Events 2022 – 2023
Events 2022-2023
Webinar on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers”
A webinar was organized on “Global opportunities for Instrumentation Engineers” on 20.05.2023. Mr.J.V.Parthasarathy, Pump Instrumentation Specialist, Ruhrpumpen India Pvt.Ltd delivered the lecture. He discussed on scope of Instrumentation Engineering and Roles of an Instrumentation Engineer in detail.

Energy Fitness for Professional Development
Venue: CIIC Seminar hall
Date: 16 May 2023
Chief Guest: Sunithi S Ramesh
This programme made the audience serene. The chief guest of our show Ms Sunithi S Ramesh, CEO & Executive Director, trainer& mentor, sound therapist & gong master, pranic healer and other energy healing modalities practitioner. With her expertise in this field she taught us to manage our energy levels. Her healing voice and the handmade instrument (gong, Tibetan singing bowl, Shanthi bowl), along with her words took us entirely to a different universe. Ms Sunita S Ramesh grabbed the attention of all the students and audience present here.

Webinar on Importance of Instrumentation Engineer in Software industries
A Webinar on Importance of Instrumentation Engineer in Software industries was organized on 13.5.23. The resource person was Mr. Balavan Vignesh (2017 batch Alumni), Associate. Mobile Application Development, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai. He discussed the current scenario of IT companies and Instrumentation Engineers in the field of IoT and Integrated systems.

COM’MIX 2K23 is the biggest cultural event conducted by the department of commerce by PG and UG final year students. The main objective of this event is to make our students explore technical and non-technical events and showcase their special talents. “BRINGING UP THE COLOURS OF JOY AND HAPPINESS” we had a celebrity walk-in along with a boost up to bring out the hidden talents. Our students were also given greater opportunities to learn and participate in RJ /VJ contest, short film directors, photographer and much more. The event was successfully completed with lots of happiness, learning and exploring opportunities.

How To Make India Water Resilient?

Venue: MMA Center
Date: 11.05.2023
- Mridula Ramesh- CEO, Sundaram Textiles
- Amith Chandra- Chairman, Bain capital
- Rajendra Singh- Indian water Conservationist and Environmentalist
- Ranganath NK- Grundfos pumps India
Ms. Mridula Ramesh’s research, conducted by the Sundaram Climate Institute, reveals the severity of the water crisis in India and proposes solutions to address it. The research was based on detailed field data and involved speaking to thousands of people across the country. The study found that the water crisis is deep and unequal, and without intervention, it will only worsen. The research suggests that each individual must take responsibility for building water resilience in their respective cities, and this can only be achieved by working together.
There were some notable observations made by experts in the field. Mam suggested that urban people should pay for water to increase their awareness of water conservation. Dr. Rajendra Singh, who is from a rural area, noted that people in rural Rajasthan are more conscious of water conservation and are capable of building their own dams without government funding. Mr. Ravichandran Purushothaman concluded that Ms. Ramesh’s research is primarily suited for urban people because they tend to be less conscious about water conservation. He further suggested that urban people need to be educated about water conservation.
Overall, Ms. Ramesh’s research highlights the need for urgent action to address the water crisis in India, which can be achieved through individual responsibility and collective effort.
National Level Business Ideation and Investor Pitching Contest – 2023
The department of Commerce organized the National Level Business Ideation and Investor Pitching Contest – 2023 on 8th May at 10.00 A.M at Crescent School of Business. The program was inaugurated by Dr.K.Soundarapandian, Head, Department of Commerce, who delivered the welcome address as well as introduced the chief Guest and Jury for the session Mr.Aniruddhan Narayanan, Senior specialist – Business Analysis LTIMindtree Pvt Ltd.
We received more than 45 business proposals across India, out of which our peer team shortlisted fifteen teams. These teams participated both in online and offline platforms. All the presentations were excellent by the young minds. Most of the business plans are unique and some of the business ideas are more of societal nature.

Seven-day National Level FDP on “Research Methodology and Analysis Tools” (08th May 2023 – 14th May 2023)
A seven days national level faculty development programme on “Research Methodology and Analysis Tools” was conducted from 08th May 2023 to 14th May 2023 by the Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, B. S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology- Chennai. A total of 105 participants from various institutions took part in this programme. The participants consist of 16 Research Scholars, 79 Assistant Professors, Nine Associate Professors, One Professor from various institutions like B.S Abdur Rahman Institute of Science and Technology, Annamalai University, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Bharathidasan University, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, VIT, Sri Sankara arts and science college, Indo-American college – Cheyyar etc.

One-day national workshop on “Actuarial Expertise in Insurance & Beyond” on 5th May 2023
The Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science successfully organized a one-day national workshop on “Actuarial Expertise in Insurance & Beyond” on 5th May 2023 at our Institute premises.
Resource Persons: Mr R Satyanarayanan, Divisional Manager (Claims) (Retd.), LIC of India, Mr. Joseph Balaji, Insurance and Risk Management Consultant, Ms. RITIKA AGARWAL, Assistant Manager, Actuary and Underwriting – Acko General Insurance

Webinar on Engineering Education in India – The future of Interdisciplinary Programmes
A Webinar on Engineering Education in India- The future of Interdisciplinary Programmes was organized on 25.4.23. The resource person was Dr.Dinakaran, Senior Technical Manager (R&D), HCL Technologies Ltd, Chennai. Dr.Dinakaran discussed the recent scenario of engineering education in India. He also clearly stated the role of interdisciplinary programmes such as EIE, Robotics, Mechatronics, Biomedical Engineering etc., and the scope for higher education in these areas. He also enlightened the students on the job opportunities in these fields of engineering.

Webinar on Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics and Ethical Considerations in Carrying out Research
A Webinar on Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics and Ethical Considerations in Carrying out Research was organized on 17.4.23. The resource person was our affiliate faculty, Dr.Irraivan AL Elamvazhuthi, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. He presented in detail the studies and projects going on in their university on various rehabilitation robots and also demonstrated through videos how they are useful for the patients with immobility problems. The workshop gave an insight on the ethics and regulations to be followed while using robots for rehabilitation of patients.

Technical Symposium – CONFLUENCE 2023
A National Level Technical Symposium – CONFLUENCE 2023 was conducted on 12.04.2023 by the department of Mechanical Engineering. The program was jointly organized by societies of Mechanical engineering namely Society of Mechanical Engineers (SME), Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The symposium was conducted with the objective of bringing out the inherent abilities of students from all disciplines and enable them to ready for employment and entrepreneurship. The events were conducted to enhance the creativity of students, team work, problem solving and thinking abilities. Mr. Kasiraja Thanga Pandian, Senior Manager, Visteon, Chennai inaugurated the event and delivered the inaugural address. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Registrar, graced the occasion with presidential address. Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani, Dean – School of Mechanical Sciences felicitated the event with his address. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. A.S. Selvakumar, Head of the department, Mechanical Engineering. The faculty members of the department and students attended the function.

Guest Lecture on “Content Writing as a Career: Preparation and Job Opportunities”
Date : 31st March 2023
Time : 11.00 am to 12.40 pm
Venue: Seminar Hall, CSB

Career awareness program on “Company Secretaryship Course”
The career awareness program on the “Company Secretaryship Course” was organized on 31st March 2023 by the Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities in association with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, SIRO. More than 60 commerce students have participated in the event.
Dr.K.Soundarapandiyan, Head-Department of Commerce, introduced our chief guests for the day and addressed the students by narrating the significance of pursuing these kind of professional courses and augmentation of employable skills. Mrs. Chitra Anantharama, Deputy Director, Southern India Regional Office, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, highlighted the importance of doing ACS course and discussed about the career opportunities available for the Company Secretary professionals in India.

Value Added Course – Tally with Taxation (23rd March 2023 to 23rd May 2023)
Tally with Taxation course were inaugurated on 23rd March 2023 by Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities in association with M/s.John Moris & Co, Chartered Accountants, Chennai. More than 150 students were enrolled out of which our peer team shortlisted 115 students to the course.
The tally course was handled by Mr. Narayana Babu for 30 hours, examination was conducted at the end of the session.GST course was handled by CA. Saravanan for 30 Hours and examination was held at the end of the session. The course was successfully completed on 23rd May 2023.

Inaugural function of “Hands on Training on Tally with GST”
Hands on Training on Tally with GST were inaugurated on 23rd March 2023 by Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities in association with M/s.John Moris & Co, Chartered Accountants, Chennai. More than 100 students from our department have attended the event.
The function was begined by Dr. K. Soundarapandiyan, Head-Department of Commerce, introduced our chief guest for the day, CA. A. John Moris, Managing Partner, M/s.John Mories & Co, Chartered Accountants, Chennai and their Team. He also highlighted upon the importance of Tally with GST in the current business era. In continuation with that Prof. D. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean, School of Social Science & Humanities gave the felicitation address.

The Department of Commerce organised CEO Conclave 1.0 on 21st March 2023 in Seminar Hall. The event was organised to create awareness among students about various facts of entrepreneurship and also to educate the students on entrepreneurship as an alternative career option. The purpose of this event is to ignite the students to understand the insight of the entrepreneurship. Around 220 students participated for this event. Our Respected HOD Dr. K. Soundrapandiyan has given the welcome address, followed by our beloved dean Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood has delivered the Special Address.

One Day Webinar on “Career Development in Actuarial Science” (19th March 2022)
Topic: Career Development in Actuarial Science
Resource Person: Mr. Ajay Shekhar, FIAI, Vice President (Operations) IDEAL Fastener India Pvt Ltd
Audience: Faculty Members, Research Scholars & Students (National Level)
Convenors: Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Dean, SCIMS, Dr. P.S.Sheik Uduman, Prof. & Head, Mathematics & Actuarial Science
Coordinator: Dr.Mahadev Ota, Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Actuarial Science.

Visit to the American Library
Date: 16th March 2023
Time: 10.00 am to 03.30 pm
Venue: American Library

National Level Technical Symposium (CIVICLAN 2K23) – 16.03.2023
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure have organised a National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2K23” on 16.03.2023. Dr.N.RajaHussain, Registrar delivered a Presidential address, and Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean (School of Infrastructure) felicitated the occasion.The Chief guest Er.R.Ravishankar, Regional Manager,South India, Pidilite Industries Ltd, Chennai who inaugurated the event and he motivated and appreciated the students who have come forward in participating in various technical and non-technical events. The guest also emphasized on the management aspects in the field of Civil Engineering. Around 120 students from various institutions participated in the symposium. Both technical and non-technical events such as paper presentation, poster presentation, Cadathon, Solve It, Snake & Ladder, technical quiz, photography, IPL auction, documentary quiz, and Futsal championship were conducted. The winners and runners of the events were awarded by the respective event co-ordinators. The winner trophy of Futsal Championship was won by the Crescent Football Team. The Overall winner trophy was won by the students of Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology.

6th International Conference on Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics and Business Research for Sustainable Development (1st and 2nd March, 2023)
The 6th International Conference on Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics, and Business Research for Sustainable Development held at the Department of Commerce, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology, was a resounding success. With overwhelming participation from global academic, research, and student communities, the conference provided a vibrant platform for knowledge sharing and exchange. A total of 153 meticulously selected papers out of 226 were presented, including notable contributions from renowned foreign institutions such as the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Jaffna University, Sri Lanka. The diverse range of submissions from faculties, research scholars, and students showcased the conference’s inclusive nature. The conference proceedings obtained an ISBN, and selected articles 44 have been published in UGC Care listed journals, further reinforcing its significance as a scholarly endeavor. This impactful event has fostered interdisciplinary discussions and inspired innovative approaches to address commerce and management challenges for sustainable development.

Technical Seminar on “WEB 3.0 for INDUSTRY 5.0″
Date : 28 February, 2023
Resource Person: Dr.R. Rajkumar
Venue : Seminar Hall I
Convenor: Dr.Aisha Banu (HOD)
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.B.Dhanalakshmi, AP/CSE, Dr.I.Karthiga, AP/CSE, Mrs.A.Radhika

Workshop on Cloud
Webinar on Workshop on Cloud was held on 27th February 2023, from 09.30 am to 12.00 pm. The Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized the event. The Resource person of this webinar was Mr.Siva Prasad, Founder, and CEO, of Jothna Software Solution.
Conveners: Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA, Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khader, Sr.Prof/CA and Prof.In-Charge, Library, Dr.Jaya, Prof / CA.
Co-ordinators: Dr.S.Shahar Banu, Ms.P.Padmavathy, Mr.V.M.Niaz Ahmed

Workshop on “Cyber Security and a glimpse on Bug Bounties” on 17th Feb 2023

Technical Seminar on “Information Ethics and Visualization” on 17th February 2023
Date: 17 February, 2023
Venue : Seminar Hall I,
Speaker: Dr.R.S.D.Wahida Banu
Conveners: Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dean(SCIMS), Dr.W.Aisha Banu, HOD/CSE
Faculty Coordinator: Dr.A.Alif Siddiqua Begum, AP/CSE, Dr.I.Kartiga, AP/CSE, Dr.J.H.Jaseema Yasmin, AP/CSE.

One day Seminar – 15.02.2023
One day Seminar on “Sustainable Management of Clean Water & Sanitation in Rural and Urban Areas”was sponsored and organised by the Institution of Engineers (India),Kanchepuram Local Centre in association with the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B.S.Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology on 15th February 2023. Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Professor & Student Advisor IE(I) School of Infrastructure welcomed the chief guest Dr.D.Elango, FIE,National Council Member & Chairman IE(I)-Kanchepuram Local Centre and the audience. Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, Professor & Dean, School of Infrastructure, delivered the presidential address. The seminar had four sessions. The Chief guest Dr.D.Elango, FIE,National Council Member & Chairman IE(I)-Kanchepuram Local Centre inaugurated and delivered a keynote address on the topic “Water Quality and Treatment facilities for Urban and Rural Areas”, the second session by Dr.T.Selvakumar, Retd.Engineer (CMWSSB) and Research Consultant on thetopic “Urban Water Supply & Sanitation in Rural & Urban Areas in India”, the third session on the topic “Faecal Sludge and Septage Management in Rural and Urban areas” by Dr.Suneethi Sundar, Research Scientist, Water & Effluent Treatment IC, L&T Construction and last session by Dr.V.S.Priya , Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, BSACIST, on the topic Urban Sanitation in India: Opportunities and challenges.

One day Workshop on “Learn to Earn”
One day workshop on “Learn to Earn” was organized on 13th February 2023 by the Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities. More than 90 students participated in the Workshop.
The workshop was begun with Tamil Thai Vazhthu, followed by Dr. K. Soundarapandiyan, Head, Department of Commerce, who introduced the chief guest of the day, CS. Murali Rajagopalan visiting faculty at NSE Academy for the global Financial Program and other NISM / NCFM certification courses. He also highlighted the importance of conducting the workshop and pointed out the potential career opportunities for commerce students in the financial markets. Dr.Perumalraja. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, coordinated the programme. The session was hosted by the students Afrin Fathima and Md. Hareesudeen. S, 3rd B. Com (Honors).

Management Development Program – “NavDisha”
The Management Development Program is titled “NavDisha” was conducted for Indane distributors covering the region of Chennai, Thiruvallur, Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and mostly the northern part of Tamilnadu under the control of Chennai-Indian Oil Corporation.
This program is intended
- To enhance the skills and competencies required to face the competitions that Indane distributors may encounter in future
- To throw a light on the avenues available to increase their sales potential and value addition possible in their business

Seminar on Safety Awareness
A seminar on Safety Awareness was conducted on 09.02.2023. It was jointly organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. The chief guest Mr Sureshkumar K DGM – Corporate Management – EHS Mando Automotive India Pvt Ltd Chennai, delivered the seminar. The medium of instruction for this workshop was Tamil and English.
Safety awareness is a collective commitment from employees toward promoting safe work environments. The presence of safety awareness promotes healthier workplace culture among employees towards managing hazards. Workplaces without safety awareness training are exposed to several hazards that could stunt productivity.

Webinar on ML (Regression Algorithms) Using Python on 09th February 2023
Webinar on ML (Regression Algorithms) using Python was held on 09th February, 2023, during 11.00 am to 12.30 pm. The Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized the event. The Resource person of this webinar was, Dr.A.Abdul Azeez Khan, Asso Prof /CA, & Dr.K.Javubar Sathick, Asso Prof /CA.
Conveners: Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA, Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khadeer, Sr.Prof/CA & Prof.In-Charge, Library, Dr.Jaya, Prof / CA
Coordinators: Dr.G.Shree Devi, AP(Sr.Gr) / CA, Dr.R.Sonia, AP / CA, Dr.A.Jahir Hussain, AP / CA, Dr.M.Deepika, AP / CA, Dr.S.Kalaivani, AP / CA, Dr.Jeevitha Sivasamy, AP / CA
Value Added Courses on “Industrial Robotics and Artificial Intelligence” on 8th February 2023
The value-added courses on “Industrial Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI)” were organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Prag Robotics Private Ltd. The presentation was delivered by Mr. K.Naveen, Robotics Architect – Prag Robotics Private Ltd, Chennai.
Around 13 students from Mechanical Engineering, 3 and 2 students from EIE and EEE, and faculty members participated in the inauguration function. The value-added courses emphasized the importance of integrating complete manufacturing processes using integrated systems, data communication/programming, automation and advanced learning processes like AI.

Guest Lecture on “Researching TSOP – Why it matters”
Date: 07th February 2023
Time: 12.00 Noon to 01.25 pm
Venue: Seminar Hall, CSB (Hybrid Mode)
Cancer Awareness Day

Webinar on Introduction to AI was held on 25th January, 2023, during 02.00 pm to 03.30 pm. The Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized the event. The Resource person of this webinar was, Sanjay Kumar AP, Product Manager, Pantech Solutions Pvt Ltd, (Pantech ProLabs India) Chennai.
Conveners: Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA, Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khadeer, Sr.Prof/CA & Prof.In-Charge, Library, Dr.Jaya, Prof / CA
Coordinators: Dr.A.Abdul Azeez Khan, Asso Prof /CA, Dr.K.Javubar Sathick, Asso Prof /CA, Dr.G.Shree Devi, AP(Sr.Gr) / CA, Dr.R.Sonia, AP / CA, Dr.A.Jahir Hussain, AP / CA, Dr.M.Deepika, AP / CA, Dr.S.Kalaivani, AP / CA, Dr.Jeevitha Sivasamy, AP / CA

Webinar on Introduction to AI on 25th January 2023
National Level Workshop on “Participatory Teaching Approach – A Case Method of Teaching”
One day National Level workshop on “Participatory Teaching Approach- A Case Method of Teaching” was organized on 25th January 2023 by Department of Commerce, School of Social Sciences and Humanities. More than 40 participants from various universities and colleges attended the Workshop.
The workshop was begin by our Professor and Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood he stated the importance of case study in relation with teaching methodology in today’s era of education system. Dr.K.Soundarapandiyan, Head-Department of Commerce, introduced our chief guests for the day, Dr.T.PraveenKumar, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore and Dr.V.Hemanthkumar, Professor in School of Commerce and Management,Presidency University, Bangalore.
Webinar on Introduction ML & Practical Session on Data Cleaning Techniques on 23.01.2023
Webinar on Introduction ML & Practical Session On Data Cleaning Techniques was held on 23rd January, 2023, during 11.30am to 01.00 pm. The Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized the event. The Resource person of this webinar was, Dr.A.Abdul Azeez Khan, Asso Prof /CA, & Dr.K.Javubar Sathick, Asso Prof /CA.
Conveners: Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA, Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khadeer, Sr.Prof/CA & Prof.In-Charge, Library, Dr.Jaya, Prof / CA
Coordinators: Dr.G.Shree Devi, AP(Sr.Gr) / CA, Dr.R.Sonia, AP / CA, Dr.A.Jahir Hussain, AP / CA, Dr.M.Deepika, AP / CA, Dr.S.Kalaivani, AP / CA, Dr.Jeevitha Sivasamy, AP / CA

It was a proud moment for the Department of English when the students of First batch of B.A.English(Hons.) (2019-2022) received their degrees in the 12th Convocation held in our institute on 7.1.2023.

Inauguration of the Crescent Literarian Hub
The Crescent Literarian Hub was formally inaugurated on 23.12.2022. Dr. Shrimathy Venkatalakshmi, Director, Centre for Liberal Arts for Science, Engineering and Technology and Professor and Former Head, Department of English, Anna University, Chennai was the Guest of Honour. The Head of the Department of English Dr.H.Sofia who is also the President of the Crescent Literarian Hub welcomed the gathering and presented the report of the activities held in 2021-2022. In her Inaugural Address Dr Shrimathy spoke on the strategies for fostering creativity especially in the context of dramatics and extra curriculur activities. She emphasized on the activities the literary clubs could take up and pitched on ideas of starting debate clubs in colleges. Our respected Registrar Dr N.Raja Hussain delivered the Presidential Address and our honourable Dean School of Social Sciences and Humanities Dr Ayub Khan Dawood offered felicitations.
The new office bearers were introduced and certificates and prizes were distributed to the winners of Creative Writing contest. The fourth book authored by Ms. Faheema Jafferin of Final year B.A.English (Hons.) Let me show and tell you Beautiful Things was released on the occasion. The students performed the play She Stoops to Conquer by Oliver Goldsmith and a group dance. Mrs. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam, Assistant Professor (Senior Grade), the coordinator of the event delivered the vote of thanks.

Crescent Literarian Hub of te Department of English organized Litgala’22 , an intercollegiate competition on 17.11.2022.Students from eleven city colleges like Ethiraj JBAS, MCC, Vaishav and Sai Ram Engineering College participated in the various competitions such as Slam poetry, Block and Tackle, Stress Interview, Trade Show, If you were a writer and Short Fiction Writing. Trophies were awarded to the winners and certificates were given to all the participants.

Webinar on Thesis Boot Camp
Topic: Webinar on Thesis Boot Camp
Date: 19 Jan 2023
Resource Person: Dr.Sultan Halifa Haroon AI Rashid
Chief Academic Officer, Cyber Heals Academy,Melbourne Australia
Conveners: Dr.Sharmila Sankar, Dean(SCIMS), Dr.W.Aisha Banu, HOD/CSE
Co-ordinators: Dr.S.P.Valli, AP(Sel Gr)/CSE, Ms.Subhashini, AP/CSE & Dr.Gino Sophia S.G, AP/CSE

International Education Fair with UnTechEd – 08th December 2022
The Centre for International Relations (CIR) organized an International Education Fair with UnTechEd on 8th December 2022 from 01.30 pm to 04.30 pm at the Foyer, Convention Centre.
Universities Participated: 1. B.H.M.S. Business & Hotel Management School, Switzerland, 2. EU Business School, Spain, 3. De Montfort University, Dubai, 4. University of Chester, UK, 5. University of Bath, UK, 6. Arizona State University, USA.
Students from various disciplines participated in the fair. Some of the parents also came and discussed with the delegates from various foreign institutions. Our Hon. Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr.T.Murugesan and Our respected Senior General Manager Mr. V. N. A. Jalal visited the Fair and interacted with the delegates.

Workshop on “Art of Writing Letters of Recommendation” – 01st December 2022
The Centre for International Relations (CIR) organized a Workshop on “Art of Writing Letters of Recommendation” on 1st December 2022 from 10.00 am to 12 noon at Seminar Hall–I, Convention Centre.
Dr. P.Rathna, Director (CIR) welcomed everyone and introduced the resource person to the participants. 21 Faculty members in the level of HoD, Professor, and Deputy Director from various departments attended the workshop. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Registrar gave the presidential address highlighting the importance of writing an effective LoR.

Guest Lecture on 28.11.2022
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, in association with Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Indian Concrete Institute organized a guest lecture on 28.11.2022 at 2.30 p.m. The guest speaker Er.D. Surendar, Deputy Manager, Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Chennai delivered a lecture on the topic “Practical Applications and Scope of Structural Engineering in various industries”. The speaker explained the various types of jobs available for Civil Engineering graduates specialised in Structural Design, Planning Engineer, QA/QS, BIM Modeller, Safety Engineer, Construction Execution Engineer, and Instrumentation & Monitoring etc. He also discussed about the benefits in each sector and their scope under various divisions which was a motivation to the students of pre-final year and final year B.Tech Civil Engineering.

61st National Pharmacy Week – 2022
61st National Pharmacy Week – 2022 (Theme: Pharmacy of the world-India) was celebrated in Crescent School of Pharmacy from 21st Nov & 25th Nov 2022

Education USA’s Online Boot camp on “Your 5 steps to U.S. Study” – 12th November 2022
The Centre for International Relations (CIR) organized an online boot camp on “Your 5 steps to U.S.Study” on 12th November 2022 from 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm through Zoom.
Dr. P.Rathna, Director (CIR) welcomed everyone and introduced the resource person to the participants. Around Forty-one students from pre-final year and final years (B.Tech/ BCA/B.Com/
BBA) registered for the programme. Eleven students participated in the online boot camp despite incessant rains, power failures and network connectivity issues.

Orientation Program – MBA & MBA IEV Batch 2022-24 & Inaugration of MMA Student Chapter – 2022-2023
Acquiring this statement, the department added another feather to its cap by becoming once again the member of MMA (Madras Management Association). Department proudly organised the inaugural event of MMA and orientation program for both MBA & MBA IEV BATCH 2022-24 on 27th October 2022 at the convention centre. The programme was lit by his Excellency Vice Chancellor Dr. Peeru Mohamed, Registrar Dr. Raja Hussain, Dean of CSB and HoD along with three prominent speakers. The program commenced with Qirat followed by inaugural address by Prof. Dr. K. Srinivasan, Dean, Crescent School of Business. The felicitation address was given by our Vice Chancellor and Registrar. After introducing the guest of the day, key note speaker Mr. Jahabar Sadique, Co-Founder, Chai Kings, shared his experience and insights of being an entrepreneur. the second key note speaker was Mr. GP.CaptainDr.Venkatraman, General Manager,MMA. He briefed about MMA, and the benefits of being MMA member. The special address was given by Mr.Ganapathi Subramanian, Head-HR, Sundaram Home Finance Ltd. The incubation centre core importance and opportunity existing was narrated by Mr.Parvez Alam, CEO, CIIC.
On the account of orientation of the MBA general and MBA IEV, the heads of various portfolio like Dean – Students affairs, Dean -Academic affairs, Librarian, and Director-Sports Village added the information on the facilities available in our green campus and the benefits that students can acquire. For instance Sports director briefed all the benefits that a student can avail by excelling in sports. The programme ended with vote of thanks by our HoD Prof & Had Dr. M. Shanmugam.

Inauguration of Activities of Societies (20.10.2022)
The Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure inaugurated the activities of the Society of Civil Engineers, Students Chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers, and Indian Concrete Institute for the academic year 2022-2023 on 20.10.2022. The Dean, School of Infrastructure Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan & Faculty Coordinator Dr.Nisha Khanam (Assistant Professor) welcomed the gathering. The newly elected office bearers of various societies were introduced by the Dean (SOI) to the gathering. Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohammed, Dean (Academic Affairs) delivered the presidential address. The Chief Guest Mr.S.Janakumaran, Project Director, National Highway Authority of India, Chennai inaugurated the society activities and delivered a lecture on “Process of Implementing Infrastructure Projects”. The UG and PG students & faculty members attended the inaugural function.

Workshop on “Network Security” on 19th October 2022
The Department of Information Technology, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a workshop on “Network Security” on 19th October 2022 from 10.15 am to 12.30 p.m.for 2nd year B. Tech IT students.
The Resource Person of the workshop is Mr. Abdul Khader, Lead Network Engineer, Freshworks Ltd. A total of 70 participants including B.Tech IT students, faculty members attended the workshop. Mr. Abdul Khader discussed about network security, 7 layer model, types of network security protections like firewall, Remote access VPN, Network segmentation, access control, zero trust network access, email security, data loss prevention.

BCA & B.Sc(CS) student Induction Programme on 14.10.2022
Department of Computer Applications conducted the student induction programme for I year BCA and B.Sc (Computer Science) students on 14.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre.240 students attended the programme. Mr.Ashok Anand Ramakrishnan Compliance Leader, IBM Kyndryl Solutions was the chief guest. He enthralled the students with his talk and gave valuable tips to the students on how to succeed in this competitive world.

MCA Orientation Programme on 12.10.2022
Department of Computer Applications conducted the Orientation programme for I MCA students on 12.10.2022 at the Auditorium, Convention Centre. 122 students attended the programme. Mr.Rahman Khan President RK Automation LLC, USA who is the alumni of MCA was the chief guest. He shared his experiences with the students and the session was very lively and interactive.

Technical Webinar on Automation and Industry 4.0 in Polymer Industries on 09.10.2022

Exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” on 27th September 2022
The exhibition on “Pneumatic system and Automation using FESTO Mobile Expotainer” was organized by the Society of Mechanical Engineers, Department of Mechanical Engineering on 27.09.2022. The exhibition was coordinated by Dr. S. Jeavudeen.
The mobile vehicle of FESTO that exhibit the various pneumatic components and systems of FESTO was brought to our campus. The expo offered awareness for the undergraduate students on the various types of pneumatic components used in the industry to develop automatic systems. It also featured a variety of Dynamic and Static displays with an emphasis on fast and easy ways of understanding the latest product applications of Pneumatic technology in Industrial Automation. Demonstration on the automation of pick and place functions, machine vision systems that identify
components, automatic mixing of ingredients for pharma applications and many other industrial applications attracted the students. Working principle of the components used in these systems was also explained. A batch of maximum 15 members was allowed inside the vehicle to visit in each slot of 15 minutes. Students from Mechanical Engineering and other branches showed interested and waited in queue and visited the vehicle. Students got benefitted and gave very good feedback.

Inauguration of Mechanical Societies for 2022-23
Department of Mechanical Engineering has four professional societies namely Society ofMechanical Engineers (SME), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Indian Society for Heating Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineering (ISHRAE). These societies are conducting various events for the benefit of students.
The inauguration of societies for the academic year 2022-23 was conducted on 22nd September 2022. Dr. N. Kulasekharan, Metier Technical Leader, Valeo India Private Ltd. inaugurated the society activities and delivered Keynote address. Dr. H. Siddhi Jailani, Head of the department of Mechanical Engineering welcomed the gathering. Dr. S. Rasool Mohideen, Dean School of Mechanical Sciences felicitated. Faculty coordinators & office bearers of the technical societies, Department staffs and students attended the function.

Awareness and training session on “Soft skill Training session on Aptitude, Career choices and Resume Building”
On 21.09.2022, the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering organized an awareness and training session on “Soft skill Training session on Aptitude, Career choices and Resume Building” for the second and third year students.
The keynote speaker and the presenter of the morning session was Dr.M. Snehalatha, Associate professor, Career Development Council, SRMIST. She introduced the students about quantitative aptitude and how it is necessary for clearing any interview.
The keynote speaker of the evening session was Ms. D. Mehernissa, AP, Career Development Council, SRMIST. The main focus of this session was to educate the students on what are soft skills? And how they are important to build your profile and resume.

Guest Lecture on “Studying a Master’s in the UK: A Journey” 19th September 2022
A guest lecture was jointly organised by the Centre for International Relations and the Office of Dean (Student Affairs) for final-year students on the topic, “Studying a Master’s in the UK: Your Journey” with the resource person Dr. Sally Clift, Associate Dean (International) and Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University of Bath, UK, on 19th September 2022.

Meeting with the International Students on 15th September 2022 at the Centre for International Relations
Engineer’s Day (15th September 2022)
Engineer’s Day was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure, B. S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institution of Science & Technology in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Kancheepuram local centre, on 15th September 2022. Dr. D. Elango, FIE, Chairman welcomed the gathering and gave presidential address. The keynote address was delivered by chief guest Er. M. Vasudevan, Superintending Engineer, Planning & Design Circle, PWD, Chepauk, Chennai. He started the lecture with the narration of efficient works of the legendary engineer and Bharat Ratna Sir Er. M. Visveshwaraya, who has done various projects in the field of Civil Engineering. He then explained the importance, the benefits, the job opportunities for Civil Engineering professionals. He also discussed the role of Civil Engineer under various divisions such as Construction, Irrigation, Geotechnical, Structural and so on, which motivated the young engineers.
Faculty Development Programme on Investment Awareness Program – An Introduction to Mutual Funds (12.09.2022)
A one day faculty development programme was organised by the department of management studies in association with Sraddha Academy for Financial Education (S.A.F.E.), member of SEBI. The event was conducted on 12.09.2022 in the Seminar Hall, Crescent School of Business. The event was organised by the faculty members of BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. There were more 60 faculty members participating the event. The main theme of the programme was to create awareness about financial investment among teaching fraternity. The Speaker Mr. Shankar Sundaresan, Securities Market Trainer & Founder and CEO of Sraddha Academy for Financial Education gave elaborate speech on mutual funds. The guest speaker was felicitated by our HOD with a memento. The programme was concluded by felicitation and vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Dr. Shanmugam, Head of the department, Department of Management Studies.
Awareness and informative session on “Awareness and guidance session about International Internships and Training”
On 06.9.2022 the department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering conducted an awareness and informative session on “Awareness and guidance session about International Internships and Training” for the second year students, the aim of the session was to educate the students about the various Internship opportunities present at the International level which can even be attained for free and how they will help the students in building their career and open a new path for the future.Dr. D. Najumnissa Jamal, Professor & Head, EIE & Dean (SECS) presented her own research about the various international internships to the students and gave an overview about how to get them. Some of the main internship providing institutions which was discussed were “CERN, NTU, NASA, FRAUNHOFER, TEEP”.
Regional workshop attended in Cochin organized by Study in India (A Flagship Project by the Ministry of Education) on 2nd September 2022
Colloquium on “Internationalisation at Home: Prospects and Benefits” held on 30th August 2022
Click here for Report
On Campus Study Abroad Fair held on 24th August 2022
An On Campus Study Abroad Fair was organised jointly with Office of Student Affairs on 24.08.2022.
76th Independence Day Celebration – 2022 (15.08.2022)
The 76th Independence Day was celebrated in our Institution on the 15th of August, 2022. Mr. BSA Arif Buhary Rahman, the Chancellor hoisted the National Flag and distributed certificates and prizes to the Independence day event winners from different schools situated in Chengalpattu district and adopted school children, and addressed the gathering. Dr. N. Raja Hussain, the Registrar welcomed the gathering; Dr. A.Peer Mohamed, the Vice Chancellor delivered the presidential address; Gp. Capt. [Retd] Dr. R. Venkataraman, General Manager, Madras Management Association and Wg. Cdr.[Retd] C. Arul Chamy, Air Force were invited as special guest and addressed the gathering. Mr. VNA Jalal, the Senior General Manager also participated in the event. Dr. S. Selvakumar, Director – Physical Education concluded the event with the Vote of Thanks.
The 76th Independence Day celebration was also witnessed with Cultural Programs like Silambam, Patriotic Act and Classical Dance. Various Competition was conducted by our department of Physical Education, NSS, and Office of Student Affairs under the FIT India movement to celebrate the “Azadi Ka Mahotsav” and “Har Gar Tiranga”.
Visit of faculty from UNITAR International University, Malaysia (08th August 2022)
Ms. Sundari Subasini, Lecturer and Programme Leader of Language and Communication, UNITAR International University, Malaysia visited our institute on 08th August 2022 (Monday) to discuss the possiblities of collaboration between the Department of English of BSACIST and the Faculty of Education and Humanities, UNITAR.
A meeting was held with Dr. Ayub Khan Dawood, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Dr. P. Rathna, Director, Centre for International Relations (CIR), Dr. H. Sofia, Head of the department of English and the faculty members of the department of English at the Office of Director, CIR.
Ms. A. Catherine Anna Pushpam, Assst. Prof. (SG) / English welcomed the delegates and faculty members. Dr.H. Sofia, Head of the department of English presented an overview of the department, the areas of research expertise /interest of the facutly members and the strengths and achievements of the department. Ms.Sundari outlined the purpose of her visit. She discussed the programmes offered and facilities available at UNITAR.
Discussion to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022
Department of Polymer Engineering arranged a discussion with Ms.Annama Jacob Regional Manager (South), to sign MoU with Rubber, Chemical, and Petrochemical Skill Development Council on 05.08.2022
Interactive Webinar Series on “Outcome – Based Curriculum Design” 1st – 5th August 2022
Office of Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Office of Dean Academic Affairs (AA) organized an Interactive Webinar Series on Outcome – Based Curriculum Design during 1st – 5th August 2022 in Seminar – Hall I, Convention Centre. Around 150 faculty members from various departments / schools participated in the webinar series and got benefitted. An eminent personality and educationalist, Prof. Dr. N. J. Rao, Professor Rtd. IISC Bengaluru was the resource person for all the 5 days and the event was conducted through blended mode. Timings: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on all the days.
The inaugural function of interactive webinar series was held on 01.08.2022, 9.30 a.m. Dr. A. Peer Mohamed, Vice Chancellor gave special address followed by felicitation from Dr. N. Raja Hussain, Registrar. Dr. A. Abudhahir, Director, IQAC introduced the resource person to the audience. Dr. M.S. Haji Sheik Mohammed gave welcome address and vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. M. Mohamed Ismail, Deputy Dean, AA.
Webinar on “Easy Electronics for ALL”
This webinar titled “Easy Electronics for ALL” was organized on 24.07.2022 to focus on creating awareness among students of various disciplines to take up electronics project as a hobby which can lead them to a career in the same.
Mr.C.Balasubramaniam, Director, Akash Instruments Chennai, was the Resource Person.
Technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” (06.07.2022)
A technical webinar on “Application of Sustainable Concrete in Modern Construction” was organized by Department of Civil Engineering, School of Infrastructure on 06.07.2022 in collaboration with The Institution of Engineers (India). The Dr.H.O. Thakare, President (IEI),Dr.D.Elango,FIE, Council Member & Chairman, Kanchipuram Local Centre, IEI and Dr.G.Shanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary, IEI Kanchipuram Local Centre presided over the function. The panelist members Dr.M.S.Haji Sheik Mohamed, Professor & Dean-Academic Affairs, BSACIST and Dr.A.Leema Rose, Associate Professor, SRM Valliamai Engineering College had delivered the keynote lectures on “Galvanized Steel Rebars for Durable and Sustainable Reinforced Concrete”. Around 138 participants including faculty members and students participated in this programme. They gained knowledge about the sustainability and its benefits in the field of constructions. Dr.Vasanthi Padmanabhan, Professor & Dean, School of Infrastructure thanked the members of IEI, the speakers, faculty members and students.