Events 2021-22
SEEE Inaugration – Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Chief Guest of the program:Mr. S. R. NANDHA KISHORE, Manager,Global Siting MED Latin America,Vestas Technology R&D, Chennai
The inaugural function of the activities of the Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Vandalur, Chennai – 48 is scheduled on 28.10.2021 (Thursday) at 10.00 A.M through Google meet. Chief guest delivered a special lecture on the title “Current challenges in energy sector and future of renewable energy”.

Career Opportunity for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Mr.Pabba Ramesh Motivation speaker (Career Guidance) ACE Engineering Academy, Chennai

Career Guidance Program for Higher education
“GRE Prep and Study Abroad Prospects” by Magoosh Learners Cortex
Speaker: Mr.Sriram, Chief Instructor & Admission Associate Magoosh – Learners Cortex

Virtual Workshop on “Free and Online Simulator for Electrical Engineers” on 29th July 2021
The faculty members of the EEE department presented the following simulators in the workshop.
1. Dr. K. Shafeeque Ahmed, AP/EEE presented Multisim Simulator
2. Dr. Belwin J Brearley AP(SG)/EEE presented LtSpice Simulator
3. Mr. C. Athbel Joe AP/EEE presented Scilab Simulator

Events 2020-21
Webinar on “Power System Automation” on 30th June 2021
Dr.Ganesh K, Director, Office of Alumni Relations delivered the Welcome address. Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib, HoD/EEE delivered the Special address, Mrs. S.Jennathu Beevi, AP(SG) and Alumni Faculty coordinator EEE Dept., introduced the expert Alumni & Mr. John K Mathew, Alumni Coordinator, Office of Alumni Relations delivered the Vote of thanks. Total number of registrations: 80. More than 58+ participants attended the webinar. Platform: Google Meet.

Virtual Alumni Reunion

Virtual Career Guidance Programme
About 52 participants (Plus two students, Diploma holders and Engineering Graduates attended this programme ) registered and attended the event. .

Item | Resource Person | |
11.30 am | Welcome address | Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Prof./ EIE |
11.35 am | Introduction to EEE department and careers in Electrical Engineering | Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib, HoD/EEE |
12 Noon | Career choices and Admissionprocedures ofB.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | Dr.S.S.M.Abdul Majeed HOD/ Polymer & Director (Admissions) |
12.20 pm | Mrs.S.Jennathu Beevi,AP(SG)/EEE Mr.C.Athbel Joe, AP/EEE | Careers in Electrical Engineering after plus two Careers in Electrical Engineering after Diploma/B.Tech |
12.30 pm | Q & A session | Participants |
12.40 pm | Vote of Thanks | Mrs.S.Jennathu Beevi, AP(SG)/EEE (Department Admission Coordinator) |
Online Technical Quiz
The first three winners were selected and cash prizes were distributed. The certificate of participation was issued to all the participants.

The prize winners names are given below | 18 / 25 | Jyotishka Mandal | Vels Vidyashram | | 18/25 | G.SARAVANAN | THE GUGAI HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL | | 17 / 25 | Riyas | Crescent school | | 16 / 25 | PERVEZ RAHMAN | ST. PAUL’S ACADEMY | | 16 / 25 | V. SAIKRISHNA | NSN NEMORIAL SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL,CHITLAPAKKAM, Chennai – 64 |
Virtual Meet – Careers in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Dr.Y.Mohamed Shuaib, HoD/EEE delivered the Welcome address. Dr. Abdul Majeed, Director Admission/ BSACIST delivered the Special address and presented the details of admission process in BSACIST. Mrs. S.Jennathu Beevi, UG admission coordinator and Mr.C.Athbel Joe AP/ EEE presented the various career opportunities available for Electrical and Electronics Engineers . Mrs. S.Jennathu Beevi, AP(SG) / EEE delivered the Vote of thanks. Total number of registrations: 56. Platform: Google Meet. Plus two students, Diploma holders and Engineering Graduates attended this programme.

One Day Free Workshop on “Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicle Application” on June 3rd 2021

Webinar on “Modelling and Simulation of Renewable Energy Systems Using MATLAB/Simulink” on 18th May 2021

Webinar on “Government Schemes for Startup & Qualities to Become a Successful Entrepreneur” on 7th May 2021
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering had organized a Webinar on 7th May 2021 from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM on the topic “Government Schemes for Startup & Qualities to Become a Successful Entrepreneur”. The resource person for this webinar was Mr. E. Mohan, CEO of Infinite Desire (Entrepreneurship Solutions).
The speaker explained: 1. Various schemes that the Government of India has initiated (more than 100), 2. The advantage of financial freedom, 3. The process of starting your own company, 4. Long term struggle and hardships that a business needs to face to be successful. The feedback that we received from the attendees was so positive. We believe that this webinar benefitted all the participants.

Oil & Gas Conservation Awareness Drive
GREEN & CLEAN ENERGY-SAKSHAM 2021 on 9th February 2021
Resource person: Mr. S Ramalingam, President,ENFUSE

Webinar on “Internet of Things” – 05th August 2020
Dr.B.Ezhilavan, Managing Director, VEI Technologies, Chennai

“Distribution of Power From Practical Perspective” conducted on 18.07.2020
Resource Person: Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Manager- HV Distribution, Connection Services Department, Distribution power division, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

Webinar on “Power System Analysis through ETAP” – 17th July 2020
In association with Office of Alumni Relation / BSACIST
Dr. Adhi Narayanan Theerthamalai (Alumnus EEE), Lead Electrical Engineer & Power Systems Study Specialist, Petrofac International Ltd, UAE

Webinar on Distribution of Power from Practical Perspective – 07th July 2020
In association with Office of Alumni Relation / BSACIST
Dr. Mohamed Ismail (Alumnus EEE), Manager- HV Distribution, Distribution Power Division, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)

Webinar on “Design and Sizing of Cables and Motors” – 03rd July 2020
Mr.Janarthanan. M,(Alumnus EEE), Lead Engineer, Petrofac International Ltd, Muscat, Oman

Short Term Training Programme on “Electric Vehicle and its Scenario in India” during 01-03 July 2020

Events 2019-20
Webinar on Smartgrid – 17th June 2020
In association with Pantech

Webinar on Power Electronics and its Applications- 11th June 2020
Dr.Sreejith, Assistant Professor, NIT, Silchar

Faculty development programme on “Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering” during 01st to 5th June 2020

Webinar on Battery Operated Electric Vehicle – 26th May 2020
In association with Department of Mechanical Engineering / BSACIST
Mr. Pranav Ramanlal Mistry, PM Tech Innovator, Mumbai, India

Webinar on Troubleshooting of Industrial Motors – 13th May 2020
Dr. Arunachalam Sundaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jubail Industrial College (JIC), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Webinar on Artificial Intelligence with MATLAB – 7th May 2020
Rajkumar D, Application Engineer – MATLAB, DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd

National Level seminar on “Research potential in Solar Energy & Storage Technologies” – 11th March 2020
Dr.J.Gaayathri, Assistant Professor (S.G.),CO2 research & green energy technologies center, VIT, Vellore

One day training programme on “Operation and Maintenance of Roof Top Solar PV Practices” – 10th February 2020
In association with Estate office / BSACIST
Mr. Lokabhiraman,Sr. DGM, Ex-BHEL & Mr. Pradeep Chavan,Sr. Executive Ex-BHEL
Arbutus Consultants PVT LTD., Pune, Maharashtra

Hands on Workshop Applications of PIC Microcontrollers – 6th & 7th February 2020
Dr. A. Paramasivam, AP/EEE, BSACIST

Awareness programme on “Energy, Oil & Gas Conservation” (Saksham 2020) – 31st January 2020
Prof S. Ramalingam, National President, Energy & Fuel Users Association of India

Guest lecture on “Creative Teaching & Learning Pedagogies” – 28th January 2020
Dr. Jayashri Ravishankar, Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications at University of New South Wales, (UNSW), Sydney, Australia

One day National Level Seminar on “Power Electronic Drives for Electric Vehicles” 10th October 2019
Dr. K. Ragavan, Associate Professor, IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Training Program on MiPower Software – 10,14-15 October 2019 PRDC, Bangalore

Workshop on Renewable Energy adopting smart technologies – 01st October 2019
Dr. SUKUMAR MISHRA, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New Delhi

Inaugration – Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 29th August 2019
Mr. S. K. Mohamed Aslam, General Manager, Ohm Energy Management System Pvt. Ltd.,Chennai

Events 2018-19
One day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation Using LaTeX”
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) of the School of Electrical & Communication Sciences has organised a one day workshop on “Scientific Documentation and Presentation Using LaTeX” on 8th March, 2019.

Two day Workshop on “Embedded System in Robotics using ARM Cortex M0+”
The Department of EEE of the School of Electrical & Communication Sciences has organised a Two day Workshop on “Embedded System in Robotics using ARM Cortex M0+” on 5th & 6th February, 2019. The workshop was inaugurated by our Registrar.

Two Days Workshop on Evolutionary Computing and its application to Engineering using MATLAB on 3rd & 4th October 2018

Around 30 participants from various institutes like VIT, Sairam Engineering College, SSN, Rajalakshmi Engg. College and BSACIST actively attended the workshop. The participants include UG students, faculty members and research scholars from various domains.
One Day Workshop on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) on 12th September 2018
The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and The department of Mechanical Engineering jointly organized a one day workshop on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) on the 12th of September 2018. Dr. E. Paul Braineard, Ph.D. (IIT Madras) Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sricity, Chittoor was invited as a guest speaker. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Mechanical Sciences) and Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen, Professor and Dean (School of Electrical and Communication Sciences). The convener Dr. Y. Mohamed Shuaib, HOD EEE felicitated the speaker, the workshop coordinators, Mr. K. Saran Kumar, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mr. A. Paramasivam, Assistant Professor, EEE gave a brief over view about the workshop and a short note about the speaker.
The speaker briefed on MEMS fabrication techniques during the forenoon session and elaborated on micro pumps as a case study in the afternoon session. The workshop attracted more than 40 student participants both internal and external.

Faculty Development program:
- Faculty Development Programmeon “Control Systems” was organized on December 2004.
International Conference
- School of Electrical and Communication Sciences jointly with Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) – Malaysia , organized an IEEE International Conference on “Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communications” (RTECC’18) during March 20th to March 22nd 2018.
- International Conference of “ Recent Trends in International Conference“ECCAP” was organized on January 2000.
National Conference
- National Conferenceon “Modeling, Simulation, Design and Experimental study of Electrical System MOSDES 2013” on 25th-26th April 2013.
- National Conferenceon “Modeling, Simulation, Design and Experimental study of Electrical System MOSDES 2011” on 11th April 2011.
- National Conferenceon “Modeling, Simulation, Design and Experimental study of Electrical System MOSDES 2009” on April 2009.
- IEEE National Conferenceon “Information and Communication Convergence” was organized on December 2006.
- National level Conference“ELECT ” was conducted on September 2004.
International Workshop
- International Workshop on “Electro Chemotherapy for Effective Cancer Treatment” was organized jointly associated with Purude University, USA and Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai on 27th-28th July 2011.
National Workshop/Training Program
- S.Jennathu Beevi,AP(SG)/EEE Dr. R.Jayashree, Prof/EEEand Ms. Sarmila Har Baegum, AP/EEE organized workshop on “Opportunities in Solar Energy Technologies” during 23,October 2017.Faculty and students from EEE attended the workshop.
V.Bharanigha,AP/EEE and Mr.M.ram Kumar,AP/EEE organized a hands-on Training Programme on “IoT using Raspberry PI”during 11-12-13, October 2017. Students from EEE and ECE attended the training programme- V.Bharanigha,AP/EEE, Mr.M.ram Kumar,AP/EEE and Belwin J Brearley, AP/EEE organized a two day workshop on “Embedded Systems Using Arduino” in association with Innovians Technologies, Technex,, IIT Varanasi during 03-04 April 2017. Research scholars, faculty and students from EEE,ECE,CIVIL and Mechanical attended the workshop.
- Two Day National Workshopon “Automation of Electrical Machines using LabView “was organized in associated with National Instruments , Bangalore on 1st and 2nd April 2016.
- One day workshop on “Documentation and presentation using LaTex and Beamer” during 17thJune 2016
- One day National Workshopon “Industrial Automation using PLC” was organized jointly with Siemens on 20th January 2016.
- Short Training programmeon “ANSYS” was organized on May 2015.
- Hands on trainingon the software “ARDUINO and MATLAB” were organized on Jan 2015.
- One day workshop on “ Evolutionary Computation in Electrical Engineering – Genetic Algorithm” during 10-11 January 2014.
- National Workshopon Recent Trends in “Evolutionary Computation in Electrical Engineering “was organized on November 2010.
- One Day National Workshopon “PSCAD Power System Simulator” was organized associated with Nayak Power System , Mumbai on 9th and 10thAugust 2010.
Invited Talks/Guest Lectures
- Syed Islam, Professor,Curtin Universitydelivered a lecture on “Digital And Ict Applications In Smart Power Systems on 10th March 2017.
- Ahamed Bilal, Engineer, ABB Switzerland (alumni of 1995-1999 Batch), delivered a technical lecture on “Different drive train structure of Electric Vehicle” on 10th Sep 2015.
- Mr A.G S.kandan,VI Micro systemsdelivered a technical speech on “Smart Grid Lab” on 3th Sep 2015 .
- Ganesh Moorthy and Albert, of M/s Newton technologies delivered a technical lecture on “Power System Network Laboratory” on 29 th Aug 2015.
- Mohamed Farook, Director, Middle East & Central Asia , ALSTOM, Dubai(alumni of 1997-2000 Batch)delivered a guest lecture on “Smart grid and Digital Substations” on 20th Aug 2015.