International Collaborations
Online lecture on “Wireless Communication in Industry- Practical Examples”
Dr. Vignesh Raja Ramachandran, Scientist, Philips Embedded Research Division, Netherland delivered a online lecture on “Wireless Communication in Industry -: Practical Examples” at ECE Seminar Hall on 24-07-2019 for the benefit of third year, final year students and faculty.
SERB – Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (OVDF)
The Indian Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has opened up opportunities for enhancing mobility of Indian research students at the PhD level. The Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship (OVDF) Scheme was designed with a primary objective to offer opportunities for PhD students admitted to Indian institutions to gain exposure and training at overseas universities.
Ms. Sindhu Bala, Full time research scholar has been selected for Govt. of India’s SERB Overseas Visiting Doctoral Fellowship to pursue her research at Purdue University, USA from January 2019 for a period of one year. She will receive an amount of 2000 US$ per month during her stay there.
Credit course on “Microwave and Radio propagation Systems”
Department of ECE has organized a one credit course on “Microwave and Radio propagation Systems” for the benefit of VI semester students from 19.03.2018 to 23.03.2018. The course was handled by Dr. Mohd. TarmiziAli , Associate Professor, UITM, Malaysia.
School of Electrical and Communication Science has signed an MoU with University of Technology MARA (UITM) Malaysia during October 2017
ECE Department has organized Expert’s Lectures being delivered by Foreign faculty to supplement the course ‘ECB3102 Digital Communication‘ for the benefit of V sem ECE students

Professor, San Francisco State University,
San Francisco, CA 94132
Duration : July 17 – 21, 2017
Time : 9.30 – 12.30 hrs FN , 1.40 – 2.30 hrs AN
Venue : Seminar hall in MS Block
A guest lecture on the topic ” Health monitoring and Network Security ” by Professor Janet Light
Department of ECE has organized a guest lecture on the topic ” Health monitoring and Network Security ” by Professor Janet Light, Ph.D. Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering (SASE) University of New Brunswick, Saint John on 23-11-2016.