
Prof. Dr. T. Murugesan
Prof. Dr. Thanabalan Murugesan received his Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, and has been involved in teaching, research and industrial consultancy in Chemical Engineering and allied fields during the past 33 years. After serving as a Scientist at CLRI, Adyar for 5 years, he served as Reader /Professor at ACTech, Anna University for 14 years. Prof. Murugesan joined Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia, where served as Professor of Chemical Engineering for the last 15 years.
Prof. Murugesan has a very strong academic and research background coupled with experience in PETRONAS corporate culture gained through international exposure in various professional capacities. Separation processes and transfer operations are his core domain of research. Based on his research outcome, he has published more than 250 research articles with a citation of 6020 & h index of 43 in peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factor apart from numerous conference proceedings. He is a well-established and most respected professional consultant and reviewer for research proposals submitted to international funding bodies, and journal papers in his area of expertise.
He supervised 26 PhD scholars, 10 Masters students for their MS by Research as well as 26 M.Tech candidates. The real feather in his cap is the scientific research in the broad field of water treatment (i.e., adsorption, photocatalysis, etc.), CO2 capture, extraction, drug release, H2 storage, and reactor design. Prof Murugesan has completed 28 funded research projects worth of 4.25 crores, both in India and Malaysia.
Prof. Murugesan has received many awards and accolades for his services to the industrial and academic sector and recently (2020) being listed as one of the world’s top 2% of scientists by Stanford University, USA.
Prof. Murugesan is a Fellow and Chartered Engineer (CEng) of Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) UK and Senior Member of AIChE, USA. apart from his life memberships in many elite professional bodies.