Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Crescent Sustainability Initiatives

Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7)


Issue: 04; Revised on 2023

Policy Created onJuly 2009
1st  Revision amended onIQAC Meeting held on 27th October 2017
2nd Revision amended onIQAC Meeting held on 31st March 2021
3rd Revision amended onIQAC Meeting held on 16th  June 2023

Responsible Executive    :           Director (IQAC)

Responsible Office            :          Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Estate Office, and SDG Cell

Contacts                               :         Registrar, Director (IQAC)


 The B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology is committed to ensuring that all renovations and new constructions on campus adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards. This policy aims to:

  1. Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, modern energy services.
  2. Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
  3. Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
  4. Enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology.
  5. Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology to supply modern and sustainable energy services, particularly in developing countries.


 This policy is established to promote energy-efficient practices in renovating existing infrastructures and constructing new buildings. By adhering to energy efficiency standards, the Institute aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower operational costs, and contribute to the global efforts to combat climate change, which aligns with SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy.


 7.3.1 Policy Principles

 The Institute shall implement the following principles to ensure compliance with energy efficiency standards:

  1. All renovations and new constructions must achieve recognised building rating systems such as EDGE, IGBC, and LEED.
  2. Sustainable design features, including using renewable energy sources, shall be integrated into all projects.
  3. An efficient waste management plan shall be established to minimize waste and promote recycling.
  4. Rainwater harvesting systems shall be implemented in all new buildings.
  5. Energy conservation shall be prioritized through the installation of energy-efficient appliances and equipment.
  6. Regular audits of energy consumption shall be conducted to identify areas for improvement.
  7. Use of low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) materials in construction and renovation to minimize harmful emissions.
  8. Adoption of eco-friendly housekeeping practices using biodegradable chemicals.
  9. Implementation of high reflective roofing materials and green roofs to reduce heat island effects.
  10. Encourage water-efficient landscaping and high-efficiency irrigation technology in new construction projects.
  11. Support R&D activities towards energy-efficient renovation and building.
  12. Enhance national/international cooperation to facilitate access to green building technology.
  • Dissemination of Policy
  1. Awareness programs shall be conducted regularly for all stakeholders regarding energy-efficient practices.
  2. This policy shall be publicly accessible on the Institute’s website and updated as necessary.

7.3.3 Enforcement of Policy

  1.  The Director (Planning and Development) and their team are responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy.
  2. Compliance shall be communicated to architects, design engineers, and construction workers involved in projects.


Promotion and Implementation of Energy-Efficient Renovation and Building Policy

The B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (BSACIST) has established a comprehensive policy to ensure that all renovations and new constructions on campus adhere to stringent energy efficiency standards. This commitment is encapsulated in the Policy for Energy-Efficient Renovation and Building, which outlines the institute’s dedication to sustainable practices and aligns with global efforts to combat climate change.

Existence of Policy

The policy’s existence is clearly articulated in the Policy for Upgrading Buildings document, which emphasises the institute’s commitment to energy efficiency in all construction and renovation projects. The policy mandates that all new buildings and renovations comply with recognised energy efficiency standards, such as EDGE, IGBC, and LEED. This ensures that the institute meets regulatory requirements and sets a benchmark for sustainable development in the educational sector.

Evidence Provided

Evidence of the policy’s implementation is demonstrated through various initiatives and projects undertaken by BSACIST. The institute has successfully installed multiple rooftop solar photovoltaic power plants with a total capacity of 650 kWp, significantly contributing to its energy requirements while reducing dependence on conventional energy sources. Additionally, the establishment of solar water heating systems with a capacity of 39,500 litres and solar street lighting projects further exemplifies the practical application of the policy. These initiatives enhance energy efficiency and serve as a model for other institutions aiming to achieve similar sustainability goals.

Moreover, comprehensive simulation studies conducted for various buildings indicate potential energy consumption reductions of up to 10.5%, showcasing the effectiveness of the implemented energy-efficient technologies. Integrating advanced materials, such as AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks and high-performance glass, further supports the institute’s commitment to reducing energy consumption.

Public Accessibility of Evidence

The evidence supporting the policy’s implementation is publicly accessible, as the policy document is available on the institute’s website. This transparency ensures that stakeholders, including students, faculty, and the community, are informed about the institute’s energy efficiency and sustainability commitment. Furthermore, regular awareness programs and workshops are conducted to engage the community and promote energy-efficient practices, reinforcing the institute’s role as a leader in sustainable development.

Policy Review Period

The policy has undergone revisions to remain relevant and effective, with the most recent review occurring in 2023. This continuous improvement process reflects the institute’s proactive approach to adapting to new challenges and advancements in energy efficiency technologies. The policy’s history indicates a commitment to evolving practices, with previous revisions made in 2017 and 2021, ensuring that the institute stays at the forefront of sustainable building practices.


In summary, BSACIST’s policy for upgrading buildings to higher energy efficiency standards is a robust framework that promotes sustainable practices and provides tangible evidence of its implementation. The institute’s commitment to energy-efficient renovations and new constructions is evident through its various projects, public accessibility of policy documents, and regular reviews, ensuring alignment with contemporary sustainability goals. By fostering a culture of sustainability and innovation, BSACIST sets a precedent for educational institutions and contributes significantly to global efforts in combating climate change. Integrating innovative technologies and comprehensive energy management strategies further solidifies the institute’s role as a leader in sustainable practices within higher education.

Table VII – 1: Promotion / Implementation/ Evidence of Policy of Energy Efficient & Divestment Policy

Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency.
Carbon reduction and emission reduction process
Plan to Reduce Energy Consumption
Energy waste identification
Local community outreach
Renewable Energy Pledge
Energy efficiency services for the industry
Policy – Clean Energy Technology
Low–carbon innovation
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