![]() |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.E. |
Phone | : | +91-44-22751347 (Office) |
Email ID | : | skalaivani@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D | Wireless Sensor Network | Pursuing | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology |
M.E / M.Tech | Applied Electronics | 2007 | Anna University |
B.E/ B.Tech | ECE | 2004 | Madurai Kamaraj University |
Teaching Experience
Organisation | Designation | Job Description | From | To |
BSACIST, Chennai. | Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) | Teaching | 01.01.17 | Till date |
BSAIST, Chennai. | Assistant Professor | Teaching | 01.06.10 | 31.12.16 |
SRM University, Ramapuram, Chennai | Assistant Professor | Teaching | 21.01.09 | 31.05.10 |
RVSCET, Dindigul | Lecturer | Teaching | 11.07.07 | 08.05.08 |
RVSCET, Dindigul | Lecturer | Teaching | 16.08.04 | 22.07.05 |
Areas of Research Interest
- Wireless Sensor Network
Publication in Journals & Conferences
Publication in Journals:
- Kalaivani. S, Tharini. C, Saranya. K and Kosireddy Priyanka, “Design and Implementation of Hybrid Compression Algorithm for Personal Health Care Big Data Applications”, Wireless Personal Communication (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07241-1.
- S. Kalaivani and C. Tharini, “Analysis and implementation of novel Rice Golomb coding algorithm for wireless sensor networks”, Computer Communications, Volume 150, 15 January 2020, Pages 463-471. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2019.11.046
- S.Kalaivani, R.Anitha, S.Anusooya and Jean Shilpa, “IoT Based Physical Condition Screening System for Animals”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277 – 3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S5, July 2019.
- S.Kalaivani and C. Tharini, “Analysis and Modification of Rice Golomb Coding Lossless Compression Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, June 2018, Vol. 96 No.12.
- R.Anitha, S.Kalaivani, S.Anusooya, V.JeanShilpa, “Implementation of Migration Strategies fromIPV4 to IPV6”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Page No. 1740 – 1747, Vol. 9., 2017.
- Srinivasan. D, Thenappan. R and Kalaivani. S, “IoT Based Elderly Health Monitoring System” is published in SSRG -International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Special Issue – April 2017.
- R. Rebecca and S. Kalaivani, “Analysis of Data Prediction Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks” is published in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 4 Issue V, May 2016.
- S. Kalaivani and C. Tharini, “Efficient Data Compression Technique Using Modified Adaptive Rice Golomb Coding for Wireless Sensor Network” is published in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 18196608, July 2015, Vol. 10, No. 12, p.no. 5395 – 5401.
- S.Mani and S.Kalaivani, “FPGA Implementation of Sequential Circuits Using Multi-Bit Flip-Flops”, International Journal of Electronic Communications Engineering Advanced Research (IJECEAR), Feb 2014.
Publication in Conference:
- Ms. S. Kalaivani, Manikandan D, Manthra T, Abarna S and Dr. C.Tharini, “A Survey on Wearable and Wireless ECG Monitoring System”, 10th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering, Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, 29th March 2020.
- Afrin Fathima, Vigneshwaran, Samiullah, Thoufeek Ahamed, Kalaivani S and Vijay Anand, “A Survey on Solar Energy Harvester for Wireless Sensor Nodes”, 10th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering, Jawahar Engineering College, Chennai, 29th March, 2020.
- The paper titled ”Design and Implementation of Configurable DPLL using Adaptive Threshold Optimization ATO, “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science, Engineering & Technology, Jerusalem College of Engineering, 22nd March 2019
- The paper titled “Implementation of efficient self balancing Robot”, IEEE Conference on RTECC 2018 and ISBN: 978-1-5386-4309-9, included in IEEE Digital Explore.
- The paper titled “Analysis of EMD-ARIMA and ARIMA Prediction algorithm for WSN” was presented in the ICIETET’17 at Panimalar Institute of Technology, on May 15 2017.
- The paper titled ‘IoT Based Elderly Health Monitoring System” was presented in the ICRTESTM-2017 at Swami Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Secunderabad, Telangana on 24 / 04 / 2017.
- The paper titled ‘Animal Health Monitoring using IOT’ was presented in the IVESCOM’17 at AVIT on April 25 – 26 2017
- The paper titled “Analysis of data prediction algorithms in WSN” was presented in the International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICRTET’16) at St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Presented the paper titled “Efficient Data Compression Technique Using Modified Adaptive Rice Golomb Coding for Wireless Sensor Network” in the International Conference on Technological convergence for Information, Health, Food and Energy Security (TCIFES 2015) at CLRI, Chennai.
- The paper titled “An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Spatially Correlated Sensor Network” was published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library through the International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS) 2015.
- The paper titled “Real time ECG acquisition and detection of Anomalies” was presented in the International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT 2015), at Velammal College of Engineering, Chennai.
- The paper titled “Processing of ECG Signal for the Detection of Diabetic CAN” was presented in the International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead (ICDB 2015), at BSAIST, Chennai.
- Statistical Processing Based Data Aggregation Technique For Wireless Sensor Network in the 6th National Conference on “Recent Trends in VLSI, Information and Communication (NCRVIC 2014)”, Organized by the Department of ECE, BSAIST, Chennai.
- FPGA Implementation of Sequential Circuits Using Multi-Bit Flip-Flops in an International Conference on Electrical, Communication and computing (ICECC – 2014) at Tagore Engg. College, Chennai.
- Fixed latency and multi gigabit serial link transceiver on FPGA using serdes in National conference on VLSI and image processing at Velammal engineering college, 19th March 2013
- Design and implementation of low power logarithmic number system on digital filters in International conference on futuristic trends in electronics engineering at Thiruvalluvar college of engg., 2-3 March 2013.
- Lalitha K., Kalaivani S., and Venkatesh C. (2007), “Remote Monitoring of ECG Signal Using Wireless Sensor Network”, International Conference on TeamTech2007, IISc, Bangalore, India September, 2007, pp. 94.
Publication in Book chapter:
- The paper titled “Real time ECG acquisition and detection of Anomalies” is published as a chapter in the book Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer India, ISSN: 2194-5357, 06 February 2016, Volume 394, pp 503-513.
Seminars / Workshops / Conferences – Attended / Organized
Workshops Attended:
- Certified for participating in the workshop “Hand on Python programming” on 21st & 22nd of April conducted by HunarPro Skilling Hub Pvt. Ltd.
- Attended a workshop on “Research Planning & Writing Skills” on 28.4.20 conducted by Central Library BSACIST jointly with Elsevier.
- Certified for attending the workshop on Data Science using Python conducted by 360DigiTMG during 11 May to 15 May 2020.
- Certified for attending the online workshop on Scientific Writing for Journals organized by Springer Nature on 15.5.20.
- Certified for successfully completing the online workshop on ‘Effective and Efficient Online Teaching in the Age of Corona: A Hands-On Workshop on 24th May 2020 organized by IITB that was integrated with online video classes with quizzes, assignments and interaction session for 3 days.
- Certified for attending two days online workshop on Photoshop during 19th and 20th May 2020 conducted by HunarPro Skilling Hub Pvt. Ltd.
- Certified for attending the workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications using MATLAB” organized by department of CA, BSACIST.
- Certified for attending the Training Program on Crescent LMS – Workshop on E-content Design & Development on 04-08-2020 organized by Office of Data Centre & Office of Dean Academic Affairs, BSACIST.
- Certified for participating in the online workshop on “Design & Development of E-content”, organized by CITL & Office of Dean Academic Affairs, BSACIST on 12.8.2020.
- Certified for participating in 3-days Workshop on Internet of Things using Raspberry Pi Organized by VIT Chennai in association with PANTECH E LEARNING from 02.10.2020 to 04.10.2020
- Attended one day hands-on faculty development programme on “Usage of RASPBERRY PI in Machine Learning Environment”, on 3rd April 2019 at BSACIST.
- Attended a three days workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents” during 20th July to 22nd July 2018 organized by office of Dean (Research) at BSACIST.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Mental Health and Stress Management for Teachers”, at BSACIST, on 7th March 2018.
- Attended a one day workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT)” conducted by IETE, Chennai on 28th November 2017.
- Attended a one day workshop on “IoT with Home Automation” organized by Altsense on 20th October 2017 at IITM, Research Park Chennai.
- Attended two days workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research”, at BSAIST on 31.7.17 &1.8.17.
- Attended a five day workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing and Computational Biology for Healthcare Applications” organized by department of ECE sponsored by ICMR on 12th – 16th May 2017 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology
- Attended a one day workshop on “Big Data Analytics and Python Programming” organized by department of CSE on 18th March 2017 at BSA Crescent Institute.
- Attended two days workshop on “Research Methodology & Quality assurance”, in BSAIST on 2nd & 3rd of December 2016.
- Attended two days workshop on “Embedded system development using ARM & Xilinx boards”, in ECE department, BSAIST on 9th & 10th of June 2016.
- Certified for the completion of Module I – NI LABVIEW Core 1 & core 2 course during July-2015-Jan 2016.
- Attended one day workshop on “Gift Yourself”, held on 18thof January 2016 organized by Women Empowerment Cell at BSAIST.
- Attended two days workshop on “Recent Advances in Bio Signal Processing and Hans-on training using Labview’, at GKM college of Engg. & Tech. , Chennai on 29th & 30th December 2015.
- Attended one day workshop on “The awareness on IPR”, BSAIST, Chennai on 29th August 2015.
- Two days workshop on WBAN Sensing and Signal Processing Challenges at Anna University, Chennai on 23 – 24 March 2015.
- One day workshop on Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research at BSAIST on 7th March 2015.
- Two days workshop on Wireless Gesture Robotics by Skyfi Labs at BSAIST on 22 – 23 August 2014.
- Introduction to LabVIEW Programming and Data Acquisition Systems organized by the School of Electrical Engg., at VIT, Chennai on 21stFebruary 2014.
- Embedded System Design using MSP 430 Processor organized by Department of ECE, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 24th October 2013.
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Research Issues & Practical Solutions organized by Department of ECE, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 13th & 14th December 2012.
- One day workshop on Advanced System Design using Altera tools on March 6th 2012 conducted by Department of ECE, B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai.
- Applications of MSP430 Processor in Embedded Systems organized by the Department of ECE in coordinate with M/s.Gill Instruments, Bangalore under the auspices of IE & IETE chapters of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai on 20th & 21st January 2011.
- Application of Microcontrollers for Embedded Systems organized by Department of IT, Easwari Enngineering College,Chennai from 24th to 25th July 2009.
- Overview of VLSI CAD tools on 17th& 18th August’07 at NIT, Trichy.
- Recent trends in Microwave and Optical Communication conducted by Department of ECE from 2/12/04 & 3/12/04 at JJ college of Engg. & Tech., Trichy.
STTP / FDP / Seminars attended:
- Certified for participating in the Faculty Development Program on “Insight of Analog And Digital IC Design : Industry and Research Perspective (IADICD – 2020)” during 14th – 19th December 2020 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM IST, Kattankulathur.
- Certified for attending AICTE – ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on“Feature Analysis Using AI/ML from 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020 organized by Sri Krishna College of Engg. & Technology, Coimbatore.
- Certified for participating in 5-day special online webinar series on “Recent Trends in Embedded Systems and Computational Intelligence” organized by IE(I) Erode Local Centre in association with Kongu Engineering College, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology and Sengunthar Engineering College from 14.09.2020 to 18.09.2020.
- Certified for participating in the webinar on “How to publish high impact research article”, organized by Dept. of ECE, BSACIST on 9.8.2020.
- Certified for attending 5 days training session on Python programming from 03 Aug to 07 Aug 2020 by Transify and 360digiTMG.
- Certified for participation and completed assessments in the 5 days online short term course on “VLSI Physical Design using Cadence Innovus Tool” from 20.07.20 to 24.07.20 conducted by St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai.
- Attended a webinar on “Online Learning: Design, Development & Delivery of Online content” conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST on 04.07.20.
- Attended a webinar on “Online Learning: Design, Development & Delivery of Online content. (Timing: 10:15am – 5:15pm)” conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST on 08.07.20.
- Certified for attend a webinar on “Trends in Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Perspective” conducted by IEEE SB, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology in association with IEEE CS Madras, ACM Chennai and Wiley India on 28 May, 2020.
- Certified for attending 1 week FDP on Modern IOT Technology tools & Design for real time applications organized by Sairam Institute of Technology.
- Attended a Webinar on Ethics & Values of our founder Alhaj Dr B. S. Abdur Rahman conducted by FTA, BSACIST on June 9th, 2020.
- Certified for the webinar on Machine Learning using Python on 2.5.20 conducted by Pantech along with IETE.
- Attended Web conference on “Skill Enhancement/Re-skilling during the lockdown” on 2.5.20 organized by ACM, IEEE and CSI.
- Certified for webinar on Internet of Things on 4.5.20 conducted by Pantech along with IETE.
- Attended Webinar on IEEE Xplore digital training on 7.5.20 from 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM organized by The Central Library, BSACIST.
- Certified for webinar on Internet of Things on 7.5.20 from 4.00 PM to 6.00PM.
- Certified for the webinar on “Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS” organized by department of Civil Engg., BSACIST on 8.5.20.
- Attended a webinar on Image Processing using Python and Open CV on 8.5.20 conducted by Pantech along with IETE.
- Attended “Webinar on Research Workflows, Research Metrics & Excellence in Academic Institutes” co-organized by Elsevier and AICTE on 12th May.
- Certified for the webinar on AI on 20.5.20 conducted by Pantech along with IETE.
- Attended a webinar on “Various project opportunities for DST funding – Strategies on International cooperation” conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST on 23.5.20.
- Attended a webinar on Deep Learning on 25.5.20 conducted by Pantech along with IETE.
- Certified for Attending the webinar on “Trends in Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Perspective” conducted by IEEE SB, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology in association with IEEE CS Madras, ACM Chennai and Wiley India on 28 May, 2020.
- Certified for participating in online FDP on HTML organised by BSACIST in association with spoken tutorial project, IIT Bombay conducted during 20.4.2020 to 24.04.2020.
- Attended “AWS technical essentials “, webinar on 9.4.20 conducted by AWS Training & Certification team along with ICT academy.
- Attended “Stress Management “, webinar on 12.4.20 conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST.
- Attended “Advancing through Adversities “, webinar on 14.4.20 conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST.
- Attended “Why and How to write papers, proposals for Research, Projects, patents and consultancy”, webinar on (21.04.2020, Sunday) conducted by Faculty Training & Development, BSACIST.
- Attended webinar on “Online Teaching and Branding”, on 25.4.2020 (Saturday) conducted by Department of ECE, BSACIST.
- Certified for attending FDP on “Recent trends in Biomedical Engineering – Research Perspective” during April 26th – 30th, 2020 conducted by Dr. NGP Institute of Technology.
- Attended online training on “Knimbus Remote Access & Mobile App” on 27th Apr 2020, conducted by Central Library BSACIST.
- Certified for attending a webinar with hands on training on “Arduino (Embedded)” on 30.4.20 conducted by CCTI.
- Participated in the seminar talk on “Smart Energy System for Renewable Energy” by Dr. K. Balaraman, Director General, National Institute of Wind Energy on 30.07.2019 organized by the School of Electrical and Communication Sciences and Office of ESPAC at B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
- Attended and certified in NPTEL online Course on Teaching and Learning in General Programs during July – August 2019 (4 weeks).
- Attended “National Seminar on e-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education” organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre of MHRD, SGTB Khalsa College, University of delhi in collaboration with and at BCACIST on 9th March 2019.
- Attended and certified in NPTEL online Course on Patent Drafting for Beginners Jan – Feb 2019 (4 weeks).
- Attended one day FDP on “Predictive Modeling Using – R”, on 2nd November 2018 organized by Faculty Training academy in association with MCA department at BSACIST.
- Attended and certified in Coursera online Course on Launching into Machine Learning during October 2018 (2 weeks)
- Attended and certified in NPTEL online Course on Digital and the Everyday: from codes to cloud during Feb – May 2018 (4 weeks).
- Attended STTP on “Certified Labview Associate Developer” organized by the Department of ECE at BSACIT in association with Optithought, Chennai from 3rd October to 14th October 2017.
- Attended and certified in NPTEL online Course on Design for IoT from July – September 2017 (8 weeks).
- Attended seminar on “Capacity of Women in Higher Education” on 1st April 2017 Organized by Women Empowerment Cell at BSA Crescent Institute.
- Attended a seminar conducted by Rexona Confidence Academy on 1st Feb 2017 at BSA Crescent Institute.
- Participated in one day didactic seminar on “Cadence OrCAD PSPICE and OrCAD PCB” held on 26thJune 2015 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- Participated in one day workshop on “Women Academic Managers: challenges and Approaches” held on 29th April 2015 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology.
- STTP on Recent Research Issues in WSN for 5 days from 4th– 8th August 2014 at SRM University, Chennai.
- How to do PhD to an international standard – an international perspective & How to publish article in peer-viewed journals held on 05 August 2013 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engg., BSAIST.
- STTP on Embedded Systems & Design for two weeks from 30thJune to 13th July 2014 organized by department of ECE, BSAIST.
- Design & Usage of Online Tools in Face to Face Education organized by the FTA of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology on 15th September 2012.
- Three days Induction Training Programme for faculty at B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, between 15 – 17 July 2010.
- Optimization techniques for Engg. Applications organized by ISTE- RVS Chapter & Department of Mech. Engg. At RVSCET, Dindigul on 10th & 11th March 2005.
Workshops / Seminars organized:
- Organized two days online Soft Skill Training Programme for final year students of ECE on 11-09-2020 and 12-09-2020
- Organized a Webinar on “Gear up your career through LabVIEW certification” for faculty, students and research scholars on 12-06-2020.
- Organized a webinar on “Campus to Corporate” for pre-final year students of ECE addressed by Dr. Ganesh, Dir. Placement & Training, S Chandra Shekhar, Training coordinator, S Kalaivani- AP(Sr.Gr.) & ECE Placement coordinator and P.Rajadurai – Placement Coordinator on 29.05.2020
- Organized three days workshop on “MY ROBO- CAR RACE” from 23.01.2020 to 25.01.2020
- Organised value added course on CLAD training for students of BSACIST from September to November 2019
- Organized “Certified LabVIEW Developer” training for ECE students during the period December 2018-2019
- Organized two days workshop on “Industrial IOT” on 6th & 7th of April 2018 in association with Optithought, Academic Partners of National Instruments, Bangalore& student chapters of IE(I) & IETE
- Organized workshop on NI Lab VIEW for other College and University students & faculty on 23.02.2017 to 25.02.2017 at Department of ECE, BSACIST
- Organized two days workshop on IIoT at ECE, BSACIST, on 5 – 6, APRIL, 2018.
- Organized LabVIEW training for (2015-2019) batch ECE Students Duration: 3/7/17to 14/7/17(12days).
- Organized “Three days Hands on training on LABVIEW” from 23/2/17 – 25/2/17.
- Organized a seminar on the topic “Embedded Systems and IOTs” on Feb 08, 2016 by Mr.E.Arunkumar and Mr.S.Rajkumar, Embedded Software developers, RETECH Solutions Pvt Ltd. Chennai
- Organized one day workshop on “Embedded Circuit Boards And Single Board Computers” Conducted by Watchy Technology Pvt Ltd. On 17thFebruary 2015.
- Organized two days workshop on NS2/NS3 Solutions for various Research Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks on 15th & 16th October 2014.
Guest Lectures Delivered
- Delivered a special lecture on “Introduction to LabVIEW” to Dept of ECE, Sathyabama University on 1/07/2020
- Delivered a lecture and hands-on training in TANNER tool at Sairam Engg. College on 25.2.2020
- Delivered a lecture and Hands on training in Six Days FDP on “CMOS Analog VLSI Design” at SaiRam Institute of Technology on 28.11.2019 & 29.11.2019
- Delivered a lecture in value added course on CLAD training in our University. (July – November 2019)
- Delivered a lecture on the concepts of Arrays and Loops in LabVIEW in workshop on NI Lab VIEW for other College and University students & faculty on 23.02.2017 to 25.02.2017 at Department of ECE, BSACIST
- Certified for successfully completing the course on Data Science for Engineers conducted through NPTEL by IITM during Jan-Mar 2020 (8 week course)
- Certified for successfully completing course IOT conducted by Bharathidasan University during 8th – 12th May 2020.
- Certified for participating in a competition “SPOCATHON” conducted by NPTEL on 17.5.20.
Membership in Professional bodies /Awards and Achievements
- Topper in the NPTEL online course on Teaching and Learning in General Programs conducted during September 2019
- Topper in the NPTEL online course on Design for IoT conducted during September 2017
- Member of IEI
- Member of ISTE
Additional Responsibilities:
- Placement Co-ordinator for ECE department
- Faculty Advisor for 2017 – 2021 (B) batch
- ISO Co-coordinator
- SECE Treasurer
- ECE Office Incharge
- Review panel member for UG project Review
- DAAC member – ECE