Clean Water and Sanitation
The Institute was recognized and awarded as University of the year of ―”Eco Friendly Sustainable Campus” in the 13th Higher Education Summit of ASSOCHAM Award held on 26th Feb 2020 at New Delhi. The award was presented by Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Hon‘ble Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India, New Delhi, in the presence of Shri. Deepak Sood, Secretary General, ASSOCHAM and Dr. Prashant Bhalla, Chairman (ASSOCHAM) National Council of Education.

B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology cooperate with the various government and non government organizations on Water security and also on several social causes and has received several recognitions
Swachhta Campus Ranking 2019:
- MHRD, Government of India, has organized Swachhta Campus Ranking 2019 as a part of Swachh Bharath, in which, our institute has participated for the same.
- Our institute has participated and also undergone several stages of the evaluation process
- In this connection, a committee has visited our Crescent on 19th September 2019 to assess our performance in respect of Cleanliness & Hygiene
- Crescent has been ranked ―5th amongst the Cleanest Higher Educational Institutions in the Country, in the category –Residential University and the award was presented to the Institution, by the MHRD Minister, Government of India on 3 rd Dec 2019
Clean & Smart Campus Awards 2019:
- AICTE has initiated a process of Clean& Smart Campus Award 2019
- In connection with the same, an expert committee visited our campus on 9th September 2019
”Eco Friendly Sustainable Campus”
- The Institute was recognized and awarded as University of the year of ―”Eco Friendly Sustainable Campus” in the 13th Higher Education Summit of ASSOCHAM Award held on 26th Feb 2020 at New Delhi
- The award was presented by Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Hon‘ble Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India, New Delhi, in the presence of Shri. Deepak Sood, Secretary General, ASSOCHAM and Dr. Prashant Bhalla, Chairman (ASSOCHAM) National Council of Education
Recognised Social Entreprenuer Swachta &Rural Engagement Cell Institution
- The Institute has been recognized by Ministry of Education, Government of India, for successfully framing the SESREC action plan and constituting ten working groups for improving facilities in campus and adopted villages, in the areas of sanitation, water management, energy management etc
National Building Code of India 2016 (NBC 2016)
The National Building Code of India (NBC) provides guidelines for regulating the building construction activities across the country. It serves as a Model Code for adoption by all agencies
involved in building construction works. The Code mainly contains administrative regulations, development control rules and general building requirements; fire safety requirements; stipulations
regarding materials, structural design and construction (including safety); building and plumbing services; approach to sustainability; and asset and facility management.
The Institute has given due consideration in promoting initiatives for saving energy and reduce water usage in buildings

New Crescent School of Architecture block, is designed as a Net Zero Energy building and registered under USGBC-LEED Gold certification.

The Institute has also received sanitary certificate from Department of Public health, Tamilnadu Government. It has been certified that there is a good water management and sanitation in the Institute.

B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technolgy has always taken initiatives to develop a good landscape in the campus. The Institute has also taken part in the initaive “One Student OneTree” organized by All India Council for Technical Education

In the campus some trees gets uprooted due to cyclone and other unexpected accidents. On such occasions the Institute always take measures to plant new saplings and ensure a good landscape in the campus

Certificate and Workshops

Certificate of Appreciation
The Institute support water conservation off campus. The Institute has been recognized and appreciated by the government of India, AICTE and various other professional bodies for their services rendered for the local community to support various social causes such as Water conservation, maintaining swachta, campaigning Jal shakthi etc. Some of the recognitions are given below.