![]() |
Designation | : | Professor |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.A.,Ph.D., |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | rathnasikamani@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Qualification
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | Institution |
Ph. D | Post-colonial Literature | 2012 | University of Madras |
Dip.T.D | Training and Development | 2012 | Indian Society for Training and Development |
M. Phil | British Literature | 1996 | Annamalai University |
M.A | English | 1993 | Annamalai University |
B.A. | English | 1991 | CKN College for Women, Cuddalore, affiliated to University of Madras |
Institution | Period of work |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute | From 18.09.2000 – till date |
CKN College for Women, Cuddalore | August 1996 – April 2000 |
Courses Taught
Course Code | Course Name | Programme & Semester |
ENC1133 | English Literature: 14th to 16th Centuries | B.A.English(Hons.) – I |
ENC1231 | English Literature: 17th Century | B.A.English(Hons.) – II |
ENC2132 | English Literature: 18th to 19th Centuries | B.A.English(Hons.) – III |
EN 101 | Technical English | B.Tech – I |
EN 102 | Communication Skills Laboratory – I | B.Tech – II |
EN 201 | Communication Skills Laboratory – II | B.Tech – III |
EN 121 | Communicative English – I | B.Arch – I |
EN 122 | Communicative English – II | B.Arch – II |
EN 611 | Communication Skills Laboratory | MCA – II |
EN 605 | Communication Skills – I | MBA – I |
EN 615 | Communication Skills – II | MBA – II |
Ph.D Supervisor
- Mr.FrankJoison – Comparative Studies
On Going:
- Mrs.Grace Vinitha – Diaspora Literature
- Mrs.Sangeetha – Eco critical studies
- Ms.J. Sumaiya Javeed – Post colonial studies
- Mr. M.P.Jeremia – Post colonial studies
Areas of Research Interest
- English Literature
- Marginalised Literature
- Australian Aboriginal Literature
- Gender Studies
- Comparative Studies
Proposals Submitted
- Submitted a proposal titled, “Enhancing Scientific & Technical Writing Skills – A two Week Intensive Programme for Doctoral Research Scholars in Science and Technology” to National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi in October 2016.
- Submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, for conducting the Coaching programme ‘Soft Skills for Employability’ in January 2013.
- Submitted a proposal for conducting a training programme ‘To enhance the Communicative Competency of the Pre-final year SC/ST students’, to the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India in April 2009.
Papers Published
- Dr.P.Rathna, published a paper titled, “Symbiosis of Women and Nature: An Ecofeministic Study of Indigenous Women in Doris Pilkington’s Under the Wintamarra Tree” in an International Journal, Forum for World Literature Studies, (Vol.12 No.3 September 2020, pp.483-496) indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS and also included in the databases of EBSCO, Gale, MLA (MLA International Bibliography) and ABELL (The Annual Bibligraphy of English Language and Literature).
- Sumaiya Javeed & Dr.P.Rathna published a paper titled “Self and Cultural Translation: A Study of Islamic Feminism in Leila Aboulela’s the Translator” in International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 06, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192. (Scopus indexed)
- R.K. Sangeetha and DR.P. Rathna published a paper titled “Realignment of Identity: A Study of Socio-Cultural Ecofeminism in Rita Chowdhury‟s Chinatown Days” in International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 03, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192 (Scopus indexed)
- Published a paper titled, Religion and Marginality: A Critique of Dalit Life writings in an UGC approved International journal IJELLH Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2019.
- Published a paper titled “Consciousness and Impacts of Biotope: An Eco-Critical Study of Selected Dalit Life Writings” in Literary Endeavour, an UGC approved International journal with ISSN 0976-299X, VOL.10 Spl.issue NO.3 Jan 2019
- Frank Joison & Dr.P.Rathna published a paper titled Exploration through “Dyche”: An Indigenous Study of Yoikana and That Deadman Dance in scopus indexed journal 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies – Vol 22(3): 185 – 194 in November 2016.
- Frank Joison & Dr.P.Rathna published a paper titled, “Manifestations of Dyche: an Indigenous Study of M.C. Raj’s Yoikana: the Romantic Revolution and Kim Scott’s That Deadman Dance” in Man In India, 96 (11): 4277-4289 with impact factor 0.11 (scopus indexed).
- Published the research paper entitled “Perpetuation of Caste Consciousness through Internal Divisions: Bama’s Vanmam: Vendetta as a Testimony” in International Journal of English and Literature (IJEL); ISSN (online): 2249-8028; ISSN (print): 2249-6912; impact factor(JCC) (2015): 4.4049; index copernicus value (ICV) – (2016): 6.1;VOL – 6, ISSUE – 1; edition: FEB2016. This paper won the Best Paper Award by the Journal.
- Published a paper titled, “Optimising the Use of Discussions for Language Learning Using Wikispaces Classroom” in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Language Teaching – TILT 2014, 14&15 Nov. 2014, Sathyabama University, Chennai, with ISSN NO. 978-1-4799-7238-/14/$31.00©2014 IEEE.
- Published a paper titled, “The Trauma and the Journey of Healing: A Study of Mary Terszak’s Auto-ethnography, Orphaned by the Colour of My Skin: A Stolen Generation Story” in Vol.2, Issue 1, of English Studies: International Research Journal with ISSN 2347 – 3479 in November 2014.
- Published a paper titled, “’Tracing the Homogeneity between Dalit and Australian Aboriginal Communities: A Historical and Literary Perspective in volume- 2, issue-2 of International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) p.20-25, ISSN: 2347-3134, in Feb.2014.
- Published a paper titled “Quest and Conquest: The Power of Self in Arvind Malagatti’s Government Brahmana” has been published in Subaltern Speak, an International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (Vol.i Issue. iii, July 2012, ISSN 2277 – 3959). P.30-35.
- Published a paper titled “Self-realisation: The Three-way Revelation in Narendra Jadav’s Outcaste: A Memoir” in the National journal “Eduventure” vol.3 Issue 1 Jan- June 2010.
- Published a paper titled “Lingua Franca of the Voiceless: English and Literature of the Marginalised” in an Online journal ‘Journal of English Literature’, October 2009.
- Published an article titled “The Predicament and the Prospects of Dalit Women: A Study of Urmila Pawar’s The Weave of My Life in a National journal “Eduventure” in June 2009.
- Published a paper titled “Crises of Identity: External and Internal Conflicts as Reavealed in Joothan and The Prisons We Broke in a National journal “Eduventure” in January 2009.
Books Published
Have been publishing books since 2001. The books have been widely used in many engineering colleges and Deemed Universities in Tamilnadu.
- ‘English Work Book’ for I B.E / B.Tech. 2003 , 2004, 2005 & 2006
- ‘ English I ‘ – Text book – June 2004
- ‘ Comprehensive English’ – Text book – June 2005
- ‘ Technical English ‘ – Text book – June 2006
- Technical English I ’ & ‘Technical English II’, text books, and ‘English Work book’ for I and II Semester for Anna University (Chennai, Trichy, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli) – from 2007 onwards– VRB Publishers.
Papers Published (in books)
- Published a paper titled ‘Delineation of Dalit Women: A comparative study of selected Dalit Men and Women Life writings’ in Subaltern Narratives: A Critical Stance. Emerald Publishers. Chennai. 2018. ISBN 978-81-7966-470-4. Pp.215-220
- Published a paper titled “No Options No Choice! The Moore River Experience: A Stolen Generation Chronicle” in a book titled “Zeitgeist and the Perspectives: Deliberations in Conference,” published by SrijanlokPrakashan, ISBN:978-81-932362-2-2, in August 2016.
- Published a paper titled ‘Autoethnography and the Literature of the Marginalised: A Study of Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke’ in a book ‘Cultural Studies: A Literary/Linguistic Approach’ with ISBN No. 978-93-80017-09-9, in January 2012.
- Published an article titled ‘Multi-domain Marginalisation of Dalit Women in Bama’sAutoethnographySangati: Events” in the book ‘Transforming Spirit of Indian Women Writers’ published by Authorspress in 2012 with ISBN 978-81-7273-640-8.
- Published a paper on “Group Discussion as an Effective Training Tool to Enhance Interpersonal Dynamics” in a book titled ‘Soft Skills – A key to Professional Excellence’- Global Vision Publishing House, New Delhi, in 2010.
- Presented a paper titled, “Interaction between Invasive and Invaded Species: An Ecocritical Study of selected Aboriginal Life writings” in the International Conference on GENDERING LITERATURE AND CULTURE: AUSTRALIA AND THE ASIA-PACIFIC, organized by the department of English, University of Madras in Jan.20-21,2020
- Attended a one day national seminar on Protest Writings organised by Department of English, Loyola College, Chennai and presented a paper titled, “Consciousness and Impacts of Biotope: An Eco-Critical Study of Selected Dalit Life Writings”.
- Attended a two day international conference on “Relocating Subalternity: Changing Configurations” and presented a paper titled, ‘Delineation of Dalit Women: A comparative study of selected Dalit Men and Women Life writings.’ in Thiruvalluvar University during 15-16 February 2018
- Presented a paper titled Life Writings of The Marginalised: A Study of Dalit Life Writings through Autoethnographical Lens in a National seminar on Life WRITING organised by Dr.MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for women on 6th Jan 2017.
- Presented a paper titled,No Options No Choice! The Moore River Experience: A Stolen Generation Chronicle in a national seminar on Portrayal of Mythology and Zeitgeist in the Realms of Literature and Film Studies organised by the Department of English, Faculty of Science and Humanities on 8th March 2016.
- Presented a paper titled, “Dynamics of Internecine Rivalry and its Exploitation: A Study of Bama’s Vanmam: Vendetta” in the one day international seminar organised by Bharathi Women’s College on 11.12.2014.
- Presented a paper titled, “Óptimising the Use of Discussions for Language Learning Using Wikispaces Classroom” in the International conference on ”Trends and Innovations in Language Teaching” organised by Sathyabama University on 14th & 15th November 2014. The abstract has been published in the Proceedings with ISBN NO. 978-1-4799-7238-8.
- Participated in the orientation programme for handling the textbook, Cambridge Business Benchmark – BEC Preliminary effectively on 24 January 2013.
- Presented a paper titled ‘‘Autoethnography and the Literature of the Marginalised: A Study of Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke’ in the two-day International Seminar conducted in Quaide – e- Millath Government College for Women, Chennai on 9th & 10th January 2012.
- Presented a paper titled ‘The power of Endurance and Resilience: A Study of Ethnic Homogeneity Revealed in Urmila Pawar’s The Weave Of My Life and Doris Pilkington’s Under the Wintamarra Tree’ at the 5th International Conference of the IASA (Indian Association for the Study of Australia) held in Goa University in January 2010.
- Presented a paper on “Group Discussion as an Effective Training Tool to Enhance Interpersonal Dynamics” in absentia in the International Conference on ‘Soft Skills – A key to Professional Excellence’ organized by Himalayan Institute of Management, Kala-Amb, in April 2010.
- Presented a paper titled “Application of Social Learning Theory to Communication Skills Training” at the 5th International & 41st Annual ELTAI Conference at Anna Adarsh College for Women held from 5th to 7th August 2010.
- Presented a paper titled “Lingua Franca of the Voiceless: English and Literature of the Marginalised” at the 4th International & 40th Annual ELTAI Conference at JBAS Women’s College, Chennai during 6-8 August 2009.
- Presented a paper titled “A Study of Post-Caste Society and its Empowerment through Education in English” at the 3rd International & 39th Annual ELTAI Conference held in Sathyabama University during 8-10 February 2008.
Workshops / Seminars / Conferences Attended
- Attended a Virtual International conference on Australian Studies, “Mapping the Multi cultural Mosaic: Understanding Contemporary Australian Literature in India” organised by the Department of English, University of Madras, in association with Indian Association for the Study of Australia on 11 & 12 March 2021.
- Attended Speaking Examiner support webinar organised by Cambridge Assessment English, Part of the University of Cambridge on 10.03.2021.
- Attended an international webinar on “Twenty first Century Story telling” organsed by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 16.08.2020.
- Completed the training programme on “Teaching the TOEFL Test” online on 6.8.2020.
- Attended the webinar “Nuances of Writing and Publishing a Non-fiction Book”, organized by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute 0f Science and Technology, on 07.2020.
- Attended the webinar, “Developing Vital Critical Thinking and Communication Skills through Visuals”, organized by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute 0f Science and Technology, on 10.06.2020
- Attended the webinar ”Polish your Academic Writing” – organized by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute 0f Science and Technology, on 21.05.2020
- Attended the webinar, “The Indian English literary Canon: Perspectives, Texts and Readership”, organized by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute 0f Science and Technology, on 17.05.2020.
- Attended a one day FDP on “Effective Teaching Practices” for all faculty on 3rd July 2019.
- Attended a One day workshop titled, “Pedagogies for Language and Literature in the 21st Century” on 30.04.2019 organised by the Department of English at BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
- Attended Soft skills training organised by the FTA of BSA Crescent in March 2019.
- Attended a one day national seminar on e-learning and MOOCs in Higher Education organised by Guru Angan Dev Teaching Learning centre of MHRD in collaboration with BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on March 2019.
- Attended a two day workshop on Human Assisted Technology in Education Management Systems organized by Department of English, Madras Christian College during 12-13 December 2018.
- Attended an Onsite training on “Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” organized by Dean Academic Research on 20.11.2018
- Attended a three day workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents” organised in BSACIST during 20-22nd July 2018.
- Attended NAAC Awareness Workshop on 10.07.2018 organised by BSACIST.
- Attended a two day international conference on “Resisting Hegemony and Centre: Narratives of Australia, Canada and New Zealand” in University of Madras during 20-21 February 2018.
- Attended a training program for BEC Examiners in BSACIST on 9.02.2018.
- Attended a training programme on turnitin software on 5.10.2016 at BSAIST.
- Attended a workshop on Research Methodology & Quality Research on 3.12.2016 at BSAIST.
- Participated in the ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learning conducted by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 3rd & 4th February 2017.
- Attended the one day Colloquium on Emerging theories and Applications in English Literature and Language Teaching Research organised by the Department of English on 13th February 2016.
- Attended one day workshop organised by Women Empowerment Cell ‘’Gift Yourself’’ on 18.01.2016.
- Attended the Guest Lecture on Story Telling Techniques organized by Faculty Training Academy on September 10, 2015, in B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.
- Participated in a two-day workshop on ‘Mobile Enhanced Language Learning’ organised by ELTAI in collaboration with B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 21st and 22nd August 2015.
- Attended a two-day Cambridge Master Trainers’ Workshop in July 2015.
- Attended the one day workshop ‘Drafting an Effective Lesson Plan: An OBTL Approach’ organised by
- B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, held on 10.10.2014.
- Attended the International conference on ”Trends and Innovations in Language Teaching” organised by
- Sathyabama University on 14th & 15th November 2014.
- Attended the one day international seminar on “Emerging Trends in Literatures in English” organised by Bharathi Women’s College on 11.12.2014.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Physical and Mental Health for Working Professionals: A Holistic Approach’ held on 19th April 2013.
- Participated in the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.
- Participated in the training programme organized for BEC Preliminary Oral Examiners on 17th May 2012.
- Attended the two-day National Seminar Technology Integrated Language Teaching TILT 2012, organized by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute in March 1& 2, 2012.
- Attended the two-day Workshop on ‘Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation’ for Master Trainers organized by ELTAI in Children’s Garden Higher Secondary School, Mylapore on 28th & 29th January 2012.
- Attended the two-day International Seminar, ‘Cultural Studies: A Literary/Linguistic Approach’ conducted in Quaide – e- Millath Government College for Women, Chennai on 9th & 10th January 2012.
- Attended a two-week Soft Skills Training Programme organized by the Faculty Training Academy of our University during December, 2011.
- Attended one-day International Workshop on ‘Teaching and Learning in 21st Century’ in B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 19th December 2011.
- Attended the BEC Vantage Training Programme in December 2011.
- Workshop on ‘Motivation and Promotion of Faculty Members for Sponsored and Collaborative Research’ on 4th December 2010.
- One day Training on BEC Preliminary Programme in December 2010.
- Attended the Test Administrator Training for conducting BEC Preliminary CBT exam in December 2010.
- Attended the 5th International & 41st Annual ELTAI Conference at Anna Adarsh College for Women held from 5th to 7th August 2010.
- Attended the 5th International Conference of the IASA (Indian Association for the Study of Australia) held in Goa University in January 2010.
- Attended the 4th International & 40th Annual ELTAI Conference at JBAS Women’s College, Chennai during 6-8 August 2009.
- Workshop on ‘Preparation of Project Proposal for Funding Assistance’ in BSAIST University on April 4, 2009.
- Attended the 3rd International & 39th Annual ELTAI Conference held in Sathyabama University during 8-10 February 2008.
- Attended the one-day State level seminar TILT in 2008.
- Attended the one-day workshop on Communication Skills Laboratory Course organised by Anna University, at BSA Crescent Engineering College on 3rd February 2007.
- Attended the 2nd International & 38th Annual Conference held by ELTAI at our college on 9.2.2007 & 10.2.2007.
- Participated in the Campus Connect training programme, given by the Faculty who got training in Infosys in 2007.
Training Programs
- Participated in five day STTP on “Research Essentials in English Language Teaching and Literature” organised by the Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai during 4-8, January 2021.
- Editor for the Alumni Newsletter CAN since December 2016.
- Coordinator, Students E-Magazine, “Writers Inc.”
- ISO Internal Auditor
- Member of ELTAI
- Staff in-charge of Literary Club
- Gave a special lecture on “Indian Knowledge system, Languages, Arts and Culture”, on 5th August 2021, during the theme based webinar series, conducted as part of the one year of NEP organised by BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
- Organised a virtual event for higher secondary school students Cres festo – 21 on 26.06.2021.
Extension Activities
- Resource person for the session on the topic, “Understanding Search and (Re) search” on 5.01.2021, during the five day STTP on “Research Essentials in English Language Teaching and Literature” organised by the Department of English, BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during 4-8, January 2021. https://youtu.be/-4jJDa81LPc
- Given a Guest Lecture on “Speaking English Effectively” to the students of S.A.Engineering College, Avadi on 4.2.2020.
- Translated few modules of the NPTEL Course “Applied Linguistics” offered by IIT Madras.
- Resource person for the session on the topic “Useful Apps for Effective English Language Teaching and Learning” in Day 2 (18.09.2020) as part of the Two Day National Level E-Workshop on Teaching and Learning English through Idioms and Apps organized by the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Science, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus, Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, Chennai
- Resource person for a workshop on “Effective Use of Vocabulary and Pronunciation for Powerful Speaking” organised by the Department of English, Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai -95 on 12.02.2019.
- As the Staff-in-charge of the Literary Club coordinated the celebrations of “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas” (National Unity Day) which is observed to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of SardarVallabhbhai Patel on 31st October 2018, as per the guidelines of UGC.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day ICSSR-Sponsored National Workshop on Virtual Learning conducted by Department of English, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 3rd and 4th February 2017.
- Delivered a lecture on “Soft Skills” in a workshop on “Problem Solving and Soft skills” organised by the Computer Applications Department on 7th March 2017.
- Delivered a key note address on “Educational Status of Women” in a two day state level seminar on “Women as a Prestigious Community” organised by Crescent College of Education, Madurai, on 10.03.2017.
- Judge for the Paper & Poster Presentation sessions in English in a one day State Level Symposium on Humanities and Applied Sciences, Convergence – 2016 on 3rd March 2016 organised by Sri Sairam Engineering College.
- Appointed as an Examiner by Anna University to evaluate the M.Phil thesis and conducted viva-voce examination on 05.06.2015 in the Department of English, Anna University.
- Chaired a paper presentation session during the International Conference titled “21st Century Learners – Learning Styles & Strategies” organized by SRM University and English Language Teachers’ Association of India on 19th and 20th July 2013.
- Co-ordinator of the two-day national conference on “Instructional Methods and Materials for Outcome-based Education in English Language Teaching” on 10 & 11 October 2013.
- Served as a resource person for the orientation programme for Cambridge YLE Starters, Movers, Flyers, KET, PET and BEC Preliminary at Adiparasakthi Matriculation Hr. Sec. School, Melmaruvathur on 21 February 2014.
Online Courses Completed
- Completed a 20 week ARPIT Course, “Annual Refresher Programme In English Language Teaching” with a “B” Grade in the proctored examination held on 16.02.2020 conducted by Swayam.
- History of English Language and Literature – NPTEL – 12 week online course – July – Oct.2019. AICTE approved FDP course
- How to read a Novel – Futurelearn – 4 week online course in the university of Edinburg during March – April 2019.
- Introduction to Literary Theory– An eight week online course through NPTEL – September – Oct.2018. AICTE approved FDP course
- Developing your Research Project, an eight week Online courseinUniversity of Southampton during March –April 2017
- Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching– University of Oregon – April –May 2014
Sessions Conducted
- Conducted sessions during the training programme on communication skills for the laboratory technicians organised by the department of English, BSA Crescent during 3-5 July 2018.
- Have been the resource person for the one week training programme on Communication Skills for the Technical Staff of our University from 18.01.2016 to 22.01.2016.
- Was a resource person in the workshop on Listening skill for teachers on August 25 at Adhiparasakthi Group of Schools, Melmaruvathur.
- Was a resource person in the orientation Programme for students on Reading Skill at Adhiparasakthi Group of Schools in August 2015.
- Was the resource person for the YLE Training Programme organized by Adhiparasakthi Matriculation School, Melmaruvathur on 25.02.2013.
- Was the Resource Person in the BEC Orientation Programme organized by Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur and conducted the session on 6th February 2012.
- Was the resource person for conducting Communication Skills training for Ford Trainees.
- Conducted sessions in the programme, ‘Business English for Engineers and Technicians’ for the Graduate trainees of ETA in 2008.
- Conducted classes during ‘Pre employment Vocational Training in Communication Skills’ in Dec 2008 -Jan 2009.
- Conducted classes for the VI batch of ETA trainees.
- Trained the students for BEC Preliminary exam.
- Conducted sessions in the Communication Skills workshop organized by the Alumni Association of our college for the Non-teaching staff in August 2007.
- Conducted sessions in the Communication Skills workshop organized by the Society of Mechanical Engineers of our college for the Supporting Staff of their department in July 2007
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national conference, “A Paradigm Shift in English Language Teaching & Testing: A Literary/Linguistic Approach” held during 14-15 March 2013.
- One of the organizing committee members of the one-day workshop, “Creativity in English Language Teaching – CELT 2012” held on 11 October 2012.
- One of the organizing committee members of the two-day national seminar on “Technology Integrated Language Teaching” held during 1-2 March 2012.
Awards / Prizes Won
- Won the best paper award for the paper titled, “Perpetuation Of Caste Consciousness Through Internal Divisions: Bama’s Vanmam: Vendetta as a Testimony ” in International Journal Of English And Literature (IJEL);
- Won the Most Collaborative Participant Award in the English in the Classroom competition 2015, conducted by Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge.
- Received the Cash prize for having published books and a chapter in a book, under the research incentive scheme for faculty members during the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of B.S.Abdur Rahman University.
- Awarded the Certificate of Appreciation for having produced 100% result in the 2006 and 2007 & 2008 University examinations.