Events 2014-2015
National Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Technologies and Practices (SCETEP’15)

Two Days Workshop – Principles of Bridge Design and model presentation (2015)

NSS Special Camp Activities 25.03.2015-31.03.2015

Youth Science Festival (14.03.15 & 15.03.15)
Youth Science Festival organised by Tamil Nadu science forum in association with B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology during 14.03.15 & 15.03.15. Students did volunteer service for the students those who have participated in this conference. More than 30 volunteers were participated.

MMA Workshop – Financial Strategy – Organised on 4th March 2015
International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead (ICDB 2015) on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2015
The School of Life Sciences at has organized an International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead (1CDB 2015) on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2015.

This Conference focused on Diabetes and the associated complications. The event focused on Diabetic retinopathy, Diabetic foot ulcer, and Stem cells as a potential tool for diabetes, conventional and alternative medicine for the treatment of Diabetes. This premier event also highlighted the need for the research on the molecular pathways and cellular responses for disease treatment using various treatment modalities.
This International Conference on Recent discoveries of Diabetic biomarkers and challenges ahead was funded by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, India
The conference has brought together Engineers, Biotechnologists, Biologists, Chemists, Scientists, Industry personal and Medical practitioners to a common platform for a very creative interaction leading to inventive and resourceful ideas and innovative solutions for the various challenging problems in the field of Diabetic research. The response to the call for papers was overwhelming and was presented in the technical sessions. The delegates including renowned speakers from Malaysia and United States and from various states of India participated in the conference.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr.Nurliza Khaliden, Head, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Malaya, Malaysia and she emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary team work and application oriented research for the benefit of the society. Padmasri Prof.J.A.K Tareen, Vice-Chancellor, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute delivered the presidential address on the occasion and stressed the need for a deeper study and research in the field of Diabetes.
The conference started with a welcome address by Dr. S.Hemalatha, organizing secretary and Dean, School of Life Sciences and ended with vote of thanks by Dr.R.Karthikeyan, Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences. The Guest of Honour Dr.Samarijit Das, Johns Hopkins University, USA, Prof. V. Murugesan, Registrar and Prof. V.M. Periyasamy Pro-Vice Chancellor, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute felicitated the gathering. The conference proceedings were released by Dr. Nurliza Khalidin and the first copy was received by Dr. Samarijit Das.
The conference was a two days feast for all the young researchers. The scientific presentations from undergraduate and post graduate students, research scholars, post doctoral fellows and scientists from Universities and hospitals from India and abroad were brainstorming. The conference had provided networking opportunities with the leading experts, researchers and scientists from various research and development sectors.
The valedictory address was delivered by Dr Tengku Ain Kamalden Department of Ophthalmology, University of Malaya, Malaysia. The best oral and poster presentation awards at under graduate, post graduate and research level and travel awards are distributed by Dr. Tengku Ain Kamalden, Dr. Nurliza Khaliden, University of Malaya, Malaysia and Prof. J.A..K Tareen Vice Chancellor, B.S.Abdur Rahman Institute.The International Conference was a perfect platform to update on business and technology fronts. The challenges were explored, solutions were uncovered and opportunities were developed, making it the largest and most highly respected event.
Workshop on chemo informatics and drug designing from 5th to 7th February 2015
This workshop was held for the undergraduate students on 5-7, February 2015. This workshop is designed to train undergraduate students in chemo informatics and drug designing. This workshop was conducted in 6 batches and each batch includes 30 students.

National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2015 on 31st January 2015
National level Technical symposium Auto Hunt 2015 on 31st January 2015. Mr. K.Madhivanan, Deputy General Manager from Delphi TVS India Pvt. Ltd was the chief guest for inauguration, Dr. C. Senthil Kumar Associate Professor from Aeronautical Engineering, Madras institute of Technology, Chennai., was the guest for valedictory function.

A National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2015” was organized on 29th January 2015
A National Level Technical Symposium “CIVICLAN 2015” was organized on 29th January 2015, Dr. P. Paramasivam, Professorial Fellow, National University of Singapore, inaugurated the event and delivered a special lecture on “Innovative Applications of Ferrocement”. More than 600 students participated in the Symposium.

Open House cum Exhibition (January-2015)

MMA Inauguration – Organised on 4th December 2014
Resource person: GP Capt Dr. R. Venkataraman, General Manager, Madras

One day workshop on Vehical Dynamics was organized on 11th October 2014
One day workshop on Vehical Dynamics was organized on 11th October 2014. Mr.M.Sathish, Divisional Manager from Ashok Leland, Mr. L. Subramanian and Manager from Mahindra and Mr. K. Sethu Baskran General Manager from M/S FORD were the guests of speakers.

Seminar on off road vehicle was organized on 20th September 2014
Seminar on off road vehicle was organized on 20th September 2014. Mr. Venugopal scientist and advisor to DRDO from CVRDE was the guest speaker.

Blood Donation Camp
Blood Donation Camp was organized on 11.09.2014 & 5.12.2014. In association with Government Hospital,, Chengalpet, blood donation camp is arranged. More than 200 units were collected.
In association with HDFC Bank and Government Hospital, Royapettah, blood donation camp is arranged on 5.12.2014. More than 100 units were collected.

The Society inauguration was organized by crescent society of Automotive Engineers was held on 23rd August 2014
The Society inauguration was organized by crescent society of Automotive Engineers was held on 23rd August 2014. The Chief guest for the program was Mr. Robin Roy, Manager Simulation and testing Modine thermal systems India Pvt. Ltd.

Independence Day Celebration / Tree Plantation
As per the directions from UGC, we already implemented the concept “One student one Tree “among the NSS students. Accordingly we have planted more than 500 saplings in the last academic year 2014-2015 during various occasions like Independence Day celebrations and Republic Day celebrations.

Walking Rally ‘Vasippom Nesippom’