS, MECA Business development Director-Alsthom on 20/8/15 at BSAIST
- Organised a guest lecture on “PLC and SCADA programmer” by Mr.Maheswaran, Denetim Automation on 16/9/15 at BSAIST.
- Organised a technical lecture on “Power System Network Laboratory” by Mr.Ganesh Moorthy and Albert, Newton technologies on 29/8/15 at Seminar Hall, Department of EEE, BSAIST.
- Organised a technical talk on “Smart Grid Lab” by Skandan, VI Micro systems on 3/9/15 at Seminar Hall, Department of EEE, BSAIST.
- Organised a national level one day 2ndNational conference on “Modelling , Simulation, Design and Experimental Study of Electrical Systems (MOSDES 2011) “at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 13th April 2011.
- Organised a one day workshop on “Recent Trends in Evolutionary computation in electrical engineering” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 2nd November 2010.
Workshops /Conferences/guest lectures attended:
S.No | Name of the Conference/Workshop/FDP | Organization | Year | Period |
1. | Orientation programme for college teachers | Madras University | 1992 | 28 days |
2. | National workshop on “Recent trends in control systems” | JNTU, Hyderabad | 1995 | 13 days |
3. | National Workshop on Power Quality: PQ 2000 | CPRI , Bangalore | 2000 | 2 days |
4. | Tutorial on “FACTS” | IIT, Chennai | 2004 | 1day |
5. | Training programme on AUPOWERLAB software | Anna University | 2005 | 2 days |
6. | Workshop on “Women Academic Managers: Challenges and Approaches” | BSARCIST | 2015 | 1 day |
7. | National workshop on “Industrial automation using PLC” | BSARCIST | 2016 | 1 day |
8. | National workshop on” Capacity building of women in higher education” | BSARCIST | 2017 | 1 day |
9. | National workshop on “Commercialization of intellectual property and quality assurance in higher education | BSARCIST | 2017 | 1 day |
10. | Training programme on “Innovative Pedagogy” | BSARCIST | 2017 | 1 day |
11. | Workshop on “Personality development” | Faculty Training Academy and Women Grievance cell of BSARCIST | 2017 | 2 days |
12 | FDP on “Nano instrumentation systems and Bio medical Nano technology” | BSARCIST | 2017 | 2 weeks |
13 | Workshop on “Writing quality research articles, project proposals and patents” | BSARCIST | 2018 | 3 days |
14 | Work shop on “Renewable energy adopting smart technologies” | BSARCIST | 2018 | 1 day |
15 | Workshop on “ Evolutionary Computing and its application to Engineering using MATLAB” | BSARCIST | 2018 | 2 days |
16 | Work shop on “ Micro Electro Mechanical Systems(MEMS) | BSARCIST | 2018 | 1 day |
17 | National Seminar on” Power Electronic Drives for Electric vehicles | BSARCIST | 2019 | 1 day |
18 | Training programme on “Mipower software”. | BSARCIST | 2019 | 3 days |
19 | Work shop on “Applications of Raspberry PI and IoT ” | BSARCIST | 2019 | 1 day |
20 | Faculty Development Programme on “Academic leadership” | Centre of Academic leadership and education management Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh sponsored by MHRD , Govt of India | 2019 | One week |
Lectures delivered
- Delivered a lecture on “Electromagnetic waves” at Karpaga Vinayaka College of Engineering and Technology in 2011
- Delivered a motivational lecture for “AICTE Induction Programme“ to I year B.Tech students on 17.7.2018 and 21.7.2018
Invited Chairmanships at National/International Conferences
- Acted as Chair person for the technical session on “Power electronics and drives” in the IEEE international conference on ” Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication(RTECC18)” organized by School of Electrical and Communication Sciences. of BSAU and Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia during March 20-22, 2018
- Acted as Chair person for the technical session on instrumentation in National level conference on “Innovative trends in instrumentation, electronics and automation” organized by E&I department BSAU on 4.4.17.
Professional Membership
IEEE member from 2015 to till date.
IEEE Student Branch Counselor:
- One day seminar on “Power Electronic Drives for Electric Vehicles “ was organized on 10th October 2019 in association with IEEE and EEE dept. of BSARCIST. Received funding of Rs 10,000 from IEEE for conducting the
- IEEE International conference on “Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication” organized by School of Electrical and Communication Sciences. of BSAU and Universiti Teknologi,Mara ,Malaysia during March 20- 22nd 2018 . Submitted proposal to IEEE and obtained approval to publish International conference papers (Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communication-RTECC 18) in IEEE EXPLORE. Received funding of Rs 12,100 from IEEE for conducting the international conference.
- IEEE National conference on “Recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication (NCRVIC-2016) was organized in association with IEEE and ECE dept. of BSARCIST, on 11thAugust 2016. Received funding of Rs 12,500 from IEEE for conducting the international conference
- IEEE workshop on “Business Model Canvas and Social Entrepreneurship” was organized in association with Entrepreneurship Cell of BSARCIST and IEEE on 9thMarch2017 . Received funding of Rs 4000 from IEEE for conducting the
- A national conference on “Recent trends in Information technology (NCRTIT-2017) was organized in association with IEEE and IT dept. of BSARCIST on 5thand 6th April 2017. Received funding of Rs 7600 from IEEE for conducting the international conference.
- Applied two project abstracts titled “Portable Body Mass indicator” and Automation of Washing machine using Programmable Logic Controller” for IEEE MAS Student project funding for the academic year 2016-17.
Achievements and Awards:
- Received certificate of appreciation and cash award of Rs 20,000/ under Research incentive scheme of BSARCIST for research publications in scopus indexed journal with the cite score of 4.85 for the year 2017 and 2018.
- As a IEEE student branch counselor, received a cash award of Rs 2000, and a certificate of appreciation from IEEE Madras Section for organizing activities towards the advancement of IEEE and Engineering profession during the year 2018.
- As a IEEE student branch counselor, received a cash award of Rs 4000, and a certificate of appreciation and memento from IEEE Madras Section for securing third highest student branch (B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology) towards IEEE membership for the academic year 2017-2018 and for organizing activities towards the advancement of IEEE and Engineering profession during the year 2017.
- As a IEEE student branch counselor, received a cash award of Rs 3000, certificate of appreciation and memento from IEEE Madras Section for securing second highest student branch (B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology) towards IEEE membership for the academic year 2016-2017 and for organizing activities towards the advancement of IEEE and Engineering profession during the year 2016.
- Gold medalist in M.Tech (Power systems) from College of Engineering, Anna University.