![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E. |
Phone | : | 91-44-22751347 Ext:242,238 (Office), 9790599393 |
Email ID | : | sadhishprabhu@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing |
M.E. | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 2010 |
B.E. | ECE | 2003 |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr) |
Areas of Expertise : | Microstrip patch antenna, Nano materials, Electron Devices, Entrepreneurship and Soft skills |
Currently Teaching: | Electronics for Mechanical Systems, Social Entrepreneurship |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 3.01.2011 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 10 years 11 months |
Other Exp | 8 years 3 months |
Delivered: 70+ guest lectures (Topics: Online teaching methodologies, Entrepreneurship, soft skill, Antenna etc…)
Organised: 50+ events workshops/seminars/conferences
Participation: 50+ events like workshops/seminars/conferences
Additional Responsibilities
- Institute coordinator for Crescent Innovation Startup club
- IDepartment coordinator for CIIC
- IInnovation Ambassador, IIC, MHRD
- IGlobal Jury member of National Entrepreneurship Network
- IFaculty coordinator for Social Technical Service club
- IFaculty coordinator for Institution of Engineers (India)
- ITimetable coordinator for the department
- IDepartment Academic Audit committee coordinator for Arrears
- IClass Advisor
- IClass committee chairman
Additional Skills
- Digital teacher, ICT Academy
- Chief Innovation officer, Rocheston, USA
- Entrepreneurship Educator, Wadhwani Foundation
- Soft skill trainer
Areas of Research Interest
- Nano material fabrication and characterization
- Micro strip patch antenna
- Entrepreneurship
Publication in Journals:
- Marek Dvorsky, Harihara S. Ganesh, and S. Sadhish Prabhu, “Design and Validation of an Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with Additional Slots,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2019, Article ID 7472186, 10 pages, May 2019
- Published a research article titled “Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Graphene as Super Substrate” in Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 01-Special Issue, 2019
- Published a paper on “Design Of Dual Band 1×2 Micro strip Patch Antenna Array For GPS Receivers” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences May 2015 , Vol. 10 No. 9 (Annx 1)
- Published a paper on “Design of multiband antenna for mobile phone handsets” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Volume 10, Number 20 (2015) Special Issues 9 (Annx 1)
- Published a paper on “Design, analysis and fabrication of 2X1 rectangular patch antenna for wireless applications” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015
- Published a paper on “Design Of Dual Band 1×2 Micro strip Patch Antenna Array For GPS Receivers” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences May 2015 , Vol. 10 No. 9 (Annx 1)
- Published a paper on “Design of multiband antenna for mobile phone handsets” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Volume 10, Number 20 (2015) Special Issues 9 (Annx 1)
- Published a paper on “Design, analysis and fabrication of 2X1 rectangular patch antenna for wireless applications” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015
Conferences attended
- Faculty Attendance Monitoring System Using Facial Recognition, Akram Mohammed, Abhishek.S, Misbahullah Sheriff &S.Sadhish Prabhu,
- IETE CHENCON2021, June 4 & 5, 2021
- National conference in recent trends in engineering and technology, “Design of coupled-fed monopole antenna with 2G,3G,4G for mobile handset application” at St.Joseph Institute of technology on 5th April 2014
- Presented a paper on “GPS Controlled Autonomous Bot for Unmanned Delivery” on 22.03.2018 in IEEE International conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Control and Communicaiton ’18
- National conference in recent trends in engineering and technology, “Design and simulation of E-shape micro strip patch antenna” at St.Joseph Institute of technology on 5th April 2014
- “Synthesization of Nano Ferrite Doped With Lanthanide for Gas Sensor Studies” in Sethu Institute of Technology, Pulloor
- “Gas Sensitivity of Nanocrystalline Nickel doped Zinc Samarium Ferrite” in Sethu Institute of Technology
- “Error Control Schemes” at SNS Institute of technology, Coimbatore.
- “Low power design of multipliers using a full adder isolation technique” Paavai College of Engineering, Namkkal
- “Trade of designing floating point division on virtex FPGA’s” SSM college of Engineering, Komarapalayam.
- Coordinator for National Conference on NCRVIC 2012,2013 and 2015 at BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Coordinator for a Two day workshop On Advanced RF Measurements for Engineering and Research (ARMER) in association with Agilent Technologies
- Coordinator of National Education day and Engineers Day at BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Coordinator for International workshop by the Faculty training academy , BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Organized interdepartmental Technical Symposium in B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute
- One of the Coordinator for a two-day Seminar in “Nano technology Perspectives and Prospectus”
- One of the Coordinator for a one day Workshop on “ORCAD PSPICE”.
- One of the Team Member in National Conference “ETICT 2006”.
- Completed 4 week online NPTEL course on Design Thinking
- Completed Faculty Development Programme on “Advance Course in Entrepreneurship” and Advance Entrepreneurship by Wadhwani Foundation (WF) – National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)
- Completed Faculty Development Programme on “Basic Course in Entrepreneurship” and Advance Entrepreneurship by Wadhwani Foundation (WF) – National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN)
- Completed an 8 week online NPTEL course on “Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality” on 30th April 2017
- “Funding Agencies And Project Opportunities For Writing Sponsored Research Proposals“, BSAIST
- Leadership and innovation skill , BSAIST
- Guest Lecture on Green mobile Communication, BSAIST
- How to do Ph.D. to an international standard – an international perspective and “How to publish articles in peer – viewed journals”, BSAIST
- Workshop on “full bright” scholarship
- Two day work shop on IE3D, BSAIST
- Course Objective and Course outcomes, BSAIST
- Two week workshop on “Soft skill” trainer training program at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- One week induction program at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- “Micro sensor Development & Deployment Challenges” at Sethu Institute of Technology.
- “Embedded Systems” at Vellamal Engg. College, Chennai.
- “DSP architecture and algorithm “ at PSNA college of Engg. Dindugal.
- “Networks Laboratory” at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
- “Overview of VLSI-CAD tools” at NIT. Trichy
- ‘Teaching Evaluation through Micro Teaching’ work shop at VIT University, Vellore.
- “Soft Skill Trainers training program” at Infosys, Chennai
- “Soft Skill Trainers training program” at Infosys, Mysore
- “ Fire safety” at SIT
- “Public Speaking and report writing “in SIT.
Workshops Organised
- Delivered a hands-on workshop training to school teacher in “Innovative teaching mythologies” on April 13th 2019
- Delivered Soft skill training to MCA students March 3rd 2019
- Successfully implemented a School Bell for Karanaipuducherry as a part of Social Technical service club.
- Coordinator for Technical Service to the society
- Coordinated an IPR seminar 09.2.17
- Delivered a guest lecture on personality skills for MSc Aucturial and Physics on 16.03.2017
- Delivered a lecture in training the Mooc coordinators of the Institute on 11.04.2017
- Coordinated NSIC workshop in Entrepreneur Development on March 20th 2017
- Coordinated with ICACT for FSFTN Conference 26.01.17 to 29.01.17.
- Coordinator for ECE department Quiz club (BQUCE)
- Coordinator for Student Motivation and Classroom Management at BSAIST on 23.5.16
- Coordinator for Faculty training on course objectives and outcomes 4.5.16
- Coordinated with ICTACT for Digital youth submit
- Coordinator for National Conference on NCRVIC 2012,2013 and 2015 at BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Coordinator for a Two day workshop On Advanced RF Measurements for Engineering and Research (ARMER) in association with Agilent Technologies
- Coordinator of National Education day and Engineers Day at BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Coordinator for International workshop by the Faculty training academy , BS Abdur Rahman Institute
- Organized interdepartmental Technical Symposium in B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute
- Organized a two day workshop on “Robotics” for II and III yr ECE students on 8th and 9th Jan 2013
- Organised a two day workshop on “Preplacement” for final year students on 17th and 18th May 2015
Workshops Attended
- IIT PALLS submit March 3rd 2017
- Participated in Tie Con 15 Conference 31.10,15
- Two week FDP on Teaching and Learning at BSAIST
- How do the Editors Look at your paper? Live webinar by Elsevier Publishing Campus
- Five days’ workshop on Design , Simulation fabrication and testing of MPA
- day Workshop on Quality Assurance in Academic & Sponsored Research
- One day workshop on “Didactic Seminar on OrCAD PSPICE & OrCAD PCB
- Leadership and innovation skill, BSAIST
- Guest Lecture on Green mobile Communication, BSAIST
- How to do Ph.D. to an international standard – an international perspective and “How to publish articles in peer – viewed journals”, BSAIST
- Workshop on “full bright” scholarship
- Two day work shop on IE3D, BSAIST
- Course Objective and Course outcomes, BSAIST
- Two week workshop on “Soft skill” trainer training program at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- One week induction program at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- FDP on design thinking at CTS on 21.5.16
- “Funding Agencies And Project Opportunities For Writing Sponsored Research Proposals“, BSAIST
Book series
- Design of Rover with Live Video Transmission, T. MuhamedSharrukhV. R. RajapriyaP. PaviethraS. Sadhishprabhu, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 792), Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies, pp 57-65, 2021
- IoT-Based Smart Irrigation and Monitoring System in Smart Agriculture, D. anikandan, Sadhish Prabhu, ParnasreeChakrabortyT, ManthraM. Kumaravel, Part of the Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering book series (LNEE, volume 792), Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies pp 45-56, 2021
Teaching Learning
- Developed 8 websites for the different courses handled
- Youtube channel mainly focused on teaching and learning with 250 subscribers https://www.youtube.com/c/SadhishPrabhu
- Used the following online teaching tools Edpuzzel, Edmodo, Kahoot, Class marker, Mentimeter and crescent LMS for innovating teaching.
- Completed “Certification Course on Digital Teaching Techniques” organized by ICT Academy from 29 June 2020 to 04 July 2020.
- Participated in the AICTE–AQISsponsoredSixDaysShortTermTrainingProgramme(STTP) on“Be the Change – Teaching Learning Process” the complete transformation from 7/12/2020 to 13/12/2020.
- Participated on webinar titled, “Stress Management” on 12.04.2020 and 23.04.2020 by BSACIST
- Attended free Webinar on “How to transform from traditional teaching mode to effective online teaching with available e-resources: Preparedness” organized by Office of Dean, Academic Research, Director – HR office & ESPACBSACIST
- Delivered a hands-on training on “Edpuzzel application” in the Online workshop on “Design and Development of E- Content” on 12th August 2020 jointly organized by The Center to Innovation in teaching and Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic affairs)BSACIST
- Single handedly delivered 5 day Hands-on session on “Effective Online Interactive Teaching Tools for School Teachers” from 22nd to 26th June 2020.
- Delivered a hands-on workshop training to school teacher in “Innovative teaching methodologies” on April 13th 2019
- Delivered a lecture on “Teaching Learning Pedagogies” to ECE Department faculties on Feb 9th
- Delivered a lecture on “Innovative teaching Methodologies” for the Electronics and Communications Engineering department faculties at B.S A Crescent Institute of Technology, 2018
- Delivered a hands-on workshop in using the tool “CAMTASIA” for the Mooc coordinators of B.S A Crescent Institute of Technology, 2017
- Delivered a lecture on “Website Creation for innovative teaching practices” for ECE faculty on 25th July 2016
- Delivered a lecturer on “Student Management” to Non-teaching faculty of ECE department on 29th July 2016
- Organized a Hands-on training on “Online Teaching Tools for Teaching Professionals” on 20.05.2020
- Organized and delivered a webinar on “Online Teaching and Branding” on 24th and 25th of April 2020
- Organized “Faculty student motivation program” for ECE department on 17th February 2017 ay BSACIST
- Co Organized “Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu” Conference with ICTACT academy from 26th to 29th Jan 2017 at BSACIST
- Organized 3 days Faculty Development Program on “Innovative Teaching Practices” from 25th July to 27th July 2016 for the teaching faculty members of ECE department at BSACIST
- Organized a 2 days’ workshop on “Basic of Computer hardware and software trouble shooting” for non-teaching faculty members of ECE department from 28th to 29th July 2016 at BSACIST
- Organized the Third international workshop on “Teaching and learning in the 21st century, FTA 17th December 2013 at BSACIST
Soft Skill
- 12 years of Experience in Soft Skill training
- Trained more than 3000+ students and 100+ faculties in Soft Skills
- Single handedly trained all the B.Tech final year students (850+) in “Soft Skills” atSethu Institute of Technology, 2010
- Handled the course “Confidence Building and behavioral skills” and “Career Building and People Skills” for 7 consecutive years
- Revised the Institute syllabus for the course “Confidence Building and behavioral skills” and “Career Building and People Skills”, at B.S A Crescent Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2018
- Prepared a student handbook for the course Confidence building and Behavioral skills
- Prepared a facilitator manual for the course Confidence building and Behavioral skills
- Coordinated the course “Career Building and People Skills” and “Confidence Building and behavioral skills” for all B.Techprogrammeswith 900 students and 14 faculties, 2014 and 2012 respectively.
- Delivered a two-day webinar on “Soft skill” training series – II on 21-11-2020 and 28-11-2020 organized by Skill and personality Development programme Center of B.S.A.C.I.S.T
- Delivered a Lecture on the topic “Resume writing” for the III year ECE ‘A’ students on 05.03.2020 at ES201 class room.
- Delivered “Soft skill” training to MCA students March 3rd
- Delivered a motivational talk for school students in the Career guidance program organized by ECE department to 12th standard students on April 7th 2018
- Delivered a guest lecture on “Personality skills” for MSc Auctorial and Physics on 16th March 2017
- Delivered and organized “Soft skill” training at the Faculty Induction program in B.S.A Crescent Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2014
- Delivered and organized a two-day workshop on “Preplacement” for final year students on 17th and 18th May 2015 at BSACIST
- Delivered and coordinator for “Soft skill training” by FTA from 19th to 20th Nov 2013 at BSACIST
- Delivered “Soft Skills” training to the final year students of Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai 2011
- Delivered “Soft Skills” for I PG & II PG students of Lady Doak Collage, Madurai on 16.08.2011
- Delivered “Soft Skills- The need of the hour for engineers” to the final year EEE students of Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College, Sivakasi.
- Delivered “Soft Skills” to the school faculties and students of Deepa Matriculation School, Mukkudal, 2010
- Delivered “Soft Skill” for Sethu Institute of Technology Students under Infosys Campus Connect Program, 2009
- Delivered “Team Building” training to the faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering department, Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai, 2008
- Delivered “Soft Skill” Training to the faculties of Sethu Institute of Technology, Madurai under Infosys Campus Connect Program , 2008
- Attended Webinar on “Communication Skills” on 26.04.2020 conducted by FTA, BSACIST.
- Completed NPTEL Online Certification “Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality – Elite, 2017
- Participated in the Faculty Development Program on “Soft Skill”, 2013, B.S.A Crescent Institute of Technology, Chennai, 2013
- Participated in “Soft Skill” workshop, Infosys Leadership Institute, 2009
- Participated in “Soft Skill” workshop at Infosys Technology Limited, 2008
- Participated in “Soft Skill” training Programme at VIT, Vellore, 2007.