About Us
Vision & mission
Vision & Mission
- B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology strives to be a “Research Intensive Institution” through various quality enhancement and sustainable initiatives.
- To offer Ph.D. programme in all the Departments of the Institution
- To offer Research Fellowships (JRF & SRF) in all the Departments to attract young talents
- To conduct periodical Review Meetings for research scholars to ensure Quality
- To disseminate the research findings through Publications
- To introduce Innovative Schemes to encourage quality research & to increase number of Research Publications
- To introduce a conducive ambience so as to bring in a research culture
Ph.D Regulation
Ph.D Regulation
Research Promotion Policy
Research Promotion Policy
Research Promotion Policy
1. Preamble
B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology has a well-established research promotion policy to build a research ecosystem and create a conducive research ambiance for promoting and expediting research activities among faculty members, research scholars, postgraduate and undergraduate students.
2. Research administrative structure
The Institute has a Research Advisory committee and Research Board to monitor all kinds of research activities and facilitate high-quality research publications. The Research Board formulates and updates research policies time to time according to UGC Regulations and to ensure that researchers follow the research guidelines and regulations of our Institute.
The Research Administrative structure is as follows:

3. Policy components and guidelines
3.1 Ph.D. programme
- Admission to the Ph.D. programme (full-time / part-time) is twice a year (January & July). Selection is based on entrance tests and interviews
- A Master’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum of 55% (or equivalent CGPA) is required to apply for the Ph.D. programme
- Upon registration, each research scholar will be allocated a research supervisor and a Doctoral Committee (DC) with one internal member and one external member to guide the scholar and monitor the research progress throughout the Ph.D. programme
- Research Methodology (4 credits) and Research and Publications ethics (2 credits) are the mandatory courses
- All the research publications should be peer-reviewed and indexed by Scopus / Web of Science and listed in the UGC CARE list
- Ph.D. thesis shall be evaluated by two examiners, one Indian and one foreign examiner, and VIVA-VOCE Examination is of open – defense type
3.2 Research Fellowships
- The Institute offers sixty (60) BSA Research fellowships (JRF and SRF) to captivate bright youngsters to take up research activities on full-time basis.
- In addition to BSA fellowships, the Institute offers “Earn while you learn scheme (EWL)” to support full-time research scholars who do not receive any fellowships. Further, the Institute offers twenty (20) Post-doctoral fellowships (PDF) for meritorious scholars awarded the Ph.D. degree. The fellowship amount for PDF is Rs.30,000/- per month.
3.3 Crescent Seed Money
- The Institute offers Crescent Seed Money (Rs. 1,00,000/-) to encourage faculty members, research scholars, and students (Rs.20,000/-) to participate / collaborate in research activities and apply for research grants to funding agencies. The award of Crescent Seed Money will be based on the quality of the research proposals and the required budget to execute the research work
3.4 Research Incentives
- The Institute offers Research Incentives to motivate the faculty members to publish quality research publications, availing sponsored research projects, patent filing process, and other research-related activities. The incentives will be awarded based on SNIP of (Scopus / WOS) indexed journals published, books, book chapters, the amount sanctioned for sponsored projects, and granted patents
3.5 TURNITIN, (plagiarism detection), an originality check software
- The Institute subscribes for a licensed Turnitin, an originality check software, every year to assist the researchers in verifying the similarity index of the journal manuscripts and Ph.D. Theses with value limited to 10%.
3.6 Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP) and Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP)
- The Institute has constituted two panels, Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP) and Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP), as per UGC regulations 2018 to ensure that the similarity index of every article and thesis is within the limit of 10%
3.6 Researgence database
- The Institute has a subscription to RESEARGENCE every year, which is a repository system for the overall research data of the Institute. The research publications and other activities of each School / Department / Faculty are monitored by the office of Dean (Research) through this database
- The faculty members should update their profile in RESEARGENCE on a regular basis
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
1.1 CODE OF ETHICS to check malpractices and Plagiarism in research
1.1.1 Preamble
The purpose of this set of guidelines is to provide a positively oriented set of practical suggestions for maintaining integrity in research. Observance of these guidelines will help an investigator avoid departures from accepted ethical research practice and prevent those most serious deviations that constitute research misconduct. Research misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism including misrepresentation of credentials in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting research results.
1.1.2 Plagiarism
Authors who present the words, data, or ideas of others with the implication that they own the same, without attribution in a form appropriate for the medium of presentation, are committing theft of intellectual property and may be guilty of plagiarism and thus of research misconduct. This statement applies to reviews and to methodological and background/historical sections of research papers as well as to original research results or interpretations. If there is a word-for-word copying beyond a short phrase or six or seven words of someone else’s text, that section should be enclosed in quotation marks or indented and referenced, at the location in the manuscript of the copied material, to the original source. The same rules apply to grant applications and proposals, to clinical research protocols, and to student papers submitted for academic credit. Not only does plagiarism violate the standard code of conduct governing all researchers, but in many cases it could constitute an infraction of the law by infringing on a copyright held by the original author or publisher.
The work of others should be cited or credited, whether published or unpublished and whether it had been written work, an oral presentation, or material on a website. Each journal or publisher may specify the particular form of appropriate citation. One need not provide citations, however, in the case of well-established concepts that may be found in common textbooks or in the case of phrases which describe a commonly-used methodology. Special rules have been developed for citing electronic information.
1.1.3 Use and Misuse of Data
Research integrity requires not only that reported conclusions are based on accurately recorded data or observations but that all relevant observations are reported. It is considered a breach of research integrity to fail to report data that contradict or merely fail to support the reported conclusions, including the purposeful withholding of information about confounding factors. If some data should be disregarded for a stated reason, confirmed by an approved statistical test for neglecting outliers, the reason should be stated in the published accounts. A large background of negative results must be reported. Any intentional or reckless disregard for the truth in reporting observations may be considered to be an act of research misconduct.
1.1.4 Ownership of and Access to Data
Research data obtained in studies performed at the institute by employees of the institute are not the property of the researcher who generated or observed them or even of the principal investigator of the research group. They belong to the institute, which can be held accountable for the integrity of the data even if the researchers have left the institute. Another reason for the institute’s claim to ownership of research data is that the institute, not the individual researcher, is the grantee of sponsored research awards. Reasonable access to data, however, should normally not be denied to any member of the research group in which the data were collected. If there is any possibility that a copyright or patent application might emerge from the group project, a written agreement within the group should specify the rights, if any, of each member of the group to the intellectual property. A researcher who has made a finding which may be patentable should file an Invention Disclosure with the Office of Technology Management.
A principal investigator who leaves the institute is entitled to make a copy of data to take to another institution so as to be able to continue the research or, in some cases, to take the original data, with a written agreement to make them available to the institute on request within a stated time period. A formal Agreement on Disposition of Research Data should be negotiated in such cases through the Office of Research. Each student, postdoctoral fellow, or other investigators in a group project should come to an understanding with the research director or principal investigator, preferably in writing, about which parts of the project he or she might continue to explore after leaving the research group. Such an understanding should specify the extent to which a copy of research data may be taken. Co-investigators at another institution are entitled to access the data which they helped to obtain.
Since the scientific enterprise may be a cooperative endeavour encompassing many persons who now or in the future might pursue related research interests, and since it is in the interest of all to rely on the contributions and findings of others, every investigator has an obligation to the general scientific community to cooperate by sharing of data. Other virtues of sharing data include the facilitation of independent confirmation or refutation of reported outcomes. It is generally accepted that the data underlying a research publication should be made available to other responsible investigators upon request after the research results have been published or accepted for publication.
1.2 Authorship and Other Publication Issues
Publication of research results is important as a means of communicating to the scholarly world so that readers may be informed of research results and other researchers may build on the reported findings. In fact, it is an ethical obligation for an investigator at the institute to make research findings accessible, in a manner consistent with the relevant standards of publication. The reported data and methods should be sufficiently detailed so that other researchers could attempt to replicate the results. Publication should be timely but should not be hastened unduly if premature publication involves a risk of not subjecting all results to adequate internal confirmation or of not considering adequately all possible interpretations.
A commercial sponsor of a research project may not have a veto over a decision to publish, but a delay of publication for an agreed period, not to exceed six months, may be allowed in order to permit the filing of a patent application.
1.2.1. Criteria for Authorship
Since academic work is informed by a multitude of sources offering concepts and information, it is essential to emphasize rightful acknowledgment in the presentation of ideas and the publication of manuscripts. Authorship should be awarded only to those persons who have made an original and significant contribution to the conceptualization, design, execution, and interpretationof the published work.Individuals who have made smaller contributions by for instance giving advice, performing analyses or providing subject material, or who have supported the research in some other way, should also be acknowledged. The principal author should determine whether or not these individuals should be included as authors. Sometimes written permission has to be obtained for acknowledgment in the published work and even the format thereof is prescribed by the party concerned.
In the case of co-authorship, questions arise as to the criteria for inclusion as an author, the ability of each author to evaluate all aspects of the study and the sequence of the list of authors. Authors should discuss these questions openly and should make appointments before undertaking a co-author project. The author submitting the work, or the principal author, is responsible for coordinating the completion and submission of the work and for ensuring that all the contributions and all the collaborators are given proper acknowledgment. All authors should approve the final version of the manuscript and should be prepared to accept responsibility for the work in public.Each author or co-author is responsible for the compilation, revision and verification of those parts of the manuscript, publication or presentation representing his/her contribution. All co-authors are entitled to making their own copies thereof, including figures and attached documents.
In factual or scientific reports, authors should go out of their way to quote applicable data, including those data not supporting the hypothesis proposed. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to be au fait with other appropriate publications and to quote from them.
It is unethical, and harmful to the academy, to present as one’s own the work of others, whether in part or in full, to fabricate research results or to omit or change information.
Authors who wish to quote information obtained at a personal level or from unpublished written material should obtain written permission from the source.
It is inappropriate and unacceptable to submit extracts from research, or reports on the same research, to more than one publisher, unless such action has been approved by the editors of each publication or multiple submissions is the acceptable standard practice in the specific discipline or field. In the complete report on the work in question, reference should be made to preliminary extracts from work that has already been published.
1.3 Order of Authors
Customs regarding the order in which co-authors’ name(s) appear vary with the discipline. Whatever the discipline, it is important that all co-authors understand the basis for assigning an order of names and agree in advance to the assignments.
A corresponding, or senior author (usually the first or last of the listed names in a multi-authored manuscript) should be designated for every paper, who will be responsible for communicating with the publisher or editor, for informing all co-authors of the status of review and publication, and for ensuring that all listed authors have approved the submitted version of the manuscript. This person has a greater responsibility than other co-authors to vouch for the integrity of the research report and should make every effort to understand and defend every element of the reported research.
1.4 Self-citations
In citing one’s own unpublished work, an author must be careful not to imply an unwarranted status of a manuscript. A paper should not be listed as submitted, in anticipation of expected submission. A paper should not be listed as accepted for publication or in the press unless the author has received galley proof or page proof or has received a letter from an editor or publisher stating that publication has been approved, subject perhaps only to copy-editing.
1.5 Duplicate Publication
Researchers should not publish the same article in two different places without very good reason to do so unless the appropriate citation is made in the later publication to the earlier one, and unless the editor is explicitly informed. The same rule applies to abstracts. If there is an unexplained duplication of publication without citation, sometimes referred to as self-plagiarism, a reader may be deceived as to the amount of original research data.
It is improper in most fields to allow the same manuscript to be under review by more than one journal at the same time. Very often journals specify that a submitted work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and some journals require that a submitted manuscript be accompanied by a statement to that effect.
An author should not divide a research paper that is a self-contained integral whole into a number of smaller papers merely for the sake of expanding the number of items in the author’s bibliography.
1.6 Conflict of Interest
Academic members of staff may not allow other professional or outside activities to distract their attention from their primary responsibilities towards the institute. They should maintain a significant and professionally acceptable presence on campus during each semester in which they are on active duty. Holidays and leave should be in accordance with the institute’s regulations.
They should create an atmosphere of academic freedom by promoting the open and timely disclosure of the results of their academic activities, by ensuring that their advice to students and postdoctoral associates is not influenced by personal interests, and by disclosing external activities that could affect the free flow of academic information between themselves, students and colleagues.
Researchers may use institute resources, including facilities, staff, equipment, information or confidential information as part of contract work, provided that the institute is compensated in terms of the provisions of the Rules for Contract Work of the institute. Researchers may not use institute resources for any purpose other than purposes related to tuition, research or service by the institute, unless prior permission has been obtained by the head of the department and/or the dean, as provided by the institute’s regulations.
Researchers should disclose in good time all potentially patentable inventions that have been discovered or created in the course and within the ambit of their service to the institute. Ownership of such inventions should be dealt with in accordance with the policy of institute. The inventors will, together with the institute, share in the benefits or royalties earned in accordance with the provisions of the institute’s Intellectual Property Policy.
Researchers should inform the institute whether they (or members of their families) have consultation agreements or work in an outside institution, before the following proposed arrangements or agreements between such institutions and the institute will be approved: a) gifts; b) funded projects; c) technology licensing agreements; and d) allocations.
In such cases, formal institute permission will be required before the proposed arrangements or agreements can proceed.
Institute researchers should not allow their names to be used as “ghost” authors of manuscripts written or provided by commercial sponsors.
Faculty may be allowed to engage in outside professional activities such as consulting or service on a scientific advisory board, but approval of each such activity from the academic supervisor must be obtained in advance. In no case are institute facilities to be used in the conduct of an outside activity, and the institute name and logo may be used by outside entities only with permission of designated institute officers. Research performed for an external entity should be conducted by means of a sponsored research contract and not by way of consulting. In some schools a contract for consulting must be approved in advance, to ensure, among other things, that remuneration is related to specific services and that legitimate intellectual property rights of the institute are not compromised.
1.7 Obligation to Report
1.7.1 Reporting Suspected Misconduct
Reporting suspected research misconduct is a shared and serious responsibility of all members of the academic community. Any person who suspects research misconduct has an obligation to report the allegation to the HoD of the department in which the suspected misconduct occurred or to the Dean of Academic Research. Allegations are handled under procedures described in the institute’s Policy. All reports are treated confidentially to the extent possible, and no adverse action will be taken, either directly or indirectly, against a person who makes such an allegation in good faith.
1.7.2 Correction of Errors
If a finding of error, either intentional or inadvertent, or of plagiarism should be made subsequent to publication, the investigator has an obligation to submit a correction or retraction in a form specified by the editor or publisher.
1.8 Responsibilities of a Research Investigator
An investigator who leads a research group has leadership and supervisory responsibilities with respect to the research performed by members of the group. A principal investigator must not only put together the research group but also arrange for the assembly of an adequate financial and administrative structure to support the research. A supervisor not only provides guidance and advice to individual members of the group in the responsible conduct of the research but also has ultimate responsibility for the scientific integrity of the whole research project. He or she should thus take all reasonable steps to check the details of experimental procedures and the validity of the data or observations reported by members of the group, including periodic reviews of primary data in addition to summary tables, graphs, and oral reports prepared by members of the group.
An investigator serves not only as a research manager with respect to members of the research group but also as a mentor responsible for the intellectual and professional development of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty in the group, including awareness and sensitivity to issues in research ethics.
A researcher should be open to collaborative work with investigators having different but complementary skills at the institute.
1.9 Responsibilities to Funding Agencies
An investigator should be aware that the same standards of accuracy and integrity pertain to grant applications and proposals as to manuscripts submitted for publication. Reporting of results of experiments not yet performed as evidence in support of the proposed research funding, for example, is considered to be a fabrication and is subject to a finding of research misconduct, even if the proposal is subsequently rejected for funding or is withdrawn before full consideration for funding is completed. The same definition of plagiarism applies to an application or proposal, including background and methodological sections, as to a publication.
An investigator must submit progress and final research reports to a sponsor at times specified in the award. He or she must authorize expenditures in a manner consistent with the approved budget and should review financial reports carefully. Investigators, who enter into agreements with commercial sponsors of research, as negotiated by the Office of Research, should familiarize themselves with the special terms of such agreements, such as those, for example, concerning reporting of results, the disclosure of inventions, and confidentiality. Failure to comply with the provisions might sometimes constitute a breach of contract or might compromise the institute’s claims to intellectual property.
1.10 Resources in support of Research
(a) Institute Research and Development Fund
The principle of administering the allocation of all Research funding in the Institute is that it is an investment to create intellectual resources. It will help economic upliftment and intended to maximise the scientific outcomes that the Institute expects to result from staff and student Research.
(b) Seed money
The institute allocate research fund for all departments to spend the budget allocated to them for consumables, non-consumables and R&D.
(c) External contracts/external Research provisions and obligations
The institute has singed MOUs with national and international organizations in order to promote advanced in different frontier areas.
Research Planning
Each faculty is required to develop and implement his or her own Research plan that is in tune with the Institute Research Strategy and the Institute Strategic Plan.
Evaluation and Monitoring of Performance
(d) Staff are required to supply full and accurate details of their Research outputs as required by their supervisor. This shall be done twice annually.
(e) The Research Office will publish the list of staff and student publications in the categories outlined according to the publication guidelines.
1.11 Centralized Common Research Facility
I. High quality and competitive research which may include involvement of Indian & internationally recognised researchers for interdisciplinary research.
II. Consistent with the objectives of the institute.
III. Expected to deliver outcomes that are novel, non-obvious and patentable.
IV. Aligned to the priorities given by Research funders and organizations.
V. Substantial funding is to be generated for significant Research outputs and the resources are to be allocated frugally.
Policy on Consultancy
Policy on Consultancy
1.1 Policy on Consultancy
BS Abdul Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology is committed to make its expertise available through service to industry, government and other research organisations. The institute aims to be an entrepreneurial institute while engaging with different organisations. The institute recognises the importance of consultancy work undertaken by staff forms a core and valuable part of its function as an institute of higher learning. It is part of the Knowledge Exchange portfolio and assists in progressing shared relationships. Therefore, the institute has established this policy to support all staff in the delivery of consultancy. The institute expects all members of staff to comply with this policy. Institute staff engaged in consultancy will be given support and assistance by the institute. The support is given as follows,
- Expertise and support from faculty-based knowledge exchange support staff or the research and knowledge exchange office
- Expertise and support from financial and legal service, especially with respect to patenting and other related issues
- Access to institute facilities
- Any consultancy work requires the preparation of a proposal which should be authorised in accordance with the approval table of this policy
The proposal will ensure that all relevant issues are addressed and may include,
- Tender issues
- Full costings
- The contractual framework
- Intellectual property
- Recording and storage of documentation
- Impact on workload
1.1.1 Use of income from Consultancy
- Any income generated from approved consultancy contracts will be first applied to meet the costs incurred by the institute for conducting research and rest is shared by the faculty and the institute in the agreed ratio
- Institutional Overheads claimed will be part of the departmental budget
- On completion of the project any surplus or deficit will be duly accounted, and report is submitted
- Institute recognises the contribution made by members of staff undertaking consultancy
The sharing pattern of the amount received by the institution towards consultancy and testing for faculty and institution
S.No | Sharing Pattern |
| ||
Testing Tasks | Consultancy work with use of institution facilities | Consultancy work without using institution facilities | ||
1 | Institution share | 60% | 40% | 20% |
2 | Faculty share | 40% | 60% | 80% |
Research Advisory Committee
Research Advisory Committee
To render advice and guidance for future growth on research related issues to the top management a “Research Advisory Committee” is constituted with experts from various research Institutes, Universities and Industries. The Vice Chancellor of the Institution is the Chairman of the Committee. The committee provides policy guidelines and direction for the growth and development of research activities on Academic Research, Sponsored Research, Consultancy, Industrial Training etc. The scope of the activities envisaged for the committee include,
- To provide policy guidelines and direction for the growth and development of research activities
- To advice on thrust areas and disciplines for introducing research programmes and related activities for future development in research
- To suggest measures for improving existing infrastructural facilities both for academic and sponsored research and enhancing research ambiance
- To recommend projects and suitable for availing concession if any from State and Central Governments
- Any other related issues
Members of the Research Advisory Committee
S. No. | Name & Designation | Status |
1. | Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor i/c, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai – 600 048. |
Chairman |
2. | Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai – 600 048. |
Member Secretary |
3. | Dr. P. Chellapandi, Associate Director, Nuclear Engg. Group IGCAR, Kalpakkam – 603 102. |
Member |
4. | Dr. Faizan Ahmad, INSA Senior Scientist, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences (CIRBSc), Jamia Millia Islamia Nagar, New Delhi – 110 025. |
Member |
5. | Dr. Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Associate Professor, Building Technology & Construction Division, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai – 600 036. |
Member |
6. | Dr. R. Mahadevan, Director, India Pistons, Maraimalai Nagar, Chennai – 603 209. |
Member |
7. | Dr. S.K. Nayak, Director, General Central Institute of Plastics, Engineering & Technology, Chennai – 600 032. |
Member |
8. | Dr. K. Prasada Rao, Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical & Materials Engg., IIT Madras, Chennai – 600 036. |
Member |
9. | Dr. B. Subbarao, Head, EMC & CAL Division, CIT Campus, 2nd Cross, Road, Tharamani, Chennai – 600 113 |
Member |
10. | Dr. M.M. Sufyan Beg, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh – 202 002. |
Member |
11. | Dr. Nikhil A Gokhale, Manager, Enago Academic Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai – 400 062. |
Member |
12. | Dr. M. Abdul Kader, Principal Scientist, Advanced Research School for Technology & Product, Simulation (ARSTPS) – CIPET, T.V.K. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 600 032. |
Member |
13. | Dr. Niranjali Devaraj, Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005. |
Member |
14. | Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Professor & Dean (Academic Affairs), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai – 600 048. |
Member |
15. | Dr. I Raja Mohamed, Professor & Dean (Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology Chennai – 600 048. |
Coordinator |
Research Board
The Research Board is an Internal Committee to oversee the academic research activities of the institute. The major functions of the Research Board are:
- Scrutiny and recommendation of the names of faculty members for approval by the Vice Chancellor to act as Supervisors (Guides), for Ph.D. / M.Tech. (By Research) / M.Phil. Scholars.
- Scrutiny and recommendation of Ph.D. / M.Tech. (By Research) / M.Phil. Scholars application after interview by the various committees for final approval by the Vice Chancellor
- Determination of equivalence of PG educational qualifications, regulations etc. and other related matters.
- Any other functions delegated to the committee then and there.
The members of the Research Board include,
S. No. | Name & Designation | Position |
1. | Dr. A. Azad, Registrar, BSACIST | Advisor |
2. | Dr. S.S.M. Abdul Majeed, Director (Admissions) | Advisor |
S. No. | Name & Designation | Position |
1. | Dr. I. Raja Mohamed, Dean (Research) | Chairman |
2. | Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean (Academic Affairs) | Member |
3. | Dr. Karthikeyan Ramalingam, Dean (Student Affairs) | Member |
4. | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean (School of Mechanical Sciences) | Member |
5. | Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean (School of Computer Information and Mathematic Sciences) | Member |
6. | Dr. Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Dean (School of Infrastructure) | Member |
7. | Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali, Dean (School of Arabic & Islamic studies) | Member |
8. | Dr. Najumnissa Jamal, Dean (School of Electrical and Communication Sciences) | Member |
9. | Dr. S. Hemalatha, Dean (School of Life Sciences) | Member |
10. | Dr. S. Kutti Rani, Dean (School of Physical and Chemical Sciences) | Member |
11. | Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean (School of Social Sciences and Humanities) | Member |
12. | Dr. K. Srinivasan, Dean (Management Studies) | Member |
13. | Dr. M. VijayaVara Prasad, Dean (Crescent School of Pharmacy) | Member |
14. | Dr. K. Nilamudeen, Dean (Crescent School of Law) | Member |
15. | Prof. G. Jayalakshmi, Dean (Crescent School of Architecture) | Member |
16. | Dr. Md. Khurshid Alam Khan, Dy. Dean (Research) | Member |
17. | Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, Asst. Dean (Research) & HOD / CSE | Member |
S. No. | Name & Designation | Position |
1. | Dr. T. Harinarayana, Director (Energy, Sponsored Project and Consultancy) | Special Invitee |
2. | Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen, Director (PG Admissions) | Special Invitee |
3. | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan, Director (Data Centre) | Special Invitee |
The Research Team will help in getting more publications from research scholars who really require assistance in the preparation of manuscript, plot, etc., besides concentrating on their publications.
The members of Research Team:
S.No. | Name & Designation | Department |
1 | Dr. D. Easwara moorthy, Professor | Chemistry |
2 | Dr. Noor Aman, Asst.Prof. | Chemistry |
3 | Dr. Neesar Ahmed, Asst.Prof. (Sr.Gr.) | Life Sciences |
4 | Dr. P.N. Kadiresh, Professor | Aerospace Engineering |
5 | Dr. Afzalur Rahman, Prof.& HOD | Commerce |
6 | Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Professor | Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering |
7 | Dr. K. Yogeswari, Associate Prof. Mr. Mohamed Shanavaz, Asst.Prof. |
Civil Engineering |
8 | Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Professor Dr. P.D. Jeyakumar, Associate Prof. Dr. R. Karunanithi, Associate Prof. |
Mechanical Engineering |
9 | Dr. S. Shamshath Begum, Asst. Prof. (Sr.Gr.) | Polymer Engineering |
10 | Dr. Sheik Sirajudeen, Asst.Prof. (Sr.Gr.) | Physics |
11 | Ms. B. Siva Shanmugavalli, Asst. Prof. | ECE |
12 | Dr. H. Sofia, Associate Prof. | English |
Responsibilities of Research Team members
- Catalyse the research community by publishing research articles in indexed Journals.
- Submission of project proposals for funding.
- Guiding and motivating faculty members and research scholars through personal interaction.
- Monitoring the sharing of common research facilities available in various departments and up gradation of the infrastructure as often as possible.
- Guiding research scholars towards the usage of common facilities and encourage the scholars to present their findings in the International /National conferences.
- Arranging Guest lectures from reputed Universities / Organizations on contemporary research topics.
- Establish Centralized research facility (lab & library) for research section.
- Principal Investigator and research supervisors’ presentations every year with outside experts.
- Full support system to convert final year UG and PG projects as publications / patents.
- Attend and fulfil the requirement of research scholars’ immediate need so that the scholars can smoothly progress in their research.
- Monitoring the research progress of JRFs / SRFs.
- Arrange awareness lecture on IPR by experts.
Research Supervisors
Research Scholars
Faculty Members pursuing Ph.D
List of Faculty members pursuing Ph.D. in our Institution as on Jan 2021
Sl. No. | Name | Department | Month & Year of Registration |
1 | Mr. S.V. Karthikeyan | Aerospace | March 2014 |
2 | Mr. Sri Nithya Mahottamananda | Aerospace | July 2014 |
3 | Mr. S. Karthikeyan | Automobile | Jan 2013 |
4 | Mr. Rajmohan N | Automobile | Jan 2015 |
5 | Mr. N. Kamesh | Automobile | Jan 2017 |
6 | Mr. A. Salman Ayaz | CA | July 2013 |
7 | Ms. Padmavathy P | CA | Jan 2014 |
8 | Mrs. V. Roopa | Civil | July 2013 |
9 | Mr. S. Shafeer Ahamed | Civil | Jan 2012 |
10 | Ms. K. Kanmani | Civil | July 2014 |
11 | Mr. Ibrahim Y | Civil | Jan 2015 |
12 | Ms. Ayisha Sidiqua M | Civil | Jan 2016 |
13 | Mr. Kannadasan.B | Civil | Jan 2018 |
14 | Ms. S. P. Valli | CSE | Jan 2010 |
15 | Mrs. C. Hema | CSE | July 2013 |
16 | Ms. Akila R | CSE | Jan 2014 |
17 | Ms. Brindha Merin J | CSE | Jan 2014 |
18 | Ms. Radhika A | CSE | July 2014 |
19 | Ms. Madhina Banu D | CSE | July 2014 |
20 | Ms. Subhashini. S | CSE | July 2015 |
21 | Mrs. A. Priya | ECE | July 2013 |
22 | Mrs. Ambika A. | ECE | July 2013 |
23 | Mrs. S. Kalaivani | ECE | July 2013 |
24 | Mr. S. Sadhish Prabhu | ECE | Jan 2012 |
25 | Ms. Anitha R | ECE | Jan 2014 |
26 | Ms. Padma Usha M | ECE | Jan 2014 |
27 | Ms. Mahalakshmi alias Issakki R | ECE | Jan 2014 |
28 | Ms. Anusooya S | ECE | Jan 2014 |
29 | Ms. Anuradha G | ECE | Jan 2014 |
30 | Ms. Indra gandhi K | ECE | Jan 2014 |
31 | Ms. Sivashanmugavalli B | ECE | Jan 2014 |
32 | Ms. Syed Rafiammal | ECE | Jan 2014 |
33 | Mr. R. Iniyavan | ECE | March 2014 |
34 | Ms. Vanmathi M | ECE | July 2014 |
35 | Mr. M. Selvakumar | ECE | July 2014 |
36 | Mr. Hasan Babu H | ECE | July 2014 |
37 | Ms. Belwin J Brearley | EEE | Jan 2013 |
38 | Mrs. S. Jennathu Beevi | EEE | July 2013 |
39 | Ms. Bharanigha V | EEE | July 2013 |
40 | Ms.Sarmila Har Beagam K. | EEE | Jan 2011 |
41 | Mr. S. Suresh | EEE | March 2014 |
42 | Ms. G. Anidha | EIE | Jan 2013 |
43 | Mrs. P. R. Hemavathy | EIE | July 2013 |
44 | Mr. M. Magesh | EIE | July 2014 |
45 | Ms. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam | English | July 2017 |
46 | Ms. N. Suguna | English | Jan 2018 |
47 | Mr. M. Ahamedullah | Islamic Studies | Jan 2012 |
48 | Mr. Jamaluddin A | Islamic Studies | Jan 2014 |
49 | Ms. M. Gulzar Begum | Islamic Studies | July 2019 |
50 | Ms. C. Vijayalakshmi | IT | July 2012 |
51 | Mr. N. Rajendran | IT | July 2012 |
52 | Mrs. Nabeena Ameen | IT | July 2013 |
53 | Ms. A. Sonya | IT | July 2014 |
54 | Mr. J. Ravinder | Mathematics & AS | July 2013 |
55 | Mr. Ravikumar N | Mechanical | July 2013 |
56 | Mr. SathickBasha K | Mechanical | July 2013 |
57 | Mr. N. Sirajudeen | Mechanical | July 2013 |
58 | Mr. Rajarajan S | Mechanical | Jan 2014 |
59 | Mr. MD. Javeed Ahmed | Mechanical | July 2014 |
60 | Mr. Balasrinivasan | Mechanical | July 2014 |
61 | Mr. C. Sivakumar | Mechanical | July 2014 |
62 | Mr. Varunkumar A | Mechanical | July 2014 |
63 | Mr. Asrar Ahmed K | Mechanical | July 2014 |
64 | Mr. Pradeepkumar | Mechanical | July 2014 |
65 | Mr. Loganathan S | Mechanical | Jan 2015 |
66 | Mr. Syed Shahul Hameed | Mechanical | July 2015 |
67 | Mr. M. Abdur Rahman | Mechanical | Jan 2016 |
68 | Mr. P. Venkata Rangarao | Mechanical | July 2016 |
69 | Mr. Basanta Kumar Behera | Polymer | July 2013 |
70 | Mr. D. Murali Manohar | Polymer | July 2013 |
71 | Ms. J. Shahitha Parveen | Polymer | July 2009 |
72 | Ms. Sindhu K P | Polymer | Jan 2014 |
73 | Ms. Daulath Banu R | Polymer | Jan 2014 |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Department | Name of the Institution |
1 | Ms. Preeti Verma | CA | NIT Trichy |
2 | Ms. T. Pandiyavathi | CA | SRM University |
3 | Mrs. Madumathi Gunasekaran | Civil | IIT Madras |
4 | Mr. A. Manivannan | Civil | Pondicherry University |
5 | Ms. Zeenat Fatima | Commerce | Aligarh Muslim University |
6 | Ms. T. Porkodi | Commerce | Bharath University |
7 | Mr. Showkat Ahmad Busru | Commerce | Pondicherry University |
8 | Ms. A Fathima | Commerce | Dr. MGR University |
9 | Mr. Manoj Kumar D S | CSE | Saveetha University |
10 | Mr. C. Athbel Joe | EEE | IIT Madras |
11 | Mr. I. Visunath | Law | Cochin University |
12 | Mr. Ziavuddeen B | Law | Alagappa University |
13 | Shaji. M | Law | Vels University |
14 | Mr. Sajid Hamid | Law | Aligarh Muslim University |
15 | Mr. A. Saibulla | Maths & AS | University of Madras |
16 | Mrs. A. Sagaya Suganya | Maths & AS | University of Madras |
17 | Mr. D.R. Rajendran | Mechanical | Anna University |
18 | Mr. G. Rajesh | Mechanical | Anna University |
19 | Ms. B. Lavanya | Pharmacy | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
20 | Mr. Mohammad Habeeb | Pharmacy | SRM Institute of Science & Technology |
21 | Ms. R. Hemalatha | Tamil | Madras University |
Research Scholars on Roll
Research Scholars on Roll
S.No. | RRN No. | Name of the Scholar | Mode | Department | Session |
1 | 230883104001 | Mr. Abdul Kareem T.P. | Part Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | Jan 2023 |
2 | 230993104001 | Mr. G.Ramakrishnan | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
3 | 230943104002 | Ms. Manjula.S | Part Time | CA | Jan 2023 |
4 | 230813101001 | Mr. C.Shravan Kumar | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2023 |
5 | 230913104001 | Mr. M.L.Syed Ali | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2023 |
6 | 230943101001 | Ms. Chitradevi.S | Full Time | CA | Jan 2023 |
7 | 230943101002 | Ms. Anbarasi.S | Full Time | CA | Jan 2023 |
8 | 230923101001 | Ms. Nasreen Sayed | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2023 |
9 | 231153101001 | Mr. B.Prasanth | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2023 |
10 | 230923101002 | Mr. Kesavan.G | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2023 |
11 | 230853101001 | Mr. Sickandar Ashik V A | Full Time | EIE | Jan 2023 |
12 | 230993104002 | Ms. Prabha.B | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
13 | 230993104003 | Mr. Mohamed Rassa.A | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
14 | 231003104001 | Ms. Meherunnissa | Part Time | SSSH | Jan 2023 |
15 | 230993104004 | Ms. Jaghatha. T | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
16 | 230923104001 | Ms. I. Pauline Santha Kumari | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2023 |
17 | 230923101001 | Mr. Allan Meshack J | Full Time | English | Jan 2023 |
18 | 230883101001 | Mr. Mohamed Ali M A | Full time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | Jan 2023 |
19 | 230893104002 | Mr. Mohd Abdul Haleem Rizwan | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2023 |
20 | 230943104003 | Mr. Santhosh Kumar. M | Part Time | CA | Jan 2023 |
21 | 230863104002 | Mr. Mohamed Abdul Mukaram | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2023 |
22 | 230913104003 | Mr. M. Dhinakaran | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2023 |
23 | 230913101001 | Ms. Veera Muthammal.A | Full Time | Chemistry | Jan 2023 |
24 | 230993104005 | Ms. Sujatha Gudumuru | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
25 | 230993104006 | Mr. S. Suresh | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2023 |
26 | 220913704001 | Mr.C. Balamurugan | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2022 |
27 | 220983701003 | Ms. A. Shahidha Fathima | Full Time | Commerce | July 2022 |
28 | 220983701001 | Mr. Nisamudheen P P | Full Time | Commerce | July 2022 |
29 | 220983704001 | Mr. Naresh Kumar. U | Part Time | Commerce | July 2022 |
30 | 220863704002 | Mr. P. Chidambaranathan | Part Time | CSE | July 2022 |
31 | 220863704001 | Mr. RajeshKumar. M | Part Time | CSE | July 2022 |
32 | 220863704004 | Ms. Ishwariya | Part Time | CSE | July 2022 |
33 | 220863704003 | Mr.Hariharan | Part Time | CSE | July 2022 |
34 | 220843701001 | Ms. S. Mubeena | Full Time | ECE | July 2022 |
35 | 220843704001 | Ms. A. Parveen | Part Time | ECE | July 2022 |
36 | 220923704004 | Ms. Christy Isaac | Part Time | English | July 2022 |
37 | 220923704002 | Ms. S. D. Pooja | Part Time | English | July 2022 |
38 | 220923701001 | Ms. K. Sangeetha | Full Time | English | July 2022 |
39 | 220923704001 | Ms. S. Ashifa Barjana | Part Time | English | July 2022 |
40 | 220923704003 | Ms. Rukhsana Begum. M | Part Time | English | July 2022 |
41 | 220883704001 | Mr. Aneesh Rahman.M | Full Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | July 2022 |
42 | 220813704001 | Ms. Hridya G Krishnan | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2022 |
43 | 220993701001 | Mr. A. Elumalai | Full Time | Pharmacy | July 2022 |
44 | 220993704001 | Ms. S. Annie Arockia Sheila | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2022 |
45 | 220993704003 | Ms. S. Anitha | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2022 |
46 | 220993704002 | Ms. Snekalatha .B | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2022 |
47 | 220903701001 | Mr. Stanly Zachariah | Full Time | Physics | July 2022 |
48 | 221153701001 | Ms. Karunya Jenin Ravindranath | Full Time | SLS | July 2022 |
49 | 221153704002 | Ms. C. Ramya | Part Time | SLS | July 2022 |
50 | 221153704003 | Ms. R. Pavithra | Part Time | SLS | July 2022 |
51 | 221153704004 | Ms. Suruthi.S.S | Part Time | SLS | July 2022 |
52 | 221153704001 | Mr. Nashat Alam | Part Time | SLS | July 2022 |
53 | 221003701001 | Ms. Sowmya. M.S | Full Time | SSSH | July 2022 |
54 | 220903701002 | Mr.G.Ajay | Full Time | Physics | July 2022 |
55 | 220873701001 | Ms.S.Bhuvaneshwari | Full Time | IT | July 2022 |
56 | 220893704001 | Mr.R.JayaKumar | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2022 |
57 | 220813704002 | Mr.Mohammed Salman Mustafa | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2022 |
58 | 220883701001 | Mr. Saad Blaly. N | Full Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | July 2022 |
59 | 220923701002 | Ms.J.S.Shermin Oviya Jegath | Full Time | English | July 2022 |
60 | 220923701003 | Mr. Antony De Silva | Full Time | English | July 2022 |
61 | 220853104001 | Mr. Karthikeyan. S | Part Time | EIE | Jan 2022 |
62 | 220863104001 | Ms. Suberiya Begum. S | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2022 |
63 | 220893104001 | Ms. P. Poongothai | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2022 |
64 | 220813101001 | Mr. S. Bharathi | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2022 |
65 | 220923101002 | Ms. Lincy Manuel | Full Time | English | Jan 2022 |
66 | 221153101001 | Ms. Keerthana.V | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2022 |
67 | 220993101002 | Ms. Pavazhaviji | Full Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2022 |
68 | 220843104001 | Mr. Shaik Lal John Basha | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2022 |
69 | 220943104001 | Mr. Julias Ceasor | Part Time | CA | Jan 2022 |
70 | 220903104001 | Ms. Nasreen Fareedha. P | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2022 |
71 | 220823104001 | Mr. K. K. Iynesh Kumar | Part Time | Polymer | Jan 2022 |
72 | 220903101002 | Mr. A. Vilvanatha Prabu | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2022 |
73 | 220963104001 | Mr. RanjithKumar. P | Part Time | Aerospace | Jan 2022 |
74 | 220923101001 | Ms. A. Priya | Full Time | English | Jan 2022 |
75 | 220893104002 | Ms. S. Selvi | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2022 |
76 | 220893104003 | Ms. Zulaiha Maryam. M | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2022 |
77 | 220903101001 | Ms. Priscilla. J | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2022 |
78 | 220993104001 | Ms. Laura. S.L | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2022 |
79 | 220863104002 | Mr. S. Muthukumar | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2022 |
80 | 210883704001 | Mr. Mohamed Rafeeq Zackariah | Part Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | July 2021 |
81 | 210913701003 | Mr. Sakthivel G | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2021 |
82 | 210943704002 | Ms. Shewetha K | Part Time | CA | July 2021 |
83 | 210943704001 | Ms. RUFIA THASEEN .I | Part Time | CA | July 2021 |
84 | 210863704005 | Mr. BANALA RANJITH KUMAR | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
85 | 210863704003 | Mr. GOKULAKRISHNAN.V | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
86 | 210863704002 | Ms. Singaraju Ramya | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
87 | 210863704007 | Mr. S.R.Senthilkumar | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
88 | 210863704006 | Mr. Rajesh. P | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
89 | 210863704009 | Mr. B. Raja | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
90 | 210863701001 | Ms. Safiya Begam G | Full Time | CSE | July 2021 |
91 | 210863704008 | Mr. Mohammed Irshad | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
92 | 210863704001 | Ms. B.Saratha | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
93 | 210843704001 | Mr. V.N.IMADUDDEEN | Part Time | ECE | July 2021 |
94 | 210843704002 | Mr. Mittapalli Abdul Jaleel | Part Time | ECE | July 2021 |
95 | 210923704002 | Mr. Durai Inbaraj. C | Part Time | English | July 2021 |
96 | 210923704001 | Ms. P Sajida Bhanu | Part Time | English | July 2021 |
97 | 210873704001 | Mr. Keerthivasan. M | Part Time | IT | July 2021 |
98 | 211153701003 | Ms. Architha Vijayalakshmi | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
99 | 211153701001 | Ms. Jayasudha M | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
100 | 211153701004 | Mr. Mohd Kashif | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
101 | 210933704001 | Ms. Bhuvaneshwari Nagarajan | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2021 |
102 | 210893701003 | Ms. Sharon Elsen Abraham | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2021 |
103 | 210893704001 | Ms. S. Mohamed Yaceena | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2021 |
104 | 210893701001 | Ms. Pradeepa Alagupandi | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2021 |
105 | 210893701002 | Ms. Deepika S | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2021 |
106 | 210813701001 | Mr. Jana Sairam | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2021 |
107 | 210813701002 | Mr. Balaji P | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2021 |
108 | 210813704002 | Mr. Mohamed Haris A S | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2021 |
109 | 210813704001 | Mr. Venkatachalam.C | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2021 |
110 | 210813704003 | Mr. Rajkumar.M | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2021 |
111 | 210993704002 | Ms. R Mohana Priya | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2021 |
112 | 210993704004 | Mr. Srinivasan. M | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2021 |
113 | 210993704001 | Ms. Gangadevi. K | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2021 |
114 | 210993704003 | Mr. V. Kannabiran | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2021 |
115 | 210903701001 | Mr. Varatharajan P | Full Time | Physics | July 2021 |
116 | 210903704001 | Ms. Pavithra G | Full Time | Physics | July 2021 |
117 | 211153701002 | Ms. Ashwathi.V | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
118 | 210803701001 | Ms. Ifthika sherine. A | Full Time | Civil | July 2021 |
119 | 210863704010 | Mr. P. Vara Prasad | Part Time | CSE | July 2021 |
120 | 210903704002 | Mr. C. Kiran Kumar | Part Time | Physics | July 2021 |
121 | 210913701001 | Mr. Ashkar. M.A | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2021 |
122 | 210833704001 | Mr. M. Balasubramani | Part Time | EEE | July 2021 |
123 | 210933704002 | Mr. Prem Kumar. C.N | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2021 |
124 | 210843704003 | Ms. Anto Ajisha Shriny. M | Part Time | ECE | July 2021 |
125 | 210853704001 | Ms. Vijayalakshmi .E | Part Time | EIE | July 2021 |
126 | 211153701005 | Ms. Shabnam. A | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
127 | 211003701001 | Ms. Muthulakshmi. S | Full Time | SSSH | July 2021 |
128 | 210933701001 | Ms. S. Sharmeen Mehak | Full Time | Management Studies | July 2021 |
129 | 210913701002 | Ms. Rehana Jan | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2021 |
130 | 210833704002 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Khadar | Part Time | EEE | July 2021 |
131 | 210933701002 | Ms. Shindhuja. J | Full Time | Management Studies | July 2021 |
132 | 210933704003 | Ms. Uma Devi Ayyappan | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2021 |
133 | 210903701003 | Mr. Rahul. B | Full Time | Physics | July 2021 |
134 | 211153701006 | Ms. Rafeedah Fathuddin | Full Time | SLS | July 2021 |
135 | 210993104002 | Mr. Matam Shivakumar | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2021 |
136 | 210943104004 | Ms. Affia Thabassum M. S | Full Time | CA | Jan 2021 |
137 | 210963101001 | Mr. P. Kaleeswaran | Full Time | Aerospace | Jan 2021 |
138 | 210943104003 | Ms. M. Lavanya | Part Time | CA | Jan 2021 |
139 | 210943104002 | Ms. Anitha . S | Part Time | CA | Jan 2021 |
140 | 210863101001 | Ms. G. Aarthi | Full Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
141 | 210863104008 | Ms. K. Mahalakshmi | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
142 | 210993104004 | Mr. Raghupathi Niranjan Kumar | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2021 |
143 | 210993104003 | Mr. Voleti Vijaya Kumar | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2021 |
144 | 210933104001 | Ms. S. P. Nisha Pradeepa | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2021 |
145 | 210923104001 | Ms. S. Prabha | Part Time | English | Jan 2021 |
146 | 210993104005 | Mr. Puchalapalli Naresh Babu | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2021 |
147 | 210863104007 | Mr. P.M.D. Ali Khan | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
148 | 211153101001 | Ms. A. Narmadha | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2021 |
149 | 210863104009 | Mr. Amal Ganesh | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
150 | 210813101001 | Mr. Mohamed Fahad. S | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2021 |
151 | 210803101001 | Mr. Adolf Marvelraj L A S | Full Time | Civil | Jan 2021 |
152 | 210833104001 | Mr. Shaik Abdul Sameed | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2021 |
153 | 210903101001 | Ms. Gayathri T | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2021 |
154 | 210923104004 | Ms. Uma Rapaka | Part Time | English | Jan 2021 |
155 | 210813104001 | Mr. Asgar Ullah Khan | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2021 |
156 | 210813104002 | Mr. Syed Muzammil Shah | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2021 |
157 | 210943104001 | Ms. Aruna Arumugam. G | Part Time | CA | Jan 2021 |
158 | 210943104005 | Ms. Yasmin.S | Part Time | CA | Jan 2021 |
159 | 210923104003 | Ms. Nihal Zainab | Part Time | English | Jan 2021 |
160 | 210863104004 | Ms. Geetha.T | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
161 | 210863104003 | Ms. Sowmiya S R | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
162 | 210853104001 | Mr. C. Balasubramanian | Part Time | EIE | Jan 2021 |
163 | 210893101001 | Ms. Pandiyarasi. P | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2021 |
164 | 210923104002 | Ms. Rabia Begum. M | Part Time | English | Jan 2021 |
165 | 211183104001 | Ms. K. Hajira Sulthana | Part Time | Economics | Jan 2021 |
166 | 211183101001 | Ms. Sudha. S | Full Time | Economics | Jan 2021 |
167 | 210863104005 | Ms. Arunapriya. R | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
168 | 210863104002 | Ms. Aarthy. R | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
169 | 210863104006 | Mr. S. Saravanan | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
170 | 210863104001 | Mr. Mohd Miskeen Ali | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2021 |
171 | 210893104001 | Mr. Aamir Altaf | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2021 |
172 | 210893104002 | Ms. Dhanvarsha. R | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2021 |
173 | 211183104002 | Mr. Abraham John | Part Time | Economics | Jan 2021 |
174 | 210893101002 | Ms. Divya. N | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2021 |
175 | 210923101001 | Mr. Zaid Akhter | Full Time | English | Jan 2021 |
176 | 210823104001 | Mr. R. Stalin | Part Time | Polymer | Jan 2021 |
177 | 210993104006 | Mr. Seelam Jayadev | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2021 |
178 | 200903704001 | Ms. Sangeetha G. P | Part Time | Physics | July 2020 |
179 | 200833701001 | Ms. Karthikha. R | Full Time | EEE | July 2020 |
180 | 200923701001 | Ms. Liyan G Biju | Full Time | English | July 2020 |
181 | 200993704002 | Ms. K. Mekala | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2020 |
182 | 200993704003 | Mr. A Sanjay Reddy | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2020 |
183 | 200933704001 | Mr. Mohammed Nihaal Sajjid | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2020 |
184 | 200923704003 | Mr. M. P. Jeremia | Part Time | English | July 2020 |
185 | 200923704001 | Ms. Sharanya. M | Part Time | English | July 2020 |
186 | 200843701001 | Ms. K. Revathi | Full Time | ECE | July 2020 |
187 | 200923704004 | Mr. Charles Durai. I | Part Time | English | July 2020 |
188 | 200903701001 | Mr. Yogamarish. P | Full Time | Physics | July 2020 |
189 | 200863704001 | Mr. Boligarla Murali Krishna | Part Time | CSE | July 2020 |
190 | 200863704002 | Mr. Erdiraju Dayakar | Part Time | CSE | July 2020 |
191 | 200903701002 | Mr. Ashwin. V | Full Time | Physics | July 2020 |
192 | 200923704002 | Ms. M. H. Bhagathwar | Part Time | English | July 2020 |
193 | 200943704001 | Ms. Vaijayanthi. S | Part Time | CA | July 2020 |
194 | 200993704001 | Ms. E. Leelavathy | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2020 |
195 | 200943704002 | Ms. Saivijayalakshmi.J | Part Time | CA | July 2020 |
196 | 200873701001 | Ms. R.Vidya | Full Time | IT | July 2020 |
197 | 200843701002 | Ms. B. Pavithra | Full Time | ECE | July 2020 |
198 | 200863701001 | Ms. Vaishnavi.J | Full Time | CSE | July 2020 |
199 | 200863704004 | Mr. Boyeela Malakonada Reddy | Part Time | CSE | July 2020 |
200 | 200843701003 | Mr. M. Afsar Ali | Full Time | ECE | July 2020 |
201 | 201153701003 | Ms. Srivalli | Full Time | SLS | July 2020 |
202 | 201003704001 | Ms. M. Nirmala | Part Time | Sociology | July 2020 |
203 | 200863704005 | Mr. Anil Sagar | Part Time | CSE | July 2020 |
204 | 200993704004 | Ms. Aithamreddy Mounisha | Part Time | Pharmacy | July 2020 |
205 | 200943704003 | Ms. Afrah Fathima | Part Time | CA | July 2020 |
206 | 200803701001 | Mr. Varun Kumar. V | Full Time | Civil | July 2020 |
207 | 200813704001 | Mr. Karunanithi. V | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2020 |
208 | 201153701005 | Mr. Manikandan. K | Full Time | SLS | July 2020 |
209 | 200803101001 | Ms. Yasmin Regina. M | Full Time | Civil | Jan 2020 |
210 | 200943101001 | Ms. Sathya. P | Full Time | CA | Jan 2020 |
211 | 200943104001 | Mr. S. Mohammed Imran | Part Time | CA | Jan 2020 |
212 | 200943101002 | Ms. Salliah Shafi | Full Time | CA | Jan 2020 |
213 | 200863104001 | Mr. Arogia Victor Paul M | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2020 |
214 | 200863104002 | Ms. S.M. Shifana Rayesha | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2020 |
215 | 200843104001 | Ms. M.R. Anitha | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2020 |
216 | 200833101001 | Mr. R. Ganapathi | Full Time | EEE | Jan 2020 |
217 | 200833104001 | Ms. Shaik Haneefa | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2020 |
218 | 200933104003 | Mr. Mohammad Basharat Ali Khan | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
219 | 200933104001 | Ms. M. Riyaza Begum | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
220 | 200933101001 | Ms. Shibani Hawladar | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
221 | 200933101002 | Ms. Anjel Raj .Y | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
222 | 200933104004 | Ms. Arshiya Fathima. M.S | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
223 | 200933104002 | Mr. A. Syed Ismail Buhari | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2020 |
224 | 200893101002 | Ms. S. Shehnaz Fathima | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2020 |
225 | 200893104001 | Ms. Julaika Begum. K | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2020 |
226 | 200893101001 | Ms. Lubna Shafi | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2020 |
227 | 200893101003 | Mr. Arfan Parvaiz | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2020 |
228 | 200813104001 | Mr. A. Eakambaram | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2020 |
229 | 200993104001 | Mr. Sandeep Reddy Cheruku | Part Time | Pharmacy | Jan 2020 |
230 | 200903104001 | Ms. Sutha. A | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2020 |
231 | 201153101001 | Mr. Jahangir Ahmed | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2020 |
232 | 201153104001 | Ms. H. Noorul Samsoon Maharifa | Part Time | SLS | Jan 2020 |
233 | 190913701001 | Mr. Gokul Eswaran. S | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2019 |
234 | 190913704001 | Mr. S. Siva Shankar Prasad | Part time | Chemistry | July 2019 |
235 | 190803701001 | Mr. Yaswanth. K. K. | Full Time | Civil | July 2019 |
236 | 190983701001 | Ms. Pavithra. G | Full Time | Commerce | July 2019 |
237 | 190983701002 | Ms.T.M.Gowri | Full Time | Commerce | July 2019 |
238 | 190943704001 | Mr. Mohammed Hussain V. | Part Time | CA | July 2019 |
239 | 190943701001 | Mr. Nuzhat Ahmad Yatoo | Full Time | CA | July 2019 |
240 | 190943704003 | Ms. M. Priya | Part Time | CA | July 2019 |
241 | 190863701001 | Mr. Saravanan. P | Full Time | CSE | July 2019 |
242 | 190883704001 | Ms. M. Gulzar Begum | Part Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | July 2019 |
243 | 190933704001 | Mr. Sunil Sharma | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2019 |
244 | 190893704001 | Mr. K. Kapil Raj | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2019 |
245 | 190893701001 | Mr. Aadil Rashid Sheergojri | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2019 |
246 | 191153701001 | Ms. Edet Love Mendie | Full Time | SLS | July 2019 |
247 | 190913101002 | Ms.Ayisha Begum.F | Full Time | Chemistry | Jan 2019 |
248 | 190913101001 | Ms.J.Immaculate Mercy | Full Time | Chemistry | Jan 2019 |
249 | 190863101003 | Ms. Aizaz Sultana | Full Time | CSE | Jan 2019 |
250 | 190863101001 | Ms. Dhanalakshmi.J | Full Time | CSE | Jan 2019 |
251 | 190863101002 | Ms.Sivakani.R | Full Time | CSE | Jan 2019 |
252 | 190843104001 | Mr. Bharathi.S | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2019 |
253 | 190833101001 | Mr. P. Sundara Mallayan | Full Time | EEE | Jan 2019 |
254 | 190873101001 | Mr. R. Santhosh Kumar | Full Time | IT | Jan 2019 |
255 | 190933101001 | Ms. Madhy vadany.M | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2019 |
256 | 190933101002 | Ms.Jain Jacob M | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2019 |
257 | 191153101002 | Ms.Sathya.R | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2019 |
258 | 191153101001 | Ms. Arunika Krishnan | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2019 |
259 | 190843104002 | Mr. S. Vijay Anand | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2019 |
260 | 190893704002 | Mr.Gabriel Mwinkume | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2019 |
261 | 190893704003 | Mr. Emmanuel Aidoo | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2019 |
262 | 190813704002 | Mr. Emmanuel Agbo Tei | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2019 |
263 | 190813704003 | Mr. Samuel Garriba | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2019 |
264 | 190803704001 | Mr. Donald Kwabena Dadzie | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2019 |
265 | 190933704002 | Mr. Ben Ebo Attom | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2019 |
266 | 190933704003 | Mr. Solomon Tawiah Yeboah | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2019 |
267 | 190933704004 | Mr. Alhaji Abdulai | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2019 |
268 | 190943704002 | Mr. Elisha D Archimedes Armah | Part Time | CA | Jan 2019 |
269 | 180913701001 | Mr. MaruthuPandi.M | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2018 |
270 | 180863701002 | Mr. Tawseef Ahmad | Full Time | CSE | July 2018 |
271 | 180933701001 | Ms.Julie Teresa Jacob | Full Time | Management Studies | July 2018 |
272 | 180823701001 | Ms. Rinky Ghosh | Full Time | Polymer | July 2018 |
273 | 181153701001 | Mr. Shariq Ahmed.M | Full Time | SLS | July 2018 |
274 | 181153701002 | Ms. S.Prathibha | Full Time | SLS | July 2018 |
275 | 180893704002 | Mr.J.A.S.Surendran | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
276 | 180893704001 | Mr.J.Leo | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
277 | 180893704003 | Ms.D.Hebsiba Beula | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
278 | 180893704004 | Ms. Baby Latha | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
279 | 180893704005 | Ms.P.Nithya | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
280 | 180913701002 | Ms. T.Lakshmi | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2018 |
281 | 180893701002 | Ms. S.Sindhuja | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2018 |
282 | 180903701001 | Mr. Rayees Ahmad Khan | Full Time | Physics | July 2018 |
283 | 180813701001 | Mr. Syed Noman | Full Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2018 |
284 | 180843701001 | Ms.P.V.Bhuvaneswari | Full Time | ECE | July 2018 |
285 | 180963104001 | Mr. Raminder Singh | Part Time | Aerospace | Jan 2018 |
286 | 180913107001 | Ms. Rosina Begam | Full Time | Chemistry | Jan 2018 |
287 | 180803104003 | Mr. Kannadasan. B | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2018 |
288 | 180803104004 | Mr. Mohamed Shanavaz | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2018 |
289 | 180803104001 | Ms. Suebha Khatoon | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2018 |
290 | 180983104001 | Mr. J. Mohamed Ali | Part Time | Commerce | Jan 2018 |
291 | 180983101001 | Ms. Saba Khan | Full Time | Commerce | Jan 2018 |
292 | 180943101001 | Mr. Mohsin Fayaz | Full Time | CA | Jan 2018 |
293 | 180943104001 | Mr. Nasir Ahmed | Part Time | CA | Jan 2018 |
294 | 180863104004 | Mr. Senthil Raja | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
295 | 180863104007 | Ms. Nandhini Devi | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
296 | 180863104003 | Mr. Syed Hussain | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
297 | 180863104001 | Mr. Muhib Anwar Lambay | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
298 | 180863104006 | Ms. S.S.Saranya | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
299 | 180863104002 | Mr. MD.Maseehuddin | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2018 |
300 | 180843107001 | Ms. Namrata Biswas | Full Time | ECE | Jan 2018 |
301 | 180833104001 | Mr. Viswaprakash Babu | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2018 |
302 | 180833104002 | Mr. V.Kubendran | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2018 |
303 | 180923104001 | Ms. N. Suguna | Part Time | English | Jan 2018 |
304 | 180933104001 | Ms. Sumaiya Abdul Qadeer | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2018 |
305 | 180893104001 | Ms. M.Anees Fathima | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | Jan 2018 |
306 | 180813104001 | Mr. Jerin Johnkutty | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2018 |
307 | 180813104002 | Mr.Mohd Muzammil Uddin | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2018 |
308 | 181153104001 | Dr. Anandraj Vaithy.K | Part Time | SLS | Jan 2018 |
309 | 170913704001 | Mr. Thanapaul K | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2017 |
310 | 170803704002 | Ms. Mary Rebekah Sharmila | Part Time | Civil | July 2017 |
311 | 170803704003 | Mr. Noor Mohammed | Part Time | Civil | July 2017 |
312 | 170803707001 | Mr. Mohammad Umar | Full Time | Civil | July 2017 |
313 | 170803704001 | Ms. Pavithra. C | Part Time | Civil | July 2017 |
314 | 170943707001 | Mr. Syed Javeed Pasha | Full Time | CA | July 2017 |
315 | 170863704001 | Mr. Syed Thouheed Ahmed | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
316 | 170863704003 | Mr. Mohammed Waseem Ahmed | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
317 | 170863704004 | Mr. Ramasubramanian G | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
318 | 170863704008 | Mr. Sourav Sinha | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
319 | 170863704009 | Ms. Mahalakshmi P | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
320 | 170863704006 | Mr. Mohd. Hasan Mohiuddin | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
321 | 170863704002 | Mr. Selva Prabu. J | Part Time | CSE | July 2017 |
322 | 170843707001 | Mr. MD. Wajid Khan | Full Time | ECE | July 2017 |
323 | 170843704001 | Mr. Arshath Raja. R | Part Time | ECE | July 2017 |
324 | 170923704001 | Ms. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam | Part Time | English | July 2017 |
325 | 170873704001 | Mr. Arun Prakash | Part Time | IT | July 2017 |
326 | 170873701001 | Ms. U. Geetha | Full Time | IT | July 2017 |
327 | 170893704002 | Mr. Virender Singh Panwar | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2017 |
328 | 170893707001 | Ms. Rupel Nargunam | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2017 |
329 | 170893704001 | Mr. Ramachandran. S | Part Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2017 |
330 | 170813704001 | Mr. S.M. Azfar Hashmi | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2017 |
331 | 170903704001 | Ms. S. Renugadevi | Part Time | Physics | July 2017 |
332 | 170903704003 | Mr. Mohammed Shoaib Hussain. M | Part Time | Physics | July 2017 |
333 | 171153701001 | Ms. L. Kavitha | Full Time | SLS | July 2017 |
334 | 170903701003 | Ms. Shahnaz Kossar | Full Time | Physics | July 2017 |
335 | 170913104001 | Ms. P. Usha | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2017 |
336 | 170913104002 | Ms. D. Priya | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2017 |
337 | 170803104001 | Ms. R. Rupa | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2017 |
338 | 170803104002 | Ms. P. Krithika | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2017 |
339 | 170803101006 | Mr. Irfan Ahmed | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2017 |
340 | 170803104004 | Mr. K. C. Vinu Prakash | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2017 |
341 | 170943104004 | Mr. Syed Mujeebul Hassan | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2017 |
342 | 170863104002 | Ms. G. Veni Devi | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2017 |
343 | 170863104003 | Mr. Shaik Yasar Ahmed | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2017 |
344 | 170863101001 | Mr. Shaikh Abdul Waheed | Full Time | CSE | Jan 2017 |
345 | 170863101006 | Ms. M. Gowri | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2017 |
346 | 170923101003 | Ms. Sumaiya Javeed. J | Full Time | English | Jan 2017 |
347 | 170873104001 | Mr. Navin Chandar Jacob | Part Time | IT | Jan 2017 |
348 | 170813104002 | Mr. Mohd Khalid Rehman | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2017 |
349 | 170813104001 | Mr. Ahmed Abdullah Aafaq | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2017 |
350 | 170903104001 | Mr. Syed Rahmathulla | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2017 |
351 | 171153104002 | Mr. N. R. Anand Kumar | Part Time | SLS | Jan 2017 |
352 | 170833104002 | Mr. Syed Muzafar Ahmed | Full Time | EEE | Jan 2017 |
353 | 160913704005 | Ms. Priya Sudha. K | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2016 |
354 | 160913704006 | Mr. S. Pandia Rajan | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2016 |
355 | 160913704004 | Mr. S. Kuthalingam | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2016 |
356 | 160913704001 | Mr. T. Jayaprakash | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2016 |
357 | 160803704001 | Ms. M. Anitha | Part Time | Civil | July 2016 |
358 | 160943701002 | Mr. Imran Mirza | Full Time | CA | July 2016 |
359 | 160943704001 | Mr. Mamidala Narasimha Raja | Part Time | CA | July 2016 |
360 | 160863701002 | Ms. D. Menaga | Part Time | CSE | July 2016 |
361 | 160863704005 | Mr. Mohd Khaja Moizuddin | Part Time | CSE | July 2016 |
362 | 160863704006 | Mr. Mohammed Tajuddin | Part Time | CSE | July 2016 |
363 | 160863701007 | Ms. Sumaiya Farzana. G | Full Time | CSE | July 2016 |
364 | 160833704001 | Mr. Abdul Quawi | Part Time | EEE | July 2016 |
365 | 160843704003 | Mr. MD. Imtyaz Ahmed | Part Time | ECE | July 2016 |
366 | 160923704002 | Ms. T. Anuradha Sriram | Part Time | English | July 2016 |
367 | 160923704003 | Ms. J. Lakshmi | Part Time | English | July 2016 |
368 | 160923701001 | Ms. R. K. Sangeetha | Full Time | English | July 2016 |
369 | 160873701001 | Mr. G. Sivakrishna | Full Time | IT | July 2016 |
370 | 160813704003 | Mr. P. Venkata Rangarao | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2016 |
371 | 160903701003 | Mr. Gopinathan. N | Full Time | Physics | July 2016 |
372 | 160903704001 | Ms. M. Sheeba Gnana Selvi | Part Time | Physics | July 2016 |
373 | 160903701002 | Ms. S. Divyalakshmi | Full Time | Physics | July 2016 |
374 | 161153704003 | Mr. S. Saravanan | Part Time | SLS | July 2016 |
375 | 161153701002 | Mr. Logesh. R | Full Time | SLS | July 2016 |
376 | 160943704003 | Mr. M. Mohamed Suhail | Part Time | CA | July 2016 |
377 | 160953104001 | Mr. Arjunraj P | Part Time | Automobile | Jan 2016 |
378 | 160913104003 | Mr. R. Sundara Moorthy | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2016 |
379 | 160803101005 | Mr. Ahmed Abdul Ahad | Full Time | Civil | Jan 2016 |
380 | 160803104001 | Ms. C. Hemalatha | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2016 |
381 | 160803104003 | Ms. Ayisha Sidiqua M | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2016 |
382 | 160943104001 | Mr. Ameen Ishaq M P | Part Time | CA | Jan 2016 |
383 | 160813104004 | Mr. Mohd Durvesh Mohiuddin | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2016 |
384 | 160813104002 | Mr. K Sundaramoorthy | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2016 |
385 | 160903101001 | Mr. Aqib Muzaffar | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2016 |
386 | 161153101002 | Ms. Sana Qausain | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2016 |
387 | 161153101003 | Mr. MD Aashique | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2016 |
388 | 160803101007 | Mr. MD. Muheeb Ahmed | Full Time | Civil | Jan 2016 |
389 | 150973704001 | Mr. Sudhakar J | Part Time | Civil | July 2015 |
390 | 150953704003 | Mr. N. Venkatesh | Part Time | Automobile | July 2015 |
391 | 150953704002 | Mr. V.S. Sethukannan | Part Time | Automobile | July 2015 |
392 | 150913701001 | Mr. Bharatraj K | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2015 |
393 | 150913701003 | Ms. Dhivya E | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2015 |
394 | 150913704004 | Mrs. M. Malathi | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2015 |
395 | 150863704004 | Ms. Sonali Appasaheb Patil | Part Time | CSE | July 2015 |
396 | 150933704005 | Ms. P. Sarmila | Part Time | Management Studies | July 2015 |
397 | 150833704002 | Mrs. A. Kalirathinam | Part Time | EEE | July 2015 |
398 | 150843701002 | Mr. R. Muthu Krishnan | Full Time | ECE | July 2015 |
399 | 150843704001 | Mr. Jeyasingh P | Part Time | ECE | July 2015 |
400 | 150853704001 | Mr. Syed Saifuddin | Part Time | EIE | July 2015 |
401 | 150863704005 | Ms. Subhashini. S | Part Time | CSE | July 2015 |
402 | 150823701001 | Mr. Hari Shankar V | Full Time | Polymer | July 2015 |
403 | 151153701001 | Mr. Bommanaboina Anil Kumar | Full Time | SLS | July 2015 |
404 | 150813704003 | Mr. Syed Shaul Hameed | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2015 |
405 | 150953104001 | Mr. Rajmohan N | Part Time | Automobile | Jan 2015 |
406 | 150833104001 | Ms. Divya Vijay | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2015 |
407 | 150803104004 | Mr. Ibrahim Y | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2015 |
408 | 151153104002 | Ms. Saranya M K | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2015 |
409 | 150813104001 | Mr. Loganathan S | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2015 |
410 | 140943701001 | Ms. Nisha A | Part Time | CA | July 2014 |
411 | 140953704001 | Mr. Govindhoss R | Part Time | Automobile | July 2014 |
412 | 140933701001 | Ms. Sufia Kamal Laskar | Full Time | Management Studies | July 2014 |
413 | 140843704001 | Ms. M. Arulvani | Part Time | ECE | July 2014 |
414 | 140853704001 | Mr. M. Magesh | Part Time | EIE | July 2014 |
415 | 140913704001 | Ms. M. Deepa | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2014 |
416 | 140843704003 | Ms. Laxmi Devi K | Part Time | ECE | July 2014 |
417 | 140843704004 | Mr. M. Selvakumar | Part Time | ECE | July 2014 |
418 | 140843701006 | Ms. Sree Reavathy J | Full Time | ECE | July 2014 |
419 | 140853704002 | Ms. T. Mangayarkarasi | Part Time | EIE | July 2014 |
420 | 140973701001 | Mr. Muzaffar Ali | Part Time | Civil | July 2014 |
421 | 141153701001 | Mr. Mohd. Basheeruddin | Full Time | SLS | July 2014 |
422 | 140913701002 | Ms. M. Deviga | Full Time | Chemistry | July 2014 |
423 | 140803704001 | Ms. K. Kanmani | Part Time | Civil | July 2014 |
424 | 140863704002 | Ms. Radhika A | Part Time | CSE | July 2014 |
425 | 140933701003 | Ms. Mahalakshmi T N | Full Time | Management Studies | July 2014 |
426 | 140843704008 | Mr. Hasan Babu H | Part Time | ECE | July 2014 |
427 | 140843704009 | Mr. Parthiban N | Part Time | ECE | July 2014 |
428 | 140813704003 | Mr. Balasrinivasan | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2014 |
429 | 140813704006 | Mr. C. Sivakumar | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2014 |
430 | 140813704007 | Mr. Varunkumar A | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2014 |
431 | 140863704005 | Mr. Mohamed Asharaf K | Part Time | CSE | July 2014 |
432 | 140873704001 | Ms. A. Sonya | Part Time | IT | July 2014 |
433 | 140843304004 | Mr. R. Iniyavan | Part Time | ECE | March 2014 |
434 | 140803104001 | Mr. Abdul Salam A | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2014 |
435 | 140803104004 | Ms. Ajona M | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2014 |
436 | 140803104006 | Mr. Jagadeesh K | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2014 |
437 | 140813104001 | Mr. Dinesh P | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2014 |
438 | 140813104004 | Mr. Ayaz Ahmed | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2014 |
439 | 140823104001 | Ms. Sindhu K P | Part Time | Polymer | Jan 2014 |
440 | 140833104002 | Ms. Agatha R | Part Time | EEE | Jan 2014 |
441 | 140843101006 | Ms. Sindhu Bala K | Full Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
442 | 140823104002 | Ms. Daulath Banu R | Part Time | Polymer | Jan 2014 |
443 | 140843104001 | Ms. Anitha R | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
444 | 140843104002 | Ms. Padma Usha M | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
445 | 140843104004 | Ms. Mahalakshmi alias Issakki R | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
446 | 140843104007 | Ms. Anusooya S | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
447 | 140843104008 | Ms. Anuradha G | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
448 | 140843104010 | Ms. Maya P | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
449 | 140843104011 | Ms. Sivashanmugavalli B | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2014 |
450 | 140863104002 | Ms. Akila R | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
451 | 140863104004 | Mr. Raja Shaik S | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
452 | 140863104005 | Mr. Prasanth Yokesh M B | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
453 | 140863104006 | Ms. Shobana K | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
454 | 140863104010 | Mr. Misbahuddin Md | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
455 | 140863104012 | Ms. Akila Devi T.R. | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
456 | 140863104013 | Ms. Sathya S | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
457 | 140873101004 | Mr. Mohammed Imran M | Full Time | IT | Jan 2014 |
458 | 140873104001 | Ms. Prathiba S | Part Time | IT | Jan 2014 |
459 | 140863104003 | Ms. Brindha Merin J | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2014 |
460 | 140903104004 | Mr. Sahaya Rajan S | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2014 |
461 | 140913104001 | Mr. Shanmugasundaram P | Part Time | Chemistry | Jan 2014 |
462 | 140933104002 | Mr. Ishtiyaq Nadeem V | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2014 |
463 | 140943104003 | Mr. Abdul Razaak M. P. | Part Time | CA | Jan 2014 |
464 | 141153107002 | Mr. Mashihur Rahman | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2014 |
465 | 141153107004 | Ms. Sujitha K | Full Time | SLS | Jan 2014 |
466 | 140943104002 | Ms. Padmavathy P | Part Time | CA | Jan 2014 |
467 | 130803704003 | Mrs. V. Roopa | Part Time | Civil | July 2013 |
468 | 130813704003 | Mr. Ravikumar N | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2013 |
469 | 130823704001 | Mr. Basanta Kumar Behera | Part Time | Polymer | July 2013 |
470 | 130823704002 | Mr. D. Murali Manohar | Part Time | Polymer | July 2013 |
471 | 130833704004 | Ms. Bharanigha V | Part Time | EEE | July 2013 |
472 | 130943704003 | Mr. A. Salman Ayaz | Part Time | CA | July 2013 |
473 | 130813704006 | Mrs. S. Zeenath Fathima | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | July 2013 |
474 | 130843704001 | Mrs. G. Sudha | Part Time | ECE | July 2013 |
475 | 130863704001 | Mrs. Narayani R. | Part Time | CSE | July 2013 |
476 | 130873704004 | Mrs. R. Mythily | Part Time | IT | July 2013 |
477 | 130883707001 | Mr. S. Mohammed Ashraf | Full Time | Arabic & Islamic Studies | July 2013 |
478 | 130893701001 | Mr. P. Vignesh | Full Time | Mathematics & AS | July 2013 |
479 | 130903704002 | Mrs. S. R. Thahirunnisa | Part Time | Physics | July 2013 |
480 | 130943704002 | Ms. P. Maheswari | Part Time | CA | July 2013 |
481 | 1380114 | Mr. Mahmad Raphiyoddin Shaphiyoddin Malik | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2013 |
482 | 1380118 | Mr. N. Maharajan | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2013 |
483 | 1380119 | Ms. R. Pamila | Part Time | Civil | Jan 2013 |
484 | 1381121 | Mr. K. Radhakrishnan | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2013 |
485 | 1384119 | Ms. B. Kaleeswari | Part Time | ECE | Jan 2013 |
486 | 1386131 | Mr.C. Imthyaz Sheriff | Part Time | CSE | Jan 2013 |
487 | 1390117 | Mr. R. Senthil | Part Time | Physics | Jan 2013 |
488 | 1390119 | Mr. K. Rackesh Jawaher | Full Time | Physics | Jan 2013 |
489 | 1393124 | Mr. C. S. Narayanan | Part Time | Management Studies | Jan 2013 |
490 | 1394114 | Mr. K. France | Full Time | CA | Jan 2013 |
491 | 1287213 | Ms. C. Vijayalakshmi | Part Time | IT | July 2012 |
492 | 1291233 | Mr. Lalit Mohan Singh Negi | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2012 |
493 | 1281215 | Mr.Ram.A | Part Time | Mechanical Engg. | Jan 2012 |
494 | 1283213 | Mrs. M. Ummu Salma | Full Time | EEE | Jan 2012 |
495 | 1293221 | Ms. C. Revathy | Full Time | Management Studies | Jan 2012 |
496 | 1187206 | Ms.Usha P | Part Time | IT | Jan 2011 |
497 | 1091217 | Mr.Senthilnathan. G | Part Time | Chemistry | July 2010 |
498 | 983201 | Mr. P. Sadasivam | Part Time | EEE | July 2009 |
Research scholars receiving fellowship
Research scholars receiving fellowship
List of Research Scholars receiving JRF/ SRF Fellowships from BSACIST
S.No. | RRN | Name | Department | Type of Fellowship |
1 | 210943104004 | Ms. M S Affia Thabassum | Computer Applications | BSA JRF |
2 | 200943101002 | Ms. Salliah Shafi | Computer Applications | BSA SRF |
3 | 180913701002 | Ms. T. Lakshmi | Chemistry | BSA JRF |
4 | 190913701001 | Mr. Gokul Eswaran | Chemistry | BSA JRF |
5 | 210913701001 | Mr. Ashkar. M.A | Chemistry | BSA JRF |
6 | 210913701002 | Ms. Rehana Jan | Chemistry | BSA JRF |
7 | 200803701001 | Mr. Varun Kumar.V | Civil Engg. | BSA SRF |
8 | 210803101001 | Mr. Adolf Marvel Raj | Civil Engg. | BSA JRF |
9 | 220983701003 | Ms. Shahidha Fathima | Commerce | BSA JRF |
10 | 180983101001 | Ms. Saba Khan | Commerce | BSA JRF |
11 | 210863701001 | Ms. Safiya Begam G | CSE | BSA JRF |
12 | 210863101001 | Ms. G. Aarthi | CSE | BSA JRF |
13 | 200863701001 | Ms. Vaishnavi. J | CSE | BSA SRF |
14 | 200843701002 | Ms. B. Pavithra | ECE | BSA JRF |
15 | 200843701003 | Mr. M. Afsar Ali | ECE | BSA JRF |
16 | 200833701001 | Ms. R. Karthikha | EEE | BSA JRF |
17 | 170833104002 | Mr. Syed Muzafar Ahmed | EEE | BSA SRF |
18 | 220923701001 | Ms. Sangeetha.K | English | BSA JRF |
19 | 210923101001 | Mr. Zaid Akhter | English | BSA JRF |
20 | 220883704001 | Mr. Aneesh Rahman | Islamic Studies | BSA JRF |
21 | 190873101001 | Mr. R. Santhosh Kumar | IT | BSA JRF |
22 | 200893101001 | Ms. Lubna Shafi | Maths & AS | BSA JRF |
23 | 200893101003 | Arfan Parvaiz | Maths & AS | BSA JRF |
24 | 210893701003 | Ms. Sharon Elsen Abraham | Maths & AS | BSA JRF |
25 | 200893101002 | Ms. S. Shehnaz Fathima | Maths & AS | BSA JRF |
26 | 210813101001 | Mr. Mohamed Fahad. S | Mechanical Engg. | BSA JRF |
27 | 210813701001 | Mr. Jana Sairam | Mechanical Engg. | BSA JRF |
28 | 210813701002 | Mr. Balaji P | Mechanical Engg. | BSA JRF |
29 | 220813101001 | Mr. S. Bharathi | Mechanical Engg. | BSA JRF |
30 | 200933101002 | Ms. Anjel Raj .Y | Management Studies | BSA JRF |
31 | 210933104001 | Ms. S. P. Nisha Pradeepa | Management Studies | BSA JRF |
32 | 220993101002 | Ms. Pavazhaviji | Pharmacy | BSA JRF |
33 | 220993701001 | Mr. A. Elumalai | Pharmacy | BSA JRF |
34 | 180903701001 | Mr. Rayees Ahmad Khan | Physics | BSA JRF |
35 | 200903701002 | Mr. Ashwin. V | Physics | BSA JRF |
36 | 210903701001 | Mr. Varatharajan P | Physics | BSA JRF |
37 | 220903101002 | Mr. A. Vilvanatha Prabu | Physics | BSA JRF |
38 | 210903101001 | Ms. Gayathri. T | Physics | BSA JRF |
39 | 200903701001 | Mr. Yogamarish. P | Physics | BSA JRF |
40 | 220903701002 | Mr.G.Ajay | Physics | BSA JRF |
41 | 201153101001 | Mr. Jahangir Ahmed | SLS | BSA JRF |
42 | 191153101001 | Ms. Arunika Krishnan | SLS | BSA JRF |
43 | 191153101002 | Ms. R. Sathya | SLS | BSA JRF |
44 | 221153101001 | Ms. Keerthana.V | SLS | BSA JRF |
45 | 211153101001 | Narmadha | SLS | BSA JRF |
46 | 211003701001 | Ms. Muthulakshmi. S | SSSH | BSA JRF |
List of Research Scholars receiving Govt. fellowships
S.No. | RRN | Name | Department | Type of Fellowship |
1 | 220983701001 | Mr. Nisamudheen P P | Commerce | UGC |
2 | 220883701001 | Mr. Saad Blaly. N | Islamic Studies | UGC – NFOBC |
3 | 210933701001 | Ms. S. Sharmeen Mehak | Management Studies | UGC-SJSGC |
4 | 161153701002 | Mr. Logesh. R | SLS | ICMR |
5 | 221153701001 | Ms. Karunya Jenin Ravindranath | SLS | UGC-SJSGC |
6 | 211153701003 | Ms. Architha Vijayalakshmi | SLS | UGC-SJSGC |
Journals & Publications
Journals & Publications
The research scholars of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology are encouraged to publish research papers only in Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Journals with high impact factor. Avoid publications in Predatory Journals.
List of Journals
- Scopus Indexed Journals list – January 2022
- Journal Impact Factor – 2020
Link for Web of Science indexed journals
Beall’s List of Suspicious Journal and Publishers
Research Publications
A significant number of papers based on the research work and project works have been published by the faculty members and the students in International Journals and in National Journals. Apart from these, they also present papers in International Conferences and in National Conferences.
- BSACIST Publications on 2021
- BSACIST Publications on 2020
- BSACIST Publications on 2019
- BSACIST Publications on 2018
- BSACIST Publications on 2017
- Publication-Statistics-Journals-Conferences-2009-2016
- BSACIST Publications on 2016
- BSACIST Publications on 2015
- BSACIST Publications on 2014
- BSACIST Publications on 2013
- BSACIST Publications on 2012
- BSACIST Publications on 2011
- BSACIST Publications on 2010
- BSACIST Publications on 2009
- BSACIST National Journals-2010
- BSACIST National Journals-2009
- BSACIST National Conferences-2010
- BSACIST National Conferences-2009
- BSACIST International Conferences-2010
- BSACIST International Conferences-2009
Thesis Awarded Degree
Thesis Awarded Degree
First Fifty Synopses of BSACIST – Compiled Book

- No. of Ph.D. Thesis Awarded Degree: 87 Nos
No.of Ph.D. Thesis Awarded Degree: 87 Nos

Department wise details is shown in table
S.No. | Department | Nos. |
1 | CA | 08 |
2 | Chemistry | 08 |
3 | Civil | 01 |
4 | CSE | 13 |
5 | ECE | 09 |
6 | EEE | 02 |
7 | EIE | 01 |
8 | English | 04 |
9 | Islamic Studies | 02 |
10 | IT | 05 |
11 | Mathematics & AS | 06 |
12 | Mechanical | 06 |
13 | Mgt Studies | 02 |
14 | Physics | 14 |
15 | Polymer | 02 |
16 | SLS | 04 |
Total | 87 |
List of Ph.D. completed Research Scholars in BSACIST
S. No | Name of the PhD scholar | Name of the Department | Name of the guide/s | Title of the thesis | Year of registration of the scholar | Year of award of PhD | Link |
1 | Ms. Chandravadhana | ECE | Dr. N. Nithiyanandam | Least Mean Square Error Based Block Truncation Coding For Image Compression | 2010 | 2015 | |
2 | Ms. H. Sofia | English | Dr. R. Revathi | Teaching Technical Writing Skills Using Web 2.0 Technology – An Experimental Study | 2009 | 2015 | |
3 | Mr. E. Syed Mohamed | CSE | Dr. S. Rajasekaran | Cellular Automata and Geometric Models for Propagation of Tsunami Waves | 2009 | 2015 | |
4 | Mr.Muthukumar S | ECE | Dr. P. K. Jawahar | Enhancement of Cache Performance in Multi-Core Processors | 2011 | 2015 | |
5 | Mr.Marudhu. G | Physics | Dr. S. Krishnan | Growth and Characterization of Nonlinear Optical 4-APMP, Amino acids doped NaAP and DGBCM Single Crystals | 2010 | 2015 | |
6 | Mr. T. Thilak | Physics | Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | Growth and investigation of third order nonlinear optical properties of pure and doped Meta-Nitroaniline, potassium di Chromate (KDC), L-alanine (LA) single crystals | 2009 | 2015 | |
7 | Mr.R.Krishnan | Physics | Dr. J. Thirumalai | Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Rare-Earth Doped Molybdate Micro/Nanostructures for Display Applications | 2011 | 2015 | |
8 | Mr.G. Shanmuganathan | Physics | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Studies on the Optical and Magnetic Properties of Doped ZnO Thin Films and Optical Properties of ZnO Composite | 2010 | 2015 | |
9 | Mr. K. Regin Bose | CSE | Dr. V. Sankaranarayanan | A New Approach to Fast Handover of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Network | 2010 | 2015 | |
10 | Mr. R. Sathish Kumar | Mechanical | Dr. K. Sureshkumar | Energy Efficient and Environment Friendly Biodiesel from Manilkara Zapota Seed Oil as a Sustainable Fuel for Diesel Engines | 2009 | 2015 | |
11 | Ms. N. Jayachitra | Polymer | Dr. R. Vasanthakumari | Studies on Development and Characterization of Polypropylene Based Biocomposites. | 2009 | 2015 | |
12 | Ms. K. Yogeswari | Civil | Dr. E. Rasul Mohideen | Sustainable Road Layout Design for A Suburban Area (Tambaram) Using Fuzzy Aided System | 2009 | 2015 | |
13 | Ms. Fouzul Hidhaya | CSE | Dr. Angelina Geetha | Algorithms for Implementing Strategies to Detect and Mitigate Web Application Vulnerabilities | 2009 | 2016 | |
14 | Mr. M. Dhakshnamoorthy | Polymer | Dr. R. Vasanthakumari | Studies on Carbon Nanotube and Graphene oxide reinforced polyimide Electrospun Nano fiber composites | 2009 | 2016 | |
15 | Mr. V.K. Mohan Raj | CSE | Dr. R. Shriram | Power Management Approaches for Virtualized Server Cluster Environmentwer Aware Models for Cloud Computing | 2010 | 2016 | |
16 | Mr.T.R.Tamilarasan | Mechanical | Dr. R. Rajendran | Effect of Surfactants on the Characteristics of Electroless Ni-P-Nano-TiO2 Composite Coatings | 2011 | 2016 | |
17 | Mr.A.John Peter | Physics | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Synthesis and Characterization of rare earth doped phosphors for lighting applications | 2011 | 2016 | |
18 | Mr. L. Kanniappan | Chemistry | Dr. D. Easwaramoorthi | Kinetics and Mechanism of VO2+ and Cu2+ ions Catalyzed oxidation of Amino acid by Peroxomonosulphate | 2013 | 2016 | |
19 | Mr. K. Devarajan | Chemistry | Dr. S. Bhagavathi | Rearrangement of Substituted Aryloxymethyl Chromones and Mechanistic Investigation – Synthesis of Hydroxyhomoisoflavones and Homopterocarpanes | 2010 | 2016 | |
20 | Ms. S. Jainab Zareena | Management Studies | Dr. Haider Yasmeen | Employability Status of Engineering Students: A Comparison of Private Self financing Engineering Colleges and Private Deemed Universities | 2010 | 2017 | |
21 | Mr.S.Vikram | Physics | Dr. R. Vasanthakumari | Synthesis, Suspension stability and Hydrodynamics of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Application | 2011 | 2017 | |
22 | Mr. C.D. Nanda Kumar | Mathematics | Dr. S. Srinivasan | Some Stochastic Models for Determination of Optimal Reserve Inventory | 2009 | 2017 | |
23 | Ms. G.S. Annie Grace Vimala | ECE | Dr. S. Kaja Mohideen | Analysis of Human Retinal Morphology for the Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy and Maculopathy using Fundus Images | 2010 | 2017 | |
24 | Mr.J.Salai Thillai Thilagam | ECE | Dr. P. K. Jawahar | Design and Analysis of microstrip antennas for wireless communication applications | 2010 | 2017 | |
25 | Mr. M.G. Fajlul Kareem | Mathematics & AS | Dr. P. S. Sheik Uduman | Analysis of Nonlinear Mathematical Models of Tumor Growth | 2009 | 2017 | |
26 | Mr. Pervaiz Iqbal | Mathematics & AS | Dr. P. S. Sheik Uduman | Mathematical Modeling, Performance Analysis and Optimization of Operating System of Paper Plant | 2012 | 2017 | |
27 | Mr. Nadana Ravishankar T | CSE | Dr. R. Shriram | Grammar Rule based Sentiment Analysis Techniques for Tamil tweets Classification | 2011 | 2017 | |
28 | Ms. R. Sasikala | Chemistry | Dr. S. Kutti Rani | Synthesis, characterization and applications of rare earth metal loaded copper oxide nanoparticles | 2012 | 2017 | |
29 | Mr. Kalim Abdul Rashid Mumtazz Deshmukh | Physics | Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | Graphene Oxide and Transition Metal Oxide Reinforced Flexible Polymer Composites as High Dielectric Constant Materials for Energy Storage Applications | 2014 | 2017 | |
30 | Mr. G. Sridhar | Chemistry | Dr. I. Mohammed Bilal | Studies on the Synthesis, Characterisation and Antimicrobial Applications of Schiff Base Metal Complexes | 2012 | 2017 | |
31 | Mr. S. Udhaya Kumar | CSE | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan | Adaptive trust model with attestation for software services in cloud environment | 2010 | 2018 | |
32 | Mr.Vijayakumar S | English | Dr. A. Shahin Sultana | Teaching Academic Writing to the Students of Engineering using Multimedia Tools an Experimental Study | 2011 | 2018 | |
33 | Ms. A. Divya | Mathematics & AS | Dr. P. S. Sheik Uduman | Analysis of Risk factors of Heart Disease Using Decagonal Fuzzy Models | 2012 | 2018 | |
34 | Mr. M. Syed Masood | CA | Dr. P. Sheik Abdul Khader | Enhanced Routing and Queue Management Techniques for Performance Improvement in Mobile Ad hoc Networks | 2009 | 2018 | |
35 | Ms. P. Latchoumy | CA | Dr. P. Sheik Abdul Khader | Integrated Proactive and Reactive Failure Handling Strategies to improve the Services in Computational Grid | 2009 | 2018 | |
36 | Mr. Mahalingam V | Physics | Dr. I. Raja Mohamed | Synthesis and Characterization of Rare Earth Doped Molybdate and Tungstate Phosphors for Lighting Applications | 2014 | 2018 | |
37 | Ms. P. Veeralakshmi | CSE | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan | Development of Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication Model for Assuring Data Security in Cloud Computing | 2010 | 2018 | |
38 | Mr. S.A.Usman Ali | Islamic Studies | Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali | A Study of Plural Society in the Light of Quran and Hadeeth and its Impact on the Muslims of Tamilnadu | 2011 | 2018 | |
39 | Ms. A. Sathiya Priya | Physics | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Synthesis and Characterization of Bismuth Ferrite based Multiferroic Materials | 2013 | 2018 | |
40 | Ms. V.K. Subhashree | ECE | Dr. C. Tharini | Analysis on the Performance of Energy Efficient Routing and Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregation Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2013 | 2018 | |
41 | Mr. R. Jaya Prakash | Chemistry | Dr. D. Easwaramoorthi | Synthesis and characterization of imidazole derivatives | 2009 | 2018 | |
42 | Ms.Uma Nandhini D | IT | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan | Client Aware Cloudlet Framework in a Service Cloud Environment | 2011 | 2018 | |
43 | Ms. Lavanya V | SLS | Dr.Shazia Jamal | Biophysical analysis and investigation of the immunomodulatory and mitogenic facets of jacalin, a dietary lectin | 2014 | 2018 | |
44 | Ms.Saira Banu | CSE | Dr. R. Shriram | Performance Enhancement Techniques of Voice Over IP Telephony | 2011 | 2018 | |
45 | Mrs. Ruby Annette J. | IT | Dr. W. Aisha Banu | A Multi Criteria Recommendation Engine for Cloud Renderfarm Services | 2013 | 2018 | |
46 | Ms. Fazeela Mahaboob Begum S M | SLS | Dr. S. Hemalatha | Screening of the Antioxidant, Anticancer, Antimetastatic and Immunomodulatory Activities of Marine Algae in Cancer | 2014 | 2018 | |
47 | Mr. D. Gangaprasad | Chemistry | Dr. K. Karthikeyan | Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized 1,2,3-Triazoles Through Azide-Olefin [3+2] Cycloaddition | 2013 | 2018 | |
48 | Mr. A. Abdul Azeez Khan | CA | Dr. P. Sheik Abdul Khader | Externalization of Expert’s Knowledge in E-learning Environment | 2011 | 2018 | |
49 | Mr.K.Javubar Sathick | CA | Dr.A.Jaya | Personalized and Optimal Ranking System for Recommendation in heterogeneous Social Media Environment | 2011 | 2018 | |
50 | Mr. P. Gnanasekaran | IT | Dr.T.R.Rangaswamy | Relative Stability based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network | 2010 | 2018 | |
51 | Ms. Shreedevi G. | CA | Dr.Munir Ahamed Rabbani | Efficient Contrast – Enhancement Methodologies Based on Modified Histogram Equalization Technique for Improving Face Recognition Accuracy | 2010 | 2018 | |
52 | Mr. Mohd Shahanbaj Khan | SLS | Dr. S. Hemalatha | Programmed Cell Death and Autophagy Mechanisms are Critical Players During Saline Stress in Oryza Sativa L | 2013 | 2018 | |
53 | Ms.Shakkeera L | IT | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan | Energy-efficient Adaptive Optimization Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing | 2011 | 2018 | |
54 | Ms. Vidhya Sathish | CA | Dr. P. Sheik Abdul Khader | Enhanced Hybrid Classifier Techniques using Grey Wolf Optimization for Improved Detection Accuracy | 2009 | 2018 | |
55 | Mr.Nazir Ahmad Mir | English | Dr.A.Shahin Sulthana | Teaching English to the Children (Upper Primary Level) of Government Schools in Jammu and Kashmir State through Task-Based Approach: An Experimental Study | 2013 | 2018 | |
56 | Mr.G.Selvam | Mechanical | Dr.S.Prince Arockia Doss | Study and Analysis of Appropriate Spot Weld Distribution among the Welding Stations of Body Shop to improve Quality and Productivity | 2011 | 2018 | |
57 | Ms. J. Hemalatha | Management Studies | Dr.L.Aravindh Kumaran / Dr.S.Panboli | Cross-Shopping Behaviour of Retail Customers with Reference to Supermarkets and Traditional Stores | 2010 | 2019 | |
58 | Mr. Zameer Gulzar | CA | Dr.L.Arun Raj | A Hybrid Recommender System to support Personalization in E-Learning System | 2014 | 2019 | |
59 | Ms. B. Vidhya | EEE | Dr.K.N.Srinivas / Dr.Y.Muhammed Shuaib | Novel Electro Magnetic and Mechanical Characterizations of Flux Reversal Generator and Proposal of New Material for its Geometry | 2013 | 2019 | |
60 | Mrs. R. Mervin | CSE | Dr.A.Jaya | Reasoning based Question Answering System Using Ontology | 2012 | 2019 | |
61 | Ms.S.V. Shri Bharathi | CSE | Dr.Angelina Geetha / Dr.Md Khurshid Alam Khan | Development of Prediction Algorithms Through Opinion Mining of Social Media Contents for Effective Stock Market Forecast | 2011 | 2019 | |
62 | Ms. D. Buvana | EEE | Dr.R.Jayashree | An Enhanced Cascaded Topology of Non-Isolated soft Switched Bidirectional Dc-DC Converter with Switched Coupled Inductor | 2010 | 2019 | |
63 | Mr.D.Mukundan | Chemistry | Dr.S.Kutti Rani | Green Synthesis of Ag, Au, Ag /Au Nanoparticles using Bauhinia Tomentosa Leaves for Antimicrobial and Anticancer Applications | 2011 | 2019 | |
64 | Mr. V. Thyagarajan | ECE | Dr.S.Kaja Mohideen | Analysis, Design and Development of GPS Anti-Jamming Systems using Phase only Adaptive Nulling Technique Optimized by Evolutionary Algorithms | 2009 | 2019 | |
65 | Mr. S. Baskar | Mechanical | Dr.S.Prince Arockia Doss | Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on Cooling Airflow path in Automotive Engine Cooling System | 2013 | 2019 | |
66 | Mr. J. Purushothaman | Mechanical | Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen | Development of Hydrogen Permeation Barrier on RAFM Steel by Hot Dip Alumnizing for Fusion Reactor Application | 2013 | 2019 | |
67 | Mr.M.Pervaz Ahmed | Mechanical | Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani | Influence of Cryogenic Treatment on Cu – 2 wt. % Be Alloy | 2011 | 2019 | |
68 | Mr. Ubaid Rasool | SLS | Dr. S. Hemalatha | Characterization and Applications of Nanoparticles Synthesized via the Assistance of a Marine Endophytic Actinomycetes Isolated from Seaweed (Gelidium SP.) | 2014 | 2019 | |
69 | Mr. Frank Joison S | English | Dr. P. Rathna | Reconstructing Indigenous Psyche: A Study of M.C. Raj’s Yoikana and Kim Scott’s that Deadman Dance Through Dyche | 2014 | 2019 | |
70 | S.Fathoor Rabbani | Physics | Dr. I. B. Shameem Banu | Studies on Zinc Sulphide Based Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor: First Principles Calculations | 2010 | 2019 | |
71 | Ms. Parnasree Chakraborty | ECE | Dr. C. Tharini | Energy Efficient Compressive Sensing Based Compression Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2013 | 2019 | |
72 | Ms. Rizwana.R | Physics | Dr. I. Raja Mohamed | Dynamics and Analysis of Strange Nonchaotic Circuits and Systems | 2010 | 2019 | |
73 | Ms. R.Priyadarshini | IT | Dr. Latha Tamilselvan | Document Based Semantic Content Management System in Cloud | 2012 | 2019 | |
74 | Mr. A. M. Ali Ibrahim | Islamic Studies | Dr. P.S. Syed Masood Jamali | Leadership in Islamic Perspective with Special Focus on Ethics in Leadership Practices | 2014 | 2019 | |
75 | Ms. S. Murugeswari | ECE | Dr.S. Kaja Mohideen | Design and FPGA Implementation of low Power and High Speed Square Root Carry Select Adder and its Performance in Wallace Multiplier for DSP Applications | 2010 | 2019 | |
76 | Mr. Wilson. K. C. | Physics | Dr. M. Basheer Ahamed | Synthesis and Characterisation of CdS Thin Film Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications | 2012 | 2019 | |
List of scholars awarded Ph.D. degree in other University guided by our faculty members | |||||||
77 | Mr. G. Vijayaraghavan | Physics | Prof. M. Basheer Ahmed | Spectral and Tunable laser studies on excitation energy transfer distributed feedback dye laser | 2007 | 2016 | |
78 | Mr. Sundarsingh Jebaseelan | EEE | Dr. R. Raja Prabu | Power Quality Improvement using STATCOM and TCTC in Multi Bus systems | 2008 | 2015 | |
79 | Mr. S. Kumarasen | Physics | Prof. M. Basheer Ahmed | Nonlinear optical characterization of Pholoxine B, Pyroniny, Stryl T and sulforhodamine dyes | 2007 | 2016 | |
80 | Mr. Geethumani | Physics | Prof. M. Basheer Ahmed | Distributed feedback laser based on energy transfer between a misture of dyes in liquid and sold media | 2009 | 2016 | |
81 | Mrs. Majitha Parveen | Physics | Prof. M. Basheer Ahmed | Third order nonlinear optical characterization of organic dyes using Z-Scan technique for optoelectronic applications | 2009 | 2016 | |
82 | Ms.S.Maragatha Sundari | Mathematics | Dr. S.Srinivasan | A Study on some Mathematical Models in Non-Markovian Queue | 2010 | 2016 | |
83 | Mr. M.Mohamed Sheik Sirajuddeen | Physics | Dr. I.B.Shameem Banu | First Principles calculations of the electronic and magnetic properties of some rare earth nitrides and transition metal nitrides | 2009 | 2016 | |
84 | Mr. V.Yuvaraj | Applied Mathematics | Dr. S. Rajasekaran | Analytical and Geometrical models for Tsunami wave propagation | 2012 | 2018 | |
85 | Mr. I. Sathik Ali | CSE | Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader | Pro based admission control for multi cast QOS Provisioning | 2008 | 2018 | |
86 | Mr. S. Pakir Mohideen | CSE | Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader | Personalized ontology based adaptive e-learning system | 2008 | 2018 | |
87 | Mr. Munawar Hussain | CSE | Dr. P.Sheik Abdul Khader | Rerouting time stratergies for MANET routing | 2009 | 2018 | |
88 | Mr.T.Selvakumaran | Mechanical | Dr.P.N.Kadiresh | Investigation of Intrinsic instability of combustion of multi component condensed | 2010 | 2018 | |
89 | Mr.S.P.Venkatesan | Mechanical | Dr.P.N.Kadiresh | Experiments Investigation of Aqueous nano-fluid lends in Diesel Engine | 2011 | 2017 | |
90 | Mr.D.S.Vijayan | Civil | Dr.J.Revathy | Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete Beams strngthened with fibre reinforced polymer laminates | 2013 | 2017 |
Major Research Facilities
Major Research Facilities
Sl No. | Name of the Equipment / Software | Year of Purchase | Costs of the Equipment / Software in lakhs (INR) |
Model | Department / School Installed |
Funding agencies |
1 | Keysight Vector Signal Generator – 3GHz | 2021 | 13.90 | N51804310 | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | AICTE Modrobs Scheme |
2 | Pundit Lab Ultrasonic Testing Instrument | 2021 | 6.70 | PL02-006-0099C0 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
3 | DigitalTriaxialEquipment with software | 2021 | 4.80 | Digital triaxial outfit with AIM 90248099064, AIM 075-38, AIM 081-1-2, AIM 085-2-D, AIM 10121, AIM 10122, AIM 10123 AND AIM 084-1. | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
4 | Double Beam UV – VIS Spectrophotometer | 2021 | 3.36 | Motras : UV Plus | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
5 | Half cell probe kitcopper /Copper Sulphate | 2021 | 1.19 | 3312 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
6 | Computerised Displacement and Strain recording Instrument | 2021 | 1.33 | 6712 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
7 | PH Meter | 2021 | 1.20 | 35414-00PC2700, OAKTON BENC HTOP | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | DST,New Delhi |
8 | Displacement Sensors | 2021 | 0.35 | 025AS | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | AICTE,New Delhi |
9 | Compression Set | 2021 | 0.14 | Compression Set | Department of Polymer Engineering | BSACIST |
10 | Weighing Machine with 15 kg Capacity | 2021 | 0.03 | IST Class 2 2021060 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
Major Research Facilities – 2020 | ||||||
Sl No. | Name of the Equipment / Software | Year of Purchase | Costs of the Equipment / Software in lakhs (INR) | Model | Department / School Installed |
Funding agencies |
1 | LabView Software | 2020 | 8.40 | NI Academic site license | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | BSACIST |
2 | Cadence software | 2020 | 5.78 | Ug Bundle: UG3Y10LR | Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | BSACIST |
3 | ANSYS academic Multiphysics | 2020 | 2.20 | N/A | Department of Mechanical Engineering | BSACIST |
4 | MANUAL METAL ARC WELDING(MMAW) GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (TIG) GAS METAL ARC WELDING SET UP (MIG) | 2020 | 2.02 | Transpocket 180 – MMAW Magicwave 230i – TIG Transsteel 2200 Std – MIG | Department of Mechanical Engineering | BSACIST |
5 | Transit Vernier Theodolite | 2020 | 1.32 | Transit Vernier Theodolite 1126 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
6 | Data Logging & Signal Conditioning System | 2020 | 1.29 | RS232 | Civil Department/ School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
7 | Flame Photometer | 2020 | 0.61 | 1381 Deep vision (sodium & pottassium) | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
8 | Cross staff | 2020 | 0.08 | Yash model | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
9 | Air Permeability Apparatus | 2020 | 0.04 | AIM 390 | Department of Civil Engineering / School of Infrastructure | BSACIST |
S.No. | Name of the Equipment |
1. | Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer |
2. | Microprocessor controlled UTM. of 100T capacity |
3. | Photo Elastic Test setup |
4. | Advanced Tri-axial shear strength test equipment with pore pressure measuring unit |
5. | CNC Turning Center and Vertical Machining Center for machining experiments |
6. | Load cells & strain gauge indicators, Vibration sensor, Acoustic Emission sensor and vibration shaker |
7. | Versamax PLC for automation with software |
8. | Data Acquisition System and Exhaust Gas Analyzer for engine testing |
9. | High speed digital storage oscilloscope with GPIB interface for data acquisition |
10. | Image analyzer with CCD camera for microstructure analysis, Tool makers microscope and Coordinate measuring machine surface roughness tester |
11. | Low speed wind tunnel |
12. | Swirl injector Test rig |
13. | Rocket Fuel sampling and Firing setup |
14. | Drones and UAV modelling |
15. | Three Tank Interacting Level Process with Closed loop Control Setup |
16. | pH neutralization setup |
17. | Multi process trainer |
18. | PLC, Drilling operation using PLC |
19. | Electroporator |
20. | Harmonic Analyzer |
21. | Design and Analysis of 3-phase inverter drives |
22. | Power Electronics and Drives. – Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Prototype of Power Electronic Devices, Electrical Machines and Drives |
23. | Fibre optic trainer |
24. | Antenna trainer with software |
25. | IAR Embedded work bench |
26. | XRD (Bruker – D8 Focus) |
27. | Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) |
28. | Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) – SEIKO model |
29. | Electrospinning unit (ESPIN) |
30. | Ultra Cryostat circulator |
31. | FTIR |
32. | Q switched High Energy Nd :YAG (850 mJ) LASER |
33. | EPM 2000 Dual channel power/Energy meter, OSM2 Series Spectrometer |
34. | Multi-frequency Ultrasonic Interferometer Research type (1 – 2 MHz) |
35. | Fluorescence Spectrophotometer |
36. | P – E Loop Tracer |
37. | Pulsed Laser Deposition Unit (PLD) |
38. | High temperature furnace – 14000 C |
39. | Spray Pyrolysis unit |
40. | LCR meter |
41. | Polarimeter |
42. | Diode array Spectrophptometer |
43. | Photoreactor |
44. | UV – Vis – NIR Spectrophotometer |
45. | Beam Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing beams up to 3m span. |
46. | Column Load Frame of 100T capacity for testing columns up to 2m height with provisions for axial and lateral loadings. |
47. | Pin on disc set up, salt spray apparatus and semi micro balance for wear and corrosion testing |
48. | Flow Table motorized for concrete |
49. | Trimble focus total station with accessories |
50. | GPS Q mini serial |
Software Available For Research
S.No. | Name of the Software |
1. | Qualnet |
2. | Adobe enterprise |
3. | IBM DB2, IBM Cognos Insight |
4. | MATLAB 2012 |
6. | MOLDEX |
8. | MATHCAD |
9. | IE3D Antenna simulation software |
10. | MDSPICE MIC Simulation |
11. | Mentor Graphics HEP1 pack |
12. | SCADA software |
13. | ANSYS V 18.1 – CFD and Structural stimulation |
14. | Sinfire X4200 server for CAD APPLICATINS |
15. | GIS – Mapping software |
16. | SPSS Software developed by IBM for data management |

Central Institution Facilities
Central Institution Facilities
Geotagged Photographs
- Central Instrumentation Centre
- Animal House & Green House
- Museum
- Media Laboratory & Studio
- Business Lab
- Research and Statistical Databases
- Moot Court
- Art Gallery
Research Activities
Research Activities
Workshop on How to Publish a High Impact Research Article? Held on 29th May 2021. Event Report
Workshop Abstract Writing for Early Career Researchers 20th May 2021. Event Report
Hands-on workshop on effective usage of Origin 8.0 held on 29th September 2021. Event Report
A two-day workshop on ‘Writing for Research Purpose’ (19 & 20 July 2019)

The Office of Dean (Research) in association with the department of English of B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a two day workshop on “Writing for Research Purpose” during 19 – 20 July 2019. The objective of this workshop is to enhance research skills of researchers in writing quality research articles and thesis effectively. The workshop was organized under the guidance of Honorable Vice Chancellor of the Institution.
Dr.H.Sofia, Associate Professor (English) & Convener welcomed the gathering and Dr. A.Azad, Registrar has mentioned in his speech about how to focus on quality research. Dr.Ayub Khan Dawood has mentioned in his speech about how to follow the ethics in Research.
Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean(Research) has explained about and importance of plagiarism and awareness of predatory journals for the scholars and faculty members as per UGC Regulations. Dr. Md Khurshid, Deputy Dean (Research) and Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean(Research) emphasized the need for avoiding predatory journals, publishing articles in peer reviewed journal, Plagiarism Issues and Anti Plagiarism tools respectively. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor (English) has explained in his lecture about Structuring a thesis and Research paper. Dr.Albert P’ Rayan and Dr.Antony Samy are external resource persons and provided inputs about the Mechanics of Writing Research Articles and Citations respectively. The Process of writing an Academic Research paper covered by Dr.K.Ganesh.
Totally 100 participants attended this workshop and it inspired all the researchers to identify research problems in an efficient way to carry out research work which should be for the betterment of society.
Introduction to Anveshan- Student Research Convention – 2019

Venue: Seminar Hall, Mechanical Science Block
Chaired by: Prof. T Harianarayana, Director (ESPAC)
Prof. T Harianarayana sir has addressed all the research scholars regarding importance of Anveshan- Student Research Convention – 2019.
The Research Scholars Convention is an attempt to strengthen a culture of research in our university. Inter University student research convention – 2019 will be organized at five zones in India. For south Zone, the Inter University student research convention – 2019 will be organized at Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology & Research, Guntur district Andhra Pradesh, India
The areas/fields in which Individual and Group Projects* are invited:
- Agriculture
- Basic Sciences
- Engineering & Technology
- Health Sciences and Allied Subjects, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Etc.
- Social Sciences, Humanities, Commerce and Law
The Projects must be original and must have undergone some exploration/ground work in order to demonstrate its feasibility and impact. Research scholars below 30 years of age.
The convention will be held in three phases:
- First Phase: University Level
- Second Phase: Zonal Level
- Third Phase: National Level
He informed all the scholars to participate in this event and use this opportunity for your research carrier.
Onsite training Seminar on “Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check” on 20.11.2018

The office of Dean (Research) organized onsite training on Turnitin’s User Awareness Program & Similarity Check Dr. T.Harinarayana, Director,ESPAC welcomed the gathering. This programme is arranged with the motive of sharing the knowledge and training experience in turnitin software to check various types of documents including Papers, thesis, etc.
Mr. Akshay Prasanna,Customer Success Manager – Turnitin was the speaker started off right away, by clarifying
– What is plagiarism and its effect to an Institution?
- Why Turnitin Similarity check report; gives a more accurate report and Features
- Instructor Management / Student Management
- Creation of class and Assignment
- Student Paper submission and review
- Generation of Similarity Reports in Turnitin
- Reviewing student paper with similarity report
- Similarity Report downloads
- Research Methodology
- International Opportunities and Successful Grant Applications
- Scholarly Communications
- Facing Job Interviews and Opportunities after Ph.D
- Presentation Skills and High-Impact Publishing
- Patent Applications
- Leaders verses Followers and Combating Stress
- The Indian Entrepreneur and Alternative Career
& many more…
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Asst.Dean (Research), BSACIST delivered the vote of thanks.
Total No.of participants : 80
A seminar on “How to write project proposal in International collaboration projects” on 2nd November 2018

In order to promote sponsored projects, international collaborative projects, consultancy, Dean, Research office has been engaged in various activities. As a part of such activity we have been inviting many eminent scientists, professors of national level to Crescent to develop direct dialogue with the Deans, HODs and Faculty. Towards this direction, we have invited Dr. C. Sivaji, senior scientist, Head, International Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New Delhi.
He was visited to Crescent on 2nd November 2018. He firstly interacted with a few HOD’s, Deans and shared the norms and guidelines of DST regarding international cooperation before his talk. A few faculty members are also interacted directly with him on their submitted/proposed projects to DST. Later he gave a talk sharing all DST activities to promote Science and Technology in India. He also discussed on various topics of interest for sponsored R&D projects and also international collaboration projects.
The Chief guest of the event Dr.C.Sivaji is felicitated by Prof. Raja Mohammed, Dean, Research.
Prof. Harinarayana, Director requested Dr.Sivaji to organize a few DST meetings at Crescent and this will help Crescent to have eminent scientists and faculties.
Total participants : 40 Nos.
Three days Workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles, Project Proposals and Patents” (20-22 July 2018)

The office of Dean (Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology organized a three day workshop on “Writing Quality Research Articles,Project Proposals and Patents” during 20-22 July 2018.
The objective of this workshop is to enhance research skills of researchers in writing quality research articles, project proposals and procedure to file a patent. The workshop was organized under the guidance of Honorable Vice Chancellor of the Institution.
Dr. I. Raja Mohamed, Dean (Research) welcomed the gathering and Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed, Registrar(i/c) and Dean(AA) has mentioned in his speech about how to focus on quality research and importance of consultancy work for the scholars and faculty members Dr. T. Harinarayana, Director (ESRAC) emphasized the need for avoiding predatory journals and publishing articles in peer reviewed journal. Dr. Subhendu Chakrabarti, Chief Scientist, CLRI andDr. Nikhil A Gokhale, Enago Academy, Mumbai are external resource persons and provided inputs on patenting process.
Ethics in research is emphasized by all speakers. Totally 200 participants attended this workshop and it inspired all the researchers to identify research problems in an efficient way to carry out research work which should be for the betterment of society.
Workshop on Data Analytics

Segment of Scholars
This is designed for scholars from English Language, Management (including all functional areas, Law, sociology, Econometrics, Data Analytics and humanities). Any one of the scholars of B S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology is welcome to register for the course (it is open for external candidates).
Number of Participants
Numbers of participants were attended: 25 and accepted on first come first served basis.
Venue: Central Library
Pre workshop Requirements and rationale for the programme
The programme assumes no formal understanding of statistics and mathematics. It is to help scholars to use statistics to aggregate data or summarize data, predict outcomes or most importantly testing hypotheses that need to tested. It is designed research scholars who wish to have a statistical thinking rather than being users of tools. SPSS is one of the tools such as R, SAS etc. The objective is not to teach SPSS but how to use SPSS for your data analytics needs. However the programme is more involved requiring good amount of work during the session as well as in group learning sessions.
Sustainability Statement
The programme is a precursor to the four similar three days programmes planned for the next four weeks. The feedback is obtained and further four programmes will be designed and delivered. The future sessions will have experts from SPSS. This session resource person was Dr.K.Prabhakar.
A Workshop on “How to Make Mobile Resume Website in 3 Hours”

Office of Dean (Ac Research) facilitated for a Workshop on “How to Make Mobile Resume Website in 3 Hours” on 21-04-2018 at Seminar Hall – I, Convention Center, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Mr. Bharatwaj Ramakrishnan,Software Engineer ,CaratLane , Chennai was the chief guest for the event. The event was presided over by Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean (Ac Research). Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Ac Research) was the event coordinator.
The event began at 09.30 AM. The Assistant Dean gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and the enthusiastic participants of the workshop. He also introduced the chief guest to the gathering with good background information.
The chief guest gave a good overview about how to apply for a job and write a resume that is done in MS word or send the pdf file to the recruiters.
GitHub solves this problem. It is an application which makes use of the HTML, Java can write our resume using some codes. And we just have to send our resume website link to the recruiter.
He also gave a good overview about how simple resume using Atom Editor with Github. This was followed by Question & Answers session. The sessions were very interactive and were well received by the participants especially by the research scholars.
The workshop was concluded with the vote of thanks from the Asst.Dean (Ac Research). The participants dispersed with the satisfaction of attending a good workshop.
Guest Lecture on “A Computation Analysis of Indus Valley Inscriptions”

Office of Dean (Ac Research) facilitated for a guest lecture on “A Computation Analysis of Indus Valley Inscriptions” on 03-04-2018 at Seminar Hall – I, Convention Center, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, Vandalur, Mr. Md Izhar Ashraf, Project Assistant, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai and Ph.D. scholar, Dept. of CA, was the chief guest for the event. The event was presided over by Dr.I.Raja Mohamed, Dean (Ac Research). Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Ac Research) was the event coordinator.
The event began at 11.15 AM with the prayer to the almighty. The Assistant Dean gave a warm welcome to the chief guest and the enthusiastic participants of the Lecture. He also introduced the chief guest to the gathering with good background information.
The chief guest gave a good overview about Directional symmetry breaking of sign usage in words. He termed it as the “Headedness” of the language. The probability of occurrence of signs at the left and right ends of words form a good normal distribution. Certain symbols or certain combination of symbols occur at the beginning of the words or at the end of the words more frequently than other symbols. This is found to be true not just in one language but across the languages. He explained about how he used the measures of equality like Gini Index or Entropy to quantitatively assess the degree of asymmetry in the sign occurrence distributions for different linguistic corpora.
He also gave a good overview about how small concepts when applied in an incremental manner can yield some significant results. This was followed by Question & Answers session. The sessions were very interactive and were well received by the participants especially the research scholars. All good things comes to an end, the Lecture was concluded with the vote of thanks from the Dean (Ac Research). The participants dispersed with the satisfaction of attending a good Lecture.
Workshop on “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications”

A one day Technical Workshop on “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications” held on 13th March 2018, Tuesday at 9:30 AM by the Office of Dean(Academic Research),B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. The Chief Guest of the Workshop was Dr. T. VELMURUGAN, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, D. G. Vaishnav College (Autonomous), Chennai.
The program started at the seminar hall, where the gathering has been addressed by Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Assistant Dean (Academic Research).
The Speaker talk was very inspiring. He talked on the topic “Scholarly Article Writing and Journal Publications “. He shared many examples and experiences to explain his views to the gathering. He talked about the steps to develop the research of the scholars so that they published in good journals.
He also explained the Article writing which should be developed by the scholars. His talk was very interesting and inspiring to our scholar which will surely help our scholars to reach good quality research ideas. Totally 67 scholars were attended the workshop and gave the feedback is “GOOD”.
Finally he conducted a interaction with the scholars. The Workshop ended at 4:10 PM. by the vote of thanks by Dr.Kurshid Alam Khan, Deputy Dean(Academic Research The Workshop was a grand success.

VC’s Town Hall Talk with Research Scholars held on 21.11.2017 at 10.00 a.m. in the Seminar Hall II, Convention Centre.Memebrs of office of Dean (Ac Research) were present.
The meeting was chaired by Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abu Bakar, Vice Chancellor. 127 Research scholars across all disciplines attended the meeting.
The meeting started with the address of Vice Chancellor about the importance of research in career and ranking of Universities.He also informed the research scholars can meet him on any issue on Friday before lunch or through email –
Onsite Training Seminar : Turnitin Plagiarism Software (6th November 2017)

The office of Dean (Academic Research) organized onsite training on “How to use TURNITIN PLAGIARISM SOFTWARE EFECTIVELY “. Dr. Md Khurshid Alam Khan, Deputy Dean (Ac.Research) welcomed the gathering. This programme is arranged with the motive of sharing the knowledge and training experience in turnitin software to check various types of documents including Papers, thesis, etc.
Mr. Varun Piplani from turnitin was the speaker started off right away, by clarifying a few doubts
that scholars, have asked him “Administrator, Instructors and student usages of Turnitin software” .
Dr.E.Syed Mohamed, Asst.Dean (Ac Research), BSACIST delivered the vote of thanks.
One-week Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research”
Office of Dean (Academic Research), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai has organized one-week Workshop on “Strategies for Innovative and Quality Research” during 31.07.2017 to 05.08.2017
The workshop was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor Dr. Sahol Hamid Bin Abubakar, Mrs. Nikhta Hamza, Director Hr welcomed the gathering. Dean (Academic Research) addressed the delegates on the importance of research and program structure. Prof. Nikhil A Gokhale RK University, Gujarat acted as resource person, he has delivered lectures in the following areas and also interacted with the participants on strategies and innovation towards good research.
The Central Library of the Institute has arranged live demo on remote access, effective search on e- resources and plagiarism checking. The workshop was ended with a lecture by Dr. Nikhil A Gokhlae on Pedagogy innovation for faculty members of the Institution.
Research Incentive Scheme and Awards
The objectives of the Centre for Energy Research and Studies (CERS) are
- To act as a Centre for contribution to the knowledge development in selected areas of energy planning, engineering and management.
- To take up research and development activities in selected aspects relating to energy extraction, conservation and efficient utilization.
- To provide inter-disciplinary approach to the solution of problems relating to conventional and non-conventional energy development and utilization.
- To function as a base for advanced training in energy related areas including renewable energy, conservation and sustainability.
- To organize short-term training courses, seminars and workshops for the benefit of industry personnel on various aspects of energy.
- To undertake consultancy studies on problems referred by industries and others on issues relating to energy conservation, efficient use and energy audit
- To collaborate with other institutions/universities both in India and abroad for undertaking research studies on problems of importance in the areas of energy engineering and management.
Admission to Ph.D.
- Admission to Ph.D. programme is twice in a year, i.e, during January & July of every year.
- Interested candidates may purchase the application form from the Director (Admissions) of the Institution or download the application form from the link Ph.D.Application Form
- The completed application along with a Demand Draft (DD) for Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) should be submitted to Director (Admissions), B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science &Technology, Seethakathi Estate, Vandalur, Chennai-600048, Phone:+91-44-22759236 / 22759200, Extn: 122 / 124 / 223
- For Enquiries, please contact :
Application Form
Instructions to Candidates
Tution Fee
The following is the tuition and other fees fixed for Ph.D. programme, for those research students admitted from January 2019 session. However, the students already registered for Ph.D. shall continue to pay the old tuition fees.
Tuition Fees per semester | Caution Deposit | Admission Fee |
Rs. 25,000/- | Rs. 5,000/-(for external candidates only) | Rs. 500/- |
Sample Question Papers
- Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of Computer Applications
- Department of Mathematics & Actuarial Science
- Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Aerospace Engineering
- Department of Automobile Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Polymer Engineering
- Department of Management Studies
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of English
- School of Life Sciences
- School of Pharmacy
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Call for Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) – 2022

Application form for Post-Doctoral Fellowship
S.No. | Forms | |
1 | Post-Doctoral Fellowship | Download |
Scholars who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis and awaiting for VIVA-VOCE are not eligible to apply
Forms for BSACIST Supervisor / Faculty & Others
Forms for BSACIST Supervisor / Faculty
Forms for External Experts / Doctoral Committee Members
S. No. | Forms |
1 | Sitting Fee and Travel Claim (Claim Bill) |
2 | Claim Form for Thesis Evaluation |
3 | Thesis Evaluation Report |
Contact Us
Contact Us
Dean (Research) / Deputy Dean (Research)
B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology,
(Formerly Crescent Engineering College)
GST Road, Vandalur, Chennai – 600 048.
Tamil Nadu.
Fax: +91 44 2275 0520
Phone: +91 44 22751347 / 22759200 Extn: 122 / 223