Webinar on “Development with Environment” on 14th June 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Development with Environment” on 14th June 2021, from 11 am to 12.30 pm via Google Meet. The main objective of this webinar is to create awareness among students about the pollution and environmental degradation. There was good response from the participants with 70 registered participants. Students from different institution shown interest towards this webinar and they have participated.
Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA delivered welcome address, followed by Felicitation address by Dr. A. Jaya, Professor/CA. Mr. Hariram Narayanan, IV Sem BCA(DS) Student, gave introduction about the speaker.
The Resource Person of the webinar was Ms. Pallavi Rampati, Technical Consultant, Paul – Edu Technology and Management Services, Chennai. Resource person started the session with interesting things about environment. Ms. Pallavi imparted her knowledge on the various initiatives and policies at National and international levels taken in environmental sector. At end of the session, the participants gained knowledge on how to improve the environmental efficiency at global level.
Conveners: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, HoD/CA
Coordinators: Dr. A.K. Reshmy, AP/CA, Dr. Sudha Rajesh, AP/CA, Ms. Sabaria, AP/CA

Webinar on “Career Opportunity and Skill Development Strategies” on 12th June 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Career Opportunity and Skill Development Strategies” on 12th June 2021, from 10.30 am to 12 pm via Google Meet and YouTube.
The Resource Person of the webinar was Mr.S.Muthu Kumar, Technology Lead, Infosys Ltd, Chennai.
There was vast response from the participants of various colleges. 138 participants have registered for this event. 60 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions. Students and Faculty from various institutions have participated in the event. This webinar provided the participants with interesting facts on Career and skill Development.
Conveners: Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, HOD/CA
Coordinators: Dr. Sudha Rajesh, AP/CA, Dr. P.Amudhavalli, AP/CA

Webinar on “Algorithms and its uses” on 3rd June 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Algorithms and its uses” on 03rd June 2021, from 10.30 am to 12 pm via Google Meet. The main objective of this webinar is to make the students understand the importance of algorithm, its types and its use. There was overwhelming response from the participants with 133 registered participants. Not only students has shown interest towards this webinar, faculties from different institution also have participated.
The Resource Person of the webinar was Mr. A. Daranivasan, Sr. Business Analyst, ADP Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. Dr. A. Jaya, Professor/CA delivered welcome address. The speaker of the session started by poking the general ways of implementing algorithm in day-to-day life, for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning. Resource person explained different types of algorithms with real time examples. The speaker presented from basic algorithms to machine learning algorithms. This webinar provided the participants with interesting facts about algorithms and its uses in business domain.
Conveners: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr. Latha Tamilselvan, HOD/CA
Coordinators: Dr. Sudha Rajesh, AP/CA, Dr. A.K. Reshmy, AP/CA, Ms. Sabaria, AP/CA

Webinar on “Technology – The New Architect of World” on 31st May 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Technology – The New Architect of world” on 31st May 2021, from 10.30 am to 12 pm via Google Meet and YouTube.
The Resource Person of the webinar was Mr. T.Kirankumar Manivannan, Assistant Professor, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai.
There was vast response from the participants of various colleges. 133 participants have registered for this event. 60 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions. Faculties from various institutions have participated in the event. This webinar provided the participants with interesting facts on Technology, which is ruling the world.
Conveners: Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr.Latha TamilSelvan, HOD/CA
Coordinators: Dr. Sudha Rajesh, AP/CA, Dr. A.K. Reshmy, AP/CA, Ms. Sabaria, AP/CA

Workshop on “Fundamentals of Big Data and Hadoop” on 29th May 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Workshop on “Fundamentals of Big Data and Hadoop” on 29th May 2021, from 10.00 am to 4 pm via Google Meet. The Resource Person of the workshop was Mr. Pavan P Kakathkar, Data Engineer, Cisco Systems, Bengaluru, Karanataka, India.
This workshop highlighted the importance of big data and hadoop and its impact on IT sector. The resource person gave insight knowledge on the big data and hadoop concepts. A total of 65+ participants attended this online workshop from our institution and various institutions across India. Faculties from different institutions have also participated in this free workshop. Apart from this session an additional session arranged on 2nd June, 2021, 9AM – 11AM for students for clarifying the doubts on the hadoop concepts.
Conveners: Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Professor & Dean (SCIMS), Dr.Latha Tamilselvan, Professor & HOD/CA, Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khader, Senior Professor & Prof. In-Charge, Library/ CA.
Coordinators: Dr. A. Jaya, Professor / CA, Dr. A.Abdul Azeez Khan, Associate Professor / CA, Dr. K.Javubar Sathick, Associate Professor / CA, Dr. A.K.Ashfauk Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CA

Webinar on “Preparedness for Industry Readiness” on 29th May 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Preparedness for Industry Readiness” on 29th May 2021, from 10.00 am to 12 pm via Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar was Mr.P.Shanmugam, Business Analyst, Manager HR IT Systems, CTS, Chennai.
There was vast response from the participants of our MCA students. 134 participants have registered for this event. 80 participants attended this online webinar. This webinar provided the participants with increasing the present knowledge about the preparation towards the Industry needs. This webinar specially designed for the betterment of student’s career to help them capture knowledge on emerging technologies and to improve skills.
Conveners: Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr.Latha TamilSelvan, HOD/CA
Coordinators: Dr.S.Pakkir Mohideen, Asso.Prof /CA, Dr.N.Ayyanathan, Asso.Prof /CA, Dr.S.Shahar Banu, Asso.Prof /CA, Dr.G.Shree Devi, AP-Sel.Gr / CA, Dr.Sudha Rajesh, AP/CA

Webinar on “Internet of Things & AI” on 22nd May 2021
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, has organized Online Webinar on “Internet of Things & AI” on 22nd May 2021, from 10.30 am to 12 pm via Google Meet and YouTube. The Resource Person of the webinar was Dr. T.Ruso, Associate Consultant, Wipro Digital, Chennai.
There was an overwhelming response from the participants of various colleges and universities from different states. 393 participants have registered for this event. 177 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions across India. Faculties from different institutions have also participated in this free webinar.
This webinar provided the participants with interesting factors on Internet of Things & AI in various fields.
Conveners: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS, Dr. Latha Tamilselvan, HOD/CA
Faculty Coordinators: Dr. A.K.Reshmy, AP/CA, Dr. Sudha Rajesh AP/CA, Ms. S.Sabaria, AP/CA

Webinar on “Industry 4.0 Implications on Higher Education” on 10th May 2021
Webinar on Industry 4.0 Implications on Higher Education was conducted on 10th May 2021 at 10 am through Google meet platform. It was organized by Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences.
Mr.A.S.Swaroop, Senior Manager, Tech Lead Craftveda Technologies was the resource person. This webinar highlighted the importance of Industry 4.0 in general and its impact on Higher Education in particular. The resource person gave an insight on the four industry revolutions and role of IT in Industry 4.0. He also highlighted the need of higher education to the participants. A total of 90 participants attended the event.
Conveners:Dr.Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/SCIMS and Dr.Latha TamilSelvan, HOD/CA
Coordinators:Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khader, Senior Professor and Dr.A.Jaya, Professor/CA
Co coordinators:Mr.A.Salman Ayaz, AP/CA and Mr.V.M.Niaz Ahamed AP/CA

Five Day Online STTP on Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industry 4.0 (26th – 30th April 2021)
A Five Day Short Term Training Programme on “Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Industry 4.0”, was organized by the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent institute of Science and Technology from 26-4-2021 to 30-4-2021 through Zoom platform. The inaugural function of the programme was attended by participants from various institutions and organizations along with faculty members and Heads of the various departments of this prestigious institution of repute with 37 years of academic excellence.
Convenor: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS
Coordinators: Dr. Gufran Ahmad Ansari, Prof. / CA & Director (CSC), Dr. S. Revathi, Prof./ CSE, Dr. N. Ayyanathan, Assoc. Prof./ CA
Co-coordinators: Mr. N. Rajendran, AP (Sr. Gr.)/ IT, Dr. A. Ramachandran, AP/ CSE, Mr. V.M. Niaz Ahmed, AP/ CA

International Webinar on “Azure Cloud and Data Warehousing” on 22nd September 2020
International Webinar on Azure Cloud and Data Warehousing was held on 22nd Sep 2020, during 6.30 pm. It was organized by the Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences.
Mr. Prasanna Palepu, Azure Architect IT Manager, Cognizant Technology Solutions, USA. He is Cloud and Data Architect with 12.5+ years of hands on experience in Data Warehousing, Data Mart design/development along with reporting. He is a Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO).
This webinar provided the participants with increasing the present knowledge about Azure Cloud and Data Warehousing. Azure is a public cloud computing platform with solutions including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) that can be used for services such as analytics, virtual computing, storage and networking. The participants were provided with the course content, code files and slides.
A total of 90 participants have registered for this event. 90 participants attended this International Webinar.
Faculty Coordinators: Dr.A.K.Reshmy, AP/CA, Ms. S.Sabaria, AP / CA
Conveners: Dr.VenkatesanSelvam, Dean, SCIMS, Dr. Gufran Ahmad Ansari, Prof. & Head, CA

Webinar on “Career Opportunities in Linux and Open Source Software” on 25th August 2020
The School of Computer Information and Mathematical Sciences organized an online Webinar on “Career Opportunities in Linux and Open Source Software” in association with M/s Advantage Pro, Chennai, on 25th Aug 2020 from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm through Google Meet.
The Resource Person of the webinar is Mr. N. Kathirvel, RHCI, Red Hat Trainer, Advantage Pro, Chennai. A total of 189 participants including students and faculty members from various Institutions registered for the webinar. Out of them 91 participants attended the webinar.
The webinar provided the participants with broader view on Linux and Open Source Software to help them shape their career, especially for the students after completing their graduation. The resource person also gave a clear picture and demonstrated the use of Open Source Software. Also he discussed about the security of Linux OS compared to the other Operating Systems available in the market.
It was very easy for the participants to understand the necessity of Open Source Software for the current needs. The participants appreciated the resource person and the quality content of the webinar in their feedback.
Convener: Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean / SCIMS. Coordinator: Mr. N. Rajendran, Assistant Professor (Sr.Gr.) / IT
Co-coordinators : Dr. P. Gnanasekaran, Assistant Professor / IT, Dr. A.K. Ashfauk Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CSE, Mr. V.M. Niaz Ahamed, Assistant Professor / CA

International Webinar on “Exploring Linux Distribution across Cloud, IoT & Mobile Devices” on 17th August 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online International Webinar on “Exploring Linux Distribution across Cloud, IoT & Mobile Devices” on 17th August 2020 via Google Meet and YouTube. A total of 165 participants have registered for this event. 163 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions across India. Faculties from different institutions have also participated in this free webinar. This webinar provided the participants with increasing the present knowledge about Linux on various fields. This gave an insight into various job opportunities in the field of Linux like Network Engineer, Hacker, Cyber Security, Andriod / iOS Developer, DevOps, Linux Admin etc. This has motivated the participants get certification courses like coursera, SkillShare, Khan Academy, Bloc, Alison, MeMRisE etc.
Resource Person: Mr. Adithya Devarajan, Solution Architect, Nielsen, Poland.
Webinar Coordinators: Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Assistant Professor / CA, Ms. S.Sabaria, Assistant Professor / CA

Webinar on “Entrepreneurship in E-Commerce” on 28th June 2020
Participants Details: Total Registered Participants: 65 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 42 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students].
The Speaker of the Event: Renat Nivedha, Entrepreneur, Global Distributor, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP), Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP), Dr. A. Ramya (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:

“Building Simple Applications using JavaScript” – 18.06.2020
Participants Details: Total Registered Participants: 309 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 104 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: K.S.Sathya, Software Development Engineer, Csoft Tech, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP), Dr. A.Ramya (AP), Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:

Webinar on “Ethical Hacking” on 11th June 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Webinar on “Ethical Hacking” on 11th June 2020 via Google Meet and YouTube Live from 12:00 pm to 01:30pm. A total of 542 participants have registered for this event. 329 participants attended this online webinar from various institutions across India. Faculties from different institutions have also participated in this free webinar. This webinar have attracted 249 participants of +2 and UG students. This webinar provided the participants with increasing the present knowledge of identifying threats and liabilities. This webinar prepared the participants to handle information security with more simplicity and helped them to know the finer nuances of Backdoors, Trojans and Countermeasures.
Resource Person: Mr. Vinod Senthil T, Founder & Managing Director, infySEC Solutions Private Limited.
Being a Cyber Security nerd led him to win multiple ‘bug bounty programs’ for which he was rewarded by companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Dell, Aramco, HP, Sify, etc. He was awarded Top 25 Most Valuable Startup CEO’s in India 2019 by Business Connect and he is 13 World Records Holder – For conducting the world’s Largest Information Security Hackathon.
Webinar Coordinators: Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Assistant Professor / CA, Ms. Sabaria, Assistant Professor / CA.

“Confidence Building and Special Skills To Face Interview” on 10.06.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Free Webinar on “Confidence Building and Special Skills to Face Interview” on 10.06.2020 at 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm via Google Meet. More than 200 participants registered and out of which more than 150 are UG and PG students from various institute across the country. Faculties and Alumni’s were also a participated in the free webinar. Webinar was focused on developing the right attitude and skills to tackle interviews, including use of advanced tools like Neuro-Linguistic Programming to overcome performance limitations. And special emphasis made on the Post COVID19 Scenario, where a lot more in positive entrepreneurial attitude as well as adaptation skills are expected from fresh and experienced employees alike.
Resource Person: Tameem M Saied – Director in Fortran Cirkit Electronics Private Limited & Mind Vision Transformation Creates Success.
Webinar Organizers: Dr.P.Sheik Abdul Khader – Senior Professor/CA Dept., Dr.A.Jaya – Professor/CA Dept.
Webinar Coordinators: Dr.A.Abdul Azeez Khan – Associate Professor/CA Dept., Dr.K.Javubar Sathick – Associate Professor/CA Dept.

“Image Processing Using Conventional Neural Network” – 09.06.2020
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 144 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 110 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: Ananya Das, Data Scientist, CSoft Tech, Bangalore. The Event was coordinated by Dr.A.Ramya (AP), Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP) and Dr. P. Amudhavalli (AP) – Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:

“Awareness of Data Science in Real World” – 06.06.2020
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 188 [ Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants : 150 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]
The Speaker of the Event: Mr.Gowtham R, Data Engineer, Saturam infoSystem Private Limited, Bangalore.
The Event was coordinated by Dr.Sudha Rajesh (AP), Dr. A. Ramya (AP), Dr.P.Amudhavalli (AP) Department of Computer Applications.
Event Recorded Link:

Research Paradigms and Intellectual Property Rights – 02.06.2020
Participants Details: Total Registered Participants: 63 [Assistant Professor, Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants Paid : 44 [from various India, Malaysia and London].
The Speaker of the Event: Dr.A.Jaya, professor, Dr. Sudha Rajesh Assistant Professor, Dr. P. Amudhavalli, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications.
The Event was coordinated by Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, Associate Professor, Dr. A.Ramya, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications.

Online Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications in MATLAB” on 29th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering Applications in MATLAB” held on 29th May 2020 through Webex from 2.00 pm to 5.30 pm.
The Resource person of this workshop are: Dr. Souvick Chatterjee, Education Technical Evangelist, Mathworks, IN-Delhi delivered the topic on “Data handling and Machine Learning with MATLAB”, Mr. Akhil Gopinath, Engineering Development Group, Mathworks, IN-Bengaluru delivered the lecture on “Deep Learning with MATLAB”
A total of 455 participants has registered for this event. 175 participants attended this online session from 85 institutions across India, of which 83 participants are from different states (mainly from North). The link for the course materials have been shared to the participants. This workshop gave the participants insights on different AI Algorithms, which can be implemented in MATLAB and was followed by a Q & A session.
This workshop was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Dr. Divan Masood and Ms. Srisakthi, Asst. Prof. / CA.

Webinar on “Demystifying AI Algorithms” on 26th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Faculty Development Programme on Trending Technologies on 26th May 2020 through Google Meet from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The Resource person of the webinar was Mr. Sivaprasath, CEO & Founder, VISTACONVERT.
A total of 216 participants has registered for this webinar. 86 participants attended this online session. The course materials and the link of the recorded session have been shared to the participants. This webinar gave the participants insights on different AI Algorithms in Python and was followed by a Q & A session.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy and Ms. Sabaria, Asst. Prof. / CA.

Webinar on “Skull session on Real-time Product-based opportunities in New Normal” – 18th May 2020
A total of 214 faculty members registered as participants. 92 participants confirmed their registration to attend this webinar

Online Faculty Development Programme on “Trending Technologies” during 14th – 16th May 2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Online Faculty Development Programme on Trending Technologies during 14th – 16th May 2020.
The Resource persons for the FDP are:
Day 1: Dr. T. Ruso, Associate Consultant, Wipro Ltd., Session on Spring Boot.
Day 2 & 3: Dr. D.Senthilkumar, AP, Department of CSE, University College of Engineering, Anna University, Tiruchirapalli, Session on Machine Learning Using R and Deep Learning using R, respectively.
There was an overwhelming response from the participants of various colleges and universities from different states.
A total of 176 faculty members registered as participants. 100 participants confirmed their registration to attend this online FDP. Total numbers of Institutions who have participated are 34. There were 59 participants from different states of India.. Participants were introduced to the Spring Boot, Machine Learning and Deep Learning using R. Hands on training was given to the participants. Online Test on MCQs was also conducted on the last day of FDP. The course materials, and the link of the recorded session has been shared to the participants.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy, Ms. Preeti Verma and Ms. Sabaria, Asst. Prof. / CA.

Research Methodology and Its Tools – 12.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a online Seminar on Research Methdology and its tools on 12.05.2020.
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 1099 [Research Scholars & Pg Students]. Total no. of Participants Shortlisted: 250. Total no. of College/University : 51
The Speaker of the Event: Dr.A.Ramya, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications. The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr.P.Amudhavalli, Dr. Sudha Rajesh.

Quiz on Machine Learning – 09.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Machine Learning” on 09.05.2020 through online (Google forms) for faculty and research Scholars.
Participants Details:
Total no. of Participants attended the Quiz: 240, Total no. of College/University : 60
The Quiz Event was coordinated by Ms. Preeti Verma

Webinar on “Python for Data Science” on 07.05.2020”
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized Webinar on “Python for Data Science” on 07.05.2020. The Resource person for the Webinar was Mr. Sivaprasath, CEO & Founder, VISTACONVERT.
There was an overwhelming response from the participants of various colleges and universities from different states and abroad universities. Total number of participants registered was 281, and the Webinar link was given access to 99 participants, of which 72 are faculty members. External participants were 89. Participants were introduced to the basics of Python programming and then an insight was given to Data Science with examples and demo. Resource persons recorded the session and the link has been shared to the participants.
This webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.K. Reshmy and Mr. Niaz Ahamed, Asst. Prof. / CA.

Webinar on “IT Trends Post COVID” – 06.05.2020
Participants Details:
Total Number of Registration : 54, Number of Participants : 31
Coordinators: The Webinar Event was coordinated by Dr. S.Shakila Anjum and Ms. S.Srisakthi.

Webinar on the topic “Quiz on Robotic Process Automation (RPA)” on 04.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Robotic Process Automation(RPA)” on 04.05.2020 through online (Google forms) for faculty, research Scholars and students.
Participants Details:
Total No. of Participants – 358, No. of Students – 193 (Only 48 from our college), No. of HODs – 9, No. of Professors – 11, Total No. of Colleges & Universities – 117
Hiltek Robotics Research Center Pvt.Ltd – 4 Faculties, ICT Academy – 1 person, VIT – 1 person, Industry – 1, School Teachers – 2
SCORE: No. of Participants scored 100% – 66/358, No.of Participants scored more than 60% – 237/358
Coordinators: The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr. S.Shakila Anjum and Ms. S.Srisakthi.

Webinar on the topic “C Programming Quiz” on 02.05.2020

Webinar on the topic “Quiz on Digital Image Processing” – 02.05.2020
Department of Computer Applications, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Quiz on “Digital Image Processing” on 02.05.2020 at 12.Noon through online (Google forms) for faculty and research Scholars.
Participants Details:
Total Registered Participants: 174 [Total no of faculty: 146, Total no. of Research Scholars : 27]. Total no. of Participants attended the Quiz: 136. Total no. of College/University : 67. The Quiz Event was coordinated by Dr. A.Ramya, Dr.P.Amudhavalli, Dr. Sudha Rajesh.

Seminar on Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA on 13.03.2020
School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Seminar on “Accelerate Your Career Through Excellence in RPA” (A Real Time Demonstration on Blueprism RPA) on 13.03.2020 at 2.30 pm in Seminar Hall II, Convention Centre of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The second year students of the department of IT, CSE and CA have attended the seminar.
Resource Person for the seminar is Mr. M. Pradeep, Director – Information Technology, Netalla Innovations Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.
Around 150 students from the School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences of our Institution participated in the seminar. This seminar was coordinated by Mr. A. Niaz Ahamed, Asst. Prof. / CA, Mr. N. Rajendran, Asst. Prof. (SG) / IT and Mr. D.S. Manoj Kumar, Asst. Prof. / CSE.

Three days Short Term Training on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security”, 11-13, March 2020
Three days Short Term Training on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security organized by School Of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of science and Technology, Chennai, in association with ICT academy, IFF & TEXIAL from 11.03.2020 to 13.03.2020. The venue of the training is Cyber Security Innovation Lab, SCIMS. The convener of the program is Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean/ SCIMS. The program was coordinated by Dr. S. Pakkir Mohideen, Associate Professor / CA and Mr. Syed Abdul Syed S, Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr.) / CSE. The inauguration of the three day Short Term Training Programme on Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security was held on 11-Mar-2020 at 9:45 a.m. at Seminar Hall – 1.
The inauguration session was addressed by our Dean of SCIMS, Dr. Venkatesan Selvan followed by the Presidential address given by our Honorable Pro Vice Chancellor Dr. A. Peer Mohammed. The chief guest of the day Mr. Suresh Kumar founder and Director of Texial and IFF labs, Bangaluru, and Mr. Mohit Kumar Co founder of Texial Innovations, Bangaluru, gave the inaugural address followed by the Vote of Thanks given by Dr. Pakkir Mohaideen. The participants proceeded to the Research lab for the hands-on lab session
Android Club – Time to Quiz on 06.03.2020

The Department of Computer Applications initiated Android Club with the motto of developing mobile applications on Android technology for the common people needs in daily life. On 6/03/2020, The Android Club conducted the Time to Quiz event, more than 56 students from various Department has participated. the winners of the event has awarded with certificates. The awareness and interest of mobile application development using Android Technology has been created among students.
One Day Workshop on “Data Analytics and Digital Marketing” on 5th March 2020
The Department of Computer Applications organized One Day Workshop on “Data Analytics and Digital Marketing” on 5th March 2020 for final year B.Com, BCA and B.Sc. students of our university. This workshop provided an overview of the best approaches and practices in digital marketing measurements and analysis, and offered an understanding of how these tools can be integrated to inform strategic direction. More than 180 students have participated and gained knowledge about data analytics and digital marketing.

Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career” on 17.02.2020
School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences has organized a Seminar on “Future of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT Career” on 17.02.2020 at 1.40 pm in Main Auditorium, Convention Centre of B S Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology. The second year students of the department of IT, CSE and CA have attended the seminar.
Dr. E. Syed Mohamed, Professor & Head, Dept of CSE welcomed the gathering and briefed about the seminar. Dr. Venkatesan Selvam, Dean (SCIMS) felicitated the gathering and highlighted the importance of Cyber Security and Machine Learning in IT career. Dr I.Sathik Ali, Prof & Head, Dept. of Information Technology, Dr Gufran Ahmed Ansari, Prof & Head, Dept. of Computer Applications were present in the seminar. Following that Ms. C.Vijayalakshmi, AP(SG)/CSE introduced our chief guest Mr.R. Manoj Kashyap, Certified Ethical Hacker & Network Engineer, Star Certification and Mr. Bivin Jacob, the Global Manager, Star Certification who insisted on the “Importance of Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking”. The guests were honoured with memento and were welcomed with gratitude.

One Day Workshop On Machine Learning Using Python on 13th February 2020

Department of Computer Applications in association with School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences organized a One Day “WORKSHOP ON MACHINE LEARNING USING PYTHON” on 13th February 2020. The complete insights of Machine Learning via python programming and its application were projected in the best possible way. More than 490 + participants including students, research scholars and academicians have attended the training and got benefitted.
Alumni Talk – Alumni Mentoring Session on “Confidence Building Measures”

The Department of Computer Applications and Office of Alumni Relations conducted an Alumni Mentoring session on “Confidence Building Measures” was conducted by our Alumnus Mr.Farhan Ahmed Sheikh (MCA, 2004 Batch), Entrepreneur & Soft Skills trainer on 30th January 2020 at 10.30 am, as part of the “Alumni Talk” series for the 2nd yr computer applications students.
One day National Workshop On Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning and Soft skills on 8th Feb, 2019

Computer Application Department is organizing a One day workshop on “Android and iOS programming” On 18th Feb 2017
Computer Applications Department conducted technical symposium “CyberCrest 2016”
Final year best project awards
Department of Computer Applications conducted one day workshop on”Android programming & Softskills”
“Android Programming & Softskill” on 13th feb’15
“Android Programming & Softskill” Workshop on 13th feb’15
- The department of computer applications conducted one day workshop on “Android Programming & Softskills” on 13th february’15.
- The Target audience for the workshop is undergraduate students from various colleges and universities all over tamil nadu.
- The resource person for the workshop is invited from delegates in hybreese technologies and Dr.Hameed, the stress management doctor from BSAIST.
Department of Computer Applications conducted New Initiative in Teaching and Learning
MOOC (Open Courseware) course on Design and Analysis of Algorithms was successfully launched on Thursday 20th Feb 2014
B. S.Abdur Rahman Institute joins SPARX Systems, Australia as R&D partner:MOU
MOU with SPARX Systems
- The SPARX “Enterprise Architecture” software is a bridging software used by over 3,30,000 users globally, across industry verticals including Banking, Insurance, Manufacture, IT, Aeronautics and semiconductors.
- The MoU signed between SPARX & BSAIST facilitates a partnership for training of students on the use of the software as well as making BSAIST as its hub for development and application of products using this SPARX Enterprise Architecture.
- This is the first MoU for incubating the R&D projects of Industry at the Centre for Innovation and Incubation of BSAIST.
- Vice Chancellor Prof. J.A.K. Tareen, Director Admission, ProVC, Registrar and Coordinator of project Prof. Sheik Abdul Khader were present.
- The Vice Chancellor in his remarks reiterated the commitment of BSAIST to make the University an R&D hub for industry through its Innovation and Incubation Centre.
- The CEO of SPARX, Mr. Nizam Mohammed and Vice President Mr. Mohamed Bakkrudeen were present.
- The CEO also expressed his desire to enhance SPARX level of cooperation with BSAIST progressively.
- In continuation of the MOU, five days training programme was arranged to our university faculty members from 24-11-2014 to 28-11-2014.
Department of Computer Applications conducted one day workshop on”Android programming”
“Android Programming” on 13th feb’15
- Mr. Gajendran Ganesapandian, Member of Technical Staff, Engineer (Pay Pal) India, was the Chief Guest for the workshop on Android Programming.
- The Inauguration for the activities of the Computer Applications Association for the academic year 2012-13, was held on 6th September 2013. Mr. Venkatachari Raghavan, Principal Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services inaugurated the activities and delivered a key note address.
- Two Days National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technology (RTWT’13) was conducted on 4th and 5th October 2013.
- Computer Applications Association organized a National Level Technical Symposium CYBERCREST on 7th October 2013.
- National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technology was held on 4th and 5th October 2013. Dr.V.Ramachandran, Director, National Institute of Technology, Nagaland, Dr. Mangal Sunder. Professor from IIT, Dr. N. Swaminathan, Professor from Anna University, Mr. Ismail Mohammed Yusuf, Senior Software Developer, McAfee Software India Pvt. Ltd, Ms. Uma Selvam & Ms. Suba Surianarayanan, CACTES Software Pvt Ltd., Mr. Iniya Nehru, Senior Technical Director NIC, were the key note speakers.
- Mr. Shah Nawaz Khan Director – Services from Hibrise Technologies delivered a lecture on Mobile Applications and Android Programming on 6th March 2014.
- Mr. Sathya from Gani made solutions delivered lecture on Google Applications during 6th and 7th March 2014.
- Mr. Damodaran, CEO and Managing Director of Amex Technologies addressed the gathering on Striving towards Excellence and Mr. Thameem Saied, Technical Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics, delivered a keynote speech on Importance of Soft Skills for developing Employability on 7th March 2014.
- On 14th March 2014, Mr. Gajendran Ganesapandian, a Member of Technical Staff Engineer, Pay Pal, India, addressed the students and presented a talk on Android Programming and encouraged students to develop mobile applications.
- Open house programme was conducted on March 29 to 31, 2014. Students of Computer Applications Department exposed their creativity in an innovative way by modeling,
- OSI layers
Accessing Internet using lifi Technology,
Wireless Sensor Network Home security system
Bermuda triangle
Password Protection and Gaming
- OSI layers
- ISTE workshop on “Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in Engineering” was conducted by IIT Bombay for two weeks from 12th June to 02nd August 2014.
- The Inauguration for the activities of the Computer Applications Association for the academic year 2013-14 was held on 17th September 2014. Mr. Udaya Sankar, Sector Skill Council, South India, NASSCOM was the chief guest for the function. He delivered a Motivational Talk on Placement Opportunities.
- Mr. Mohammed Bakkrudeen Vice President, Operations & Delivery, Sparx Systems India, delivered a lecture on Enterprise Architect Tool on Sep 17th 2014.
- On the same day Mr. Thameem Saied, Technical Director, Fortran Cirkit Electronics, Chennai, addressed students on Soft Skills for developing the Employability.
- On 2nd September 2014, Mr. Tajudeen, Placement Officer of our University addressed the students on how to prepare for interviews.
- Open house programme was conducted on January 9th and 10th, 2015. Students of Computer Applications Department exposed their creativity in an innovative way by modeling, Audino Security System, Data Center, Chat Application in LAN using canvas Technology, enhancing wi-fi through home appliances and VFX effects.
- An interaction session with Research Scholars was arranged on 19th January 2015. Prof. Ibrahim Sha, USA, addressed the gathering and interacted with the Research Scholars of B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute.
Department Activities
The department activities for the year September 2013 – January 2015 are,
2 Day Workshop on .Net Technologies
National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technologies
National Conference on Recent Trends in Web Technologies (RTWT ’09) on 25.03.2009
- Chief Guest for Inauguration:
Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Trichy. - Panel Discussion : Title: “Role of University, Industry and Government in overcoming the Global Economic Meltdown”.
Chair Person:
Dr.C.R.MUTHUKRISHNAN, Advisor TCS, Former Deputy Director, IIT.
Panel Members:
Chairman and Managing Director, Overseas Manpower Corporation Ltd.,
Dr.P.KANNIAPPAN, Vice Chancellor, BSAIST
Mr.V.DAMODARAN, Director , Center for university industry collaboration,
Anna University Tirchy
Ms.ANU PARTHASARATHY, CEO, Global Executive Talent.Chief Guest for Valedictory:
Chairman and Managing Director, Overseas Manpower Corporation Ltd.,
Oracle University Visits BSAIST
Oracle University shared their desire to develop a long term professional association with B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute and had also acknowledged the efforts taken by the institution and faculty members to conduct Oracle Certification Programme for the benefit of the student community.
Open Source Technology
Open Source allows the source code to be available for all modification, customization, and improvement. It supports and encourages innovations from the developers rather than just beating around the bush. Hence, free is not only in terms of cost, but also in freedom of choice. The use of open-source software programs lowers the cost of IT in more ways than one.
In this connection, the Department of Computer Applications of B.S. Abdur Rahman Institute had taken up an initiative to explore and explode the Open Source Technologies by organizing a two days workshop for the students of B. S. Abdur Rahman Institute on 22nd and 23rd April 2010 in the University campus in association with The Hindu Business Line and NACE Solutions (P) Ltd.