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Designation | : | Assistant Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E,.M.E., Ph.D., |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347 (Office) |
Email ID | : | shanmugavadivu@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Degree | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Power Electronics – Multilevel PFC Converter | 2021 | Anna University, Chennai |
M.E | Power Electronics and Drives | 2010 | Anna University, Chennai |
B. E | Electrical and ElectronicsEngineering | 2006 | Anna University, Chennai |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Assistant Professor | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | December 13, 2021 to till date | Till date |
Assistant Professor | New Prince Shri Bhavani College of Engineering and Technology | August 2021 to December 2021 | 4 months |
Assistant Professor | Agni College of Technology | June 2011 to October 2016 | 5 years |
Lecture Courses
- Power Electronics
- Electrical Machines I and II
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Control Systems
Area of Research Interest
- Power Electronics
- Muitilevel AC-DC Converters
- Power Factor Correction Converters
- Journal Publication: K.R.Shanmuga Vadivu and R.Ramaprabha, 2021, “ Improved steady state and large signal transient response of three level ac-dc converter using hysteresis modulation based SMC ” Revue Roumanie Des Sciences Techniques, vol.66, no.2, pp. 85-90, ISSN: 0035-4066. (Annexure-I)
- Ramaprabha, R, Shanmuga Vadivu, K.R, 2020, ‘Investigation on Performance of Controllers for Three Level PFC Converter for Wide Operating Range’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.20, no.1, pp. 91-98, ISSN : 1582-7445 (Scopus Index 0.2 Indexed in Scopus & Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)– Annexure I). IF – 0.650.
- Shanmuga Vadivu, K.R, Ramaprabha, R, 2020, ‘Investigation on Operating Characteristics in Three Level Full Bridge AC-DC Converter using Different Control Strategies for Telecom’, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol.15, no.3, pp. 1217-1230, ISSN: 1975-0102 (Springer Publication – Annexure I). IF – 0.715.
- Anbazhagan, A, Kurinji Malar, L, Shanmuga Vadivu, K.R, 2019, ‘Power Quality Research On Three-Phase PFC Rectifier (Minnesota Rectifier)’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol.8, no.6, pp. 3566-3570, ISSN 2249-8958. (Scopus Indexed).
- D.John Sundar, K.R.Shanmugavadivu, G.Padmavathi, A.Anbazhagan,“A review of fast converging maximum power point tracking schemes for photo voltaic applications ” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (ISSN 0973-4562), Vol. 9, No. 23 (2014) pp. 20119-20129. (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- D.John Sundar, K.R.Shanmugavadivu, G.Padmavathi, T.Preethika, “Design and Implementation of an Improved Quazi Z-Source Inverter for 3 Phase Induction Motor Drive Systems” International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (ISSN-2319-8354), Vol. No.3, Issue No.9, pp. 403-412, Sept. 2014, (Scopus Indexed Journal).
- D.John Sundar, K.R.Shanmugavadivu, G.Padmavathi, “Modular Bi-Directional Power Flow Converter for Multiple Renewable Energy Sources” International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology (ISSN 2348-9480), Vol. 1, Issue 7, pp.1015-1022, Sept.2014, (Scopus Indexed Journal).
International Conferences
- A. Anbazhagan, K R Shanmuga Vadivu and R. Ramaprabha, “Reduction Of Inductor Current Ripple for PFC Converter Based On Auxiliary Winding”, Third International Conference on Power and Embedded Drive Control (ICPEDC 2021), Aug 25 – 27, 2021, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SSN College of Engineering
- K.R.Shanmugavadivu, R.Sarathkumar, S.Gopinathan, “Investigation of Power Quality in Three Phase PFC Rectifier using Zigzag Transformer” International Conference on Advance Research in Engineering & Technology-2014, ICARET’14, April 18 & 19, 2014
- K.R.Shanmugavadivu, Dr.R.Ramaprabha, “A Comparative study of Low Power Single Stage Multilevel Converter” 3rd International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering, April 5 & 6 .2014
National Conferences
- Presented a Paper on ‘Harmonics Reduction in the PFC Rectifier by Zigzag Transformer’ in National Conference on Communication and Nano Electronics Technology – 2011, Oct 12-14 2011, Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai
- Presented a Paper on ‘Investigation for Power Quality Assessment in Three-phase PFC Rectifier (Minnesota Rectifier)’ in National Conference on Power Quality and Power Conversion System (PQPCS-’10), April 27 2010, Anand Institute of Technology, Chennai
- Presented a Paper on ‘Power Quality Assessment in Three-phase Power Factor Correction Rectifier (Minnesota Rectifier)’ in National Conference on Recent Applications in Control Engineering (RACE’10), April 16 2010, held at S.A.VeerasamyChettiar College of Engineering, Thirunelveli
Additional Responsibilities
- Participated in the “AICTE sponsored six days Virtual Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Applications of Artificial Intelligence Towards Industry 4.0” organized by Srisairam Engineering College, Chennai from 18 to 23 January 2021.
- Completed one hour professional development on “High Efficiency DC/DC Converters With a New Coupled-Inductor-Rectifier Structure” conducted by IEEE continuing education in 26 May 2020.
- Participated webinar on “Power System Distribution with Latest Technology” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 09 May 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Electrical Engineering Applications of Machine Learning” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 10 May 2020.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program under the topic “Emerging Trends in Electrical Vehicles” organized by Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Chennai on 14 & 15 May 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Adaptive Control Applications to Power System: Case Study of SVC control with MRAC” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology, Ashta on 24 May 2020.
- Participated in the Webinar on “Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design using HOMERpro” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College on 14 May 2020.
- Participated in the Two Days Workshop Entitled “Battery Management System For Electric Vehicles” conducted by R.M.D Engineering College held on 21st May 2020 & 22nd May 2020.
- Participated in the Five days Faculty Development Program under the topic “Renewable Energy Technologies, Integration to the Power Grid &E-Vehicle” organized by Srisairam Institute of Technology, Chennai on 28 May to 01 June 2020.
- Completed in the One Week Faculty Development Program on “Modern Trends in Electrical Drives” jointly organized by NIT Nagpur & The Institution of Engineers (I), Nagpur Local Centre during 19 – 23 May 2020.
- Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program on “Role of IoT, Embedded, Electric Vehicle & Power Electronic Converters for Smart World” organized by St.Joseph’s College of Engineering associated with IEEE Student Branch Chapter, Chennai during 18 – 22 May 2020.
- Participated in the Two days National Level Technical Seminar under the topic “Electrical Power Utility Management – 2020” organized by K.L.N College of Engineering on 15 & 16 May 2020.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Renewable energy and applications” conducted by Agni College of Technology, Thalambur-603110 in 15 August 2016.
- Resource person at the Faculty Development and Training Programme on Circuit Theory, Approved by Anna University, Chennai , held between December 8th and December 14th 2014 at Agni College of Technology, Thalambur, Chennai – 600130.
- Resource person at the Faculty Development and Training Programme on Electrical Machines – II , Approved by Anna University, Chennai held between June 16th and June 22nd 2014 at Agni College of Technology, Thalambur, Chennai – 600130.
- Attended a two day workshop on “Advance Power Electronic Interfaces for Distributed Energy” conducted by SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam-603110 in September 2013.
- Attended a three day workshop on “Power Conversion Technologies for Renewable Energy Systems” conducted by SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam-603110 in May 2013.
- Attended the Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Pedagogies” conducted by Agni College of Technology, Thalambur-600130 in August 2013.
- Attended a two day ISTE workshop on “Akash for Education” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in November 10 & 11, 2012.
- Attended a two week ISTE workshop on “Introduction to Research Methodologies” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 25th June to 04th July, 2012.
- Attended a one day national level workshop on “Research Methodologies in Deregulated Power System” conducted by Eswari Engineering College, Ramapuram in November 1st, 2011.
- Attended Pre-Conference on “Recent Trends in Power Systems, Power Electronics and Drives” conducted by SSN College of Engineering in association with IEEE Madras Section and ISA South India Section , Kalavakkam-603110 in April 2011.
- Attended three days workshop on “Advanced Power Electronics and Controls” conducted by SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam-603110 during 18-20, 2008.
Awards and Achievements
- Received “Best Young Researcher Award – 2020” from IJMTST.
- Acting as a Research Coordinator for the department and guided many student projects. One of my project teams selected for participating in IIT Pals event conducted by IIT, Chennai and reached until final selection and won participation prize.
- Acting as a department NBA files maintenance coordinator for all NBA files
- Guided the students’ in best project contest on the title “ Foot Step Power Generation” conducted by Adhiyamaan College of Engineering held on 17 & 18 March, 2014.
- Received “Best Performance Award“, for the outstanding performance during the Academic Year 2012-2013.
- Certified Internal Auditor for ISO.
- Awarded “Merit Scholarship” for the year 2008-2009 by SSN College of Engineering.
- Awarded “Merit Scholarship” for the year 2009-2010 by SSN College of Engineering.