![]() |
Designation | : | Associate Professor & HOD (i/c) |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | B.E.,M.E,PhD |
Phone | : | +91 44 2275 1347,48,50(Office) |
Email ID | : | pdjeyakumar@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, hodauto@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Educational Background
Programme | Discipline | Year of Passing | University |
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engineering | 2015 | Anna University, Chennai |
M.E | Computer Aided Design | 2000 | University of Madras, Chennai |
B. E | Automobile Engineering | 1992 | Bharathiar University, Chennai |
Work Experience
Designation | Institution | Duration | No. of Years |
Associate professor | B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | August, 2015 to | Till date | Asst. Professor (Selection Grade) |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | May 2012to July, 2015 | 3 years & 2 months |
Asst. Professor (Senior Grade) |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute | April 2009April 2012 | 3years & 1 Month |
Lecturer (Senior Grade) |
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | April 2007 to March 2009 | 2 years |
Lecturer | B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Engg. College | June 2001 to March 2007 | 6 years & 9 months |
Lecture courses
- Automobile Engineering
- Solid Mechanics
- Kinematics of Machinery
- Dynamics of Machinery
- Design of Machine Elements
- Design of Transmission Systems
- Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press Tools
- Finite Element Analysis
- Engineering Graphics
- Engineering Mechanics
- Vehicle Dynamics
- Transport Management
- Professional Ethics
Areas Of Research Interest
- Vehicle Safety
- Finite Element Methods
- Optimization
Research Publications
International Journal
- V. Deepan, P. D. Jeyakumar, S. Sreenath, Dynamic Supporting Wheels for Two-Wheeler Stability, Advances in Design and Thermal Systems, pp 67-79 (2021)
- K. Jamesha Ibrahim, M.Thirumurugan, P. D. Jeyakumar, A.Arockia Julias, S.Mohamed Fahad, Drilling Performances of Kenaf Fibre/Steel Mesh Reinforced Hybrid Epoxy Composites, Advances in Design and Thermal Systems, pp 291-300(2021)
- K. Prabu, P. D. Jeyakumar, C. Dineshkumar, B. Vasanthan, A. Arockia Julius, M. Thirumurugan, Development of Onboard Engine Management System—Prediction of Oil Degradation, Advances in Design and Thermal Systems, pp 349-349 (2021)
- C. Dineshkumar, P. D. Jeyakumar, B. Mohamed Asarudeen, G. Mohamed Uvaize, A. K. Ahamed Kabeer, Safety-Enhanced Driver Condition Monitoring System for Preventing Road Accidents in Automobile, Advances in Design and Thermal Systems, pp 401-410 (2021)
- M. Bharathiraja, Ragupathy Karu, P. Arjunraj and P.D. Jeyakumar, Comparison of Concurrent Reduction of Smoke and NOx Emission Techniques, Advances in IC engines and combustion technology, pp 391-401 (2020)
- Arjunraj P, Jeyakumar P D, Bharathiraja M and Sasikumar C, Significance of Intake Manifold Material on Engine Performance, Tierärztliche Praxis, Vol. 40, pp 1745-1752 (2020)
- Ram Anandan, P D Jeya Kumar, S Prince Arocika Doss, Effect of Variable Geometry Fin in Automotive Condenser Using Analytical and CFD Approach, SAE International, 2020-28-0028 (2020)
- L. Anna Gowsalya, P.D. Jeyakumar, R. Rajaraman and R. Velraj, Estimation and Validation of Interfacial Heat Transfer Coefficient During Solidification of Spherical Shaped Aluminum Alloy (al 6061) Casting Using Inverse Control Volume Technique, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), Vol.12, No. 21, pp 1-7 (2019)
- Dineshkumar C, Roshan D, Jeyakumar P.D, Tamilarasan T.R, and V.Deepan, Generation of Electrical Energy for Charging of a Battery by using Exhaust Gas Energy, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol. 8 No. 10, pp 2159 – 2163 (2019)
- P. Arjunraj, M. Subramanian, P.D. Jeyakumar and M. Bharathiraja, Thermal Durability Analysis of PA6-GF30 and PA66-GF30 Air Intake Manifold, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, No.7, pp 811 – 819 (2019)
- Prabu K, Jeyakumar P D and M Thirumurugan, Experimental Field Performance Analysis of Small Weed Remover in Sugarcane Grassland, SAE Inernational, 2018-28-0063 (2918)
- P.D.Jeyakumar, G. Devaradjane, G. M. SherinLal and S. Ramkumar, Rollover Analysis of Chassis type Bus Body Structure, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.8, pp 6111-6116 (2015)
- P.D.Jeyakumar and G. Devaradjane, Energy Absorption by Square, Circular, Pentagon and Hexagonal Steel Tubes Under Impact Loading for Automotive Crush Box Applications, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME), Vol.7. No.7, pp 1421-1426 (2013)
International Conference
- P.D.Jeyakumar, PrabuKrishnasamyand G. Devaradjane and Crashworthiness Investigation of Chassis Type Intercity bus Body structure. Proceedings of ICAME-2015 UCEV, Villupuram, TamilNadu, October 2015.
- P.D.Jeyakumar and G. Devaradjane, Improvement of the Frontal Structure of a Bus for Crash Accidents. ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Volume 11: Transportation Systems, November 2012.
Seminars / Workshops
- ANSYS design modeler meshing and fluent organized by M/s. ANSYS INDIA from18-23 May, 2015(5 days)
- ANSYS design modeler and mechanical organized by M/s. ANSYS INDIA from 04 – 08May, 2015 (5 days)
- Enterprise Architect Modeller organized by M/s. Sparx systems, Chennai from 17- 21 Nov 2014(5 days)
- Attended workshop on SPRINGER paper writing
- Workshop on how to write research papers
- Seminar on strategies in sustainable manufacturing
- Workshop on advanced materials
- Course on Vehicle dynamics
Additional Responsibilities:
- Faculty Coordinator Rotaract Club of BSAU
- ISO Internal Auditor
- Department Co-coordinator for National Board of Accreditation – B.Tech. (Mechanical)
- Member Board of studies (Automobile Engineering)
- In charge CAD Lab
- Member Anti ragging Committee
- Faculty Advisor
- Member Student projects review committee
- Department Coordinator IIPC meet
- Department Coordinator website updations