M.Tech. Biotechnology



Placement of M.Tech studentsName of the studentName of the Company placedName of the Institution pursuing higher studiesTota number of students admittedTotal number of students graduatedTotal number of students placedTotal number of students doing higher studies
M.Tech 2017-2019Anthony Roxon MSteril Gene Life Sciences, Chennai 666–
 Dony JoseMicrolab Pvt. Ltd., Hosur 
 Fathima Sameena MHealth watch 
 Ishwarya RMicrolab Pvt. Ltd., Hosur 
 Mohammed Abrar BashaBSACIST, Chennai 
 Showkat Ahmad LoneHistogenetics, Bangalore 
 AdmittedgraduatedPlacedHigher studies
Outcomes summary for M.Tech6660
Outcomes summary for M.Tech in %–100%100%N/A