Invited guest lectures arranged in nano science research
Lecture on ‘Nanomaterials for Personal Protection’ was arranged by Dr. Sheshadri Ramkumar from Texas Tech University, USA on 27 Aug 2010
Two days National Conference on “Frontiers in Polymer Nano materials and nano composites” was organised during March 18-19, 2010. The main theme of the conference has been to address and deliberate on the present day technical status and recent trends in polymer nano materials and composites and their applications. This is a unique and specific conference organized to disseminate information on the latest and rapidly advancing technologies in polymer nano materials and composites. 12 eminent personalities from academic institutions and industries have delivered lectures on various topics in polymer nano science and technology.
Prof Dr Ajith Banthia, Dept of Materials Science, IIT Kharagpur on “Polymer nano Composites Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”.
Prof Dr SN Maiti, Dept of Polymer Engg, IIT, Delhi on “Polymer Nano materials / Composites: An overview”.
Prof Dr T S Natarajan, Dept of Physics, IIT Madras on “Polymer Nano fibres and their applications using Electro-spinning”.
Prof Dr D Mangalraj, Dept of Nano Science and Tech, Bharathiar University on “ In2O3 / PVA nano composites for gas sensing applications”.
Prof Dr S S Bhagawan, Dept of Chemical engg and Materials Science , Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeedam, Coimbatoare on “ Elastomer based Nano composites : Trends and Challenges”.
Dr Saraswathi, Professor and Head, Dept of Material Science, Madurai Kamaraj University on “Multi functional nano structured Conducting polymers and their carbon nano composites”.
Mr V K Sharma, Technical Director, Bhimrajka Impex Pvt Ltd on “Role of fillers and additives from micro to nano scale in Polymer Processing”
Mr V Sekar, Managing Director, Formulated Polymers Ltd, “Nano composites in Engineering Plastics”.
Mr Ramani Subramaniam, Associate Vice President, SRF Ltd on“Application of nano technology in the field of technical textiles”.
Mr A Mathew, Senior Rubber Technologist, Cori Engineering Ltd on “Role of nano fillers in Rubbers”.
Mr G Sekar, CEO, Flytech Engineering on “Processing of Nano clay – wood – Polymer Composites using twin screw extruder”.
Invited Talk given in ICNM’13 Conference during Dec 5-7,2013:
Dr V. Rajendran, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on “Biocompatible nanocomposites for tissue engineering applications”
Dr. R. Jayavel, Anna University, Chennai, on “Graphene-metal oxide composites with improved properties for photo catalytic and super capacitor applications”
Dr Murali Rangarajan, Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, Coimbatore, on “Detection of dopamine by functionalized graphene: a simulation study”
Dr. Prof. Arunasalam Dharmarajan , School of Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University, Australia on “Wnt Antagonist, Secreted Frizzled-Related Protein-4 (sFRP4), Increases Chemotherapeutic Response of Glioma Stem-Like Cells”
Dr. V.N.Mani, C-MET, Hyderabad, on “Role of advanced nano pure electronic materials and devices in strategic aerospace/ defence applications – a bird’s eye view and select results on the preparation of nano pure gallium for GaAs technology – an indigenous effort”
Dr Jacob Muthu, WITS University, South Africa on “Polymer nano-composites: an engineering perspective”
Dr. Sitaram Dash, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research IGCAR, Kalpakkam, on “Nanostructured Coatings for Surface Engineering Applications”
Dr Vasu Punj, Kerk School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA on “Genomics and Nano bioscience: Future of Precision medicine”
Dr Tarasankar Pal, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal on “Nanocomposite substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) down to single molecular level”
Dr Brett Kirk, Curtin University, Australia on “Quantifying the relationship between the biomechanical properties and microstructure of connective tissues”
DR. David F. L. Jenkins, Plymouth University, UK on “Detecting Silver Nanoparticles in Aqueous Colloids with Surface Plasmon Resonance – Challenging the Limits of Dynamic Light Scattering”
Dr. K S Dhathathreyan, Centre for Fuel Cell Technology, ARCI, Taramani, Chennai on “Recent developments in Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells at ARCI”
Dr Kishore Chandra Rewatkar, Dr. Ambedkar College, Nagpur on “Structure and electric-magnetic properties of nanosized hexaferrites synthesized by sol gel auto combustion technique for high frequency applications”
Dr Rasaiah Ladchumanandasivam, UFRN, Brazil on “Synthesis and application of TiO2 nanocoating on PLA fibres by pulsed dc magnetron sputtering (PMS)”
Dr A. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, on “Nanomedicine of Ancient Times – A Scientific Study of a Herbometallic Siddha drug Tamira Parpam”
Prof. N. Rajesh, BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus on “Interesting aspects of heavy metal interaction with biopolymer composites for environmental remediation”
Dr T. S. Natarajan, IIT Madras on “Electrospun metal-oxide nanofibers and their applications”
Dr Rita John, University of Madras on “Influence of Transition metals on the Optical and Magnetic properties of Nano ZnO”
Dr Abdul Hadi, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia on “Effect of transition metals doping into Pd on the properties and catalytic performance of PdM/CeZrO nanocatalyst”