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Designation | : | Professor & Head |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Phil,Ph.D |
Phone | : | 044- 22751347 -Extn:229(Office) |
Email ID | : | sheikuduman@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualifications
Year | Degree/Diploma | Institution | University |
2009 | Ph.D. | Jamal Mohamed College, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu. | Bharathidasan University |
2000 | M. Phil (C.S.) | St. Joseph College, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu. | Bharathidasan University |
1998 | M. Phil (Maths) | PoondiPushpam College, Tanjavur, Tamilnadu. | Bharathidasan University |
1988 | M.Sc. | Jamal Mohamed College, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu. | Bharathidasan University |
1991 | PGDCA | Jamal Mohamed College, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu. | Bharathidasan University |
1992 | B.Ed | — | Annamalai University Chidambaram |
Work Experience
University/College | Designation | Period |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. | Professor | 10.07.2018 to Till Date |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. | Professor and Dean SSSH | 15.05.2017 to 09.07.2018 |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. | Professor and Head | 06.04.2014 to 14.05.2017 |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. | Professor | 01.04.2011 to 05.04.2014 |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. | Associate Professor | 01.04.2009 to 31.03.11 |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Selection Grade Lecturer | 01.12.2008 to 31.03.2009 |
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Engineering College, Chennai | Lecturer | 03.06.2002 to 30/11/2008 |
Khadir Mohideen College, Adirampattinam | Lecturer | 01/12/1994 to 20/04/2002 |
Area of specialization
Inventory Control, Bio Mathematical Modeling and Fractional Calculus.
List of Papers Publication
- P.S Sheik Uduman, S Sulaiman and R Sathiyamoorthy (2007) , Newsboy inventory model with demand satisfying SCBZ property, Bulletin of Pure and Applied sciences, Vol.26E (No.1), , 145-150.
- P.S Sheik Uduman, S Sulaiman and R Sathiyamoorthy (2007), Determination of Optimal Reserve inventory between two machines in series using Order Statistics, International Journal of Physical sciences, Vol. 19 (3) M, 7, 497-502.
- P.S Sheik Uduman, S Sulaiman and R Sathiyamoorthy (2008) , A stochastic model for reserve inventory between two Machines in series, Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences, , No. 1-2.
- DowlathFathima, P.S Sheik Uduman and S Srinivasan (2011) , Generalization of Newsboy Problem with Demand Distribution Satisfying the SCBZ Property, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 40, 1989 – 2010.
- P.S Sheik Uduman, S Srinivasan, Dowlath Fathima and R Sathiyamoorthy (2011), AnInventory Model with Change in Demand Distribution, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(8), , 478-488.
- M.G Fajlul Kareem and, P.S Sheik Uduman (2012) , Analysis of Hybrid Dynamical systems using SCBZ property, International Mathematical forum, Vol.7, No.23, 1135- 1142.
- S.Srinivasan, P.S Sheik Uduman and R Sathiyamoorthy (2012) , Determination of optimal reserve between two machines in series with truncation point in repair time distribution, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.6, No.100, 4995-5004.
- C.D Nanda kumar, S Srinivasan and P.S Sheik Uduman (2012) , Optimal reserve inventory between two machines when the repair time has change of distribution after change point, International Mathematical Forum, Vol.7, No.54, , 2659-2668.
- Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sheik Uduman (2013), Single period inventory model with Stochastic demand and partial backlogging, International Journal of Management (IAEME), Vol. 4, Issue 1, , 95-111.
- M.V.Jeyanthi and P.S Sheik Uduman (2013), Optimum Order Quantity with Time Lag and Truncated Distribution, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, Issue 14, , pp.679- 685.
- Dowlath Fathima and P.S Sheik Uduman (2013) , Truncated Distribution and Renewal Reward Theory In Single Period Model, International Journal Of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 15, Issue 1, , 1110-1114.
- M.G Fajlul Kareem and P.S Sheik Uduman (2013), Hybrid Dynamical System Analysis in Space Using SCBZ Property, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 74, 3695 – 3702.
- Divya Arumugam and P.S Sheik Uduman (2013), FRM(Fuzzy Relation Maps) model of Hypertension problem faced by adult in Tamilnadu, International journal of computer applications, Vol. 82, No. 9, 7-11.
- Pervaiz Iqbal, P.S Sheik Uduman (2014) , Mathematical Modeling and Behavior of the Digestive System of a Paper Making Plant based on Queuing Theory, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 90, No. 1, , 43-56.
- Asick Ali and P.S. SheikUduman (2014) , Mathematical Model Related to Human Life Expectancy, International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention, Vol. 2(3), pp. 8-13.
- Divya, P.S. Sheik Uduman and Dowlath Fathima (2014) , Controlling of Heart Disease by Detecting the Threshold Value of Fast Food Eaters, International Journal of Computing Algorithm, Vol. 3, pp. 734-740
- Pervaiz Iqbal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2014) , “Mathematical Modeling and Performance Analysis of Stock Preparation Unit in Paper Plant Industry Using Genetic Algorithm”, in International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 34, Issue. 2, pp. 1629-1638.,
- Pervaiz Iqbal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2014), “Genetic algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling problem to minimize the makespan”, in International Journal of Computing Algorithm, pp. 1086-1091, Vol. 03, Issue. 02,
- Divya Arumugam and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2015)., Analyzing The Major Reasons For The Initial Stage Of Smokers Using Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Roots International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches, Vol. 01(1), pp. 1-14
- P.S. Sheik Uduman, A. Divya (2015) , A Review of Fuzzy Risk Analysis Model and Predator-Prey Model in Fuzzy, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, Issue.42,pg: 30969-30975
- Pervaiz Iqbal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2015), Job scheduling problem in a small scale measure of paper making industry. Malaya Journal of Mathematika, 5(1),,141-152
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sheik Uduman (2015), Multi Stage Homotopy-Perturbation Method for the Fractional Order Chua’s System, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and ResearchVol.2,Issue.5,pg: 109-117.
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sheik Uduman (2015), Multi Stage Homotopy-Perturbation Method for the Fractional Order Chen’s System, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol.10, ,Issue.1 ,pg: 89-97 .May 2015
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sehik Uduman (2015) , Multi Stage Homotopy-Perturbation Method for the Fractional Order Lorenz’s System, International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Vol.4,Issue.6, pg: 1-9.
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sehik Uduman (2015), The Numerical solution of Differential Transform method for some Non Linear system of equations, Research and scientific Innovation Society, Vol. 2, No.15, 9-14.
- Pervaiz Iqbal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2016) , Readability analysis of paper plant using Boolean function with fuzzy logic Techniques, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol 11, 1B, 573-577.
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sheik Uduman (2016), A Study on some Bio-Mathematical Models using the Setting the clock back to zero property ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, Issue.42 pg: 30976-30983.2015
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem, P.S. Sehik Uduman (2016),The Numerical solution of Chua Non linear Tumor model by three different Transform method, International journal Engineering studies, Vol. 8, No.2 pp. 147-158
- P.S. Sehik Uduman, Sandeep Singhal (2016) ,On a class of Extended Pathway Integral Transform, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM), Vol(12), Issue.S(2), Pg:99-102, 2016,Scopus,MathSciNet
- Divya Arumugam and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2016) “Modified Decagonal fuzzy cognitive maps (MDFCM) for ranking the risk factors of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)”, “Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 12,Number 1
- Divya Arumugam and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2016) “Ranking The Major Risk Factors Of Heart Disease for Men & women in cuddalore District using modified decagonal fuzzy cognitive Maps(MDFCM)”, “Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” (GJPAM) ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 12,Number 2 .
- Ms.A.K.Abidha, and .P.S.SheikUdhuman (2017) , Child Insurance Journals-An Overview ,International journal of computer and mathematical science, Volume no:6,Issue No 6, ,Pages :48-49.
- M.G.Fajlul Kareem and , P.S.Sehik Uduman (2018) , The Numerical Solution of Chen-Non Linear Tumor Model by two different Transform Methods .International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) – Vol 120,No. 7. 1-9 .
- Sandeep Singhal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2018) Uniqueness solution for impulsive fractional functional differential equation , Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 33 , No. 1, pp. 171 -177
- M.V. Jeyanthi and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2018), Economic order quantity with selling price dependent demand and varied deterioration rates, International Journal of pure and applied Mathematics Vol.119, No.13, PP. 337-345
- H.Shameem Banu and P.S.Sheik Uduman (2018) ” An analytical study of SC- CNN based quasi periodically forced MLC ” International Journal of pure and applied Mathematics Volume 119 No. 13 2018, 163-171
- H.Shameem Banu, P.S.Sheik Udhuman and K Thamilmaran (2019) An analytical and experimental study of SC-CNN based simple non autonomous chaotic circuit Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 14(12), doi.org/10.1115/1.4044924, pp. 121004- 121014
- H.Shameem Banu and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2019), ”Analytical and Numerical study of chaos synchronization in SC-CNN based nonautonomous system”, AIP Conference proceedings, 2142, doi.org/10.1063/1.5122478, pp. 110018, 29th August 2019.
- Imran nadeem and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2019) An integrated bus – based routing and dispatching approach for flood evacuation, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/YJOR190415028N, December 2019.
- Imran nadeem and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2019) , A Heuristic Routing Approach for Flood Evacuation, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, February 2019.
- M.V. Jeyanthi and P.S. Sheik Uduman , An inventory model for deteriorating items with stock dependent demand and trade credit policy, International Journal of Operational Research (Scopus Indexed).(Under Review-Communicated on April – 2017)
- Sandeep Singhal and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2019), Impulsive fractional differential equation of order α (2,3), , “Impulsive fractional differential equation of order𛼠𜖠(2,3)”, Progress in fractional differentiation and applications, vol 6, number 4,283-288.
- M.V.Jeyanthi, P.S.Sheik Uduman and Dowlath Fathima (2020) Solution of fractional Inventory Model with Price Dependent Demand using homotopy Perturbation Method , Int. Journal of Advanced Science and Technology,Vol.29,No.6, 6803-11, 2020.
- Imran Nadeem1 and P.S. Sheik Uduman, analyzing and forecasting ambient air quality of chennai city in india, Geography, Environment, Sustainability. https://DOI- 0.24057/2071-9388-2019-97, October 1st, 2020
- M.V. Jeyanthi and P.S. Sheik Uduman (2019), Fractional derivative inventory model for deteriorating items with no shortages, Progress in Fractional differentiation and applications (accepted).
- Virendar Panwar P.S. Sheik Uduman and (2020), Uniqueness and existence of solutions for Mixed Immunotherapy and Chemotherapy cancer treatment fractional model with Caputo Fabrizio derivative, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications An International Journal (accepted) 10.18576/pfda/PFDA-39A-19, 15 Aug. 2020
- Virendar Panwar P.S. Sheik Uduman and J.F. Gomez-Aguilar (2021) Mathematical Modelling of Corona virus Disease COVID-19 Dynamics using CF and ABC Non- Singular Fractional Derivatives, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Vol 145 April 2021, 110757, Accepted 30 January 2021
International Conference
- S. Srinivasan, Dr.P.S. Sheik Uduman A Novel method of Over lapping Clusters, International Symposium Organized by Nanyang University, Singapore Aug. 2010.
- C.D. Nanda kumar , Dr. S. Srinivasan, Dr. P.S. Sheik Uduman On Determination of Optimal Reserve Inventory between Two Machines with change in Revamp Time, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application, by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi, 214- 216, Dec.2010
- P.S. Sheik Uduman Dr. S. Srinivasan, Fractal based feature Extraction method, International Conference on Mathematical Applications in Engineering, Malaysia, 978- 983, 2010
- P.S. Sheik Uduman Dr. S. Srinivasan, Base Stock System for Patient Customers with Demand Distribution undergoing a change with constant coefficient, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application, Organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi192- 194, Dec. 2010
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem Dr. P.S. Sheik Uduman, An Inventory model for Patient Customers with Demand Distribution, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Application, Organized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering, Sivakasi195-197, Dec. 2010.
- Dowlath Fathima Dr. P.S. Sheik Uduman, A Finite Process Inventory Model Using SCBZ property, Proceedings of the International conference on Mathematics in Engineering and Management,
- Dowlath Fathima, Dr. P.S. Sheik Uduman Base stock patient vs impatient customer with varying demand distribution International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics (ICMSS-203), Kualalumpur, Malaysia, 529- 533,
- Pervaiz Iqbal P.S. Sheik Uduman, Job sequencing problem using Advance Heuristics Techniques, International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical computer sciences (ICAMTCS-2013), St Xavier catholic college of Engineering Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India,15- 18,2013.
- G. Fajlul Kareem , P.S. Sheik Uduman, Numerical solution of hybrid dynamical system using mixture of Elzaki transform and differential transform method International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT-Chennai, 29-30th November 2013.
- V. Jeyanthi and P.S. Sheik Uduman, An EOQ Model with Deteriorating items under inflation and time varying holding cost. International Conference on Modeling and Simulations, IIT-Madras, 8-10th December 2014.
- Divya and P. S. Sheik Uduman, Detecting the major risk factors for Hypertensive Heart Disease using Induced Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computation, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirapalli,22- 23rd January 2015.
- Pervaiz Iqbal and P.S. Sheik Uduman, Applications of Johnson’s Algorithm for finding the shortest path of a Network using sequencing technique to compute the optimal International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computation, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirapalli,22-23rd January 2015.
- G. Fajlul Kareem and P.S. Sheik Uduman, Mathematical Modelling of Biological Problems and its Numerical Analysis. International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computation, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirapalli, 22-23rd January 2015.
- S. Sheik Uduman, Sandeep Singhal, Extended Pathway Integral Transformer, International Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics. Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Mohali.13-15th March 2015.
- G. Fajlul Kareem P.S. Sehik Uduman, A Study on Fokker Planck and Burgers Equation by Space two Fractional Derivatives3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research (ICETSR-728) Asian Economic and Social Society and Pak Publishing Group, Kualalumpur, Malaysia April 2015“BEST PAPER AWARD”.
- Sandeep Singhal and S.Sheik Udhuman –“Impulsive fractional differential equation of order α (2,3) “International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Modeling – ( 9th – 12th January 2018) Jadavapur University, Kolkatta. – Sponsored by NBHM.
National Conference
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem and P.S. Sheik Uduman “Some Results on Total Face Graphs” .S. Abdur Rahman University,2010.
- P.S. Sheik Uduman Nonlinear study of Hybrid Dynamical Bio-systems using SCBZ property,2012.
- A.Divya, P. S. Sheik Uduman Controlling of Heart Disease by Detecting the Threshold Value of Fast Food Eaters in Tamil Nadu National Conference on Recent Trends in
- Applied Mathematics St. Josephs College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore, 28th February 2014.
- A.Divya, P. S. Sheik Uduman Analyzing the major reasons for the initial stage of smokers using Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Cognitive Maps National Conference on Recent Development in Mathematics and its Applications ,The Madhura College, Madurai 9th January 2015.
- M.G. Fajlul Kareem and P.S. Sheik Uduman, A Study on some Bio – Mathematical Models using the Setting the Clock Back to zero property National Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering & Management. Tagore Engineering College, Chennai 20th March 2015.
- Divya, P. S. Sheik Uduman A Review of Fuzzy Risk Analysis Model And Predator – Prey Model in Fuzzy National Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering & Management. Tagore Engineering College, Chennai 20th March 2015.
- Sandeep Singhal and P.S.Sheik Udhuman –“Introduction to class of uniformly fractional differential function using caputo derivative”National Conference on Fractional Calculus & Fractional Differential Equations ( 6th – 8th November 2017) Pune University,Pune.
Ph.D. Awarded
Four students have completed Ph.D. in following topics
- A stochastic modeling with varying demand distributions in inventory control
- Mathematical modeling, performance analysis and optimization of operating system of paper plant.
- Analyzing the Risk Factors of Heart Disease Using Fuzzy Models
- Analysis of Nonlinear Mathematical Models of Tumor Growth.
One research scholar had received the UGC Fellowship (Maulana Azad National fellowship for Minority Community) since 1stApril 2010 for five years.
Pursuing Ph.D.
At present 8 students are pursuing Ph.D. Two of them are submitted thesis and two of them on edge of the work.
Project Proposal
- The Project submitted under MATRICS scheme entitled “Fuzzy Fractional Order Predator-prey model for Predicting the Time of Hypertension during Pregnancy” to DST – SERB, New Delhi.
Invited Talks
- Special lecture on “Fractional Modelling and control”, (Dept. of E & I, B.S.Abdur Rahman University)
- Special lecture on “Symmetry for a project on International school award” conducted by the British council (Crescent Boys School, Vandalur)
- Special lecture on “Fractional Calculus” at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women,
- Invited Talk on “A Role of Fractional calculus in Bio Modeling” – International conference on Mathematical analysis and Applications in Modeling ( 9th – 12th January 2018) Jadavapur University, – Sponsored by NBHM.
- Guest Lecture on “A Role of Fractional calculus in Bio Modeling” – Department of Bio Technology (DBT) Funned seminar on Bio Mathematical modeling dated on (14 – 03 -2018) at Vellalar College for women (Autonomous).
- Invited talk on “Predicting the time of Heart Attack in fractional Order by Fuzzy Arbitrary Oeder Predator-Prey Model” 9th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Info com Technology and Business Operations (ICQRIT’2018)” scheduled to be held in University of Delhi from 27th Dec- 29th Dec 2018 and Co-Sponsored by Lulea University of technology Sweden and Ministry of Defence,
- Invited Talk on “Predicting the time of Heart Attack in fractional Order by Fuzzy Arbitrary Order Predator-Prey Model” in the National Conference on RECENT TREND IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS organized by School of Computer Information and Mathematical Science on April 4 and 5 , 2019 to be held in B.S.Abdur Rahman crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu