eLearning Portal
Dynamics of Machinery – Fundamental Concepts (Module 1a) by Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen
Dynamics of Machinery – Static Force Analysis (Module 1b) by Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen
Dynamics of Machinery – Superpositioning (Module 1c) by Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen
Dynamics of Machinery – Dynamic Force Analysis (Module 1d) by Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen
Introduction of Jigs and Fixtures by Dr. M.Abdur Rahman
Work Study / Method Design by Dr. Serajul Haque
CAD Modelling using Creo Parametric: Modelling a V Block by Dr. A. Arockia Julias
CAD Modelling using Creo Parametric: Modelling a Machine Block by Dr. A. Arockia Julias
CAD Modelling using Creo Parametric: Modelling a Base Block by Dr. A. Arockia Julias
CAD Modelling using Creo Parametric: Modelling a Connector Part by Dr. A. Arockia Julias