![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347 Ext:242,238(Office) |
Email ID | : | indra@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
B.E/ B.Tech | ECE | 2006 | Anna University |
M.E / M.Tech | Embedded Systems | 2010 | Anna University |
Ph.D | ECE | Pursuing Thesis Submitted |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology |
Work Experience
Designation : | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr) |
Areas of Expertise : | EMBEDDED SYSTEMS |
Date of Joining at BSAIST: | 01.07.2010 |
Years of Experience at BSAIST: | 11 years |
Previous Experience : | NIL |
Areas of Research Interest
- Multicore Architecture
- Real Time Embedded Systems
- Network on Chip
- Internet of things
- Computer Architecture
- Image processing
Publication Details:
Research Publication in Conference
- G Kannan, K Indra Gandhi, S.Ganesh, S.Priyanka & A.Anusuya, 2020 “Industrial IoT: Development of Smart Cooler for Solder Paste Storage and Management” in the International Conference on IoT and its Applications (ICIA-2020), organized by NIT Jamshedpur during 26-27 December 2020
- S.Sadhish Prabhu,Dr.G Kannan, K Indra Gandhi, Irfanuddin and Munawir, “GPS Controlled Autonomous BOT for Unmanned Delivery”,IEEE International Conference, 2018, Recent trends in Electrical, Control and Communications(RTECC ’18), BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
- Nivedita, Indra Gandhi.K, “Implementation and comparative analysis of carry select adder using low power adder circuits” , International conference on adaptive technologies for sustainable growth, Pavai Engineering College 2016
- Priyadharshini.K, Indra Gandhi.K, “An Efficient 4-Parallel Radix- 2^2 Feedforward FFT Architecture”, 2nd National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Electronics and Embedded System (RTEEE-2014),GKM College of Engineering 8th March 2014
- S.Suresh, K.Indragandhi, “Sensor Based Home Embedded Surveillance System Using GSM Module”, National Conference on Networking, Communication Systems & Signal Processing, KarpagaVinayaga College of Engineering & Technology, 6th March 2012
Research Publication in Journal
- Indragandhi K., Jawahar P.K, “Core Performance Based Packet Priority Router for NoC-Based Heterogeneous Multicore Processor”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1171, pp 389-397, Springer, Aug 2020.
- K Indragandhi, Jawahar P K, “An Application based Efficient Thread Level Parallelism (ETLP) scheme on Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded System for real time image processing”, Scalable Computing Practice and Experience, Vol No 21 Issue No 1 , March 2020.
- K Indragandhi, Jawahar P K, “Fuzzy based Efficient Task Scheduling Scheme (ETSS) on Heterogeneous multicore processor”, International journal of advanced intelligent paradigm, inderscience, Abstract in online, (Paper in Press)
- SwvethaaRavi, Indra Gandhi, A.Athifshah, “Design and Implementation of Object Detection and Identification for Intelligent Smart Devices”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 Issue No .55, 2015.
- M. Abdul Rafeeq, K.Indra Gandhi “Design and Implementation of Elegant Vehicle Control System Based on ARM Platform” International Conference On Science And Innovative Engineering (ICSIE)/ Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering and Technology (JSIET) ,ISBN 978-81-904760-5-8, 2014.
Patent Publication
Title : Secure remote health monitoring framework using Internet of Things with Edge Computing.
Application No: 202041026517
Publication Date: 03/07/2020
Project Guidance
No of project Guided at PG level : 06
No of project guided at UG level : 16
International Certification
- Successfully completed Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Examination by National Instruments organized by the department of ECE, BSACIST in Coordination with National Instruments Bangalore on July 09, 2018
NPTEL Online Course (Certification by IIT’s)
Successfully completed the following NPTEL online course
- Programming data structures and algorithm using PYTHON
- Introduction to parallel programming in Open MP
- Real Time Operating Systems (Topper)
- Multicore Architecture -Storage and Interconnect
IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial
- Successfully completed HTML Online Examination organized at B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India on April 24th 2020
- Successfully completed Python 3.4.3 Online Examination organized at G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti, offered by the Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India on May 4th 2020
- With a Goal of contributing to the Society, guided the Student members of “Social Technical Service Club” of ECE department to implement the following project in a Govt. High School at Karanaipudhucherry near Urapakkam and handed over the same to the school Principal during November 2017
- Automatic water level controller (II year ECE students Mr.J.Prasanna, Mr.S.Ganesh and Mr.K.Lokeshwaran)
Workshop Conducted as a Resource Person
- Resource Person for the International Webinar on “Python for Everyone” organized by the Department of ECE, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, on 29-05-2020.
- Resource Person for the one day workshop on “Embedded Application Design using Arduino Board” organized by the Department of ECE, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. on March 22nd 2019.
- Resource Person for the one day workshop on “Embedded Application Design using Arduino Board” organized by the Department of ECE, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. on 04.2018.
- Conducted Two days workshop as a Resource Person on Hands on “PYTHON Programming” on September 26-27, 2017 at B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai.
- Conducted two day workshop as a Resource Person on “Application design using Arduino board” by the Department of ECE ,BSAU held on 24 and 25th of February 2017.
- Conducted one day workshop as a Resource Person, “Hands on Training in Raspberry Pi ” on 08-12-2017 at B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai.
Guest Lecture Delivered
- Guest Lecture on “Arduino and Its Application”, organized by the department of Computer Applications, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent, Chennai on 26-10-2017.
Workshop Organized
- Organized a one day workshop on “Embedded System Design using MSP 430 Processor” organized by the Department of ECE, BSAIST held on 24/10/13.
- Organized a three days workshop on “RTOS based embedded applications using ARM” conducted by the Department of ECE, BSAIST held on September 10-12, 2014.
- Organized a one day workshop on “Product Design Using Embedded Systems & Robotics” by the Department of ECE, BSAIST held on 18th August, 2015.
Workshops / Seminar / FDP Attended
- Participated in the AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “Internet of Things (Everything) – Future starts tomorrow”, organized by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from 24.08.2020 to 29.8.2020.
- Attended online Workshop on “Design and development of E – Content” jointly organized by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) and Office of Dean (Academic Affairs) of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, on 12/08/2020
- Participated online Faculty Development Program on Python 3.4.3 organized by the G.Venkataswamy Naidu College, Kovilpatti in association with spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay during 30-04-2020 to 04-05-2020.
- Participated online Faculty Development Program on “HTML” organized by B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology in association with spoken Tutorial, IIT Bombay during 30-04-2020 to 04-05-2020.
- Attended online workshop on “Scientific Writing for Journals” organized by Springer Nature on 15th May 2020.
- Participated Competition Quiz “World Intellectual Property Day” and Secured 18 out of 20, organized by IPR Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council of Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education on 26/04/2020.
- Participated TEQIP-III sponsored short term course on “Advanced Computer Architecture” at IIT Guwahati during Dec 10-14, 2018.
- NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development program” MultiCoreComputer Architecture-Storage and Interconnects” conducted by IIT Guwahati, Full FDP of one week during Aug-Sep 2018.
- Attended Two Week Short Term Training Programme on “Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) ” Organized by the Department of ECE at S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai in association with Optithought, NI Success Assurance Partner (SAP) Chennai DURING 25th June to 09th July 2018.
- Attended Faculty Development program on “Embedded Systems (IOT) with RASPBERRY PI Boards “atJerusalem Engineering College, Chennai on5th & 6th June 2017.
- Attended Quality Improvement programme on “ARM CORTEX M4 Programming”, NITTR Chennai Govt of India MHRD during 05-10-2017 to 07-10-2017.
- Attended webinar titled “Power management in Embedded system” on 20th June,2018 by Mentor.
- Attended webinar titled “Multicore and Interprocessor Communications” on 16th August , 2018 by Mentor Graphics.
- Attended webinar titled “Simplify Software Security, Enhance Performance And Implement Machine Learning” on 12 February, 2019 by NXP.
- Undergone the Internship for embedded system at Denvik technologies during September and October 2016.
- Participated One week Short term course on “Advanced Computer architecture” at IIT Guwahati during 10-14 December 18.
- Attended 3-days Workshop on “ARM CORTEX M4 Programming” NITTR Chennai from 5th – 7th October 17.
- Attended Faculty Development program on “EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (IOT) with RASPBERRY PI Boards “atJerusalem Engineering College, Chennai on 5th & 6th June 2017.
- Attended the Seminar by “Rexona Confidence Academy” at BSA University on 01.02.17.
- Attended two days workshop titled “Embedded System Design on Zynq & Xilinx boards”, on June 9th & 10th, 2016.
- Participated in one day workshop on “The awareness workshop on Intellectual property rights” held on 29th August 2015 at B.S.A University
- Participated in one day didactic seminar on “Cadence OrCAD PSPICE and OrCAD PCB” held on 26th June 2015 at B.S.A University
- Participated in one day workshop on “Women Academic Managers: challenges and Approaches” held on 29th April 2015 at B.S.A University.
- Undergone the Internship for embedded system at Denvik technologies during September and October 2016
- Attended two weeks short term course on “Embedded systems and design”, organized by our university from 30.06.14 to 13.07.14.
- Attended two day workshop on “Wireless Gesture Based Robotics”, organized by our university on 22.08.14 and 23.08.14.
- Attended a two day workshop on “GPU programming and its applications”, conducted by IIT,Madras on 17th and 18th of july 2014 .
- Attended a one day workshop on “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research”, conducted at BSAU on 7th of March 2015 .
- Attended a two day workshop on “Embedded Systems & Industrial Applications”, conducted by SSN Engineering College, Chennai on 4.04.2014 & 5.04.2014
- Attended a one day workshop on “Multi threaded and Parallel Programming” by School of Computer science &Engineering,VIT,Chennai on 14.02.14.
- Attended a four days workshop on “Embedded Development using ARM and XILINX Boards” organized by Department of ECE, BSAU in association with ABE Technologies held from 23/12/13 to 27/12/13.
- Organized a one day workshop on “Embedded System Design using MSP 430 Processor” organized by the Department of ECE ,BSAU held on 24/10/13.
- Attended two day workshop on “QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES”, JUNE 28th and 29th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended three day workshop on MSP430 & its Embedded Application conducted by ECE department of BSA University on 20th and 21th January 2011.
- Attended one day workshop on “ALTERA FPGA Design”, March 6th, 2012 organized by our university.
- Attended one day seminar on WIRELESS NETWORKS organized by IE, Madras.
- Participated in Three Day Induction Training Programme for Faculty at BSAU from 15 – 17 July 2010.
- Attended four day workshop on FPGA &ASIC DESIGN conducted by ECE department of BSA University on 12th to 15th October 2010.
Additional Responsibilities
- Class Advisor B.Tech ECE A (2018-2022)
- Embedded Lab – In-Charge
- Industrial Visit And Cocurricular Files – In Charge
- Student achievement file in charge
- Question Paper audit member
- Member Board of Studies
- Time Table coordinator during 2017 to 2018
- Department level Turnitin tool in charge
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Life Member of” International society for Research and Development – ISRD” – M4150904032
- Member”International Association of Engineers –IAENG” – 239287
- Professional Member, ”Institute For Engineering Research and Publication”-IFERP-PM46857910