Designation |
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Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) |
Nature of Employment |
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Regular |
Qualification |
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B.E, M.E |
Phone |
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Email ID |
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Academic Qualification
Programme |
Discipline |
Institution |
Year of Passing |
Ph.D |
BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology |
2022 |
M.E |
C & I |
CEG, Anna university,Chennai |
2007 |
B.E |
Madras University (Bharath Institute of Science and Technology) |
2003 |
Teaching Experience
Sl.No: |
Position held |
From |
To |
Organisation |
1 |
Assistant Professor(Senior Grade) |
16-4-2013 |
Till Date |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai |
2 |
Assistant Professor |
01.04.09 |
15.04.2013 |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, Chennai |
3 |
Lecturer |
28.7.07 |
31.3.09 |
B.S.A. Crescent Engineering college |
4 |
Lecturer |
June 2007 |
27.12.07 |
Bharath University, Selaiyur, Tambaram |
Areas of Research Interest
- Advanced Process Control
- Sensors and Transducers
Journal Published:
- P.R. Hemavathy, Y. Mohamed Shuaib and S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, “Internal model controller based PID with fractional filter design for a nonlinear process”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),Vol.10, No.1,February 2020, pp.243~254, ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v10i1.pp 243-254. (SNIP: 1.001; SJR: 0.296)
- P.R. Hemavathy, Y. Mohamed Shuaib and S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, “Design of Smith Predictor Based Fractional Controller for Higher Order Time Delay Process”, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 119, No. 3, 2019 ,pp.481-498. (Impact factor: 0.76)
- Sivaramakrishnan, N., P. R. Hemavathy, and G. Anitha. “Design of Hybrid control for Isothermal Continuous stirred tank Reactor.”International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 117 ,No. 15, 2017, 999-1009 (SJR:0.917; SNIP:1.222)
Workshop / Seminar / FDP / STTP Attended
- Attended AICTE sponsored online STTP on “Internet of things (Everything)- Future” organised by the Department of Computer science and Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman crescent institute of science & technology, Vandalur, chennai from 7.9.2020 to 12.9.2020.
- Attended six day online FDP on “Teaching and Learning of Advanced Control systems” organised by the Department of Electrical Engineering in association with teaching learning center, NIT Warangal from 10.8.20202 to 16.8.2020.
- Attended two week live online FDP on Application of Moodle LMS from 11.7.2020 to 25.7.2020 organised by B S Abdur Rahman crescent institute of science & technology, Vandalur, chennai .
- Attended a FDP on “Systems & Control” from 3/12/2018 to 8/12/2018 organised by the department of EEE, National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
- Attended two day workshop on “Intelligent Systems Engineering” at NIT, Trichy on July 27-28, 2017.
- Attended two days hands-on Training Programme on “Soft Computing & Bio-Inspired Optimization using MATLAB” on 30th & 31st, August 2017 at MIT Campus, Anna University.
- One day workshop on ‘Trends in process control’, at IIT Madras, Chennai on 21st April, 2017.
- One Day Workshop on “Capacity building of women in higher education” organized by the Women Empowerment Cell on 1st April 2017
- Two day workshop on “Research Methodology & Quality Assurance” organized by the Office of Dean (AR) B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 2nd & 3rd December 2016.
- Attended national workshop on ‘Advanced computing for control and optimisation’ on 8th – 9th Jan 2016 organised by Industrial Automation and Instrumentation division, VIT University, Vellore.
- Attended a one day workshop on ‘Industrial Automation using PLC’ on 20th Jan 2016 organised by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg., B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, vandalur, Chennai- 48.
- Attended national workshop on ‘Role of mathematics in Bio-modelling’ on 1st August 2015 at B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, vandalur, Chennai- 48.
- Attended Hands on training programme on ‘soft computing using Matlab’ organised by Department of computer technology, MIT campus, Anna University, Chennai – 44 during 28-30 Aug 2015.
- Attended ICMR sponsored workshop on “Medical Imaging Techniques & Telemedicine’ on 21/3/12 & 22/3/12 at SRM Easwari Engg. College, Chennai.
- Attended the complimentary seminar on Matlab & Simulink for Engineering Education on 16th March 2011
- Attended ‘Hands on training on MEMS software’ at SRM University from 01.08.11 to 03.08.11.
- Attended two day workshop on ‘Applications of MSP430 processor in Embedded systems’ organized by Department of Electronics & Communication, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute with M/s. Gill Instruments, Bangalore on 20th & 21th Jan 2011.
- Attended the complimentary seminar on Matlab & Simulink for Engineering Education on 16th March 2011
- Attended ‘Hands on training on MEMS software’ at SRM University from 01.08.11 to 03.08.11.
- Attended workshop on ‘Motivation & promotion of faculty members for sponsor & collaborative research’ conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute on 04.12.10.
- Attended Faculty development programme on ‘Control system’ during 4th to 9th Dec. 2009 at Velammal Engineering college.
- Attended the In-House orientation programme conducted by B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College from 23.06.08 to 25.06.08.
- Attended a national level workshop on ‘Controllers for complex systems’ on 13.08.08 at St. Joseph’s college of Engineering.
Workshop attended:
- Attended Webinar on “Education 4.0: Industry 4.0” organized by the School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT, Chennai on 20.06.2020.
- Attended Webinar on “ADAPTIVE CONTROL” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Tirunelveli on 09.07.2020.
- Attended Webinar on “Electric and Hybrid electric vehicles powertrain ”organized by the Department of Automobile Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman crescent institute of science & technology, Vandalur, chennai on 17.07.2020.
- Attended Webinar on “Experimental Aerodynamics/ A visual tour ”organized by the Department of Aerospace Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman crescent institute of science & technology, Vandalur, chennai on 18.07.2020.
- Attended a One day FDP on “Innovative presentation skill” organised by the FTA, BSACIST on 28.7.19.
- Attended a One day FDP on “Innovative presentation skill” organised by the FTA, BSACIST on 28.7.19.
- Attended a Soft skill training program from 11.4.19 to 16.4.19 organised by the FTA, BSACIST.
- Attended a One day Hands on FDP on “Usage of Raspberry Pi in machine learning environment”, organized by FTA, BSACIST on 3.4.19.
- Attended a National seminar on e-learning and MOOCs in Higher Education organized by FTA, BSACIST on 9.3.19.
Conference Attended (International)
- R Hemavathy, “Design and tuning of fractional order Model based control for higher order process using bat algorithm” 2nd International Conference on Robotics Automation and Non Destructive Evaluation ( Rane 2019), on 29.8.19 and 30.8.19
- R Hemavathy, Inter and Non Integer Filter Design with IMC PD controller for first order Delay Integrating Process, 2019 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies, Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Kerala on 5th & 6th July 2019
- Presented paper titled, “Onboard Driver Monitoring system with safety enhanced brake system” at the International conference on trends in Information Management Engineering & sciences, Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Secunderabad-500100 held on 28.12.18 & 29.12.18.
- P.R. Hemavathy, S. Y. Mohamed and N. Sivaramakrishnan, “Design of State Feedback Controller with Integer Integrator and Fractional Integrator for Control of Buck Converter,” 2018 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Control and Communication (RTECC), Malaysia, Malaysia, 2018, pp. 261-264. doi: 10.1109/RTECC.2018.8625645
Conference Attended (National)
- Presented a paper titled “Identification and control of nonlinear system using saturation relay feedback” in the National conference on ‘Intelligent systems and automation’ organized by B.S.A Crescent Engineering college, Chennai on 11th & 12th May 2007
- Presented a paper titled’ state feedback controller with fractional integrator for a two interacting tank process ’ by P.R.Hemavathy, U.Sabura Banu, Sharanya T R, Kavya K M in the national conference on technological advances in Mechanical Engineering, TAME ‘15 on 20th August 15 organised by Veltech Hightech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engg. College, Avadi, Chennai.
- Presented the paper titled, “Design & tuning of Fractional order model based control for higher order process using Bat Algorithm” at the 2nd International conference on Robotics, Automation and Non-Destructive Evaluation, held at Hindustan Institute of science & technology, chennai on 29.8.19 & 30.8.19.
- Presented the paper titled, “Integer and Non-Integer Filter Design with IMC-PD controller for a first order delay integrating process”, in the 2nd international conference on “Intelligent computing Instrumentation & Control Technologies” held at Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur on july 5th & 6th 2019.
Workshop / Event organized
- Organized a webinar on “Global oppurtunities in Instrumentation” on 20.6.2020.
- Organised a two day hands on workshop on SCADA –wonderware intouch on 8.4.19 & 9.4.19.
- Organised Precision+ 2k19 a national level technical symposium on 20.3.19.
- Organized society (SEIE) inaugural function on 1.10.18.
- Organised a two day workshop on “Labview Basics and Data acquisition” on 3.1.18, 4.1.18 &5.1.18.
- Organized a One day workshop on “Industrial Automation” by Zenmaq Automations Pvt.Ltd. on 14.3.18.
- Organised a one day technical event “Instronics 2k18” on 4.4.18.
- Organized a one day workshop on ‘Multivariable Process Control’ on 22nd September 2017.
- A two days Hands on training programme “CONVAL SOFTWARE” CAD Tech consultants Pvt Ltd for benefit of III Year EIE Students by Mrs. P. R.Hemavathy, AP (SG) /EIE Dept. on 1st & 2nd March & 2017. Mr. Rana Gupta and Mr. Arul Manikandan from CADTech consltants Pvt. Ltd. were the resource persons for the training programme.
- One day National level student Conference on Innovative Trends in Instrumentation, Electronics, and Automation on 4th April 2017.
- Organised a hands on training programme on ’Matlab and its applications’ in the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute, vandalur, Chennai- 48 on 19.9.15.
- Dr. U. Sabura Banu and Ms. P.R. Hemavathy arranged a training programme on “Delta PLC and SCADA” by Micromech for the PG students, Ph.D. Scholar and faculty of EIE Department on 22nd February 2016.
- Ms.P.R.Hemavathy and Mr.M.Yuvarajan organised hands on training on PSPICE software for circuit analysis and design for I year and III year EIE on 12.3.16.
Consultancy and Training
- Handled classes to FORD personnel’s on “Industrial Instrumentation” during July, August, September of 2011
Industrial Visit arranged / accompanied
- Arranged a field visit to Mine-I and TPS – II Expansion, Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Ltd on 11.2.2020 for the benefit of II year B.Tech (EIE).
- Accompanied a field visit to OHM Energy Management System Pvt Ltd, Chennai on 5.9.19 for the benefit of II and III year B.Tech (EIE).
- Arranged a field visit to Technocrat Automations P Ltd, Chennai on 31.8.19 for the benefit of tech(EIE) final year students.
- Arranged a field visit to Thermal Power station –I Expansion, Neyveli, on 29.10.18 for the final year students.
- Attended FDP on ‘Control system’ during 4th to 9th Dec, 2009, organized by the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai.
- Attended a short term course on ‘Process control’ organized by the department of chemical Engineering, IIT Madras from 15th to 19th Dec, 2014.
Publications in Journal:
- P. R. Hemavathy, U. Sabura Banu,” Tuning of Fractional Order PI Controller for Cascade Control System using Genetic Algorithm”, Indian journal of science and technology, Volume 9, Issue 45, December 2016.
- Lakshmanaprabu, S. K., Banu, U. S., & Hemavathy, P. R. (2017). Fractional order IMC based PID controller design using Novel Bat optimization algorithm for TITO Process. Energy Procedia, Elsiever, Vol. 117, 1125-1133.
- Ms.P.R.Hemavathy AP(Sr.Grade)/EIE, Dr.U.Sabura Banu, Prof/EIE presented a paper titled “Tuning of Fractional Order PI Controller for Cascade Control System Using Genetic Algorithm” at the international conference on innovations in information, embedded and communication systems held during 17th and 18th march 2016 in Karpagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Ms.P.R.Hemavathy AP(Sr.Grade)/EIE, Dr.U.Sabura Banu, Prof/EIE, Ms. Saranya student (UG) presented a paper titled “state feedback controller with fractional integrator for a two interacting tank process” at the International Conference on Technical Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College held on 20.8.15.
- Bharanitharan C, P.R.Hemavathy, U.Sabura Banu, “Real time implementation of fractional order PID controller using genetic algorithm based smith predictor for three interacting tank process”, at the international conference on recent trends in engineering research, organized by VELS university, Chennai -17, on 24th & 25th April 2015.
- U. Sabura Banu, Lakshmanaprabu, P.R. Hemavathy,Abdul Wahid Nasir,” Fractional Order PID Controller optimized using Bacterial Foraging Technique for Three Interacting Tank Process ”, Systems Science and Control Engineering An Open Access Journal.
- P.R. Hemavathy, Qais Bin Tanweer, U. Sabura Banu, “Realtime Implementation Of Ant Colony Optimization Based Pid Control For Three Interacting Tanks”, International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems-2014.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Real time implementation of ant colony optimization based PID control for three interacting tanks’ in the national conference RTICI held on 21st April 2014.
- U. Sabura Banu, P.R. Hemavathy, N.Sivaramakrishnan “Real Time Implementation of PID Controller using Simulated Annealing based Modified Internal Model Control for a Level Process”, published in the National conference on Control, Communication & Information Technology, organized by Department of EIE, Easwari Engineering College Chennai, 6th May 2013.
- U. Sabura Banu, P.R. Hemavathy, Lakshmana Prabhu, Barath Kanna, “Real Time Implementation of Enhanced Nonlinear PID Controller for a Conical Tank Process”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), pp.43-47, December 2013. (ISBN: 973-93-80878-83-2h)
- Organized a two day workshop on ‘Measurement and Instrumentation’ organized jointly by department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and Department of Electronics & Instrumentation, B.S. AbdurRahman Institute on 20/9/2012 & 24/9/2012.
- Organized a two day training programme on “MATLAB and its applications” on 29.3.12 & 30.3.12.
- Organized a National Level seminar on “Fractional Order Modeling and Control” on 27th August 2013.
- Organized a Guest lecture on ‘Hart and field bus’ delivered by Dr.N.Pappa, Associate professor, MIT, Anna University on 24.10.13.
- Coordinator for the ISA Leadership meet 2012 on 28.3.2012 in connection with ISA South India Section for the benefit of EIE/ICE students of various Universities and Engineering Colleges