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Designation | : | Associate Professor & Head |
Nature of Employment | : | Regular |
Qualification | : | M.Sc.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,MCA.,M.E.,Ph.D. |
Phone | : | |
Email ID | : | hodca@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent, pakirmoitheen@byt.digital/wordpress/crescent |
Academic Qualifications
Degree | Field of Specialisation | Year | Class | University/Board |
Ph.D. | Personalized Ontology based Adaptive Learning System | 2017 | Completed | Anna University, Chennai. |
M.E. | Computer Science and Engineering | 2007 | First Class | Anna University, Chennai. |
MCA | Computer Applications | 2001 | First Class | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi. |
M.Phil. | Physics | 1999 | First Class | Madras University, Chennai. |
M.Sc. | Physics | 1989 | First Class | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi. |
B.Sc. | Physics | 1987 | First Class | Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. |
Academic Experience
Total number of teaching Experience: 26 Years
S.No. | Organization | Position Held | Period of Service |
1. | B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology | Associate Professor | Apr 2009 – till date |
2. | B.S.A Crescent Engineering College | Asst. Professor | Aug 2005- Mar 2009 |
3. | B.S.A Crescent Engineering College | Senior Lecturer | June 1999-Jul 2005 |
4. | B.S.A Crescent Engineering College | Lecturer | Oct 1994-May 1999 |
Research Summary
RESEARCH SUPERVISION | Guiding 6 Ph.D. Scholars |
PROJECT GUIDANCE | Guided more than 60 MCA, M.Phil students |
JOURNAL ARTICLE PUBLISHED | Published 3 papers in International Journals all are refereed journals. |
CONFERENCE PAPERS | 4Papers (3 papers in National Conference and 1 paper in International Conference) |
Achievements |
Received “Certificate of Appreciation” award for having produced excellent academic results during the year academic 2007-2008, 08-09, 09-10 in the College Day celebrations. |
Received cash award under the Research incentive scheme of B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute for publishing the papers in International Journals with Impact Factor. |
Areas of Research
- Data Mining
- Database Management Systems
- Information Retrieval
- Intelligent Tutoring System
Research Publications
International Journals
- Vijayalakshmi, Jishnu Govindarajan, Mohammed Shafeeq and Dr. S.Pakkir Mohideen, “Risk Prediction of Liver Diseases for Hepatitis-B patients based on K –Nearest Neighbor Algorithm”, International Journal of Seybold Report, Volume 25 – Issue 10, Page 426-429, 2020, ISSN: 1533 – 9211.
- Vijayalakshmi and Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, “Sustainable Development of Teaching through Assessment of Descriptive Questions in E-Learning System”, Journal of Green Engineering (JGE) Volume-10, Issue-9, September 2020.
- Vijayalakshmi. and Dr S. Pakkir Mohideen, “Personalised Vaccination Prediction for Hepatitis B using Machine Learning”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. 25, Issue 6, May 2021, Pages. 10069 – 10088.
- T. Pakir Moitheen and Dr.P. Sheik Abdul Khader,” Adaptive Teaching and Learning using Ontology”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISSN 1992-8645, Dec 2013, vol. 58, no. 2, pp.3666–371. (Scopus Indexed).
- T. Pakir Moitheen and Dr.P. Sheik Abdul Khader, “Framework for Personalized Learning System using Ontology “ Asian Journal of Information Technology, ISSN 1682- 3915, 13(7): 368-374, 2014. (Scopus Indexed).
- P. Padmavathy, and Dr. S .Pakkir Mohideen,” An Efficient Two-Pass Classifier System for Patient Opinion Mining to Analyze Drugs Satisfaction” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (Elsevier) (Scopus Indexed)(Impact Factor: 2.943) CiteScore: 4.10 ,SJR: 0.711, Volume 57, March 2020,.
- P. Padmavathy, Dr.S. Pakkir Mohideen and Zameer Gulzar, ‘An Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Enhancing Two-Pass Opinion Mining Classifier using Patient Reviews”, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 08, April 2020, ISSN: 1475-7192. (Scopus Indexed).
- C. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, M. Jayasudha, M. Nivedita “Block Chain Research and its Implementation Analysis”, International Journal of Seybold Report, Volume 15 – Issue 9 – 2020, ISSN: 1533 – 9211. (Scopus Indexed).
Conference Papers
International Conference
- P. Padmavathy, Dr.S. Pakkir Mohideen and Zameer Gulzar, “A Novel Architecture for a Two-Pass Opinion Mining Classifier”, International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICACII- 2019), Proceedings available in Springer – Advances in Computational intelligence and InformaticsISSN: 2367-3370, Online Issue since 30 April 2020, pg 27-35. (Scopus Indexed).
- Muhib Anwar Lambay and Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen,,” Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Recommendation Systems”, 3rd IEEE Conference on Systems, Computation, Automation and networking organized by Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Puducherry on July 3-4th 2020.
- C. Vijayalakshmi and Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen,” Personalization of Data using Machine learning”, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Technology, organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, Chennai Institute of technology on 30 & 31st July,2020.
National Conferences
- T. Pakir Moitheen and Mr. Manu Natarajan , ”Automated Program Generation” in ISTE Sponsored National Conference on “Research Opportunities and Challenges in IT” conducted by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College on 4th April 2007.
- Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen et al.., ”Secure and Efficient Attribute – based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud storage” , National Conference on recent trends in Computer Science and mathematics on 4th and 5th April 2019, BSACIST, ISBN No. 978-93-88398-88-6,Page No. 42.
- Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen et al, “A Model for Effective Data Management in Exam Automation with Document studio using cloud Computing” , National Conference on recent trends in Computer Science and mathematics on 4th and 5th April 2019, BSACIST, ISBN No. 978-93-88398-88-6,Page No. 131.
- C. Vijayalakshmi and Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, “Semantic similarity check Answers Retrieval for Web Forum Questions”, National level Virtual Conference on AI, Network Security, Data Science and IOT Organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering of Velammal Engineering College on 6th & 7th August,2020.
Book Chapter
- Submitted a Book Chapter titled “Personalized Ontology Based Adaptive E-learning System,” for the upcoming book, “Machine Learning Approaches for Improvising Modern Learning Systems” by IGI Global Publisher, 2019.
- Reviewer for the book “Machine Learning Approaches for Improvising Modern Learning Systems” by IGI Global Publisher, 2019.
Patents Published
- Multimode Child tracking and monitoring system – Published on 04/09/2020.
- Artificial Intelligence based Big Data Analytics tool for Market Research – Published on 04/09/2020.
Projects Applied
Project Title: Handheld Devices based Fuzzy analysis of 3D Mammograms to Diagnose and Treat Cancer.
Project No. : DST/SEED/SCSP/STI/2019/122
Amount: Rs.19,65,000/-