Events 2019-2020
Events 2019-2020
Webinar on “Entrepreneurship in E-Commerce” on 28th June 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized webinar on “Entrepreneurship in E-Commerce on 28th June 2020
Participants Details: Total Registered Participants: 65 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 42 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students].
The Speaker of the Event: Renat Nivedha, Entrepreneur, Global Distributor, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP), Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP), Dr. A. Ramya (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:

Webinar on “Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and IOT”: The New Normal on 26th June 2020
Topic: Webinar on “Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and IOT”: The New Normal
Date: 26th June 2020
Audience: Teaching, Research Scholars & Students
Resource persons: Mr. Imtiyaz Sheriff.C, Director, Ideassion Technology Solutions,
Co-ordinators: Mrs.C.Hema, Mrs.Madina Banu, Mr.V.Balaji
FDP on “Agile Software Development – An Industry Perspective” during 25-29 June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a five days online FDP on “Agile Software Development – An Industry Perspective” during 25-29 June 2020 from 10:00 am to 11:30am via Cisco WebEx Meeting App.
The objective of the FDP was to inculcate the latest industry practices in Software Development to the participants from Institute and Industry. All the resource persons who handled the sessions were from the leading IT industries, having outstanding experience in the domain.
The schedule of technical sessions is given below. (Time: 10.00 am to 11.30 am)
Day | Date | Topic | Resource Person | Designation |
1 | 25.06.2020 | Agile Methodologies | Mr. J. Premkumar | Software Architect, Reactore India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru |
2 | 26.06.2020 | Dockers | Mr. SelvakumarKamaraj | Technology Architect, Infosys, Chennai |
3 | 27.06.2020 | DevOps | Mr. S. Mohammed Bakkrudeen | Director – Life Sciences QE & A, CTS, Chennai |
4 | 28.06.2020 | Design Thinking | Ms. JananiJayaraman | Vice President, Morgan Stanley, New york |
5 | 29.06.2020 | Open Source Tools for Small Segment | Mr. T. ArunPrakash | Test Automation Architect, CTS, Chennai |
A total of 50 participants have registered for this event. Participants from various institutions / organizations across India and overseasattended the FDP.
The FDP provided the participants with latest trends and tools used in IT industries for Software Development with suitable demonstrations. The participants gave a positive feedback about all the sessions and showed their willingness to attend the future events by these resource persons.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Dr. N. Prakash, Associate Professor / IT, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Mr. N. Rajendran Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT
Virtual International Conference on “Basic and Translational Cancer Research: Novel Ideas and Approaches” (June 25 – 27, 2020)
School of Life Sciences & Association of Cancer Education and Research (ACER) in association with W.M. Keck Centre for Cellular Imaging, University of Virginia, USA and Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TNSCST) jointly organized virtual International Conference on ‘Basic and Translational Cancer Research: Novel Ideas and Approaches’.
Keynote speakers from University of Virginia, Purdue University, University of Missouri, University of Massachusetts, CSIR-CLRI, Adyar, CSIR_CFTRI & Anand Diagnostic Laboratory.

Webinar on “Career Options & Opportunities in the core Electronics Field”

International Webinar on “Combining Business Analytics and Data Technologies in the Modern Workplace & Study opportunities in UK” on 23, June 2020
Topic: Webinar on Combining Business Analytics and Data Technologies in the Modern Workplace & Study opportunities in UK”
Date: 23, June 2020
Audience: Research Scholars & Students
Resource persons: 1. Dr Tom Kane, Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics in University of Sterling, UK,
2. Mr. Nithi S, Executive Director, ScotsGrad
3. Mr. Kathiravan A, Executive Director, ScotsGrad
Conveners: Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, HOD/CSE, Dr.VenkatesanSelvam, Dean, SCIMS
Co-ordinators: Mrs. R. Akila , AP(Sr.G)/CSE ,Mrs. J.Brindha Merin , AP(Sr.G)/CSE
Webinar on “Activities of Instrument Discipline in Project Execution”

Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT) Security” on 18th June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a live Webinar on “Internet of Things (IoT) Security” on 18th June 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:30pm via Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Dr. A. Athif Shah, Chairman and Managing Director, ABE Semiconductor Designs, Chennai. A total of 52 participants including faculty members and students from various Institutions attended the webinar.
The webinar provided the participants with broader view on IoT security and breaches in line with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning approaches with the help of intelligent learning models and real-life case study examples to help them shape their career, especially after COVID-19.
The resource person also gave a clear picture and demonstration of Artificial Intelligence using a video which we come across in the day to day activities. It was very easy for the participants to understand the concepts in a lively manner.
The participants appreciated the resource person and the quality content of the webinar in their feedback.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Dr. L. Shakkeera, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT, Ms. A. Sonya, Assistant Professor / IT
“Building Simple Applications using JavaScript” – 18.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Workshop on “Building Simple Applications using JavaScript” – 18.06.2020.
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 309 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 104 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: K.S.Sathya, Software Development Engineer, Csoft Tech, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP), Dr. A.Ramya (AP), Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:
5 L 5D (5 Computer Languages 5 Days) Student Development Training Programme (15.06.2020 – 19.06.2020)
Topic: 5 L 5D (5 Computer Languages 5 Days) Student Development Training Programme (SDTP)
Date: 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020
Audience: Plus Two students and Diploma Students
Resource persons: Mrs.C.Vijayalakshmi, Mrs.C.Hema, Mrs.Madhina Banu, Dr.A.Ramachandran, Mrs. Manoj Kumar D.S.
Co-ordinators: Dr.A.Ramachandran, Mr.S.Syed Abdul Syed, Dr.L.Arun Raj
Webinar on “Cyber Forensics and Current Challenges” on 13th June 2020
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a live Webinar on “Cyber Forensics and Current Challenges” on 13th June 2020 from 11:00 am to 01:00pmvia Google Meet and YouTube Live. The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr. Gurcharan Singh, Faculty Member for Cyber Crimes, Central Detective Training Institute, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Chandigarh.
A total of 662 participants have registered for this event. Participants from various institutions across India and Overseasattended this online webinar.
This webinar is benefitted to 297 faculty members from various Institutions/Universities/Schools, 23 participants from industry, 6 participants from Tamilnadu Police, 13 Research scholars, 323 UG &School students. The webinar provided the participants with practical awareness of cybercrimes and vulnerabilities. The resource person also gave clear insights and demo of many attacks which we come across in day today activities.
Conveners: Dr. VenkatesanSelvam, Dean / SCIMS, Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD / IT
Coordinators: Mr. N. Rajendran Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT, Dr. N. Prakash, Associate Professor / IT, Dr.R.Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor (Sel.Gr.) / IT
Webinar on “Ethical Hacking” on 11th June 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Webinar on “Ethical Hacking” on 11th June 2020 via Google Meet and YouTube Live from 12:00 pm to 01:30pm. A total of 542 participants have registered for this event. 329 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions across India. Faculties from different institutions have also participated in this free webinar. This webinar have attracted 249 participants of +2 and UG students. This webinar provided the participants with increasing the present knowledge of identifying threats and liabilities. This webinar prepared the participants to handle information security with more simplicity and helped them to know the finer nuances of Backdoors, Trojans and Countermeasures.
Resource Person: Mr. Vinod Senthil T, Founder & Managing Director, infySEC Solutions Private Limited.
Being a Cyber Security nerd led him to win multiple ‘bug bounty programs’ for which he was rewarded by companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Dell, Aramco, HP, Sify, etc. He was awarded Top 25 Most Valuable Startup CEO’s in India 2019 by Business Connect and he is 13 World Records Holder – For conducting the world’s Largest Information Security Hackathon.
Webinar Coordinators: Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Assistant Professor / CA, Ms. Sabaria, Assistant Professor / CA.
Webinar on Industry Integrated Teaching & Mentoring on 10th & 11th June 2020
Topic: Webinar on Industry Integrated Teaching & Mentoring
Date: 10th & 11th June 2020
Audience: teaching, research scholars, students and industry fraternity
Co-ordinators: Dr.X.ArputhaRathina – Asso.Prof/CSE, Dr.Sharmila Sankar -Prof/CSE , Mrs.S.P.Valli AP-SelGrade(CSE)
“Confidence Building and Special Skills To Face Interview” on 10.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Free Webinar on “Confidence Building and Special Skills to Face Interview” on 10.06.2020 at 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm via Google Meet. More than 200 participants registered and out of which more than 150 are UG and PG students from various institute across the country. Faculties and Alumni’s were also a participated in the free webinar. Webinar was focused on developing the right attitude and skills to tackle interviews, including use of advanced tools like Neuro-Linguistic Programming to overcome performance limitations. And special emphasis made on the Post COVID19 Scenario, where a lot more in positive entrepreneurial attitude as well as adaptation skills are expected from fresh and experienced employees alike.
Resource Person: Tameem M Saied – Director in Fortran Cirkit Electronics Private Limited & Mind Vision Transformation Creates Success.
Webinar Organizers: Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khader – Senior Professor/CA Dept., Dr.A.Jaya – Professor/CA Dept.
Webinar Coordinators: Dr.A.Abdul Azeez Khan – Associate Professor/CA Dept., Dr.K.Javubar Sathick – Associate Professor/CA Dept.
“Image Processing Using Conventional Neural Network” – 09.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized webinar on “Image Processing Using Conventional Neural Network” – 09.06.2020
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 144 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 110 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: Ananya Das, Data Scientist, CSoft Tech, Bangalore. The Event was coordinated by Dr.A.Ramya (AP), Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP) and Dr. P. Amudhavalli (AP) – Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:
“Awareness of Data Science in Real World” – 06.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized webinar on “Awareness of Data Science in Real World” – 06.06.2020
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 188 [ Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 150 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: Mr.Gowtham R, Data Engineer, Saturam infoSystem Private Limited, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP), Dr. A. Ramya (AP), Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:
Research Paradigms and Intellectual Property Rights – 02.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized one day Seminar on “Research Paradigms and Intellectual Property Rights on 02.06.2020.
Participants Details: Total Registered Participants: 63 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants Paid : 44 [from various India, Malaysia and London].
The Speaker of the Event: Dr.A.Jaya, professor, Dr. Sudha Rajesh Assistant Professor, Dr. P. Amudhavalli, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications.
The Event was coordinated by Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, Associate Professor, Dr. A.Ramya, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications.
Online Quiz competition – Test Your Knowledge in ISO on 29.5.2020
Topic : Online Quiz competition- Test Your Knowledge in ISO
Date : 29-05-2020
Audience : teaching, research scholars, students and industry fraternity
Co-ordinators: Mrs.S.P.Valli AP-SelGrade(CSE) Dr.Sharmila Sankar -Prof/CSE Dr.X.ArputhaRathina – Asso.Prof/CSE
Online Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications in MATLAB” on 29th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications in MATLAB” held on 29th May 2020 through Webex from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm.
The Resource person of this workshop are: Dr. Souvick Chatterjee, Education Technical Evangelist, Mathworks, IN-Delhi delivered the topic on “Data handling and Machine Learning with MATLAB”, Mr. Akhil Gopinath, Engineering Development Group, Mathworks, IN-Bengaluru delivered the lecture on “Deep Learning with MATLAB”
A total of 455 participants has registered for this event. 175 participants attended this online session from 85 institutions across India, of which 83 participants are from different states (mainly from North). The link for the course materials have been shared to the participants. This workshop gave the participants insights on different AI Algorithms, which can be implemented in MATLAB and was followed by a Q & A session.
This workshop was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Dr. Divan Masood and Ms. Srisakthi, Asst. Prof. / CA.
Webinar on “Demystifying AI Algorithms” on 26th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Faculty Development Programme on Trending Technologies on 26th May 2020 through Google Meet from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The Resource person of the webinar was Mr. Sivaprasath, CEO & Founder, VISTACONVERT.
A total of 216 participants has registered for this webinar. 86 participants attended this online session. The course materials and the link of the recorded session have been shared to the participants. This webinar gave the participants insights on different AI Algorithms in Python and was followed by a Q & A session.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy and Ms. Sabaria, Asst. Prof. / CA.
Live session on “Fields going to rule the Future” on 23.05.2020
Topic: Fields going to rule the Future
Date: 23rd May 2020
Audience: teaching, research scholars, students and industry fraternity
Co-ordinators: Ms. C Vijayalakshmi, Dr A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed, Mr Manoj Kumar D S
Webinar on “Introduction to Data Science” on 21st May 2020
The Department of CSE in association with 360 DigiTMG Pvt.Ltd conducted the webinar on “Introduction to Data Science” for the students, scholars and teaching faculties.
Topic : Introduction to Data Science
Date : 21-05-2020
Speaker : Mr.Bharani Kumar Depuru, Director, Innodatatics INC, USAatics INC.,USA
Audience : Faculty
Co-ordinators: Dr.S.Revathi & Dr.N.Sabiyath Fatima
Webinar Report
Webinar on “Skull session on Real-time Product-based opportunities in New Normal” – 18th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Webinar on “Skull session on Real-time Product-based opportunities in New Normal” for students, Research Scholars and faculty members on 18th May 2020.
A total of 214 faculty members registered as participants. 92 participants confirmed their registration to attend this webinar
Online Faculty Development Programme on “Trending Technologies” during 14th – 16th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Faculty Development Programme on Trending Technologies during 14th – 16th May 2020.
The Resource persons for the FDP are:
Day 1: Dr. T. Ruso, Associate Consultant, Wipro Ltd., Session on Spring Boot.
Day 2 & 3: Dr. D.Senthilkumar, AP, Department of CSE, University College of Engineering, Anna University, Tiruchirapalli, Session on Machine Learning Using R and Deep Learning using R, respectively.
There was an overwhelming response from the participants of various colleges and universities from different states.
A total of 176 faculty members registered as participants. 100 participants confirmed their registration to attend this online FDP. Total numbers of Institutions who have participated are 34. There were 59 participants from different states of India.. Participants were introduced to the Spring Boot, Machine Learning and Deep Learning using R. Hands on training was given to the participants. Online Test on MCQs was also conducted on the last day of FDP. The course materials, and the link of the recorded session has been shared to the participants.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Ms. Preeti Verma and Ms. Sabaria, Asst. Prof. / CA.
Research Methodology and Its Tools – 12.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a online Seminar on Research Methdology and its tools on 12.05.2020.
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 1099 [Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants Shortlisted: 250. Total no. of College/University : 51
The Speaker of the Event: Dr.A.Ramya, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications. The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr.P.Amudhavalli, Dr. Sudha Rajesh.
Quiz on Machine Learning – 09.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Machine Learning” on 09.05.2020 through online (Google forms) for faculty and research Scholars.
Participants Details:
Total no. of Participants attended the Quiz: 240, Total no. of College/University : 60
The Quiz Event was coordinated by Ms. Preeti Verma
INTELLECT 2k20 – Online event for COVID-19 awareness & talent contest (May 8 – May 25,2020)
Topic: INTELLECT 2k20 – Online event for COVID-19 awareness & talent contest
Date: May 8,2020 – May 25,2020
Audience : school students and college students
COVID-19 Awareness
Events : Cross word & Quiz
Participants : Public
Talent Contest
Events : PPT Presentation,Essay Writing,Creative drawing,Caption it,Poster design,Micro film
Participants : School,Diploma and UG college students
Convener : Dr.E.Syed Mohamed HOD/CSE & Dr.Venkatesan Selvam Dean(SCIMS)
Event Coordinator (Faculty) : Ms.Subhashini AP/CSE,Mrs.A.Radhika AP/CSE & Mr.V.Balaji AP/CSE
Event Coordinator (Student): Mr.Rohith II year B.Tech CSE ‘A’ & Mr.Vishaal III year B.Tech CSE ‘A’
Webinar on “Python for Data Science” on 07.05.2020”
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Webinar on “Python for Data Science” on 07.05.2020. The Resource person for the Webinar was Mr. Sivaprasath, CEO & Founder, VISTACONVERT.
There was an overwhelming response from the participants of various colleges and universities from different states and abroad universities. Total number of participants registered was 281, and the Webinar link was given access to 99 participants, of which 72 are faculty members. External participants were 89. Participants were introduced to the basics of Python programming and then an insight was given to Data Science with examples and demo. Resource persons recorded the session and the link has been shared to the participants.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy and Mr. Niaz Ahamed, Asst. Prof. / CA.
Webinar on “IT Trends Post COVID” – 06.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Webinar on “IT Trends Post COVID” on 06.05.2020 registration is done through online (Google forms) for faculty, research Scholars and students
Participants Details:
Total Number of Registration : 54, Number of Participants : 31
Coordinators: The Webinar Event was coordinated by Dr. S.Shakila Anjum and Ms. S.Srisakthi.
Webinar on “Opportunities in E-Commerce” on 05th May 2020
Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information & Mathematical Sciences has organized a Webinar on “Opportunities in E-Commerce” for students and faculty members on 05th May 2020 (Tuesday) from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. A total of 95 partiipants from various Institutions participated in the webinar.
The resource person for this webinar is Mr. Nirmal Lal, Sales Manager, Flipkart, Bengaluru. He is alumni of Crescent (B.Tech., IT 2008-12 Batch).
Webinar on the topic “Quiz on Robotic Process Automation (RPA)” on 04.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Robotic Process Automation(RPA)” on 04.05.2020 through online (Google forms) for faculty, research Scholars and students.
Participants Details:
Total No. of Participants – 358, No. of Students – 193 (Only 48 from our college), No. of HODs – 9, No. of Professors – 11, Total No. of Colleges & Universities – 117
Hiltek Robotics Research Center Pvt.Ltd – 4 Faculties, ICT Academy – 1 person, VIT – 1 person, Industry – 1, School Teachers – 2
SCORE: No. of Participants scored 100% – 66/358, No.of Participants scored more than 60% – 237/358
Coordinators: The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr. S.Shakila Anjum and Ms. S.Srisakthi.
Online Quiz Competition “Test Your Knowledge on Accreditation” – 04.05.2020
C Programming Quiz on 02.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized an Online Quiz on “C Programming” on 02.05.2020. There was an overwhelming responses from the participants of various colleges and Universities. Total number of participants is 401, from 42 Colleges, across Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhrapradesh. E-Certificate is provided to the participants who have qualified the quiz. This quiz was coordinated by Dr. A.K.Reshmy and Ms.S.Sabaria, Asst. Prof. / CA.
Quiz on Digital Image Processing – 02.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Digital Image Processing” on 02.05.2020 at 12.Noon through online (Google forms) for faculty and research Scholars.
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 174 [Total no of faculty: 146, Total no. of Research Scholars : 27]. Total no. of Participants attended the Quiz: 136. Total no. of College/University : 67. The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr. A.Ramya, Dr.P.Amudhavalli, Dr. Sudha Rajesh.
Webinar on New Developments and Innovations in Plastics Technology
Advanced Business Analytics Using R Software 28.04.2020
Data Visualization using Tableau – 30.04.2020
Machine Learning using Python – 1.05.2020
Speaker : Mr.Dinesh Babu R, Managing Director, BrainSwig
Audience : Faculty
Co-ordinators: Mrs. R. Akila , AP(Sr.G)/CSE, Mrs. J.Brindha Merin , AP(Sr.G)/CSE, Mrs.D. Madhina Banu, AP(Sr.G)/CSE, Mr. D.S. Manoj Kumar, AP/CSE
Seminar on “The Importance Of Skills And Abilities” on 13th March, 2020
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering has organized a Seminar on “The Importance Of Skills And Abilities” on March 13th, 2020. The objective of this seminar was to educate them on the importance of aptitude test, group discussion, interview and also highlight the importance of higher education, notably on MBA and to groom the students for preparing for various exams such as GATE, GRE and TOEFL. The resource person MR. M.Arvind kumar is a civil engineer & a post graduate in management from XLRI with about 20 year of experience in teaching.

Seminar on Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA on 13.03.2020
School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Seminar on “Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA” (A Real Time Demonstration on Blueprism RPA) on 13.03.2020 at 2.30 pm in Seminar Hall II, Convention Centre of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The second year students of the department of IT, CSE and CA have attended the seminar.
Resource Person for the seminar is Mr. M. Pradeep, Director – Information Technology, Netalla Innovations Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.
Around 150 students from the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences of our Institution participated in the seminar. This seminar was coordinated by Mr. A. Niaz Ahamed, Asst. Prof. / CA, Mr. N. Rajendran, Asst. Prof. (SG) / IT and Mr. D.S. Manoj Kumar, Asst. Prof. / CSE.
Seminar on “Opportunities for Higher Education in UK” on 12th March, 2020
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering in collaboration with Centre for International Relations has organized a Seminar on “Opportunities for Higher Education in UK” on March 12th, 2020. The objective of this seminar was to highlight the aspects about Higher Studies and Job opportunities in UK. Scots Hunt UK Ltd. The resource persons were Mr.Kathiravan Abranathan, Executive Director and Mr.Nithi Sivaguru from ScotsHunt UK Ltd & ScotsGrad.
Annual Sports Day 2020
The “Annual Sports Day 2020” was organized by the Department of Physical Education in our campus on 11th March 2020. Dr. C. Arumugam, Chief Minister Awardee and COE i/c TNPESU was the chief guest for this event. Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, Pro Vice Chancellor presided the annual sports day celebrations. The chief guest declared the sports meet open and distributed the prizes to the winners of Intramural, Athletic events, sports achievers and staff events. The overall trophies were distributed to the student participants in the year 2019-20.
Three days Short Term Training on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security”
Three days Short Term Training on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security organized by School Of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, in association with ICT academy, IFF & TEXIAL from 11.03.2020 to 13.03.2020. The venue of the training is Cyber Security Innovation Lab, SCIMS. The convener of the program is Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/ SCIMS. The program was coordinated by Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, Associate Professor / CA and Mr. Syed Abdul Syed S, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) / CSE. The inauguration of the three day Short Term Training Programme on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security was held on 11-Mar-2020 at 9:45 a.m. at Seminar Hall – 1.
The inauguration session was addressed by our Dean of SCIMS, Dr. Venkatesan Selvan followed by the Presidential address given by our Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A. Peer Mohammed. The chief guest of the day Mr. Suresh Kumar founder and Director of Texial and IFF labs, Bangaluru, and Mr. Mohit Kumar Co founder of Texial Innovations, Bangaluru, gave the inaugural address followed by the Vote of Thanks given by Dr. Pakkir Mohaideen. The participants proceeded to the Research lab for the hands-on lab session

International Women’s Day on 8th March 2020
The NSS units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology have celebrated the international women’s day in the crescent campus on 9th march 2020 at its charismatic way. More than 300 participants which include the girl’s students and ladies staff from Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. As part of the auspicious occasion, many programmes has planned under the headings of National Service Scheme (NSS) and Youth Red Cross (YRC). One of such programmes was Walkathon which reflects the strength of the women from the campus. Most of the students participated in the walkathon has carried the placard which mentioned the slogan of women empowerment in the various spheres. Most of the girls Students from the campus very enthusiastically participated in the event. The placards which were carried by the girl’s students and staff members really show potentiality of International women’s day 2020 theme “The generation equality: Realising Women Rights.
The walkathon was flag off by the Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohamed with the presents of Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr.N.Raja Hussain and Alhaj VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager of the Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
In the occasion of women’s day NSS Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has planted trees in the campus. Around 100 trees were planted in the different corners of the campus by the NSS volunteers. Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A.Peer Mohamed has inaugurated the planting of tree by planting the first tree then it is followed by the Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr.N.Raja Hussain and Alhaj VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager of the Crescent Institute.
Android Club – Time to Quiz
The Department of Computer Applications initiated Android Club with the motto of developing mobile applications on Android technology for the common people needs in daily life. On 6/03/2020, The Android Club conducted the Time to Quiz event, more than 56 students from various Department has participated. the winners of the event has awarded with certificates. The awareness and interest of mobile application development using Android Technology has been created among students.
Aptis Student Support Programme
The Department of English organized Aptis Student Support Programme in collaboration with the British Council Chennai. Aptis Student Support Programme was conducted for the students of First year Arts and Science students. Nearly 47 students from B.A.English (Hons.) /B.Com(Hons.)/B.Com General/BBA/BCA /B.Sc took the online Diagnostic test in the Language lab on 5.3.2020 and underwent training on the four language skills namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing from 9th to 10th March 2020 in E &I Seminar Hall. The lead trainer from British Council, Ms.Veena Krishnamurthi was the Resource Person.
Click here for Programme Report
One Day Workshop on “Data Analytics and Digital Marketing” on 5th March 2020
The Department of Computer Applications organized One Day Workshop on “Data Analytics and Digital Marketing” on 5th March 2020 for final year B.Com, BCA and B.Sc. students of our university. This workshop provided an overview of the best approaches and practices in digital marketing measurements and analysis, and offered an understanding of how these tools can be integrated to inform strategic direction. More than 180 students have participated and gained knowledge about data analytics and digital marketing.
Inauguration of value added course Red Hat – RHCSA
Our Institution has signed a MoU with Red Hat Academy and planning to offer many value added programmes to our students to enrich their technical skills and increase their employability. As a part of this MoU, Red Hat Academy offers the Certification Programme “Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)” to our students on our campus during Mar – Apr 2020.
The course was inaugurated on 05.03.2020 at 4.30 pm in IT LAB 3, Dept of IT, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences. The inaugural address was given by Dr. I. Sathik Ali, HOD/ IT and he explained the importance of learning open source technologies. Mr. Ranjith Sengupta, Director, Advantage Pro briefed about the course and shared the current trends in open source technologies. Also he talked about “Why should an Engineer need to learn Open Source Operating Systems” and need for the same in IT career.
Inauguration of Value Added Course
BSAU – Apple iOS Application Development Centre is offering the value-added course, Certificate course in Android Application Development during March-April 2020. Students from various branches of our Institution and other Institutions have registered for the course.
The course was inaugurated by our Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A. Peer Mohamed and our Registrar Dr. A. Azad on 04.03.2020 in BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre.
Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean (School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences), Dr. Gufran Ahamed Ansari, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Applications, Mr. F.M. Mohammed Farooq Abdulla, Development Engineer, Sirpi Software Pvt Ltd., Mr. N. Rajendran, AP (Sr.Gr.) / IT & Coordinator of BSAU Apple iOS Application Development Centre, Dr. P. Gnanasekaran, AP /IT, Mr. A. Salman Ayaz, AP / CA and Mr. V.M. Niaz Ahamed, AP / CA were also present in the inaugural function.
All the sessions (Theory & Practical) of the course will be handled by Mobile App Development Professionals from Industry along with our Faculty members. At the end of the course, a Certificate will be provided based on the performance of the individual.
National Seminar on Lean Sigma for Career Excellence
The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a one day national seminar on “Lean Sigma For Career Excellence” for the UG and PG, in MBA Block, MBA seminar hall on 2nd March 2020. Prof. Dr. Gopal Sivakumar, CEO (Lean Six Sigma) & Principal Consultant (MSME – Government of India) had conducted the seminar and training. Dr. S.Rasool Mohideen, Dean (SMS) and Dr. H.Siddhi Jailani, HOD, felicitated the speaker. In his lecture Dr.Gopal Sivakumar and Mr. Prabhakaran discussed the Quality, overview of lean six sigma and role of Lean Six Sigma in current Industries.
Further, he explained how Lean Six Sigma certified students will be able to impress the employers with their project outcomes and can effortlessly convert internship into a job opportunity.
He demonstrated with various practical examples how Students will be able to approach industries confidently and can easily secure Industry-Academy Interaction activities such as Industrial visits, In-plant Training and Internship through lean sigma green belt certification programs conducted by MSME – Government of India.
A special guest lecture on “Emerging Trends in IoT”
A special guest lecture on Emerging Trends in IoT was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering on 29-02-2020 (Saturday) at 11.30 am in CSE Department Seminar hall. The Coordinators Dr.S.Revathi, Professor, welcomed the gathering and briefed about the programme and Dr.N.Sabiyath Fatima, Associate Professor introduced the Speaker Mr. S. Vijay Anand, Assistant Vice President, Technology Software & Digital BU,aLRan. The impact of recent technology in IoT in the living environment was discussed in this session.

Click here for Programme Report
One Day Faculty Development Programme on Language Testing and Assessment on 27.02.2020
The Department of English conducted a One day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Language Testing and Assessment.’ The objective of this FDP was to know the nuances of designing a standard question paper and how to give constructive feedback to students while evaluating their answer sheets. Nearly 50 participants attended the programme out of which 25 were from other institutions. The Resource Person was Dr.T.Shrimathi Venkatalakshmi, Head of the Department of English, Anna University(CEG) Guindy. Nearly 50 participants attended the programme out of which 25 were from other institutions. The participants were highly benefited by the expert’s valuable resource. Our Dean of School, Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood graced the occasion and enlightened the participants with his motivational talk.
Civil Alumni Meet – 2020 was held on 22nd February 2020
An Alumni meet was organized by the School of Infrastructure in collaboration with Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) on 22nd February 2020 at seminar hall-1, Convention Centre. The event was graced by our Dean Dr.P.Vasanthi, Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohamed, Dean Academics, Dr.K.Ganesh, Director (OAR) and also by the Administrative Academic Audit members (AAA).
The Alumnus attended the meet, shared their experiences, visited the institute and also had an interaction with the students of B.Tech and M.Tech (Structural Engineering and Construction Engineering & Management). Er. Elias Latif, (1984-1988 batch) Chief Operating Officer, ECCI Ltd, Chennai guided the students regarding various job opportunities in Civil Engineering. Er.P.Vekatesan (1984-1988 batch) Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor, CECRI – Karaikudi, advised the students to first decide about what they are opting for i.e. higher studies or job, based on which they can progress, Er.Mohamed Arshad (1991-1995 batch), Managing Director, Bharat Builders,Chennai. Er.Mohamed Ibrahim,(M.S. by Research -2017 batch), Director, Qualitech QEEE, Chennai, said that they are ready to recruit the students in their concern. Er.Madan Raj (2014-2018 batch), Site Engineer, Sriraj Builders, Chennai, and also an Entrepreneur shared about his experience in doing multiple task. Later, the final year B.Tech Civil Engineering students interacted with Alumni regarding the various job opportunities.
National Science day celebrated on 21st February 2020
“Science of Today is the Technology of Tomorrow”
National Science day was celebrated by the School of Physical and Chemical Science on 21st February 2020. This day is celebrated to remember the great invention by the Indian Physicist Sir C.V. Raman who discovered “Ramans Effect”.
The Chief Guest of the National Science Day, Professor V. Subramanian, Department of Physics, from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, has delivered a lecture on the topic of “Nanomaterials for Electromagnetic application”. Prof. Dr.V.Subramanian, started his lecture with an introduction to what Raman Effect and how it is used. He also explained about the photonic crystals, wave vector diagram, Maxwell’s wave equation as a linear Hermitian Eigen value problem, Microwave microscopy and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and how Nuisance level to life threatening and about electromagnetic (EM) threat perception that high power electromagnetic fields or magnetic fields through induction or spikes in power lines that cause damages to the lighting systems and TV sets during lightning.
Faculty from various departments, PG students and research scholars of both Physics and Chemistry attended the lecture.
Re-energizing English Language Teaching
The Department of English conducted organized a Teacher Development Programme for Teachers of English,“Re- energizing English Language Teaching” on 21.2.2020.This programme was conducted for the English Teachers teaching higher secondary to develop their teaching skills. Thirty five school teachers from various schools in Chennai attended this workshop. ELT columnist, Teacher trainer and former Head of the Department of English, Dr.Albert P’Rayan was the Resource Person. He gave many activities and made the session very interactive .He emphasized the important role of English in the globalized world and the challenges faced by the English Teachers in the classroom today.
Our Pro Vice Chancellor Dr.A.Peer Mohamed, Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Deputy Registrar Dr. N.Raja Hussain and Dean of School of Social Sciences & Humanities Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood make the workshop memorable by making their presence. They addressed the participants and also distributed certificates to them.
“Stepping Stones to the future of IT Sector”, Campus visit to Atos-Syntel – Feb 2020
“Stepping Stones to the future of IT Sector” a Campus visit to Atos-Syntel organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences(SCIMS) for final year B.Tech. students on 18.02.2020.
Mr.Santhosh Thomas, Principal Specialist in Admin handled one of the sessions with enacting the communication, public speaking, and leadership skills of the students. The students were made to participate in tasks given to them. All the effective participants were given gifts as a token of appreciation. Mr.Murthy Srinivas, Delivery Director handled a session on skill requirements for an employee. He discussed various constraints that have to be overcome when you start your work career in the IT industry. Students were asked to throw any questions at him, he discussed all their questions relating to automation, Big Data, Onsite opportunities, How do you follow orders and complete your tasks. He concluded the session by saying if you are honest and dedicated to your work everything will fall into place and wished everyone good luck for their career.
Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career” on 17.02.2020
School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career” on 17.02.2020 at 1.40 pm in Main Auditorium, Convention Centre of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The second year students of the department of IT, CSE and CA have attended the seminar.
Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, Professor & Head, Dept of CSE welcomed the gathering and briefed about the seminar. Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean (SCIMS) felicitated the gathering and highlighted the importance of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT career. Dr I.Sathik Ali, Prof & Head, Dept. of Information Technology, Dr Gufran Ahmed Ansari, Prof & Head, Dept. of Computer Applications were present in the seminar. Following that Ms. C.Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE introduced our chief guest Mr.R. Manoj Kashyap, Certified Ethical Hacker & Network Engineer, Star Certification and Mr. Bivin Jacob, the Global Manager, Star Certification who insisted on the “Importance of Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking”. The guests were honoured with memento and were welcomed with gratitude.
One Day WorkShop on “Concrete Mix design” was held on 13th February 2020
One day workshop on ‘Concrete mix design’ was organized by the School of Infrastructure in collaboration with J K Cements Ltd on 13th February 2020 at seminar hall-2, Convention Centre. The workshop was conducted for the students to enhance the knowledge of proportioning the materials for making a good concrete. The topic of first session on ‘Standard procedure for Concrete mix design as per Indian standards’ was given by the speaker Dr.Kandasamy, Associate Professor, VelTech Rangarajan Dr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai. Mr. Sivaramakrishnan, Technical Manager, J K Cements Limited, gave a lecture on the topic ‘Good Construction Practices’ during the second session.

One Day Workshop On Machine Learning Using Python
Department of Computer Applications in association with School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a One Day “WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING USING PYTHON” on 13th February 2020. The complete insights of Machine Learning via python programming and its application were projected in the best possible way. More than 490 + participants including students, research scholars and academicians have attended the training and got benefitted.
Guest lecture on HR Contemporary Practices
The Department of Management Studies organized a guest lecture on “HR Contemporary Practices” for the first year & second year MBA students on 12th February 2020 (between 11 am to 12:40 pm) at MBA Seminar Hall. Mr.Elaya Sekaraja, Associate General Manager HRD, Indus Teqsite Private Limited an alumnus of department of management studies (1998-2000 batch) was the guest lecturer. He briefed about the corporate expectations from the MBA graduates. He has also discussed the various HR practices followed in different industries. The session benefitted the students in understanding the real scenarios practiced in the corporate.
Industrial Visit
The students of II year (IV semester) B.Tech (EIE) students visited the Mine-I and TPS – II Expansion, Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Ltd on 11.2.2020. Ms.P.R.Hemavathy, AP(SG)/EIE & Mr.M.Uvaraj, Technician/EIE accompanied the students.
Blood Donation Camp
Blood Donation Camp was jointly organised by NSS, CSB in association with Victory Blood Bank at Crescent Medical Centre. Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, PRO-VC and VC In charge, Mr.V.N.A.Jalal, Senior General Manager, Dr.K.Srinivasan, Dean – CSB, Dr.D.Ayub Khan Dalwood, Dean – SSH were participated and encouraged the volunteers. Around 110 students & volunteers donated their Blood in this camp.
CRESHUNT 2020 progaramme organized by ISTD-C and Final Year student of CRESCENT on 06.02.2020. Students showcased their talents and performed multiple activities which enthralled all. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, PRO-VC and VC Incharge, Dr.A.Azad, Registrar and Mr.V.N.A Jalal, Senior General Manager, Dean & Deputy Dean (Students Affairs).
SEIE Society Inauguration
The Activities of Society of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineers for the year 2019-2020 was inaugurated on 06-02-2020 at the seminar hall – II, Convention Centre. Dr.A. Peer Mohamed, PRO-VC and VC Incharge, Dr.A.Azad, Registrar, Mr.V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager, Dr.D.Najumnissa Jamal, Dean – SECS, Mrs. Ummul Fatima Sr. Inside Sales Engineer, Ruhrpumpen (Chief Guest), Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar, Ms.G.Anitha, SEIE co-ordinator and the students participated.
Alumni Connect Program
Mrs.Ummul Fatima, Inside Sales Engineer Sr.,Ruhrpumpen, Chief Guest of SEIE inauguration gave a presentation on “Placement in Core Companies” on on 6.2.20 at Seminar hall II, convention center.
Guest Lecture by DR. DEREK V MORRIS, Senior Consulting Engineer, North America, held on 6th February, 2020
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a Guest Lecture on “Case studies on application of dynamic analysis techniques to Civil engineering problems” by Dr. DEREK VICTOR MORRIS, Senior Consulting Engineer, SW Geotechnology, North America on 06th February 2020. He addressed the M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering Project Management) students.
Two days Workshop on “Industrial Design and Conceptualization”
The Department of Mechanical Engineering organized a two days Workshop on “Industrial Design and Conceptualization” on 4th & 5th February 2020 by EQuad Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.
NSS Special Camp (28th January-3rd February 2020)
NSS Units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has conducted a 7 days special camp at Government School, Thundal kazhani, Karsangal Village, Kundrathur Block, Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu during the period from 28th january 2020 to 3rd February 2020. As part of the programme various activities like, cleaning, health and hygienic awareness, tree plantation, general medical camp etc have conducted in the village
Guest Lecture titled “Opportunities in Civil Engineering Field” on 27th January 2020, as part of the “Alumni Talk”
The Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) and Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a Guest Lecture titled “Opportunities in Civil Engineering Field” on 27th January 2020, as part of the “Alumni Talk”. Our Alumnus Er.S.Sudarsanan (2001-2005 batch), Project Manager, Sandvik Asia Private Limited, Hyderabad addressed the B.Tech Civil Engineering and M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering Project Management) Students.

71st Republic Day Celebration
Our beloved Chancellor – Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman hoisted the Flag. The Republic Day Celebration was attended by VC Incharge Dr.A. Peer Mohamed, Registrar Dr.A.Azad, Mr.V.N.A Jalal, Senior General Manager, Deans, Directors, HoDs and other dignitaries were present. Students sang patriotic songs and displayed their talent on this occasion. Inauguration of ‘Essential Staff Quarters’, by the hands of our Chancellor, was followed by the Flag Hoisting Ceremony. For staff members, Volley Ball and Kabaddi match was organized by the Physical Education department.
Voters Day Celebration on 25.01.2020
NSS Units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has celebrated voters day by conducting a awareness rally in front of Vandalur zoo on 25.01.2020
NSS Celebrated national girls child day 0n 24.01.2020
NSS Units of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has celebrated National Girls Child Day on 24.01.2020 at Government School by conducting many programmes and activities
Alumni meet 2020 (1998-2000 Batch)
The Department of Management Studies has organized Alumni meet of 1998-2000 batch on 24th-Jan-2020. 20 Alumni were assembled from different part of India and other countries. They interacted with the faculty members and students; advised MBA students’ regards to the respective subjects and their scope in the future. Presented Mementos to the HOD, Pro-Vice Chancellor as a token of gratitude.
Two-day national workshop on “Current Challenges & Future Prospects for Actuaries” on 23rd and 24th January 2020
The Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science successfully organized a two-day national workshop on “Current Challenges & Future Prospects for Actuaries” on 23rd and 24th January 2020 at our Institute campus which was sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology
Short Term Training Programme on Digital Project Management Using BIM – 21st to 25th January 2020
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure in association with De Novo Software Solutions organized a Short Term Training Programme titled “Digital Project Management Using BIM” from 21st to 25th January 2020. Totally 30 students comprising of B.Tech Civil Engineering, M.Tech (Structural Engineering & Construction Engineering and Project Management) successfully completed the training Programme.

Hands-on training session on R programming entitled “Application of R packages in Actuarial Science”
The Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science successfully organized a hands-on training session on R programming entitled “Application of R packages in Actuarial Science” conducted by Mr. Harsh Vikram Arora, Director, Actuary Life, and consultant on 20th February 2020
The Fit India Cyclathon programme was conducted at the BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 18.01.2020 at 10.30 am. The programme was formally inaugurated by our Honourable Vice Chancellor i/c and Registrar Dr. A Azad. The function was attended by General Manager VNA Jalal, Dr. Jayesh Assistant Professor of GITAM University (Former NSS National Service Volunteer MG University, Kerala), Mr.Noushad.C, YRC & RRC Coordinator of the institute, Dr. Hassan Shareef, Assistant Professor of Commerce, Hostel manager of the institute etc. Around 50 students including boys and girls volunteers were enthusiastically participated in the programme. Earlier all the necessary assistance of the successful conduct of the programme was provided by Prof Kaja Moideen, Hostel Warden and PG Director of the institute.
Short Term Training Programme on “Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence” organized by the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences (SCIMS) from 16.12.2019 to 21.12.2019
The Short Term Training Programme was Inaugurated on 16.12.19, Dr.A.Azad, Registrar, presided over the Programme, Dr.D. Jairam, Professor from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras Inaugurated the Programme by giving the Inaugural address, Dr.Venkatesan Selvam Dean SCIMS Welcomed the gathering. Throughout the week Training Session was handled by the Speakers from the Industry (IBM, Agilisium), Institutions, the session is filled with participants from the various institutions and organizations. Dr.Pethuru Raj and the team of Reliance JIO Info-communications Ltd, Bangalore gave his insights on Apache Spark and Machine Learning training in the AWS cloud environment. Expertise from our own institute disseminated their knowledge and gave hands-on sessions on Geo-Spatial Data Analytics. Musical Data Analysis using MONGO DB and Genomics Data analysis using R programming. Dr.Pethuru Raj as Guest of Honor delivered the valedictory address and distributed the certificates to the participants.
Click here for Programme Report
Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) Programme on 26.11.19
As per the directions given by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India to Celebrate ‘Constitution Day’ on 26th November, 2019 in a befitting manner by organizing suitable programmes by every NSS Unit in University / College / Schools, B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai has celebrated the “Samvidhan Divas’ under the Crescent School of Law and NSS Crescent as its own importance by conducting various programmes and activities. As part of the celebration, earlier it was started by conducting oath taking ceremony. Oath as form of preamble was delivered by the Dr. (Prof) K. NILAMUDEEN, Dean Crescent School of Law. Followed by the Oath, Live Stream of Constitutional day function, where President, Prime Minister, Vice President, Speaker of Lok Sabha were delivered the speech from Central Hall of Parliament on Importance of Constitution in the present India. After that a seminar on Constitution by Prof. K. Nilamudeen, Dean Crescent School of Law and Fundamental Duties were organised under the School of Law.
The Vote of Thanks of the function were given by Dr Venkata Nagendra Sarma Pammi, professor of Law. Around 500 people were gathered at the function. Dr.N. Raja Hussain, Deputy Registrar of the Institute, Dr.D.Ayub Khan Dawood, NSS Coordinator, Dr. M. Vijaya Vara Prasad, Dean, Crescent School of Pharmacy, and other deans, directors, Hods, teaching and non-teaching colleagues were attended the function.
Preparation Centre Awards – Business English Certificate Courses & Exams
Dr.A.Shahin Sultana, Professor of English has been awarded “Extra Mile Award” for Continuous Excellence by Cambridge Assessment English, University of Cambridge, London on 22.11.2019 at the Annual Coordinators’ Conference held at Hotel Rain Tree, Chennai. The award was given in recognition of the special efforts taken by her as the Coordinator of Business English Certificate Courses in conducting the Courses and the exams well and producing good results consistently. The award was presented by T.K. Arunacahalam, Regional Director, South Asia Region, Cambridge Assessment English.
In 2016 she was awarded “Best Staff of the year – All Rounder” award by Cambridge Assessment English at the Cambridge Partners’ function held at Hotel Hyatt Regency in recognition of her contributions towards Business English Certificate Courses and the multi-task role she played in preparing and training the speaking examiners and administering the BEC exams successfully and achieving good results every year She was instrumental in starting Business English Certificate Courses and in the signing of Mou. The university became the first private university in the whole of South India.
Our institution which has been functioning as BEC Centre has been given the award “Preparation Centre Award 2019-2020” for Continuous Excellence in recognition of conducting the exams as per the standards set by Cambridge Assessment English.
National Education Day
National Education Day is an annual observance in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first education minister of independent India. It is celebrated on 11 November every year. The students of civil department were asked to take oath on 12-11-2019 on behalf of the National education day.
Disaster Mitigation Awareness Campaign held at BSACIST on 08.11.2019
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), Fire and Rescue services Department conducted a Mock Drill in B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology to create awareness as how to save life in real time situation that occurs of any kind during natural calamity among the students.
The function was Inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister for Revenue and Disaster Management and Information Technology R.B. Udhayakumar and Chancellor Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, BSACIST, presided over the function. Dr. J. Radhakrishnan IAS, Principal Secretary / Commissioner – Revenue Administration, Mr. P. Ponniah IAS, Collector and District Magistrate, Kancheepuram District, Dr.C. Sylendra Babu IPS, DGP Railway Police, Mr.Mageshkumar Agarwal IPS, ADGP Operations Chennai, Mr.N.Sundaramoorthy, District Revenue Officer, Kancheepuram District, Mr. Srinivas Station Director, Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam, Mr. Kondal Raj Assistant Executive Engineer, TNEB, Mambakkam, Dr. A. Azad Registrar cum Vice Chancellor in charge, BSACIST, Dr. N. Raja Hussain Deputy Registrar, BSACIST, Mr.V.N.A.Jalal Senior General Manager, BSACIST took part in the inauguration.
Inauguration of The New Seminar Hall in the Department of Management Studies
Our Honourable Chancellor Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, inaugurated the New Seminar Hall in the Department of Management Studies on 05th November 2019, in the presence of Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, Dr. N.Raja Hussain., Deputy Registrar, Mr. V.N.A. Jalal, Senior General Manager, of our institute, Dr. K.Srinivasan, Dean, Dr. Shanmugam, Head of the Department and faculty members of the department.
Vigilance Awareness Week 2019
Vigilance Awareness Week was observed in our campus on 4.11.2019. Pledge taking ceremony was organized. Dr.S.SM Abdul Majeed, Director. Admissions administer the pledge. On behalf of NSS we thank Dr.S.SM Abdul Majeed for gracing the occasion. On behalf of NSS, we whole heartedly thank Dr. Yasmeen, Director centre for leadership and Prof of Management for her presence in the Vigilance Awareness Week function on 4.11.2019.
Guest Lecture on “Personal SWOT analysis for identifying one’s competencies and limitations”
Department of Management Studies organized a guest lecture on “Personal SWOT analysis for identifying one’s competencies and limitations” for the students of MBA I and II year on 4th November 2019. Around 180 students attended this guest lecture delivered by Mr.Balaraju Kondaveeti (M.S Entrepreneurship from IIT Madras). It helped students in identifying core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within themselves that leads to fact-based analysis, fresh perspectives and new ideas.
Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) on 31st October 2019
As part of Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day), a pledge taking ceremony was organised under NSS banner at Crescent Institute of Science and Technology on 31st October 2019 at 11.30 am. The pledge was framed in accordance with the upholding of nation’s unity and integrity among the diverse culture of our country. Around 300 students and 25 faculty colleagues from the different department and branches were actively participated in the ceremony.
Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, NSS Coordinator of Crescent Institute of Science and Technology was formerly inaugurated the function. In his address, he stressed the relevance of idea of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and gave importance of unity among the Indians. He also gave words for the importance for upholding integrity and promotion of common brotherhood among them all. Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen Dean, School Of Electrical & Communication Sciences was delivered the pledge and others followed. All NSS programme Officers, YRC and RRC Coordinator were present in the event.
Guest lecture on “Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete exposed in Natural Environment on 23.10.2019
Er.P.Venkatesan, Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor, CECRI – Karaikudi and our beloved first batch alumni (1984-1988) delivered a Guest lecture on “Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete exposed in Natural Environment” during 23.10.2019.
Guest lecture on corrosion and Engineer’s day
Er.Elias .A. Latiff, Chief Operating Officer, East Coast Construction India Pvt.Ltd, Chennai presided as a Chief Guest for the Engineers Day celebration on 21-10-2019. As a part of the Engineers Day he delivered a Guest lecture on “Alternate Technologies in Construction” for our young Engineers.
One-day Workshop on ‘MS Excel on Supply Chain Management’
The Department of Management Studies organized a one-day workshop on ‘MS Excel for Supply Chain Management’ for the 2nd year MBA students with Logistics and Supply Chain Management specialization on 19th October 2019. A total of 50 students took part in the workshop. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. D. Sriram, an industry expert and affiliate faculty member. Mr. D. Sriram is the CEO of Maruti 3PL Solutions, Chennai. The workshop was convened by Dr. M. Shanmugam, Professor and Head, and coordinated by Dr. J. Hemalatha, Mrs. T. Rocky Devi and Dr. D. Asokk, faculty members, Management Studies.
A Guest – Lecture on Énglish: Modern Day Lifeline
A Guest- Lecture on Énglish: Modern Day Lifeline was organized by the Department of English for Ist semester students of B.A.English(Hons.) on 17.10.2019. The Resource Person was Dr.David Wesley, Assistant Professor of English, Madras Christian College, Chennai-59. He created awareness among the students about the different career avenues available for the programme they have chosen. He was very interactive and the students enjoyed the session. Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean of Social Sciences & Humanities and faculty members also attended the lecture.

Two days training program on Stadd
“Two days training program on Stadd” was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 17.10.2019 and 18.10.2019. It is an initiative taken to give exposure to structural software to final year students for design project.
Crescent Achievers Connect 2019
Crescent Achievers Connect 2019 (1st Edition) was conducted on 16th October 2019 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm in the Auditorium, Convention Centre.
Seven prominent Alumni speakers from different sectors were invited. Around 650 First year BTech students attended the event and got motivated by this mentoring session. The Alumni presented their works and shared their achievements to our future achievers.
“Young Genius” – National Level Competition
“Young Genius”- national level competition for school students was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 16.10.2019. It is an initiative taken under Jal Shakthi Abhiyan scheme and the theme of the event was ” Leaving no one behind- Safe water for all”. Dr.R.Saravanan, Associate Professor, Centre for water resources, Anna University presided as chief guest. Nearly 110 school students from various schools across chennai participated in the event.
9th Convocation Day held at B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology
On 5th October 2019 – B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology celebrated its 9th Convocation Day. A total of 1396 graduants including 21 Ph.D., 379 PG and 996 UG received their degree at the Convocation ceremony held today. The degrees were handed over to the students by Hon’ble Union Minister of Minority Affairs, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.
Mr. Michael Aaron Nii Nortey Oquaye Esq., Honourable High Commissioner of Ghana to India, being awarded the Doctorate of Science (Honoris Causa) by Mr BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, Chancellor, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
Also present on the occasion were dignitaries including Mr. Michael Aaron Nii Nortey Oquaye Esq., Honourable High Commissioner of Ghana to India; Mr BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, Chancellor, B.S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology; Mr. Abdul Qadir A Rahman Buhari, Pro Chancellor & Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice Chancellor, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Members of the Board among others.
Day 2
Mr BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, Chancellor, Mr. Abdul Qadir A Rahman Buhari, Pro Chancellor & Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice Chancellor, Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, Members of the Board among others.
Best Management Chanakya Award 2019

Value added Training programme (Sanitation Solutions in Urban India)
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure in association with Indian Institute for Human settlements organised Two day Value added training programme in “Non-sewered Sanitation an important link for Sanitation Solutions in Urban India” on 27.09.2019 & 28.09.2019 for III year Civil Engineering Students.
CRESMA – Crescent Management Association inaugurated on 25th September 2019
Crescent Management Association was inaugurated on 25th September 2019 by Dato’ Dr. Vaseehar Hassan, Executive Coach at INSEAD France & Chief Mentor of Crescent School of Business. Mr. S.Ramachandran, Managing Director of Renold Chains India Pvt. Ltd., delivered the keynote address. The event was graced by Mr.M.Elango, Vice President, FCB Interface and Mr. Baburaj Nair, HR Expert.
CRESMA is a management association run by the PGDM Students of Crescent School of Business to organize competitions and events in the area of Management. Student office bearers of CRESMA took oath and assumed their positions during the event.
World Pharmacists Day 2019 celebrated by CSP followed by Medical Camp on Diabetes and Rally
Crescent School of Pharmacy celebrated World Pharmacist Day on September 25, 2019. Our beloved Vice Chancellor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Prof. IR.Dr.Sahol Hamid Bin Abu bakar, Dr. A.Azad, Registrar, Dr.M.Dhilop Kumar, President, All India Drug Officers Confederation, Mr. C. Arther Paul, Manager, International Business, Apex Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., and Mrs. Uma Shankari, Drugs Inspector, Kancheepuram Zone, were participated in the programme.
Two days training program on Cost X
“Two days training program on Cost X” was organised by the Department of Civil Engineering on 24.09.2019 and 25.09.2019. It is an initiative taken to give exposure to estimation software to final year students which will be useful for design project.
Onam Celebration
Onam celebration is conducted on 19th September 2019 at our institution with various cultural performance followed by cultural activities along with our Honourable Vice Chancellor and Faculties.
A Guest Lecture on “Advanced Surveying”
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure organized a guest lecture for the II year B.Tech Civil Engineering students on 17.09.2019. Mr.Selvam, General Manager M/S.Land Coordinate Technology, delivered a lecture on the topic “Advanced Surveying”

Value Added Training Programme
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure conducted value added training programme in “SURVEYING- HANDS ON TRAINING IN TOTAL STATION AND GPS” for the II year B.Tech Civil Engineering students from 17.09.2019 to 19.09.2019 . The course was conducted in association with M/S.Land Coordinate Technology, Chennai
A One-day Summit on Corporate Governance
Crescent School of Business, BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology actively participated in Corporate Governance Summit organised by Institute of Directors (IOD) on 14th September, 2019 Hotel ITC Grand Chola, Chennai. Theme: Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance
Website Inauguration and release of the first Newsletter
Our Honourable Pro Chancellor Mr. Abdul Qadir Abdul Rahman Buhari inaugurated the website of Office of Alumni Relations on 13 Sept 2019 and also released the first newsletter of Office of Alumni Relations on the same day. Our Honourable Vice Chancellor received the first copy of the first Newsletter.
A Guest Lecture on “Estimation of Groundwater Resources”
In view of Jal Sakthi Abhiyan’ 2019 a Guest Lecture on “Estimation of Groundwater Resources” was given by Dr.K.S.Kadiravan, Deputy Director, Groundwater Circle – PWD, IWS, Taramani, Chennai on 6th September 2019
Society Event
The Annual General meeting of the Crescent Society of Automotive Engineers was held on September 6, 2019. The Chief Guest was Mr. P. Arjunraj, Manager, Powertrain-Research and Development, PSA AVTEC Powertrain Private Limited, Hosur.
B.S. Abdur Rahman Faculty Award 2019
B.S. Abdur Rahman Faculty Award 2019 organized by HR department on the occasion of teachers day @ BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology.
Guest lecture on “Insurance & Risk Management”
On 5th September 2019, the Department of Mathematics & Actuarial Science organized a Guest lecture delivered by Mr. Joseph Balaji (FIII) on “Insurance & Risk Management”
The final year students of the Department of Automobile Engineering under the School of Mechanical Sciences organized Motorcycle Safety Awareness Rally on September 5, 2019. This rally is an initiative to create safety awareness among ourselves. The rally was held with all the safety measures by following the rules and regulations laid by the Institution.
Inauguration of activities of the civil societies for the year 2019-20 on 04.09.2019, 02.00 p.m. by Mr.H I Abdul Gani, Head,Civil Design Section, Indhira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,Kalpakkam
One day Seminar on Kishan Mela and Jal Sakthi Abiyan (Prime Minister Agriculture Scheme) – 03.09.2019
One day Seminar with Agriculture Exhibition conducted by Government of Tamil Nadu held at our Institution. Mr. P. Ponnaiah, IAS, District Collector of Kanchipuram, Mr. A. Kulothungan, Asst. Commissioner IAS, (Government of India), our beloved Registrar, General Manager, Director (HR), Finance Officer, Administrative officer, and more than 325 rural farmers have participated.
Fit India Movement
Fit India Movement porgramme inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 29/08/2019. In order to make awareness of importance of physical fitness for the success of the individual and thereby progress of the nation. During the time of this information era people are habituated with electronic gadgets and not awareness of being fit. Due to these reasons people are suffering from many diseases like hypertension, Cholesterol, obesity, diabetics etc. so this programme is the need of the hour. Our BSA Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, under the NSS banner also involved in the inaugural function of FIT India Movement by telecasting of live streaming of the function. Deputy Registrar Dr.N Raja Hussain, NSS Coodrinator, Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood, Deans, HODs of various schools and departments, NSS Programme Officers, Faculties,NSS volunteers, and around 500 Students from various departments participated in the inaugural function.
Crescent Medical Centre and Rotract Club of Crescent jointly organised Blood Donation Drive
Deputy Registrar Dr.N.Raja Hussain, Dr.V.Naveen Kumar, prof in Department of Transmission Medicine, Government of Royapettah Hospital and team, Dr.Abdul Hazan, Resident Medical Officer and team, Dr.Javeed Zabillah and team and Crescent Rotract Volunteers club, more than 100 volunteers were participated.
Tractor Design Competition 2019
Team of 25 students (TEAM CRESTRAC) from BSA Crescent Institute of Science & Technology has participated in Tractor Design Competition 2019, a national event and won second place for Durability
Inauguration of Student Chapter of Madras Management Association
On August 21, 2019 the Student Chapter of Madras Management Association (MMA) was inaugurated at Crescent School of Business. Dr. K. Srinivasan, Dean, Crescent School of Business presented the Welcome Address and highlighted the importance of MMA chapter. The Presidential Address was delivered by Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BSACIST. Group Captain Dr. R. Venkataraman (Retd.), General Manager, MMA inspired the audience with his inaugural talk. He also spoke about the advantages that the collaboration with MMA brings and outlined the road ahead.
Mr.K.Suresh, CEO of India Cements Capital Limited was the chief guest of the occasion. He delivered the keynote address on ‘Employer Expectations from Management students’ highlighting the majors areas in which the students should focus. MMA chapter at Crescent School of Business will provide great opportunity for industry-institute collaboration.
Er.Sherif Azmath, Environmental Engineer – Worley Parsons, Kuwait and Alumni, gave a lecture on “Land Remediation of Kuwait – Oil Spill after War”, for the Third year Civil Engineering Students on 20th August 2019
Orientation Program for the 1st year MBA students
Orientation for I year MBA was conducted on 19th August 2019. Students and parents of I year were felicitated by our Hounarable Vice Chancellor Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr IR. Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, Mr. S. M. Buhary, Member, Board of Management, Dr. S.K.G. Ganesh, Director (PG-Admissions), Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean, Academic Affairs, and Heads of various academic department.
Independence Day Celebration on 15 August 2019
We thank our beloved Deputy Registrar Dr. N.Raja Hussain for hoisting the National Flag along with Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader & Dr. A. K.Kaliluthin. We thank the management for giving us such a wonderful opportunity to conduct this event on behalf of Physical Education Department.
3 Day Hands-on FDP on “Introduction to Big Data Analytics” on 7th to 9th August 2019
Crescent Faculty Team in association with ICT Academy organized a 3 Day Hands-on FDP on “Introduction to Big Data Analytics” on 7th to 9th August 2019. More than 40 faculties participated in the FDP and got benefited.
Mr.Vignesh Ramadhas, Practise Lead (Infrastructure), West Mark – Advisors, from Canada, gave a lecture on “White Rock Pier Reconstruction” for the Final year Civil Engineering Students on 5th August 2019
A two-day workshop on ‘Writing for Research Purpose’ (19 & 20 July 2019)
The Office of Dean (Research) in association with the department of English of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a two day workshop on “Writing for Research Purpose” during 19 – 20 July 2019. The objective of this workshop is to enhance research skills of researchers in writing quality research articles and thesis effectively. The workshop was organized under the guidance of Honorable Vice Chancellor of the Institution.
Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor (English) & Convener welcomed the gathering and Dr. A.Azad, Registrar has mentioned in his speech about how to focus on quality research. Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood has mentioned in his speech about how to follow the ethics in Research.
Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean(Research) has explained about and importance of plagiarism and awareness of predatory journals for the scholars and faculty members as per UGC Regulations. Dr. Md Khurshid, Deputy Dean (Research) and Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean(Research) emphasized the need for avoiding predatory journals, publishing articles in peer reviewed journal, Plagiarism Issues and Anti Plagiarism tools respectively. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor (English) has explained in his lecture about Structuring a thesis and Research paper. Dr.Albert P’ Rayan and Dr.Antony Samy are external resource persons and provided inputs about the Mechanics of Writing Research Articles and Citations respectively. The Process of writing an Academic Research paper covered by Dr.K.Ganesh.
Totally 100 participants attended this workshop and it inspired all the researchers to identify research problems in an efficient way to carry out research work which should be for the betterment of society.
Orientation Programme 2019
Orientation Programme schedule from 10th July to 31st July 2019. Our institute Alumni Mr. Mir Mohammad Ali, I.A.S. delivered the motivational speech to the students. We thank the Management, Vice Chancellor and Registrar for providing this wonderful opportunity.
One Day ICT Enabled Faculty Development Programme on “Engineering Graphics”
Crescent FTA Team in association with School of Mechanical Sciences organized a One Day ICT Enabled Faculty Development Programme on ” Engineering Graphics” on 9th July 2019. Mr.Mahashir Ali , Assistant professor of Mechanical Department delivered a hands on session for the participants.Faculties from various departments such as Automobile Engineering, Civil engineering, Aerospace engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Polymer Engineering attended the training and got benefitted.
Faculty Orientation Programme on 8th and 9th July 2019
Crescent FTA Team organized a Faculty Orientation Programme for the newly joined faculties for the academic year 2019-20 on 8th and 9th July 2019. Orientation started Yesterday(8th July 2019) with complete insights about HR policy, Leave policy, Roles and responsibilities of staff. Session was handled by Director HR. The first session was followed by presentation on TCS iON HRMS solution where employee management, profile entry , leave and Onduty applying steps were explained by HR Team (Dr.Javubar Sathick and Ms.Sasikala). In continuation to day one, Day 2 started with welcome address by Director HR and series of important agendas in which Our registrar and Deputy Registrar addressed the new faculties. There after Dr.Tharini Hod/ ECE delivered a keynote address on importance of online courses like MOOC and Nptel, Director Aria Dr. Rajaprabu presented Institute Ranking related information to the new faculties.
In the afternoon session Research Team (Dean Research, Dr.Khurshid deputy Dean research, Dr.Harinaryanan director sponsored research and Mr.Parvez alam CEO ciic) gave a useful information on research, fundings and start ups to the faculties. Thereafter Dean Academic Dr.Haji Sheik offered a academic related information such as regulations, workload, syllabus and curriculum to the newly joined faculties.Finally the day was concluded by Coe Team (Dr.Rabbani-COE, Mr.Saibulla-DCOE,Mr.Syed Abdul Syed-ACOE) delivered a exam related information such as paper valuation, invigilation and other rules and regulations. Almost 90 odd new faculties attended the orientation programme and got all the vital information about B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology.
Crescent FTA Team organized One day Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Teaching Practices” for all the faculties on 3rd July 2019
The session started with the remarkable points on Effective Teaching Practices by our honourable VC sir followed by key note address on Teaching Practices by Dr.K.Narashiman, Director AU TVS Centre for quality management, Anna university. In the Afternoon, our dynamic registrar delivered a valuable Inputs on “How to manage the classroom for effective outcome” his session was followed by a interactive and energetic session on the topic “How to counsel and mentor the students” which is delivered by Dr.C.Kumar Babu senior retired professor and doctor in pyschiatry department, Stanley Medical College Chennai. Finally the day was concluded by panel discussion by the eminent icons of the crescent our VC sir, Registrar Sir and Deputy Registrar. It was a effective and interactive session where the panel members were answering all the queries raised by the faculty members. All the faculties who attended the training program was completely benefitted and understood the concept of effective teaching practices.